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Raw Blame History

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"label": "Acteurs (Mort sur le Reik)",
"folders": {
"Adventure": "Aventure",
"Companion": "Compagnon"
"mapping": {
"description": "system.details.biography.value",
"gmNotes": "system.details.gmnotes.value",
"items": {
"path": "items",
"converter": "bestiary_traits"
"characteristics": {
"path": "system.characteristics",
"converter": "npc_characteristics"
"entries": {
"Wet Wilgryn Augenlos": {
"name": "Wilgryn Augenlos dit 'Le Trempé'",
"description": ""
"Adalia Eisen": {
"name": "Adalia Eisen",
"description": ""
"Agrin Losburg": {
"name": "Agrin Losburg",
"description": ""
"Alex Eisen": {
"name": "Alex Eisen",
"description": ""
"Amoeba": {
"name": "Amibes",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-cP1riWGLryoZUWmR\" class=\"secret\"><p>Les amibes sont des créatures simples et unicellulaires qui ressemblent à une substance gluante ou à de la gelée informe. Elles rampent lentement ou, pour se déplacer plus rapidement, déploient des pseudopodes qui peuvent atteindre la moitié de leur longueur. Elles se nourissent de matière organiques, laissant de côté les métaux et minéraux. Elles sont inexorables, dépourvues d'esprit et existent simplement pour se déplacer et absorber de la nourriture, qu'il s'agisse de feuilles, d'animaux morts, de champignons, ou d'aventuriers endormis. Les amibes sont attirées par la chaleur, qu'elles associent à de la nourriture, mais fuient les températures extrêmes qui peuvent endommager leur membrane cellulaire. Elles sont par ailleurs dépourvues de sens.</p></section>"
"Armchair General": {
"name": "Général en pantoufles",
"description": ""
"Astrit": {
"name": "Astrit",
"description": ""
"August Hauser": {
"name": "August Hauser",
"description": ""
"Avaloi Winesong": {
"name": "Avaloi Chantevin",
"description": ""
"Aynjulls Isembeard": {
"name": "Aynjulls Isembart",
"description": ""
"Bathilda Fischer": {
"name": "Bathilda Fischer",
"description": ""
"Beak-Face Mutant": {
"name": "Mutant Doté d'un bec",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-KTnBeO4kmaA9K3J3\" class=\"secret\"><h3>Les attaquants du bateau</h3>\n<p>A tort ou à raison, la population de mutants de l'Empire est msie au ban de la société. Si certains cherchent simplement à se cacher, beaucoup se tournent vers la violence, soit pour survivre, soit pour punir la société qui les a abandonnées.</p></section>"
"Beastman Gor": {
"name": "Homme-Bête Gor",
"description": ""
"Bella Hornwhistler": {
"name": "Bella Siffletdecorne",
"description": ""
"Bernhardt Dampfer": {
"name": "Bernhardt Dampfer",
"description": ""
"Big Eared Mutant": {
"name": "Mutant à grandes oreilles",
"description": ""
"Birdfolk": {
"name": "Peuple Oiseaux",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-W9wJBoXMxiaV1mjR\" class=\"secret\"><p>Tous les hommes-oiseaux possèdent un bec crochu, des serres, et des ailes. Même si leur corps et leur tête conservent une forme humaine, ils sont recouverts de plumes colorées. Certains ressemblent à des grives, d'autres à des canaris, à des perroquets, ou d'autres espèces encore. Leur taille varie d'un individu à l'autre : quelques-uns sont de taille humaine, mais la plupart ne sont pas plus grands que des halflings.</p>\n<p>Les hommes-oiseaux sont capables de parler une version simplifiée du reikspiel, et sont assez heureux, malgré leur cage pas si dorée.&nbsp;</p></section>"
"Boris Landsmaan": {
"name": "Boris Landsmaan",
"description": ""
"Brother Martin": {
"name": "Frère Martin",
"description": ""
"Brother Rolf": {
"name": "Frère Rolf",
"description": ""
"Brunhilde Gratten": {
"name": "Brunhilde Gratten",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-IthW8NXhyOF2oSHc\" class=\"secret\"><p>Il y a cent vingt ans, Brunhilde servit d'éclaireur à l'expédition organisée par Dagmar von Wittgenstein pour trouver la malepierre. Après avoir découvert ce qu'il cherchait, Dagmar tua tous les membres de l'expédition : il poignarda Brunhilde à plusieurs reprises pendant qu'elle dormait et enterra les autres vivants dans une caverne non loin de là.</p>\n<p>Depuis ce jour, Brunhilde hante la région autour de @UUID[Scene.yP2ara84Sj86X6ZE]{The Devil's Bowl}, yearning for a proper burial for herself and her companions. She will tell the tale of Dagmar&rsquo;s betrayal &mdash; of how he led them into the lush hills to find a meteorite that he calculated had landed here, and of how he changed when he found it, becoming first secretive and then murderous.</p></section>"
"Brutagh The Mutant": {
"name": "Brutagh The Mutant",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-UDfy4VHdmznJkPWx\" class=\"secret\"><p>Brutagh was once a woodcutter, but thanks to prolonged exposure to warpstone, little of his humanity remains. He is now completely insane, apart from rare moments of lucidity when he becomes melancholic, his eyes fill with tears, and he rambles about his life in the forest. Most of the time, though, he prowls the caves, venturing out only to find food. Until he attacks, Brutagh should never be fully visible: he should remain a shadowy, indistinct figure, only ever glimpsed briefly. Brutagh&rsquo;s body, arms and head are covered in a hard, green carapace that confers 2 AP to these areas. He has an extremely long neck that he can snake around corners. Suckers on his hands and feet allow him to cling to passage roofs and walls.</p></section>"
"Cannibal": {
"name": "Cannibal",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-S8fJcXs6guFNZhvT\" class=\"secret\"><p>These unfortunates have suffered terribly under the experiments arranged by @UUID[Actor.fmUd7AtbJckbiWo6]{Lady Margritte} and administered by @UUID[Actor.vgazeY44kVGP4tmW]{Jean Rousseaux}. Each Beggar already has 4 Corruption points, and you should make one or two rolls on the @Table[mutatephys]{table} to determine what mutations they bear. Even brief physical contact counts as a @Corruption[minor]{Minor Exposure to Corruption}.</p></section>"
"Carlo": {
"name": "Carlo",
"description": ""
"Castle Servant": {
"name": "Castle Servant",
"description": ""
"Chaotic Corpse": {
"name": "Chaotic Corpse",
"description": ""
"Chaotic Organ": {
"name": "Chaotic Organ",
"description": ""
"Corrobreth The Priest": {
"name": "Corrobreth The Priest",
"description": ""
"Crakatz": {
"name": "Crakatz",
"description": ""
"Crot Scaback": {
"name": "Crot Scaback",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-SnWbX38Yl5WdbruZ\" class=\"secret\"><h3>The Skaven</h3>\n<p>Crot and his followers have been drawn to this area by the traces of warpstone that remain here. Their instincts tell them that a large piece of warpstone was here, but has been removed. They have been watching the adventurers since they arrived, and when they enter the caves, the Skaven see a chance to capture and question them.</p>\n<h3>Crot Scaback &ndash; Skaven Champion</h3>\n<p>Crot stands 6 ft tall &mdash; huge for a Skaven &mdash; and is covered in dirty grey fur. He has a prehensile tail that he can use to attack in any direction. He is cunning and utterly ruthless. Crot speaks Reikspiel in a very clipped, squeaky fashion, repeating some words in pairs and running others together.</p></section>"
"Dederick Ritter": {
"name": "Dederick Ritter",
"description": ""
"Dumpling Hayfoot": {
"name": "Dumpling Hayfoot",
"description": ""
"Durak Dimholt": {
"name": "Durak Dimholt",
"description": ""
"Dwarf Engineer": {
"name": "Dwarf Engineer",
"description": ""
"Dwarf Gambler": {
"name": "Dwarf Gambler",
"description": ""
"Dwarf Miner": {
"name": "Dwarf Miner",
"description": ""
"Eberhardt Kleingeld": {
"name": "Eberhardt Kleingeld",
"description": ""
"Edgar The Pike Ebrecht": {
"name": "Edgar The Pike Ebrecht",
"description": ""
"Elderly Duchess": {
"name": "Elderly Duchess",
"description": ""
"Elias Answell": {
"name": "Elias Answell",
"description": ""
"Ella Greendale": {
"name": "Ella Greendale",
"description": ""
"Elvyra Kleinestun": {
"name": "Elvyra Kleinestun",
"description": ""
"Emaciated Mutant": {
"name": "Emaciated Mutant",
"description": ""
"Emelia Luneburg": {
"name": "Emelia Luneburg",
"description": ""
"Ernst Heidlemann": {
"name": "Ernst Heidlemann",
"description": ""
"Etelka Herzen": {
"name": "Etelka Herzen",
"description": ""
"Eusapia Balacañon": {
"name": "Eusapia Balacañon",
"description": ""
"Experienced Broker": {
"name": "Experienced Broker",
"description": ""
"Father Marcus": {
"name": "Father Marcus",
"description": ""
"Fishing Skiff": {
"name": "Fishing Skiff"
"Frida Bismarck": {
"name": "Frida Bismarck",
"description": ""
"Fritz Carhingar": {
"name": "Fritz Carhingar",
"description": ""
"Fritz Carhingar (Alternative)": {
"name": "Fritz Carhingar (Alternative)",
"description": ""
"Frontier Commander": {
"name": "Frontier Commander",
"description": ""
"Furio": {
"name": "Furio",
"description": ""
"Furry Mutant": {
"name": "Furry Mutant",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-BDMNV5YziLL8CCP8\" class=\"secret\"><h3>The Boat Attackers</h3>\n<p>Rightly or wrongly, the Empire&rsquo;s population of mutants are shunned from society. While some simply seek to hide themselves away,&nbsp; many turn to violence &mdash; either to survive, or to punish the society that abandoned them.</p></section>"
"Georg Hegel": {
"name": "Georg Hegel",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-6zp1yCZhw6WvJwOy\" class=\"secret\"><p>Hegel was Captain of the Guard before his unfortunate death three months ago. He has not been allowed to rest in peace, however, for @UUID[Actor.fmUd7AtbJckbiWo6]{Lady Margritte} (who does not entirely trust @UUID[Actor.OF35NiRpF5Nmbl2z]{Lieutenant Doppler}) reanimated Hegel using magic and a sprinkling of warpstone dust. Now Hegel is little more than a skeleton rattling around inside his armour, but he is absolutely loyal to Lady Margritte, knowing that his continued existence relies on her powers.</p></section>"
"Gertrud Schützenberger": {
"name": "Gertrud Schützenberger",
"description": ""
"Ghoul Champion": {
"name": "Ghoul Champion",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-RhcC6ezsP5kBBW6Y\" class=\"secret\"><p>One of the Wizard Dagmar's final experiments, this unfortunate creature has guarded its long dead creator&rsquo;s home for centuries. Preserved by foul sorcery and the occasional foolhardy rat, the Ghoul is ravenous for a more substantial meal.</p></section>"
"Giant Bat (Wittgenstein)": {
"name": "Giant Bat (Wittgenstein)",
"description": ""
"Giant Leech": {
"name": "Giant Leech",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-soues5H5jG4AaR7D\" class=\"secret\"><p>Giant Leeches hunt in marshes and near rivers, and typically grow to between one and three feet in length. They can detect vibrations, heat, and light with sensory organs on their heads. They are aggressively predatory when not satiated.</p><p>The Analgesic Saliva of a Giant Leech may be harvested (carefully) from a living specimen. Turned into a @UUID[JournalEntry.JhZ4qkEf569rEcsY.JournalEntryPage.uxIVUGe1gSkqbo8m#poultices]{Poultice} it grants +1 SL to any Heal Test made to treat a critical wound.</p><h3>Chameleoleeches</h3><p>Chameleoleeches have glands near their heads that secrete a powerful @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-dotr.items.rYgOZSGFwF3a7GBu]{Hallucinogen}. This only affects sentient mammals, who are plagued by hallucinations of their greatest desires. Some find these delusions addictive.</p><h3>Tree Leeches</h3><p>These creatures have the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.sJ3yX1kvzu2hgNq5]{Amphibious} and @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.rOV2s6PQBBrhpMOv]{Arboreal} Traits rather than Aquatic. They conceal themselves among the hanging vines and foliage of wetlands areas, waiting to drop onto a passing source of body heat.</p></section>"
"Giant Rat (Wittgenstein)": {
"name": "Giant Rat (Wittgenstein)",
"description": ""
"Goat Mutant": {
"name": "Goat Mutant",
"description": ""
"Goblin of the Twisted Maw": {
"name": "Goblin of the Twisted Maw",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-xfkWtUGxWwA951zv\" class=\"secret\"><p>The Goblins of the Twisted Maw are originally from @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.journals.ozE2DMCMK64eE5pD.JournalEntryPage.w0YfGxsBuLoODCgc]{The Grey Mountains}, but this group left the tribe a few years ago rather than submit to a dominant tribe of orcs. Ever since, they have been hiding in the forest, competing with mutants and Beastmen for food and territory.</p>\n<p>They regard @UUID[Actor.wXB3Bam0z0kp45Ht]{Etelka Herzen} with mixed feelings: contempt because she is a Human, fear because of her magical powers, and jealousy because of her house and possessions, and her freedom to do as she pleases. In her absence, they have been exploring her house and enjoying themselves in the surrounds.</p></section>"
"Gorim Greathammer": {
"name": "Gorim Greathammer",
"description": ""
"Graf Orlok": {
"name": "Graf Orlok",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-DvwR5uOGJ7rv0KDW\" class=\"secret\"><p>Though not himself a relic of the Time of Three Emperors, &lsquo;Graf &rsquo; Orlok, as he styles himself, claims a noble lineage dating far beyond his own 257 years and to that time of strife and war in the Empire. Orlok has left behind the trappings of his unlife in the mountains - a crumbling castle, a handful of bumbling servants, and the quotidian fears of rural peasants - in hope of finding new stimulation to relieve the boredom of his long, long years. Should the Character&rsquo;s happen to disturb Orlok by night he will prove a fearsome foe indeed, though promises of a suitably entertaining distraction or willing service might stay his fangs for a little while. Still, the graf is a creature of animal need, and before long he will seek blood from any suitable source.</p></section>"
"Great Wolf": {
"name": "Great Wolf",
"description": ""
"Green Furred Mutant": {
"name": "Green Furred Mutant",
"description": ""
"Grissenwald Villager": {
"name": "Grissenwald Villager",
"description": ""
"Grugor Lustig": {
"name": "Grugor Lustig",
"description": ""
"Grundar (Castle Wittgenstein)": {
"name": "Grundar (Castle Wittgenstein)",
"description": ""
"Guard Sergeant": {
"name": "Guard Sergeant",
"description": ""
"Gurda": {
"name": "Gurda",
"description": ""
"Gutbag Stoat Throttler": {
"name": "Gutbag Stoat Throttler",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-DnalCwXe7Rj2ey8I\" class=\"secret\"><h3>Goblin Leader</h3>\n<p>A little (very little) brighter than the average Goblin, Gutbag has been inspired by his acquaintance with @UUID[Actor.wXB3Bam0z0kp45Ht]{Etelka Herzen}, and has decided to become a wizard himself. He has no idea how to achieve this, but until he has a better idea he is copying her in as many ways as he can, even wearing her clothes, jewellery, and perfume. One of these strange habits must surely be the source of her power, after all.</p>\n<p>Gutbag presents a comical sight. He wears a red ball gown of Etelka&rsquo;s that is at least two feet too long for him, and it drags on the ground and constantly threatens to trip him. His head is adorned with a glittering tiara. When confronting the adventurers, he waves his arms theatrically, chanting gibberish at the top of his voice. When nothing happens after a Round of chanting, he shrugs fatalistically, draws his sword, and charges.</p>\n<p>If things go badly he will try to flee, begging for mercy if caught and blaming his actions on the society that raised him. &lsquo;<em>We wus forced inta this ya know! We wus a nice &lsquo;n&rsquo; peaceful tribe, nevva did any &rsquo;arm, didn&rsquo;t caws no trubble. But we wus picked on and forced outta da mountains by erm... trolls. Yeah! Big trolls it wus... Hey, if ya let us go, I wun&rsquo; caws no more trubble.&rsquo;</em></p></section>"
"Hannes (Fellow Travellers)": {
"name": "Hannes (Fellow Travellers)",
"description": ""
"Hans (Fellow Travellers)": {
"name": "Hans (Fellow Travellers)",
"description": ""
"Hans Sauber": {
"name": "Hans Sauber",
"description": ""
"Hans Vollrat": {
"name": "Hans Vollrat",
"description": ""
"Hans-Peter Schiller": {
"name": "Hans-Peter Schiller",
"description": ""
"Hanse": {
"name": "Hanse",
"description": ""
"Harold": {
"name": "Harold",
"description": ""
"Heironymous Blitzen": {
"name": "Heironymous Blitzen",
"description": ""
"Herbert Marcuse": {
"name": "Herbert Marcuse",
"description": ""
"Hilda Eysenck": {
"name": "Hilda Eysenck",
"description": ""
"Hilma Bootschlecht": {
"name": "Hilma Bootschlecht",
"description": ""
"Ingrid von Wittgenstein": {
"name": "Ingrid von Wittgenstein",
"description": ""
"Jean Rousseaux": {
"name": "Jean Rousseaux",
"description": ""
"Johanna Schnee": {
"name": "Johanna Schnee",
"description": ""
"Josef Quartjin": {
"name": "Josef Quartjin",
"description": ""
"Karl Dampfer": {
"name": "Karl Dampfer",
"description": ""
"Kidnappers": {
"name": "Kidnappers",
"description": ""
"Kitchen Staff": {
"name": "Kitchen Staff",
"description": ""
"Klaus": {
"name": "Klaus",
"description": ""
"Klaus Jager": {
"name": "Klaus Jager",
"description": ""
"Kratz, Sergeant Of The Guard": {
"name": "Kratz, Sergeant Of The Guard",
"description": ""
"Krazold Ironhand": {
"name": "Krazold Ironhand",
"description": ""
"Kurt Kutzmann": {
"name": "Kurt Kutzmann",
"description": ""
"Kurt von Wittgenstein": {
"name": "Kurt von Wittgenstein",
"description": ""
"Lady Margritte von Wittgenstein": {
"name": "Lady Margritte von Wittgenstein",
"description": ""
"Large Barge": {
"name": "Large Barge"
"Lashworm": {
"name": "Lashworm",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-1rOJ9Ock2dDMMLA2\" class=\"secret\"><p>Lashworms are small, carnivorous creatures that live in fissures, which they disguise with debris, leaving only a hair-like &lsquo;trigger&rsquo; outside. A <strong>Hard (-20) Perception</strong> Test is required to see the Lashworm&rsquo;s lair, and a <strong>Difficult (-10) Lore (Beasts)</strong> Test is required to identify it as the lair of a Lashworm. This test may be modified at your discretion if the Character has encountered Lashworms before.</p>\n<p>When the &lsquo;trigger&rsquo; senses any movement within 5 yd, a thin, saw-toothed organ whips out, grasping a shred of its victim&rsquo;s flesh, then retracting into the crevice almost instantly. Characters must make a <strong>Difficult (-10) Cool</strong> Test or gain a @Condition[Surprised] condition. The Lashworm will spend the next 4 hours digesting this meal, and will not attack again in that time.</p>\n<p>Lashworms are incredibly fast, and always attack first, even if their target is aware of their presence.</p></section>"
"Lesser Daemon Of Slaanesh": {
"name": "Lesser Daemon Of Slaanesh",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-bXT7Ofi8A30n1YJF\" class=\"secret\"><p>The Daemonette is 5 ft tall, and has white skin with deep-green, saucer-like eyes. Its face and figure resemble those of a Human woman, except that its arms end in powerful, crab-like claws.</p>\n<p>It will try to distract the adventurers with conversation as it edges close enough to cast @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.2fBaYkBsPZzxNSNj]{Acquiescence}. It asks why the adventurers are not dancing, or pleasuring themselves in some other way. Why do they look so unhappy? If attacked, the Daemonette will fight, taking great pleasure in the battle so long as it appears to be winning. The Daemonette has no wish to have its soul thrown back to the Realm of Chaos in shame, and will vanish in a puff of pink smoke if reduced to 5 Wounds or less.</p></section>"
"Liza Sauber": {
"name": "Liza Sauber",
"description": ""
"Ludwig von Wittgenstein": {
"name": "Ludwig von Wittgenstein",
"description": ""
"Luigi Belladonna": {
"name": "Luigi Belladonna",
"description": ""
"Matthias Blucher": {
"name": "Matthias Blucher",
"description": ""
"Maw": {
"name": "Maw",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-cHaXidHk2av2Uy4z\" class=\"secret\"><p>The maw gapes wide, revealing bright-green teeth and an interior filled with a sickly green ichor. Characters who have been dragged 6 yd will be within biting range: roll to hit as normal. Any Character reduced to 0 Wounds is swallowed in the following Round.</p></section>"
"Max Wagner": {
"name": "Max Wagner",
"description": ""
"Maximillian Max Berryhill": {
"name": "Maximillian Max Berryhill",
"description": ""
"Maximillian Schnippmesser": {
"name": "Maximillian Schnippmesser",
"description": ""
"Mia Answell": {
"name": "Mia Answell",
"description": ""
"Monstrous Leech": {
"name": "Monstrous Leech",
"description": ""
"Mutant Bees": {
"name": "Mutant Bees",
"description": ""
"Mutant Cat": {
"name": "Mutant Cat",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-ThIEPyHKc4njAEVj\" class=\"secret\"><p>The cats vary greatly, but each has at least one visible mutation. Some have long ears or long tails, some are strangely coloured (bright blue, red and yellow stripes), others have human-like hands, or long fangs, or multiple limbs or eyes. You should feel free to describe any kind of mutation that comes to mind. These cats have been thoroughly spoilt by Lady Ingrid. The other residents of the castle try to avoid them, as they can be quite vicious. The creatures are dreaded by the servants of the castle, whom they have been known to attack, and more than one of the beasts has developed a taste for blood that goes beyond mice and small birds.</p></section>"
"Naiad": {
"name": "Naiad",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-eZyHOpVSvglk3jpp\" class=\"secret\"><p>Naiads are beautiful and elusive nature spirits that inhabit some rivers of the Old World. They usually appear as slender, elfin-looking women with pale, blue-tinged flesh and white or blue hair and eyes &mdash; but they are natural shapeshifters and can assume a terrifying war-form. Naiads prefer seclusion and defend their territory ferociously from perceived threats. They are inscrutable creatures, with deep passions that are quick to rise without warning.</p></section>"
"Oarsmen": {
"name": "Oarsmen",
"description": ""
"Organ Tentacles": {
"name": "Organ Tentacles",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-r3Ycr5jS44EZG0r1\" class=\"secret\"><p>A tentacle can only be severed by damage of 6 Wounds or more, delivered in a single blow by an edged weapon. All other damage is instantly regenerated.</p></section>"
"Otto Boormann": {
"name": "Otto Boormann",
"description": ""
"Otto Gerber": {
"name": "Otto Gerber",
"description": ""
"Outlaw": {
"name": "Outlaw",
"description": ""
"Patrol Boat": {
"name": "Patrol Boat"
"Pig Headed Mutant": {
"name": "Pig Headed Mutant",
"description": ""
"Purple Hand Cultist": {
"name": "Purple Hand Cultist",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-8Qf89e4zroWHmtNo\" class=\"secret\"><p>All the Purple Hand cultists have some item of clothing that is purple: a tunic, cloak, belt, or something else. After three or four cultist encounters, begin making secret <strong>Challenging (+0) Intelligence</strong> Tests for the adventurers to spot this purple theme. Also, every cultist has a small purple tattoo of an open hand, somewhere on their bodies. Although the cultists have a variety of occupations which provide them with suitable cover stories, they all have a number of Skills in common, that are listed below. In addition, they have whatever non-combat Skills are consistent with their cover and the situation in which they are encountered.</p></section>"
"Quick-witted Dealmaker": {
"name": "Quick-witted Dealmaker",
"description": ""
"Rat Swarm (Castle Wittgenstein)": {
"name": "Rat Swarm (Castle Wittgenstein)",
"description": ""
"Regina Willendorf": {
"name": "Regina Willendorf",
"description": ""
"Reginhard Vieth": {
"name": "Reginhard Vieth",
"description": ""
"Reik Eel": {
"name": "Reik Eel",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-yGzfQpuXBY48IFEL\" class=\"secret\"><p>The Reik Eel is found in river Reik and its many tributaries. It commonly grows up to 12&ndash;15 feet in length and has a ridge down the length of its green-grey back. Some can grow to truly terrifying sizes, and there are tales &mdash; only a little exhaggerated, of Reik Eels swallowing entire row boats.</p>\n<p>Reik Eels of size Enormous will typically @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.KynNUYYKzTMeHrKl]{Constrict} their victims before attempting to drag them beneath the water to drown.</p></section>"
"Reiner Dampfer": {
"name": "Reiner Dampfer",
"description": ""
"Reiner Petersen": {
"name": "Reiner Petersen",
"description": ""
"Renate Hausier": {
"name": "Renate Hausier",
"description": ""
"River Patrol Captain": {
"name": "River Patrol Captain",
"description": ""
"River Patrol Crew": {
"name": "River Patrol Crew",
"description": ""
"River Troll": {
"name": "River Troll",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-vGLvmHvk3nAmEl6R\" class=\"secret\"><p>Trolls are described in general terms @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.actors.7qslmdLa7so3BmFk]{here}. The following description and rules can be used for River Trolls.</p>\n<p>River Trolls are rare in the Empire, but not unknown. They are most common in the remote headwaters of the Empire&rsquo;s great rivers, and a few are known to dwell in mountains lakes, but from time to time a River Troll will appear unexpectedly in a more populous area, lying in wait for passers-by under a bridge or in a bankside cave. A River Troll somewhat resembles the bottom of the river, if that riverbed is particularly coated in sediment, slime, rotting vegetation, fish carcasses, and other detritus. Its smell has been&nbsp;compared (unfavourably) to that&nbsp;of a rubbish-strewn mud-flat&nbsp;at low tide.</p></section>"
"Roland The Horse Bruckesel": {
"name": "Roland The Horse Bruckesel",
"description": ""
"Row Boat": {
"name": "Row Boat"
"Ruairi Roddy": {
"name": "Ruairi Roddy",
"description": ""
"Sailing Crew": {
"name": "Sailing Crew",
"description": ""
"Self Made, Obnoxious Trader": {
"name": "Self Made, Obnoxious Trader",
"description": ""
"Sentry": {
"name": "Sentry",
"description": ""
"Shadow The Cat": {
"name": "Shadow The Cat",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-qu8WsVQgIHL1tMFW\" class=\"secret\"><p>@UUID[Actor.wXB3Bam0z0kp45Ht]{Etelka&rsquo;s} black cat, Shadow, accompanies her wherever she goes. Although Shadow appears intelligent, with a disconcertingly knowing look in her eyes, she is an ordinary black cat.</p></section>"
"Shif Doppler": {
"name": "Shif Doppler",
"description": ""
"Sigfrida Junker": {
"name": "Sigfrida Junker",
"description": ""
"Sigismund von der Bahr": {
"name": "Sigismund von der Bahr",
"description": ""
"Sigrid Sommerfeld": {
"name": "Sigrid Sommerfeld",
"description": "<h2>Personality and Appearance</h2>\n<p><em>&nbsp;&lsquo;Of course I'll go in first. Can't be any worse than Castle Wittgenstein...&rsquo;</em></p>\n<p>Sigrid has long, dark hair, and a perpetually serious expression. In those moments when she forgets her worries, however, something of the starry-eyed initiate of Rhya returns. She is wary of most people these days, and of the Empire's nobility in particular, whom she now suspects all harbour some secret corruption. Her loyalty, though rarely given, is almost unshakeable, and Rhya will go to great lengths to protect those who are important to her.</p>\n<p>Sigrid is a determined woman who protects the outlaws under her command. While the outlaws often attack guard patrols, she is against a direct assault on the castle, knowing that it will only end in defeat. She will help the adventurers reach the castle, but will not allow her followers to risk a direct assault unless the adventurers clear the way &mdash; for example, by infiltrating the castle through the secret cave and lowering ropes from the walls, or opening the main gates.</p>\n<h2>Background</h2>\n<p>Sigrid made her home in Wittgendorf, and would have been happy to live out her life there were it not for the Wittgenstein's kidnapping of her husband. She was devoted to Brandt, having left the priesthood to marry him, and swore to rescue him. She opposed the castle and its wardens long before the Characters arrived, and quite likely played an instrumental part in overthrowing the Wittgensteins for good.</p>\n<p>Castle Wittgenstein was a dangerous place, and it is quite possible that one of the existing Characters met their end their. If this is the case, Sigrid would make an excellent player character, especially if her allegiance was gained before the assault on the castle. Her husband will pass away from the effects of exposure to warpstone after a brief reunion, and Sigrid's surviving bandits will return to what is left of their lives in Wittgendorf. This leaves Sigrid with little tying her to the sullen village, and good reason to join the Characters as they depart. Especially so, in fact, if they reveal to Sigrid that this is not the first time they have opposed the terrible machinations of the Ruinous Powers.</p>\n<h2>Secrets</h2>\n<p>Begin with an additional [[/r 1d10]] silver shillings per secret chosen.</p>\n<ul>\n<li>Sigrid was not a initiate of Rhya, but of Slaanesh! Though she turned away from that path before loosing her very soul, occasional whispers of the Prince of Pleasure still trouble her dreams. Sigrid gains the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.sYbgpSnRqSZWgwFP]{Etiquette} talent.<br /><br /></li>\n<li>Sigrid's suspicion of the Empire's nobility has deepened into a terrible paranoia,&nbsp;as she is certain that they are all as bad as the Wittgensteins, and just better at hiding it. Sigrid gains the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.Q2MCUrG2HppMcvN0]{Animosity (Target)} Psychology Trait.&nbsp;<br /><br /></li>\n<li>Sigrid's experiences in the Castle return to haunt her almost nightly, and she harbours a deep fear of ever return to such a place. Gain the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.4CMKeDTDrRQZbPIJ]{Afraid} Psychology Trait (castles and similar fortifications cause Fear 0 to Sigrid).<br /><br /></li>\n<li>While Sigrid's mother was a local farmer, her father was in fact @UUID[Actor.ihG2gFIFF6Ai5Gik]{Ludwig von Wittgenstein} &mdash; the affair having taken place prior to his metamorphosis some ten years ago. The circumstances of her birth were kept secret from the village, and indeed from Sigrid until she became an adult, as the kindly Ludwig knew the truth could only bring unwelcome attention on the child.</li>\n</ul>"
"Sigrund Dopplewasser": {
"name": "Sigrund Dopplewasser",
"description": ""
"Simone Lescalier": {
"name": "Simone Lescalier",
"description": ""
"Skaven Warrior": {
"name": "Skaven Warrior",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-M6Mx9pD8ywiLKwEJ\" class=\"secret\"><h3>The Skaven</h3>\n<p>@UUID[Actor.VdK2FAqQTqT0Y19Q]{Crot} and his followers have been drawn to this area by the traces of warpstone that remain here. Their instincts tell them that a large piece of warpstone was here, but has been removed. They have been watching the adventurers since they arrived, and when they enter the caves, the Skaven see a chance to capture and question them.</p></section>"
"Skeleton": {
"name": "Skeleton",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-XEPsOhDSmuUWYKK6\" class=\"secret\"><p>Because of the way they died, these skeletons are not Unstable, and can move around freely. If the Characters flee, the skeletons will follow them until they are destroyed or the Characters are dead.</p></section>"
"Skeleton (Castle Wittgenstein)": {
"name": "Skeleton (Castle Wittgenstein)",
"description": ""
"Skysoarer": {
"name": "Skysoarer",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-k2iKItPsU4eIbzOT\" class=\"secret\"><p>@UUID[Actor.dEVeJ9SMkWL55IHn]{Corrobreth} has trained Skysoarer to act as a scout, flying in an indicated direction and swooping to mark the positions of any people or creatures that he sees larger than the raven himself. When not acting as a scout for Corrobreth, Skysoarer usually sits on his shoulder.</p></section>"
"Slagdarg": {
"name": "Slagdarg",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-IMjqW86enlU4g4ey\" class=\"secret\"><p>All 10&rsquo; 5&rdquo; of Slagdarg is bright green, with orange hairs growing out of his muscular arms. The heads of some of his previous victims hang from a large belt around his waist. He likes to keep his victims alive as long as possible but always asks the same two questions: &lsquo;<em>Where did you hide the money?</em>&rsquo; and &lsquo;Who<em> are your accomplices?&rsquo;</em> Regardless of what his victim may or may not have done &mdash; evading taxes or accidentally walking in front of @UUID[Actor.fmUd7AtbJckbiWo6]{Lady Margritte&rsquo;s} coach &mdash; he always asks these same questions, and failing to answer is a good reason for turning the rack another notch. Slagdarg is not very bright, even for an ogre, and will think nothing of adventurers wandering around his dungeon. However, he will be alert to any &lsquo;funny business,&rsquo; such as releasing prisoners, and will attempt to prevent it. He only got this job because the previous torturer accidentally flayed a visiting cousin of @UUID[Actor.fmUd7AtbJckbiWo6]{Lady Margritte}, so until he knows who the adventurers are, he will use violence as a last resort.</p></section>"
"Slurd The Butler": {
"name": "Slurd The Butler",
"description": ""
"Sofia Fischer": {
"name": "Sofia Fischer",
"description": ""
"Sophie van Haagen": {
"name": "Sophie van Haagen",
"description": ""
"Stefan": {
"name": "Stefan",
"description": ""
"Stewards": {
"name": "Stewards",
"description": ""
"Stirpike": {
"name": "Stirpike",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-pWLBLkitaY0vK0Oc\" class=\"secret\"><p>Although the mottled, grey-green Stirpike has almost been wiped out in Stirland, it is still found in some lakes and rivers elsewhere in the Empire. It is one of the largest freshwater predators in the Old World, capable of reaching lengths of some 20 feet and weights in excess of 4,000 pounds. It eats anything foolish enough to cross its path, but its primary diet is a mixture of fish, eels, and leeches. Immature Stirpikes, called Pickerels, are believed to have various medicinal qualities, and are much sought after.</p></section>"
"Sven Stoutbeard": {
"name": "Sven Stoutbeard",
"description": ""
"Tentacled Mutant": {
"name": "Tentacled Mutant",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-y081dfuhvajL8k2j\" class=\"secret\"><h3>The Boat Attackers</h3>\n<p>Rightly or wrongly, the Empire&rsquo;s population of mutants are shunned from society. While some simply seek to hide themselves away,&nbsp; many turn to violence &mdash; either to survive, or to punish the society that abandoned them.</p></section>"
"The Beggars Of Wittgendorf": {
"name": "The Beggars Of Wittgendorf",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-QHv9jQGIfxFhNtFe\" class=\"secret\"><p>These unfortunates have suffered terribly under the experiments arranged by @UUID[Actor.fmUd7AtbJckbiWo6]{Lady Margritte} and administered by @UUID[Actor.vgazeY44kVGP4tmW]{Jean Rousseaux}. Each Beggar already has 4 Corruption points, and you should make one or two rolls on the @Table[mutatephys]{table} to determine what mutations they bear. Even brief physical contact counts as a @Corruption[minor]{Minor Exposure to Corruption}.</p></section>"
"The Carrion": {
"name": "The Carrion",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-YOePMySKrkJOg8yn\" class=\"secret\"><p>Carrion are seldom seen in the Old World, although some accompanied the armies of Nekehara in their ancient campaigns of conquest and a few can be found in the remoter parts of the Worlds Edge Mountains. These great undead birds are powerful fighters, even though they are too small to carry a human-sized rider.</p></section>"
"The Thing In The Pit": {
"name": "The Thing In The Pit",
"description": ""
"The Wittgenstein Monster": {
"name": "The Wittgenstein Monster",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-DUUMfyNiGrOKyu3j\" class=\"secret\"><p>The monster stands 8 ft tall, and its body is a patchwork of scars. It has dead-white skin with green discolouration on the cheeks and lower jaw.</p></section>"
"Thierry Ostend": {
"name": "Thierry Ostend",
"description": ""
"Three Eyed Mutant": {
"name": "Three Eyed Mutant",
"description": ""
"Typical Barge": {
"name": "Typical Barge"
"Ulfhednar The Destroyer": {
"name": "Ulfhednar The Destroyer",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-ARn6Y0y2GZx6ipdG\" class=\"secret\"><p>Ulfhednar leads a band of mutants and Beastmen in the Great Forest. Having heard of the family&rsquo;s reputation, he has journeyed to @UUID[JournalEntry.musGjY0nSDY6gPY4.JournalEntryPage.idS4ciy1UHxTFFfU]{Castle Wittgenstein} to gain @UUID[Actor.ySbdLyidudlMwGhU]{Lady Ingrid&rsquo;s} support. Ulfhednar hopes to use the castle as a training ground for Chaos troops, and as a base from which his forces could strike at the Empire&rsquo;s heartlands. So far, Lady Ingrid has not shown much interest in his scheme, but if she were removed, Ulfhednar thinks @UUID[Actor.fmUd7AtbJckbiWo6]{Lady Margritte} may be more amenable. A follower of Tzeentch, Ulfhednar does not understand why a castle full of mutants would not willingly join his cause.</p></section>"
"Unseen Ghost": {
"name": "Unseen Ghost",
"description": ""
"Uwe Wasserhund": {
"name": "Uwe Wasserhund",
"description": ""
"Vine": {
"name": "Vine",
"description": ""
"Vorster the Elder": {
"name": "Vorster the Elder",
"description": ""
"Watch Recruit": {
"name": "Watch Recruit",
"description": ""
"Watch Sergeant": {
"name": "Watch Sergeant",
"description": ""
"Winged Mutant": {
"name": "Winged Mutant",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-IdDQSrYbm04q5HzK\" class=\"secret\"><h3>The Boat Attackers</h3>\n<p>Rightly or wrongly, the Empire&rsquo;s population of mutants are shunned from society. While some simply seek to hide themselves away,&nbsp; many turn to violence &mdash; either to survive, or to punish the society that abandoned them.</p></section>"
"Young Blood": {
"name": "Young Blood",
"description": ""
"Zombie": {
"name": "Zombie",
"description": ""