2020-11-08 00:03:50 +00:00
Hooks . on ( "init" , ( ) => {
game . settings . register ( "wfrp4e-night-of-blood" , "initialized" , {
name : "Initialization" ,
scope : "world" ,
config : false ,
default : false ,
type : Boolean
} ) ;
game . settings . registerMenu ( "wfrp4e-night-of-blood" , "init-dialog" , {
name : "WFRP4e Night of Blood Initialization" ,
label : "Initialize" ,
hint : "This will import content for the WFRP4e adventure Night of Blood Module" ,
type : WFRP4eNightOfBloodWrapper ,
restricted : true
} )
} )
Hooks . on ( "ready" , ( ) => {
if ( ! game . settings . get ( "wfrp4e-night-of-blood" , "initialized" ) && game . user . isGM )
new WFRP4eNightOfBloodInitialization ( ) . render ( true )
} )
class WFRP4eNightOfBloodWrapper extends FormApplication {
render ( ) {
new WFRP4eNightOfBloodInitialization ( ) . render ( true ) ;
class WFRP4eNightOfBloodInitialization extends Dialog {
constructor ( )
super ( {
title : "WFRP4e Night of Blood Initialization" ,
content : ` <p class="notes"><img src="modules/wfrp4e-night-of-blood/assets/icons/logo.png" /><p class="notes">Initialize WFRP4e Night of Blood Content Module?<br><br>This will import all Journals and Scenes into your world, sort them into folders, and place map pins</p>
` ,
buttons : {
initialize : {
label : "Initialize" ,
callback : async ( ) => {
game . settings . set ( "wfrp4e-night-of-blood" , "initialized" , true )
await new WFRP4eNightOfBloodInitialization ( ) . initialize ( )
ui . notifications . notify ( "Initialization Complete" )
} ,
no : {
label : "No" ,
callback : ( ) => {
game . settings . set ( "wfrp4e-night-of-blood" , "initialized" , true )
ui . notifications . notify ( "Skipped Initialization." )
} )
this . folders = {
"Scene" : { } ,
"Item" : { } ,
"Actor" : { } ,
"JournalEntry" : { }
this . SceneFolders = { } ;
this . ActorFolders = { } ;
this . ItemFolders = { } ;
this . JournalEntryFolders = { } ;
this . journals = { } ;
this . scenes = { } ;
this . moduleKey = "wfrp4e-night-of-blood"
async initialize ( ) {
return new Promise ( ( resolve ) => {
fetch ( ` modules/ ${ this . moduleKey } /initialization.json ` ) . then ( async r => r . json ( ) ) . then ( async json => {
let createdFolders = await Folder . create ( json )
for ( let folder of createdFolders )
this . folders [ folder . data . type ] [ folder . data . name ] = folder ;
for ( let folderType in this . folders ) {
for ( let folder in this . folders [ folderType ] ) {
let parent = this . folders [ folderType ] [ folder ] . getFlag ( this . moduleKey , "initialization-parent" )
if ( parent ) {
let parentId = this . folders [ folderType ] [ parent ] . data . _id
await this . folders [ folderType ] [ folder ] . update ( { parent : parentId } )
await this . initializeEntities ( )
await this . initializeScenes ( )
resolve ( )
} )
} )
async initializeEntities ( ) {
let packList = [ ` ${ this . moduleKey } .night-of-blood-actors ` ,
` ${ this . moduleKey } .night-of-blood-scenes ` ,
` ${ this . moduleKey } .night-of-blood-journal ` ]
for ( let pack of packList )
let content = await game . packs . get ( pack ) . getContent ( ) ;
for ( let entity of content )
let folder = entity . getFlag ( this . moduleKey , "initialization-folder" )
if ( folder )
entity . data . folder = this . folders [ entity . entity ] [ folder ] . data . _id ;
switch ( content [ 0 ] . entity )
case "Actor" :
ui . notifications . notify ( "Initializing Actors" )
await Actor . create ( content . map ( c => c . data ) )
break ;
case "Item" :
ui . notifications . notify ( "Initializing Items" )
await Item . create ( content . map ( c => c . data ) )
break ;
case "JournalEntry" :
ui . notifications . notify ( "Initializing Journals" )
let createdEntries = await JournalEntry . create ( content . map ( c => c . data ) )
if ( ! createdEntries . length )
for ( let entry of createdEntries )
this . journals [ entry . data . name ] = entry
break ;
async initializeScenes ( ) {
ui . notifications . notify ( "Initializing Scenes" )
let m = game . packs . get ( ` ${ this . moduleKey } .night-of-blood-scenes ` )
let maps = await m . getContent ( )
for ( let map of maps )
let folder = map . getFlag ( this . moduleKey , "initialization-folder" )
if ( folder )
map . data . folder = this . folders [ "Scene" ] [ folder ] . data . _id ;
let journalName = map . getFlag ( this . moduleKey , "scene-note" )
if ( journalName )
map . data . journal = game . journal . getName ( journalName ) . data . _id ;
map . data . notes . forEach ( n => {
try {
n . entryId = this . journals [ getProperty ( n , ` flags. ${ this . moduleKey } .initialization-entryName ` ) ] . data . _id
catch ( e ) {
console . log ( "wfrp4e | INITIALIZATION ERROR: " + e )
} )
await Scene . create ( maps . map ( m => m . data ) ) . then ( sceneArray => {
sceneArray . forEach ( async s => {
let thumb = await s . createThumbnail ( ) ;
s . update ( { "thumb" : thumb . thumb } )
} )
} )
class WFRP4eNightOfBloodInitializationSetup {
static async setup ( )
WFRP4eNightOfBloodInitializationSetup . displayFolders ( )
WFRP4eNightOfBloodInitializationSetup . setFolderFlags ( )
WFRP4eNightOfBloodInitializationSetup . setEmbeddedEntities ( )
2020-11-08 00:28:56 +00:00
/** This gets every folder in the system */
2020-11-08 00:03:50 +00:00
static async displayFolders ( ) {
let array = [ ] ;
game . folders . entities . forEach ( async f => {
if ( f . data . parent )
await f . setFlag ( "wfrp4e-night-of-blood" , "initialization-parent" , game . folders . get ( f . data . parent ) . data . name )
} )
game . folders . entities . forEach ( f => {
array . push ( f . data )
} )
console . log ( JSON . stringify ( array ) )
static async setFolderFlags ( ) {
for ( let scene of game . scenes . entities )
await scene . setFlag ( "wfrp4e-night-of-blood" , "initialization-folder" , game . folders . get ( scene . data . folder ) . data . name )
for ( let actor of game . actors . entities )
await actor . setFlag ( "wfrp4e-night-of-blood" , "initialization-folder" , game . folders . get ( actor . data . folder ) . data . name )
for ( let item of game . items . entities )
await item . setFlag ( "wfrp4e-night-of-blood" , "initialization-folder" , game . folders . get ( item . data . folder ) . data . name )
for ( let journal of game . journal . entities )
await journal . setFlag ( "wfrp4e-night-of-blood" , "initialization-folder" , game . folders . get ( journal . data . folder ) . data . name )
WFRP4eNightOfBloodInitializationSetup . setSceneNotes ( ) ;
static async setSceneNotes ( ) {
for ( let scene of game . scenes . entities )
if ( scene . data . journal )
await scene . setFlag ( "wfrp4e-night-of-blood" , "scene-note" , game . journal . get ( scene . data . journal ) . data . name )
static async setEmbeddedEntities ( ) {
for ( let scene of game . scenes . entities )
let notes = duplicate ( scene . data . notes )
for ( let note of notes )
setProperty ( note , "flags.wfrp4e-night-of-blood.initialization-entryName" , game . journal . get ( note . entryId ) . data . name )
await scene . update ( { notes : notes } )