Night of Blood is the classic Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay scenario, and an excellent introduction to the game. The scenario was written in 1987 by Jim Bambra and has been republished officially and unofficially for 1st Edition, 2nd Edition and 4th Edition.
This module provides unofficial content to allow GMs to run Night of Blood using [Foundry Virtual Tabletop's]( [Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Foundry Core Module]( [A PDF of Night of Blood can be obtained for free from DriveThruRPG]( and having a copy is necessary to run this module successfully.
* Audio files - including the storm, voices in the tavern, the restless occupants strolling around the common room and worse.
* Token files - full tokens for the NPC cast.
## Installation
* Add via Foundry VTT Module Setup screen using the Manifest URL: ``
This module is freeware, and always will be, and other free unofficial WFRP modules are planned. As the WFRP content now requires payment to Cubicle 7 there are some running costs so if you want to donate then the link below is provided.
Lastly do share with us at <ahref=""></a> any streams or audio you have of your adventures in the Hooded Man Inn - if anyone is left to tell the tale.