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2020-05-28 21:28:33 +01:00
{"name":"The Inn Sign","permission":{"default":0,"Cq31UaFnLVMpY5dr":3},"flags":{},"content":"","img":"modules/wfrp4e-night-of-blood/assets/handouts/sign.png","_id":"gRXOi4hH4UQqUaZr"}
{"name":"Hooded Man Layout","permission":{"default":0,"Cq31UaFnLVMpY5dr":3},"flags":{},"content":"","img":"modules/wfrp4e-night-of-blood/assets/maps/layoutexplained.jpg","_id":"gtaYURvakYmzTpDH"}
{"name":"Bedroom","permission":{"default":0,"Cq31UaFnLVMpY5dr":3},"flags":{"core":{"sourceId":"JournalEntry.bWrI54cY0vcKG6DD"}},"content":"<h1>The Bedrooms</h1>\n<p>There are only four bedrooms upstairs, and an additional upstairs quarters for the inn's servants. All the doors are locked</p>\n<p><strong>(Challenging (+0): SL 3).</strong> The landlord&rsquo;s room and two of the bedrooms are empty and unremarkable. However, the two beds in one room are bloodstained and the bedclothes are scattered about the room. The beds&rsquo; occupants were obviously stabbed and then dragged from their beds. Trailing stains lead out through the door, but disappear at the sill.</p>","img":"modules/wfrp4e-night-of-blood/assets/icons/logo.png","_id":"oHgIdGXKYIkC35YZ"}
{"name":"Cellar","permission":{"default":0,"Cq31UaFnLVMpY5dr":3},"flags":{"core":{"sourceId":"JournalEntry.A3cBqBM5GWKnGHnG"}},"content":"<h1>The Cellar</h1>\n<p>The cellar contains barrels of beer and bottles of wines and spirits.</p>\n<p>There is a trail of blood stains on the floor (unless @Actor[Fagor]{Fagor} has had the wit to mop them up as well &mdash; this depends on how much help the players are going to need in working out what is going on) that leads to the loose paving slab. This has been lifted to give access to the hidden shrine built below the cellar. Depending on the circumstances, the slab is either raised or lowered. When the Characters first arrive, it is closed, but it will be opened during the ceremony. The closed slab may be discovered with a successful <strong>Challenging (+0) Perception</strong> Test or by following the bloodstains.</p>","img":"modules/wfrp4e-night-of-blood/assets/icons/logo.png","_id":"DGv5XKPNoPyF66Pa"}
{"name":"Common Room","permission":{"default":0,"Cq31UaFnLVMpY5dr":3},"flags":{"core":{"sourceId":"JournalEntry.3fgIwlAdGwSlk7K7"}},"content":"<h1>The Common Room</h1>\n<p>The common room is dirty and the bedding is soiled. If the Characters comment on this, @Actor[Otto]{Otto} is unsympathetic as this is &lsquo;the best I can do&rsquo;. He then exits, looking like a man as keen to get away as soon as possible. The sound of @Actor[Otto]{Otto} turning the key in the door lock (<strong>Challenging (+0):</strong> SL 2) is clearly audible.</p>\n<p>From the common room the Characters can hear the horses in the stable if @Actor[Grat]{Grat} is still present...</p>\n<p>Shortly after @Actor[Otto]{Otto} has shown the Characters to the Common Room he participates in @JournalEntry[The Ceremony]{the Ceremony}</p>","img":"modules/wfrp4e-night-of-blood/assets/icons/logo.png","_id":"aiqrJKx4gdbIEy5E"}
{"name":"The Ceremony","permission":{"default":0,"Cq31UaFnLVMpY5dr":3},"flags":{"core":{"sourceId":"JournalEntry.The Ceremony"}},"content":"<h1>The Ceremony</h1>\n<p>Shortly after @Actor[Otto]{Otto} has shown the Characters to their room the doses of <em>kurts </em>begin to take effect. Half an hour after the drug should have taken effect (the mutants know when this should be) @Actor[Otto]{Otto} collects @Actor[Grat]{Grat} from the stables. Anyone looking out of the common room window at this time sees @Actor[Otto]{Otto} going out to stable and returning with a Mutant (if @Actor[Grat]{Grat} is still alive).</p>\n<p>@Actor[Hans Jinkerest]{Hans} and the Mutants assemble in the cellar to conduct a ceremony using the magical energy of the statue to summon a @Actor[Pink Horror]{Daemon}. Shortly afterwards the ceremony begins, and faint, discordant chanting fills the inn. This continues for half an hour, while @Actor[Hans Jinkerest]{Hans} ritually sacrifices two Humans as the summoning requires.</p>\n<p>As the ceremony begins @Actor[Fagor]{Fagor} sneaks up to the Characters&rsquo; room and listens at the door. Characters not suffering from the effects of kurts who pass an Average (+20) Perception Test hear him approach the door. If @Actor[Fagor]{Fagor} becomes suspicious the Characters are not unconscious or, for example, the common room door is open, he returns to the cellar and warns the other Mutants, who close the trapdoor and continue the ceremony. If given the opportunity, @Actor[Fagor]{Fagor} hides somewhere in the inn and attempts to attack a lone Character from behind.</p>\n<p>If all appears well, he immediately returns to the cellar and joins the other Mutants in the chant.</p>\n<p>Unless the Characters intervene in the ceremony, the statue transforms into a @Actor[Pink Horror]{Daemon}. It appears as a shapeless ball of undulating pink and blue magic with shifting screaming faces pushing from its rubbery hide as claws slash and scintillating sparks of colour steam in its wake. Remember, the @Actor[Pink Horror]{Daemon} causes Fear 2, so anyone who does not score at least +2 SL on a Challenging (+0) Cool Test will not be able to approach thing.</p>\n<p>Unfortunately for @Actor[Hans Jinkerest]{Hans}, he is unaware of the ritual to bind the spinning @Actor[Pink Horror]{Daemon} and it immediately attacks him and the Mutants. The @Actor[Pink Horror]{Daemon} is set upon slaying all it sees and pursues any fleeing Characters after eviscerating anything near it.</p>","img":"modules/wfrp4e-night-of-blood/assets/icons/logo.png","_id":"9KCMLbVl5tXZegKJ"}
{"name":"The Ferry","permission":{"default":0,"Cq31UaFnLVMpY5dr":3},"flags":{"core":{"sourceId":"JournalEntry.IvtZfai5RQry9A1Q"}},"content":"<h1>The Ferry</h1>\n<p>This is a small building next to the river bank. The ferry itself consists of a raft which can be winched across the river by means of ropes. When the ferry is not in use, these ropes lie below the surface of the water. The raft is on the party&rsquo;s side of the river, but any att empts to winch it across to the other side are futile as the ropes have been cut. If they check out the ferry building, the Characters find that the door is open and there are signs of a struggle inside. The building&rsquo;s furniture is overturned and there is no sign of a ferry keeper. A close search turns up a bag containing @Credit[12ss42bp]{12ss 42bp}.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>A trail of fresh blood leads from the door; any Character examining this who succeeds in an <strong>Challenging (+0) Perception</strong> Test realises that a body has been dragged out of the building. However, no sign of a trail can be found outside thanks to the heavy rain and the mud.</p>","img":"modules/wfrp4e-night-of-blood/assets/icons/logo.png","_id":"J5uJJBiBfWrQmwym"}
{"name":"The Forest","permission":{"default":0,"Cq31UaFnLVMpY5dr":3},"flags":{"core":{"sourceId":"JournalEntry.DKwZMwSNhSujhC7f"}},"content":"<h1>The Forest</h1>\n<p>The Character's journey should have been uneventful, but as dusk approaches, a storm suddenly breaks. Soon the Characters are wet through and their coach or barge is being buffeted by strong winds, making it very hazardous to continue. Unfortunately, this being the Empire, it is not safe simply to stop and wait for the storm to pass. Many strange creatures live in the forest, and few of these are likely to be sheltering from the storm.</p>\n<p>The rain falls in torrents from the dark, roiling clouds. Overhead, lightning flashes across the sky. In the distance the strangled cry of some strange creature can be heard. It is a night to be indoors, for who knows what lurks under dark trees in The Empire&rsquo;s forests.</p>","img":"modules/wfrp4e-night-of-blood/assets/icons/logo.png","_id":"4t5bKsWJ0uDoPGah"}
{"name":"The Hallway","permission":{"default":0,"Cq31UaFnLVMpY5dr":3},"flags":{"core":{"sourceId":"JournalEntry.tLCoNm3chUxtLPlO"}},"content":"<h1>The Hallway</h1>\n<p>The hallway is wet and uncarpeted, although a close inspection reveals that there used to be a carpet in here &mdash; bits of cloth still cling to the tacks in the floor. The carpet has been removed and the floor mopped by @Actor[Fagor]{Fagor} to remove bloodstains.</p>","img":"modules/wfrp4e-night-of-blood/assets/icons/logo.png","_id":"F6nar9GpxHdNPk2Z"}
{"name":"The Hunt","permission":{"default":0,"Cq31UaFnLVMpY5dr":3},"flags":{"core":{"sourceId":"JournalEntry.DimDGfYtfiwtPC1e"}},"content":"<h1>The Hunt</h1>\n<p>Audible between the rumbles of thunder is a strangled baying. At first this seems to be in the distance, but soon it becom apparent that the sound is heading towards the Characters. A group of @Actor[Mutant Beastman Leader]{Beastmen} and @Actor[Mutant with Eyestalks]{Mutants} are hunting a Stag in this part of the forest.</p>\n<p>If the party decides to halt its journey, the cries of the Beastmen swing straight towards them after about half an hour and approach at a fast rate. The cries stop suddenly before they reach the party and the @Actor[Mutant Beastman Leader]{Beastmen} pull down their prey, and the forest falls silent but for the sound of the storm. It is only a matter of time before the @Actor[Mutant Beastman Leader]{Beastmen} become aware of the Characters&rsquo; presence...</p>\n<p>If sensible, the party will continue its journey at this point. Those who stay notice strange shapes lurking at the edge of their vision. The @Actor[Mutant Beastman Leader]{Beastmen} and @Actor[Mutant with Eyestalks]{Mutants} observe the Characters for a few minutes and take the opportunity to surround them if this possible. They then rush into the attack. If the Characters decide to retreat have them make <strong>Challenging (+0) Drive, Ride or Sail</strong> Tests (as appropriate) to escape. Failure of these results in a battle with the beasts of Chaos. Unless the party moves on, similar attacks occur throughout the night.</p>\n<p>The Chaos hunters (two Beastmen and four @Actor[Mutant with Eyestalks]{Mutants}) attempt to overpower the party and then dispose of them in their own inimitable fashion. If both the @Actor[Mutant Beastman Leader]{Beastmen} are slain or subdued the @Actor[Mutant with Eyestalks]{Mutants} flee if they fail a <strong>Challenging (+0) Willpower</strong> Test.</p>","img":"modules/wfrp4e-night-of-blood/assets/icons/logo.png","_id":"NEOB5UsVpSBVEDrn"}
{"name":"The Inn and Bar Room Exterior","permission":{"default":0,"Cq31UaFnLVMpY5dr":3},"flags":{"core":{"sourceId":"JournalEntry.NblRf7TwOWL3i79r"}},"content":"<h1>The Inn and Bar Room Exterior</h1>\n<p>The main door to the Hooded Man is bolted and the curtains are drawn. Sounds of merriment can be heard coming from inside, giving the impression that all is well. However, as soon as there is a knock at the door, the laughter dies away and there are sounds of movement as chairs scrape and bottles clink. After a minute or so the bolts are drawn and the door opened by a horrendously fat Character. This is @Actor[Otto]{Otto}, one of the Mutants, who is masquerading as the landlord.</p>\n<p>@Actor[Otto]{Otto} is surprised to see the Characters as he believed the inn to be secure against outsiders. Making an ill-concealed attempt to hide his surprise, @Actor[Otto]{Otto} invites the party into the @JournalEntry[The Inn and Bar Room Interior]{bar room}.</p>","img":"modules/wfrp4e-night-of-blood/assets/icons/logo.png","_id":"9AMKdXBTHuK3wJxk"}
{"name":"The Inn and Bar Room Interior","permission":{"default":0,"Cq31UaFnLVMpY5dr":3},"flags":{"core":{"sourceId":"JournalEntry.97JiGlFn7iu71nGs"}},"content":"<h1>The Inn and Bar Room Interior</h1>\n<p>Once @Actor[Otto]{Otto} invites the party into the bar room they note that a fire burns in the fireplace and sitting next to it is @Actor[Hans Jinkerest]{Hans}, dressed in his (stolen) road warden&rsquo;s uniform.</p>\n<p>A loud thump directs all eyes to the back of the bar where a man with protuberant eyes appears and begins to mop up something on the floor. This is @Actor[Fagor]{Fagor}, who has come up from the cellar to clean up evidence of the earlier assault on the inn. Unless the Characters go to have a look at what he is doing, he finishes after a few minutes and then takes his bloodstained mop and bucket into the kitchen. @Actor[Otto]{Otto} the &lsquo;landlord&rsquo; is nervous about the party&rsquo;s presence (given what is to happen later) and this shows in his mannerisms. He constantly fingers the bottom of his apron, twisting and turning it with suppressed tension. He attempts to send the Characters on their way as quickly as possible by claiming that the inn is full. @Actor[Otto]{Otto} makes no effort to make the party feel welcome. He has a coach party in residence, who have just retired for the night, and he &lsquo;wants no <em>&ldquo;ladies and gentlemen&rdquo;</em> of the Characters<em>&rsquo; kind tonight, thank you&rsquo;</em>.</p>\n<p>If the party insists on staying (unless they wish to die at the hands of whatever lurks in the forest), @Actor[Otto]{Otto} eventually (and grudgingly) allows them to do so. He continues to behave ungraciously &mdash; any drinks, for example, are served in unwashed tankards.</p>\n<p>Eventually @Actor[Otto]{Otto} heads into the kitchen with a muttered, <em>&lsquo;I suppose you want feeding as well...&rsquo;</em> He is actually leaving to organise the rest of the Mutants while @Actor[Hans Jinkerest]{Hans} keeps the Characters occupied. @Actor[Hans Jinkerest]{Hans}, in his guise as a road warden, questions the Characters in an attempt to find out who and what they are. @Actor[Hans Jinkerest]{Hans} asks his questions in his &lsquo;official&rsquo; capacity, using the excuse that he believes the Characters to be Bandits. If the Characters mention the ferry, @Actor[Hans Jinkerest]{Hans} claims it was attacked (and the ferryman carried off ) by Bandits. This, he explains is why the inn is so securely locked.</p>\n<p>He also manages to imply that the Characters are in league with these same (non-existent) bandits: <em>&lsquo;I think your sudden appearance has unnerved the landlord. Mind you, he could be right ... Who else would be out on a night such as this?&rsquo;</em> @Actor[Hans Jinkerest]{Hans} is clever enough not to press this line of argument too far, and he seems to be satisfied by any reasonable story the Characters care to tell him.</p>\n<p>If the party mentions the Mutant in the stables, @Actor[Hans Jinkerest]{Hans} is surprised. He believes all the Mutants to be hiding in the inn. He feigns further shock when told of the body: <em>&lsquo;The landlord assured me that the stable boy had run off. No one bothered checking for him up there. Well, he can wait till morning to be buried.&rsquo;</em></p>\n<p>If the Characters mention either the body or @Actor[Grat]{Grat} to @Actor[Otto]{Otto} he looks very worried and shocked. However, his real fear is the Characters have uncovered the Mutants&rsquo; business here. He changes the subject and looks to @Actor[Hans Jinkerest]{Hans} to bail him out.</p>\n<p>Once @Actor[Hans Jinkerest]{Hans} is sure that the Characters have no official connections, he excuses himself and goes into the kitchen. Characters who state they are watching @Actor[Hans Jinkerest]{Hans} as he leaves will notice his &lsquo;wound&rsquo; and the bloodstain with a successful <strong>Average (+20) Perception</strong> Test.</p>\n<p>By now the Characters should be suspicious and be trying to find out what is going on. A Character stood at the bar can overhear @Act
{"name":"The Kitchen","permission":{"default":0,"Cq31UaFnLVMpY5dr":3},"flags":{"core":{"sourceId":"JournalEntry.3Nwx32vUhw9w555U"}},"content":"<h1>The Kitchen</h1>\n<p>The kitchen has very low work surfaces, obviously designed for the inn&rsquo;s Halfling cook. @Actor[Fagor]{Fagor} is in here unless the ceremony the Mutants plan is in progress. The bucket used by him when mopping up the various bloodstains is also in here. The bucket is still full of blood-tainted water. The door leading to the yard is unlocked.</p>","img":"modules/wfrp4e-night-of-blood/assets/icons/logo.png","_id":"8aGfpYVTcTfwXfMM"}
{"name":"The Outer Wall","permission":{"default":0,"Cq31UaFnLVMpY5dr":3},"flags":{"core":{"sourceId":"JournalEntry.B7QMpdSFZtX36cpb"}},"content":"<h1>The Outer Wall</h1>\n<p>The inn is surrounded by a 12-foot high wooden wall. The main gate is locked and barred from the inside; however, the smaller gate leading to the @JournalEntry[The Ferry]{the Ferry} is open.</p>","img":"modules/wfrp4e-night-of-blood/assets/icons/logo.png","_id":"r8jCkRHZyp5eLqU5"}
{"name":"The Shrine","permission":{"default":0,"Cq31UaFnLVMpY5dr":3},"flags":{"core":{"sourceId":"JournalEntry.hI6ctXiIAbl0aX0b"}},"content":"<h1>The Shrine</h1>\n<p>The real landlord, his wife, two servants, and one of the coachmen are still alive, although they are tightly bound in the shrine. They are still suffering from the effects of the doses of <em>kurts </em>they were given earlier in the evening. The bodies of the Mutants&rsquo; other victims are heaped in one corner: a coachman, his three artisan passengers, and the inn&rsquo;s Halfling cook.</p>\n<p>A magical, two-foot-high statue of Tzeentch stands in the middle of the shrine in the centre of a strange moving pattern.The pattern constantly shifts between a sinuous symbol of Tzeentch and an octagon. The statue is made from a greenish stone which seems to flow and move when observed. Any Character observing this and the shifting floor pattern must pass a <strong>Challenging (+0) Cool</strong> Test or receive 1 @JournalEntry[Corruption]{Corruption} point. The image of Tzeentch can be smashed (it has T 5 and W 5). However, unless it is destroyed in a single Round the shrine&rsquo;s guardian @Actor[Pink Horror]{Daemon} appears to defend the statue. Once the @Actor[Pink Horror]{Daemon} is destroyed, the statue can be broken easily and the lines on the floor will fade and vanish.</p>\n<p>Against the wall is a locked (Difficult (&ndash;10): SL 3) wooden box containing @Credit[10gc 29ss 15bp]{10GC 29/15}. A successful <strong>Average (+20) Perception</strong> Test reveals a loose stone behind which is hidden a pouch containing a Potion of Strength. If this is drunk, the imbiber gains +20 Strength for @Roll[2d10]{2d10 Rounds}, after which @Roll[1d10]{1d10&ndash;Toughness Bonus} @Condition[Poisoned] Conditions (Average) are gained.</p>\n<p>The Mutant @Actor[Wilhelm]{Wilhelm} will be in here either participating in @JournalEntry[The Ceremony]{the Ceremony}&nbsp;or lurking at the foot of the stairs.</p>","img":"modules/wfrp4e-night-of-blood/assets/icons/logo.png","_id":"cQmsaCfTbDNQNEja"}
{"name":"The Stables","permission":{"default":0,"Cq31UaFnLVMpY5dr":3},"flags":{"core":{"sourceId":"JournalEntry.cvqIWMMmgVWoh6xP"}},"content":"<h1>The Stables</h1>\n<p>Approaching the stables, the party will be aware that the horses are restless. Loud neighs and kicks can be heard coming from the stables.</p>\n<p>@Actor[Grat]{Grat}, one of the Mutants, is in the hayloft. He is feasting on the body of one of the stable boys and will not hear the party approach. He notices their presence as soon as the door is opened. The six horses in the stables are terrified by @Actor[Grat]{Grat&rsquo;s} presence and flee from the stables as soon as the door is opened. A Character making a successful <strong>Average (+20) Animal Training</strong> (Horse) or <strong>Challenging (+0) Charm Animal</strong> Test will be able to prevent this happening, but any other Character runs the risk of being trampled by the leading horse. A successful <strong>Average (+20) Dodge</strong> Test allows the Character to leap out of the way. Anyone who is trampled takes a 1d10+4 Damage hit to the leg (modified by Toughness Bonus and Armour Points) as the horses escape into the yard. The horses can only be persuaded or forced to re-enter the stables if they are calmed and lead by a successful <strong>Hard (&ndash;20) Charm Animal</strong> Test.</p>\n<p>As soon as he is aware that somebody else is in the stables, @Actor[Grat]{Grat} climbs onto the roof and hides on the other side of the roof ridge. Characters climbing into the hayloft find the damp corpse of the stable boy. He has been killed by a sword blow to the head and his right arm bears the marks of @Actor[Grat]{Grat&rsquo;s} teeth.</p>\n<p>Water is dripping from the trapdoor leading up to the roof, and the ladder beneath is wet and smeared with blood. Once the trapdoor is open, the Characters are greeted by torrential rain. This has made the roof very slippery and anyone venturing onto it must make a successful <strong>Challenging (+0) Athletics</strong> Test or slip. A <strong>Challenging (+0) Athletics</strong> Test allows a Character who has slipped to catch hold of the edge of the trapdoor and not slide off the roof (which results in falling 5 yards) to the ground below. If @Actor[Grat]{Grat} is discovered up on the roof by a successful <strong>Challenging (+0) Perception</strong> Test, he will fight until slain. His suckers allow him to move about on the roof with no danger of falling off. If the party leaves the stables without discovering him, @Actor[Grat]{Grat} returns to his feast until summoned by @Actor[Otto]{Otto}.</p>","img":"modules/wfrp4e-night-of-blood/assets/icons/logo.png","_id":"HdzqcBD58lvMe6bi"}
{"_id":"4t5bKsWJ0uDoPGah","name":"The Forest","permission":{"default":0,"Cq31UaFnLVMpY5dr":3},"folder":"","flags":{"core":{"sourceId":"JournalEntry.DKwZMwSNhSujhC7f"}},"content":"<h1>The Forest</h1>\n<p>The Character's journey should have been uneventful, but as dusk approaches, a storm suddenly breaks. Soon the Characters are wet through and their coach or barge is being buffeted by strong winds, making it very hazardous to continue. Unfortunately, this being the Empire, it is not safe simply to stop and wait for the storm to pass. Many strange creatures live in the forest, and few of these are likely to be sheltering from the storm.</p>\n<p>The rain falls in torrents from the dark, roiling clouds. Overhead, lightning flashes across the sky. In the distance the strangled cry of some strange creature can be heard. It is a night to be indoors, for who knows what lurks under dark trees in The Empire&rsquo;s forests.</p>","img":"modules/wfrp4e-night-of-blood/assets/icons/logo.png"}
{"_id":"NEOB5UsVpSBVEDrn","name":"The Hunt","permission":{"default":0,"Cq31UaFnLVMpY5dr":3},"folder":"","flags":{"core":{"sourceId":"JournalEntry.DimDGfYtfiwtPC1e"}},"content":"<h1>The Hunt</h1>\n<p>Audible between the rumbles of thunder is a strangled baying. At first this seems to be in the distance, but soon it becom apparent that the sound is heading towards the Characters. A group of @Actor[Mutant Beastman Leader]{Beastmen} and @Actor[Mutant with Eyestalks]{Mutants} are hunting a Stag in this part of the forest.</p>\n<p>If the party decides to halt its journey, the cries of the Beastmen swing straight towards them after about half an hour and approach at a fast rate. The cries stop suddenly before they reach the party and the @Actor[Mutant Beastman Leader]{Beastmen} pull down their prey, and the forest falls silent but for the sound of the storm. It is only a matter of time before the @Actor[Mutant Beastman Leader]{Beastmen} become aware of the Characters&rsquo; presence...</p>\n<p>If sensible, the party will continue its journey at this point. Those who stay notice strange shapes lurking at the edge of their vision. The @Actor[Mutant Beastman Leader]{Beastmen} and @Actor[Mutant with Eyestalks]{Mutants} observe the Characters for a few minutes and take the opportunity to surround them if this possible. They then rush into the attack. If the Characters decide to retreat have them make <strong>Challenging (+0) Drive, Ride or Sail</strong> Tests (as appropriate) to escape. Failure of these results in a battle with the beasts of Chaos. Unless the party moves on, similar attacks occur throughout the night.</p>\n<p>The Chaos hunters (two Beastmen and four @Actor[Mutant with Eyestalks]{Mutants}) attempt to overpower the party and then dispose of them in their own inimitable fashion. If both the @Actor[Mutant Beastman Leader]{Beastmen} are slain or subdued the @Actor[Mutant with Eyestalks]{Mutants} flee if they fail a <strong>Challenging (+0) Willpower</strong> Test.</p>\n<ul>\n<li>The @Actor[Mutant Beastman Leader]{lead Beastman} has a large bovine head and tough scaly skin</li>\n<li>The @Actor[Mutant Beastman Runner]{other Beastman} has long, dog-like legs that make it move faster.</li>\n</ul>\n<p>The four mutants resemble normal humans, but each bears some mark of Chaos.</p>\n<ul>\n<li>@Actor[Mutant with Eyestalks]{One has eyestalks} which bob around its head rather than eyes</li>\n<li>@Actor[Mutant with Tentacles]{Another has two tentacles} which sprout from its hands.</li>\n<li>@Actor[Mutant with Fur Armour]{The remaining two mutants} are covered in thick fur.</li>\n</ul>","img":"modules/wfrp4e-night-of-blood/assets/icons/logo.png"}
{"_id":"NEOB5UsVpSBVEDrn","name":"The Hunt","permission":{"default":0,"Cq31UaFnLVMpY5dr":3},"folder":"","flags":{"core":{"sourceId":"JournalEntry.DimDGfYtfiwtPC1e"}},"content":"<h1>The Hunt</h1>\n<p>Audible between the rumbles of thunder is a strangled baying. At first this seems to be in the distance, but soon it becom apparent that the sound is heading towards the Characters. A group of @Actor[Mutant Beastman Leader]{Beastmen} and @Actor[Mutant with Eyestalks]{Mutants} are hunting a Stag in this part of the forest.</p>\n<p>If the party decides to halt its journey, the cries of the Beastmen swing straight towards them after about half an hour and approach at a fast rate. The cries stop suddenly before they reach the party and the @Actor[Mutant Beastman Leader]{Beastmen} pull down their prey, and the forest falls silent but for the sound of the storm. It is only a matter of time before the @Actor[Mutant Beastman Leader]{Beastmen} become aware of the Characters&rsquo; presence...</p>\n<p>If sensible, the party will continue its journey at this point. Those who stay notice strange shapes lurking at the edge of their vision. The @Actor[Mutant Beastman Leader]{Beastmen} and @Actor[Mutant with Eyestalks]{Mutants} observe the Characters for a few minutes and take the opportunity to surround them if this possible. They then rush into the attack. If the Characters decide to retreat have them make <strong>Challenging (+0) Drive, Ride or Sail</strong> Tests (as appropriate) to escape. Failure of these results in a battle with the beasts of Chaos. Unless the party moves on, similar attacks occur throughout the night.</p>\n<p>The Chaos hunters (two Beastmen and four @Actor[Mutant with Eyestalks]{Mutants}) attempt to overpower the party and then dispose of them in their own inimitable fashion. If both the @Actor[Mutant Beastman Leader]{Beastmen} are slain or subdued the @Actor[Mutant with Eyestalks]{Mutants} flee if they fail a <strong>Challenging (+0) Willpower</strong> Test.</p>\n<ul>\n<li>The @Actor[Mutant Beastman Leader]{lead Beastman} has a large bovine head and tough scaly skin</li>\n<li>The @Actor[Mutant Beastman Runner]{other Beastman} has long, dog-like legs that make it move faster.</li>\n</ul>\n<p>The four mutants resemble normal humans, but each bears some mark of Chaos.</p>\n<ul>\n<li>@Actor[Mutant with Eyestalks]{One has eyestalks} which bob around its head rather than eyes</li>\n<li>@Actor[Mutant with Tentacles]{Another has two tentacles} which sprout from its hands.</li>\n<li>@Actor[Mutant with Fur Armour]{The remaining two mutants} are covered in thick fur.</li>\n</ul>","img":"modules/wfrp4e-night-of-blood/assets/icons/logo.png"}
{"_id":"NEOB5UsVpSBVEDrn","name":"The Hunt","permission":{"default":0,"Cq31UaFnLVMpY5dr":3},"folder":"","flags":{"core":{"sourceId":"JournalEntry.DimDGfYtfiwtPC1e"}},"content":"<h1>The Hunt</h1>\n<p>Audible between the rumbles of thunder is a strangled baying. At first this seems to be in the distance, but soon it becom apparent that the sound is heading towards the Characters. A group of @Actor[Mutant Beastman Leader]{Beastmen} and @Actor[Mutant with Eyestalks]{Mutants} are hunting a Stag in this part of the forest.</p>\n<p>If the party decides to halt its journey, the cries of the Beastmen swing straight towards them after about half an hour and approach at a fast rate. The cries stop suddenly before they reach the party and the @Actor[Mutant Beastman Leader]{Beastmen} pull down their prey, and the forest falls silent but for the sound of the storm. It is only a matter of time before the @Actor[Mutant Beastman Leader]{Beastmen} become aware of the Characters&rsquo; presence...</p>\n<p>If sensible, the party will continue its journey at this point. Those who stay notice strange shapes lurking at the edge of their vision. The @Actor[Mutant Beastman Leader]{Beastmen} and @Actor[Mutant with Eyestalks]{Mutants} observe the Characters for a few minutes and take the opportunity to surround them if this possible. They then rush into the attack. If the Characters decide to retreat have them make <strong>Challenging (+0) Drive, Ride or Sail</strong> Tests (as appropriate) to escape. Failure of these results in a battle with the beasts of Chaos. Unless the party moves on, similar attacks occur throughout the night.</p>\n<p>The Chaos hunters (two Beastmen and four @Actor[Mutant with Eyestalks]{Mutants}) attempt to overpower the party and then dispose of them in their own inimitable fashion. If both the @Actor[Mutant Beastman Leader]{Beastmen} are slain or subdued the @Actor[Mutant with Eyestalks]{Mutants} flee if they fail a <strong>Challenging (+0) Willpower</strong> Test.</p>\n<ul>\n<li>The @Actor[Mutant Beastman Leader]{lead Beastman} has a large bovine head and tough scaly skin</li>\n<li>The @Actor[Mutant Beastman Runner]{other Beastman} has long, dog-like legs that make it move faster.</li>\n</ul>\n<p>The four mutants resemble normal humans, but each bears some mark of Chaos.</p>\n<ul>\n<li>@Actor[Mutant with Eyestalks]{One has eyestalks} which bob around its head rather than eyes</li>\n<li>@Actor[Mutant with Tentacles]{Another has two tentacles} which sprout from its hands.</li>\n<li>@Actor[Mutant with Fur Armour]{The remaining two mutants} are covered in thick fur.</li>\n</ul>","img":"modules/wfrp4e-night-of-blood/assets/icons/logo.png"}