# Night of Blood Content for the [WFRP4e system](https://github.com/CatoThe1stElder/WFRP-4th-Edition-FoundryVTT) to be used with the [Foundry Virtual Tabletop](https://foundryvtt.com/). Based on the *Night of Blood* adventure, converted from Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 1st Edition to Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4th Edition by Lindsay Law, for Cubicle 7. [The module itself can be downloaded for free from DriveThruRPG](https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/259967/WFRP-Old-World-Adventures--Night-of-Blood). (As an aside, the Old World Adventures line has exactly 1 adventure at the moment). ## Contents * Actors from the module. * 3 scenes - the maps were taken from [this site](http://acrobata2000.blogspot.com/) and pintrest. * Audio files - including the storm, voices in the tavern, the restless occupants strolling around the common room and worse. * Token files - full tokens for the NPC cast. ## Installation * Add via Foundry VTT Module Setup screen using the Manifest URL: `https://raw.githubusercontent.com/CStuartEKerrigan/WFRP-Night-of-Blood-4e-FVTT/master/module.json` * Drag and drop scenes and actor campaign content directly into the World * The upper level of the Hooded Man is a series of tiles that are hidden from the players.