{"name":"Grat","permission":{"default":0,"Cq31UaFnLVMpY5dr":3},"type":"npc","data":{"characteristics":{"ws":{"type":"number","label":"CHAR.WS","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.WS","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"bs":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.BS","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.BS","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"s":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.S","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.S","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"t":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.T","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.T","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"i":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.I","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.I","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"ag":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.Ag","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.Ag","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"dex":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.Dex","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.Dex","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"int":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.Int","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.Int","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"wp":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.WP","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.WP","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"fel":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.Fel","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.Fel","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25}},"status":{"wounds":{"type":"Number","label":"Wounds","abrev":"W","value":12,"max":12},"advantage":{"type":"Number","label":"Advantage","value":"0","max":10},"criticalWounds":{"type":"Number","label":"Critical Wounds","value":0,"max":2},"sin":{"type":"Number","label":"Sin","value":"0"},"penalties":{"type":"String","label":"Penalties","value":""},"corruption":{"type":"Number","label":"Corruption","value":0},"encumbrance":{"type":"Number","label":"Encumbrance","max":6,"current":0}},"details":{"species":{"type":"String","label":"Species","value":"Mutant"},"gender":{"type":"String","label":"Gender","value":""},"size":{"type":"String","label":"Size","value":"avg"},"move":{"type":"Number","label":"Movement","value":"4","walk":8,"run":16},"god":{"type":"String","label":"God","value":""},"hitLocationTable":{"value":"hitloc","type":"String","label":"Hit Location Table"},"personal-ambitions":{"short-term":"","long-term":""},"party-ambitions":{"short-term":"","long-term":""},"motivation":{"value":""}}},"flags":{"autoCalcRun":true,"autoCalcWalk":true,"autoCalcWounds":true,"autoCalcCritW":true,"autoCalcCorruption":true,"autoCalcEnc":true,"defensive":0,"talentTests":[],"modifier":""},"img":"modules/wfrp4e-night-of-blood/assets/tokens/grat.png","token":{"flags":{},"name":"Grat","displayName":20,"img":"modules/wfrp4e-night-of-blood/assets/tokens/grat.png","width":1,"height":1,"scale":1,"mirrorX":false,"mirrorY":false,"lockRotation":false,"rotation":0,"vision":false,"dimSight":0,"brightSight":0,"dimLight":0,"brightLight":0,"sightAngle":360,"lightAngle":360,"lightColor":"","lightAlpha":1,"actorId":"dEsO8Ews2Y9rrepz","actorLink":true,"actorData":{},"disposition":0,"displayBars":20,"bar1":{"attribute":"status.wounds"},"bar2":{"attribute":"status.advantage"},"randomImg":false},"items":[{"_id":"fdq3RFSOKl5b3WzW","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Art","type":"skill","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/skills/skill.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"

Create works of art in your chosen medium. Not having access to appropriate Trade Tools will incur a penalty to your Test. The SL achieved determines the quality of the final piece. For complicated or large works of art, an Extended Test may be required. The Art Skill has little use in combat, but marble busts make marvelous improvised weapons.




Specializations: Cartography, Engraving, Mosaics, Painting, Sculpture, Tattoo, Weaving 




Example: Irina has been commissioned to paint a portrait of a local noble, whose favor her party is currying. Her GM determines this requires a total of 10 SL in an Extended Art Test, with each Test representing a week’s work.


Your ability to run, jump and move with speed or grace, and to perform any general physical activity. Refer to Moving for details on using Athletics in combat movement. 


Your ability to judge how likely a person is to accept a bribe, and how best to offer the bribe so they will accept it. A successful Bribery Test tells you if a target may be bribed. If so, your GM will secretly determine the price of their cooperation using the target’s Earnings, increasing the amount according to their usual honesty and the risk involved in taking the bribe. You then guess that target amount and the GM will tell you if the price is higher, lower, or equal. Each SL from your initial Bribery Test gives you another guess. At the end of this process, you determine how much money to offer, based on what you have gleaned.




In combat, you may use Bribery as above to try to stop the fight, but treat the Test as Hard (–20) owing to the stress of the situation. If your target is not susceptible, you cannot afford the fee, or your foes do not speak your tongue, your pathetic attempts to buy them off will be doomed to fail. Of course, if they have the advantage of numbers, what’s to prevent them from taking all of your money?




Example: Snorri is trying to bribe his way past a city watchman; a character of the Brass Tier 2, meaning they roll 4d10 Brass for Income. The GM decides the guard can be bribed and secretly rolls 21 on the 4d10, meaning the price for bribing the guard is 21 Brass. Letting Snorri through isn’t too risky for the watchman, and he does it often, so the GM doesn’t increase the bribe required. Snorri rolls 1 SL on his Bribery Test; so, he knows the watchman is open to a bribe, and has 2 guesses as to his price. Snorri’s first guess is 15 Brass, to which his GM replies ‘higher’. His second guess is 40, to which his GM replies ‘lower’. Snorri now knows he must bribe the watchman between 15 and 40 Brass, so decides to aim high, and offers 30. Smiling, the watchman waves Snorri through.


Charm makes people think favorably of you, your opinions, and proposed actions. Passing an Opposed Charm/Cool Test allows you to influence the behavior of one or more targets, up to a maximum number equal to your Fellowship Bonus + SL, affecting those with the lowest Willpower first. If a target is amenable to your Charm, the Test will be uncontested.


Your GM may permit you to use Charm in Combat if they think your foes might be susceptible to you pleading for your life or making persuasive arguments to stop the violence (although good luck charming a Goblin)!


If you use Charm as your Action, calculate the number of targets affected as normal. If you use it to defend, you only affect your attacker. If you succeed, any affected targets will not attack you this round and you gain +1 Advantage as normal. You may do this in successive rounds until you choose to stop or fail a Charm Test, after which your words carry no more weight.


Your GM may permit you to use Charm in Combat if they think your foes might be susceptible to you pleading for your life or making persuasive arguments to stop the violence (although good luck charming a Goblin)!


If you use Charm as your Action, calculate the number of targets affected as normal. If you use it to defend, you only affect your attacker. If you succeed, any affected targets will not attack you this round and you gain +1 Advantage as normal. You may do this in successive rounds until you choose to stop or fail a Charm Test, after which your words carry no more weight.




Public Speaking


The charm skill can be used to make impressive speeches to sway multiple targets to your way of thinking. assuming they can hear you and are inclined to listen, you can influence up to your Fellowship Bonus + SL targets with a single charm Test, influencing targets with the lowest Willpower first. If the crowd is unruly, or not receptive to your words, the test is opposed by the crowd’s average Willpower (typically 35). A failure shows the crowd is unconvinced. the public speaking and master orator talents can significantly increase the number of people you affect with public speaking. an astounding Failure (-6) (see page 152) in a charm test means your crowd quickly becomes an angry mob, with you as the target of their ire… 






The Charm skill can be used to beg on the streets. A successful test will scrounge Fellowship Bonus × SL brass pennies per hour from passers-by, with the Difficulty modified by the pitch chosen for begging, and how much sympathy your appearance can elicit. If you score no SL, but still pass the skill test, you only manage to scrounge a single pfennig. an astounding Failure (-6) means you may have attracted problems from the local Watchmen, found some trouble with  other, local beggars, or suffer some other significant set-back.


Note: Characters who are caught begging by their peers or associates will likely lose status unless they are already in the Beggar, or in some other destitute, career. 



"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"advanced":{"value":"bsc","type":"String"},"grouped":{"value":"noSpec","type":"String"},"characteristic":{"type":"String","label":"Characteristic","value":"fel"},"advances":{"type":"Number","label":"Advances","value":0},"total":{"type":"Number","label":"Total"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"4IGdIhnwTaZijzg7","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"Charm Animal","type":"skill","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/skills/skill.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"

Your aptitude for be friending, quickly calming, or subjugating animals.




Passing a Charm Animal Test allows you to influence the behavior of one or more animals, to a maximum of Willpower Bonus + SL. If the target animals are naturally docile, this Test may be uncontested, but it will generally be Opposed by the target’s Willpower.




In combat, you may use Charm Animal when facing animals. If you succeed, any affected targets will not attack you this Round and you gain +1 Advantage. You may do this in successive rounds until you choose to stop or fail a Charm Test, after which the creature’s instincts take over and you have no further influence.


The ability to ascend steep or vertical surfaces.


If time isn’t an issue, and a climb is relatively easy, anyone with Climb Skill is automatically assumed to be able to climb any reasonably small height.


For any other climbing, Climbing during combat. You may even find yourself climbing large opponents, though whether that is prudent is debatable.

"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"advanced":{"value":"bsc","type":"String"},"grouped":{"value":"noSpec","type":"String"},"characteristic":{"type":"String","label":"Characteristic","value":"s"},"advances":{"type":"Number","label":"Advances","value":0},"total":{"type":"Number","label":"Total"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"R2ytluHiEFF2KQ5e","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Consume Alcohol","type":"skill","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/skills/skill.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"



Your ability to handle alcohol without letting it cloud your judgment or render you senseless.


After each alcoholic drink make a Consume Alcohol Test, modified by the strength of the drink. For each Test you fail, you suffer a –10 penalty to WS, BS, Ag, Dex, and Int, to a maximum of –30 per Characteristic. After you fail a number of Tests equal to your Toughness Bonus, you are Stinking Drunk. Roll on the following table to see what happens:






Stinking Drunk




 Marienburgher’s Courage!’: Gain a bonus of +20 to your Cool Skill.




You’re My Besht Mate!’: Ignore all your existing Prejudices and Animosities.




 ‘Why’s Everything Wobbling!’: On your Turn, you can either Move or take an Action, but not both.




‘I’ll Take Yer All On!’: Gain Animosity (Everybody)!




 ‘How Did I Get here?’: You wake up the next day, massively hungover, with little memory of what transpired. The GM and other players with you will fill in the embarrassing gaps if you investigate. Pass a Consume Alcohol Test or also gain a Poisoned Condition.




After not drinking for an hour, enact a Challenging (+0) Consume Alcohol Test. The effects of being drunk will wear


off after 10–SL hours, with any Characteristic modifiers for being drunk lost over that time. After all effects wear off, enact another Challenging (+0) Consume Alcohol Test. You now gain a hangover, which is an Fatigued Condition that cannot be removed for 5–SL hours.


You may expend 1 Resolve point to ignore the negative modifiers of being drunk until the end of the next round.






Cool allows you to remain calm under stress, resist fear when faced with horror, and stick to your convictions.




Cool is generally used to resist other Skills — Charm, Intimidate, and similar — but you may also be required to make a Cool Test when faced with anything forcing you to do something you would rather not. Cool is also the primary Skill used to limit Psychology


Dodge is your ability to avoid things, through ducking, diving, and moving quickly, and is used extensively to sidestep falling rocks, incoming weapons, unexpected traps, and the like.


In combat, Dodge is generally used to resist attacks or avoid damage. Refer to Rolling to Hit.




Drive lets you guide vehicles — most commonly simple carts and lumbering coaches, not to mention the more ‘experimental’ creations of the Imperial Engineers — along the roads of the Empire with as little incident as possible.




Under normal circumstances, if you possess the Drive Skill, there is no need to Test. If conditions are less than ideal — perhaps the road is in poor condition, or the weather is terrible — a Drive Test will be required. If you do not possess the Drive Skill, you may be required to make a Test to carry out even basic maneuver. An Astounding Failure (-6) on a Drive Test means something bad has happened. Roll on the following table:










Snapped Harness: One horse (or equivalent) breaks free; reduce speed accordingly.




 Jolted Carriage: Passengers suffer 1 Wound and fragile cargos might be damaged.




Broken Wheel: Pass a Drive Test every round to avoid Crashing. Two-wheeled vehicles with a Broken Wheel Crash automatically.




 Broken Axle: The vehicle goes out of control and Crashes.




Crashing: Occupants of Crashing vehicles usually suffer 2d10 Wounds modified by Toughness Bonus and Armor Points


unless the vehicle was moving slowly (as determined by the GM). Crashed vehicles must be repaired by someone with an appropriate Trade Skill, such as Trade (Carpenter) or Trade (Cartwright). Spare wheels can be installed by anyone with a Drive Test or with an appropriate Trade Test. In combat, Drive may be used if circumstances allow — for instance, if the party is in a coach being raided by outlaws, and you wish to ram an enemy, or outrun them.






The Endurance Skill is called upon when you must endure hardship, withstand deprivation, sit without moving for long periods of time, or survive harsh environments. In particular, Endurance is Tested to resist or recover from various Conditions (see page 167) and helps you recover lost Wounds.


Allows you to delight crowds with the spoken word, perhaps by singing, acting, or attempting a few jokes. A successful use of the Entertain Skill means you have entertained patrons near enough to hear you; the SL indicates how well you have done.


In combat, it is unlikely that Entertain will be of much use, although you may come up with an interesting way to use Entertain (Acting) to confuse or mislead your opponents.




Specialisations: Acting, Comedy, Singing, Storytelling 


Allows you to measure the likelihood that a bet will pay off, as well as successfully engage in various games of chance.


To represent a gambling match, all players make a Gamble Test — applying any appropriate modifiers for familiarity with the game — and the player with the highest SL wins. On a tie, any lower scoring players drop out, and those remaining enact another Gamble Test, repeating this process until you have a winner.


If you wish to influence the game through less honest mechanics, see Sleight of Hand.


You can quickly ferret out interesting and useful news, and spread rumors of your own. A successful Gossip Test means you have found out one useful piece of information, which your GM can impart to you, about the local area. Each SL either offers you an additional piece of information, or the chance to spread a rumor to a number of individuals equal to your Fellowship Bonus. The time required for a Gossip Test depends on how circumspect the players are being, and how busy the area is, as determined by the GM.


It is unlikely that Gossip will be much use in combat, but if your attacker happens to be local, and you happen to know something really juicy…




Half-Heard Whispers


While it may be expedient for GMs to quickly share information gleaned from Gossip tests to all players at once, it is often more fun to share the information only with individual players (either through a note, or through briefly taking them aside). This means the players must relate this information to one another in-character — aiding the immersive roleplaying experience — which allows for mistakes and misunderstandings, sometimes leading to hilarious, or horrific, results. 




Haggle allows you to secure better deals when negotiating with others. In general, Haggle is used to see whether you do, or do not, make a good deal, most commonly with an Opposed Haggle Test. Specifically, it can be used when shopping to secure better prices. For information on this, refer to Chapter 11: Consumers’ Guide.


Allows you to coerce or frighten sentient creatures. The precise manner of initiating an Intimidate Test depends on context: while it is generally accompanied by an overt threat, sometimes a subtle implication or even a look is enough. Intimidate is almost always Opposed by your target’s Cool Skill; if successful, you can intimidate a number of targets up to your Strength Bonus + SL. Each will react to Intimidate based on their individual personalities and how successful you were in menacing them, but in all cases, they will back down or move out of the way and will not speak out against you, or they will alternatively accept combat is the only way forward and prepare their weapons.




In combat, you cause @Compendium[wfrp4e.psychologies.Ib2YQYChktDFN93y]{Fear} in all Intimidated targets. You may also use your Intimidate Skill instead of Melee when defending against those afraid of you, causing the Intimidated parties to back away from the fight with your will and posture alone. Further, with your GM’s approval, you may use Intimidate to ‘attack’ such targets, issuing specific commands, such as ‘drop your weapons’ or ‘get out of here!’. However, if you fail any of these subsequent Intimidate Tests, you no longer Intimidate (or cause Fear) in affected opponents. With your GM’s permission you may try to Intimidate them again in a later Round, but this will incur a negative modifier, as they are less likely to fear you having seen through your bravado once already.




Alternative Characteristics For Intimidate


While strength is the default stat for Intimidate tests, the GM may decree certain situations may allow you to use a different characteristic: a steely witch hunter may use Willpower to stare down an inquisitive bystander, or an academic may use Intelligence to cow a lowly student with his intimidating knowledge, for instance. 




Example: Facing a group of footpads, Svetlana the Strong rolls 4 SL on her Intimidate Test. Combined with her SB of 5, this means she can affect up to 9 targets, more than enough to impact all three footpads who now Fear Svetlana. As she has won by 3 SL, she gains +1 Advantage point until the end of her next turn. In the next round, she ‘attacks’ the footpads using her Intimidate, intending to scare them into leaving her be. However, she fails the Test, and the footpads realize they outnumber her, and are armed… 




The Intuition Skill allows you to get a feel for your surroundings, leading you to notice when something is wrong, and gives you a sense of when people may be hiding something from you. A successful use of the Intuition Skill gives you subtle or implicit intelligence relating to your environment, determined by your GM. This may be information such as whether someone believes what they are saying, what the general attitude is towards the local noble, or if the helpful local’s motives are as pure as they seem. If someone is actively trying to hide their intent, they may resist your Intuition with Cool or Entertain (Acting).




In combat, a successful Intuition Test may be used to give you +1 Advantage as you weigh the environment and your opponents. You may continue building Advantage in subsequent turns providing you are able to observe your targets and are not interrupted (such as being attacked); you may gain a maximum Advantage equal to your Intelligence Bonus in this manner.


A measure of your ability to lead others and command their respect. While most often associated with martial situations, a resolute leader can quickly direct a fast response to a fire or other such calamity, and nobles use the Skill frequently to command their lessers.




A successful Leadership Test allows you to issue orders to a number of targets equal to your Fellowship Bonus + SL. If the targets are your natural subordinates — a noble commanding serfs, or a sergeant commanding his troops — commands are usually unopposed. If there is no natural hierarchy in place, or the order is particularly challenging — such as ordering your soldiers to charge a Hydra head on — the Test is Opposed by your targets’ Cool.




In combat, you may use Leadership to encourage your subordinates. A successful Leadership Test confers a bonus of +10 to all Psychology Tests until the end of the next round (see page 190).




Further, Leadership can be used to transfer Advantage to allies able to hear you; following a successful Leadership Test, you may transfer an Advantage to one ally of your choice, plus a further +1 Advantage per SL scored, which can again go to any allies of your choice within earshot.




Example: Lord Ludwig von Schemp has been watching his two bodyguards discourse with some ruffians for three Rounds, using his Intuition Skill to build up 3 Advantage. Feeling it is going nowhere, he issues a peremptory order to attack the ringleader; passing his Leadership Test with 5 SL, he gives one bodyguard 2 of his Advantage, and the remaining bodyguard 1 Advantage, hoping this will bring a swift end to proceedings. 


The Melee Skill represents specific training with a single type of close combat weaponry. Each Melee Specialization indicates training in using a specific class of weapon. If you don’t have the correct Specialization for a weapon you wish to use, refer to Chapter 11: Consumers’ Guide for the correct weapon entry, and what penalties you will suffer. See Chapter 5: Rules for more detail about combat and using the Melee Skill.




Specializations: Basic, Brawling, Cavalry, Fencing, Flail, Parry, Pole-Arm, Two-Handed 


Navigation allows you to find your way in the wilderness using landmarks, stellar bodies or maps. Possessing the Navigation Skill means you know roughly where you are, and can find your way between well-known landmarks without a Test. A Test is only required if you are disoriented or travelling far from the beaten path, with success showing you the correct direction, or allowing you to avoid mishap.




If you are navigating a long journey, your GM may ask for an extended Navigation Test, modified by conditions, visible landmarks, and access to reliable geographical information. The SL required to succeed depends on how far the destination is, with each Test representing between an hour and a day’s travel, depending on the nature of the journey

"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"advanced":{"value":"bsc","type":"String"},"grouped":{"value":"noSpec","type":"String"},"characteristic":{"type":"String","label":"Characteristic","value":"i"},"advances":{"type":"Number","label":"Advances","value":0},"total":{"type":"Number","label":"Total"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"os4NKy5Oy6sRt1eh","flags":{},"name":"Outdoor Survival","type":"skill","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/skills/skill.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"

The Outdoor Survival Skill is used to survive in the wild, including the ability to fish, hunt, forage, and build fires and shelters. Experienced travelers are skilled at reading the signs of incoming inclement weather and finding the spoor of various dangerous beasts.




When camping, make an Outdoor Survival Test, modified by the harshness of conditions — for instance, a Test is Challenging (+0) if it is raining, Hard (–20) in a storm. A successful Test indicates you can provide yourself sustenance and shelter for the night. Each SL allows you to provide for one more character. If the Test is failed, you must make a Challenging (+0) Endurance Test or receive the Fatigued Condition. If you suffer an Astounding Failure, something untoward has happened, as determined by the GM; perhaps your camp is attacked in the night?




When fighting in the wilderness, you may make an Outdoor Survival Test to receive +1 Advantage, in the same way as Intuition, to a maximum number of Advantage equal to your Intelligence Bonus, as you spy out treacherous and advantageous terrain that you can best use to your advantage.




Gathering Food and Herbs


Gathering food or herbs normally takes around 2 hours. Hunting and foraging parties make one assisted Outdoor Survival Test for the group, with the Difficulty determined by the circumstances.








Your ability to notice things with your senses — sight, smell, hearing, touch, and taste, and any other senses you may possess, such as magical or non-Human senses. Your GM may ask for a Perception Test to detect something, like movement behind the treeline, the presence of a trap, or someone following you, modified by how easy it is to notice. Perception is also used to resist attempts to hide things through Skills such as Sleight of Hand or Stealth. Perception has multiple uses in combat, most commonly to notice important details beyond the immediately obvious about the surrounding environment and your opponents, as determined by the GM. 


How proficient you are at riding a particular group of animals; Ride (Horse), for example, will let you ride Horses, Mules, Donkeys, and similar. You’ll only need to make a Test when doing something out of the ordinary, such as racing, dressage, traversing dangerous terrain, or charging into combat. Otherwise, if you have at least one Advance in the Skill, you are presumed to be able to ride around without need of a Test.




If mounted on a steed, you move using the steed’s Movement statistic; if you wish to run, jump, or leap, you use your Ride Skill, not Athletics. An extended Ride Test may be needed if you are racing somewhere, the target SL depending on the length of the journey, the number of Tests indicating how long you take to arrive. A Ride Test may be modified by environmental conditions, and the temperament of your mount. For more information on mounts, see Chapter 12: Bestiary. The Ride skill can be used extensively in combat. See Chapter 5: Rules, for more on mounted combat.




Specializations: Demigryph, Great Wolf, Griffon, Horse, Pegasus 


Your prowess at pulling an oar and moving a boat through the water. The Row Skill is typically only used when racing, navigating rapids, desperately avoiding Bog Octopuses, or similar unusual or dangerous feats. Anyone with the Skill is automatically presumed to be able to scull about a pond, or over a gentle river, without a Test. Those without the skill may have to make a Test for anything but the most basic maneuvers. 


Allows you to creep quietly and conceal yourself in shadows more readily than most. Stealth is generally Opposed by an opponent’s Perception Skill, and Tests will be modifed by how dark or well concealed your route is, as well as how circumspectly you are dressed. An Impressive or Astounding Failure on a Stealth Test will likely draw the immediate attention of the enemies you were trying to avoid in the first place.




Stealth has many potential applications in combat, most usefully to hide oneself in preparation for an Ambush, or to creep around an opponent in order to attack from behind. Of course, you can also use the Skill to escape a conflict unseen…




Specializations: Rural, Underground, Urban 




Options: Shadowing


Shadowing is following someone secretly. To do this requires a Combined Perception and Stealth Test. If the target is actively trying to lose a tail, it is Opposed with the target’s Stealth Skill.




If you pass the Perception Test, and fail the Stealth Test you follow your target, but are spotted. If you fail the perception Test, yet pass the Stealth Test, you lose your target, but go unnoticed

"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"advanced":{"value":"bsc","type":"String"},"grouped":{"value":"isSpec","type":"String"},"characteristic":{"type":"String","label":"Characteristic","value":"ag"},"advances":{"type":"Number","label":"Advances","value":0},"total":{"type":"Number","label":"Total"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"Ggx0bRaCuq8MbF0g","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Gold Crown","type":"money","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/currency/goldcrown.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"quantity":{"type":"Number","label":"Quantity","value":0},"encumbrance":{"type":"Number","label":"Encumbrance","value":0.005},"location":{"type":"Number","label":"Location","value":0},"coinValue":{"label":"Value (in d)","type":"Number","value":240},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"KB8HgDz56dh2w7w1","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Silver Shilling","type":"money","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/currency/silvershilling.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"quantity":{"type":"Number","label":"Quantity","value":0},"encumbrance":{"type":"Number","label":"Encumbrance","value":0.005},"location":{"type":"Number","label":"Location","value":0},"coinValue":{"label":"Value (in d)","type":"Number","value":12},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"0MYOJFx3vkYA95B4","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Brass Penny","type":"money","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/currency/brasspenny.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"quantity":{"type":"Number","label":"Quantity","value":0},"encumbrance":{"type":"Number","label":"Encumbrance","value":0.005},"location":{"type":"Number","label":"Location","value":0},"coinValue":{"label":"Value (in d)","type":"Number","value":1},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"oh4GDQczaQTMcvQ1","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Corruption","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"The creature is tainted by Chaos, or perhaps suffused with Dark Magics. The Strength of the Corruption is marked in brackets."},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":false,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"","bonusCharacteristic":"","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"Minor","type":"String","label":"Specification"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}},"sort":100000},{"_id":"5tjGD31mJZJMF7wF","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"Weapon","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"The creature carries a melee weapon, or uses teeth, claws, or similar in combat.\n \n The weapon causes Damage equal to its Rating which already includes the creature’s Strength Bonus. Typically it will be 4 + its Strength Bonus (representing a Hand Weapon)"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":true,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"ws","bonusCharacteristic":"s","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"4","type":"String","label":"Specification"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}},"sort":200000},{"_id":"IP5XlTf3a8IEsqtO","flags":{},"name":"Wallcrawler","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"The creature can effortlessly scale vertical surfaces and even traverse ceilings, ready to drop on unwary prey. It moves at full Movement across any appropriate surface and automatically passes all Climb tests. \r\r"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":false,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"","bonusCharacteristic":"","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"","type":"String","label":"Specification"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}},"sort":300000}],"_id":"7LB4tEamDsmvfWfY"} {"_id":"7LB4tEamDsmvfWfY","name":"Grat","permission":{"default":0,"Cq31UaFnLVMpY5dr":3},"type":"npc","data":{"characteristics":{"ws":{"type":"number","label":"CHAR.WS","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.WS","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"bs":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.BS","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.BS","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"s":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.S","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.S","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"t":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.T","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.T","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"i":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.I","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.I","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"ag":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.Ag","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.Ag","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"dex":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.Dex","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.Dex","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"int":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.Int","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.Int","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"wp":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.WP","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.WP","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"fel":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.Fel","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.Fel","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25}},"status":{"wounds":{"type":"Number","label":"Wounds","abrev":"W","value":12,"max":12},"advantage":{"type":"Number","label":"Advantage","value":"0","max":10},"criticalWounds":{"type":"Number","label":"Critical Wounds","value":0,"max":2},"sin":{"type":"Number","label":"Sin","value":"0"},"penalties":{"type":"String","label":"Penalties","value":""},"corruption":{"type":"Number","label":"Corruption","value":0},"encumbrance":{"type":"Number","label":"Encumbrance","max":6,"current":0}},"details":{"species":{"type":"String","label":"Species","value":"Mutant"},"gender":{"type":"String","label":"Gender","value":""},"size":{"type":"String","label":"Size","value":"avg"},"move":{"type":"Number","label":"Movement","value":"4","walk":8,"run":16},"god":{"type":"String","label":"God","value":""},"hitLocationTable":{"value":"hitloc","type":"String","label":"Hit Location Table"},"personal-ambitions":{"short-term":"","long-term":""},"party-ambitions":{"short-term":"","long-term":""},"motivation":{"value":""}}},"sort":100001,"flags":{"autoCalcRun":true,"autoCalcWalk":true,"autoCalcWounds":true,"autoCalcCritW":true,"autoCalcCorruption":true,"autoCalcEnc":true,"defensive":0,"talentTests":[],"modifier":""},"img":"modules/wfrp4e-night-of-blood/assets/tokens/grat.png","token":{"flags":{},"name":"Grat","displayName":20,"img":"modules/wfrp4e-night-of-blood/assets/tokens/grat.png","width":1,"height":1,"scale":1,"mirrorX":false,"mirrorY":false,"lockRotation":false,"rotation":0,"vision":false,"dimSight":0,"brightSight":0,"dimLight":0,"brightLight":0,"sightAngle":360,"lightAngle":360,"lightColor":"","lightAlpha":1,"actorId":"7LB4tEamDsmvfWfY","actorLink":true,"actorData":{},"disposition":0,"displayBars":20,"bar1":{"attribute":"status.wounds"},"bar2":{"attribute":"status.advantage"},"randomImg":false},"items":[{"_id":"fdq3RFSOKl5b3WzW","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Art","type":"skill","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/skills/skill.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"

Create works of art in your chosen medium. Not having access to appropriate Trade Tools will incur a penalty to your Test. The SL achieved determines the quality of the final piece. For complicated or large works of art, an Extended Test may be required. The Art Skill has little use in combat, but marble busts make marvelous improvised weapons.




Specializations: Cartography, Engraving, Mosaics, Painting, Sculpture, Tattoo, Weaving 




Example: Irina has been commissioned to paint a portrait of a local noble, whose favor her party is currying. Her GM determines this requires a total of 10 SL in an Extended Art Test, with each Test representing a week’s work.


Your ability to run, jump and move with speed or grace, and to perform any general physical activity. Refer to Moving for details on using Athletics in combat movement. 


Your ability to judge how likely a person is to accept a bribe, and how best to offer the bribe so they will accept it. A successful Bribery Test tells you if a target may be bribed. If so, your GM will secretly determine the price of their cooperation using the target’s Earnings, increasing the amount according to their usual honesty and the risk involved in taking the bribe. You then guess that target amount and the GM will tell you if the price is higher, lower, or equal. Each SL from your initial Bribery Test gives you another guess. At the end of this process, you determine how much money to offer, based on what you have gleaned.




In combat, you may use Bribery as above to try to stop the fight, but treat the Test as Hard (–20) owing to the stress of the situation. If your target is not susceptible, you cannot afford the fee, or your foes do not speak your tongue, your pathetic attempts to buy them off will be doomed to fail. Of course, if they have the advantage of numbers, what’s to prevent them from taking all of your money?




Example: Snorri is trying to bribe his way past a city watchman; a character of the Brass Tier 2, meaning they roll 4d10 Brass for Income. The GM decides the guard can be bribed and secretly rolls 21 on the 4d10, meaning the price for bribing the guard is 21 Brass. Letting Snorri through isn’t too risky for the watchman, and he does it often, so the GM doesn’t increase the bribe required. Snorri rolls 1 SL on his Bribery Test; so, he knows the watchman is open to a bribe, and has 2 guesses as to his price. Snorri’s first guess is 15 Brass, to which his GM replies ‘higher’. His second guess is 40, to which his GM replies ‘lower’. Snorri now knows he must bribe the watchman between 15 and 40 Brass, so decides to aim high, and offers 30. Smiling, the watchman waves Snorri through.


Charm makes people think favorably of you, your opinions, and proposed actions. Passing an Opposed Charm/Cool Test allows you to influence the behavior of one or more targets, up to a maximum number equal to your Fellowship Bonus + SL, affecting those with the lowest Willpower first. If a target is amenable to your Charm, the Test will be uncontested.


Your GM may permit you to use Charm in Combat if they think your foes might be susceptible to you pleading for your life or making persuasive arguments to stop the violence (although good luck charming a Goblin)!


If you use Charm as your Action, calculate the number of targets affected as normal. If you use it to defend, you only affect your attacker. If you succeed, any affected targets will not attack you this round and you gain +1 Advantage as normal. You may do this in successive rounds until you choose to stop or fail a Charm Test, after which your words carry no more weight.


Your GM may permit you to use Charm in Combat if they think your foes might be susceptible to you pleading for your life or making persuasive arguments to stop the violence (although good luck charming a Goblin)!


If you use Charm as your Action, calculate the number of targets affected as normal. If you use it to defend, you only affect your attacker. If you succeed, any affected targets will not attack you this round and you gain +1 Advantage as normal. You may do this in successive rounds until you choose to stop or fail a Charm Test, after which your words carry no more weight.




Public Speaking


The charm skill can be used to make impressive speeches to sway multiple targets to your way of thinking. assuming they can hear you and are inclined to listen, you can influence up to your Fellowship Bonus + SL targets with a single charm Test, influencing targets with the lowest Willpower first. If the crowd is unruly, or not receptive to your words, the test is opposed by the crowd’s average Willpower (typically 35). A failure shows the crowd is unconvinced. the public speaking and master orator talents can significantly increase the number of people you affect with public speaking. an astounding Failure (-6) (see page 152) in a charm test means your crowd quickly becomes an angry mob, with you as the target of their ire… 






The Charm skill can be used to beg on the streets. A successful test will scrounge Fellowship Bonus × SL brass pennies per hour from passers-by, with the Difficulty modified by the pitch chosen for begging, and how much sympathy your appearance can elicit. If you score no SL, but still pass the skill test, you only manage to scrounge a single pfennig. an astounding Failure (-6) means you may have attracted problems from the local Watchmen, found some trouble with  other, local beggars, or suffer some other significant set-back.


Note: Characters who are caught begging by their peers or associates will likely lose status unless they are already in the Beggar, or in some other destitute, career. 



"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"advanced":{"value":"bsc","type":"String"},"grouped":{"value":"noSpec","type":"String"},"characteristic":{"type":"String","label":"Characteristic","value":"fel"},"advances":{"type":"Number","label":"Advances","value":0},"total":{"type":"Number","label":"Total"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"4IGdIhnwTaZijzg7","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"Charm Animal","type":"skill","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/skills/skill.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"

Your aptitude for be friending, quickly calming, or subjugating animals.




Passing a Charm Animal Test allows you to influence the behavior of one or more animals, to a maximum of Willpower Bonus + SL. If the target animals are naturally docile, this Test may be uncontested, but it will generally be Opposed by the target’s Willpower.




In combat, you may use Charm Animal when facing animals. If you succeed, any affected targets will not attack you this Round and you gain +1 Advantage. You may do this in successive rounds until you choose to stop or fail a Charm Test, after which the creature’s instincts take over and you have no further influence.


The ability to ascend steep or vertical surfaces.


If time isn’t an issue, and a climb is relatively easy, anyone with Climb Skill is automatically assumed to be able to climb any reasonably small height.


For any other climbing, Climbing during combat. You may even find yourself climbing large opponents, though whether that is prudent is debatable.

"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"advanced":{"value":"bsc","type":"String"},"grouped":{"value":"noSpec","type":"String"},"characteristic":{"type":"String","label":"Characteristic","value":"s"},"advances":{"type":"Number","label":"Advances","value":0},"total":{"type":"Number","label":"Total"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"R2ytluHiEFF2KQ5e","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Consume Alcohol","type":"skill","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/skills/skill.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"



Your ability to handle alcohol without letting it cloud your judgment or render you senseless.


After each alcoholic drink make a Consume Alcohol Test, modified by the strength of the drink. For each Test you fail, you suffer a –10 penalty to WS, BS, Ag, Dex, and Int, to a maximum of –30 per Characteristic. After you fail a number of Tests equal to your Toughness Bonus, you are Stinking Drunk. Roll on the following table to see what happens:






Stinking Drunk




 Marienburgher’s Courage!’: Gain a bonus of +20 to your Cool Skill.




You’re My Besht Mate!’: Ignore all your existing Prejudices and Animosities.




 ‘Why’s Everything Wobbling!’: On your Turn, you can either Move or take an Action, but not both.




‘I’ll Take Yer All On!’: Gain Animosity (Everybody)!




 ‘How Did I Get here?’: You wake up the next day, massively hungover, with little memory of what transpired. The GM and other players with you will fill in the embarrassing gaps if you investigate. Pass a Consume Alcohol Test or also gain a Poisoned Condition.




After not drinking for an hour, enact a Challenging (+0) Consume Alcohol Test. The effects of being drunk will wear


off after 10–SL hours, with any Characteristic modifiers for being drunk lost over that time. After all effects wear off, enact another Challenging (+0) Consume Alcohol Test. You now gain a hangover, which is an Fatigued Condition that cannot be removed for 5–SL hours.


You may expend 1 Resolve point to ignore the negative modifiers of being drunk until the end of the next round.






Cool allows you to remain calm under stress, resist fear when faced with horror, and stick to your convictions.




Cool is generally used to resist other Skills — Charm, Intimidate, and similar — but you may also be required to make a Cool Test when faced with anything forcing you to do something you would rather not. Cool is also the primary Skill used to limit Psychology


Dodge is your ability to avoid things, through ducking, diving, and moving quickly, and is used extensively to sidestep falling rocks, incoming weapons, unexpected traps, and the like.


In combat, Dodge is generally used to resist attacks or avoid damage. Refer to Rolling to Hit.




Drive lets you guide vehicles — most commonly simple carts and lumbering coaches, not to mention the more ‘experimental’ creations of the Imperial Engineers — along the roads of the Empire with as little incident as possible.




Under normal circumstances, if you possess the Drive Skill, there is no need to Test. If conditions are less than ideal — perhaps the road is in poor condition, or the weather is terrible — a Drive Test will be required. If you do not possess the Drive Skill, you may be required to make a Test to carry out even basic maneuver. An Astounding Failure (-6) on a Drive Test means something bad has happened. Roll on the following table:










Snapped Harness: One horse (or equivalent) breaks free; reduce speed accordingly.




 Jolted Carriage: Passengers suffer 1 Wound and fragile cargos might be damaged.




Broken Wheel: Pass a Drive Test every round to avoid Crashing. Two-wheeled vehicles with a Broken Wheel Crash automatically.




 Broken Axle: The vehicle goes out of control and Crashes.




Crashing: Occupants of Crashing vehicles usually suffer 2d10 Wounds modified by Toughness Bonus and Armor Points


unless the vehicle was moving slowly (as determined by the GM). Crashed vehicles must be repaired by someone with an appropriate Trade Skill, such as Trade (Carpenter) or Trade (Cartwright). Spare wheels can be installed by anyone with a Drive Test or with an appropriate Trade Test. In combat, Drive may be used if circumstances allow — for instance, if the party is in a coach being raided by outlaws, and you wish to ram an enemy, or outrun them.






The Endurance Skill is called upon when you must endure hardship, withstand deprivation, sit without moving for long periods of time, or survive harsh environments. In particular, Endurance is Tested to resist or recover from various Conditions (see page 167) and helps you recover lost Wounds.


Allows you to delight crowds with the spoken word, perhaps by singing, acting, or attempting a few jokes. A successful use of the Entertain Skill means you have entertained patrons near enough to hear you; the SL indicates how well you have done.


In combat, it is unlikely that Entertain will be of much use, although you may come up with an interesting way to use Entertain (Acting) to confuse or mislead your opponents.




Specialisations: Acting, Comedy, Singing, Storytelling 


Allows you to measure the likelihood that a bet will pay off, as well as successfully engage in various games of chance.


To represent a gambling match, all players make a Gamble Test — applying any appropriate modifiers for familiarity with the game — and the player with the highest SL wins. On a tie, any lower scoring players drop out, and those remaining enact another Gamble Test, repeating this process until you have a winner.


If you wish to influence the game through less honest mechanics, see Sleight of Hand.


You can quickly ferret out interesting and useful news, and spread rumors of your own. A successful Gossip Test means you have found out one useful piece of information, which your GM can impart to you, about the local area. Each SL either offers you an additional piece of information, or the chance to spread a rumor to a number of individuals equal to your Fellowship Bonus. The time required for a Gossip Test depends on how circumspect the players are being, and how busy the area is, as determined by the GM.


It is unlikely that Gossip will be much use in combat, but if your attacker happens to be local, and you happen to know something really juicy…




Half-Heard Whispers


While it may be expedient for GMs to quickly share information gleaned from Gossip tests to all players at once, it is often more fun to share the information only with individual players (either through a note, or through briefly taking them aside). This means the players must relate this information to one another in-character — aiding the immersive roleplaying experience — which allows for mistakes and misunderstandings, sometimes leading to hilarious, or horrific, results. 




Haggle allows you to secure better deals when negotiating with others. In general, Haggle is used to see whether you do, or do not, make a good deal, most commonly with an Opposed Haggle Test. Specifically, it can be used when shopping to secure better prices. For information on this, refer to Chapter 11: Consumers’ Guide.


Allows you to coerce or frighten sentient creatures. The precise manner of initiating an Intimidate Test depends on context: while it is generally accompanied by an overt threat, sometimes a subtle implication or even a look is enough. Intimidate is almost always Opposed by your target’s Cool Skill; if successful, you can intimidate a number of targets up to your Strength Bonus + SL. Each will react to Intimidate based on their individual personalities and how successful you were in menacing them, but in all cases, they will back down or move out of the way and will not speak out against you, or they will alternatively accept combat is the only way forward and prepare their weapons.




In combat, you cause @Compendium[wfrp4e.psychologies.Ib2YQYChktDFN93y]{Fear} in all Intimidated targets. You may also use your Intimidate Skill instead of Melee when defending against those afraid of you, causing the Intimidated parties to back away from the fight with your will and posture alone. Further, with your GM’s approval, you may use Intimidate to ‘attack’ such targets, issuing specific commands, such as ‘drop your weapons’ or ‘get out of here!’. However, if you fail any of these subsequent Intimidate Tests, you no longer Intimidate (or cause Fear) in affected opponents. With your GM’s permission you may try to Intimidate them again in a later Round, but this will incur a negative modifier, as they are less likely to fear you having seen through your bravado once already.




Alternative Characteristics For Intimidate


While strength is the default stat for Intimidate tests, the GM may decree certain situations may allow you to use a different characteristic: a steely witch hunter may use Willpower to stare down an inquisitive bystander, or an academic may use Intelligence to cow a lowly student with his intimidating knowledge, for instance. 




Example: Facing a group of footpads, Svetlana the Strong rolls 4 SL on her Intimidate Test. Combined with her SB of 5, this means she can affect up to 9 targets, more than enough to impact all three footpads who now Fear Svetlana. As she has won by 3 SL, she gains +1 Advantage point until the end of her next turn. In the next round, she ‘attacks’ the footpads using her Intimidate, intending to scare them into leaving her be. However, she fails the Test, and the footpads realize they outnumber her, and are armed… 




The Intuition Skill allows you to get a feel for your surroundings, leading you to notice when something is wrong, and gives you a sense of when people may be hiding something from you. A successful use of the Intuition Skill gives you subtle or implicit intelligence relating to your environment, determined by your GM. This may be information such as whether someone believes what they are saying, what the general attitude is towards the local noble, or if the helpful local’s motives are as pure as they seem. If someone is actively trying to hide their intent, they may resist your Intuition with Cool or Entertain (Acting).




In combat, a successful Intuition Test may be used to give you +1 Advantage as you weigh the environment and your opponents. You may continue building Advantage in subsequent turns providing you are able to observe your targets and are not interrupted (such as being attacked); you may gain a maximum Advantage equal to your Intelligence Bonus in this manner.


A measure of your ability to lead others and command their respect. While most often associated with martial situations, a resolute leader can quickly direct a fast response to a fire or other such calamity, and nobles use the Skill frequently to command their lessers.




A successful Leadership Test allows you to issue orders to a number of targets equal to your Fellowship Bonus + SL. If the targets are your natural subordinates — a noble commanding serfs, or a sergeant commanding his troops — commands are usually unopposed. If there is no natural hierarchy in place, or the order is particularly challenging — such as ordering your soldiers to charge a Hydra head on — the Test is Opposed by your targets’ Cool.




In combat, you may use Leadership to encourage your subordinates. A successful Leadership Test confers a bonus of +10 to all Psychology Tests until the end of the next round (see page 190).




Further, Leadership can be used to transfer Advantage to allies able to hear you; following a successful Leadership Test, you may transfer an Advantage to one ally of your choice, plus a further +1 Advantage per SL scored, which can again go to any allies of your choice within earshot.




Example: Lord Ludwig von Schemp has been watching his two bodyguards discourse with some ruffians for three Rounds, using his Intuition Skill to build up 3 Advantage. Feeling it is going nowhere, he issues a peremptory order to attack the ringleader; passing his Leadership Test with 5 SL, he gives one bodyguard 2 of his Advantage, and the remaining bodyguard 1 Advantage, hoping this will bring a swift end to proceedings. 


The Melee Skill represents specific training with a single type of close combat weaponry. Each Melee Specialization indicates training in using a specific class of weapon. If you don’t have the correct Specialization for a weapon you wish to use, refer to Chapter 11: Consumers’ Guide for the correct weapon entry, and what penalties you will suffer. See Chapter 5: Rules for more detail about combat and using the Melee Skill.




Specializations: Basic, Brawling, Cavalry, Fencing, Flail, Parry, Pole-Arm, Two-Handed 


Navigation allows you to find your way in the wilderness using landmarks, stellar bodies or maps. Possessing the Navigation Skill means you know roughly where you are, and can find your way between well-known landmarks without a Test. A Test is only required if you are disoriented or travelling far from the beaten path, with success showing you the correct direction, or allowing you to avoid mishap.




If you are navigating a long journey, your GM may ask for an extended Navigation Test, modified by conditions, visible landmarks, and access to reliable geographical information. The SL required to succeed depends on how far the destination is, with each Test representing between an hour and a day’s travel, depending on the nature of the journey

"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"advanced":{"value":"bsc","type":"String"},"grouped":{"value":"noSpec","type":"String"},"characteristic":{"type":"String","label":"Characteristic","value":"i"},"advances":{"type":"Number","label":"Advances","value":0},"total":{"type":"Number","label":"Total"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"os4NKy5Oy6sRt1eh","flags":{},"name":"Outdoor Survival","type":"skill","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/skills/skill.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"

The Outdoor Survival Skill is used to survive in the wild, including the ability to fish, hunt, forage, and build fires and shelters. Experienced travelers are skilled at reading the signs of incoming inclement weather and finding the spoor of various dangerous beasts.




When camping, make an Outdoor Survival Test, modified by the harshness of conditions — for instance, a Test is Challenging (+0) if it is raining, Hard (–20) in a storm. A successful Test indicates you can provide yourself sustenance and shelter for the night. Each SL allows you to provide for one more character. If the Test is failed, you must make a Challenging (+0) Endurance Test or receive the Fatigued Condition. If you suffer an Astounding Failure, something untoward has happened, as determined by the GM; perhaps your camp is attacked in the night?




When fighting in the wilderness, you may make an Outdoor Survival Test to receive +1 Advantage, in the same way as Intuition, to a maximum number of Advantage equal to your Intelligence Bonus, as you spy out treacherous and advantageous terrain that you can best use to your advantage.




Gathering Food and Herbs


Gathering food or herbs normally takes around 2 hours. Hunting and foraging parties make one assisted Outdoor Survival Test for the group, with the Difficulty determined by the circumstances.








Your ability to notice things with your senses — sight, smell, hearing, touch, and taste, and any other senses you may possess, such as magical or non-Human senses. Your GM may ask for a Perception Test to detect something, like movement behind the treeline, the presence of a trap, or someone following you, modified by how easy it is to notice. Perception is also used to resist attempts to hide things through Skills such as Sleight of Hand or Stealth. Perception has multiple uses in combat, most commonly to notice important details beyond the immediately obvious about the surrounding environment and your opponents, as determined by the GM. 


How proficient you are at riding a particular group of animals; Ride (Horse), for example, will let you ride Horses, Mules, Donkeys, and similar. You’ll only need to make a Test when doing something out of the ordinary, such as racing, dressage, traversing dangerous terrain, or charging into combat. Otherwise, if you have at least one Advance in the Skill, you are presumed to be able to ride around without need of a Test.




If mounted on a steed, you move using the steed’s Movement statistic; if you wish to run, jump, or leap, you use your Ride Skill, not Athletics. An extended Ride Test may be needed if you are racing somewhere, the target SL depending on the length of the journey, the number of Tests indicating how long you take to arrive. A Ride Test may be modified by environmental conditions, and the temperament of your mount. For more information on mounts, see Chapter 12: Bestiary. The Ride skill can be used extensively in combat. See Chapter 5: Rules, for more on mounted combat.




Specializations: Demigryph, Great Wolf, Griffon, Horse, Pegasus 


Your prowess at pulling an oar and moving a boat through the water. The Row Skill is typically only used when racing, navigating rapids, desperately avoiding Bog Octopuses, or similar unusual or dangerous feats. Anyone with the Skill is automatically presumed to be able to scull about a pond, or over a gentle river, without a Test. Those without the skill may have to make a Test for anything but the most basic maneuvers. 


Allows you to creep quietly and conceal yourself in shadows more readily than most. Stealth is generally Opposed by an opponent’s Perception Skill, and Tests will be modifed by how dark or well concealed your route is, as well as how circumspectly you are dressed. An Impressive or Astounding Failure on a Stealth Test will likely draw the immediate attention of the enemies you were trying to avoid in the first place.




Stealth has many potential applications in combat, most usefully to hide oneself in preparation for an Ambush, or to creep around an opponent in order to attack from behind. Of course, you can also use the Skill to escape a conflict unseen…




Specializations: Rural, Underground, Urban 




Options: Shadowing


Shadowing is following someone secretly. To do this requires a Combined Perception and Stealth Test. If the target is actively trying to lose a tail, it is Opposed with the target’s Stealth Skill.




If you pass the Perception Test, and fail the Stealth Test you follow your target, but are spotted. If you fail the perception Test, yet pass the Stealth Test, you lose your target, but go unnoticed

"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"advanced":{"value":"bsc","type":"String"},"grouped":{"value":"isSpec","type":"String"},"characteristic":{"type":"String","label":"Characteristic","value":"ag"},"advances":{"type":"Number","label":"Advances","value":0},"total":{"type":"Number","label":"Total"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"Ggx0bRaCuq8MbF0g","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Gold Crown","type":"money","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/currency/goldcrown.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"quantity":{"type":"Number","label":"Quantity","value":0},"encumbrance":{"type":"Number","label":"Encumbrance","value":0.005},"location":{"type":"Number","label":"Location","value":0},"coinValue":{"label":"Value (in d)","type":"Number","value":240},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"KB8HgDz56dh2w7w1","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Silver Shilling","type":"money","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/currency/silvershilling.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"quantity":{"type":"Number","label":"Quantity","value":0},"encumbrance":{"type":"Number","label":"Encumbrance","value":0.005},"location":{"type":"Number","label":"Location","value":0},"coinValue":{"label":"Value (in d)","type":"Number","value":12},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"0MYOJFx3vkYA95B4","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Brass Penny","type":"money","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/currency/brasspenny.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"quantity":{"type":"Number","label":"Quantity","value":0},"encumbrance":{"type":"Number","label":"Encumbrance","value":0.005},"location":{"type":"Number","label":"Location","value":0},"coinValue":{"label":"Value (in d)","type":"Number","value":1},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"oh4GDQczaQTMcvQ1","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Corruption","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"The creature is tainted by Chaos, or perhaps suffused with Dark Magics. The Strength of the Corruption is marked in brackets."},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":false,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"","bonusCharacteristic":"","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"Minor","type":"String","label":"Specification"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}},"sort":100000},{"_id":"5tjGD31mJZJMF7wF","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"Weapon","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"The creature carries a melee weapon, or uses teeth, claws, or similar in combat.\n \n The weapon causes Damage equal to its Rating which already includes the creature’s Strength Bonus. Typically it will be 4 + its Strength Bonus (representing a Hand Weapon)"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":true,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"ws","bonusCharacteristic":"s","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"4","type":"String","label":"Specification"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}},"sort":200000},{"_id":"IP5XlTf3a8IEsqtO","flags":{},"name":"Wallcrawler","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"The creature can effortlessly scale vertical surfaces and even traverse ceilings, ready to drop on unwary prey. It moves at full Movement across any appropriate surface and automatically passes all Climb tests. \r\r"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":false,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"","bonusCharacteristic":"","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"","type":"String","label":"Specification"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}},"sort":300000}]} {"name":"Fagor","permission":{"default":0,"Cq31UaFnLVMpY5dr":3},"type":"npc","data":{"characteristics":{"ws":{"type":"number","label":"CHAR.WS","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.WS","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"bs":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.BS","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.BS","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"s":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.S","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.S","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"t":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.T","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.T","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"i":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.I","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.I","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"ag":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.Ag","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.Ag","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"dex":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.Dex","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.Dex","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"int":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.Int","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.Int","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"wp":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.WP","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.WP","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"fel":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.Fel","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.Fel","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25}},"status":{"wounds":{"type":"Number","label":"Wounds","abrev":"W","value":12,"max":12},"advantage":{"type":"Number","label":"Advantage","value":"0","max":10},"criticalWounds":{"type":"Number","label":"Critical Wounds","value":0,"max":2},"sin":{"type":"Number","label":"Sin","value":"0"},"penalties":{"type":"String","label":"Penalties","value":""},"corruption":{"type":"Number","label":"Corruption","value":0},"encumbrance":{"type":"Number","label":"Encumbrance","max":6,"current":0}},"details":{"species":{"type":"String","label":"Species","value":"Mutant"},"gender":{"type":"String","label":"Gender","value":"Male"},"size":{"type":"String","label":"Size","value":"avg"},"move":{"type":"Number","label":"Movement","value":"4","walk":8,"run":16},"god":{"type":"String","label":"God","value":""},"hitLocationTable":{"value":"hitloc","type":"String","label":"Hit Location Table"},"personal-ambitions":{"short-term":"","long-term":""},"party-ambitions":{"short-term":"","long-term":""},"motivation":{"value":""},"biography":{"value":"

Fagor, an uncomplicated fellow, cleans the Hooded Man inn. His bulging eyes show a lack of intelligence - such eyes are unusual, but not unknown, among men.


Fagor can pass for a normal human, as his bulging eyes are unusual, but not unknown, among men. He is in the cellar or the bar room when the party arrives at the Hooded Man.


Create works of art in your chosen medium. Not having access to appropriate Trade Tools will incur a penalty to your Test. The SL achieved determines the quality of the final piece. For complicated or large works of art, an Extended Test may be required. The Art Skill has little use in combat, but marble busts make marvelous improvised weapons.




Specializations: Cartography, Engraving, Mosaics, Painting, Sculpture, Tattoo, Weaving 




Example: Irina has been commissioned to paint a portrait of a local noble, whose favor her party is currying. Her GM determines this requires a total of 10 SL in an Extended Art Test, with each Test representing a week’s work.


Your ability to run, jump and move with speed or grace, and to perform any general physical activity. Refer to Moving for details on using Athletics in combat movement. 


Your ability to judge how likely a person is to accept a bribe, and how best to offer the bribe so they will accept it. A successful Bribery Test tells you if a target may be bribed. If so, your GM will secretly determine the price of their cooperation using the target’s Earnings, increasing the amount according to their usual honesty and the risk involved in taking the bribe. You then guess that target amount and the GM will tell you if the price is higher, lower, or equal. Each SL from your initial Bribery Test gives you another guess. At the end of this process, you determine how much money to offer, based on what you have gleaned.




In combat, you may use Bribery as above to try to stop the fight, but treat the Test as Hard (–20) owing to the stress of the situation. If your target is not susceptible, you cannot afford the fee, or your foes do not speak your tongue, your pathetic attempts to buy them off will be doomed to fail. Of course, if they have the advantage of numbers, what’s to prevent them from taking all of your money?




Example: Snorri is trying to bribe his way past a city watchman; a character of the Brass Tier 2, meaning they roll 4d10 Brass for Income. The GM decides the guard can be bribed and secretly rolls 21 on the 4d10, meaning the price for bribing the guard is 21 Brass. Letting Snorri through isn’t too risky for the watchman, and he does it often, so the GM doesn’t increase the bribe required. Snorri rolls 1 SL on his Bribery Test; so, he knows the watchman is open to a bribe, and has 2 guesses as to his price. Snorri’s first guess is 15 Brass, to which his GM replies ‘higher’. His second guess is 40, to which his GM replies ‘lower’. Snorri now knows he must bribe the watchman between 15 and 40 Brass, so decides to aim high, and offers 30. Smiling, the watchman waves Snorri through.


Charm makes people think favorably of you, your opinions, and proposed actions. Passing an Opposed Charm/Cool Test allows you to influence the behavior of one or more targets, up to a maximum number equal to your Fellowship Bonus + SL, affecting those with the lowest Willpower first. If a target is amenable to your Charm, the Test will be uncontested.


Your GM may permit you to use Charm in Combat if they think your foes might be susceptible to you pleading for your life or making persuasive arguments to stop the violence (although good luck charming a Goblin)!


If you use Charm as your Action, calculate the number of targets affected as normal. If you use it to defend, you only affect your attacker. If you succeed, any affected targets will not attack you this round and you gain +1 Advantage as normal. You may do this in successive rounds until you choose to stop or fail a Charm Test, after which your words carry no more weight.


Your GM may permit you to use Charm in Combat if they think your foes might be susceptible to you pleading for your life or making persuasive arguments to stop the violence (although good luck charming a Goblin)!


If you use Charm as your Action, calculate the number of targets affected as normal. If you use it to defend, you only affect your attacker. If you succeed, any affected targets will not attack you this round and you gain +1 Advantage as normal. You may do this in successive rounds until you choose to stop or fail a Charm Test, after which your words carry no more weight.




Public Speaking


The charm skill can be used to make impressive speeches to sway multiple targets to your way of thinking. assuming they can hear you and are inclined to listen, you can influence up to your Fellowship Bonus + SL targets with a single charm Test, influencing targets with the lowest Willpower first. If the crowd is unruly, or not receptive to your words, the test is opposed by the crowd’s average Willpower (typically 35). A failure shows the crowd is unconvinced. the public speaking and master orator talents can significantly increase the number of people you affect with public speaking. an astounding Failure (-6) (see page 152) in a charm test means your crowd quickly becomes an angry mob, with you as the target of their ire… 






The Charm skill can be used to beg on the streets. A successful test will scrounge Fellowship Bonus × SL brass pennies per hour from passers-by, with the Difficulty modified by the pitch chosen for begging, and how much sympathy your appearance can elicit. If you score no SL, but still pass the skill test, you only manage to scrounge a single pfennig. an astounding Failure (-6) means you may have attracted problems from the local Watchmen, found some trouble with  other, local beggars, or suffer some other significant set-back.


Note: Characters who are caught begging by their peers or associates will likely lose status unless they are already in the Beggar, or in some other destitute, career. 



"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"advanced":{"value":"bsc","type":"String"},"grouped":{"value":"noSpec","type":"String"},"characteristic":{"type":"String","label":"Characteristic","value":"fel"},"advances":{"type":"Number","label":"Advances","value":0},"total":{"type":"Number","label":"Total"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"4IGdIhnwTaZijzg7","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"Charm Animal","type":"skill","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/skills/skill.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"

Your aptitude for be friending, quickly calming, or subjugating animals.




Passing a Charm Animal Test allows you to influence the behavior of one or more animals, to a maximum of Willpower Bonus + SL. If the target animals are naturally docile, this Test may be uncontested, but it will generally be Opposed by the target’s Willpower.




In combat, you may use Charm Animal when facing animals. If you succeed, any affected targets will not attack you this Round and you gain +1 Advantage. You may do this in successive rounds until you choose to stop or fail a Charm Test, after which the creature’s instincts take over and you have no further influence.


The ability to ascend steep or vertical surfaces.


If time isn’t an issue, and a climb is relatively easy, anyone with Climb Skill is automatically assumed to be able to climb any reasonably small height.


For any other climbing, Climbing during combat. You may even find yourself climbing large opponents, though whether that is prudent is debatable.

"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"advanced":{"value":"bsc","type":"String"},"grouped":{"value":"noSpec","type":"String"},"characteristic":{"type":"String","label":"Characteristic","value":"s"},"advances":{"type":"Number","label":"Advances","value":0},"total":{"type":"Number","label":"Total"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"R2ytluHiEFF2KQ5e","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Consume Alcohol","type":"skill","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/skills/skill.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"



Your ability to handle alcohol without letting it cloud your judgment or render you senseless.


After each alcoholic drink make a Consume Alcohol Test, modified by the strength of the drink. For each Test you fail, you suffer a –10 penalty to WS, BS, Ag, Dex, and Int, to a maximum of –30 per Characteristic. After you fail a number of Tests equal to your Toughness Bonus, you are Stinking Drunk. Roll on the following table to see what happens:






Stinking Drunk




 Marienburgher’s Courage!’: Gain a bonus of +20 to your Cool Skill.




You’re My Besht Mate!’: Ignore all your existing Prejudices and Animosities.




 ‘Why’s Everything Wobbling!’: On your Turn, you can either Move or take an Action, but not both.




‘I’ll Take Yer All On!’: Gain Animosity (Everybody)!




 ‘How Did I Get here?’: You wake up the next day, massively hungover, with little memory of what transpired. The GM and other players with you will fill in the embarrassing gaps if you investigate. Pass a Consume Alcohol Test or also gain a Poisoned Condition.




After not drinking for an hour, enact a Challenging (+0) Consume Alcohol Test. The effects of being drunk will wear


off after 10–SL hours, with any Characteristic modifiers for being drunk lost over that time. After all effects wear off, enact another Challenging (+0) Consume Alcohol Test. You now gain a hangover, which is an Fatigued Condition that cannot be removed for 5–SL hours.


You may expend 1 Resolve point to ignore the negative modifiers of being drunk until the end of the next round.






Cool allows you to remain calm under stress, resist fear when faced with horror, and stick to your convictions.




Cool is generally used to resist other Skills — Charm, Intimidate, and similar — but you may also be required to make a Cool Test when faced with anything forcing you to do something you would rather not. Cool is also the primary Skill used to limit Psychology


Dodge is your ability to avoid things, through ducking, diving, and moving quickly, and is used extensively to sidestep falling rocks, incoming weapons, unexpected traps, and the like.


In combat, Dodge is generally used to resist attacks or avoid damage. Refer to Rolling to Hit.




Drive lets you guide vehicles — most commonly simple carts and lumbering coaches, not to mention the more ‘experimental’ creations of the Imperial Engineers — along the roads of the Empire with as little incident as possible.




Under normal circumstances, if you possess the Drive Skill, there is no need to Test. If conditions are less than ideal — perhaps the road is in poor condition, or the weather is terrible — a Drive Test will be required. If you do not possess the Drive Skill, you may be required to make a Test to carry out even basic maneuver. An Astounding Failure (-6) on a Drive Test means something bad has happened. Roll on the following table:










Snapped Harness: One horse (or equivalent) breaks free; reduce speed accordingly.




 Jolted Carriage: Passengers suffer 1 Wound and fragile cargos might be damaged.




Broken Wheel: Pass a Drive Test every round to avoid Crashing. Two-wheeled vehicles with a Broken Wheel Crash automatically.




 Broken Axle: The vehicle goes out of control and Crashes.




Crashing: Occupants of Crashing vehicles usually suffer 2d10 Wounds modified by Toughness Bonus and Armor Points


unless the vehicle was moving slowly (as determined by the GM). Crashed vehicles must be repaired by someone with an appropriate Trade Skill, such as Trade (Carpenter) or Trade (Cartwright). Spare wheels can be installed by anyone with a Drive Test or with an appropriate Trade Test. In combat, Drive may be used if circumstances allow — for instance, if the party is in a coach being raided by outlaws, and you wish to ram an enemy, or outrun them.






The Endurance Skill is called upon when you must endure hardship, withstand deprivation, sit without moving for long periods of time, or survive harsh environments. In particular, Endurance is Tested to resist or recover from various Conditions (see page 167) and helps you recover lost Wounds.


Allows you to delight crowds with the spoken word, perhaps by singing, acting, or attempting a few jokes. A successful use of the Entertain Skill means you have entertained patrons near enough to hear you; the SL indicates how well you have done.


In combat, it is unlikely that Entertain will be of much use, although you may come up with an interesting way to use Entertain (Acting) to confuse or mislead your opponents.




Specialisations: Acting, Comedy, Singing, Storytelling 


Allows you to measure the likelihood that a bet will pay off, as well as successfully engage in various games of chance.


To represent a gambling match, all players make a Gamble Test — applying any appropriate modifiers for familiarity with the game — and the player with the highest SL wins. On a tie, any lower scoring players drop out, and those remaining enact another Gamble Test, repeating this process until you have a winner.


If you wish to influence the game through less honest mechanics, see Sleight of Hand.


You can quickly ferret out interesting and useful news, and spread rumors of your own. A successful Gossip Test means you have found out one useful piece of information, which your GM can impart to you, about the local area. Each SL either offers you an additional piece of information, or the chance to spread a rumor to a number of individuals equal to your Fellowship Bonus. The time required for a Gossip Test depends on how circumspect the players are being, and how busy the area is, as determined by the GM.


It is unlikely that Gossip will be much use in combat, but if your attacker happens to be local, and you happen to know something really juicy…




Half-Heard Whispers


While it may be expedient for GMs to quickly share information gleaned from Gossip tests to all players at once, it is often more fun to share the information only with individual players (either through a note, or through briefly taking them aside). This means the players must relate this information to one another in-character — aiding the immersive roleplaying experience — which allows for mistakes and misunderstandings, sometimes leading to hilarious, or horrific, results. 




Haggle allows you to secure better deals when negotiating with others. In general, Haggle is used to see whether you do, or do not, make a good deal, most commonly with an Opposed Haggle Test. Specifically, it can be used when shopping to secure better prices. For information on this, refer to Chapter 11: Consumers’ Guide.


Allows you to coerce or frighten sentient creatures. The precise manner of initiating an Intimidate Test depends on context: while it is generally accompanied by an overt threat, sometimes a subtle implication or even a look is enough. Intimidate is almost always Opposed by your target’s Cool Skill; if successful, you can intimidate a number of targets up to your Strength Bonus + SL. Each will react to Intimidate based on their individual personalities and how successful you were in menacing them, but in all cases, they will back down or move out of the way and will not speak out against you, or they will alternatively accept combat is the only way forward and prepare their weapons.




In combat, you cause @Compendium[wfrp4e.psychologies.Ib2YQYChktDFN93y]{Fear} in all Intimidated targets. You may also use your Intimidate Skill instead of Melee when defending against those afraid of you, causing the Intimidated parties to back away from the fight with your will and posture alone. Further, with your GM’s approval, you may use Intimidate to ‘attack’ such targets, issuing specific commands, such as ‘drop your weapons’ or ‘get out of here!’. However, if you fail any of these subsequent Intimidate Tests, you no longer Intimidate (or cause Fear) in affected opponents. With your GM’s permission you may try to Intimidate them again in a later Round, but this will incur a negative modifier, as they are less likely to fear you having seen through your bravado once already.




Alternative Characteristics For Intimidate


While strength is the default stat for Intimidate tests, the GM may decree certain situations may allow you to use a different characteristic: a steely witch hunter may use Willpower to stare down an inquisitive bystander, or an academic may use Intelligence to cow a lowly student with his intimidating knowledge, for instance. 




Example: Facing a group of footpads, Svetlana the Strong rolls 4 SL on her Intimidate Test. Combined with her SB of 5, this means she can affect up to 9 targets, more than enough to impact all three footpads who now Fear Svetlana. As she has won by 3 SL, she gains +1 Advantage point until the end of her next turn. In the next round, she ‘attacks’ the footpads using her Intimidate, intending to scare them into leaving her be. However, she fails the Test, and the footpads realize they outnumber her, and are armed… 




The Intuition Skill allows you to get a feel for your surroundings, leading you to notice when something is wrong, and gives you a sense of when people may be hiding something from you. A successful use of the Intuition Skill gives you subtle or implicit intelligence relating to your environment, determined by your GM. This may be information such as whether someone believes what they are saying, what the general attitude is towards the local noble, or if the helpful local’s motives are as pure as they seem. If someone is actively trying to hide their intent, they may resist your Intuition with Cool or Entertain (Acting).




In combat, a successful Intuition Test may be used to give you +1 Advantage as you weigh the environment and your opponents. You may continue building Advantage in subsequent turns providing you are able to observe your targets and are not interrupted (such as being attacked); you may gain a maximum Advantage equal to your Intelligence Bonus in this manner.


A measure of your ability to lead others and command their respect. While most often associated with martial situations, a resolute leader can quickly direct a fast response to a fire or other such calamity, and nobles use the Skill frequently to command their lessers.




A successful Leadership Test allows you to issue orders to a number of targets equal to your Fellowship Bonus + SL. If the targets are your natural subordinates — a noble commanding serfs, or a sergeant commanding his troops — commands are usually unopposed. If there is no natural hierarchy in place, or the order is particularly challenging — such as ordering your soldiers to charge a Hydra head on — the Test is Opposed by your targets’ Cool.




In combat, you may use Leadership to encourage your subordinates. A successful Leadership Test confers a bonus of +10 to all Psychology Tests until the end of the next round (see page 190).




Further, Leadership can be used to transfer Advantage to allies able to hear you; following a successful Leadership Test, you may transfer an Advantage to one ally of your choice, plus a further +1 Advantage per SL scored, which can again go to any allies of your choice within earshot.




Example: Lord Ludwig von Schemp has been watching his two bodyguards discourse with some ruffians for three Rounds, using his Intuition Skill to build up 3 Advantage. Feeling it is going nowhere, he issues a peremptory order to attack the ringleader; passing his Leadership Test with 5 SL, he gives one bodyguard 2 of his Advantage, and the remaining bodyguard 1 Advantage, hoping this will bring a swift end to proceedings. 


The Melee Skill represents specific training with a single type of close combat weaponry. Each Melee Specialization indicates training in using a specific class of weapon. If you don’t have the correct Specialization for a weapon you wish to use, refer to Chapter 11: Consumers’ Guide for the correct weapon entry, and what penalties you will suffer. See Chapter 5: Rules for more detail about combat and using the Melee Skill.




Specializations: Basic, Brawling, Cavalry, Fencing, Flail, Parry, Pole-Arm, Two-Handed 


Navigation allows you to find your way in the wilderness using landmarks, stellar bodies or maps. Possessing the Navigation Skill means you know roughly where you are, and can find your way between well-known landmarks without a Test. A Test is only required if you are disoriented or travelling far from the beaten path, with success showing you the correct direction, or allowing you to avoid mishap.




If you are navigating a long journey, your GM may ask for an extended Navigation Test, modified by conditions, visible landmarks, and access to reliable geographical information. The SL required to succeed depends on how far the destination is, with each Test representing between an hour and a day’s travel, depending on the nature of the journey

"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"advanced":{"value":"bsc","type":"String"},"grouped":{"value":"noSpec","type":"String"},"characteristic":{"type":"String","label":"Characteristic","value":"i"},"advances":{"type":"Number","label":"Advances","value":0},"total":{"type":"Number","label":"Total"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"os4NKy5Oy6sRt1eh","flags":{},"name":"Outdoor Survival","type":"skill","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/skills/skill.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"

The Outdoor Survival Skill is used to survive in the wild, including the ability to fish, hunt, forage, and build fires and shelters. Experienced travelers are skilled at reading the signs of incoming inclement weather and finding the spoor of various dangerous beasts.




When camping, make an Outdoor Survival Test, modified by the harshness of conditions — for instance, a Test is Challenging (+0) if it is raining, Hard (–20) in a storm. A successful Test indicates you can provide yourself sustenance and shelter for the night. Each SL allows you to provide for one more character. If the Test is failed, you must make a Challenging (+0) Endurance Test or receive the Fatigued Condition. If you suffer an Astounding Failure, something untoward has happened, as determined by the GM; perhaps your camp is attacked in the night?




When fighting in the wilderness, you may make an Outdoor Survival Test to receive +1 Advantage, in the same way as Intuition, to a maximum number of Advantage equal to your Intelligence Bonus, as you spy out treacherous and advantageous terrain that you can best use to your advantage.




Gathering Food and Herbs


Gathering food or herbs normally takes around 2 hours. Hunting and foraging parties make one assisted Outdoor Survival Test for the group, with the Difficulty determined by the circumstances.








Your ability to notice things with your senses — sight, smell, hearing, touch, and taste, and any other senses you may possess, such as magical or non-Human senses. Your GM may ask for a Perception Test to detect something, like movement behind the treeline, the presence of a trap, or someone following you, modified by how easy it is to notice. Perception is also used to resist attempts to hide things through Skills such as Sleight of Hand or Stealth. Perception has multiple uses in combat, most commonly to notice important details beyond the immediately obvious about the surrounding environment and your opponents, as determined by the GM. 


How proficient you are at riding a particular group of animals; Ride (Horse), for example, will let you ride Horses, Mules, Donkeys, and similar. You’ll only need to make a Test when doing something out of the ordinary, such as racing, dressage, traversing dangerous terrain, or charging into combat. Otherwise, if you have at least one Advance in the Skill, you are presumed to be able to ride around without need of a Test.




If mounted on a steed, you move using the steed’s Movement statistic; if you wish to run, jump, or leap, you use your Ride Skill, not Athletics. An extended Ride Test may be needed if you are racing somewhere, the target SL depending on the length of the journey, the number of Tests indicating how long you take to arrive. A Ride Test may be modified by environmental conditions, and the temperament of your mount. For more information on mounts, see Chapter 12: Bestiary. The Ride skill can be used extensively in combat. See Chapter 5: Rules, for more on mounted combat.




Specializations: Demigryph, Great Wolf, Griffon, Horse, Pegasus 


Your prowess at pulling an oar and moving a boat through the water. The Row Skill is typically only used when racing, navigating rapids, desperately avoiding Bog Octopuses, or similar unusual or dangerous feats. Anyone with the Skill is automatically presumed to be able to scull about a pond, or over a gentle river, without a Test. Those without the skill may have to make a Test for anything but the most basic maneuvers. 


Allows you to creep quietly and conceal yourself in shadows more readily than most. Stealth is generally Opposed by an opponent’s Perception Skill, and Tests will be modifed by how dark or well concealed your route is, as well as how circumspectly you are dressed. An Impressive or Astounding Failure on a Stealth Test will likely draw the immediate attention of the enemies you were trying to avoid in the first place.




Stealth has many potential applications in combat, most usefully to hide oneself in preparation for an Ambush, or to creep around an opponent in order to attack from behind. Of course, you can also use the Skill to escape a conflict unseen…




Specializations: Rural, Underground, Urban 




Options: Shadowing


Shadowing is following someone secretly. To do this requires a Combined Perception and Stealth Test. If the target is actively trying to lose a tail, it is Opposed with the target’s Stealth Skill.




If you pass the Perception Test, and fail the Stealth Test you follow your target, but are spotted. If you fail the perception Test, yet pass the Stealth Test, you lose your target, but go unnoticed

"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"advanced":{"value":"bsc","type":"String"},"grouped":{"value":"isSpec","type":"String"},"characteristic":{"type":"String","label":"Characteristic","value":"ag"},"advances":{"type":"Number","label":"Advances","value":0},"total":{"type":"Number","label":"Total"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"Ggx0bRaCuq8MbF0g","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Gold Crown","type":"money","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/currency/goldcrown.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"quantity":{"type":"Number","label":"Quantity","value":0},"encumbrance":{"type":"Number","label":"Encumbrance","value":0.005},"location":{"type":"Number","label":"Location","value":0},"coinValue":{"label":"Value (in d)","type":"Number","value":240},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"KB8HgDz56dh2w7w1","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Silver Shilling","type":"money","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/currency/silvershilling.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"quantity":{"type":"Number","label":"Quantity","value":0},"encumbrance":{"type":"Number","label":"Encumbrance","value":0.005},"location":{"type":"Number","label":"Location","value":0},"coinValue":{"label":"Value (in d)","type":"Number","value":12},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"0MYOJFx3vkYA95B4","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Brass Penny","type":"money","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/currency/brasspenny.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"quantity":{"type":"Number","label":"Quantity","value":0},"encumbrance":{"type":"Number","label":"Encumbrance","value":0.005},"location":{"type":"Number","label":"Location","value":0},"coinValue":{"label":"Value (in d)","type":"Number","value":1},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"oh4GDQczaQTMcvQ1","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Corruption","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"The creature is tainted by Chaos, or perhaps suffused with Dark Magics. The Strength of the Corruption is marked in brackets."},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":false,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"","bonusCharacteristic":"","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"Minor","type":"String","label":"Specification"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}},"sort":100000},{"_id":"5tjGD31mJZJMF7wF","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"Weapon","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"The creature carries a melee weapon, or uses teeth, claws, or similar in combat.\n \n The weapon causes Damage equal to its Rating which already includes the creature’s Strength Bonus. Typically it will be 4 + its Strength Bonus (representing a Hand Weapon)"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":true,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"ws","bonusCharacteristic":"s","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"4","type":"String","label":"Specification"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}},"sort":200000}],"_id":"By82UOk7FFriCrDe"} {"_id":"By82UOk7FFriCrDe","name":"Fagor","permission":{"default":0,"Cq31UaFnLVMpY5dr":3},"type":"npc","data":{"characteristics":{"ws":{"type":"number","label":"CHAR.WS","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.WS","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"bs":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.BS","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.BS","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"s":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.S","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.S","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"t":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.T","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.T","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"i":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.I","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.I","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"ag":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.Ag","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.Ag","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"dex":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.Dex","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.Dex","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"int":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.Int","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.Int","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"wp":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.WP","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.WP","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"fel":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.Fel","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.Fel","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25}},"status":{"wounds":{"type":"Number","label":"Wounds","abrev":"W","value":12,"max":12},"advantage":{"type":"Number","label":"Advantage","value":"0","max":10},"criticalWounds":{"type":"Number","label":"Critical Wounds","value":0,"max":2},"sin":{"type":"Number","label":"Sin","value":"0"},"penalties":{"type":"String","label":"Penalties","value":""},"corruption":{"type":"Number","label":"Corruption","value":0},"encumbrance":{"type":"Number","label":"Encumbrance","max":6,"current":0}},"details":{"species":{"type":"String","label":"Species","value":"Mutant"},"gender":{"type":"String","label":"Gender","value":"Male"},"size":{"type":"String","label":"Size","value":"avg"},"move":{"type":"Number","label":"Movement","value":"4","walk":8,"run":16},"god":{"type":"String","label":"God","value":""},"hitLocationTable":{"value":"hitloc","type":"String","label":"Hit Location Table"},"personal-ambitions":{"short-term":"","long-term":""},"party-ambitions":{"short-term":"","long-term":""},"motivation":{"value":""},"biography":{"value":"

Fagor, an uncomplicated fellow, cleans the Hooded Man inn. His bulging eyes show a lack of intelligence - such eyes are unusual, but not unknown, among men.


Fagor can pass for a normal human, as his bulging eyes are unusual, but not unknown, among men. He is in the cellar or the bar room when the party arrives at the Hooded Man.


Create works of art in your chosen medium. Not having access to appropriate Trade Tools will incur a penalty to your Test. The SL achieved determines the quality of the final piece. For complicated or large works of art, an Extended Test may be required. The Art Skill has little use in combat, but marble busts make marvelous improvised weapons.




Specializations: Cartography, Engraving, Mosaics, Painting, Sculpture, Tattoo, Weaving 




Example: Irina has been commissioned to paint a portrait of a local noble, whose favor her party is currying. Her GM determines this requires a total of 10 SL in an Extended Art Test, with each Test representing a week’s work.


Your ability to run, jump and move with speed or grace, and to perform any general physical activity. Refer to Moving for details on using Athletics in combat movement. 


Your ability to judge how likely a person is to accept a bribe, and how best to offer the bribe so they will accept it. A successful Bribery Test tells you if a target may be bribed. If so, your GM will secretly determine the price of their cooperation using the target’s Earnings, increasing the amount according to their usual honesty and the risk involved in taking the bribe. You then guess that target amount and the GM will tell you if the price is higher, lower, or equal. Each SL from your initial Bribery Test gives you another guess. At the end of this process, you determine how much money to offer, based on what you have gleaned.




In combat, you may use Bribery as above to try to stop the fight, but treat the Test as Hard (–20) owing to the stress of the situation. If your target is not susceptible, you cannot afford the fee, or your foes do not speak your tongue, your pathetic attempts to buy them off will be doomed to fail. Of course, if they have the advantage of numbers, what’s to prevent them from taking all of your money?




Example: Snorri is trying to bribe his way past a city watchman; a character of the Brass Tier 2, meaning they roll 4d10 Brass for Income. The GM decides the guard can be bribed and secretly rolls 21 on the 4d10, meaning the price for bribing the guard is 21 Brass. Letting Snorri through isn’t too risky for the watchman, and he does it often, so the GM doesn’t increase the bribe required. Snorri rolls 1 SL on his Bribery Test; so, he knows the watchman is open to a bribe, and has 2 guesses as to his price. Snorri’s first guess is 15 Brass, to which his GM replies ‘higher’. His second guess is 40, to which his GM replies ‘lower’. Snorri now knows he must bribe the watchman between 15 and 40 Brass, so decides to aim high, and offers 30. Smiling, the watchman waves Snorri through.


Charm makes people think favorably of you, your opinions, and proposed actions. Passing an Opposed Charm/Cool Test allows you to influence the behavior of one or more targets, up to a maximum number equal to your Fellowship Bonus + SL, affecting those with the lowest Willpower first. If a target is amenable to your Charm, the Test will be uncontested.


Your GM may permit you to use Charm in Combat if they think your foes might be susceptible to you pleading for your life or making persuasive arguments to stop the violence (although good luck charming a Goblin)!


If you use Charm as your Action, calculate the number of targets affected as normal. If you use it to defend, you only affect your attacker. If you succeed, any affected targets will not attack you this round and you gain +1 Advantage as normal. You may do this in successive rounds until you choose to stop or fail a Charm Test, after which your words carry no more weight.


Your GM may permit you to use Charm in Combat if they think your foes might be susceptible to you pleading for your life or making persuasive arguments to stop the violence (although good luck charming a Goblin)!


If you use Charm as your Action, calculate the number of targets affected as normal. If you use it to defend, you only affect your attacker. If you succeed, any affected targets will not attack you this round and you gain +1 Advantage as normal. You may do this in successive rounds until you choose to stop or fail a Charm Test, after which your words carry no more weight.




Public Speaking


The charm skill can be used to make impressive speeches to sway multiple targets to your way of thinking. assuming they can hear you and are inclined to listen, you can influence up to your Fellowship Bonus + SL targets with a single charm Test, influencing targets with the lowest Willpower first. If the crowd is unruly, or not receptive to your words, the test is opposed by the crowd’s average Willpower (typically 35). A failure shows the crowd is unconvinced. the public speaking and master orator talents can significantly increase the number of people you affect with public speaking. an astounding Failure (-6) (see page 152) in a charm test means your crowd quickly becomes an angry mob, with you as the target of their ire… 






The Charm skill can be used to beg on the streets. A successful test will scrounge Fellowship Bonus × SL brass pennies per hour from passers-by, with the Difficulty modified by the pitch chosen for begging, and how much sympathy your appearance can elicit. If you score no SL, but still pass the skill test, you only manage to scrounge a single pfennig. an astounding Failure (-6) means you may have attracted problems from the local Watchmen, found some trouble with  other, local beggars, or suffer some other significant set-back.


Note: Characters who are caught begging by their peers or associates will likely lose status unless they are already in the Beggar, or in some other destitute, career. 



"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"advanced":{"value":"bsc","type":"String"},"grouped":{"value":"noSpec","type":"String"},"characteristic":{"type":"String","label":"Characteristic","value":"fel"},"advances":{"type":"Number","label":"Advances","value":0},"total":{"type":"Number","label":"Total"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"4IGdIhnwTaZijzg7","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"Charm Animal","type":"skill","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/skills/skill.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"

Your aptitude for be friending, quickly calming, or subjugating animals.




Passing a Charm Animal Test allows you to influence the behavior of one or more animals, to a maximum of Willpower Bonus + SL. If the target animals are naturally docile, this Test may be uncontested, but it will generally be Opposed by the target’s Willpower.




In combat, you may use Charm Animal when facing animals. If you succeed, any affected targets will not attack you this Round and you gain +1 Advantage. You may do this in successive rounds until you choose to stop or fail a Charm Test, after which the creature’s instincts take over and you have no further influence.


The ability to ascend steep or vertical surfaces.


If time isn’t an issue, and a climb is relatively easy, anyone with Climb Skill is automatically assumed to be able to climb any reasonably small height.


For any other climbing, Climbing during combat. You may even find yourself climbing large opponents, though whether that is prudent is debatable.

"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"advanced":{"value":"bsc","type":"String"},"grouped":{"value":"noSpec","type":"String"},"characteristic":{"type":"String","label":"Characteristic","value":"s"},"advances":{"type":"Number","label":"Advances","value":0},"total":{"type":"Number","label":"Total"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"R2ytluHiEFF2KQ5e","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Consume Alcohol","type":"skill","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/skills/skill.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"



Your ability to handle alcohol without letting it cloud your judgment or render you senseless.


After each alcoholic drink make a Consume Alcohol Test, modified by the strength of the drink. For each Test you fail, you suffer a –10 penalty to WS, BS, Ag, Dex, and Int, to a maximum of –30 per Characteristic. After you fail a number of Tests equal to your Toughness Bonus, you are Stinking Drunk. Roll on the following table to see what happens:






Stinking Drunk




 Marienburgher’s Courage!’: Gain a bonus of +20 to your Cool Skill.




You’re My Besht Mate!’: Ignore all your existing Prejudices and Animosities.




 ‘Why’s Everything Wobbling!’: On your Turn, you can either Move or take an Action, but not both.




‘I’ll Take Yer All On!’: Gain Animosity (Everybody)!




 ‘How Did I Get here?’: You wake up the next day, massively hungover, with little memory of what transpired. The GM and other players with you will fill in the embarrassing gaps if you investigate. Pass a Consume Alcohol Test or also gain a Poisoned Condition.




After not drinking for an hour, enact a Challenging (+0) Consume Alcohol Test. The effects of being drunk will wear


off after 10–SL hours, with any Characteristic modifiers for being drunk lost over that time. After all effects wear off, enact another Challenging (+0) Consume Alcohol Test. You now gain a hangover, which is an Fatigued Condition that cannot be removed for 5–SL hours.


You may expend 1 Resolve point to ignore the negative modifiers of being drunk until the end of the next round.






Cool allows you to remain calm under stress, resist fear when faced with horror, and stick to your convictions.




Cool is generally used to resist other Skills — Charm, Intimidate, and similar — but you may also be required to make a Cool Test when faced with anything forcing you to do something you would rather not. Cool is also the primary Skill used to limit Psychology


Dodge is your ability to avoid things, through ducking, diving, and moving quickly, and is used extensively to sidestep falling rocks, incoming weapons, unexpected traps, and the like.


In combat, Dodge is generally used to resist attacks or avoid damage. Refer to Rolling to Hit.




Drive lets you guide vehicles — most commonly simple carts and lumbering coaches, not to mention the more ‘experimental’ creations of the Imperial Engineers — along the roads of the Empire with as little incident as possible.




Under normal circumstances, if you possess the Drive Skill, there is no need to Test. If conditions are less than ideal — perhaps the road is in poor condition, or the weather is terrible — a Drive Test will be required. If you do not possess the Drive Skill, you may be required to make a Test to carry out even basic maneuver. An Astounding Failure (-6) on a Drive Test means something bad has happened. Roll on the following table:










Snapped Harness: One horse (or equivalent) breaks free; reduce speed accordingly.




 Jolted Carriage: Passengers suffer 1 Wound and fragile cargos might be damaged.




Broken Wheel: Pass a Drive Test every round to avoid Crashing. Two-wheeled vehicles with a Broken Wheel Crash automatically.




 Broken Axle: The vehicle goes out of control and Crashes.




Crashing: Occupants of Crashing vehicles usually suffer 2d10 Wounds modified by Toughness Bonus and Armor Points


unless the vehicle was moving slowly (as determined by the GM). Crashed vehicles must be repaired by someone with an appropriate Trade Skill, such as Trade (Carpenter) or Trade (Cartwright). Spare wheels can be installed by anyone with a Drive Test or with an appropriate Trade Test. In combat, Drive may be used if circumstances allow — for instance, if the party is in a coach being raided by outlaws, and you wish to ram an enemy, or outrun them.






The Endurance Skill is called upon when you must endure hardship, withstand deprivation, sit without moving for long periods of time, or survive harsh environments. In particular, Endurance is Tested to resist or recover from various Conditions (see page 167) and helps you recover lost Wounds.


Allows you to delight crowds with the spoken word, perhaps by singing, acting, or attempting a few jokes. A successful use of the Entertain Skill means you have entertained patrons near enough to hear you; the SL indicates how well you have done.


In combat, it is unlikely that Entertain will be of much use, although you may come up with an interesting way to use Entertain (Acting) to confuse or mislead your opponents.




Specialisations: Acting, Comedy, Singing, Storytelling 


Allows you to measure the likelihood that a bet will pay off, as well as successfully engage in various games of chance.


To represent a gambling match, all players make a Gamble Test — applying any appropriate modifiers for familiarity with the game — and the player with the highest SL wins. On a tie, any lower scoring players drop out, and those remaining enact another Gamble Test, repeating this process until you have a winner.


If you wish to influence the game through less honest mechanics, see Sleight of Hand.


You can quickly ferret out interesting and useful news, and spread rumors of your own. A successful Gossip Test means you have found out one useful piece of information, which your GM can impart to you, about the local area. Each SL either offers you an additional piece of information, or the chance to spread a rumor to a number of individuals equal to your Fellowship Bonus. The time required for a Gossip Test depends on how circumspect the players are being, and how busy the area is, as determined by the GM.


It is unlikely that Gossip will be much use in combat, but if your attacker happens to be local, and you happen to know something really juicy…




Half-Heard Whispers


While it may be expedient for GMs to quickly share information gleaned from Gossip tests to all players at once, it is often more fun to share the information only with individual players (either through a note, or through briefly taking them aside). This means the players must relate this information to one another in-character — aiding the immersive roleplaying experience — which allows for mistakes and misunderstandings, sometimes leading to hilarious, or horrific, results. 




Haggle allows you to secure better deals when negotiating with others. In general, Haggle is used to see whether you do, or do not, make a good deal, most commonly with an Opposed Haggle Test. Specifically, it can be used when shopping to secure better prices. For information on this, refer to Chapter 11: Consumers’ Guide.


Allows you to coerce or frighten sentient creatures. The precise manner of initiating an Intimidate Test depends on context: while it is generally accompanied by an overt threat, sometimes a subtle implication or even a look is enough. Intimidate is almost always Opposed by your target’s Cool Skill; if successful, you can intimidate a number of targets up to your Strength Bonus + SL. Each will react to Intimidate based on their individual personalities and how successful you were in menacing them, but in all cases, they will back down or move out of the way and will not speak out against you, or they will alternatively accept combat is the only way forward and prepare their weapons.




In combat, you cause @Compendium[wfrp4e.psychologies.Ib2YQYChktDFN93y]{Fear} in all Intimidated targets. You may also use your Intimidate Skill instead of Melee when defending against those afraid of you, causing the Intimidated parties to back away from the fight with your will and posture alone. Further, with your GM’s approval, you may use Intimidate to ‘attack’ such targets, issuing specific commands, such as ‘drop your weapons’ or ‘get out of here!’. However, if you fail any of these subsequent Intimidate Tests, you no longer Intimidate (or cause Fear) in affected opponents. With your GM’s permission you may try to Intimidate them again in a later Round, but this will incur a negative modifier, as they are less likely to fear you having seen through your bravado once already.




Alternative Characteristics For Intimidate


While strength is the default stat for Intimidate tests, the GM may decree certain situations may allow you to use a different characteristic: a steely witch hunter may use Willpower to stare down an inquisitive bystander, or an academic may use Intelligence to cow a lowly student with his intimidating knowledge, for instance. 




Example: Facing a group of footpads, Svetlana the Strong rolls 4 SL on her Intimidate Test. Combined with her SB of 5, this means she can affect up to 9 targets, more than enough to impact all three footpads who now Fear Svetlana. As she has won by 3 SL, she gains +1 Advantage point until the end of her next turn. In the next round, she ‘attacks’ the footpads using her Intimidate, intending to scare them into leaving her be. However, she fails the Test, and the footpads realize they outnumber her, and are armed… 




The Intuition Skill allows you to get a feel for your surroundings, leading you to notice when something is wrong, and gives you a sense of when people may be hiding something from you. A successful use of the Intuition Skill gives you subtle or implicit intelligence relating to your environment, determined by your GM. This may be information such as whether someone believes what they are saying, what the general attitude is towards the local noble, or if the helpful local’s motives are as pure as they seem. If someone is actively trying to hide their intent, they may resist your Intuition with Cool or Entertain (Acting).




In combat, a successful Intuition Test may be used to give you +1 Advantage as you weigh the environment and your opponents. You may continue building Advantage in subsequent turns providing you are able to observe your targets and are not interrupted (such as being attacked); you may gain a maximum Advantage equal to your Intelligence Bonus in this manner.


A measure of your ability to lead others and command their respect. While most often associated with martial situations, a resolute leader can quickly direct a fast response to a fire or other such calamity, and nobles use the Skill frequently to command their lessers.




A successful Leadership Test allows you to issue orders to a number of targets equal to your Fellowship Bonus + SL. If the targets are your natural subordinates — a noble commanding serfs, or a sergeant commanding his troops — commands are usually unopposed. If there is no natural hierarchy in place, or the order is particularly challenging — such as ordering your soldiers to charge a Hydra head on — the Test is Opposed by your targets’ Cool.




In combat, you may use Leadership to encourage your subordinates. A successful Leadership Test confers a bonus of +10 to all Psychology Tests until the end of the next round (see page 190).




Further, Leadership can be used to transfer Advantage to allies able to hear you; following a successful Leadership Test, you may transfer an Advantage to one ally of your choice, plus a further +1 Advantage per SL scored, which can again go to any allies of your choice within earshot.




Example: Lord Ludwig von Schemp has been watching his two bodyguards discourse with some ruffians for three Rounds, using his Intuition Skill to build up 3 Advantage. Feeling it is going nowhere, he issues a peremptory order to attack the ringleader; passing his Leadership Test with 5 SL, he gives one bodyguard 2 of his Advantage, and the remaining bodyguard 1 Advantage, hoping this will bring a swift end to proceedings. 


The Melee Skill represents specific training with a single type of close combat weaponry. Each Melee Specialization indicates training in using a specific class of weapon. If you don’t have the correct Specialization for a weapon you wish to use, refer to Chapter 11: Consumers’ Guide for the correct weapon entry, and what penalties you will suffer. See Chapter 5: Rules for more detail about combat and using the Melee Skill.




Specializations: Basic, Brawling, Cavalry, Fencing, Flail, Parry, Pole-Arm, Two-Handed 


Navigation allows you to find your way in the wilderness using landmarks, stellar bodies or maps. Possessing the Navigation Skill means you know roughly where you are, and can find your way between well-known landmarks without a Test. A Test is only required if you are disoriented or travelling far from the beaten path, with success showing you the correct direction, or allowing you to avoid mishap.




If you are navigating a long journey, your GM may ask for an extended Navigation Test, modified by conditions, visible landmarks, and access to reliable geographical information. The SL required to succeed depends on how far the destination is, with each Test representing between an hour and a day’s travel, depending on the nature of the journey

"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"advanced":{"value":"bsc","type":"String"},"grouped":{"value":"noSpec","type":"String"},"characteristic":{"type":"String","label":"Characteristic","value":"i"},"advances":{"type":"Number","label":"Advances","value":0},"total":{"type":"Number","label":"Total"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"os4NKy5Oy6sRt1eh","flags":{},"name":"Outdoor Survival","type":"skill","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/skills/skill.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"

The Outdoor Survival Skill is used to survive in the wild, including the ability to fish, hunt, forage, and build fires and shelters. Experienced travelers are skilled at reading the signs of incoming inclement weather and finding the spoor of various dangerous beasts.




When camping, make an Outdoor Survival Test, modified by the harshness of conditions — for instance, a Test is Challenging (+0) if it is raining, Hard (–20) in a storm. A successful Test indicates you can provide yourself sustenance and shelter for the night. Each SL allows you to provide for one more character. If the Test is failed, you must make a Challenging (+0) Endurance Test or receive the Fatigued Condition. If you suffer an Astounding Failure, something untoward has happened, as determined by the GM; perhaps your camp is attacked in the night?




When fighting in the wilderness, you may make an Outdoor Survival Test to receive +1 Advantage, in the same way as Intuition, to a maximum number of Advantage equal to your Intelligence Bonus, as you spy out treacherous and advantageous terrain that you can best use to your advantage.




Gathering Food and Herbs


Gathering food or herbs normally takes around 2 hours. Hunting and foraging parties make one assisted Outdoor Survival Test for the group, with the Difficulty determined by the circumstances.








Your ability to notice things with your senses — sight, smell, hearing, touch, and taste, and any other senses you may possess, such as magical or non-Human senses. Your GM may ask for a Perception Test to detect something, like movement behind the treeline, the presence of a trap, or someone following you, modified by how easy it is to notice. Perception is also used to resist attempts to hide things through Skills such as Sleight of Hand or Stealth. Perception has multiple uses in combat, most commonly to notice important details beyond the immediately obvious about the surrounding environment and your opponents, as determined by the GM. 


How proficient you are at riding a particular group of animals; Ride (Horse), for example, will let you ride Horses, Mules, Donkeys, and similar. You’ll only need to make a Test when doing something out of the ordinary, such as racing, dressage, traversing dangerous terrain, or charging into combat. Otherwise, if you have at least one Advance in the Skill, you are presumed to be able to ride around without need of a Test.




If mounted on a steed, you move using the steed’s Movement statistic; if you wish to run, jump, or leap, you use your Ride Skill, not Athletics. An extended Ride Test may be needed if you are racing somewhere, the target SL depending on the length of the journey, the number of Tests indicating how long you take to arrive. A Ride Test may be modified by environmental conditions, and the temperament of your mount. For more information on mounts, see Chapter 12: Bestiary. The Ride skill can be used extensively in combat. See Chapter 5: Rules, for more on mounted combat.




Specializations: Demigryph, Great Wolf, Griffon, Horse, Pegasus 


Your prowess at pulling an oar and moving a boat through the water. The Row Skill is typically only used when racing, navigating rapids, desperately avoiding Bog Octopuses, or similar unusual or dangerous feats. Anyone with the Skill is automatically presumed to be able to scull about a pond, or over a gentle river, without a Test. Those without the skill may have to make a Test for anything but the most basic maneuvers. 


Allows you to creep quietly and conceal yourself in shadows more readily than most. Stealth is generally Opposed by an opponent’s Perception Skill, and Tests will be modifed by how dark or well concealed your route is, as well as how circumspectly you are dressed. An Impressive or Astounding Failure on a Stealth Test will likely draw the immediate attention of the enemies you were trying to avoid in the first place.




Stealth has many potential applications in combat, most usefully to hide oneself in preparation for an Ambush, or to creep around an opponent in order to attack from behind. Of course, you can also use the Skill to escape a conflict unseen…




Specializations: Rural, Underground, Urban 




Options: Shadowing


Shadowing is following someone secretly. To do this requires a Combined Perception and Stealth Test. If the target is actively trying to lose a tail, it is Opposed with the target’s Stealth Skill.




If you pass the Perception Test, and fail the Stealth Test you follow your target, but are spotted. If you fail the perception Test, yet pass the Stealth Test, you lose your target, but go unnoticed

"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"advanced":{"value":"bsc","type":"String"},"grouped":{"value":"isSpec","type":"String"},"characteristic":{"type":"String","label":"Characteristic","value":"ag"},"advances":{"type":"Number","label":"Advances","value":0},"total":{"type":"Number","label":"Total"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"Ggx0bRaCuq8MbF0g","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Gold Crown","type":"money","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/currency/goldcrown.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"quantity":{"type":"Number","label":"Quantity","value":0},"encumbrance":{"type":"Number","label":"Encumbrance","value":0.005},"location":{"type":"Number","label":"Location","value":0},"coinValue":{"label":"Value (in d)","type":"Number","value":240},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"KB8HgDz56dh2w7w1","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Silver Shilling","type":"money","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/currency/silvershilling.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"quantity":{"type":"Number","label":"Quantity","value":0},"encumbrance":{"type":"Number","label":"Encumbrance","value":0.005},"location":{"type":"Number","label":"Location","value":0},"coinValue":{"label":"Value (in d)","type":"Number","value":12},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"0MYOJFx3vkYA95B4","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Brass Penny","type":"money","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/currency/brasspenny.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"quantity":{"type":"Number","label":"Quantity","value":0},"encumbrance":{"type":"Number","label":"Encumbrance","value":0.005},"location":{"type":"Number","label":"Location","value":0},"coinValue":{"label":"Value (in d)","type":"Number","value":1},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"oh4GDQczaQTMcvQ1","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Corruption","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"The creature is tainted by Chaos, or perhaps suffused with Dark Magics. The Strength of the Corruption is marked in brackets."},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":false,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"","bonusCharacteristic":"","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"Minor","type":"String","label":"Specification"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}},"sort":100000},{"_id":"5tjGD31mJZJMF7wF","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"Weapon","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"The creature carries a melee weapon, or uses teeth, claws, or similar in combat.\n \n The weapon causes Damage equal to its Rating which already includes the creature’s Strength Bonus. Typically it will be 4 + its Strength Bonus (representing a Hand Weapon)"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":true,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"ws","bonusCharacteristic":"s","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"4","type":"String","label":"Specification"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}},"sort":200000}]} {"name":"Wilhelm","permission":{"default":0,"Cq31UaFnLVMpY5dr":3},"type":"npc","data":{"characteristics":{"ws":{"type":"number","label":"CHAR.WS","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.WS","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"bs":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.BS","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.BS","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"s":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.S","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.S","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"t":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.T","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.T","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"i":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.I","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.I","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"ag":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.Ag","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.Ag","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"dex":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.Dex","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.Dex","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"int":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.Int","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.Int","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"wp":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.WP","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.WP","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"fel":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.Fel","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.Fel","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25}},"status":{"wounds":{"type":"Number","label":"Wounds","abrev":"W","value":12,"max":12},"advantage":{"type":"Number","label":"Advantage","value":"0","max":10},"criticalWounds":{"type":"Number","label":"Critical Wounds","value":0,"max":2},"sin":{"type":"Number","label":"Sin","value":"0"},"penalties":{"type":"String","label":"Penalties","value":""},"corruption":{"type":"Number","label":"Corruption","value":0},"encumbrance":{"type":"Number","label":"Encumbrance","max":6,"current":0}},"details":{"species":{"type":"String","label":"Species","value":"Mutant"},"gender":{"type":"String","label":"Gender","value":""},"size":{"type":"String","label":"Size","value":"avg"},"move":{"type":"Number","label":"Movement","value":"4","walk":8,"run":16},"god":{"type":"String","label":"God","value":""},"hitLocationTable":{"value":"hitloc","type":"String","label":"Hit Location Table"},"personal-ambitions":{"short-term":"","long-term":""},"party-ambitions":{"short-term":"","long-term":""},"motivation":{"value":""},"biography":{"value":"

Wilhem is repulsive and grotesque. He doesn’t have a proper face, merely a skull (Fear 1).


Create works of art in your chosen medium. Not having access to appropriate Trade Tools will incur a penalty to your Test. The SL achieved determines the quality of the final piece. For complicated or large works of art, an Extended Test may be required. The Art Skill has little use in combat, but marble busts make marvelous improvised weapons.




Specializations: Cartography, Engraving, Mosaics, Painting, Sculpture, Tattoo, Weaving 




Example: Irina has been commissioned to paint a portrait of a local noble, whose favor her party is currying. Her GM determines this requires a total of 10 SL in an Extended Art Test, with each Test representing a week’s work.


Your ability to run, jump and move with speed or grace, and to perform any general physical activity. Refer to Moving for details on using Athletics in combat movement. 


Your ability to judge how likely a person is to accept a bribe, and how best to offer the bribe so they will accept it. A successful Bribery Test tells you if a target may be bribed. If so, your GM will secretly determine the price of their cooperation using the target’s Earnings, increasing the amount according to their usual honesty and the risk involved in taking the bribe. You then guess that target amount and the GM will tell you if the price is higher, lower, or equal. Each SL from your initial Bribery Test gives you another guess. At the end of this process, you determine how much money to offer, based on what you have gleaned.




In combat, you may use Bribery as above to try to stop the fight, but treat the Test as Hard (–20) owing to the stress of the situation. If your target is not susceptible, you cannot afford the fee, or your foes do not speak your tongue, your pathetic attempts to buy them off will be doomed to fail. Of course, if they have the advantage of numbers, what’s to prevent them from taking all of your money?




Example: Snorri is trying to bribe his way past a city watchman; a character of the Brass Tier 2, meaning they roll 4d10 Brass for Income. The GM decides the guard can be bribed and secretly rolls 21 on the 4d10, meaning the price for bribing the guard is 21 Brass. Letting Snorri through isn’t too risky for the watchman, and he does it often, so the GM doesn’t increase the bribe required. Snorri rolls 1 SL on his Bribery Test; so, he knows the watchman is open to a bribe, and has 2 guesses as to his price. Snorri’s first guess is 15 Brass, to which his GM replies ‘higher’. His second guess is 40, to which his GM replies ‘lower’. Snorri now knows he must bribe the watchman between 15 and 40 Brass, so decides to aim high, and offers 30. Smiling, the watchman waves Snorri through.


Charm makes people think favorably of you, your opinions, and proposed actions. Passing an Opposed Charm/Cool Test allows you to influence the behavior of one or more targets, up to a maximum number equal to your Fellowship Bonus + SL, affecting those with the lowest Willpower first. If a target is amenable to your Charm, the Test will be uncontested.


Your GM may permit you to use Charm in Combat if they think your foes might be susceptible to you pleading for your life or making persuasive arguments to stop the violence (although good luck charming a Goblin)!


If you use Charm as your Action, calculate the number of targets affected as normal. If you use it to defend, you only affect your attacker. If you succeed, any affected targets will not attack you this round and you gain +1 Advantage as normal. You may do this in successive rounds until you choose to stop or fail a Charm Test, after which your words carry no more weight.


Your GM may permit you to use Charm in Combat if they think your foes might be susceptible to you pleading for your life or making persuasive arguments to stop the violence (although good luck charming a Goblin)!


If you use Charm as your Action, calculate the number of targets affected as normal. If you use it to defend, you only affect your attacker. If you succeed, any affected targets will not attack you this round and you gain +1 Advantage as normal. You may do this in successive rounds until you choose to stop or fail a Charm Test, after which your words carry no more weight.




Public Speaking


The charm skill can be used to make impressive speeches to sway multiple targets to your way of thinking. assuming they can hear you and are inclined to listen, you can influence up to your Fellowship Bonus + SL targets with a single charm Test, influencing targets with the lowest Willpower first. If the crowd is unruly, or not receptive to your words, the test is opposed by the crowd’s average Willpower (typically 35). A failure shows the crowd is unconvinced. the public speaking and master orator talents can significantly increase the number of people you affect with public speaking. an astounding Failure (-6) (see page 152) in a charm test means your crowd quickly becomes an angry mob, with you as the target of their ire… 






The Charm skill can be used to beg on the streets. A successful test will scrounge Fellowship Bonus × SL brass pennies per hour from passers-by, with the Difficulty modified by the pitch chosen for begging, and how much sympathy your appearance can elicit. If you score no SL, but still pass the skill test, you only manage to scrounge a single pfennig. an astounding Failure (-6) means you may have attracted problems from the local Watchmen, found some trouble with  other, local beggars, or suffer some other significant set-back.


Note: Characters who are caught begging by their peers or associates will likely lose status unless they are already in the Beggar, or in some other destitute, career. 



"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"advanced":{"value":"bsc","type":"String"},"grouped":{"value":"noSpec","type":"String"},"characteristic":{"type":"String","label":"Characteristic","value":"fel"},"advances":{"type":"Number","label":"Advances","value":0},"total":{"type":"Number","label":"Total"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"4IGdIhnwTaZijzg7","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"Charm Animal","type":"skill","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/skills/skill.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"

Your aptitude for be friending, quickly calming, or subjugating animals.




Passing a Charm Animal Test allows you to influence the behavior of one or more animals, to a maximum of Willpower Bonus + SL. If the target animals are naturally docile, this Test may be uncontested, but it will generally be Opposed by the target’s Willpower.




In combat, you may use Charm Animal when facing animals. If you succeed, any affected targets will not attack you this Round and you gain +1 Advantage. You may do this in successive rounds until you choose to stop or fail a Charm Test, after which the creature’s instincts take over and you have no further influence.


The ability to ascend steep or vertical surfaces.


If time isn’t an issue, and a climb is relatively easy, anyone with Climb Skill is automatically assumed to be able to climb any reasonably small height.


For any other climbing, Climbing during combat. You may even find yourself climbing large opponents, though whether that is prudent is debatable.

"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"advanced":{"value":"bsc","type":"String"},"grouped":{"value":"noSpec","type":"String"},"characteristic":{"type":"String","label":"Characteristic","value":"s"},"advances":{"type":"Number","label":"Advances","value":0},"total":{"type":"Number","label":"Total"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"R2ytluHiEFF2KQ5e","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Consume Alcohol","type":"skill","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/skills/skill.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"



Your ability to handle alcohol without letting it cloud your judgment or render you senseless.


After each alcoholic drink make a Consume Alcohol Test, modified by the strength of the drink. For each Test you fail, you suffer a –10 penalty to WS, BS, Ag, Dex, and Int, to a maximum of –30 per Characteristic. After you fail a number of Tests equal to your Toughness Bonus, you are Stinking Drunk. Roll on the following table to see what happens:






Stinking Drunk




 Marienburgher’s Courage!’: Gain a bonus of +20 to your Cool Skill.




You’re My Besht Mate!’: Ignore all your existing Prejudices and Animosities.




 ‘Why’s Everything Wobbling!’: On your Turn, you can either Move or take an Action, but not both.




‘I’ll Take Yer All On!’: Gain Animosity (Everybody)!




 ‘How Did I Get here?’: You wake up the next day, massively hungover, with little memory of what transpired. The GM and other players with you will fill in the embarrassing gaps if you investigate. Pass a Consume Alcohol Test or also gain a Poisoned Condition.




After not drinking for an hour, enact a Challenging (+0) Consume Alcohol Test. The effects of being drunk will wear


off after 10–SL hours, with any Characteristic modifiers for being drunk lost over that time. After all effects wear off, enact another Challenging (+0) Consume Alcohol Test. You now gain a hangover, which is an Fatigued Condition that cannot be removed for 5–SL hours.


You may expend 1 Resolve point to ignore the negative modifiers of being drunk until the end of the next round.






Cool allows you to remain calm under stress, resist fear when faced with horror, and stick to your convictions.




Cool is generally used to resist other Skills — Charm, Intimidate, and similar — but you may also be required to make a Cool Test when faced with anything forcing you to do something you would rather not. Cool is also the primary Skill used to limit Psychology


Dodge is your ability to avoid things, through ducking, diving, and moving quickly, and is used extensively to sidestep falling rocks, incoming weapons, unexpected traps, and the like.


In combat, Dodge is generally used to resist attacks or avoid damage. Refer to Rolling to Hit.




Drive lets you guide vehicles — most commonly simple carts and lumbering coaches, not to mention the more ‘experimental’ creations of the Imperial Engineers — along the roads of the Empire with as little incident as possible.




Under normal circumstances, if you possess the Drive Skill, there is no need to Test. If conditions are less than ideal — perhaps the road is in poor condition, or the weather is terrible — a Drive Test will be required. If you do not possess the Drive Skill, you may be required to make a Test to carry out even basic maneuver. An Astounding Failure (-6) on a Drive Test means something bad has happened. Roll on the following table:










Snapped Harness: One horse (or equivalent) breaks free; reduce speed accordingly.




 Jolted Carriage: Passengers suffer 1 Wound and fragile cargos might be damaged.




Broken Wheel: Pass a Drive Test every round to avoid Crashing. Two-wheeled vehicles with a Broken Wheel Crash automatically.




 Broken Axle: The vehicle goes out of control and Crashes.




Crashing: Occupants of Crashing vehicles usually suffer 2d10 Wounds modified by Toughness Bonus and Armor Points


unless the vehicle was moving slowly (as determined by the GM). Crashed vehicles must be repaired by someone with an appropriate Trade Skill, such as Trade (Carpenter) or Trade (Cartwright). Spare wheels can be installed by anyone with a Drive Test or with an appropriate Trade Test. In combat, Drive may be used if circumstances allow — for instance, if the party is in a coach being raided by outlaws, and you wish to ram an enemy, or outrun them.






The Endurance Skill is called upon when you must endure hardship, withstand deprivation, sit without moving for long periods of time, or survive harsh environments. In particular, Endurance is Tested to resist or recover from various Conditions (see page 167) and helps you recover lost Wounds.


Allows you to delight crowds with the spoken word, perhaps by singing, acting, or attempting a few jokes. A successful use of the Entertain Skill means you have entertained patrons near enough to hear you; the SL indicates how well you have done.


In combat, it is unlikely that Entertain will be of much use, although you may come up with an interesting way to use Entertain (Acting) to confuse or mislead your opponents.




Specialisations: Acting, Comedy, Singing, Storytelling 


Allows you to measure the likelihood that a bet will pay off, as well as successfully engage in various games of chance.


To represent a gambling match, all players make a Gamble Test — applying any appropriate modifiers for familiarity with the game — and the player with the highest SL wins. On a tie, any lower scoring players drop out, and those remaining enact another Gamble Test, repeating this process until you have a winner.


If you wish to influence the game through less honest mechanics, see Sleight of Hand.


You can quickly ferret out interesting and useful news, and spread rumors of your own. A successful Gossip Test means you have found out one useful piece of information, which your GM can impart to you, about the local area. Each SL either offers you an additional piece of information, or the chance to spread a rumor to a number of individuals equal to your Fellowship Bonus. The time required for a Gossip Test depends on how circumspect the players are being, and how busy the area is, as determined by the GM.


It is unlikely that Gossip will be much use in combat, but if your attacker happens to be local, and you happen to know something really juicy…




Half-Heard Whispers


While it may be expedient for GMs to quickly share information gleaned from Gossip tests to all players at once, it is often more fun to share the information only with individual players (either through a note, or through briefly taking them aside). This means the players must relate this information to one another in-character — aiding the immersive roleplaying experience — which allows for mistakes and misunderstandings, sometimes leading to hilarious, or horrific, results. 




Haggle allows you to secure better deals when negotiating with others. In general, Haggle is used to see whether you do, or do not, make a good deal, most commonly with an Opposed Haggle Test. Specifically, it can be used when shopping to secure better prices. For information on this, refer to Chapter 11: Consumers’ Guide.


Allows you to coerce or frighten sentient creatures. The precise manner of initiating an Intimidate Test depends on context: while it is generally accompanied by an overt threat, sometimes a subtle implication or even a look is enough. Intimidate is almost always Opposed by your target’s Cool Skill; if successful, you can intimidate a number of targets up to your Strength Bonus + SL. Each will react to Intimidate based on their individual personalities and how successful you were in menacing them, but in all cases, they will back down or move out of the way and will not speak out against you, or they will alternatively accept combat is the only way forward and prepare their weapons.




In combat, you cause @Compendium[wfrp4e.psychologies.Ib2YQYChktDFN93y]{Fear} in all Intimidated targets. You may also use your Intimidate Skill instead of Melee when defending against those afraid of you, causing the Intimidated parties to back away from the fight with your will and posture alone. Further, with your GM’s approval, you may use Intimidate to ‘attack’ such targets, issuing specific commands, such as ‘drop your weapons’ or ‘get out of here!’. However, if you fail any of these subsequent Intimidate Tests, you no longer Intimidate (or cause Fear) in affected opponents. With your GM’s permission you may try to Intimidate them again in a later Round, but this will incur a negative modifier, as they are less likely to fear you having seen through your bravado once already.




Alternative Characteristics For Intimidate


While strength is the default stat for Intimidate tests, the GM may decree certain situations may allow you to use a different characteristic: a steely witch hunter may use Willpower to stare down an inquisitive bystander, or an academic may use Intelligence to cow a lowly student with his intimidating knowledge, for instance. 




Example: Facing a group of footpads, Svetlana the Strong rolls 4 SL on her Intimidate Test. Combined with her SB of 5, this means she can affect up to 9 targets, more than enough to impact all three footpads who now Fear Svetlana. As she has won by 3 SL, she gains +1 Advantage point until the end of her next turn. In the next round, she ‘attacks’ the footpads using her Intimidate, intending to scare them into leaving her be. However, she fails the Test, and the footpads realize they outnumber her, and are armed… 




The Intuition Skill allows you to get a feel for your surroundings, leading you to notice when something is wrong, and gives you a sense of when people may be hiding something from you. A successful use of the Intuition Skill gives you subtle or implicit intelligence relating to your environment, determined by your GM. This may be information such as whether someone believes what they are saying, what the general attitude is towards the local noble, or if the helpful local’s motives are as pure as they seem. If someone is actively trying to hide their intent, they may resist your Intuition with Cool or Entertain (Acting).




In combat, a successful Intuition Test may be used to give you +1 Advantage as you weigh the environment and your opponents. You may continue building Advantage in subsequent turns providing you are able to observe your targets and are not interrupted (such as being attacked); you may gain a maximum Advantage equal to your Intelligence Bonus in this manner.


A measure of your ability to lead others and command their respect. While most often associated with martial situations, a resolute leader can quickly direct a fast response to a fire or other such calamity, and nobles use the Skill frequently to command their lessers.




A successful Leadership Test allows you to issue orders to a number of targets equal to your Fellowship Bonus + SL. If the targets are your natural subordinates — a noble commanding serfs, or a sergeant commanding his troops — commands are usually unopposed. If there is no natural hierarchy in place, or the order is particularly challenging — such as ordering your soldiers to charge a Hydra head on — the Test is Opposed by your targets’ Cool.




In combat, you may use Leadership to encourage your subordinates. A successful Leadership Test confers a bonus of +10 to all Psychology Tests until the end of the next round (see page 190).




Further, Leadership can be used to transfer Advantage to allies able to hear you; following a successful Leadership Test, you may transfer an Advantage to one ally of your choice, plus a further +1 Advantage per SL scored, which can again go to any allies of your choice within earshot.




Example: Lord Ludwig von Schemp has been watching his two bodyguards discourse with some ruffians for three Rounds, using his Intuition Skill to build up 3 Advantage. Feeling it is going nowhere, he issues a peremptory order to attack the ringleader; passing his Leadership Test with 5 SL, he gives one bodyguard 2 of his Advantage, and the remaining bodyguard 1 Advantage, hoping this will bring a swift end to proceedings. 


The Melee Skill represents specific training with a single type of close combat weaponry. Each Melee Specialization indicates training in using a specific class of weapon. If you don’t have the correct Specialization for a weapon you wish to use, refer to Chapter 11: Consumers’ Guide for the correct weapon entry, and what penalties you will suffer. See Chapter 5: Rules for more detail about combat and using the Melee Skill.




Specializations: Basic, Brawling, Cavalry, Fencing, Flail, Parry, Pole-Arm, Two-Handed 


Navigation allows you to find your way in the wilderness using landmarks, stellar bodies or maps. Possessing the Navigation Skill means you know roughly where you are, and can find your way between well-known landmarks without a Test. A Test is only required if you are disoriented or travelling far from the beaten path, with success showing you the correct direction, or allowing you to avoid mishap.




If you are navigating a long journey, your GM may ask for an extended Navigation Test, modified by conditions, visible landmarks, and access to reliable geographical information. The SL required to succeed depends on how far the destination is, with each Test representing between an hour and a day’s travel, depending on the nature of the journey

"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"advanced":{"value":"bsc","type":"String"},"grouped":{"value":"noSpec","type":"String"},"characteristic":{"type":"String","label":"Characteristic","value":"i"},"advances":{"type":"Number","label":"Advances","value":0},"total":{"type":"Number","label":"Total"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"os4NKy5Oy6sRt1eh","flags":{},"name":"Outdoor Survival","type":"skill","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/skills/skill.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"

The Outdoor Survival Skill is used to survive in the wild, including the ability to fish, hunt, forage, and build fires and shelters. Experienced travelers are skilled at reading the signs of incoming inclement weather and finding the spoor of various dangerous beasts.




When camping, make an Outdoor Survival Test, modified by the harshness of conditions — for instance, a Test is Challenging (+0) if it is raining, Hard (–20) in a storm. A successful Test indicates you can provide yourself sustenance and shelter for the night. Each SL allows you to provide for one more character. If the Test is failed, you must make a Challenging (+0) Endurance Test or receive the Fatigued Condition. If you suffer an Astounding Failure, something untoward has happened, as determined by the GM; perhaps your camp is attacked in the night?




When fighting in the wilderness, you may make an Outdoor Survival Test to receive +1 Advantage, in the same way as Intuition, to a maximum number of Advantage equal to your Intelligence Bonus, as you spy out treacherous and advantageous terrain that you can best use to your advantage.




Gathering Food and Herbs


Gathering food or herbs normally takes around 2 hours. Hunting and foraging parties make one assisted Outdoor Survival Test for the group, with the Difficulty determined by the circumstances.








Your ability to notice things with your senses — sight, smell, hearing, touch, and taste, and any other senses you may possess, such as magical or non-Human senses. Your GM may ask for a Perception Test to detect something, like movement behind the treeline, the presence of a trap, or someone following you, modified by how easy it is to notice. Perception is also used to resist attempts to hide things through Skills such as Sleight of Hand or Stealth. Perception has multiple uses in combat, most commonly to notice important details beyond the immediately obvious about the surrounding environment and your opponents, as determined by the GM. 


How proficient you are at riding a particular group of animals; Ride (Horse), for example, will let you ride Horses, Mules, Donkeys, and similar. You’ll only need to make a Test when doing something out of the ordinary, such as racing, dressage, traversing dangerous terrain, or charging into combat. Otherwise, if you have at least one Advance in the Skill, you are presumed to be able to ride around without need of a Test.




If mounted on a steed, you move using the steed’s Movement statistic; if you wish to run, jump, or leap, you use your Ride Skill, not Athletics. An extended Ride Test may be needed if you are racing somewhere, the target SL depending on the length of the journey, the number of Tests indicating how long you take to arrive. A Ride Test may be modified by environmental conditions, and the temperament of your mount. For more information on mounts, see Chapter 12: Bestiary. The Ride skill can be used extensively in combat. See Chapter 5: Rules, for more on mounted combat.




Specializations: Demigryph, Great Wolf, Griffon, Horse, Pegasus 


Your prowess at pulling an oar and moving a boat through the water. The Row Skill is typically only used when racing, navigating rapids, desperately avoiding Bog Octopuses, or similar unusual or dangerous feats. Anyone with the Skill is automatically presumed to be able to scull about a pond, or over a gentle river, without a Test. Those without the skill may have to make a Test for anything but the most basic maneuvers. 


Allows you to creep quietly and conceal yourself in shadows more readily than most. Stealth is generally Opposed by an opponent’s Perception Skill, and Tests will be modifed by how dark or well concealed your route is, as well as how circumspectly you are dressed. An Impressive or Astounding Failure on a Stealth Test will likely draw the immediate attention of the enemies you were trying to avoid in the first place.




Stealth has many potential applications in combat, most usefully to hide oneself in preparation for an Ambush, or to creep around an opponent in order to attack from behind. Of course, you can also use the Skill to escape a conflict unseen…




Specializations: Rural, Underground, Urban 




Options: Shadowing


Shadowing is following someone secretly. To do this requires a Combined Perception and Stealth Test. If the target is actively trying to lose a tail, it is Opposed with the target’s Stealth Skill.




If you pass the Perception Test, and fail the Stealth Test you follow your target, but are spotted. If you fail the perception Test, yet pass the Stealth Test, you lose your target, but go unnoticed

"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"advanced":{"value":"bsc","type":"String"},"grouped":{"value":"isSpec","type":"String"},"characteristic":{"type":"String","label":"Characteristic","value":"ag"},"advances":{"type":"Number","label":"Advances","value":0},"total":{"type":"Number","label":"Total"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"Ggx0bRaCuq8MbF0g","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Gold Crown","type":"money","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/currency/goldcrown.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"quantity":{"type":"Number","label":"Quantity","value":0},"encumbrance":{"type":"Number","label":"Encumbrance","value":0.005},"location":{"type":"Number","label":"Location","value":0},"coinValue":{"label":"Value (in d)","type":"Number","value":240},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"KB8HgDz56dh2w7w1","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Silver Shilling","type":"money","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/currency/silvershilling.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"quantity":{"type":"Number","label":"Quantity","value":0},"encumbrance":{"type":"Number","label":"Encumbrance","value":0.005},"location":{"type":"Number","label":"Location","value":0},"coinValue":{"label":"Value (in d)","type":"Number","value":12},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"0MYOJFx3vkYA95B4","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Brass Penny","type":"money","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/currency/brasspenny.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"quantity":{"type":"Number","label":"Quantity","value":0},"encumbrance":{"type":"Number","label":"Encumbrance","value":0.005},"location":{"type":"Number","label":"Location","value":0},"coinValue":{"label":"Value (in d)","type":"Number","value":1},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"oh4GDQczaQTMcvQ1","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Corruption","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"The creature is tainted by Chaos, or perhaps suffused with Dark Magics. The Strength of the Corruption is marked in brackets."},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":false,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"","bonusCharacteristic":"","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"Minor","type":"String","label":"Specification"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}},"sort":100000},{"_id":"5tjGD31mJZJMF7wF","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"Weapon","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"The creature carries a melee weapon, or uses teeth, claws, or similar in combat.\n \n The weapon causes Damage equal to its Rating which already includes the creature’s Strength Bonus. Typically it will be 4 + its Strength Bonus (representing a Hand Weapon)"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":true,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"ws","bonusCharacteristic":"s","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"4","type":"String","label":"Specification"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}},"sort":200000},{"_id":"PVARMZD0o3hHUaXn","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Fear","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"

The creature causes supernatural Fear in other creatures, with a rating equal to its Rating.




The Fear trait represents an extreme aversion to something. Creatures that cause Fear have a Fear Rating; this value reflects the SL you are required to pass on an Extended Cool Test to overcome your Fear. You may continue to Test at the end of every round until your SL equals or surpasses the creature’s Fear rating. Until you do this, you are subject to Fear.




When subject to Fear, you suffer –1 SL on all Tests to affect the source of your fear. You may not move closer to whatever is causing Fear without passing a Challenging (+0) Cool Test. If it comes closer to you, you must pass a Challenging (+0) Cool Test, or gain a Broken Condition.

"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":false,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"","bonusCharacteristic":"","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"1","type":"String","label":"Specification"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}},"sort":300000}],"_id":"jhoSScLFuMtp7l0H"} {"_id":"jhoSScLFuMtp7l0H","name":"Wilhelm","permission":{"default":0,"Cq31UaFnLVMpY5dr":3},"type":"npc","data":{"characteristics":{"ws":{"type":"number","label":"CHAR.WS","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.WS","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"bs":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.BS","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.BS","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"s":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.S","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.S","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"t":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.T","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.T","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"i":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.I","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.I","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"ag":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.Ag","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.Ag","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"dex":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.Dex","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.Dex","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"int":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.Int","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.Int","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"wp":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.WP","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.WP","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"fel":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.Fel","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.Fel","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25}},"status":{"wounds":{"type":"Number","label":"Wounds","abrev":"W","value":12,"max":12},"advantage":{"type":"Number","label":"Advantage","value":"0","max":10},"criticalWounds":{"type":"Number","label":"Critical Wounds","value":0,"max":2},"sin":{"type":"Number","label":"Sin","value":"0"},"penalties":{"type":"String","label":"Penalties","value":""},"corruption":{"type":"Number","label":"Corruption","value":0},"encumbrance":{"type":"Number","label":"Encumbrance","max":6,"current":0}},"details":{"species":{"type":"String","label":"Species","value":"Mutant"},"gender":{"type":"String","label":"Gender","value":""},"size":{"type":"String","label":"Size","value":"avg"},"move":{"type":"Number","label":"Movement","value":"4","walk":8,"run":16},"god":{"type":"String","label":"God","value":""},"hitLocationTable":{"value":"hitloc","type":"String","label":"Hit Location Table"},"personal-ambitions":{"short-term":"","long-term":""},"party-ambitions":{"short-term":"","long-term":""},"motivation":{"value":""},"biography":{"value":"

Wilhem is repulsive and grotesque. He doesn’t have a proper face, merely a skull (Fear 1).


Create works of art in your chosen medium. Not having access to appropriate Trade Tools will incur a penalty to your Test. The SL achieved determines the quality of the final piece. For complicated or large works of art, an Extended Test may be required. The Art Skill has little use in combat, but marble busts make marvelous improvised weapons.




Specializations: Cartography, Engraving, Mosaics, Painting, Sculpture, Tattoo, Weaving 




Example: Irina has been commissioned to paint a portrait of a local noble, whose favor her party is currying. Her GM determines this requires a total of 10 SL in an Extended Art Test, with each Test representing a week’s work.


Your ability to run, jump and move with speed or grace, and to perform any general physical activity. Refer to Moving for details on using Athletics in combat movement. 


Your ability to judge how likely a person is to accept a bribe, and how best to offer the bribe so they will accept it. A successful Bribery Test tells you if a target may be bribed. If so, your GM will secretly determine the price of their cooperation using the target’s Earnings, increasing the amount according to their usual honesty and the risk involved in taking the bribe. You then guess that target amount and the GM will tell you if the price is higher, lower, or equal. Each SL from your initial Bribery Test gives you another guess. At the end of this process, you determine how much money to offer, based on what you have gleaned.




In combat, you may use Bribery as above to try to stop the fight, but treat the Test as Hard (–20) owing to the stress of the situation. If your target is not susceptible, you cannot afford the fee, or your foes do not speak your tongue, your pathetic attempts to buy them off will be doomed to fail. Of course, if they have the advantage of numbers, what’s to prevent them from taking all of your money?




Example: Snorri is trying to bribe his way past a city watchman; a character of the Brass Tier 2, meaning they roll 4d10 Brass for Income. The GM decides the guard can be bribed and secretly rolls 21 on the 4d10, meaning the price for bribing the guard is 21 Brass. Letting Snorri through isn’t too risky for the watchman, and he does it often, so the GM doesn’t increase the bribe required. Snorri rolls 1 SL on his Bribery Test; so, he knows the watchman is open to a bribe, and has 2 guesses as to his price. Snorri’s first guess is 15 Brass, to which his GM replies ‘higher’. His second guess is 40, to which his GM replies ‘lower’. Snorri now knows he must bribe the watchman between 15 and 40 Brass, so decides to aim high, and offers 30. Smiling, the watchman waves Snorri through.


Charm makes people think favorably of you, your opinions, and proposed actions. Passing an Opposed Charm/Cool Test allows you to influence the behavior of one or more targets, up to a maximum number equal to your Fellowship Bonus + SL, affecting those with the lowest Willpower first. If a target is amenable to your Charm, the Test will be uncontested.


Your GM may permit you to use Charm in Combat if they think your foes might be susceptible to you pleading for your life or making persuasive arguments to stop the violence (although good luck charming a Goblin)!


If you use Charm as your Action, calculate the number of targets affected as normal. If you use it to defend, you only affect your attacker. If you succeed, any affected targets will not attack you this round and you gain +1 Advantage as normal. You may do this in successive rounds until you choose to stop or fail a Charm Test, after which your words carry no more weight.


Your GM may permit you to use Charm in Combat if they think your foes might be susceptible to you pleading for your life or making persuasive arguments to stop the violence (although good luck charming a Goblin)!


If you use Charm as your Action, calculate the number of targets affected as normal. If you use it to defend, you only affect your attacker. If you succeed, any affected targets will not attack you this round and you gain +1 Advantage as normal. You may do this in successive rounds until you choose to stop or fail a Charm Test, after which your words carry no more weight.




Public Speaking


The charm skill can be used to make impressive speeches to sway multiple targets to your way of thinking. assuming they can hear you and are inclined to listen, you can influence up to your Fellowship Bonus + SL targets with a single charm Test, influencing targets with the lowest Willpower first. If the crowd is unruly, or not receptive to your words, the test is opposed by the crowd’s average Willpower (typically 35). A failure shows the crowd is unconvinced. the public speaking and master orator talents can significantly increase the number of people you affect with public speaking. an astounding Failure (-6) (see page 152) in a charm test means your crowd quickly becomes an angry mob, with you as the target of their ire… 






The Charm skill can be used to beg on the streets. A successful test will scrounge Fellowship Bonus × SL brass pennies per hour from passers-by, with the Difficulty modified by the pitch chosen for begging, and how much sympathy your appearance can elicit. If you score no SL, but still pass the skill test, you only manage to scrounge a single pfennig. an astounding Failure (-6) means you may have attracted problems from the local Watchmen, found some trouble with  other, local beggars, or suffer some other significant set-back.


Note: Characters who are caught begging by their peers or associates will likely lose status unless they are already in the Beggar, or in some other destitute, career. 



"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"advanced":{"value":"bsc","type":"String"},"grouped":{"value":"noSpec","type":"String"},"characteristic":{"type":"String","label":"Characteristic","value":"fel"},"advances":{"type":"Number","label":"Advances","value":0},"total":{"type":"Number","label":"Total"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"4IGdIhnwTaZijzg7","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"Charm Animal","type":"skill","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/skills/skill.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"

Your aptitude for be friending, quickly calming, or subjugating animals.




Passing a Charm Animal Test allows you to influence the behavior of one or more animals, to a maximum of Willpower Bonus + SL. If the target animals are naturally docile, this Test may be uncontested, but it will generally be Opposed by the target’s Willpower.




In combat, you may use Charm Animal when facing animals. If you succeed, any affected targets will not attack you this Round and you gain +1 Advantage. You may do this in successive rounds until you choose to stop or fail a Charm Test, after which the creature’s instincts take over and you have no further influence.


The ability to ascend steep or vertical surfaces.


If time isn’t an issue, and a climb is relatively easy, anyone with Climb Skill is automatically assumed to be able to climb any reasonably small height.


For any other climbing, Climbing during combat. You may even find yourself climbing large opponents, though whether that is prudent is debatable.

"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"advanced":{"value":"bsc","type":"String"},"grouped":{"value":"noSpec","type":"String"},"characteristic":{"type":"String","label":"Characteristic","value":"s"},"advances":{"type":"Number","label":"Advances","value":0},"total":{"type":"Number","label":"Total"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"R2ytluHiEFF2KQ5e","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Consume Alcohol","type":"skill","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/skills/skill.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"



Your ability to handle alcohol without letting it cloud your judgment or render you senseless.


After each alcoholic drink make a Consume Alcohol Test, modified by the strength of the drink. For each Test you fail, you suffer a –10 penalty to WS, BS, Ag, Dex, and Int, to a maximum of –30 per Characteristic. After you fail a number of Tests equal to your Toughness Bonus, you are Stinking Drunk. Roll on the following table to see what happens:






Stinking Drunk




 Marienburgher’s Courage!’: Gain a bonus of +20 to your Cool Skill.




You’re My Besht Mate!’: Ignore all your existing Prejudices and Animosities.




 ‘Why’s Everything Wobbling!’: On your Turn, you can either Move or take an Action, but not both.




‘I’ll Take Yer All On!’: Gain Animosity (Everybody)!




 ‘How Did I Get here?’: You wake up the next day, massively hungover, with little memory of what transpired. The GM and other players with you will fill in the embarrassing gaps if you investigate. Pass a Consume Alcohol Test or also gain a Poisoned Condition.




After not drinking for an hour, enact a Challenging (+0) Consume Alcohol Test. The effects of being drunk will wear


off after 10–SL hours, with any Characteristic modifiers for being drunk lost over that time. After all effects wear off, enact another Challenging (+0) Consume Alcohol Test. You now gain a hangover, which is an Fatigued Condition that cannot be removed for 5–SL hours.


You may expend 1 Resolve point to ignore the negative modifiers of being drunk until the end of the next round.






Cool allows you to remain calm under stress, resist fear when faced with horror, and stick to your convictions.




Cool is generally used to resist other Skills — Charm, Intimidate, and similar — but you may also be required to make a Cool Test when faced with anything forcing you to do something you would rather not. Cool is also the primary Skill used to limit Psychology


Dodge is your ability to avoid things, through ducking, diving, and moving quickly, and is used extensively to sidestep falling rocks, incoming weapons, unexpected traps, and the like.


In combat, Dodge is generally used to resist attacks or avoid damage. Refer to Rolling to Hit.




Drive lets you guide vehicles — most commonly simple carts and lumbering coaches, not to mention the more ‘experimental’ creations of the Imperial Engineers — along the roads of the Empire with as little incident as possible.




Under normal circumstances, if you possess the Drive Skill, there is no need to Test. If conditions are less than ideal — perhaps the road is in poor condition, or the weather is terrible — a Drive Test will be required. If you do not possess the Drive Skill, you may be required to make a Test to carry out even basic maneuver. An Astounding Failure (-6) on a Drive Test means something bad has happened. Roll on the following table:










Snapped Harness: One horse (or equivalent) breaks free; reduce speed accordingly.




 Jolted Carriage: Passengers suffer 1 Wound and fragile cargos might be damaged.




Broken Wheel: Pass a Drive Test every round to avoid Crashing. Two-wheeled vehicles with a Broken Wheel Crash automatically.




 Broken Axle: The vehicle goes out of control and Crashes.




Crashing: Occupants of Crashing vehicles usually suffer 2d10 Wounds modified by Toughness Bonus and Armor Points


unless the vehicle was moving slowly (as determined by the GM). Crashed vehicles must be repaired by someone with an appropriate Trade Skill, such as Trade (Carpenter) or Trade (Cartwright). Spare wheels can be installed by anyone with a Drive Test or with an appropriate Trade Test. In combat, Drive may be used if circumstances allow — for instance, if the party is in a coach being raided by outlaws, and you wish to ram an enemy, or outrun them.






The Endurance Skill is called upon when you must endure hardship, withstand deprivation, sit without moving for long periods of time, or survive harsh environments. In particular, Endurance is Tested to resist or recover from various Conditions (see page 167) and helps you recover lost Wounds.


Allows you to delight crowds with the spoken word, perhaps by singing, acting, or attempting a few jokes. A successful use of the Entertain Skill means you have entertained patrons near enough to hear you; the SL indicates how well you have done.


In combat, it is unlikely that Entertain will be of much use, although you may come up with an interesting way to use Entertain (Acting) to confuse or mislead your opponents.




Specialisations: Acting, Comedy, Singing, Storytelling 


Allows you to measure the likelihood that a bet will pay off, as well as successfully engage in various games of chance.


To represent a gambling match, all players make a Gamble Test — applying any appropriate modifiers for familiarity with the game — and the player with the highest SL wins. On a tie, any lower scoring players drop out, and those remaining enact another Gamble Test, repeating this process until you have a winner.


If you wish to influence the game through less honest mechanics, see Sleight of Hand.


You can quickly ferret out interesting and useful news, and spread rumors of your own. A successful Gossip Test means you have found out one useful piece of information, which your GM can impart to you, about the local area. Each SL either offers you an additional piece of information, or the chance to spread a rumor to a number of individuals equal to your Fellowship Bonus. The time required for a Gossip Test depends on how circumspect the players are being, and how busy the area is, as determined by the GM.


It is unlikely that Gossip will be much use in combat, but if your attacker happens to be local, and you happen to know something really juicy…




Half-Heard Whispers


While it may be expedient for GMs to quickly share information gleaned from Gossip tests to all players at once, it is often more fun to share the information only with individual players (either through a note, or through briefly taking them aside). This means the players must relate this information to one another in-character — aiding the immersive roleplaying experience — which allows for mistakes and misunderstandings, sometimes leading to hilarious, or horrific, results. 




Haggle allows you to secure better deals when negotiating with others. In general, Haggle is used to see whether you do, or do not, make a good deal, most commonly with an Opposed Haggle Test. Specifically, it can be used when shopping to secure better prices. For information on this, refer to Chapter 11: Consumers’ Guide.


Allows you to coerce or frighten sentient creatures. The precise manner of initiating an Intimidate Test depends on context: while it is generally accompanied by an overt threat, sometimes a subtle implication or even a look is enough. Intimidate is almost always Opposed by your target’s Cool Skill; if successful, you can intimidate a number of targets up to your Strength Bonus + SL. Each will react to Intimidate based on their individual personalities and how successful you were in menacing them, but in all cases, they will back down or move out of the way and will not speak out against you, or they will alternatively accept combat is the only way forward and prepare their weapons.




In combat, you cause @Compendium[wfrp4e.psychologies.Ib2YQYChktDFN93y]{Fear} in all Intimidated targets. You may also use your Intimidate Skill instead of Melee when defending against those afraid of you, causing the Intimidated parties to back away from the fight with your will and posture alone. Further, with your GM’s approval, you may use Intimidate to ‘attack’ such targets, issuing specific commands, such as ‘drop your weapons’ or ‘get out of here!’. However, if you fail any of these subsequent Intimidate Tests, you no longer Intimidate (or cause Fear) in affected opponents. With your GM’s permission you may try to Intimidate them again in a later Round, but this will incur a negative modifier, as they are less likely to fear you having seen through your bravado once already.




Alternative Characteristics For Intimidate


While strength is the default stat for Intimidate tests, the GM may decree certain situations may allow you to use a different characteristic: a steely witch hunter may use Willpower to stare down an inquisitive bystander, or an academic may use Intelligence to cow a lowly student with his intimidating knowledge, for instance. 




Example: Facing a group of footpads, Svetlana the Strong rolls 4 SL on her Intimidate Test. Combined with her SB of 5, this means she can affect up to 9 targets, more than enough to impact all three footpads who now Fear Svetlana. As she has won by 3 SL, she gains +1 Advantage point until the end of her next turn. In the next round, she ‘attacks’ the footpads using her Intimidate, intending to scare them into leaving her be. However, she fails the Test, and the footpads realize they outnumber her, and are armed… 




The Intuition Skill allows you to get a feel for your surroundings, leading you to notice when something is wrong, and gives you a sense of when people may be hiding something from you. A successful use of the Intuition Skill gives you subtle or implicit intelligence relating to your environment, determined by your GM. This may be information such as whether someone believes what they are saying, what the general attitude is towards the local noble, or if the helpful local’s motives are as pure as they seem. If someone is actively trying to hide their intent, they may resist your Intuition with Cool or Entertain (Acting).




In combat, a successful Intuition Test may be used to give you +1 Advantage as you weigh the environment and your opponents. You may continue building Advantage in subsequent turns providing you are able to observe your targets and are not interrupted (such as being attacked); you may gain a maximum Advantage equal to your Intelligence Bonus in this manner.


A measure of your ability to lead others and command their respect. While most often associated with martial situations, a resolute leader can quickly direct a fast response to a fire or other such calamity, and nobles use the Skill frequently to command their lessers.




A successful Leadership Test allows you to issue orders to a number of targets equal to your Fellowship Bonus + SL. If the targets are your natural subordinates — a noble commanding serfs, or a sergeant commanding his troops — commands are usually unopposed. If there is no natural hierarchy in place, or the order is particularly challenging — such as ordering your soldiers to charge a Hydra head on — the Test is Opposed by your targets’ Cool.




In combat, you may use Leadership to encourage your subordinates. A successful Leadership Test confers a bonus of +10 to all Psychology Tests until the end of the next round (see page 190).




Further, Leadership can be used to transfer Advantage to allies able to hear you; following a successful Leadership Test, you may transfer an Advantage to one ally of your choice, plus a further +1 Advantage per SL scored, which can again go to any allies of your choice within earshot.




Example: Lord Ludwig von Schemp has been watching his two bodyguards discourse with some ruffians for three Rounds, using his Intuition Skill to build up 3 Advantage. Feeling it is going nowhere, he issues a peremptory order to attack the ringleader; passing his Leadership Test with 5 SL, he gives one bodyguard 2 of his Advantage, and the remaining bodyguard 1 Advantage, hoping this will bring a swift end to proceedings. 


The Melee Skill represents specific training with a single type of close combat weaponry. Each Melee Specialization indicates training in using a specific class of weapon. If you don’t have the correct Specialization for a weapon you wish to use, refer to Chapter 11: Consumers’ Guide for the correct weapon entry, and what penalties you will suffer. See Chapter 5: Rules for more detail about combat and using the Melee Skill.




Specializations: Basic, Brawling, Cavalry, Fencing, Flail, Parry, Pole-Arm, Two-Handed 


Navigation allows you to find your way in the wilderness using landmarks, stellar bodies or maps. Possessing the Navigation Skill means you know roughly where you are, and can find your way between well-known landmarks without a Test. A Test is only required if you are disoriented or travelling far from the beaten path, with success showing you the correct direction, or allowing you to avoid mishap.




If you are navigating a long journey, your GM may ask for an extended Navigation Test, modified by conditions, visible landmarks, and access to reliable geographical information. The SL required to succeed depends on how far the destination is, with each Test representing between an hour and a day’s travel, depending on the nature of the journey

"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"advanced":{"value":"bsc","type":"String"},"grouped":{"value":"noSpec","type":"String"},"characteristic":{"type":"String","label":"Characteristic","value":"i"},"advances":{"type":"Number","label":"Advances","value":0},"total":{"type":"Number","label":"Total"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"os4NKy5Oy6sRt1eh","flags":{},"name":"Outdoor Survival","type":"skill","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/skills/skill.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"

The Outdoor Survival Skill is used to survive in the wild, including the ability to fish, hunt, forage, and build fires and shelters. Experienced travelers are skilled at reading the signs of incoming inclement weather and finding the spoor of various dangerous beasts.




When camping, make an Outdoor Survival Test, modified by the harshness of conditions — for instance, a Test is Challenging (+0) if it is raining, Hard (–20) in a storm. A successful Test indicates you can provide yourself sustenance and shelter for the night. Each SL allows you to provide for one more character. If the Test is failed, you must make a Challenging (+0) Endurance Test or receive the Fatigued Condition. If you suffer an Astounding Failure, something untoward has happened, as determined by the GM; perhaps your camp is attacked in the night?




When fighting in the wilderness, you may make an Outdoor Survival Test to receive +1 Advantage, in the same way as Intuition, to a maximum number of Advantage equal to your Intelligence Bonus, as you spy out treacherous and advantageous terrain that you can best use to your advantage.




Gathering Food and Herbs


Gathering food or herbs normally takes around 2 hours. Hunting and foraging parties make one assisted Outdoor Survival Test for the group, with the Difficulty determined by the circumstances.








Your ability to notice things with your senses — sight, smell, hearing, touch, and taste, and any other senses you may possess, such as magical or non-Human senses. Your GM may ask for a Perception Test to detect something, like movement behind the treeline, the presence of a trap, or someone following you, modified by how easy it is to notice. Perception is also used to resist attempts to hide things through Skills such as Sleight of Hand or Stealth. Perception has multiple uses in combat, most commonly to notice important details beyond the immediately obvious about the surrounding environment and your opponents, as determined by the GM. 


How proficient you are at riding a particular group of animals; Ride (Horse), for example, will let you ride Horses, Mules, Donkeys, and similar. You’ll only need to make a Test when doing something out of the ordinary, such as racing, dressage, traversing dangerous terrain, or charging into combat. Otherwise, if you have at least one Advance in the Skill, you are presumed to be able to ride around without need of a Test.




If mounted on a steed, you move using the steed’s Movement statistic; if you wish to run, jump, or leap, you use your Ride Skill, not Athletics. An extended Ride Test may be needed if you are racing somewhere, the target SL depending on the length of the journey, the number of Tests indicating how long you take to arrive. A Ride Test may be modified by environmental conditions, and the temperament of your mount. For more information on mounts, see Chapter 12: Bestiary. The Ride skill can be used extensively in combat. See Chapter 5: Rules, for more on mounted combat.




Specializations: Demigryph, Great Wolf, Griffon, Horse, Pegasus 


Your prowess at pulling an oar and moving a boat through the water. The Row Skill is typically only used when racing, navigating rapids, desperately avoiding Bog Octopuses, or similar unusual or dangerous feats. Anyone with the Skill is automatically presumed to be able to scull about a pond, or over a gentle river, without a Test. Those without the skill may have to make a Test for anything but the most basic maneuvers. 


Allows you to creep quietly and conceal yourself in shadows more readily than most. Stealth is generally Opposed by an opponent’s Perception Skill, and Tests will be modifed by how dark or well concealed your route is, as well as how circumspectly you are dressed. An Impressive or Astounding Failure on a Stealth Test will likely draw the immediate attention of the enemies you were trying to avoid in the first place.




Stealth has many potential applications in combat, most usefully to hide oneself in preparation for an Ambush, or to creep around an opponent in order to attack from behind. Of course, you can also use the Skill to escape a conflict unseen…




Specializations: Rural, Underground, Urban 




Options: Shadowing


Shadowing is following someone secretly. To do this requires a Combined Perception and Stealth Test. If the target is actively trying to lose a tail, it is Opposed with the target’s Stealth Skill.




If you pass the Perception Test, and fail the Stealth Test you follow your target, but are spotted. If you fail the perception Test, yet pass the Stealth Test, you lose your target, but go unnoticed

"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"advanced":{"value":"bsc","type":"String"},"grouped":{"value":"isSpec","type":"String"},"characteristic":{"type":"String","label":"Characteristic","value":"ag"},"advances":{"type":"Number","label":"Advances","value":0},"total":{"type":"Number","label":"Total"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"Ggx0bRaCuq8MbF0g","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Gold Crown","type":"money","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/currency/goldcrown.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"quantity":{"type":"Number","label":"Quantity","value":0},"encumbrance":{"type":"Number","label":"Encumbrance","value":0.005},"location":{"type":"Number","label":"Location","value":0},"coinValue":{"label":"Value (in d)","type":"Number","value":240},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"KB8HgDz56dh2w7w1","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Silver Shilling","type":"money","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/currency/silvershilling.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"quantity":{"type":"Number","label":"Quantity","value":0},"encumbrance":{"type":"Number","label":"Encumbrance","value":0.005},"location":{"type":"Number","label":"Location","value":0},"coinValue":{"label":"Value (in d)","type":"Number","value":12},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"0MYOJFx3vkYA95B4","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Brass Penny","type":"money","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/currency/brasspenny.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"quantity":{"type":"Number","label":"Quantity","value":0},"encumbrance":{"type":"Number","label":"Encumbrance","value":0.005},"location":{"type":"Number","label":"Location","value":0},"coinValue":{"label":"Value (in d)","type":"Number","value":1},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"oh4GDQczaQTMcvQ1","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Corruption","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"The creature is tainted by Chaos, or perhaps suffused with Dark Magics. The Strength of the Corruption is marked in brackets."},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":false,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"","bonusCharacteristic":"","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"Minor","type":"String","label":"Specification"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}},"sort":100000},{"_id":"5tjGD31mJZJMF7wF","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"Weapon","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"The creature carries a melee weapon, or uses teeth, claws, or similar in combat.\n \n The weapon causes Damage equal to its Rating which already includes the creature’s Strength Bonus. Typically it will be 4 + its Strength Bonus (representing a Hand Weapon)"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":true,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"ws","bonusCharacteristic":"s","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"4","type":"String","label":"Specification"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}},"sort":200000},{"_id":"PVARMZD0o3hHUaXn","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Fear","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"

The creature causes supernatural Fear in other creatures, with a rating equal to its Rating.




The Fear trait represents an extreme aversion to something. Creatures that cause Fear have a Fear Rating; this value reflects the SL you are required to pass on an Extended Cool Test to overcome your Fear. You may continue to Test at the end of every round until your SL equals or surpasses the creature’s Fear rating. Until you do this, you are subject to Fear.




When subject to Fear, you suffer –1 SL on all Tests to affect the source of your fear. You may not move closer to whatever is causing Fear without passing a Challenging (+0) Cool Test. If it comes closer to you, you must pass a Challenging (+0) Cool Test, or gain a Broken Condition.

"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":false,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"","bonusCharacteristic":"","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"1","type":"String","label":"Specification"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}},"sort":300000}]} {"name":"Otto","permission":{"default":0,"Cq31UaFnLVMpY5dr":3},"type":"npc","data":{"characteristics":{"ws":{"type":"number","label":"CHAR.WS","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.WS","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"bs":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.BS","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.BS","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"s":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.S","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.S","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"t":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.T","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.T","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"i":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.I","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.I","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"ag":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.Ag","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.Ag","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"dex":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.Dex","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.Dex","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"int":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.Int","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.Int","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"wp":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.WP","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.WP","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"fel":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.Fel","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.Fel","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25}},"status":{"wounds":{"type":"Number","label":"Wounds","abrev":"W","value":12,"max":12},"advantage":{"type":"Number","label":"Advantage","value":"0","max":10},"criticalWounds":{"type":"Number","label":"Critical Wounds","value":0,"max":2},"sin":{"type":"Number","label":"Sin","value":"0"},"penalties":{"type":"String","label":"Penalties","value":""},"corruption":{"type":"Number","label":"Corruption","value":0},"encumbrance":{"type":"Number","label":"Encumbrance","max":6,"current":0}},"details":{"species":{"type":"String","label":"Species","value":"Mutant"},"gender":{"type":"String","label":"Gender","value":""},"size":{"type":"String","label":"Size","value":"avg"},"move":{"type":"Number","label":"Movement","value":"4","walk":8,"run":16},"god":{"type":"String","label":"God","value":""},"hitLocationTable":{"value":"hitloc","type":"String","label":"Hit Location Table"},"personal-ambitions":{"short-term":"","long-term":""},"party-ambitions":{"short-term":"","long-term":""},"motivation":{"value":""},"biography":{"value":"

Otto is the portly innkeeper of the Hooded Man inn.


Otto the ‘landlord’ is fat to such an extreme degree that he is as wide as he is tall. He seems to roll along rather than walk, but he is passable as a Human. Because he has no other noticeable mutation - and all landlords are a bit on the portly side - Otto adopts the role of landlord when the Characters arrive.


Create works of art in your chosen medium. Not having access to appropriate Trade Tools will incur a penalty to your Test. The SL achieved determines the quality of the final piece. For complicated or large works of art, an Extended Test may be required. The Art Skill has little use in combat, but marble busts make marvelous improvised weapons.




Specializations: Cartography, Engraving, Mosaics, Painting, Sculpture, Tattoo, Weaving 




Example: Irina has been commissioned to paint a portrait of a local noble, whose favor her party is currying. Her GM determines this requires a total of 10 SL in an Extended Art Test, with each Test representing a week’s work.


Your ability to run, jump and move with speed or grace, and to perform any general physical activity. Refer to Moving for details on using Athletics in combat movement. 


Your ability to judge how likely a person is to accept a bribe, and how best to offer the bribe so they will accept it. A successful Bribery Test tells you if a target may be bribed. If so, your GM will secretly determine the price of their cooperation using the target’s Earnings, increasing the amount according to their usual honesty and the risk involved in taking the bribe. You then guess that target amount and the GM will tell you if the price is higher, lower, or equal. Each SL from your initial Bribery Test gives you another guess. At the end of this process, you determine how much money to offer, based on what you have gleaned.




In combat, you may use Bribery as above to try to stop the fight, but treat the Test as Hard (–20) owing to the stress of the situation. If your target is not susceptible, you cannot afford the fee, or your foes do not speak your tongue, your pathetic attempts to buy them off will be doomed to fail. Of course, if they have the advantage of numbers, what’s to prevent them from taking all of your money?




Example: Snorri is trying to bribe his way past a city watchman; a character of the Brass Tier 2, meaning they roll 4d10 Brass for Income. The GM decides the guard can be bribed and secretly rolls 21 on the 4d10, meaning the price for bribing the guard is 21 Brass. Letting Snorri through isn’t too risky for the watchman, and he does it often, so the GM doesn’t increase the bribe required. Snorri rolls 1 SL on his Bribery Test; so, he knows the watchman is open to a bribe, and has 2 guesses as to his price. Snorri’s first guess is 15 Brass, to which his GM replies ‘higher’. His second guess is 40, to which his GM replies ‘lower’. Snorri now knows he must bribe the watchman between 15 and 40 Brass, so decides to aim high, and offers 30. Smiling, the watchman waves Snorri through.


Charm makes people think favorably of you, your opinions, and proposed actions. Passing an Opposed Charm/Cool Test allows you to influence the behavior of one or more targets, up to a maximum number equal to your Fellowship Bonus + SL, affecting those with the lowest Willpower first. If a target is amenable to your Charm, the Test will be uncontested.


Your GM may permit you to use Charm in Combat if they think your foes might be susceptible to you pleading for your life or making persuasive arguments to stop the violence (although good luck charming a Goblin)!


If you use Charm as your Action, calculate the number of targets affected as normal. If you use it to defend, you only affect your attacker. If you succeed, any affected targets will not attack you this round and you gain +1 Advantage as normal. You may do this in successive rounds until you choose to stop or fail a Charm Test, after which your words carry no more weight.


Your GM may permit you to use Charm in Combat if they think your foes might be susceptible to you pleading for your life or making persuasive arguments to stop the violence (although good luck charming a Goblin)!


If you use Charm as your Action, calculate the number of targets affected as normal. If you use it to defend, you only affect your attacker. If you succeed, any affected targets will not attack you this round and you gain +1 Advantage as normal. You may do this in successive rounds until you choose to stop or fail a Charm Test, after which your words carry no more weight.




Public Speaking


The charm skill can be used to make impressive speeches to sway multiple targets to your way of thinking. assuming they can hear you and are inclined to listen, you can influence up to your Fellowship Bonus + SL targets with a single charm Test, influencing targets with the lowest Willpower first. If the crowd is unruly, or not receptive to your words, the test is opposed by the crowd’s average Willpower (typically 35). A failure shows the crowd is unconvinced. the public speaking and master orator talents can significantly increase the number of people you affect with public speaking. an astounding Failure (-6) (see page 152) in a charm test means your crowd quickly becomes an angry mob, with you as the target of their ire… 






The Charm skill can be used to beg on the streets. A successful test will scrounge Fellowship Bonus × SL brass pennies per hour from passers-by, with the Difficulty modified by the pitch chosen for begging, and how much sympathy your appearance can elicit. If you score no SL, but still pass the skill test, you only manage to scrounge a single pfennig. an astounding Failure (-6) means you may have attracted problems from the local Watchmen, found some trouble with  other, local beggars, or suffer some other significant set-back.


Note: Characters who are caught begging by their peers or associates will likely lose status unless they are already in the Beggar, or in some other destitute, career. 



"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"advanced":{"value":"bsc","type":"String"},"grouped":{"value":"noSpec","type":"String"},"characteristic":{"type":"String","label":"Characteristic","value":"fel"},"advances":{"type":"Number","label":"Advances","value":0},"total":{"type":"Number","label":"Total"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"4IGdIhnwTaZijzg7","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"Charm Animal","type":"skill","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/skills/skill.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"

Your aptitude for be friending, quickly calming, or subjugating animals.




Passing a Charm Animal Test allows you to influence the behavior of one or more animals, to a maximum of Willpower Bonus + SL. If the target animals are naturally docile, this Test may be uncontested, but it will generally be Opposed by the target’s Willpower.




In combat, you may use Charm Animal when facing animals. If you succeed, any affected targets will not attack you this Round and you gain +1 Advantage. You may do this in successive rounds until you choose to stop or fail a Charm Test, after which the creature’s instincts take over and you have no further influence.


The ability to ascend steep or vertical surfaces.


If time isn’t an issue, and a climb is relatively easy, anyone with Climb Skill is automatically assumed to be able to climb any reasonably small height.


For any other climbing, Climbing during combat. You may even find yourself climbing large opponents, though whether that is prudent is debatable.

"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"advanced":{"value":"bsc","type":"String"},"grouped":{"value":"noSpec","type":"String"},"characteristic":{"type":"String","label":"Characteristic","value":"s"},"advances":{"type":"Number","label":"Advances","value":0},"total":{"type":"Number","label":"Total"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"R2ytluHiEFF2KQ5e","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Consume Alcohol","type":"skill","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/skills/skill.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"



Your ability to handle alcohol without letting it cloud your judgment or render you senseless.


After each alcoholic drink make a Consume Alcohol Test, modified by the strength of the drink. For each Test you fail, you suffer a –10 penalty to WS, BS, Ag, Dex, and Int, to a maximum of –30 per Characteristic. After you fail a number of Tests equal to your Toughness Bonus, you are Stinking Drunk. Roll on the following table to see what happens:






Stinking Drunk




 Marienburgher’s Courage!’: Gain a bonus of +20 to your Cool Skill.




You’re My Besht Mate!’: Ignore all your existing Prejudices and Animosities.




 ‘Why’s Everything Wobbling!’: On your Turn, you can either Move or take an Action, but not both.




‘I’ll Take Yer All On!’: Gain Animosity (Everybody)!




 ‘How Did I Get here?’: You wake up the next day, massively hungover, with little memory of what transpired. The GM and other players with you will fill in the embarrassing gaps if you investigate. Pass a Consume Alcohol Test or also gain a Poisoned Condition.




After not drinking for an hour, enact a Challenging (+0) Consume Alcohol Test. The effects of being drunk will wear


off after 10–SL hours, with any Characteristic modifiers for being drunk lost over that time. After all effects wear off, enact another Challenging (+0) Consume Alcohol Test. You now gain a hangover, which is an Fatigued Condition that cannot be removed for 5–SL hours.


You may expend 1 Resolve point to ignore the negative modifiers of being drunk until the end of the next round.






Cool allows you to remain calm under stress, resist fear when faced with horror, and stick to your convictions.




Cool is generally used to resist other Skills — Charm, Intimidate, and similar — but you may also be required to make a Cool Test when faced with anything forcing you to do something you would rather not. Cool is also the primary Skill used to limit Psychology


Dodge is your ability to avoid things, through ducking, diving, and moving quickly, and is used extensively to sidestep falling rocks, incoming weapons, unexpected traps, and the like.


In combat, Dodge is generally used to resist attacks or avoid damage. Refer to Rolling to Hit.




Drive lets you guide vehicles — most commonly simple carts and lumbering coaches, not to mention the more ‘experimental’ creations of the Imperial Engineers — along the roads of the Empire with as little incident as possible.




Under normal circumstances, if you possess the Drive Skill, there is no need to Test. If conditions are less than ideal — perhaps the road is in poor condition, or the weather is terrible — a Drive Test will be required. If you do not possess the Drive Skill, you may be required to make a Test to carry out even basic maneuver. An Astounding Failure (-6) on a Drive Test means something bad has happened. Roll on the following table:










Snapped Harness: One horse (or equivalent) breaks free; reduce speed accordingly.




 Jolted Carriage: Passengers suffer 1 Wound and fragile cargos might be damaged.




Broken Wheel: Pass a Drive Test every round to avoid Crashing. Two-wheeled vehicles with a Broken Wheel Crash automatically.




 Broken Axle: The vehicle goes out of control and Crashes.




Crashing: Occupants of Crashing vehicles usually suffer 2d10 Wounds modified by Toughness Bonus and Armor Points


unless the vehicle was moving slowly (as determined by the GM). Crashed vehicles must be repaired by someone with an appropriate Trade Skill, such as Trade (Carpenter) or Trade (Cartwright). Spare wheels can be installed by anyone with a Drive Test or with an appropriate Trade Test. In combat, Drive may be used if circumstances allow — for instance, if the party is in a coach being raided by outlaws, and you wish to ram an enemy, or outrun them.






The Endurance Skill is called upon when you must endure hardship, withstand deprivation, sit without moving for long periods of time, or survive harsh environments. In particular, Endurance is Tested to resist or recover from various Conditions (see page 167) and helps you recover lost Wounds.


Allows you to delight crowds with the spoken word, perhaps by singing, acting, or attempting a few jokes. A successful use of the Entertain Skill means you have entertained patrons near enough to hear you; the SL indicates how well you have done.


In combat, it is unlikely that Entertain will be of much use, although you may come up with an interesting way to use Entertain (Acting) to confuse or mislead your opponents.




Specialisations: Acting, Comedy, Singing, Storytelling 


Allows you to measure the likelihood that a bet will pay off, as well as successfully engage in various games of chance.


To represent a gambling match, all players make a Gamble Test — applying any appropriate modifiers for familiarity with the game — and the player with the highest SL wins. On a tie, any lower scoring players drop out, and those remaining enact another Gamble Test, repeating this process until you have a winner.


If you wish to influence the game through less honest mechanics, see Sleight of Hand.


You can quickly ferret out interesting and useful news, and spread rumors of your own. A successful Gossip Test means you have found out one useful piece of information, which your GM can impart to you, about the local area. Each SL either offers you an additional piece of information, or the chance to spread a rumor to a number of individuals equal to your Fellowship Bonus. The time required for a Gossip Test depends on how circumspect the players are being, and how busy the area is, as determined by the GM.


It is unlikely that Gossip will be much use in combat, but if your attacker happens to be local, and you happen to know something really juicy…




Half-Heard Whispers


While it may be expedient for GMs to quickly share information gleaned from Gossip tests to all players at once, it is often more fun to share the information only with individual players (either through a note, or through briefly taking them aside). This means the players must relate this information to one another in-character — aiding the immersive roleplaying experience — which allows for mistakes and misunderstandings, sometimes leading to hilarious, or horrific, results. 




Haggle allows you to secure better deals when negotiating with others. In general, Haggle is used to see whether you do, or do not, make a good deal, most commonly with an Opposed Haggle Test. Specifically, it can be used when shopping to secure better prices. For information on this, refer to Chapter 11: Consumers’ Guide.


Allows you to coerce or frighten sentient creatures. The precise manner of initiating an Intimidate Test depends on context: while it is generally accompanied by an overt threat, sometimes a subtle implication or even a look is enough. Intimidate is almost always Opposed by your target’s Cool Skill; if successful, you can intimidate a number of targets up to your Strength Bonus + SL. Each will react to Intimidate based on their individual personalities and how successful you were in menacing them, but in all cases, they will back down or move out of the way and will not speak out against you, or they will alternatively accept combat is the only way forward and prepare their weapons.




In combat, you cause @Compendium[wfrp4e.psychologies.Ib2YQYChktDFN93y]{Fear} in all Intimidated targets. You may also use your Intimidate Skill instead of Melee when defending against those afraid of you, causing the Intimidated parties to back away from the fight with your will and posture alone. Further, with your GM’s approval, you may use Intimidate to ‘attack’ such targets, issuing specific commands, such as ‘drop your weapons’ or ‘get out of here!’. However, if you fail any of these subsequent Intimidate Tests, you no longer Intimidate (or cause Fear) in affected opponents. With your GM’s permission you may try to Intimidate them again in a later Round, but this will incur a negative modifier, as they are less likely to fear you having seen through your bravado once already.




Alternative Characteristics For Intimidate


While strength is the default stat for Intimidate tests, the GM may decree certain situations may allow you to use a different characteristic: a steely witch hunter may use Willpower to stare down an inquisitive bystander, or an academic may use Intelligence to cow a lowly student with his intimidating knowledge, for instance. 




Example: Facing a group of footpads, Svetlana the Strong rolls 4 SL on her Intimidate Test. Combined with her SB of 5, this means she can affect up to 9 targets, more than enough to impact all three footpads who now Fear Svetlana. As she has won by 3 SL, she gains +1 Advantage point until the end of her next turn. In the next round, she ‘attacks’ the footpads using her Intimidate, intending to scare them into leaving her be. However, she fails the Test, and the footpads realize they outnumber her, and are armed… 




The Intuition Skill allows you to get a feel for your surroundings, leading you to notice when something is wrong, and gives you a sense of when people may be hiding something from you. A successful use of the Intuition Skill gives you subtle or implicit intelligence relating to your environment, determined by your GM. This may be information such as whether someone believes what they are saying, what the general attitude is towards the local noble, or if the helpful local’s motives are as pure as they seem. If someone is actively trying to hide their intent, they may resist your Intuition with Cool or Entertain (Acting).




In combat, a successful Intuition Test may be used to give you +1 Advantage as you weigh the environment and your opponents. You may continue building Advantage in subsequent turns providing you are able to observe your targets and are not interrupted (such as being attacked); you may gain a maximum Advantage equal to your Intelligence Bonus in this manner.


A measure of your ability to lead others and command their respect. While most often associated with martial situations, a resolute leader can quickly direct a fast response to a fire or other such calamity, and nobles use the Skill frequently to command their lessers.




A successful Leadership Test allows you to issue orders to a number of targets equal to your Fellowship Bonus + SL. If the targets are your natural subordinates — a noble commanding serfs, or a sergeant commanding his troops — commands are usually unopposed. If there is no natural hierarchy in place, or the order is particularly challenging — such as ordering your soldiers to charge a Hydra head on — the Test is Opposed by your targets’ Cool.




In combat, you may use Leadership to encourage your subordinates. A successful Leadership Test confers a bonus of +10 to all Psychology Tests until the end of the next round (see page 190).




Further, Leadership can be used to transfer Advantage to allies able to hear you; following a successful Leadership Test, you may transfer an Advantage to one ally of your choice, plus a further +1 Advantage per SL scored, which can again go to any allies of your choice within earshot.




Example: Lord Ludwig von Schemp has been watching his two bodyguards discourse with some ruffians for three Rounds, using his Intuition Skill to build up 3 Advantage. Feeling it is going nowhere, he issues a peremptory order to attack the ringleader; passing his Leadership Test with 5 SL, he gives one bodyguard 2 of his Advantage, and the remaining bodyguard 1 Advantage, hoping this will bring a swift end to proceedings. 


The Melee Skill represents specific training with a single type of close combat weaponry. Each Melee Specialization indicates training in using a specific class of weapon. If you don’t have the correct Specialization for a weapon you wish to use, refer to Chapter 11: Consumers’ Guide for the correct weapon entry, and what penalties you will suffer. See Chapter 5: Rules for more detail about combat and using the Melee Skill.




Specializations: Basic, Brawling, Cavalry, Fencing, Flail, Parry, Pole-Arm, Two-Handed 


Navigation allows you to find your way in the wilderness using landmarks, stellar bodies or maps. Possessing the Navigation Skill means you know roughly where you are, and can find your way between well-known landmarks without a Test. A Test is only required if you are disoriented or travelling far from the beaten path, with success showing you the correct direction, or allowing you to avoid mishap.




If you are navigating a long journey, your GM may ask for an extended Navigation Test, modified by conditions, visible landmarks, and access to reliable geographical information. The SL required to succeed depends on how far the destination is, with each Test representing between an hour and a day’s travel, depending on the nature of the journey

"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"advanced":{"value":"bsc","type":"String"},"grouped":{"value":"noSpec","type":"String"},"characteristic":{"type":"String","label":"Characteristic","value":"i"},"advances":{"type":"Number","label":"Advances","value":0},"total":{"type":"Number","label":"Total"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"os4NKy5Oy6sRt1eh","flags":{},"name":"Outdoor Survival","type":"skill","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/skills/skill.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"

The Outdoor Survival Skill is used to survive in the wild, including the ability to fish, hunt, forage, and build fires and shelters. Experienced travelers are skilled at reading the signs of incoming inclement weather and finding the spoor of various dangerous beasts.




When camping, make an Outdoor Survival Test, modified by the harshness of conditions — for instance, a Test is Challenging (+0) if it is raining, Hard (–20) in a storm. A successful Test indicates you can provide yourself sustenance and shelter for the night. Each SL allows you to provide for one more character. If the Test is failed, you must make a Challenging (+0) Endurance Test or receive the Fatigued Condition. If you suffer an Astounding Failure, something untoward has happened, as determined by the GM; perhaps your camp is attacked in the night?




When fighting in the wilderness, you may make an Outdoor Survival Test to receive +1 Advantage, in the same way as Intuition, to a maximum number of Advantage equal to your Intelligence Bonus, as you spy out treacherous and advantageous terrain that you can best use to your advantage.




Gathering Food and Herbs


Gathering food or herbs normally takes around 2 hours. Hunting and foraging parties make one assisted Outdoor Survival Test for the group, with the Difficulty determined by the circumstances.








Your ability to notice things with your senses — sight, smell, hearing, touch, and taste, and any other senses you may possess, such as magical or non-Human senses. Your GM may ask for a Perception Test to detect something, like movement behind the treeline, the presence of a trap, or someone following you, modified by how easy it is to notice. Perception is also used to resist attempts to hide things through Skills such as Sleight of Hand or Stealth. Perception has multiple uses in combat, most commonly to notice important details beyond the immediately obvious about the surrounding environment and your opponents, as determined by the GM. 


How proficient you are at riding a particular group of animals; Ride (Horse), for example, will let you ride Horses, Mules, Donkeys, and similar. You’ll only need to make a Test when doing something out of the ordinary, such as racing, dressage, traversing dangerous terrain, or charging into combat. Otherwise, if you have at least one Advance in the Skill, you are presumed to be able to ride around without need of a Test.




If mounted on a steed, you move using the steed’s Movement statistic; if you wish to run, jump, or leap, you use your Ride Skill, not Athletics. An extended Ride Test may be needed if you are racing somewhere, the target SL depending on the length of the journey, the number of Tests indicating how long you take to arrive. A Ride Test may be modified by environmental conditions, and the temperament of your mount. For more information on mounts, see Chapter 12: Bestiary. The Ride skill can be used extensively in combat. See Chapter 5: Rules, for more on mounted combat.




Specializations: Demigryph, Great Wolf, Griffon, Horse, Pegasus 


Your prowess at pulling an oar and moving a boat through the water. The Row Skill is typically only used when racing, navigating rapids, desperately avoiding Bog Octopuses, or similar unusual or dangerous feats. Anyone with the Skill is automatically presumed to be able to scull about a pond, or over a gentle river, without a Test. Those without the skill may have to make a Test for anything but the most basic maneuvers. 


Allows you to creep quietly and conceal yourself in shadows more readily than most. Stealth is generally Opposed by an opponent’s Perception Skill, and Tests will be modifed by how dark or well concealed your route is, as well as how circumspectly you are dressed. An Impressive or Astounding Failure on a Stealth Test will likely draw the immediate attention of the enemies you were trying to avoid in the first place.




Stealth has many potential applications in combat, most usefully to hide oneself in preparation for an Ambush, or to creep around an opponent in order to attack from behind. Of course, you can also use the Skill to escape a conflict unseen…




Specializations: Rural, Underground, Urban 




Options: Shadowing


Shadowing is following someone secretly. To do this requires a Combined Perception and Stealth Test. If the target is actively trying to lose a tail, it is Opposed with the target’s Stealth Skill.




If you pass the Perception Test, and fail the Stealth Test you follow your target, but are spotted. If you fail the perception Test, yet pass the Stealth Test, you lose your target, but go unnoticed

"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"advanced":{"value":"bsc","type":"String"},"grouped":{"value":"isSpec","type":"String"},"characteristic":{"type":"String","label":"Characteristic","value":"ag"},"advances":{"type":"Number","label":"Advances","value":0},"total":{"type":"Number","label":"Total"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"Ggx0bRaCuq8MbF0g","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Gold Crown","type":"money","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/currency/goldcrown.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"quantity":{"type":"Number","label":"Quantity","value":0},"encumbrance":{"type":"Number","label":"Encumbrance","value":0.005},"location":{"type":"Number","label":"Location","value":0},"coinValue":{"label":"Value (in d)","type":"Number","value":240},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"KB8HgDz56dh2w7w1","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Silver Shilling","type":"money","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/currency/silvershilling.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"quantity":{"type":"Number","label":"Quantity","value":0},"encumbrance":{"type":"Number","label":"Encumbrance","value":0.005},"location":{"type":"Number","label":"Location","value":0},"coinValue":{"label":"Value (in d)","type":"Number","value":12},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"0MYOJFx3vkYA95B4","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Brass Penny","type":"money","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/currency/brasspenny.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"quantity":{"type":"Number","label":"Quantity","value":0},"encumbrance":{"type":"Number","label":"Encumbrance","value":0.005},"location":{"type":"Number","label":"Location","value":0},"coinValue":{"label":"Value (in d)","type":"Number","value":1},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"oh4GDQczaQTMcvQ1","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Corruption","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"The creature is tainted by Chaos, or perhaps suffused with Dark Magics. The Strength of the Corruption is marked in brackets."},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":false,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"","bonusCharacteristic":"","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"Minor","type":"String","label":"Specification"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}},"sort":100000},{"_id":"5tjGD31mJZJMF7wF","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"Weapon","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"The creature carries a melee weapon, or uses teeth, claws, or similar in combat.\n \n The weapon causes Damage equal to its Rating which already includes the creature’s Strength Bonus. Typically it will be 4 + its Strength Bonus (representing a Hand Weapon)"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":true,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"ws","bonusCharacteristic":"s","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"4","type":"String","label":"Specification"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}},"sort":200000}],"_id":"iJbHwN6a9BNiDXe1"} {"_id":"iJbHwN6a9BNiDXe1","name":"Otto","permission":{"default":0,"Cq31UaFnLVMpY5dr":3},"type":"npc","data":{"characteristics":{"ws":{"type":"number","label":"CHAR.WS","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.WS","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"bs":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.BS","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.BS","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"s":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.S","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.S","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"t":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.T","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.T","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"i":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.I","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.I","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"ag":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.Ag","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.Ag","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"dex":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.Dex","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.Dex","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"int":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.Int","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.Int","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"wp":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.WP","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.WP","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"fel":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.Fel","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.Fel","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25}},"status":{"wounds":{"type":"Number","label":"Wounds","abrev":"W","value":12,"max":12},"advantage":{"type":"Number","label":"Advantage","value":"0","max":10},"criticalWounds":{"type":"Number","label":"Critical Wounds","value":0,"max":2},"sin":{"type":"Number","label":"Sin","value":"0"},"penalties":{"type":"String","label":"Penalties","value":""},"corruption":{"type":"Number","label":"Corruption","value":0},"encumbrance":{"type":"Number","label":"Encumbrance","max":6,"current":0}},"details":{"species":{"type":"String","label":"Species","value":"Mutant"},"gender":{"type":"String","label":"Gender","value":""},"size":{"type":"String","label":"Size","value":"avg"},"move":{"type":"Number","label":"Movement","value":"4","walk":8,"run":16},"god":{"type":"String","label":"God","value":""},"hitLocationTable":{"value":"hitloc","type":"String","label":"Hit Location Table"},"personal-ambitions":{"short-term":"","long-term":""},"party-ambitions":{"short-term":"","long-term":""},"motivation":{"value":""},"biography":{"value":"

Otto is the portly innkeeper of the Hooded Man inn.


Otto the ‘landlord’ is fat to such an extreme degree that he is as wide as he is tall. He seems to roll along rather than walk, but he is passable as a Human. Because he has no other noticeable mutation - and all landlords are a bit on the portly side - Otto adopts the role of landlord when the Characters arrive.


Create works of art in your chosen medium. Not having access to appropriate Trade Tools will incur a penalty to your Test. The SL achieved determines the quality of the final piece. For complicated or large works of art, an Extended Test may be required. The Art Skill has little use in combat, but marble busts make marvelous improvised weapons.




Specializations: Cartography, Engraving, Mosaics, Painting, Sculpture, Tattoo, Weaving 




Example: Irina has been commissioned to paint a portrait of a local noble, whose favor her party is currying. Her GM determines this requires a total of 10 SL in an Extended Art Test, with each Test representing a week’s work.


Your ability to run, jump and move with speed or grace, and to perform any general physical activity. Refer to Moving for details on using Athletics in combat movement. 


Your ability to judge how likely a person is to accept a bribe, and how best to offer the bribe so they will accept it. A successful Bribery Test tells you if a target may be bribed. If so, your GM will secretly determine the price of their cooperation using the target’s Earnings, increasing the amount according to their usual honesty and the risk involved in taking the bribe. You then guess that target amount and the GM will tell you if the price is higher, lower, or equal. Each SL from your initial Bribery Test gives you another guess. At the end of this process, you determine how much money to offer, based on what you have gleaned.




In combat, you may use Bribery as above to try to stop the fight, but treat the Test as Hard (–20) owing to the stress of the situation. If your target is not susceptible, you cannot afford the fee, or your foes do not speak your tongue, your pathetic attempts to buy them off will be doomed to fail. Of course, if they have the advantage of numbers, what’s to prevent them from taking all of your money?




Example: Snorri is trying to bribe his way past a city watchman; a character of the Brass Tier 2, meaning they roll 4d10 Brass for Income. The GM decides the guard can be bribed and secretly rolls 21 on the 4d10, meaning the price for bribing the guard is 21 Brass. Letting Snorri through isn’t too risky for the watchman, and he does it often, so the GM doesn’t increase the bribe required. Snorri rolls 1 SL on his Bribery Test; so, he knows the watchman is open to a bribe, and has 2 guesses as to his price. Snorri’s first guess is 15 Brass, to which his GM replies ‘higher’. His second guess is 40, to which his GM replies ‘lower’. Snorri now knows he must bribe the watchman between 15 and 40 Brass, so decides to aim high, and offers 30. Smiling, the watchman waves Snorri through.


Charm makes people think favorably of you, your opinions, and proposed actions. Passing an Opposed Charm/Cool Test allows you to influence the behavior of one or more targets, up to a maximum number equal to your Fellowship Bonus + SL, affecting those with the lowest Willpower first. If a target is amenable to your Charm, the Test will be uncontested.


Your GM may permit you to use Charm in Combat if they think your foes might be susceptible to you pleading for your life or making persuasive arguments to stop the violence (although good luck charming a Goblin)!


If you use Charm as your Action, calculate the number of targets affected as normal. If you use it to defend, you only affect your attacker. If you succeed, any affected targets will not attack you this round and you gain +1 Advantage as normal. You may do this in successive rounds until you choose to stop or fail a Charm Test, after which your words carry no more weight.


Your GM may permit you to use Charm in Combat if they think your foes might be susceptible to you pleading for your life or making persuasive arguments to stop the violence (although good luck charming a Goblin)!


If you use Charm as your Action, calculate the number of targets affected as normal. If you use it to defend, you only affect your attacker. If you succeed, any affected targets will not attack you this round and you gain +1 Advantage as normal. You may do this in successive rounds until you choose to stop or fail a Charm Test, after which your words carry no more weight.




Public Speaking


The charm skill can be used to make impressive speeches to sway multiple targets to your way of thinking. assuming they can hear you and are inclined to listen, you can influence up to your Fellowship Bonus + SL targets with a single charm Test, influencing targets with the lowest Willpower first. If the crowd is unruly, or not receptive to your words, the test is opposed by the crowd’s average Willpower (typically 35). A failure shows the crowd is unconvinced. the public speaking and master orator talents can significantly increase the number of people you affect with public speaking. an astounding Failure (-6) (see page 152) in a charm test means your crowd quickly becomes an angry mob, with you as the target of their ire… 






The Charm skill can be used to beg on the streets. A successful test will scrounge Fellowship Bonus × SL brass pennies per hour from passers-by, with the Difficulty modified by the pitch chosen for begging, and how much sympathy your appearance can elicit. If you score no SL, but still pass the skill test, you only manage to scrounge a single pfennig. an astounding Failure (-6) means you may have attracted problems from the local Watchmen, found some trouble with  other, local beggars, or suffer some other significant set-back.


Note: Characters who are caught begging by their peers or associates will likely lose status unless they are already in the Beggar, or in some other destitute, career. 



"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"advanced":{"value":"bsc","type":"String"},"grouped":{"value":"noSpec","type":"String"},"characteristic":{"type":"String","label":"Characteristic","value":"fel"},"advances":{"type":"Number","label":"Advances","value":0},"total":{"type":"Number","label":"Total"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"4IGdIhnwTaZijzg7","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"Charm Animal","type":"skill","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/skills/skill.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"

Your aptitude for be friending, quickly calming, or subjugating animals.




Passing a Charm Animal Test allows you to influence the behavior of one or more animals, to a maximum of Willpower Bonus + SL. If the target animals are naturally docile, this Test may be uncontested, but it will generally be Opposed by the target’s Willpower.




In combat, you may use Charm Animal when facing animals. If you succeed, any affected targets will not attack you this Round and you gain +1 Advantage. You may do this in successive rounds until you choose to stop or fail a Charm Test, after which the creature’s instincts take over and you have no further influence.


The ability to ascend steep or vertical surfaces.


If time isn’t an issue, and a climb is relatively easy, anyone with Climb Skill is automatically assumed to be able to climb any reasonably small height.


For any other climbing, Climbing during combat. You may even find yourself climbing large opponents, though whether that is prudent is debatable.

"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"advanced":{"value":"bsc","type":"String"},"grouped":{"value":"noSpec","type":"String"},"characteristic":{"type":"String","label":"Characteristic","value":"s"},"advances":{"type":"Number","label":"Advances","value":0},"total":{"type":"Number","label":"Total"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"R2ytluHiEFF2KQ5e","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Consume Alcohol","type":"skill","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/skills/skill.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"



Your ability to handle alcohol without letting it cloud your judgment or render you senseless.


After each alcoholic drink make a Consume Alcohol Test, modified by the strength of the drink. For each Test you fail, you suffer a –10 penalty to WS, BS, Ag, Dex, and Int, to a maximum of –30 per Characteristic. After you fail a number of Tests equal to your Toughness Bonus, you are Stinking Drunk. Roll on the following table to see what happens:






Stinking Drunk




 Marienburgher’s Courage!’: Gain a bonus of +20 to your Cool Skill.




You’re My Besht Mate!’: Ignore all your existing Prejudices and Animosities.




 ‘Why’s Everything Wobbling!’: On your Turn, you can either Move or take an Action, but not both.




‘I’ll Take Yer All On!’: Gain Animosity (Everybody)!




 ‘How Did I Get here?’: You wake up the next day, massively hungover, with little memory of what transpired. The GM and other players with you will fill in the embarrassing gaps if you investigate. Pass a Consume Alcohol Test or also gain a Poisoned Condition.




After not drinking for an hour, enact a Challenging (+0) Consume Alcohol Test. The effects of being drunk will wear


off after 10–SL hours, with any Characteristic modifiers for being drunk lost over that time. After all effects wear off, enact another Challenging (+0) Consume Alcohol Test. You now gain a hangover, which is an Fatigued Condition that cannot be removed for 5–SL hours.


You may expend 1 Resolve point to ignore the negative modifiers of being drunk until the end of the next round.






Cool allows you to remain calm under stress, resist fear when faced with horror, and stick to your convictions.




Cool is generally used to resist other Skills — Charm, Intimidate, and similar — but you may also be required to make a Cool Test when faced with anything forcing you to do something you would rather not. Cool is also the primary Skill used to limit Psychology


Dodge is your ability to avoid things, through ducking, diving, and moving quickly, and is used extensively to sidestep falling rocks, incoming weapons, unexpected traps, and the like.


In combat, Dodge is generally used to resist attacks or avoid damage. Refer to Rolling to Hit.




Drive lets you guide vehicles — most commonly simple carts and lumbering coaches, not to mention the more ‘experimental’ creations of the Imperial Engineers — along the roads of the Empire with as little incident as possible.




Under normal circumstances, if you possess the Drive Skill, there is no need to Test. If conditions are less than ideal — perhaps the road is in poor condition, or the weather is terrible — a Drive Test will be required. If you do not possess the Drive Skill, you may be required to make a Test to carry out even basic maneuver. An Astounding Failure (-6) on a Drive Test means something bad has happened. Roll on the following table:










Snapped Harness: One horse (or equivalent) breaks free; reduce speed accordingly.




 Jolted Carriage: Passengers suffer 1 Wound and fragile cargos might be damaged.




Broken Wheel: Pass a Drive Test every round to avoid Crashing. Two-wheeled vehicles with a Broken Wheel Crash automatically.




 Broken Axle: The vehicle goes out of control and Crashes.




Crashing: Occupants of Crashing vehicles usually suffer 2d10 Wounds modified by Toughness Bonus and Armor Points


unless the vehicle was moving slowly (as determined by the GM). Crashed vehicles must be repaired by someone with an appropriate Trade Skill, such as Trade (Carpenter) or Trade (Cartwright). Spare wheels can be installed by anyone with a Drive Test or with an appropriate Trade Test. In combat, Drive may be used if circumstances allow — for instance, if the party is in a coach being raided by outlaws, and you wish to ram an enemy, or outrun them.






The Endurance Skill is called upon when you must endure hardship, withstand deprivation, sit without moving for long periods of time, or survive harsh environments. In particular, Endurance is Tested to resist or recover from various Conditions (see page 167) and helps you recover lost Wounds.


Allows you to delight crowds with the spoken word, perhaps by singing, acting, or attempting a few jokes. A successful use of the Entertain Skill means you have entertained patrons near enough to hear you; the SL indicates how well you have done.


In combat, it is unlikely that Entertain will be of much use, although you may come up with an interesting way to use Entertain (Acting) to confuse or mislead your opponents.




Specialisations: Acting, Comedy, Singing, Storytelling 


Allows you to measure the likelihood that a bet will pay off, as well as successfully engage in various games of chance.


To represent a gambling match, all players make a Gamble Test — applying any appropriate modifiers for familiarity with the game — and the player with the highest SL wins. On a tie, any lower scoring players drop out, and those remaining enact another Gamble Test, repeating this process until you have a winner.


If you wish to influence the game through less honest mechanics, see Sleight of Hand.


You can quickly ferret out interesting and useful news, and spread rumors of your own. A successful Gossip Test means you have found out one useful piece of information, which your GM can impart to you, about the local area. Each SL either offers you an additional piece of information, or the chance to spread a rumor to a number of individuals equal to your Fellowship Bonus. The time required for a Gossip Test depends on how circumspect the players are being, and how busy the area is, as determined by the GM.


It is unlikely that Gossip will be much use in combat, but if your attacker happens to be local, and you happen to know something really juicy…




Half-Heard Whispers


While it may be expedient for GMs to quickly share information gleaned from Gossip tests to all players at once, it is often more fun to share the information only with individual players (either through a note, or through briefly taking them aside). This means the players must relate this information to one another in-character — aiding the immersive roleplaying experience — which allows for mistakes and misunderstandings, sometimes leading to hilarious, or horrific, results. 




Haggle allows you to secure better deals when negotiating with others. In general, Haggle is used to see whether you do, or do not, make a good deal, most commonly with an Opposed Haggle Test. Specifically, it can be used when shopping to secure better prices. For information on this, refer to Chapter 11: Consumers’ Guide.


Allows you to coerce or frighten sentient creatures. The precise manner of initiating an Intimidate Test depends on context: while it is generally accompanied by an overt threat, sometimes a subtle implication or even a look is enough. Intimidate is almost always Opposed by your target’s Cool Skill; if successful, you can intimidate a number of targets up to your Strength Bonus + SL. Each will react to Intimidate based on their individual personalities and how successful you were in menacing them, but in all cases, they will back down or move out of the way and will not speak out against you, or they will alternatively accept combat is the only way forward and prepare their weapons.




In combat, you cause @Compendium[wfrp4e.psychologies.Ib2YQYChktDFN93y]{Fear} in all Intimidated targets. You may also use your Intimidate Skill instead of Melee when defending against those afraid of you, causing the Intimidated parties to back away from the fight with your will and posture alone. Further, with your GM’s approval, you may use Intimidate to ‘attack’ such targets, issuing specific commands, such as ‘drop your weapons’ or ‘get out of here!’. However, if you fail any of these subsequent Intimidate Tests, you no longer Intimidate (or cause Fear) in affected opponents. With your GM’s permission you may try to Intimidate them again in a later Round, but this will incur a negative modifier, as they are less likely to fear you having seen through your bravado once already.




Alternative Characteristics For Intimidate


While strength is the default stat for Intimidate tests, the GM may decree certain situations may allow you to use a different characteristic: a steely witch hunter may use Willpower to stare down an inquisitive bystander, or an academic may use Intelligence to cow a lowly student with his intimidating knowledge, for instance. 




Example: Facing a group of footpads, Svetlana the Strong rolls 4 SL on her Intimidate Test. Combined with her SB of 5, this means she can affect up to 9 targets, more than enough to impact all three footpads who now Fear Svetlana. As she has won by 3 SL, she gains +1 Advantage point until the end of her next turn. In the next round, she ‘attacks’ the footpads using her Intimidate, intending to scare them into leaving her be. However, she fails the Test, and the footpads realize they outnumber her, and are armed… 




The Intuition Skill allows you to get a feel for your surroundings, leading you to notice when something is wrong, and gives you a sense of when people may be hiding something from you. A successful use of the Intuition Skill gives you subtle or implicit intelligence relating to your environment, determined by your GM. This may be information such as whether someone believes what they are saying, what the general attitude is towards the local noble, or if the helpful local’s motives are as pure as they seem. If someone is actively trying to hide their intent, they may resist your Intuition with Cool or Entertain (Acting).




In combat, a successful Intuition Test may be used to give you +1 Advantage as you weigh the environment and your opponents. You may continue building Advantage in subsequent turns providing you are able to observe your targets and are not interrupted (such as being attacked); you may gain a maximum Advantage equal to your Intelligence Bonus in this manner.


A measure of your ability to lead others and command their respect. While most often associated with martial situations, a resolute leader can quickly direct a fast response to a fire or other such calamity, and nobles use the Skill frequently to command their lessers.




A successful Leadership Test allows you to issue orders to a number of targets equal to your Fellowship Bonus + SL. If the targets are your natural subordinates — a noble commanding serfs, or a sergeant commanding his troops — commands are usually unopposed. If there is no natural hierarchy in place, or the order is particularly challenging — such as ordering your soldiers to charge a Hydra head on — the Test is Opposed by your targets’ Cool.




In combat, you may use Leadership to encourage your subordinates. A successful Leadership Test confers a bonus of +10 to all Psychology Tests until the end of the next round (see page 190).




Further, Leadership can be used to transfer Advantage to allies able to hear you; following a successful Leadership Test, you may transfer an Advantage to one ally of your choice, plus a further +1 Advantage per SL scored, which can again go to any allies of your choice within earshot.




Example: Lord Ludwig von Schemp has been watching his two bodyguards discourse with some ruffians for three Rounds, using his Intuition Skill to build up 3 Advantage. Feeling it is going nowhere, he issues a peremptory order to attack the ringleader; passing his Leadership Test with 5 SL, he gives one bodyguard 2 of his Advantage, and the remaining bodyguard 1 Advantage, hoping this will bring a swift end to proceedings. 


The Melee Skill represents specific training with a single type of close combat weaponry. Each Melee Specialization indicates training in using a specific class of weapon. If you don’t have the correct Specialization for a weapon you wish to use, refer to Chapter 11: Consumers’ Guide for the correct weapon entry, and what penalties you will suffer. See Chapter 5: Rules for more detail about combat and using the Melee Skill.




Specializations: Basic, Brawling, Cavalry, Fencing, Flail, Parry, Pole-Arm, Two-Handed 


Navigation allows you to find your way in the wilderness using landmarks, stellar bodies or maps. Possessing the Navigation Skill means you know roughly where you are, and can find your way between well-known landmarks without a Test. A Test is only required if you are disoriented or travelling far from the beaten path, with success showing you the correct direction, or allowing you to avoid mishap.




If you are navigating a long journey, your GM may ask for an extended Navigation Test, modified by conditions, visible landmarks, and access to reliable geographical information. The SL required to succeed depends on how far the destination is, with each Test representing between an hour and a day’s travel, depending on the nature of the journey

"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"advanced":{"value":"bsc","type":"String"},"grouped":{"value":"noSpec","type":"String"},"characteristic":{"type":"String","label":"Characteristic","value":"i"},"advances":{"type":"Number","label":"Advances","value":0},"total":{"type":"Number","label":"Total"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"os4NKy5Oy6sRt1eh","flags":{},"name":"Outdoor Survival","type":"skill","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/skills/skill.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"

The Outdoor Survival Skill is used to survive in the wild, including the ability to fish, hunt, forage, and build fires and shelters. Experienced travelers are skilled at reading the signs of incoming inclement weather and finding the spoor of various dangerous beasts.




When camping, make an Outdoor Survival Test, modified by the harshness of conditions — for instance, a Test is Challenging (+0) if it is raining, Hard (–20) in a storm. A successful Test indicates you can provide yourself sustenance and shelter for the night. Each SL allows you to provide for one more character. If the Test is failed, you must make a Challenging (+0) Endurance Test or receive the Fatigued Condition. If you suffer an Astounding Failure, something untoward has happened, as determined by the GM; perhaps your camp is attacked in the night?




When fighting in the wilderness, you may make an Outdoor Survival Test to receive +1 Advantage, in the same way as Intuition, to a maximum number of Advantage equal to your Intelligence Bonus, as you spy out treacherous and advantageous terrain that you can best use to your advantage.




Gathering Food and Herbs


Gathering food or herbs normally takes around 2 hours. Hunting and foraging parties make one assisted Outdoor Survival Test for the group, with the Difficulty determined by the circumstances.








Your ability to notice things with your senses — sight, smell, hearing, touch, and taste, and any other senses you may possess, such as magical or non-Human senses. Your GM may ask for a Perception Test to detect something, like movement behind the treeline, the presence of a trap, or someone following you, modified by how easy it is to notice. Perception is also used to resist attempts to hide things through Skills such as Sleight of Hand or Stealth. Perception has multiple uses in combat, most commonly to notice important details beyond the immediately obvious about the surrounding environment and your opponents, as determined by the GM. 


How proficient you are at riding a particular group of animals; Ride (Horse), for example, will let you ride Horses, Mules, Donkeys, and similar. You’ll only need to make a Test when doing something out of the ordinary, such as racing, dressage, traversing dangerous terrain, or charging into combat. Otherwise, if you have at least one Advance in the Skill, you are presumed to be able to ride around without need of a Test.




If mounted on a steed, you move using the steed’s Movement statistic; if you wish to run, jump, or leap, you use your Ride Skill, not Athletics. An extended Ride Test may be needed if you are racing somewhere, the target SL depending on the length of the journey, the number of Tests indicating how long you take to arrive. A Ride Test may be modified by environmental conditions, and the temperament of your mount. For more information on mounts, see Chapter 12: Bestiary. The Ride skill can be used extensively in combat. See Chapter 5: Rules, for more on mounted combat.




Specializations: Demigryph, Great Wolf, Griffon, Horse, Pegasus 


Your prowess at pulling an oar and moving a boat through the water. The Row Skill is typically only used when racing, navigating rapids, desperately avoiding Bog Octopuses, or similar unusual or dangerous feats. Anyone with the Skill is automatically presumed to be able to scull about a pond, or over a gentle river, without a Test. Those without the skill may have to make a Test for anything but the most basic maneuvers. 


Allows you to creep quietly and conceal yourself in shadows more readily than most. Stealth is generally Opposed by an opponent’s Perception Skill, and Tests will be modifed by how dark or well concealed your route is, as well as how circumspectly you are dressed. An Impressive or Astounding Failure on a Stealth Test will likely draw the immediate attention of the enemies you were trying to avoid in the first place.




Stealth has many potential applications in combat, most usefully to hide oneself in preparation for an Ambush, or to creep around an opponent in order to attack from behind. Of course, you can also use the Skill to escape a conflict unseen…




Specializations: Rural, Underground, Urban 




Options: Shadowing


Shadowing is following someone secretly. To do this requires a Combined Perception and Stealth Test. If the target is actively trying to lose a tail, it is Opposed with the target’s Stealth Skill.




If you pass the Perception Test, and fail the Stealth Test you follow your target, but are spotted. If you fail the perception Test, yet pass the Stealth Test, you lose your target, but go unnoticed

"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"advanced":{"value":"bsc","type":"String"},"grouped":{"value":"isSpec","type":"String"},"characteristic":{"type":"String","label":"Characteristic","value":"ag"},"advances":{"type":"Number","label":"Advances","value":0},"total":{"type":"Number","label":"Total"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"Ggx0bRaCuq8MbF0g","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Gold Crown","type":"money","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/currency/goldcrown.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"quantity":{"type":"Number","label":"Quantity","value":0},"encumbrance":{"type":"Number","label":"Encumbrance","value":0.005},"location":{"type":"Number","label":"Location","value":0},"coinValue":{"label":"Value (in d)","type":"Number","value":240},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"KB8HgDz56dh2w7w1","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Silver Shilling","type":"money","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/currency/silvershilling.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"quantity":{"type":"Number","label":"Quantity","value":0},"encumbrance":{"type":"Number","label":"Encumbrance","value":0.005},"location":{"type":"Number","label":"Location","value":0},"coinValue":{"label":"Value (in d)","type":"Number","value":12},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"0MYOJFx3vkYA95B4","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Brass Penny","type":"money","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/currency/brasspenny.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"quantity":{"type":"Number","label":"Quantity","value":0},"encumbrance":{"type":"Number","label":"Encumbrance","value":0.005},"location":{"type":"Number","label":"Location","value":0},"coinValue":{"label":"Value (in d)","type":"Number","value":1},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"oh4GDQczaQTMcvQ1","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Corruption","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"The creature is tainted by Chaos, or perhaps suffused with Dark Magics. The Strength of the Corruption is marked in brackets."},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":false,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"","bonusCharacteristic":"","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"Minor","type":"String","label":"Specification"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}},"sort":100000},{"_id":"5tjGD31mJZJMF7wF","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"Weapon","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"The creature carries a melee weapon, or uses teeth, claws, or similar in combat.\n \n The weapon causes Damage equal to its Rating which already includes the creature’s Strength Bonus. Typically it will be 4 + its Strength Bonus (representing a Hand Weapon)"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":true,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"ws","bonusCharacteristic":"s","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"4","type":"String","label":"Specification"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}},"sort":200000}]} {"name":"Hans Jinkerest","permission":{"default":0,"Cq31UaFnLVMpY5dr":3},"type":"npc","data":{"characteristics":{"ws":{"type":"number","label":"CHAR.WS","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.WS","initial":35,"advances":0,"value":35,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"bs":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.BS","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.BS","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"s":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.S","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.S","initial":33,"advances":0,"value":33,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"t":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.T","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.T","initial":45,"advances":0,"value":45,"bonus":4,"cost":25},"i":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.I","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.I","initial":null,"advances":0,"value":49,"bonus":0,"cost":25},"ag":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.Ag","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.Ag","initial":37,"advances":0,"value":37,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"dex":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.Dex","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.Dex","initial":54,"advances":0,"value":54,"bonus":5,"cost":25},"int":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.Int","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.Int","initial":46,"advances":0,"value":46,"bonus":4,"cost":25},"wp":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.WP","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.WP","initial":32,"advances":0,"value":32,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"fel":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.Fel","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.Fel","initial":51,"advances":0,"value":51,"bonus":5,"cost":25}},"status":{"wounds":{"type":"Number","label":"Wounds","abrev":"W","value":14,"max":14},"advantage":{"type":"Number","label":"Advantage","value":"0","max":10},"criticalWounds":{"type":"Number","label":"Critical Wounds","value":0,"max":2},"sin":{"type":"Number","label":"Sin","value":"0"},"penalties":{"type":"String","label":"Penalties","value":""},"corruption":{"type":"Number","label":"Corruption","value":0},"encumbrance":{"type":"Number","label":"Encumbrance","max":7,"current":0}},"details":{"species":{"type":"String","label":"Species","value":"Human"},"gender":{"type":"String","label":"Gender","value":"Male"},"size":{"type":"String","label":"Size","value":"avg"},"move":{"type":"Number","label":"Movement","value":"4","walk":8,"run":16},"god":{"type":"String","label":"God","value":""},"hitLocationTable":{"value":"hitloc","type":"String","label":"Hit Location Table"},"personal-ambitions":{"short-term":"","long-term":""},"party-ambitions":{"short-term":"","long-term":""},"motivation":{"value":""},"biography":{"value":"

Hans is the road warden present at the Hooded Man Inn.


Hans is a charlatan and a master of deception. He can easily carry off his part of a road warden. However, unfortunately for him, his uniform has a bloodstain at the base of his back where the original owner was stabbed.


If this is noticed by the party (a successful Average (+20) Perception Test is required by someone in a position to notice it) Hans maintains that it happened earlier this evening when he was attacked by two Bandits. On no account will he allow anyone to examine his ‘wound’ beneath.

"}}},"flags":{"autoCalcRun":true,"autoCalcWalk":true,"autoCalcWounds":true,"autoCalcCritW":true,"autoCalcCorruption":true,"autoCalcEnc":true,"modifier":"-10 Stealth"},"img":"modules/wfrp4e-night-of-blood/assets/tokens/roadwarden.png","token":{"flags":{},"name":"Hans Jinkerest","displayName":20,"img":"modules/wfrp4e-night-of-blood/assets/tokens/roadwarden.png","width":1,"height":1,"scale":1,"lockRotation":false,"rotation":0,"vision":false,"dimSight":0,"brightSight":0,"dimLight":0,"brightLight":0,"sightAngle":360,"lightAngle":360,"lightAlpha":1,"actorId":"6VrSMq0vMVb5epBa","actorLink":false,"actorData":{},"disposition":0,"displayBars":20,"bar1":{"attribute":"status.wounds"},"bar2":{"attribute":"status.advantage"},"randomImg":false},"items":[{"_id":"fdq3RFSOKl5b3WzW","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Art","type":"skill","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/skills/skill.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"

Create works of art in your chosen medium. Not having access to appropriate Trade Tools will incur a penalty to your Test. The SL achieved determines the quality of the final piece. For complicated or large works of art, an Extended Test may be required. The Art Skill has little use in combat, but marble busts make marvelous improvised weapons.




Specializations: Cartography, Engraving, Mosaics, Painting, Sculpture, Tattoo, Weaving 




Example: Irina has been commissioned to paint a portrait of a local noble, whose favor her party is currying. Her GM determines this requires a total of 10 SL in an Extended Art Test, with each Test representing a week’s work.


Your ability to run, jump and move with speed or grace, and to perform any general physical activity. Refer to Moving for details on using Athletics in combat movement. 


Your ability to judge how likely a person is to accept a bribe, and how best to offer the bribe so they will accept it. A successful Bribery Test tells you if a target may be bribed. If so, your GM will secretly determine the price of their cooperation using the target’s Earnings, increasing the amount according to their usual honesty and the risk involved in taking the bribe. You then guess that target amount and the GM will tell you if the price is higher, lower, or equal. Each SL from your initial Bribery Test gives you another guess. At the end of this process, you determine how much money to offer, based on what you have gleaned.




In combat, you may use Bribery as above to try to stop the fight, but treat the Test as Hard (–20) owing to the stress of the situation. If your target is not susceptible, you cannot afford the fee, or your foes do not speak your tongue, your pathetic attempts to buy them off will be doomed to fail. Of course, if they have the advantage of numbers, what’s to prevent them from taking all of your money?




Example: Snorri is trying to bribe his way past a city watchman; a character of the Brass Tier 2, meaning they roll 4d10 Brass for Income. The GM decides the guard can be bribed and secretly rolls 21 on the 4d10, meaning the price for bribing the guard is 21 Brass. Letting Snorri through isn’t too risky for the watchman, and he does it often, so the GM doesn’t increase the bribe required. Snorri rolls 1 SL on his Bribery Test; so, he knows the watchman is open to a bribe, and has 2 guesses as to his price. Snorri’s first guess is 15 Brass, to which his GM replies ‘higher’. His second guess is 40, to which his GM replies ‘lower’. Snorri now knows he must bribe the watchman between 15 and 40 Brass, so decides to aim high, and offers 30. Smiling, the watchman waves Snorri through.


Charm makes people think favorably of you, your opinions, and proposed actions. Passing an Opposed Charm/Cool Test allows you to influence the behavior of one or more targets, up to a maximum number equal to your Fellowship Bonus + SL, affecting those with the lowest Willpower first. If a target is amenable to your Charm, the Test will be uncontested.


Your GM may permit you to use Charm in Combat if they think your foes might be susceptible to you pleading for your life or making persuasive arguments to stop the violence (although good luck charming a Goblin)!


If you use Charm as your Action, calculate the number of targets affected as normal. If you use it to defend, you only affect your attacker. If you succeed, any affected targets will not attack you this round and you gain +1 Advantage as normal. You may do this in successive rounds until you choose to stop or fail a Charm Test, after which your words carry no more weight.


Your GM may permit you to use Charm in Combat if they think your foes might be susceptible to you pleading for your life or making persuasive arguments to stop the violence (although good luck charming a Goblin)!


If you use Charm as your Action, calculate the number of targets affected as normal. If you use it to defend, you only affect your attacker. If you succeed, any affected targets will not attack you this round and you gain +1 Advantage as normal. You may do this in successive rounds until you choose to stop or fail a Charm Test, after which your words carry no more weight.




Public Speaking


The charm skill can be used to make impressive speeches to sway multiple targets to your way of thinking. assuming they can hear you and are inclined to listen, you can influence up to your Fellowship Bonus + SL targets with a single charm Test, influencing targets with the lowest Willpower first. If the crowd is unruly, or not receptive to your words, the test is opposed by the crowd’s average Willpower (typically 35). A failure shows the crowd is unconvinced. the public speaking and master orator talents can significantly increase the number of people you affect with public speaking. an astounding Failure (-6) (see page 152) in a charm test means your crowd quickly becomes an angry mob, with you as the target of their ire… 






The Charm skill can be used to beg on the streets. A successful test will scrounge Fellowship Bonus × SL brass pennies per hour from passers-by, with the Difficulty modified by the pitch chosen for begging, and how much sympathy your appearance can elicit. If you score no SL, but still pass the skill test, you only manage to scrounge a single pfennig. an astounding Failure (-6) means you may have attracted problems from the local Watchmen, found some trouble with  other, local beggars, or suffer some other significant set-back.


Note: Characters who are caught begging by their peers or associates will likely lose status unless they are already in the Beggar, or in some other destitute, career. 



"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"advanced":{"value":"bsc","type":"String"},"grouped":{"value":"noSpec","type":"String"},"characteristic":{"type":"String","label":"Characteristic","value":"fel"},"advances":{"type":"Number","label":"Advances","value":0},"total":{"type":"Number","label":"Total"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"4IGdIhnwTaZijzg7","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"Charm Animal","type":"skill","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/skills/skill.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"

Your aptitude for be friending, quickly calming, or subjugating animals.




Passing a Charm Animal Test allows you to influence the behavior of one or more animals, to a maximum of Willpower Bonus + SL. If the target animals are naturally docile, this Test may be uncontested, but it will generally be Opposed by the target’s Willpower.




In combat, you may use Charm Animal when facing animals. If you succeed, any affected targets will not attack you this Round and you gain +1 Advantage. You may do this in successive rounds until you choose to stop or fail a Charm Test, after which the creature’s instincts take over and you have no further influence.


The ability to ascend steep or vertical surfaces.


If time isn’t an issue, and a climb is relatively easy, anyone with Climb Skill is automatically assumed to be able to climb any reasonably small height.


For any other climbing, Climbing during combat. You may even find yourself climbing large opponents, though whether that is prudent is debatable.

"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"advanced":{"value":"bsc","type":"String"},"grouped":{"value":"noSpec","type":"String"},"characteristic":{"type":"String","label":"Characteristic","value":"s"},"advances":{"type":"Number","label":"Advances","value":0},"total":{"type":"Number","label":"Total"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"R2ytluHiEFF2KQ5e","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Consume Alcohol","type":"skill","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/skills/skill.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"



Your ability to handle alcohol without letting it cloud your judgment or render you senseless.


After each alcoholic drink make a Consume Alcohol Test, modified by the strength of the drink. For each Test you fail, you suffer a –10 penalty to WS, BS, Ag, Dex, and Int, to a maximum of –30 per Characteristic. After you fail a number of Tests equal to your Toughness Bonus, you are Stinking Drunk. Roll on the following table to see what happens:






Stinking Drunk




 Marienburgher’s Courage!’: Gain a bonus of +20 to your Cool Skill.




You’re My Besht Mate!’: Ignore all your existing Prejudices and Animosities.




 ‘Why’s Everything Wobbling!’: On your Turn, you can either Move or take an Action, but not both.




‘I’ll Take Yer All On!’: Gain Animosity (Everybody)!




 ‘How Did I Get here?’: You wake up the next day, massively hungover, with little memory of what transpired. The GM and other players with you will fill in the embarrassing gaps if you investigate. Pass a Consume Alcohol Test or also gain a Poisoned Condition.




After not drinking for an hour, enact a Challenging (+0) Consume Alcohol Test. The effects of being drunk will wear


off after 10–SL hours, with any Characteristic modifiers for being drunk lost over that time. After all effects wear off, enact another Challenging (+0) Consume Alcohol Test. You now gain a hangover, which is an Fatigued Condition that cannot be removed for 5–SL hours.


You may expend 1 Resolve point to ignore the negative modifiers of being drunk until the end of the next round.






Cool allows you to remain calm under stress, resist fear when faced with horror, and stick to your convictions.




Cool is generally used to resist other Skills — Charm, Intimidate, and similar — but you may also be required to make a Cool Test when faced with anything forcing you to do something you would rather not. Cool is also the primary Skill used to limit Psychology


Dodge is your ability to avoid things, through ducking, diving, and moving quickly, and is used extensively to sidestep falling rocks, incoming weapons, unexpected traps, and the like.


In combat, Dodge is generally used to resist attacks or avoid damage. Refer to Rolling to Hit.




Drive lets you guide vehicles — most commonly simple carts and lumbering coaches, not to mention the more ‘experimental’ creations of the Imperial Engineers — along the roads of the Empire with as little incident as possible.




Under normal circumstances, if you possess the Drive Skill, there is no need to Test. If conditions are less than ideal — perhaps the road is in poor condition, or the weather is terrible — a Drive Test will be required. If you do not possess the Drive Skill, you may be required to make a Test to carry out even basic maneuver. An Astounding Failure (-6) on a Drive Test means something bad has happened. Roll on the following table:










Snapped Harness: One horse (or equivalent) breaks free; reduce speed accordingly.




 Jolted Carriage: Passengers suffer 1 Wound and fragile cargos might be damaged.




Broken Wheel: Pass a Drive Test every round to avoid Crashing. Two-wheeled vehicles with a Broken Wheel Crash automatically.




 Broken Axle: The vehicle goes out of control and Crashes.




Crashing: Occupants of Crashing vehicles usually suffer 2d10 Wounds modified by Toughness Bonus and Armor Points


unless the vehicle was moving slowly (as determined by the GM). Crashed vehicles must be repaired by someone with an appropriate Trade Skill, such as Trade (Carpenter) or Trade (Cartwright). Spare wheels can be installed by anyone with a Drive Test or with an appropriate Trade Test. In combat, Drive may be used if circumstances allow — for instance, if the party is in a coach being raided by outlaws, and you wish to ram an enemy, or outrun them.






The Endurance Skill is called upon when you must endure hardship, withstand deprivation, sit without moving for long periods of time, or survive harsh environments. In particular, Endurance is Tested to resist or recover from various Conditions (see page 167) and helps you recover lost Wounds.


Allows you to delight crowds with the spoken word, perhaps by singing, acting, or attempting a few jokes. A successful use of the Entertain Skill means you have entertained patrons near enough to hear you; the SL indicates how well you have done.


In combat, it is unlikely that Entertain will be of much use, although you may come up with an interesting way to use Entertain (Acting) to confuse or mislead your opponents.




Specialisations: Acting, Comedy, Singing, Storytelling 


Allows you to measure the likelihood that a bet will pay off, as well as successfully engage in various games of chance.


To represent a gambling match, all players make a Gamble Test — applying any appropriate modifiers for familiarity with the game — and the player with the highest SL wins. On a tie, any lower scoring players drop out, and those remaining enact another Gamble Test, repeating this process until you have a winner.


If you wish to influence the game through less honest mechanics, see Sleight of Hand.


You can quickly ferret out interesting and useful news, and spread rumors of your own. A successful Gossip Test means you have found out one useful piece of information, which your GM can impart to you, about the local area. Each SL either offers you an additional piece of information, or the chance to spread a rumor to a number of individuals equal to your Fellowship Bonus. The time required for a Gossip Test depends on how circumspect the players are being, and how busy the area is, as determined by the GM.


It is unlikely that Gossip will be much use in combat, but if your attacker happens to be local, and you happen to know something really juicy…




Half-Heard Whispers


While it may be expedient for GMs to quickly share information gleaned from Gossip tests to all players at once, it is often more fun to share the information only with individual players (either through a note, or through briefly taking them aside). This means the players must relate this information to one another in-character — aiding the immersive roleplaying experience — which allows for mistakes and misunderstandings, sometimes leading to hilarious, or horrific, results. 




Haggle allows you to secure better deals when negotiating with others. In general, Haggle is used to see whether you do, or do not, make a good deal, most commonly with an Opposed Haggle Test. Specifically, it can be used when shopping to secure better prices. For information on this, refer to Chapter 11: Consumers’ Guide.


Allows you to coerce or frighten sentient creatures. The precise manner of initiating an Intimidate Test depends on context: while it is generally accompanied by an overt threat, sometimes a subtle implication or even a look is enough. Intimidate is almost always Opposed by your target’s Cool Skill; if successful, you can intimidate a number of targets up to your Strength Bonus + SL. Each will react to Intimidate based on their individual personalities and how successful you were in menacing them, but in all cases, they will back down or move out of the way and will not speak out against you, or they will alternatively accept combat is the only way forward and prepare their weapons.




In combat, you cause @Compendium[wfrp4e.psychologies.Ib2YQYChktDFN93y]{Fear} in all Intimidated targets. You may also use your Intimidate Skill instead of Melee when defending against those afraid of you, causing the Intimidated parties to back away from the fight with your will and posture alone. Further, with your GM’s approval, you may use Intimidate to ‘attack’ such targets, issuing specific commands, such as ‘drop your weapons’ or ‘get out of here!’. However, if you fail any of these subsequent Intimidate Tests, you no longer Intimidate (or cause Fear) in affected opponents. With your GM’s permission you may try to Intimidate them again in a later Round, but this will incur a negative modifier, as they are less likely to fear you having seen through your bravado once already.




Alternative Characteristics For Intimidate


While strength is the default stat for Intimidate tests, the GM may decree certain situations may allow you to use a different characteristic: a steely witch hunter may use Willpower to stare down an inquisitive bystander, or an academic may use Intelligence to cow a lowly student with his intimidating knowledge, for instance. 




Example: Facing a group of footpads, Svetlana the Strong rolls 4 SL on her Intimidate Test. Combined with her SB of 5, this means she can affect up to 9 targets, more than enough to impact all three footpads who now Fear Svetlana. As she has won by 3 SL, she gains +1 Advantage point until the end of her next turn. In the next round, she ‘attacks’ the footpads using her Intimidate, intending to scare them into leaving her be. However, she fails the Test, and the footpads realize they outnumber her, and are armed… 




The Intuition Skill allows you to get a feel for your surroundings, leading you to notice when something is wrong, and gives you a sense of when people may be hiding something from you. A successful use of the Intuition Skill gives you subtle or implicit intelligence relating to your environment, determined by your GM. This may be information such as whether someone believes what they are saying, what the general attitude is towards the local noble, or if the helpful local’s motives are as pure as they seem. If someone is actively trying to hide their intent, they may resist your Intuition with Cool or Entertain (Acting).




In combat, a successful Intuition Test may be used to give you +1 Advantage as you weigh the environment and your opponents. You may continue building Advantage in subsequent turns providing you are able to observe your targets and are not interrupted (such as being attacked); you may gain a maximum Advantage equal to your Intelligence Bonus in this manner.


A measure of your ability to lead others and command their respect. While most often associated with martial situations, a resolute leader can quickly direct a fast response to a fire or other such calamity, and nobles use the Skill frequently to command their lessers.




A successful Leadership Test allows you to issue orders to a number of targets equal to your Fellowship Bonus + SL. If the targets are your natural subordinates — a noble commanding serfs, or a sergeant commanding his troops — commands are usually unopposed. If there is no natural hierarchy in place, or the order is particularly challenging — such as ordering your soldiers to charge a Hydra head on — the Test is Opposed by your targets’ Cool.




In combat, you may use Leadership to encourage your subordinates. A successful Leadership Test confers a bonus of +10 to all Psychology Tests until the end of the next round (see page 190).




Further, Leadership can be used to transfer Advantage to allies able to hear you; following a successful Leadership Test, you may transfer an Advantage to one ally of your choice, plus a further +1 Advantage per SL scored, which can again go to any allies of your choice within earshot.




Example: Lord Ludwig von Schemp has been watching his two bodyguards discourse with some ruffians for three Rounds, using his Intuition Skill to build up 3 Advantage. Feeling it is going nowhere, he issues a peremptory order to attack the ringleader; passing his Leadership Test with 5 SL, he gives one bodyguard 2 of his Advantage, and the remaining bodyguard 1 Advantage, hoping this will bring a swift end to proceedings. 


The Melee Skill represents specific training with a single type of close combat weaponry. Each Melee Specialization indicates training in using a specific class of weapon. If you don’t have the correct Specialization for a weapon you wish to use, refer to Chapter 11: Consumers’ Guide for the correct weapon entry, and what penalties you will suffer. See Chapter 5: Rules for more detail about combat and using the Melee Skill.




Specializations: Basic, Brawling, Cavalry, Fencing, Flail, Parry, Pole-Arm, Two-Handed 


Navigation allows you to find your way in the wilderness using landmarks, stellar bodies or maps. Possessing the Navigation Skill means you know roughly where you are, and can find your way between well-known landmarks without a Test. A Test is only required if you are disoriented or travelling far from the beaten path, with success showing you the correct direction, or allowing you to avoid mishap.




If you are navigating a long journey, your GM may ask for an extended Navigation Test, modified by conditions, visible landmarks, and access to reliable geographical information. The SL required to succeed depends on how far the destination is, with each Test representing between an hour and a day’s travel, depending on the nature of the journey

"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"advanced":{"value":"bsc","type":"String"},"grouped":{"value":"noSpec","type":"String"},"characteristic":{"type":"String","label":"Characteristic","value":"i"},"advances":{"type":"Number","label":"Advances","value":0},"total":{"type":"Number","label":"Total"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"os4NKy5Oy6sRt1eh","flags":{},"name":"Outdoor Survival","type":"skill","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/skills/skill.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"

The Outdoor Survival Skill is used to survive in the wild, including the ability to fish, hunt, forage, and build fires and shelters. Experienced travelers are skilled at reading the signs of incoming inclement weather and finding the spoor of various dangerous beasts.




When camping, make an Outdoor Survival Test, modified by the harshness of conditions — for instance, a Test is Challenging (+0) if it is raining, Hard (–20) in a storm. A successful Test indicates you can provide yourself sustenance and shelter for the night. Each SL allows you to provide for one more character. If the Test is failed, you must make a Challenging (+0) Endurance Test or receive the Fatigued Condition. If you suffer an Astounding Failure, something untoward has happened, as determined by the GM; perhaps your camp is attacked in the night?




When fighting in the wilderness, you may make an Outdoor Survival Test to receive +1 Advantage, in the same way as Intuition, to a maximum number of Advantage equal to your Intelligence Bonus, as you spy out treacherous and advantageous terrain that you can best use to your advantage.




Gathering Food and Herbs


Gathering food or herbs normally takes around 2 hours. Hunting and foraging parties make one assisted Outdoor Survival Test for the group, with the Difficulty determined by the circumstances.








Your ability to notice things with your senses — sight, smell, hearing, touch, and taste, and any other senses you may possess, such as magical or non-Human senses. Your GM may ask for a Perception Test to detect something, like movement behind the treeline, the presence of a trap, or someone following you, modified by how easy it is to notice. Perception is also used to resist attempts to hide things through Skills such as Sleight of Hand or Stealth. Perception has multiple uses in combat, most commonly to notice important details beyond the immediately obvious about the surrounding environment and your opponents, as determined by the GM. 


How proficient you are at riding a particular group of animals; Ride (Horse), for example, will let you ride Horses, Mules, Donkeys, and similar. You’ll only need to make a Test when doing something out of the ordinary, such as racing, dressage, traversing dangerous terrain, or charging into combat. Otherwise, if you have at least one Advance in the Skill, you are presumed to be able to ride around without need of a Test.




If mounted on a steed, you move using the steed’s Movement statistic; if you wish to run, jump, or leap, you use your Ride Skill, not Athletics. An extended Ride Test may be needed if you are racing somewhere, the target SL depending on the length of the journey, the number of Tests indicating how long you take to arrive. A Ride Test may be modified by environmental conditions, and the temperament of your mount. For more information on mounts, see Chapter 12: Bestiary. The Ride skill can be used extensively in combat. See Chapter 5: Rules, for more on mounted combat.




Specializations: Demigryph, Great Wolf, Griffon, Horse, Pegasus 


Your prowess at pulling an oar and moving a boat through the water. The Row Skill is typically only used when racing, navigating rapids, desperately avoiding Bog Octopuses, or similar unusual or dangerous feats. Anyone with the Skill is automatically presumed to be able to scull about a pond, or over a gentle river, without a Test. Those without the skill may have to make a Test for anything but the most basic maneuvers. 


Allows you to creep quietly and conceal yourself in shadows more readily than most. Stealth is generally Opposed by an opponent’s Perception Skill, and Tests will be modifed by how dark or well concealed your route is, as well as how circumspectly you are dressed. An Impressive or Astounding Failure on a Stealth Test will likely draw the immediate attention of the enemies you were trying to avoid in the first place.




Stealth has many potential applications in combat, most usefully to hide oneself in preparation for an Ambush, or to creep around an opponent in order to attack from behind. Of course, you can also use the Skill to escape a conflict unseen…




Specializations: Rural, Underground, Urban 




Options: Shadowing


Shadowing is following someone secretly. To do this requires a Combined Perception and Stealth Test. If the target is actively trying to lose a tail, it is Opposed with the target’s Stealth Skill.




If you pass the Perception Test, and fail the Stealth Test you follow your target, but are spotted. If you fail the perception Test, yet pass the Stealth Test, you lose your target, but go unnoticed

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The Strength of the Corruption is marked in brackets."},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":false,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"","bonusCharacteristic":"","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"Minor","type":"String","label":"Specification"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}},"sort":100000},{"_id":"CVluCJueLKJD0q1Q","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"Weapon","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"The creature carries a melee weapon, or uses teeth, claws, or similar in combat.\n \n The weapon causes Damage equal to its Rating which already includes the creature’s Strength Bonus. Typically it will be 4 + its Strength Bonus (representing a Hand Weapon)"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":true,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"ws","bonusCharacteristic":"s","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"4","type":"String","label":"Specification"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}},"sort":200000},{"_id":"vpozIUCQuyAHCQwX","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"Weapon","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"The creature carries a melee weapon, or uses teeth, claws, or similar in combat.\n \n The weapon causes Damage equal to its Rating which already includes the creature’s Strength Bonus. Typically it will be 4 + its Strength Bonus (representing a Hand Weapon)"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":true,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"ws","bonusCharacteristic":"s","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"2","type":"String","label":"Specification"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}},"sort":300000},{"_id":"tYDHvemJC4SVzmDi","flags":{},"name":"Dagger","type":"weapon","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/equipment/weapons/dagger2.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"quantity":{"type":"Number","label":"Quantity","value":1},"encumbrance":{"type":"Number","label":"Encumbrance","value":0},"price":{"type":"String","label":"Price","gc":"0","ss":"16","bp":"0"},"availability":{"type":"String","label":"Availability","value":"common"},"location":{"type":"Number","label":"Location","value":0},"damage":{"type":"String","label":"Damage","value":"SB+2","meleeValue":"SB+2","rangedValue":""},"reach":{"type":"String","label":"Reach","value":"vshort"},"range":{"type":"String","label":"Range","value":""},"twohanded":{"type":"Boolean","label":"Two-Handed","value":false},"ammunitionGroup":{"type":"String","label":"Ammunition Group","value":"none"},"currentAmmo":{"type":"Number","value":0},"weaponGroup":{"type":"String","label":"Weapon Group","value":"basic"},"qualities":{"type":"String","label":"Qualities","value":""},"flaws":{"type":"String","label":"Flaws","value":""},"special":{"type":"String","label":"Special","value":""},"equipped":true,"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}},"sort":400000},{"_id":"an6JCUlsQ3LoDSKg","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"Hand Weapon","type":"weapon","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/equipment/weapons/hand-weapon.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"quantity":{"type":"Number","label":"Quantity","value":1},"encumbrance":{"type":"Number","label":"Encumbrance","value":1},"price":{"type":"String","label":"Price","gc":"1","ss":"0","bp":"0","value":""},"availability":{"type":"String","label":"Availability","value":"common"},"location":{"type":"Number","label":"Location","value":0},"damage":{"type":"String","label":"Damage","value":"SB+4","meleeValue":"SB+4","rangedValue":""},"reach":{"type":"String","label":"Reach","value":"average"},"range":{"type":"String","label":"Range","value":""},"twohanded":{"type":"Boolean","label":"Two-Handed","value":false},"ammunitionGroup":{"type":"String","label":"Ammunition Group","value":"none"},"currentAmmo":{"type":"Number","value":0},"weaponGroup":{"type":"String","label":"Weapon Group","value":"basic"},"qualities":{"type":"String","label":"Qualities","value":""},"flaws":{"type":"String","label":"Flaws","value":""},"special":{"type":"String","label":"Special","value":""},"equipped":true,"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}},"sort":500000},{"_id":"tmKUpkD92RDFTrU7","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"Mail Shirt","type":"armour","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/equipment/armour/mail-shirt.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"quantity":{"type":"Number","label":"Quantity","value":1},"encumbrance":{"type":"Number","label":"Encumbrance","value":2},"price":{"type":"String","label":"Price","gc":"2","ss":"0","bp":"0"},"availability":{"type":"String","label":"Availability","value":"scarce"},"location":{"type":"Number","label":"Location","value":0},"worn":{"type":"Boolean","label":"Worn","value":true},"armorType":{"type":"String","label":"Armour Type","value":"mail"},"penalty":{"type":"String","label":"Penalty","value":""},"qualities":{"type":"String","label":"Qualities","value":"Flexible"},"flaws":{"type":"String","label":"Flaws","value":""},"special":{"type":"String","label":"Special","value":""},"maxAP":{"head":0,"lArm":0,"rArm":0,"lLeg":0,"rLeg":0,"body":2},"currentAP":{"head":-1,"lArm":-1,"rArm":-1,"lLeg":-1,"rLeg":-1,"body":-1},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}},"sort":600000},{"_id":"uIUVJHawsmIU80WY","flags":{},"name":"Glass vial containing kurtz","type":"trapping","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/equipment/herbs_and_draughts/healing-draught.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"

Has 18 doses of kurtz

"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"quantity":{"type":"Number","label":"Quantity","value":1},"encumbrance":{"type":"Number","label":"Encumbrance","value":0},"price":{"type":"String","label":"Price","gc":"0","ss":"0","bp":"0"},"availability":{"type":"String","label":"Availability","value":"rare"},"location":{"type":"Number","label":"Location","value":0},"trappingType":{"type":"String","label":"Trapping Type","value":"drugsPoisonsHerbsDraughts"},"worn":false,"spellIngredient":{"type":"String","value":""}},"sort":800000}],"_id":"leF7dEiawrbGieL0"} {"_id":"leF7dEiawrbGieL0","name":"Hans Jinkerest","permission":{"default":0,"Cq31UaFnLVMpY5dr":3},"type":"npc","data":{"characteristics":{"ws":{"type":"number","label":"CHAR.WS","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.WS","initial":35,"advances":0,"value":35,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"bs":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.BS","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.BS","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"s":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.S","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.S","initial":33,"advances":0,"value":33,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"t":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.T","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.T","initial":45,"advances":0,"value":45,"bonus":4,"cost":25},"i":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.I","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.I","initial":null,"advances":0,"value":0,"bonus":0,"cost":25},"ag":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.Ag","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.Ag","initial":37,"advances":0,"value":37,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"dex":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.Dex","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.Dex","initial":54,"advances":0,"value":54,"bonus":5,"cost":25},"int":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.Int","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.Int","initial":46,"advances":0,"value":46,"bonus":4,"cost":25},"wp":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.WP","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.WP","initial":32,"advances":0,"value":32,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"fel":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.Fel","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.Fel","initial":51,"advances":0,"value":51,"bonus":5,"cost":25}},"status":{"wounds":{"type":"Number","label":"Wounds","abrev":"W","value":14,"max":14},"advantage":{"type":"Number","label":"Advantage","value":"0","max":10},"criticalWounds":{"type":"Number","label":"Critical Wounds","value":0,"max":2},"sin":{"type":"Number","label":"Sin","value":"0"},"penalties":{"type":"String","label":"Penalties","value":""},"corruption":{"type":"Number","label":"Corruption","value":0},"encumbrance":{"type":"Number","label":"Encumbrance","max":7,"current":0}},"details":{"species":{"type":"String","label":"Species","value":"Human"},"gender":{"type":"String","label":"Gender","value":"Male"},"size":{"type":"String","label":"Size","value":"avg"},"move":{"type":"Number","label":"Movement","value":"4","walk":8,"run":16},"god":{"type":"String","label":"God","value":""},"hitLocationTable":{"value":"hitloc","type":"String","label":"Hit Location Table"},"personal-ambitions":{"short-term":"","long-term":""},"party-ambitions":{"short-term":"","long-term":""},"motivation":{"value":""},"biography":{"value":"

Hans is the road warden present at the Hooded Man Inn.


Hans is a charlatan and a master of deception. He can easily carry off his part of a road warden. However, unfortunately for him, his uniform has a bloodstain at the base of his back where the original owner was stabbed.


If this is noticed by the party (a successful Average (+20) Perception Test is required by someone in a position to notice it) Hans maintains that it happened earlier this evening when he was attacked by two Bandits. On no account will he allow anyone to examine his ‘wound’ beneath.

"}}},"sort":100001,"flags":{"autoCalcRun":true,"autoCalcWalk":true,"autoCalcWounds":true,"autoCalcCritW":true,"autoCalcCorruption":true,"autoCalcEnc":true,"modifier":"-10 Stealth"},"img":"modules/wfrp4e-night-of-blood/assets/tokens/roadwarden.png","token":{"flags":{},"name":"Hans Jinkerest","displayName":20,"img":"modules/wfrp4e-night-of-blood/assets/tokens/roadwarden.png","width":1,"height":1,"scale":1,"lockRotation":false,"rotation":0,"vision":false,"dimSight":0,"brightSight":0,"dimLight":0,"brightLight":0,"sightAngle":360,"lightAngle":360,"lightAlpha":1,"actorId":"leF7dEiawrbGieL0","actorLink":false,"actorData":{},"disposition":0,"displayBars":20,"bar1":{"attribute":"status.wounds"},"bar2":{"attribute":"status.advantage"},"randomImg":false},"items":[{"_id":"fdq3RFSOKl5b3WzW","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Art","type":"skill","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/skills/skill.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"

Create works of art in your chosen medium. Not having access to appropriate Trade Tools will incur a penalty to your Test. The SL achieved determines the quality of the final piece. For complicated or large works of art, an Extended Test may be required. The Art Skill has little use in combat, but marble busts make marvelous improvised weapons.




Specializations: Cartography, Engraving, Mosaics, Painting, Sculpture, Tattoo, Weaving 




Example: Irina has been commissioned to paint a portrait of a local noble, whose favor her party is currying. Her GM determines this requires a total of 10 SL in an Extended Art Test, with each Test representing a week’s work.


Your ability to run, jump and move with speed or grace, and to perform any general physical activity. Refer to Moving for details on using Athletics in combat movement. 


Your ability to judge how likely a person is to accept a bribe, and how best to offer the bribe so they will accept it. A successful Bribery Test tells you if a target may be bribed. If so, your GM will secretly determine the price of their cooperation using the target’s Earnings, increasing the amount according to their usual honesty and the risk involved in taking the bribe. You then guess that target amount and the GM will tell you if the price is higher, lower, or equal. Each SL from your initial Bribery Test gives you another guess. At the end of this process, you determine how much money to offer, based on what you have gleaned.




In combat, you may use Bribery as above to try to stop the fight, but treat the Test as Hard (–20) owing to the stress of the situation. If your target is not susceptible, you cannot afford the fee, or your foes do not speak your tongue, your pathetic attempts to buy them off will be doomed to fail. Of course, if they have the advantage of numbers, what’s to prevent them from taking all of your money?




Example: Snorri is trying to bribe his way past a city watchman; a character of the Brass Tier 2, meaning they roll 4d10 Brass for Income. The GM decides the guard can be bribed and secretly rolls 21 on the 4d10, meaning the price for bribing the guard is 21 Brass. Letting Snorri through isn’t too risky for the watchman, and he does it often, so the GM doesn’t increase the bribe required. Snorri rolls 1 SL on his Bribery Test; so, he knows the watchman is open to a bribe, and has 2 guesses as to his price. Snorri’s first guess is 15 Brass, to which his GM replies ‘higher’. His second guess is 40, to which his GM replies ‘lower’. Snorri now knows he must bribe the watchman between 15 and 40 Brass, so decides to aim high, and offers 30. Smiling, the watchman waves Snorri through.


Charm makes people think favorably of you, your opinions, and proposed actions. Passing an Opposed Charm/Cool Test allows you to influence the behavior of one or more targets, up to a maximum number equal to your Fellowship Bonus + SL, affecting those with the lowest Willpower first. If a target is amenable to your Charm, the Test will be uncontested.


Your GM may permit you to use Charm in Combat if they think your foes might be susceptible to you pleading for your life or making persuasive arguments to stop the violence (although good luck charming a Goblin)!


If you use Charm as your Action, calculate the number of targets affected as normal. If you use it to defend, you only affect your attacker. If you succeed, any affected targets will not attack you this round and you gain +1 Advantage as normal. You may do this in successive rounds until you choose to stop or fail a Charm Test, after which your words carry no more weight.


Your GM may permit you to use Charm in Combat if they think your foes might be susceptible to you pleading for your life or making persuasive arguments to stop the violence (although good luck charming a Goblin)!


If you use Charm as your Action, calculate the number of targets affected as normal. If you use it to defend, you only affect your attacker. If you succeed, any affected targets will not attack you this round and you gain +1 Advantage as normal. You may do this in successive rounds until you choose to stop or fail a Charm Test, after which your words carry no more weight.




Public Speaking


The charm skill can be used to make impressive speeches to sway multiple targets to your way of thinking. assuming they can hear you and are inclined to listen, you can influence up to your Fellowship Bonus + SL targets with a single charm Test, influencing targets with the lowest Willpower first. If the crowd is unruly, or not receptive to your words, the test is opposed by the crowd’s average Willpower (typically 35). A failure shows the crowd is unconvinced. the public speaking and master orator talents can significantly increase the number of people you affect with public speaking. an astounding Failure (-6) (see page 152) in a charm test means your crowd quickly becomes an angry mob, with you as the target of their ire… 






The Charm skill can be used to beg on the streets. A successful test will scrounge Fellowship Bonus × SL brass pennies per hour from passers-by, with the Difficulty modified by the pitch chosen for begging, and how much sympathy your appearance can elicit. If you score no SL, but still pass the skill test, you only manage to scrounge a single pfennig. an astounding Failure (-6) means you may have attracted problems from the local Watchmen, found some trouble with  other, local beggars, or suffer some other significant set-back.


Note: Characters who are caught begging by their peers or associates will likely lose status unless they are already in the Beggar, or in some other destitute, career. 



"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"advanced":{"value":"bsc","type":"String"},"grouped":{"value":"noSpec","type":"String"},"characteristic":{"type":"String","label":"Characteristic","value":"fel"},"advances":{"type":"Number","label":"Advances","value":0},"total":{"type":"Number","label":"Total"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"4IGdIhnwTaZijzg7","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"Charm Animal","type":"skill","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/skills/skill.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"

Your aptitude for be friending, quickly calming, or subjugating animals.




Passing a Charm Animal Test allows you to influence the behavior of one or more animals, to a maximum of Willpower Bonus + SL. If the target animals are naturally docile, this Test may be uncontested, but it will generally be Opposed by the target’s Willpower.




In combat, you may use Charm Animal when facing animals. If you succeed, any affected targets will not attack you this Round and you gain +1 Advantage. You may do this in successive rounds until you choose to stop or fail a Charm Test, after which the creature’s instincts take over and you have no further influence.


The ability to ascend steep or vertical surfaces.


If time isn’t an issue, and a climb is relatively easy, anyone with Climb Skill is automatically assumed to be able to climb any reasonably small height.


For any other climbing, Climbing during combat. You may even find yourself climbing large opponents, though whether that is prudent is debatable.

"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"advanced":{"value":"bsc","type":"String"},"grouped":{"value":"noSpec","type":"String"},"characteristic":{"type":"String","label":"Characteristic","value":"s"},"advances":{"type":"Number","label":"Advances","value":0},"total":{"type":"Number","label":"Total"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"R2ytluHiEFF2KQ5e","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Consume Alcohol","type":"skill","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/skills/skill.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"



Your ability to handle alcohol without letting it cloud your judgment or render you senseless.


After each alcoholic drink make a Consume Alcohol Test, modified by the strength of the drink. For each Test you fail, you suffer a –10 penalty to WS, BS, Ag, Dex, and Int, to a maximum of –30 per Characteristic. After you fail a number of Tests equal to your Toughness Bonus, you are Stinking Drunk. Roll on the following table to see what happens:






Stinking Drunk




 Marienburgher’s Courage!’: Gain a bonus of +20 to your Cool Skill.




You’re My Besht Mate!’: Ignore all your existing Prejudices and Animosities.




 ‘Why’s Everything Wobbling!’: On your Turn, you can either Move or take an Action, but not both.




‘I’ll Take Yer All On!’: Gain Animosity (Everybody)!




 ‘How Did I Get here?’: You wake up the next day, massively hungover, with little memory of what transpired. The GM and other players with you will fill in the embarrassing gaps if you investigate. Pass a Consume Alcohol Test or also gain a Poisoned Condition.




After not drinking for an hour, enact a Challenging (+0) Consume Alcohol Test. The effects of being drunk will wear


off after 10–SL hours, with any Characteristic modifiers for being drunk lost over that time. After all effects wear off, enact another Challenging (+0) Consume Alcohol Test. You now gain a hangover, which is an Fatigued Condition that cannot be removed for 5–SL hours.


You may expend 1 Resolve point to ignore the negative modifiers of being drunk until the end of the next round.






Cool allows you to remain calm under stress, resist fear when faced with horror, and stick to your convictions.




Cool is generally used to resist other Skills — Charm, Intimidate, and similar — but you may also be required to make a Cool Test when faced with anything forcing you to do something you would rather not. Cool is also the primary Skill used to limit Psychology


Dodge is your ability to avoid things, through ducking, diving, and moving quickly, and is used extensively to sidestep falling rocks, incoming weapons, unexpected traps, and the like.


In combat, Dodge is generally used to resist attacks or avoid damage. Refer to Rolling to Hit.




Drive lets you guide vehicles — most commonly simple carts and lumbering coaches, not to mention the more ‘experimental’ creations of the Imperial Engineers — along the roads of the Empire with as little incident as possible.




Under normal circumstances, if you possess the Drive Skill, there is no need to Test. If conditions are less than ideal — perhaps the road is in poor condition, or the weather is terrible — a Drive Test will be required. If you do not possess the Drive Skill, you may be required to make a Test to carry out even basic maneuver. An Astounding Failure (-6) on a Drive Test means something bad has happened. Roll on the following table:










Snapped Harness: One horse (or equivalent) breaks free; reduce speed accordingly.




 Jolted Carriage: Passengers suffer 1 Wound and fragile cargos might be damaged.




Broken Wheel: Pass a Drive Test every round to avoid Crashing. Two-wheeled vehicles with a Broken Wheel Crash automatically.




 Broken Axle: The vehicle goes out of control and Crashes.




Crashing: Occupants of Crashing vehicles usually suffer 2d10 Wounds modified by Toughness Bonus and Armor Points


unless the vehicle was moving slowly (as determined by the GM). Crashed vehicles must be repaired by someone with an appropriate Trade Skill, such as Trade (Carpenter) or Trade (Cartwright). Spare wheels can be installed by anyone with a Drive Test or with an appropriate Trade Test. In combat, Drive may be used if circumstances allow — for instance, if the party is in a coach being raided by outlaws, and you wish to ram an enemy, or outrun them.






The Endurance Skill is called upon when you must endure hardship, withstand deprivation, sit without moving for long periods of time, or survive harsh environments. In particular, Endurance is Tested to resist or recover from various Conditions (see page 167) and helps you recover lost Wounds.


Allows you to delight crowds with the spoken word, perhaps by singing, acting, or attempting a few jokes. A successful use of the Entertain Skill means you have entertained patrons near enough to hear you; the SL indicates how well you have done.


In combat, it is unlikely that Entertain will be of much use, although you may come up with an interesting way to use Entertain (Acting) to confuse or mislead your opponents.




Specialisations: Acting, Comedy, Singing, Storytelling 


Allows you to measure the likelihood that a bet will pay off, as well as successfully engage in various games of chance.


To represent a gambling match, all players make a Gamble Test — applying any appropriate modifiers for familiarity with the game — and the player with the highest SL wins. On a tie, any lower scoring players drop out, and those remaining enact another Gamble Test, repeating this process until you have a winner.


If you wish to influence the game through less honest mechanics, see Sleight of Hand.


You can quickly ferret out interesting and useful news, and spread rumors of your own. A successful Gossip Test means you have found out one useful piece of information, which your GM can impart to you, about the local area. Each SL either offers you an additional piece of information, or the chance to spread a rumor to a number of individuals equal to your Fellowship Bonus. The time required for a Gossip Test depends on how circumspect the players are being, and how busy the area is, as determined by the GM.


It is unlikely that Gossip will be much use in combat, but if your attacker happens to be local, and you happen to know something really juicy…




Half-Heard Whispers


While it may be expedient for GMs to quickly share information gleaned from Gossip tests to all players at once, it is often more fun to share the information only with individual players (either through a note, or through briefly taking them aside). This means the players must relate this information to one another in-character — aiding the immersive roleplaying experience — which allows for mistakes and misunderstandings, sometimes leading to hilarious, or horrific, results. 




Haggle allows you to secure better deals when negotiating with others. In general, Haggle is used to see whether you do, or do not, make a good deal, most commonly with an Opposed Haggle Test. Specifically, it can be used when shopping to secure better prices. For information on this, refer to Chapter 11: Consumers’ Guide.


Allows you to coerce or frighten sentient creatures. The precise manner of initiating an Intimidate Test depends on context: while it is generally accompanied by an overt threat, sometimes a subtle implication or even a look is enough. Intimidate is almost always Opposed by your target’s Cool Skill; if successful, you can intimidate a number of targets up to your Strength Bonus + SL. Each will react to Intimidate based on their individual personalities and how successful you were in menacing them, but in all cases, they will back down or move out of the way and will not speak out against you, or they will alternatively accept combat is the only way forward and prepare their weapons.




In combat, you cause @Compendium[wfrp4e.psychologies.Ib2YQYChktDFN93y]{Fear} in all Intimidated targets. You may also use your Intimidate Skill instead of Melee when defending against those afraid of you, causing the Intimidated parties to back away from the fight with your will and posture alone. Further, with your GM’s approval, you may use Intimidate to ‘attack’ such targets, issuing specific commands, such as ‘drop your weapons’ or ‘get out of here!’. However, if you fail any of these subsequent Intimidate Tests, you no longer Intimidate (or cause Fear) in affected opponents. With your GM’s permission you may try to Intimidate them again in a later Round, but this will incur a negative modifier, as they are less likely to fear you having seen through your bravado once already.




Alternative Characteristics For Intimidate


While strength is the default stat for Intimidate tests, the GM may decree certain situations may allow you to use a different characteristic: a steely witch hunter may use Willpower to stare down an inquisitive bystander, or an academic may use Intelligence to cow a lowly student with his intimidating knowledge, for instance. 




Example: Facing a group of footpads, Svetlana the Strong rolls 4 SL on her Intimidate Test. Combined with her SB of 5, this means she can affect up to 9 targets, more than enough to impact all three footpads who now Fear Svetlana. As she has won by 3 SL, she gains +1 Advantage point until the end of her next turn. In the next round, she ‘attacks’ the footpads using her Intimidate, intending to scare them into leaving her be. However, she fails the Test, and the footpads realize they outnumber her, and are armed… 




The Intuition Skill allows you to get a feel for your surroundings, leading you to notice when something is wrong, and gives you a sense of when people may be hiding something from you. A successful use of the Intuition Skill gives you subtle or implicit intelligence relating to your environment, determined by your GM. This may be information such as whether someone believes what they are saying, what the general attitude is towards the local noble, or if the helpful local’s motives are as pure as they seem. If someone is actively trying to hide their intent, they may resist your Intuition with Cool or Entertain (Acting).




In combat, a successful Intuition Test may be used to give you +1 Advantage as you weigh the environment and your opponents. You may continue building Advantage in subsequent turns providing you are able to observe your targets and are not interrupted (such as being attacked); you may gain a maximum Advantage equal to your Intelligence Bonus in this manner.


A measure of your ability to lead others and command their respect. While most often associated with martial situations, a resolute leader can quickly direct a fast response to a fire or other such calamity, and nobles use the Skill frequently to command their lessers.




A successful Leadership Test allows you to issue orders to a number of targets equal to your Fellowship Bonus + SL. If the targets are your natural subordinates — a noble commanding serfs, or a sergeant commanding his troops — commands are usually unopposed. If there is no natural hierarchy in place, or the order is particularly challenging — such as ordering your soldiers to charge a Hydra head on — the Test is Opposed by your targets’ Cool.




In combat, you may use Leadership to encourage your subordinates. A successful Leadership Test confers a bonus of +10 to all Psychology Tests until the end of the next round (see page 190).




Further, Leadership can be used to transfer Advantage to allies able to hear you; following a successful Leadership Test, you may transfer an Advantage to one ally of your choice, plus a further +1 Advantage per SL scored, which can again go to any allies of your choice within earshot.




Example: Lord Ludwig von Schemp has been watching his two bodyguards discourse with some ruffians for three Rounds, using his Intuition Skill to build up 3 Advantage. Feeling it is going nowhere, he issues a peremptory order to attack the ringleader; passing his Leadership Test with 5 SL, he gives one bodyguard 2 of his Advantage, and the remaining bodyguard 1 Advantage, hoping this will bring a swift end to proceedings. 


The Melee Skill represents specific training with a single type of close combat weaponry. Each Melee Specialization indicates training in using a specific class of weapon. If you don’t have the correct Specialization for a weapon you wish to use, refer to Chapter 11: Consumers’ Guide for the correct weapon entry, and what penalties you will suffer. See Chapter 5: Rules for more detail about combat and using the Melee Skill.




Specializations: Basic, Brawling, Cavalry, Fencing, Flail, Parry, Pole-Arm, Two-Handed 


Navigation allows you to find your way in the wilderness using landmarks, stellar bodies or maps. Possessing the Navigation Skill means you know roughly where you are, and can find your way between well-known landmarks without a Test. A Test is only required if you are disoriented or travelling far from the beaten path, with success showing you the correct direction, or allowing you to avoid mishap.




If you are navigating a long journey, your GM may ask for an extended Navigation Test, modified by conditions, visible landmarks, and access to reliable geographical information. The SL required to succeed depends on how far the destination is, with each Test representing between an hour and a day’s travel, depending on the nature of the journey

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The Outdoor Survival Skill is used to survive in the wild, including the ability to fish, hunt, forage, and build fires and shelters. Experienced travelers are skilled at reading the signs of incoming inclement weather and finding the spoor of various dangerous beasts.




When camping, make an Outdoor Survival Test, modified by the harshness of conditions — for instance, a Test is Challenging (+0) if it is raining, Hard (–20) in a storm. A successful Test indicates you can provide yourself sustenance and shelter for the night. Each SL allows you to provide for one more character. If the Test is failed, you must make a Challenging (+0) Endurance Test or receive the Fatigued Condition. If you suffer an Astounding Failure, something untoward has happened, as determined by the GM; perhaps your camp is attacked in the night?




When fighting in the wilderness, you may make an Outdoor Survival Test to receive +1 Advantage, in the same way as Intuition, to a maximum number of Advantage equal to your Intelligence Bonus, as you spy out treacherous and advantageous terrain that you can best use to your advantage.




Gathering Food and Herbs


Gathering food or herbs normally takes around 2 hours. Hunting and foraging parties make one assisted Outdoor Survival Test for the group, with the Difficulty determined by the circumstances.








Your ability to notice things with your senses — sight, smell, hearing, touch, and taste, and any other senses you may possess, such as magical or non-Human senses. Your GM may ask for a Perception Test to detect something, like movement behind the treeline, the presence of a trap, or someone following you, modified by how easy it is to notice. Perception is also used to resist attempts to hide things through Skills such as Sleight of Hand or Stealth. Perception has multiple uses in combat, most commonly to notice important details beyond the immediately obvious about the surrounding environment and your opponents, as determined by the GM. 


How proficient you are at riding a particular group of animals; Ride (Horse), for example, will let you ride Horses, Mules, Donkeys, and similar. You’ll only need to make a Test when doing something out of the ordinary, such as racing, dressage, traversing dangerous terrain, or charging into combat. Otherwise, if you have at least one Advance in the Skill, you are presumed to be able to ride around without need of a Test.




If mounted on a steed, you move using the steed’s Movement statistic; if you wish to run, jump, or leap, you use your Ride Skill, not Athletics. An extended Ride Test may be needed if you are racing somewhere, the target SL depending on the length of the journey, the number of Tests indicating how long you take to arrive. A Ride Test may be modified by environmental conditions, and the temperament of your mount. For more information on mounts, see Chapter 12: Bestiary. The Ride skill can be used extensively in combat. See Chapter 5: Rules, for more on mounted combat.




Specializations: Demigryph, Great Wolf, Griffon, Horse, Pegasus 


Your prowess at pulling an oar and moving a boat through the water. The Row Skill is typically only used when racing, navigating rapids, desperately avoiding Bog Octopuses, or similar unusual or dangerous feats. Anyone with the Skill is automatically presumed to be able to scull about a pond, or over a gentle river, without a Test. Those without the skill may have to make a Test for anything but the most basic maneuvers. 


Allows you to creep quietly and conceal yourself in shadows more readily than most. Stealth is generally Opposed by an opponent’s Perception Skill, and Tests will be modifed by how dark or well concealed your route is, as well as how circumspectly you are dressed. An Impressive or Astounding Failure on a Stealth Test will likely draw the immediate attention of the enemies you were trying to avoid in the first place.




Stealth has many potential applications in combat, most usefully to hide oneself in preparation for an Ambush, or to creep around an opponent in order to attack from behind. Of course, you can also use the Skill to escape a conflict unseen…




Specializations: Rural, Underground, Urban 




Options: Shadowing


Shadowing is following someone secretly. To do this requires a Combined Perception and Stealth Test. If the target is actively trying to lose a tail, it is Opposed with the target’s Stealth Skill.




If you pass the Perception Test, and fail the Stealth Test you follow your target, but are spotted. If you fail the perception Test, yet pass the Stealth Test, you lose your target, but go unnoticed

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The Strength of the Corruption is marked in brackets."},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":false,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"","bonusCharacteristic":"","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"Minor","type":"String","label":"Specification"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}},"sort":100000},{"_id":"CVluCJueLKJD0q1Q","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"Weapon","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"The creature carries a melee weapon, or uses teeth, claws, or similar in combat.\n \n The weapon causes Damage equal to its Rating which already includes the creature’s Strength Bonus. Typically it will be 4 + its Strength Bonus (representing a Hand Weapon)"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":true,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"ws","bonusCharacteristic":"s","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"4","type":"String","label":"Specification"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}},"sort":200000},{"_id":"vpozIUCQuyAHCQwX","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"Weapon","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"The creature carries a melee weapon, or uses teeth, claws, or similar in combat.\n \n The weapon causes Damage equal to its Rating which already includes the creature’s Strength Bonus. Typically it will be 4 + its Strength Bonus (representing a Hand Weapon)"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":true,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"ws","bonusCharacteristic":"s","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"2","type":"String","label":"Specification"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}},"sort":300000},{"_id":"tYDHvemJC4SVzmDi","flags":{},"name":"Dagger","type":"weapon","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/equipment/weapons/dagger2.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"quantity":{"type":"Number","label":"Quantity","value":1},"encumbrance":{"type":"Number","label":"Encumbrance","value":0},"price":{"type":"String","label":"Price","gc":"0","ss":"16","bp":"0"},"availability":{"type":"String","label":"Availability","value":"common"},"location":{"type":"Number","label":"Location","value":0},"damage":{"type":"String","label":"Damage","value":"SB+2","meleeValue":"SB+2","rangedValue":""},"reach":{"type":"String","label":"Reach","value":"vshort"},"range":{"type":"String","label":"Range","value":""},"twohanded":{"type":"Boolean","label":"Two-Handed","value":false},"ammunitionGroup":{"type":"String","label":"Ammunition Group","value":"none"},"currentAmmo":{"type":"Number","value":0},"weaponGroup":{"type":"String","label":"Weapon Group","value":"basic"},"qualities":{"type":"String","label":"Qualities","value":""},"flaws":{"type":"String","label":"Flaws","value":""},"special":{"type":"String","label":"Special","value":""},"equipped":true,"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}},"sort":400000},{"_id":"an6JCUlsQ3LoDSKg","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"Hand Weapon","type":"weapon","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/equipment/weapons/hand-weapon.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"quantity":{"type":"Number","label":"Quantity","value":1},"encumbrance":{"type":"Number","label":"Encumbrance","value":1},"price":{"type":"String","label":"Price","gc":"1","ss":"0","bp":"0","value":""},"availability":{"type":"String","label":"Availability","value":"common"},"location":{"type":"Number","label":"Location","value":0},"damage":{"type":"String","label":"Damage","value":"SB+4","meleeValue":"SB+4","rangedValue":""},"reach":{"type":"String","label":"Reach","value":"average"},"range":{"type":"String","label":"Range","value":""},"twohanded":{"type":"Boolean","label":"Two-Handed","value":false},"ammunitionGroup":{"type":"String","label":"Ammunition Group","value":"none"},"currentAmmo":{"type":"Number","value":0},"weaponGroup":{"type":"String","label":"Weapon Group","value":"basic"},"qualities":{"type":"String","label":"Qualities","value":""},"flaws":{"type":"String","label":"Flaws","value":""},"special":{"type":"String","label":"Special","value":""},"equipped":true,"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}},"sort":500000},{"_id":"tmKUpkD92RDFTrU7","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"Mail Shirt","type":"armour","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/equipment/armour/mail-shirt.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"quantity":{"type":"Number","label":"Quantity","value":1},"encumbrance":{"type":"Number","label":"Encumbrance","value":2},"price":{"type":"String","label":"Price","gc":"2","ss":"0","bp":"0"},"availability":{"type":"String","label":"Availability","value":"scarce"},"location":{"type":"Number","label":"Location","value":0},"worn":{"type":"Boolean","label":"Worn","value":true},"armorType":{"type":"String","label":"Armour Type","value":"mail"},"penalty":{"type":"String","label":"Penalty","value":""},"qualities":{"type":"String","label":"Qualities","value":"Flexible"},"flaws":{"type":"String","label":"Flaws","value":""},"special":{"type":"String","label":"Special","value":""},"maxAP":{"head":0,"lArm":0,"rArm":0,"lLeg":0,"rLeg":0,"body":2},"currentAP":{"head":-1,"lArm":-1,"rArm":-1,"lLeg":-1,"rLeg":-1,"body":-1},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}},"sort":600000},{"_id":"uIUVJHawsmIU80WY","flags":{},"name":"Glass vial containing kurtz","type":"trapping","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/equipment/herbs_and_draughts/healing-draught.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"

Has 18 doses of kurtz

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The first Beastman has a large bovine head and tough scaly skin. When the attack begins it lets out a bellowing shriek and charges into combat, uncaring for its own safety. It is armed with a sword and fights until slain or incapacitated.

"}},"excludedTraits":["CwkLIxJOKxsgXuAx","VPdpfIlsQA7WoBul","Fkxspn6O3SlpnkFE","1KlqStaTqe3ruA3b","lYM9ixDSAJxsfide","efkw3XBI2RMOrtHj","X6lmHzmAQGlmcyPi","STOaUP81i6MOJbW2"]},"flags":{"autoCalcRun":true,"autoCalcWalk":true,"autoCalcWounds":true,"autoCalcCritW":true,"autoCalcCorruption":true,"autoCalcEnc":true,"talentTests":[],"combatSkills":[],"_sheetTab":"notes","modifier":"","defensive":0},"img":"modules/wfrp4e-night-of-blood/assets/tokens/beastmen.png","token":{"flags":{},"name":"Beastman","displayName":20,"img":"modules/wfrp4e-night-of-blood/assets/tokens/beastmen.png","width":1,"height":1,"scale":1,"mirrorX":false,"mirrorY":false,"lockRotation":false,"rotation":0,"vision":false,"dimSight":0,"brightSight":0,"dimLight":0,"brightLight":0,"sightAngle":360,"lightAngle":360,"lightColor":"","lightAlpha":1,"actorId":"l3X33NLLd69up3nu","actorLink":true,"actorData":{},"disposition":0,"displayBars":20,"bar1":{"attribute":"status.wounds"},"bar2":{"attribute":"status.advantage"},"randomImg":false},"items":[{"_id":"oQn3MZeMYfKLdg9B","flags":{},"name":"Arboreal","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"The creature is at home in the forests. In the woodlands, it adds its Agility Bonus to the SL of all Climb and Stealth Tests. \r\r"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":false,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"","bonusCharacteristic":"","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"","type":"String","label":"Specification"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"X1qPOfIVD2iwlW6X","flags":{},"name":"Fury","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"The creature can work itself into an all-consuming rage. It can spend all of its Advantage (minimum of 1) to become subject to Hatred to close combat opponents. If the creature has at least 3 Advantage, it may instead expend all of its Advantage to become subject to Frenzy.\r\r"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":false,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"","bonusCharacteristic":"","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"","type":"String","label":"Specification"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"nrTB5jLyuyhOMqQT","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"Horns","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"The creature has horns or some other sharp appendage (if its Horns Trait represents a different feature it will be noted in brackets). When the creature gains an Advantage for Charging, it may make a Free Attack with its Horns, performed as normal, using Rating to calculate Damage (its Strength Bonus is already included)."},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":true,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"ws","bonusCharacteristic":"s","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"3","type":"String","label":"Specification"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"lA9geCq1rZObtGvS","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Night Vision","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"

You can see very well in natural darkness. Assuming you have at least a faint source of light (such as starlight, moonlight, or bioluminescence) you can see clearly for 20 yards per level of Night Vision. Further, you can extend the effective illumination distance of any light sources by 20 yards per level of Night Vision.

"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":false,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"","bonusCharacteristic":"","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"","type":"String","label":"Specification"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"EJzNcIUnQ1bGsVER","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"Weapon","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"The creature carries a melee weapon, or uses teeth, claws, or similar in combat.\n \n The weapon causes Damage equal to its Rating which already includes the creature’s Strength Bonus. Typically it will be 4 + its Strength Bonus (representing a Hand Weapon)"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":true,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"ws","bonusCharacteristic":"s","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"4","type":"String","label":"Specification"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"03nJ4NJdkIJFaqrE","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"Armour","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"The creature is protected by armor or thick hide. It has Rating Armor Points on all Hit Locations"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":false,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"","bonusCharacteristic":"","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"2","type":"String","label":"Specification"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"CwkLIxJOKxsgXuAx","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"Corruption","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"The creature is tainted by Chaos, or perhaps suffused with Dark Magics. The Strength of the Corruption is marked in brackets."},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":false,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"","bonusCharacteristic":"","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"Minor","type":"String","label":"Specification"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"VPdpfIlsQA7WoBul","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"Disease","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"The creature carries the disease listed. Others will have to Test as appropriate for Contraction"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":false,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"","bonusCharacteristic":"","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"Packer's Pox","type":"String","label":"Specification"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"Fkxspn6O3SlpnkFE","flags":{},"name":"Infected","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"The creature, or its weapon, carries a nasty infection. If it causes a living opponent to lose Wounds, it must pass an Easy (+40) Endurance Test or contract a Festering Wound\r\r"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":false,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"","bonusCharacteristic":"","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"","type":"String","label":"Specification"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"1KlqStaTqe3ruA3b","flags":{},"name":"Infestation","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"The creature’s hide is infested with biting fleas or similar. All opponents suffer a penalty of –10 to hit it in melee combat as the parasites distract and overwhelm them \r\r"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":false,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"","bonusCharacteristic":"","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"","type":"String","label":"Specification"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"X6lmHzmAQGlmcyPi","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"Size","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"

This trait represents creatures whose size differ from the game standard (i.e. roughly human sized). There are seven steps of Size, ranging from Tiny to Monstrous.










Butterfly, Mouse, Pigeon




Cat, Hawk, Human Baby




Giant Rat, Halfling, Human Child




Dwarf, Elf, Human




Horse, Ogre, Troll




Griffon, Wyvern, Manticore




Dragon, Giant, Greater Daemon




Using Size




if you wish to use size to make a creature bigger — for example converting a giant spider to a gigantic spider — then increase Strength and Toughness by +10 and reduce Agility by –5 per step of size you increase the creature. Reverse this if you wish to make a creature smaller 






Size Combat Modifers


If larger:




If smaller:


• It gains a bonus of +10 to hit.




Defending Against Big Creatures


You suffer a penalty of –2 SL for each step larger your opponent is when using Melee to defend an Opposed Test. It is recommended to dodge a Giant swinging a tree, not parry it!




Ranged Attacks


You gain a hefty bonus when shooting at larger targets, but for every +10 you receive, you subtract 1 from your damage. (Ex. +40 to hit Enormous, -4 Damage).




Fear and Terror


If the creature is perceived to be aggressive, it causes Fear in any creature smaller than it, and Terror in any creature two or more steps smaller. The rating of the Fear or Terror equals the Size step difference. So, if the creature is Large, and its opponent is Small, it will cause Terror 2.




Moving in Combat


A creature that is larger ignores the need to Disengage if it wishes to leave melee combat; instead, it brushes smaller combatants out of the way, moving where it wishes.




Opposed Strength


During Opposed Strength Tests (and similar), if one creature is 2 or more size steps larger, it wins automatically. If one creature is 1 size step larger, the smaller creature must roll a Critical to contest the roll. If it does, SL are compared as normal. All other results mean the larger creature wins.






Creatures that are larger than their opponents may make one Stomp as a Free Attack, by spending 1 Advantage, as they kick downwards or otherwise bash smaller opponents out of the way. This attack has a Damage equal to their Strength Bonus +0, and uses Melee(Brawling).














Toughness Bonus




(2×Toughness Bonus) + Willpower Bonus




Strength Bonus+(2×Toughness Bonus) + Willpower Bonus




(Strength Bonus+(2×Toughness Bonus) + Willpower Bonus) ×2




(Strength Bonus+(2×Toughness Bonus) + Willpower Bonus) ×4




(Strength Bonus+(2×Toughness Bonus) + Willpower Bonus) ×8

"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":false,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"","bonusCharacteristic":"","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"Large","type":"String","label":"Specification"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"efkw3XBI2RMOrtHj","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"Spellcaster","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"The creature can cast spells; the specific Lore of Magic will be indicated in brackets."},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":false,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"","bonusCharacteristic":"","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"Beasts","type":"String","label":"Specification"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"STOaUP81i6MOJbW2","flags":{},"name":"Mutation","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"



The creature is ‘blessed’ with a Mutation. Roll on the Physical Corruption Table






@Table[expandedmutatephys] (if EiS Module installed)

"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":false,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"","bonusCharacteristic":"","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"","type":"String","label":"Specification"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}},"sort":100001}],"_id":"me2Jp7k5CWj7zxp6"} {"_id":"me2Jp7k5CWj7zxp6","name":"Mutant Beastman Leader","permission":{"default":0,"Cq31UaFnLVMpY5dr":3},"type":"creature","data":{"characteristics":{"ws":{"type":"number","label":"Weapon Skill","abrev":"WS","initial":45,"advances":0,"value":45,"bonus":4,"career":0,"cost":25},"bs":{"type":"Number","label":"Ballistic Skill","abrev":"BS","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"career":0,"cost":25},"s":{"type":"Number","label":"Strength","abrev":"S","initial":35,"advances":0,"value":35,"bonus":3,"career":0,"cost":25},"t":{"type":"Number","label":"Toughness","abrev":"T","initial":45,"advances":0,"value":45,"bonus":4,"career":0,"cost":25},"i":{"type":"Number","label":"Initiative","abrev":"I","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"career":0,"cost":25},"ag":{"type":"Number","label":"Agility","abrev":"Ag","initial":35,"advances":0,"value":35,"bonus":3,"career":0,"cost":25},"dex":{"type":"Number","label":"Dexterity","abrev":"Dex","initial":25,"advances":0,"value":25,"bonus":2,"career":0,"cost":25},"int":{"type":"Number","label":"Intellegence","abrev":"Int","initial":25,"advances":0,"value":25,"bonus":2,"career":0,"cost":25},"wp":{"type":"Number","label":"Willpower","abrev":"WP","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"career":0,"cost":25},"fel":{"type":"Number","label":"Fellowship","abrev":"Fel","initial":25,"advances":0,"value":25,"bonus":2,"career":0,"cost":25}},"status":{"wounds":{"type":"Number","label":"Wounds","abrev":"W","value":14,"max":14},"advantage":{"type":"Number","label":"Advantage","value":"0","max":10},"criticalWounds":{"type":"Number","label":"Critical Wounds","value":0,"max":2,"descriptions":""},"sin":{"type":"Number","label":"Sin","value":"0"},"penalties":{"type":"String","label":"Penalties","value":""},"corruption":{"type":"Number","label":"Corruption","value":0},"encumbrance":{"type":"Number","label":"Encumbrance","max":7,"current":0}},"details":{"species":{"type":"String","label":"Species","value":"Gor"},"gender":{"type":"String","label":"Gender","value":""},"size":{"type":"String","label":"Size","value":"avg"},"move":{"type":"Number","label":"Movement","value":"4","walk":8,"run":16},"god":{"type":"String","label":"God","value":""},"hitLocationTable":{"value":"hitloc","type":"String","label":"Hit Location Table"},"biography":{"value":"

The first Beastman has a large bovine head and tough scaly skin. When the attack begins it lets out a bellowing shriek and charges into combat, uncaring for its own safety. It is armed with a sword and fights until slain or incapacitated.

"}},"excludedTraits":["CwkLIxJOKxsgXuAx","VPdpfIlsQA7WoBul","Fkxspn6O3SlpnkFE","1KlqStaTqe3ruA3b","lYM9ixDSAJxsfide","efkw3XBI2RMOrtHj","X6lmHzmAQGlmcyPi","STOaUP81i6MOJbW2"]},"sort":100001,"flags":{"autoCalcRun":true,"autoCalcWalk":true,"autoCalcWounds":true,"autoCalcCritW":true,"autoCalcCorruption":true,"autoCalcEnc":true,"talentTests":[],"combatSkills":[],"_sheetTab":"notes","modifier":"","defensive":0},"img":"modules/wfrp4e-night-of-blood/assets/tokens/beastmen.png","token":{"flags":{},"name":"Beastman","displayName":20,"img":"modules/wfrp4e-night-of-blood/assets/tokens/beastmen.png","width":1,"height":1,"scale":1,"mirrorX":false,"mirrorY":false,"lockRotation":false,"rotation":0,"vision":false,"dimSight":0,"brightSight":0,"dimLight":0,"brightLight":0,"sightAngle":360,"lightAngle":360,"lightColor":"","lightAlpha":1,"actorId":"me2Jp7k5CWj7zxp6","actorLink":true,"actorData":{},"disposition":0,"displayBars":20,"bar1":{"attribute":"status.wounds"},"bar2":{"attribute":"status.advantage"},"randomImg":false},"items":[{"_id":"oQn3MZeMYfKLdg9B","flags":{},"name":"Arboreal","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"The creature is at home in the forests. In the woodlands, it adds its Agility Bonus to the SL of all Climb and Stealth Tests. \r\r"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":false,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"","bonusCharacteristic":"","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"","type":"String","label":"Specification"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"X1qPOfIVD2iwlW6X","flags":{},"name":"Fury","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"The creature can work itself into an all-consuming rage. It can spend all of its Advantage (minimum of 1) to become subject to Hatred to close combat opponents. If the creature has at least 3 Advantage, it may instead expend all of its Advantage to become subject to Frenzy.\r\r"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":false,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"","bonusCharacteristic":"","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"","type":"String","label":"Specification"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"nrTB5jLyuyhOMqQT","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"Horns","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"The creature has horns or some other sharp appendage (if its Horns Trait represents a different feature it will be noted in brackets). When the creature gains an Advantage for Charging, it may make a Free Attack with its Horns, performed as normal, using Rating to calculate Damage (its Strength Bonus is already included)."},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":true,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"ws","bonusCharacteristic":"s","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"3","type":"String","label":"Specification"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"lA9geCq1rZObtGvS","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Night Vision","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"

You can see very well in natural darkness. Assuming you have at least a faint source of light (such as starlight, moonlight, or bioluminescence) you can see clearly for 20 yards per level of Night Vision. Further, you can extend the effective illumination distance of any light sources by 20 yards per level of Night Vision.

"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":false,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"","bonusCharacteristic":"","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"","type":"String","label":"Specification"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"EJzNcIUnQ1bGsVER","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"Weapon","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"The creature carries a melee weapon, or uses teeth, claws, or similar in combat.\n \n The weapon causes Damage equal to its Rating which already includes the creature’s Strength Bonus. Typically it will be 4 + its Strength Bonus (representing a Hand Weapon)"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":true,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"ws","bonusCharacteristic":"s","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"4","type":"String","label":"Specification"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"03nJ4NJdkIJFaqrE","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"Armour","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"The creature is protected by armor or thick hide. It has Rating Armor Points on all Hit Locations"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":false,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"","bonusCharacteristic":"","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"2","type":"String","label":"Specification"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"CwkLIxJOKxsgXuAx","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"Corruption","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"The creature is tainted by Chaos, or perhaps suffused with Dark Magics. The Strength of the Corruption is marked in brackets."},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":false,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"","bonusCharacteristic":"","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"Minor","type":"String","label":"Specification"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"VPdpfIlsQA7WoBul","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"Disease","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"The creature carries the disease listed. Others will have to Test as appropriate for Contraction"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":false,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"","bonusCharacteristic":"","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"Packer's Pox","type":"String","label":"Specification"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"Fkxspn6O3SlpnkFE","flags":{},"name":"Infected","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"The creature, or its weapon, carries a nasty infection. If it causes a living opponent to lose Wounds, it must pass an Easy (+40) Endurance Test or contract a Festering Wound\r\r"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":false,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"","bonusCharacteristic":"","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"","type":"String","label":"Specification"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"1KlqStaTqe3ruA3b","flags":{},"name":"Infestation","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"The creature’s hide is infested with biting fleas or similar. All opponents suffer a penalty of –10 to hit it in melee combat as the parasites distract and overwhelm them \r\r"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":false,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"","bonusCharacteristic":"","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"","type":"String","label":"Specification"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"X6lmHzmAQGlmcyPi","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"Size","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"

This trait represents creatures whose size differ from the game standard (i.e. roughly human sized). There are seven steps of Size, ranging from Tiny to Monstrous.










Butterfly, Mouse, Pigeon




Cat, Hawk, Human Baby




Giant Rat, Halfling, Human Child




Dwarf, Elf, Human




Horse, Ogre, Troll




Griffon, Wyvern, Manticore




Dragon, Giant, Greater Daemon




Using Size




if you wish to use size to make a creature bigger — for example converting a giant spider to a gigantic spider — then increase Strength and Toughness by +10 and reduce Agility by –5 per step of size you increase the creature. Reverse this if you wish to make a creature smaller 






Size Combat Modifers


If larger:




If smaller:


• It gains a bonus of +10 to hit.




Defending Against Big Creatures


You suffer a penalty of –2 SL for each step larger your opponent is when using Melee to defend an Opposed Test. It is recommended to dodge a Giant swinging a tree, not parry it!




Ranged Attacks


You gain a hefty bonus when shooting at larger targets, but for every +10 you receive, you subtract 1 from your damage. (Ex. +40 to hit Enormous, -4 Damage).




Fear and Terror


If the creature is perceived to be aggressive, it causes Fear in any creature smaller than it, and Terror in any creature two or more steps smaller. The rating of the Fear or Terror equals the Size step difference. So, if the creature is Large, and its opponent is Small, it will cause Terror 2.




Moving in Combat


A creature that is larger ignores the need to Disengage if it wishes to leave melee combat; instead, it brushes smaller combatants out of the way, moving where it wishes.




Opposed Strength


During Opposed Strength Tests (and similar), if one creature is 2 or more size steps larger, it wins automatically. If one creature is 1 size step larger, the smaller creature must roll a Critical to contest the roll. If it does, SL are compared as normal. All other results mean the larger creature wins.






Creatures that are larger than their opponents may make one Stomp as a Free Attack, by spending 1 Advantage, as they kick downwards or otherwise bash smaller opponents out of the way. This attack has a Damage equal to their Strength Bonus +0, and uses Melee(Brawling).














Toughness Bonus




(2×Toughness Bonus) + Willpower Bonus




Strength Bonus+(2×Toughness Bonus) + Willpower Bonus




(Strength Bonus+(2×Toughness Bonus) + Willpower Bonus) ×2




(Strength Bonus+(2×Toughness Bonus) + Willpower Bonus) ×4




(Strength Bonus+(2×Toughness Bonus) + Willpower Bonus) ×8

"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":false,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"","bonusCharacteristic":"","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"Large","type":"String","label":"Specification"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"efkw3XBI2RMOrtHj","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"Spellcaster","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"The creature can cast spells; the specific Lore of Magic will be indicated in brackets."},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":false,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"","bonusCharacteristic":"","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"Beasts","type":"String","label":"Specification"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"STOaUP81i6MOJbW2","flags":{},"name":"Mutation","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"



The creature is ‘blessed’ with a Mutation. Roll on the Physical Corruption Table






@Table[expandedmutatephys] (if EiS Module installed)

"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":false,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"","bonusCharacteristic":"","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"","type":"String","label":"Specification"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}},"sort":100001}]} {"name":"Mutant Beastman Runner","permission":{"default":0,"Cq31UaFnLVMpY5dr":3},"type":"creature","data":{"characteristics":{"ws":{"type":"number","label":"Weapon Skill","abrev":"WS","initial":45,"advances":0,"value":45,"bonus":4,"career":0,"cost":25},"bs":{"type":"Number","label":"Ballistic Skill","abrev":"BS","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"career":0,"cost":25},"s":{"type":"Number","label":"Strength","abrev":"S","initial":35,"advances":0,"value":35,"bonus":3,"career":0,"cost":25},"t":{"type":"Number","label":"Toughness","abrev":"T","initial":45,"advances":0,"value":45,"bonus":4,"career":0,"cost":25},"i":{"type":"Number","label":"Initiative","abrev":"I","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"career":0,"cost":25},"ag":{"type":"Number","label":"Agility","abrev":"Ag","initial":35,"advances":0,"value":35,"bonus":3,"career":0,"cost":25},"dex":{"type":"Number","label":"Dexterity","abrev":"Dex","initial":25,"advances":0,"value":25,"bonus":2,"career":0,"cost":25},"int":{"type":"Number","label":"Intellegence","abrev":"Int","initial":25,"advances":0,"value":25,"bonus":2,"career":0,"cost":25},"wp":{"type":"Number","label":"Willpower","abrev":"WP","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"career":0,"cost":25},"fel":{"type":"Number","label":"Fellowship","abrev":"Fel","initial":25,"advances":0,"value":25,"bonus":2,"career":0,"cost":25}},"status":{"wounds":{"type":"Number","label":"Wounds","abrev":"W","value":14,"max":14},"advantage":{"type":"Number","label":"Advantage","value":"0","max":10},"criticalWounds":{"type":"Number","label":"Critical Wounds","value":0,"max":2,"descriptions":""},"sin":{"type":"Number","label":"Sin","value":"0"},"penalties":{"type":"String","label":"Penalties","value":""},"corruption":{"type":"Number","label":"Corruption","value":0},"encumbrance":{"type":"Number","label":"Encumbrance","max":7,"current":0}},"details":{"species":{"type":"String","label":"Species","value":"Gor"},"gender":{"type":"String","label":"Gender","value":"Male"},"size":{"type":"String","label":"Size","value":"avg"},"move":{"type":"Number","label":"Movement","value":"6","walk":12,"run":24},"god":{"type":"String","label":"God","value":""},"hitLocationTable":{"value":"hitloc","type":"String","label":"Hit Location Table"},"biography":{"value":"

The other Beastman has long, dog-like legs (Movement 6). It presents a mockery of human form, with a thin emaciated body surmounted by an oversize dog’s head. The creature uses claws (Weapon +6), and attacks with its sharp teeth (Bite +6)

"}},"excludedTraits":["03nJ4NJdkIJFaqrE","CwkLIxJOKxsgXuAx","VPdpfIlsQA7WoBul","Fkxspn6O3SlpnkFE","1KlqStaTqe3ruA3b","lYM9ixDSAJxsfide","efkw3XBI2RMOrtHj","X6lmHzmAQGlmcyPi","STOaUP81i6MOJbW2"]},"flags":{"autoCalcRun":true,"autoCalcWalk":true,"autoCalcWounds":true,"autoCalcCritW":true,"autoCalcCorruption":true,"autoCalcEnc":true,"talentTests":[],"combatSkills":[],"_sheetTab":"notes","modifier":"","defensive":0},"img":"systems/wfrp4e/tokens/gor.png","token":{"flags":{},"name":"Beastman","displayName":20,"img":"systems/wfrp4e/tokens/gor.png","width":1,"height":1,"scale":1,"mirrorX":false,"mirrorY":false,"lockRotation":false,"rotation":0,"vision":false,"dimSight":0,"brightSight":0,"dimLight":0,"brightLight":0,"sightAngle":360,"lightAngle":360,"lightColor":"","lightAlpha":1,"actorId":"RHiXtev4NfovajqL","actorLink":false,"actorData":{},"disposition":0,"displayBars":20,"bar1":{"attribute":"status.wounds"},"bar2":{"attribute":"status.advantage"},"randomImg":false},"items":[{"_id":"oQn3MZeMYfKLdg9B","flags":{},"name":"Arboreal","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"The creature is at home in the forests. In the woodlands, it adds its Agility Bonus to the SL of all Climb and Stealth Tests. \r\r"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":false,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"","bonusCharacteristic":"","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"","type":"String","label":"Specification"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"X1qPOfIVD2iwlW6X","flags":{},"name":"Fury","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"The creature can work itself into an all-consuming rage. It can spend all of its Advantage (minimum of 1) to become subject to Hatred to close combat opponents. If the creature has at least 3 Advantage, it may instead expend all of its Advantage to become subject to Frenzy.\r\r"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":false,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"","bonusCharacteristic":"","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"","type":"String","label":"Specification"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"lA9geCq1rZObtGvS","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Night Vision","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"

You can see very well in natural darkness. Assuming you have at least a faint source of light (such as starlight, moonlight, or bioluminescence) you can see clearly for 20 yards per level of Night Vision. Further, you can extend the effective illumination distance of any light sources by 20 yards per level of Night Vision.

"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":false,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"","bonusCharacteristic":"","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"","type":"String","label":"Specification"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"EJzNcIUnQ1bGsVER","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"Weapon","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"The creature carries a melee weapon, or uses teeth, claws, or similar in combat.\n \n The weapon causes Damage equal to its Rating which already includes the creature’s Strength Bonus. Typically it will be 4 + its Strength Bonus (representing a Hand Weapon)"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":true,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"ws","bonusCharacteristic":"s","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"3","type":"String","label":"Specification"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}},"sort":200001},{"_id":"03nJ4NJdkIJFaqrE","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"Armour","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"The creature is protected by armor or thick hide. It has Rating Armor Points on all Hit Locations"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":false,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"","bonusCharacteristic":"","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"2","type":"String","label":"Specification"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"CwkLIxJOKxsgXuAx","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"Corruption","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"The creature is tainted by Chaos, or perhaps suffused with Dark Magics. The Strength of the Corruption is marked in brackets."},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":false,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"","bonusCharacteristic":"","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"Minor","type":"String","label":"Specification"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"VPdpfIlsQA7WoBul","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"Disease","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"The creature carries the disease listed. Others will have to Test as appropriate for Contraction"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":false,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"","bonusCharacteristic":"","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"Packer's Pox","type":"String","label":"Specification"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"Fkxspn6O3SlpnkFE","flags":{},"name":"Infected","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"The creature, or its weapon, carries a nasty infection. If it causes a living opponent to lose Wounds, it must pass an Easy (+40) Endurance Test or contract a Festering Wound\r\r"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":false,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"","bonusCharacteristic":"","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"","type":"String","label":"Specification"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"1KlqStaTqe3ruA3b","flags":{},"name":"Infestation","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"The creature’s hide is infested with biting fleas or similar. All opponents suffer a penalty of –10 to hit it in melee combat as the parasites distract and overwhelm them \r\r"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":false,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"","bonusCharacteristic":"","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"","type":"String","label":"Specification"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"X6lmHzmAQGlmcyPi","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"Size","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"

This trait represents creatures whose size differ from the game standard (i.e. roughly human sized). There are seven steps of Size, ranging from Tiny to Monstrous.










Butterfly, Mouse, Pigeon




Cat, Hawk, Human Baby




Giant Rat, Halfling, Human Child




Dwarf, Elf, Human




Horse, Ogre, Troll




Griffon, Wyvern, Manticore




Dragon, Giant, Greater Daemon




Using Size




if you wish to use size to make a creature bigger — for example converting a giant spider to a gigantic spider — then increase Strength and Toughness by +10 and reduce Agility by –5 per step of size you increase the creature. Reverse this if you wish to make a creature smaller 






Size Combat Modifers


If larger:




If smaller:


• It gains a bonus of +10 to hit.




Defending Against Big Creatures


You suffer a penalty of –2 SL for each step larger your opponent is when using Melee to defend an Opposed Test. It is recommended to dodge a Giant swinging a tree, not parry it!




Ranged Attacks


You gain a hefty bonus when shooting at larger targets, but for every +10 you receive, you subtract 1 from your damage. (Ex. +40 to hit Enormous, -4 Damage).




Fear and Terror


If the creature is perceived to be aggressive, it causes Fear in any creature smaller than it, and Terror in any creature two or more steps smaller. The rating of the Fear or Terror equals the Size step difference. So, if the creature is Large, and its opponent is Small, it will cause Terror 2.




Moving in Combat


A creature that is larger ignores the need to Disengage if it wishes to leave melee combat; instead, it brushes smaller combatants out of the way, moving where it wishes.




Opposed Strength


During Opposed Strength Tests (and similar), if one creature is 2 or more size steps larger, it wins automatically. If one creature is 1 size step larger, the smaller creature must roll a Critical to contest the roll. If it does, SL are compared as normal. All other results mean the larger creature wins.






Creatures that are larger than their opponents may make one Stomp as a Free Attack, by spending 1 Advantage, as they kick downwards or otherwise bash smaller opponents out of the way. This attack has a Damage equal to their Strength Bonus +0, and uses Melee(Brawling).














Toughness Bonus




(2×Toughness Bonus) + Willpower Bonus




Strength Bonus+(2×Toughness Bonus) + Willpower Bonus




(Strength Bonus+(2×Toughness Bonus) + Willpower Bonus) ×2




(Strength Bonus+(2×Toughness Bonus) + Willpower Bonus) ×4




(Strength Bonus+(2×Toughness Bonus) + Willpower Bonus) ×8

"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":false,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"","bonusCharacteristic":"","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"Large","type":"String","label":"Specification"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"efkw3XBI2RMOrtHj","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"Spellcaster","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"The creature can cast spells; the specific Lore of Magic will be indicated in brackets."},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":false,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"","bonusCharacteristic":"","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"Beasts","type":"String","label":"Specification"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"STOaUP81i6MOJbW2","flags":{},"name":"Mutation","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"



The creature is ‘blessed’ with a Mutation. Roll on the Physical Corruption Table






@Table[expandedmutatephys] (if EiS Module installed)

"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":false,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"","bonusCharacteristic":"","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"","type":"String","label":"Specification"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}},"sort":100001},{"_id":"i2YEy8yWcRwnp1qo","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"Bite","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"On its turn, the creature may make a Free Attack by spending 1 Advantage. The Damage of the attack equals Rating and includes the creature’s Strength Bonus already"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":true,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"ws","bonusCharacteristic":"s","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"3","type":"String","label":"Specification"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}},"sort":300001}],"_id":"yZ42lwDcQwIaqNDw"} {"_id":"yZ42lwDcQwIaqNDw","name":"Mutant Beastman Runner","permission":{"default":0,"Cq31UaFnLVMpY5dr":3},"type":"creature","data":{"characteristics":{"ws":{"type":"number","label":"Weapon Skill","abrev":"WS","initial":45,"advances":0,"value":45,"bonus":4,"career":0,"cost":25},"bs":{"type":"Number","label":"Ballistic Skill","abrev":"BS","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"career":0,"cost":25},"s":{"type":"Number","label":"Strength","abrev":"S","initial":35,"advances":0,"value":35,"bonus":3,"career":0,"cost":25},"t":{"type":"Number","label":"Toughness","abrev":"T","initial":45,"advances":0,"value":45,"bonus":4,"career":0,"cost":25},"i":{"type":"Number","label":"Initiative","abrev":"I","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"career":0,"cost":25},"ag":{"type":"Number","label":"Agility","abrev":"Ag","initial":35,"advances":0,"value":35,"bonus":3,"career":0,"cost":25},"dex":{"type":"Number","label":"Dexterity","abrev":"Dex","initial":25,"advances":0,"value":25,"bonus":2,"career":0,"cost":25},"int":{"type":"Number","label":"Intellegence","abrev":"Int","initial":25,"advances":0,"value":25,"bonus":2,"career":0,"cost":25},"wp":{"type":"Number","label":"Willpower","abrev":"WP","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"career":0,"cost":25},"fel":{"type":"Number","label":"Fellowship","abrev":"Fel","initial":25,"advances":0,"value":25,"bonus":2,"career":0,"cost":25}},"status":{"wounds":{"type":"Number","label":"Wounds","abrev":"W","value":14,"max":14},"advantage":{"type":"Number","label":"Advantage","value":"0","max":10},"criticalWounds":{"type":"Number","label":"Critical Wounds","value":0,"max":2,"descriptions":""},"sin":{"type":"Number","label":"Sin","value":"0"},"penalties":{"type":"String","label":"Penalties","value":""},"corruption":{"type":"Number","label":"Corruption","value":0},"encumbrance":{"type":"Number","label":"Encumbrance","max":7,"current":0}},"details":{"species":{"type":"String","label":"Species","value":"Gor"},"gender":{"type":"String","label":"Gender","value":"Male"},"size":{"type":"String","label":"Size","value":"avg"},"move":{"type":"Number","label":"Movement","value":"6","walk":12,"run":24},"god":{"type":"String","label":"God","value":""},"hitLocationTable":{"value":"hitloc","type":"String","label":"Hit Location Table"},"biography":{"value":"

The other Beastman has long, dog-like legs (Movement 6). It presents a mockery of human form, with a thin emaciated body surmounted by an oversize dog’s head. The creature uses claws (Weapon +6), and attacks with its sharp teeth (Bite +6)

"}},"excludedTraits":["03nJ4NJdkIJFaqrE","CwkLIxJOKxsgXuAx","VPdpfIlsQA7WoBul","Fkxspn6O3SlpnkFE","1KlqStaTqe3ruA3b","lYM9ixDSAJxsfide","efkw3XBI2RMOrtHj","X6lmHzmAQGlmcyPi","STOaUP81i6MOJbW2"]},"sort":100001,"flags":{"autoCalcRun":true,"autoCalcWalk":true,"autoCalcWounds":true,"autoCalcCritW":true,"autoCalcCorruption":true,"autoCalcEnc":true,"talentTests":[],"combatSkills":[],"_sheetTab":"notes","modifier":"","defensive":0},"img":"systems/wfrp4e/tokens/gor.png","token":{"flags":{},"name":"Beastman","displayName":20,"img":"systems/wfrp4e/tokens/gor.png","width":1,"height":1,"scale":1,"mirrorX":false,"mirrorY":false,"lockRotation":false,"rotation":0,"vision":false,"dimSight":0,"brightSight":0,"dimLight":0,"brightLight":0,"sightAngle":360,"lightAngle":360,"lightColor":"","lightAlpha":1,"actorId":"yZ42lwDcQwIaqNDw","actorLink":false,"actorData":{},"disposition":0,"displayBars":20,"bar1":{"attribute":"status.wounds"},"bar2":{"attribute":"status.advantage"},"randomImg":false},"items":[{"_id":"oQn3MZeMYfKLdg9B","flags":{},"name":"Arboreal","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"The creature is at home in the forests. In the woodlands, it adds its Agility Bonus to the SL of all Climb and Stealth Tests. \r\r"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":false,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"","bonusCharacteristic":"","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"","type":"String","label":"Specification"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"X1qPOfIVD2iwlW6X","flags":{},"name":"Fury","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"The creature can work itself into an all-consuming rage. It can spend all of its Advantage (minimum of 1) to become subject to Hatred to close combat opponents. If the creature has at least 3 Advantage, it may instead expend all of its Advantage to become subject to Frenzy.\r\r"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":false,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"","bonusCharacteristic":"","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"","type":"String","label":"Specification"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"lA9geCq1rZObtGvS","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Night Vision","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"

You can see very well in natural darkness. Assuming you have at least a faint source of light (such as starlight, moonlight, or bioluminescence) you can see clearly for 20 yards per level of Night Vision. Further, you can extend the effective illumination distance of any light sources by 20 yards per level of Night Vision.

"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":false,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"","bonusCharacteristic":"","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"","type":"String","label":"Specification"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"EJzNcIUnQ1bGsVER","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"Weapon","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"The creature carries a melee weapon, or uses teeth, claws, or similar in combat.\n \n The weapon causes Damage equal to its Rating which already includes the creature’s Strength Bonus. Typically it will be 4 + its Strength Bonus (representing a Hand Weapon)"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":true,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"ws","bonusCharacteristic":"s","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"3","type":"String","label":"Specification"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}},"sort":200001},{"_id":"03nJ4NJdkIJFaqrE","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"Armour","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"The creature is protected by armor or thick hide. It has Rating Armor Points on all Hit Locations"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":false,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"","bonusCharacteristic":"","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"2","type":"String","label":"Specification"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"CwkLIxJOKxsgXuAx","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"Corruption","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"The creature is tainted by Chaos, or perhaps suffused with Dark Magics. The Strength of the Corruption is marked in brackets."},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":false,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"","bonusCharacteristic":"","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"Minor","type":"String","label":"Specification"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"VPdpfIlsQA7WoBul","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"Disease","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"The creature carries the disease listed. Others will have to Test as appropriate for Contraction"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":false,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"","bonusCharacteristic":"","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"Packer's Pox","type":"String","label":"Specification"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"Fkxspn6O3SlpnkFE","flags":{},"name":"Infected","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"The creature, or its weapon, carries a nasty infection. If it causes a living opponent to lose Wounds, it must pass an Easy (+40) Endurance Test or contract a Festering Wound\r\r"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":false,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"","bonusCharacteristic":"","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"","type":"String","label":"Specification"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"1KlqStaTqe3ruA3b","flags":{},"name":"Infestation","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"The creature’s hide is infested with biting fleas or similar. All opponents suffer a penalty of –10 to hit it in melee combat as the parasites distract and overwhelm them \r\r"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":false,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"","bonusCharacteristic":"","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"","type":"String","label":"Specification"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"X6lmHzmAQGlmcyPi","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"Size","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"

This trait represents creatures whose size differ from the game standard (i.e. roughly human sized). There are seven steps of Size, ranging from Tiny to Monstrous.










Butterfly, Mouse, Pigeon




Cat, Hawk, Human Baby




Giant Rat, Halfling, Human Child




Dwarf, Elf, Human




Horse, Ogre, Troll




Griffon, Wyvern, Manticore




Dragon, Giant, Greater Daemon




Using Size




if you wish to use size to make a creature bigger — for example converting a giant spider to a gigantic spider — then increase Strength and Toughness by +10 and reduce Agility by –5 per step of size you increase the creature. Reverse this if you wish to make a creature smaller 






Size Combat Modifers


If larger:




If smaller:


• It gains a bonus of +10 to hit.




Defending Against Big Creatures


You suffer a penalty of –2 SL for each step larger your opponent is when using Melee to defend an Opposed Test. It is recommended to dodge a Giant swinging a tree, not parry it!




Ranged Attacks


You gain a hefty bonus when shooting at larger targets, but for every +10 you receive, you subtract 1 from your damage. (Ex. +40 to hit Enormous, -4 Damage).




Fear and Terror


If the creature is perceived to be aggressive, it causes Fear in any creature smaller than it, and Terror in any creature two or more steps smaller. The rating of the Fear or Terror equals the Size step difference. So, if the creature is Large, and its opponent is Small, it will cause Terror 2.




Moving in Combat


A creature that is larger ignores the need to Disengage if it wishes to leave melee combat; instead, it brushes smaller combatants out of the way, moving where it wishes.




Opposed Strength


During Opposed Strength Tests (and similar), if one creature is 2 or more size steps larger, it wins automatically. If one creature is 1 size step larger, the smaller creature must roll a Critical to contest the roll. If it does, SL are compared as normal. All other results mean the larger creature wins.






Creatures that are larger than their opponents may make one Stomp as a Free Attack, by spending 1 Advantage, as they kick downwards or otherwise bash smaller opponents out of the way. This attack has a Damage equal to their Strength Bonus +0, and uses Melee(Brawling).














Toughness Bonus




(2×Toughness Bonus) + Willpower Bonus




Strength Bonus+(2×Toughness Bonus) + Willpower Bonus




(Strength Bonus+(2×Toughness Bonus) + Willpower Bonus) ×2




(Strength Bonus+(2×Toughness Bonus) + Willpower Bonus) ×4




(Strength Bonus+(2×Toughness Bonus) + Willpower Bonus) ×8

"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":false,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"","bonusCharacteristic":"","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"Large","type":"String","label":"Specification"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"efkw3XBI2RMOrtHj","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"Spellcaster","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"The creature can cast spells; the specific Lore of Magic will be indicated in brackets."},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":false,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"","bonusCharacteristic":"","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"Beasts","type":"String","label":"Specification"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"STOaUP81i6MOJbW2","flags":{},"name":"Mutation","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"



The creature is ‘blessed’ with a Mutation. Roll on the Physical Corruption Table






@Table[expandedmutatephys] (if EiS Module installed)

"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":false,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"","bonusCharacteristic":"","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"","type":"String","label":"Specification"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}},"sort":100001},{"_id":"i2YEy8yWcRwnp1qo","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"Bite","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"On its turn, the creature may make a Free Attack by spending 1 Advantage. The Damage of the attack equals Rating and includes the creature’s Strength Bonus already"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":true,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"ws","bonusCharacteristic":"s","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"3","type":"String","label":"Specification"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}},"sort":300001}]} {"name":"Mutant with Armour","permission":{"default":0,"Cq31UaFnLVMpY5dr":3},"type":"npc","data":{"characteristics":{"ws":{"type":"number","label":"CHAR.WS","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.WS","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"bs":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.BS","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.BS","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"s":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.S","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.S","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"t":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.T","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.T","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"i":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.I","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.I","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"ag":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.Ag","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.Ag","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"dex":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.Dex","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.Dex","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"int":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.Int","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.Int","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"wp":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.WP","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.WP","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"fel":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.Fel","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.Fel","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25}},"status":{"wounds":{"type":"Number","label":"Wounds","abrev":"W","value":12,"max":12},"advantage":{"type":"Number","label":"Advantage","value":"0","max":10},"criticalWounds":{"type":"Number","label":"Critical Wounds","value":0,"max":2},"sin":{"type":"Number","label":"Sin","value":"0"},"penalties":{"type":"String","label":"Penalties","value":""},"corruption":{"type":"Number","label":"Corruption","value":0},"encumbrance":{"type":"Number","label":"Encumbrance","max":6,"current":0}},"details":{"species":{"type":"String","label":"Species","value":"Mutant"},"gender":{"type":"String","label":"Gender","value":""},"size":{"type":"String","label":"Size","value":"avg"},"move":{"type":"Number","label":"Movement","value":"4","walk":8,"run":16},"god":{"type":"String","label":"God","value":""},"hitLocationTable":{"value":"hitloc","type":"String","label":"Hit Location Table"},"personal-ambitions":{"short-term":"","long-term":""},"party-ambitions":{"short-term":"","long-term":""},"motivation":{"value":""}}},"flags":{"autoCalcRun":true,"autoCalcWalk":true,"autoCalcWounds":true,"autoCalcCritW":true,"autoCalcCorruption":true,"autoCalcEnc":true,"modifier":"","defensive":0,"talentTests":[]},"img":"systems/wfrp4e/tokens/Mutant.png","token":{"flags":{},"name":"Mutant with Tentacles (Copy)","displayName":20,"img":"systems/wfrp4e/tokens/Mutant.png","width":1,"height":1,"scale":1,"lockRotation":false,"rotation":0,"vision":false,"dimSight":0,"brightSight":0,"dimLight":0,"brightLight":0,"sightAngle":360,"lightAngle":360,"lightAlpha":1,"actorId":"apkHoN105KejBe6B","actorLink":false,"actorData":{},"disposition":0,"displayBars":20,"bar1":{"attribute":"status.wounds"},"bar2":{"attribute":"status.advantage"},"randomImg":false},"items":[{"_id":"fdq3RFSOKl5b3WzW","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Art","type":"skill","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/skills/skill.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"

Create works of art in your chosen medium. Not having access to appropriate Trade Tools will incur a penalty to your Test. The SL achieved determines the quality of the final piece. For complicated or large works of art, an Extended Test may be required. The Art Skill has little use in combat, but marble busts make marvelous improvised weapons.




Specializations: Cartography, Engraving, Mosaics, Painting, Sculpture, Tattoo, Weaving 




Example: Irina has been commissioned to paint a portrait of a local noble, whose favor her party is currying. Her GM determines this requires a total of 10 SL in an Extended Art Test, with each Test representing a week’s work.


Your ability to run, jump and move with speed or grace, and to perform any general physical activity. Refer to Moving for details on using Athletics in combat movement. 


Your ability to judge how likely a person is to accept a bribe, and how best to offer the bribe so they will accept it. A successful Bribery Test tells you if a target may be bribed. If so, your GM will secretly determine the price of their cooperation using the target’s Earnings, increasing the amount according to their usual honesty and the risk involved in taking the bribe. You then guess that target amount and the GM will tell you if the price is higher, lower, or equal. Each SL from your initial Bribery Test gives you another guess. At the end of this process, you determine how much money to offer, based on what you have gleaned.




In combat, you may use Bribery as above to try to stop the fight, but treat the Test as Hard (–20) owing to the stress of the situation. If your target is not susceptible, you cannot afford the fee, or your foes do not speak your tongue, your pathetic attempts to buy them off will be doomed to fail. Of course, if they have the advantage of numbers, what’s to prevent them from taking all of your money?




Example: Snorri is trying to bribe his way past a city watchman; a character of the Brass Tier 2, meaning they roll 4d10 Brass for Income. The GM decides the guard can be bribed and secretly rolls 21 on the 4d10, meaning the price for bribing the guard is 21 Brass. Letting Snorri through isn’t too risky for the watchman, and he does it often, so the GM doesn’t increase the bribe required. Snorri rolls 1 SL on his Bribery Test; so, he knows the watchman is open to a bribe, and has 2 guesses as to his price. Snorri’s first guess is 15 Brass, to which his GM replies ‘higher’. His second guess is 40, to which his GM replies ‘lower’. Snorri now knows he must bribe the watchman between 15 and 40 Brass, so decides to aim high, and offers 30. Smiling, the watchman waves Snorri through.


Charm makes people think favorably of you, your opinions, and proposed actions. Passing an Opposed Charm/Cool Test allows you to influence the behavior of one or more targets, up to a maximum number equal to your Fellowship Bonus + SL, affecting those with the lowest Willpower first. If a target is amenable to your Charm, the Test will be uncontested.


Your GM may permit you to use Charm in Combat if they think your foes might be susceptible to you pleading for your life or making persuasive arguments to stop the violence (although good luck charming a Goblin)!


If you use Charm as your Action, calculate the number of targets affected as normal. If you use it to defend, you only affect your attacker. If you succeed, any affected targets will not attack you this round and you gain +1 Advantage as normal. You may do this in successive rounds until you choose to stop or fail a Charm Test, after which your words carry no more weight.


Your GM may permit you to use Charm in Combat if they think your foes might be susceptible to you pleading for your life or making persuasive arguments to stop the violence (although good luck charming a Goblin)!


If you use Charm as your Action, calculate the number of targets affected as normal. If you use it to defend, you only affect your attacker. If you succeed, any affected targets will not attack you this round and you gain +1 Advantage as normal. You may do this in successive rounds until you choose to stop or fail a Charm Test, after which your words carry no more weight.




Public Speaking


The charm skill can be used to make impressive speeches to sway multiple targets to your way of thinking. assuming they can hear you and are inclined to listen, you can influence up to your Fellowship Bonus + SL targets with a single charm Test, influencing targets with the lowest Willpower first. If the crowd is unruly, or not receptive to your words, the test is opposed by the crowd’s average Willpower (typically 35). A failure shows the crowd is unconvinced. the public speaking and master orator talents can significantly increase the number of people you affect with public speaking. an astounding Failure (-6) (see page 152) in a charm test means your crowd quickly becomes an angry mob, with you as the target of their ire… 






The Charm skill can be used to beg on the streets. A successful test will scrounge Fellowship Bonus × SL brass pennies per hour from passers-by, with the Difficulty modified by the pitch chosen for begging, and how much sympathy your appearance can elicit. If you score no SL, but still pass the skill test, you only manage to scrounge a single pfennig. an astounding Failure (-6) means you may have attracted problems from the local Watchmen, found some trouble with  other, local beggars, or suffer some other significant set-back.


Note: Characters who are caught begging by their peers or associates will likely lose status unless they are already in the Beggar, or in some other destitute, career. 



"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"advanced":{"value":"bsc","type":"String"},"grouped":{"value":"noSpec","type":"String"},"characteristic":{"type":"String","label":"Characteristic","value":"fel"},"advances":{"type":"Number","label":"Advances","value":0},"total":{"type":"Number","label":"Total"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"4IGdIhnwTaZijzg7","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"Charm Animal","type":"skill","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/skills/skill.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"

Your aptitude for be friending, quickly calming, or subjugating animals.




Passing a Charm Animal Test allows you to influence the behavior of one or more animals, to a maximum of Willpower Bonus + SL. If the target animals are naturally docile, this Test may be uncontested, but it will generally be Opposed by the target’s Willpower.




In combat, you may use Charm Animal when facing animals. If you succeed, any affected targets will not attack you this Round and you gain +1 Advantage. You may do this in successive rounds until you choose to stop or fail a Charm Test, after which the creature’s instincts take over and you have no further influence.


The ability to ascend steep or vertical surfaces.


If time isn’t an issue, and a climb is relatively easy, anyone with Climb Skill is automatically assumed to be able to climb any reasonably small height.


For any other climbing, Climbing during combat. You may even find yourself climbing large opponents, though whether that is prudent is debatable.

"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"advanced":{"value":"bsc","type":"String"},"grouped":{"value":"noSpec","type":"String"},"characteristic":{"type":"String","label":"Characteristic","value":"s"},"advances":{"type":"Number","label":"Advances","value":0},"total":{"type":"Number","label":"Total"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"R2ytluHiEFF2KQ5e","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Consume Alcohol","type":"skill","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/skills/skill.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"



Your ability to handle alcohol without letting it cloud your judgment or render you senseless.


After each alcoholic drink make a Consume Alcohol Test, modified by the strength of the drink. For each Test you fail, you suffer a –10 penalty to WS, BS, Ag, Dex, and Int, to a maximum of –30 per Characteristic. After you fail a number of Tests equal to your Toughness Bonus, you are Stinking Drunk. Roll on the following table to see what happens:






Stinking Drunk




 Marienburgher’s Courage!’: Gain a bonus of +20 to your Cool Skill.




You’re My Besht Mate!’: Ignore all your existing Prejudices and Animosities.




 ‘Why’s Everything Wobbling!’: On your Turn, you can either Move or take an Action, but not both.




‘I’ll Take Yer All On!’: Gain Animosity (Everybody)!




 ‘How Did I Get here?’: You wake up the next day, massively hungover, with little memory of what transpired. The GM and other players with you will fill in the embarrassing gaps if you investigate. Pass a Consume Alcohol Test or also gain a Poisoned Condition.




After not drinking for an hour, enact a Challenging (+0) Consume Alcohol Test. The effects of being drunk will wear


off after 10–SL hours, with any Characteristic modifiers for being drunk lost over that time. After all effects wear off, enact another Challenging (+0) Consume Alcohol Test. You now gain a hangover, which is an Fatigued Condition that cannot be removed for 5–SL hours.


You may expend 1 Resolve point to ignore the negative modifiers of being drunk until the end of the next round.






Cool allows you to remain calm under stress, resist fear when faced with horror, and stick to your convictions.




Cool is generally used to resist other Skills — Charm, Intimidate, and similar — but you may also be required to make a Cool Test when faced with anything forcing you to do something you would rather not. Cool is also the primary Skill used to limit Psychology


Dodge is your ability to avoid things, through ducking, diving, and moving quickly, and is used extensively to sidestep falling rocks, incoming weapons, unexpected traps, and the like.


In combat, Dodge is generally used to resist attacks or avoid damage. Refer to Rolling to Hit.




Drive lets you guide vehicles — most commonly simple carts and lumbering coaches, not to mention the more ‘experimental’ creations of the Imperial Engineers — along the roads of the Empire with as little incident as possible.




Under normal circumstances, if you possess the Drive Skill, there is no need to Test. If conditions are less than ideal — perhaps the road is in poor condition, or the weather is terrible — a Drive Test will be required. If you do not possess the Drive Skill, you may be required to make a Test to carry out even basic maneuver. An Astounding Failure (-6) on a Drive Test means something bad has happened. Roll on the following table:










Snapped Harness: One horse (or equivalent) breaks free; reduce speed accordingly.




 Jolted Carriage: Passengers suffer 1 Wound and fragile cargos might be damaged.




Broken Wheel: Pass a Drive Test every round to avoid Crashing. Two-wheeled vehicles with a Broken Wheel Crash automatically.




 Broken Axle: The vehicle goes out of control and Crashes.




Crashing: Occupants of Crashing vehicles usually suffer 2d10 Wounds modified by Toughness Bonus and Armor Points


unless the vehicle was moving slowly (as determined by the GM). Crashed vehicles must be repaired by someone with an appropriate Trade Skill, such as Trade (Carpenter) or Trade (Cartwright). Spare wheels can be installed by anyone with a Drive Test or with an appropriate Trade Test. In combat, Drive may be used if circumstances allow — for instance, if the party is in a coach being raided by outlaws, and you wish to ram an enemy, or outrun them.






The Endurance Skill is called upon when you must endure hardship, withstand deprivation, sit without moving for long periods of time, or survive harsh environments. In particular, Endurance is Tested to resist or recover from various Conditions (see page 167) and helps you recover lost Wounds.


Allows you to delight crowds with the spoken word, perhaps by singing, acting, or attempting a few jokes. A successful use of the Entertain Skill means you have entertained patrons near enough to hear you; the SL indicates how well you have done.


In combat, it is unlikely that Entertain will be of much use, although you may come up with an interesting way to use Entertain (Acting) to confuse or mislead your opponents.




Specialisations: Acting, Comedy, Singing, Storytelling 


Allows you to measure the likelihood that a bet will pay off, as well as successfully engage in various games of chance.


To represent a gambling match, all players make a Gamble Test — applying any appropriate modifiers for familiarity with the game — and the player with the highest SL wins. On a tie, any lower scoring players drop out, and those remaining enact another Gamble Test, repeating this process until you have a winner.


If you wish to influence the game through less honest mechanics, see Sleight of Hand.


You can quickly ferret out interesting and useful news, and spread rumors of your own. A successful Gossip Test means you have found out one useful piece of information, which your GM can impart to you, about the local area. Each SL either offers you an additional piece of information, or the chance to spread a rumor to a number of individuals equal to your Fellowship Bonus. The time required for a Gossip Test depends on how circumspect the players are being, and how busy the area is, as determined by the GM.


It is unlikely that Gossip will be much use in combat, but if your attacker happens to be local, and you happen to know something really juicy…




Half-Heard Whispers


While it may be expedient for GMs to quickly share information gleaned from Gossip tests to all players at once, it is often more fun to share the information only with individual players (either through a note, or through briefly taking them aside). This means the players must relate this information to one another in-character — aiding the immersive roleplaying experience — which allows for mistakes and misunderstandings, sometimes leading to hilarious, or horrific, results. 




Haggle allows you to secure better deals when negotiating with others. In general, Haggle is used to see whether you do, or do not, make a good deal, most commonly with an Opposed Haggle Test. Specifically, it can be used when shopping to secure better prices. For information on this, refer to Chapter 11: Consumers’ Guide.


Allows you to coerce or frighten sentient creatures. The precise manner of initiating an Intimidate Test depends on context: while it is generally accompanied by an overt threat, sometimes a subtle implication or even a look is enough. Intimidate is almost always Opposed by your target’s Cool Skill; if successful, you can intimidate a number of targets up to your Strength Bonus + SL. Each will react to Intimidate based on their individual personalities and how successful you were in menacing them, but in all cases, they will back down or move out of the way and will not speak out against you, or they will alternatively accept combat is the only way forward and prepare their weapons.




In combat, you cause @Compendium[wfrp4e.psychologies.Ib2YQYChktDFN93y]{Fear} in all Intimidated targets. You may also use your Intimidate Skill instead of Melee when defending against those afraid of you, causing the Intimidated parties to back away from the fight with your will and posture alone. Further, with your GM’s approval, you may use Intimidate to ‘attack’ such targets, issuing specific commands, such as ‘drop your weapons’ or ‘get out of here!’. However, if you fail any of these subsequent Intimidate Tests, you no longer Intimidate (or cause Fear) in affected opponents. With your GM’s permission you may try to Intimidate them again in a later Round, but this will incur a negative modifier, as they are less likely to fear you having seen through your bravado once already.




Alternative Characteristics For Intimidate


While strength is the default stat for Intimidate tests, the GM may decree certain situations may allow you to use a different characteristic: a steely witch hunter may use Willpower to stare down an inquisitive bystander, or an academic may use Intelligence to cow a lowly student with his intimidating knowledge, for instance. 




Example: Facing a group of footpads, Svetlana the Strong rolls 4 SL on her Intimidate Test. Combined with her SB of 5, this means she can affect up to 9 targets, more than enough to impact all three footpads who now Fear Svetlana. As she has won by 3 SL, she gains +1 Advantage point until the end of her next turn. In the next round, she ‘attacks’ the footpads using her Intimidate, intending to scare them into leaving her be. However, she fails the Test, and the footpads realize they outnumber her, and are armed… 




The Intuition Skill allows you to get a feel for your surroundings, leading you to notice when something is wrong, and gives you a sense of when people may be hiding something from you. A successful use of the Intuition Skill gives you subtle or implicit intelligence relating to your environment, determined by your GM. This may be information such as whether someone believes what they are saying, what the general attitude is towards the local noble, or if the helpful local’s motives are as pure as they seem. If someone is actively trying to hide their intent, they may resist your Intuition with Cool or Entertain (Acting).




In combat, a successful Intuition Test may be used to give you +1 Advantage as you weigh the environment and your opponents. You may continue building Advantage in subsequent turns providing you are able to observe your targets and are not interrupted (such as being attacked); you may gain a maximum Advantage equal to your Intelligence Bonus in this manner.


A measure of your ability to lead others and command their respect. While most often associated with martial situations, a resolute leader can quickly direct a fast response to a fire or other such calamity, and nobles use the Skill frequently to command their lessers.




A successful Leadership Test allows you to issue orders to a number of targets equal to your Fellowship Bonus + SL. If the targets are your natural subordinates — a noble commanding serfs, or a sergeant commanding his troops — commands are usually unopposed. If there is no natural hierarchy in place, or the order is particularly challenging — such as ordering your soldiers to charge a Hydra head on — the Test is Opposed by your targets’ Cool.




In combat, you may use Leadership to encourage your subordinates. A successful Leadership Test confers a bonus of +10 to all Psychology Tests until the end of the next round (see page 190).




Further, Leadership can be used to transfer Advantage to allies able to hear you; following a successful Leadership Test, you may transfer an Advantage to one ally of your choice, plus a further +1 Advantage per SL scored, which can again go to any allies of your choice within earshot.




Example: Lord Ludwig von Schemp has been watching his two bodyguards discourse with some ruffians for three Rounds, using his Intuition Skill to build up 3 Advantage. Feeling it is going nowhere, he issues a peremptory order to attack the ringleader; passing his Leadership Test with 5 SL, he gives one bodyguard 2 of his Advantage, and the remaining bodyguard 1 Advantage, hoping this will bring a swift end to proceedings. 


The Melee Skill represents specific training with a single type of close combat weaponry. Each Melee Specialization indicates training in using a specific class of weapon. If you don’t have the correct Specialization for a weapon you wish to use, refer to Chapter 11: Consumers’ Guide for the correct weapon entry, and what penalties you will suffer. See Chapter 5: Rules for more detail about combat and using the Melee Skill.




Specializations: Basic, Brawling, Cavalry, Fencing, Flail, Parry, Pole-Arm, Two-Handed 


Navigation allows you to find your way in the wilderness using landmarks, stellar bodies or maps. Possessing the Navigation Skill means you know roughly where you are, and can find your way between well-known landmarks without a Test. A Test is only required if you are disoriented or travelling far from the beaten path, with success showing you the correct direction, or allowing you to avoid mishap.




If you are navigating a long journey, your GM may ask for an extended Navigation Test, modified by conditions, visible landmarks, and access to reliable geographical information. The SL required to succeed depends on how far the destination is, with each Test representing between an hour and a day’s travel, depending on the nature of the journey

"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"advanced":{"value":"bsc","type":"String"},"grouped":{"value":"noSpec","type":"String"},"characteristic":{"type":"String","label":"Characteristic","value":"i"},"advances":{"type":"Number","label":"Advances","value":0},"total":{"type":"Number","label":"Total"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"os4NKy5Oy6sRt1eh","flags":{},"name":"Outdoor Survival","type":"skill","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/skills/skill.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"

The Outdoor Survival Skill is used to survive in the wild, including the ability to fish, hunt, forage, and build fires and shelters. Experienced travelers are skilled at reading the signs of incoming inclement weather and finding the spoor of various dangerous beasts.




When camping, make an Outdoor Survival Test, modified by the harshness of conditions — for instance, a Test is Challenging (+0) if it is raining, Hard (–20) in a storm. A successful Test indicates you can provide yourself sustenance and shelter for the night. Each SL allows you to provide for one more character. If the Test is failed, you must make a Challenging (+0) Endurance Test or receive the Fatigued Condition. If you suffer an Astounding Failure, something untoward has happened, as determined by the GM; perhaps your camp is attacked in the night?




When fighting in the wilderness, you may make an Outdoor Survival Test to receive +1 Advantage, in the same way as Intuition, to a maximum number of Advantage equal to your Intelligence Bonus, as you spy out treacherous and advantageous terrain that you can best use to your advantage.




Gathering Food and Herbs


Gathering food or herbs normally takes around 2 hours. Hunting and foraging parties make one assisted Outdoor Survival Test for the group, with the Difficulty determined by the circumstances.








Your ability to notice things with your senses — sight, smell, hearing, touch, and taste, and any other senses you may possess, such as magical or non-Human senses. Your GM may ask for a Perception Test to detect something, like movement behind the treeline, the presence of a trap, or someone following you, modified by how easy it is to notice. Perception is also used to resist attempts to hide things through Skills such as Sleight of Hand or Stealth. Perception has multiple uses in combat, most commonly to notice important details beyond the immediately obvious about the surrounding environment and your opponents, as determined by the GM. 


How proficient you are at riding a particular group of animals; Ride (Horse), for example, will let you ride Horses, Mules, Donkeys, and similar. You’ll only need to make a Test when doing something out of the ordinary, such as racing, dressage, traversing dangerous terrain, or charging into combat. Otherwise, if you have at least one Advance in the Skill, you are presumed to be able to ride around without need of a Test.




If mounted on a steed, you move using the steed’s Movement statistic; if you wish to run, jump, or leap, you use your Ride Skill, not Athletics. An extended Ride Test may be needed if you are racing somewhere, the target SL depending on the length of the journey, the number of Tests indicating how long you take to arrive. A Ride Test may be modified by environmental conditions, and the temperament of your mount. For more information on mounts, see Chapter 12: Bestiary. The Ride skill can be used extensively in combat. See Chapter 5: Rules, for more on mounted combat.




Specializations: Demigryph, Great Wolf, Griffon, Horse, Pegasus 


Your prowess at pulling an oar and moving a boat through the water. The Row Skill is typically only used when racing, navigating rapids, desperately avoiding Bog Octopuses, or similar unusual or dangerous feats. Anyone with the Skill is automatically presumed to be able to scull about a pond, or over a gentle river, without a Test. Those without the skill may have to make a Test for anything but the most basic maneuvers. 


Allows you to creep quietly and conceal yourself in shadows more readily than most. Stealth is generally Opposed by an opponent’s Perception Skill, and Tests will be modifed by how dark or well concealed your route is, as well as how circumspectly you are dressed. An Impressive or Astounding Failure on a Stealth Test will likely draw the immediate attention of the enemies you were trying to avoid in the first place.




Stealth has many potential applications in combat, most usefully to hide oneself in preparation for an Ambush, or to creep around an opponent in order to attack from behind. Of course, you can also use the Skill to escape a conflict unseen…




Specializations: Rural, Underground, Urban 




Options: Shadowing


Shadowing is following someone secretly. To do this requires a Combined Perception and Stealth Test. If the target is actively trying to lose a tail, it is Opposed with the target’s Stealth Skill.




If you pass the Perception Test, and fail the Stealth Test you follow your target, but are spotted. If you fail the perception Test, yet pass the Stealth Test, you lose your target, but go unnoticed

"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"advanced":{"value":"bsc","type":"String"},"grouped":{"value":"isSpec","type":"String"},"characteristic":{"type":"String","label":"Characteristic","value":"ag"},"advances":{"type":"Number","label":"Advances","value":0},"total":{"type":"Number","label":"Total"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"Ggx0bRaCuq8MbF0g","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Gold Crown","type":"money","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/currency/goldcrown.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"quantity":{"type":"Number","label":"Quantity","value":0},"encumbrance":{"type":"Number","label":"Encumbrance","value":0.005},"location":{"type":"Number","label":"Location","value":0},"coinValue":{"label":"Value (in d)","type":"Number","value":240},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"KB8HgDz56dh2w7w1","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Silver Shilling","type":"money","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/currency/silvershilling.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"quantity":{"type":"Number","label":"Quantity","value":0},"encumbrance":{"type":"Number","label":"Encumbrance","value":0.005},"location":{"type":"Number","label":"Location","value":0},"coinValue":{"label":"Value (in d)","type":"Number","value":12},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"0MYOJFx3vkYA95B4","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Brass Penny","type":"money","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/currency/brasspenny.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"quantity":{"type":"Number","label":"Quantity","value":0},"encumbrance":{"type":"Number","label":"Encumbrance","value":0.005},"location":{"type":"Number","label":"Location","value":0},"coinValue":{"label":"Value (in d)","type":"Number","value":1},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"oh4GDQczaQTMcvQ1","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Corruption","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"The creature is tainted by Chaos, or perhaps suffused with Dark Magics. The Strength of the Corruption is marked in brackets."},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":false,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"","bonusCharacteristic":"","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"Minor","type":"String","label":"Specification"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}},"sort":100000},{"_id":"5tjGD31mJZJMF7wF","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"Weapon","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"The creature carries a melee weapon, or uses teeth, claws, or similar in combat.\n \n The weapon causes Damage equal to its Rating which already includes the creature’s Strength Bonus. Typically it will be 4 + its Strength Bonus (representing a Hand Weapon)"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":true,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"ws","bonusCharacteristic":"s","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"4","type":"String","label":"Specification"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}},"sort":200000},{"_id":"1VnKaO3KiXJO2raH","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"2 Tentacles","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"

The creature has a number of tentacles equal to #.

\n "},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":true,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"ws","bonusCharacteristic":"s","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"3","type":"String","label":"Specification"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}},"sort":300000},{"_id":"pVUsjNCDF53I7IXb","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"Armour","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"The creature is protected by armor or thick hide. It has Rating Armor Points on all Hit Locations"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":false,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"","bonusCharacteristic":"","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"#","type":"String","label":"Specification"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}},"sort":400000}],"_id":"j8BDrEgFgcpkb1Id"} {"_id":"j8BDrEgFgcpkb1Id","name":"Mutant with Armour","permission":{"default":0,"Cq31UaFnLVMpY5dr":3},"type":"npc","data":{"characteristics":{"ws":{"type":"number","label":"CHAR.WS","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.WS","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"bs":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.BS","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.BS","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"s":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.S","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.S","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"t":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.T","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.T","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"i":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.I","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.I","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"ag":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.Ag","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.Ag","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"dex":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.Dex","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.Dex","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"int":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.Int","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.Int","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"wp":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.WP","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.WP","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"fel":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.Fel","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.Fel","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25}},"status":{"wounds":{"type":"Number","label":"Wounds","abrev":"W","value":12,"max":12},"advantage":{"type":"Number","label":"Advantage","value":"0","max":10},"criticalWounds":{"type":"Number","label":"Critical Wounds","value":0,"max":2},"sin":{"type":"Number","label":"Sin","value":"0"},"penalties":{"type":"String","label":"Penalties","value":""},"corruption":{"type":"Number","label":"Corruption","value":0},"encumbrance":{"type":"Number","label":"Encumbrance","max":6,"current":0}},"details":{"species":{"type":"String","label":"Species","value":"Mutant"},"gender":{"type":"String","label":"Gender","value":""},"size":{"type":"String","label":"Size","value":"avg"},"move":{"type":"Number","label":"Movement","value":"4","walk":8,"run":16},"god":{"type":"String","label":"God","value":""},"hitLocationTable":{"value":"hitloc","type":"String","label":"Hit Location Table"},"personal-ambitions":{"short-term":"","long-term":""},"party-ambitions":{"short-term":"","long-term":""},"motivation":{"value":""}}},"sort":100001,"flags":{"autoCalcRun":true,"autoCalcWalk":true,"autoCalcWounds":true,"autoCalcCritW":true,"autoCalcCorruption":true,"autoCalcEnc":true,"modifier":"","defensive":0,"talentTests":[]},"img":"systems/wfrp4e/tokens/Mutant.png","token":{"flags":{},"name":"Mutant with Tentacles (Copy)","displayName":20,"img":"systems/wfrp4e/tokens/Mutant.png","width":1,"height":1,"scale":1,"lockRotation":false,"rotation":0,"vision":false,"dimSight":0,"brightSight":0,"dimLight":0,"brightLight":0,"sightAngle":360,"lightAngle":360,"lightAlpha":1,"actorId":"j8BDrEgFgcpkb1Id","actorLink":false,"actorData":{},"disposition":0,"displayBars":20,"bar1":{"attribute":"status.wounds"},"bar2":{"attribute":"status.advantage"},"randomImg":false},"items":[{"_id":"fdq3RFSOKl5b3WzW","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Art","type":"skill","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/skills/skill.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"

Create works of art in your chosen medium. Not having access to appropriate Trade Tools will incur a penalty to your Test. The SL achieved determines the quality of the final piece. For complicated or large works of art, an Extended Test may be required. The Art Skill has little use in combat, but marble busts make marvelous improvised weapons.




Specializations: Cartography, Engraving, Mosaics, Painting, Sculpture, Tattoo, Weaving 




Example: Irina has been commissioned to paint a portrait of a local noble, whose favor her party is currying. Her GM determines this requires a total of 10 SL in an Extended Art Test, with each Test representing a week’s work.


Your ability to run, jump and move with speed or grace, and to perform any general physical activity. Refer to Moving for details on using Athletics in combat movement. 


Your ability to judge how likely a person is to accept a bribe, and how best to offer the bribe so they will accept it. A successful Bribery Test tells you if a target may be bribed. If so, your GM will secretly determine the price of their cooperation using the target’s Earnings, increasing the amount according to their usual honesty and the risk involved in taking the bribe. You then guess that target amount and the GM will tell you if the price is higher, lower, or equal. Each SL from your initial Bribery Test gives you another guess. At the end of this process, you determine how much money to offer, based on what you have gleaned.




In combat, you may use Bribery as above to try to stop the fight, but treat the Test as Hard (–20) owing to the stress of the situation. If your target is not susceptible, you cannot afford the fee, or your foes do not speak your tongue, your pathetic attempts to buy them off will be doomed to fail. Of course, if they have the advantage of numbers, what’s to prevent them from taking all of your money?




Example: Snorri is trying to bribe his way past a city watchman; a character of the Brass Tier 2, meaning they roll 4d10 Brass for Income. The GM decides the guard can be bribed and secretly rolls 21 on the 4d10, meaning the price for bribing the guard is 21 Brass. Letting Snorri through isn’t too risky for the watchman, and he does it often, so the GM doesn’t increase the bribe required. Snorri rolls 1 SL on his Bribery Test; so, he knows the watchman is open to a bribe, and has 2 guesses as to his price. Snorri’s first guess is 15 Brass, to which his GM replies ‘higher’. His second guess is 40, to which his GM replies ‘lower’. Snorri now knows he must bribe the watchman between 15 and 40 Brass, so decides to aim high, and offers 30. Smiling, the watchman waves Snorri through.


Charm makes people think favorably of you, your opinions, and proposed actions. Passing an Opposed Charm/Cool Test allows you to influence the behavior of one or more targets, up to a maximum number equal to your Fellowship Bonus + SL, affecting those with the lowest Willpower first. If a target is amenable to your Charm, the Test will be uncontested.


Your GM may permit you to use Charm in Combat if they think your foes might be susceptible to you pleading for your life or making persuasive arguments to stop the violence (although good luck charming a Goblin)!


If you use Charm as your Action, calculate the number of targets affected as normal. If you use it to defend, you only affect your attacker. If you succeed, any affected targets will not attack you this round and you gain +1 Advantage as normal. You may do this in successive rounds until you choose to stop or fail a Charm Test, after which your words carry no more weight.


Your GM may permit you to use Charm in Combat if they think your foes might be susceptible to you pleading for your life or making persuasive arguments to stop the violence (although good luck charming a Goblin)!


If you use Charm as your Action, calculate the number of targets affected as normal. If you use it to defend, you only affect your attacker. If you succeed, any affected targets will not attack you this round and you gain +1 Advantage as normal. You may do this in successive rounds until you choose to stop or fail a Charm Test, after which your words carry no more weight.




Public Speaking


The charm skill can be used to make impressive speeches to sway multiple targets to your way of thinking. assuming they can hear you and are inclined to listen, you can influence up to your Fellowship Bonus + SL targets with a single charm Test, influencing targets with the lowest Willpower first. If the crowd is unruly, or not receptive to your words, the test is opposed by the crowd’s average Willpower (typically 35). A failure shows the crowd is unconvinced. the public speaking and master orator talents can significantly increase the number of people you affect with public speaking. an astounding Failure (-6) (see page 152) in a charm test means your crowd quickly becomes an angry mob, with you as the target of their ire… 






The Charm skill can be used to beg on the streets. A successful test will scrounge Fellowship Bonus × SL brass pennies per hour from passers-by, with the Difficulty modified by the pitch chosen for begging, and how much sympathy your appearance can elicit. If you score no SL, but still pass the skill test, you only manage to scrounge a single pfennig. an astounding Failure (-6) means you may have attracted problems from the local Watchmen, found some trouble with  other, local beggars, or suffer some other significant set-back.


Note: Characters who are caught begging by their peers or associates will likely lose status unless they are already in the Beggar, or in some other destitute, career. 



"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"advanced":{"value":"bsc","type":"String"},"grouped":{"value":"noSpec","type":"String"},"characteristic":{"type":"String","label":"Characteristic","value":"fel"},"advances":{"type":"Number","label":"Advances","value":0},"total":{"type":"Number","label":"Total"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"4IGdIhnwTaZijzg7","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"Charm Animal","type":"skill","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/skills/skill.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"

Your aptitude for be friending, quickly calming, or subjugating animals.




Passing a Charm Animal Test allows you to influence the behavior of one or more animals, to a maximum of Willpower Bonus + SL. If the target animals are naturally docile, this Test may be uncontested, but it will generally be Opposed by the target’s Willpower.




In combat, you may use Charm Animal when facing animals. If you succeed, any affected targets will not attack you this Round and you gain +1 Advantage. You may do this in successive rounds until you choose to stop or fail a Charm Test, after which the creature’s instincts take over and you have no further influence.


The ability to ascend steep or vertical surfaces.


If time isn’t an issue, and a climb is relatively easy, anyone with Climb Skill is automatically assumed to be able to climb any reasonably small height.


For any other climbing, Climbing during combat. You may even find yourself climbing large opponents, though whether that is prudent is debatable.

"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"advanced":{"value":"bsc","type":"String"},"grouped":{"value":"noSpec","type":"String"},"characteristic":{"type":"String","label":"Characteristic","value":"s"},"advances":{"type":"Number","label":"Advances","value":0},"total":{"type":"Number","label":"Total"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"R2ytluHiEFF2KQ5e","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Consume Alcohol","type":"skill","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/skills/skill.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"



Your ability to handle alcohol without letting it cloud your judgment or render you senseless.


After each alcoholic drink make a Consume Alcohol Test, modified by the strength of the drink. For each Test you fail, you suffer a –10 penalty to WS, BS, Ag, Dex, and Int, to a maximum of –30 per Characteristic. After you fail a number of Tests equal to your Toughness Bonus, you are Stinking Drunk. Roll on the following table to see what happens:






Stinking Drunk




 Marienburgher’s Courage!’: Gain a bonus of +20 to your Cool Skill.




You’re My Besht Mate!’: Ignore all your existing Prejudices and Animosities.




 ‘Why’s Everything Wobbling!’: On your Turn, you can either Move or take an Action, but not both.




‘I’ll Take Yer All On!’: Gain Animosity (Everybody)!




 ‘How Did I Get here?’: You wake up the next day, massively hungover, with little memory of what transpired. The GM and other players with you will fill in the embarrassing gaps if you investigate. Pass a Consume Alcohol Test or also gain a Poisoned Condition.




After not drinking for an hour, enact a Challenging (+0) Consume Alcohol Test. The effects of being drunk will wear


off after 10–SL hours, with any Characteristic modifiers for being drunk lost over that time. After all effects wear off, enact another Challenging (+0) Consume Alcohol Test. You now gain a hangover, which is an Fatigued Condition that cannot be removed for 5–SL hours.


You may expend 1 Resolve point to ignore the negative modifiers of being drunk until the end of the next round.






Cool allows you to remain calm under stress, resist fear when faced with horror, and stick to your convictions.




Cool is generally used to resist other Skills — Charm, Intimidate, and similar — but you may also be required to make a Cool Test when faced with anything forcing you to do something you would rather not. Cool is also the primary Skill used to limit Psychology


Dodge is your ability to avoid things, through ducking, diving, and moving quickly, and is used extensively to sidestep falling rocks, incoming weapons, unexpected traps, and the like.


In combat, Dodge is generally used to resist attacks or avoid damage. Refer to Rolling to Hit.




Drive lets you guide vehicles — most commonly simple carts and lumbering coaches, not to mention the more ‘experimental’ creations of the Imperial Engineers — along the roads of the Empire with as little incident as possible.




Under normal circumstances, if you possess the Drive Skill, there is no need to Test. If conditions are less than ideal — perhaps the road is in poor condition, or the weather is terrible — a Drive Test will be required. If you do not possess the Drive Skill, you may be required to make a Test to carry out even basic maneuver. An Astounding Failure (-6) on a Drive Test means something bad has happened. Roll on the following table:










Snapped Harness: One horse (or equivalent) breaks free; reduce speed accordingly.




 Jolted Carriage: Passengers suffer 1 Wound and fragile cargos might be damaged.




Broken Wheel: Pass a Drive Test every round to avoid Crashing. Two-wheeled vehicles with a Broken Wheel Crash automatically.




 Broken Axle: The vehicle goes out of control and Crashes.




Crashing: Occupants of Crashing vehicles usually suffer 2d10 Wounds modified by Toughness Bonus and Armor Points


unless the vehicle was moving slowly (as determined by the GM). Crashed vehicles must be repaired by someone with an appropriate Trade Skill, such as Trade (Carpenter) or Trade (Cartwright). Spare wheels can be installed by anyone with a Drive Test or with an appropriate Trade Test. In combat, Drive may be used if circumstances allow — for instance, if the party is in a coach being raided by outlaws, and you wish to ram an enemy, or outrun them.






The Endurance Skill is called upon when you must endure hardship, withstand deprivation, sit without moving for long periods of time, or survive harsh environments. In particular, Endurance is Tested to resist or recover from various Conditions (see page 167) and helps you recover lost Wounds.


Allows you to delight crowds with the spoken word, perhaps by singing, acting, or attempting a few jokes. A successful use of the Entertain Skill means you have entertained patrons near enough to hear you; the SL indicates how well you have done.


In combat, it is unlikely that Entertain will be of much use, although you may come up with an interesting way to use Entertain (Acting) to confuse or mislead your opponents.




Specialisations: Acting, Comedy, Singing, Storytelling 


Allows you to measure the likelihood that a bet will pay off, as well as successfully engage in various games of chance.


To represent a gambling match, all players make a Gamble Test — applying any appropriate modifiers for familiarity with the game — and the player with the highest SL wins. On a tie, any lower scoring players drop out, and those remaining enact another Gamble Test, repeating this process until you have a winner.


If you wish to influence the game through less honest mechanics, see Sleight of Hand.


You can quickly ferret out interesting and useful news, and spread rumors of your own. A successful Gossip Test means you have found out one useful piece of information, which your GM can impart to you, about the local area. Each SL either offers you an additional piece of information, or the chance to spread a rumor to a number of individuals equal to your Fellowship Bonus. The time required for a Gossip Test depends on how circumspect the players are being, and how busy the area is, as determined by the GM.


It is unlikely that Gossip will be much use in combat, but if your attacker happens to be local, and you happen to know something really juicy…




Half-Heard Whispers


While it may be expedient for GMs to quickly share information gleaned from Gossip tests to all players at once, it is often more fun to share the information only with individual players (either through a note, or through briefly taking them aside). This means the players must relate this information to one another in-character — aiding the immersive roleplaying experience — which allows for mistakes and misunderstandings, sometimes leading to hilarious, or horrific, results. 




Haggle allows you to secure better deals when negotiating with others. In general, Haggle is used to see whether you do, or do not, make a good deal, most commonly with an Opposed Haggle Test. Specifically, it can be used when shopping to secure better prices. For information on this, refer to Chapter 11: Consumers’ Guide.


Allows you to coerce or frighten sentient creatures. The precise manner of initiating an Intimidate Test depends on context: while it is generally accompanied by an overt threat, sometimes a subtle implication or even a look is enough. Intimidate is almost always Opposed by your target’s Cool Skill; if successful, you can intimidate a number of targets up to your Strength Bonus + SL. Each will react to Intimidate based on their individual personalities and how successful you were in menacing them, but in all cases, they will back down or move out of the way and will not speak out against you, or they will alternatively accept combat is the only way forward and prepare their weapons.




In combat, you cause @Compendium[wfrp4e.psychologies.Ib2YQYChktDFN93y]{Fear} in all Intimidated targets. You may also use your Intimidate Skill instead of Melee when defending against those afraid of you, causing the Intimidated parties to back away from the fight with your will and posture alone. Further, with your GM’s approval, you may use Intimidate to ‘attack’ such targets, issuing specific commands, such as ‘drop your weapons’ or ‘get out of here!’. However, if you fail any of these subsequent Intimidate Tests, you no longer Intimidate (or cause Fear) in affected opponents. With your GM’s permission you may try to Intimidate them again in a later Round, but this will incur a negative modifier, as they are less likely to fear you having seen through your bravado once already.




Alternative Characteristics For Intimidate


While strength is the default stat for Intimidate tests, the GM may decree certain situations may allow you to use a different characteristic: a steely witch hunter may use Willpower to stare down an inquisitive bystander, or an academic may use Intelligence to cow a lowly student with his intimidating knowledge, for instance. 




Example: Facing a group of footpads, Svetlana the Strong rolls 4 SL on her Intimidate Test. Combined with her SB of 5, this means she can affect up to 9 targets, more than enough to impact all three footpads who now Fear Svetlana. As she has won by 3 SL, she gains +1 Advantage point until the end of her next turn. In the next round, she ‘attacks’ the footpads using her Intimidate, intending to scare them into leaving her be. However, she fails the Test, and the footpads realize they outnumber her, and are armed… 




The Intuition Skill allows you to get a feel for your surroundings, leading you to notice when something is wrong, and gives you a sense of when people may be hiding something from you. A successful use of the Intuition Skill gives you subtle or implicit intelligence relating to your environment, determined by your GM. This may be information such as whether someone believes what they are saying, what the general attitude is towards the local noble, or if the helpful local’s motives are as pure as they seem. If someone is actively trying to hide their intent, they may resist your Intuition with Cool or Entertain (Acting).




In combat, a successful Intuition Test may be used to give you +1 Advantage as you weigh the environment and your opponents. You may continue building Advantage in subsequent turns providing you are able to observe your targets and are not interrupted (such as being attacked); you may gain a maximum Advantage equal to your Intelligence Bonus in this manner.


A measure of your ability to lead others and command their respect. While most often associated with martial situations, a resolute leader can quickly direct a fast response to a fire or other such calamity, and nobles use the Skill frequently to command their lessers.




A successful Leadership Test allows you to issue orders to a number of targets equal to your Fellowship Bonus + SL. If the targets are your natural subordinates — a noble commanding serfs, or a sergeant commanding his troops — commands are usually unopposed. If there is no natural hierarchy in place, or the order is particularly challenging — such as ordering your soldiers to charge a Hydra head on — the Test is Opposed by your targets’ Cool.




In combat, you may use Leadership to encourage your subordinates. A successful Leadership Test confers a bonus of +10 to all Psychology Tests until the end of the next round (see page 190).




Further, Leadership can be used to transfer Advantage to allies able to hear you; following a successful Leadership Test, you may transfer an Advantage to one ally of your choice, plus a further +1 Advantage per SL scored, which can again go to any allies of your choice within earshot.




Example: Lord Ludwig von Schemp has been watching his two bodyguards discourse with some ruffians for three Rounds, using his Intuition Skill to build up 3 Advantage. Feeling it is going nowhere, he issues a peremptory order to attack the ringleader; passing his Leadership Test with 5 SL, he gives one bodyguard 2 of his Advantage, and the remaining bodyguard 1 Advantage, hoping this will bring a swift end to proceedings. 


The Melee Skill represents specific training with a single type of close combat weaponry. Each Melee Specialization indicates training in using a specific class of weapon. If you don’t have the correct Specialization for a weapon you wish to use, refer to Chapter 11: Consumers’ Guide for the correct weapon entry, and what penalties you will suffer. See Chapter 5: Rules for more detail about combat and using the Melee Skill.




Specializations: Basic, Brawling, Cavalry, Fencing, Flail, Parry, Pole-Arm, Two-Handed 


Navigation allows you to find your way in the wilderness using landmarks, stellar bodies or maps. Possessing the Navigation Skill means you know roughly where you are, and can find your way between well-known landmarks without a Test. A Test is only required if you are disoriented or travelling far from the beaten path, with success showing you the correct direction, or allowing you to avoid mishap.




If you are navigating a long journey, your GM may ask for an extended Navigation Test, modified by conditions, visible landmarks, and access to reliable geographical information. The SL required to succeed depends on how far the destination is, with each Test representing between an hour and a day’s travel, depending on the nature of the journey

"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"advanced":{"value":"bsc","type":"String"},"grouped":{"value":"noSpec","type":"String"},"characteristic":{"type":"String","label":"Characteristic","value":"i"},"advances":{"type":"Number","label":"Advances","value":0},"total":{"type":"Number","label":"Total"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"os4NKy5Oy6sRt1eh","flags":{},"name":"Outdoor Survival","type":"skill","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/skills/skill.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"

The Outdoor Survival Skill is used to survive in the wild, including the ability to fish, hunt, forage, and build fires and shelters. Experienced travelers are skilled at reading the signs of incoming inclement weather and finding the spoor of various dangerous beasts.




When camping, make an Outdoor Survival Test, modified by the harshness of conditions — for instance, a Test is Challenging (+0) if it is raining, Hard (–20) in a storm. A successful Test indicates you can provide yourself sustenance and shelter for the night. Each SL allows you to provide for one more character. If the Test is failed, you must make a Challenging (+0) Endurance Test or receive the Fatigued Condition. If you suffer an Astounding Failure, something untoward has happened, as determined by the GM; perhaps your camp is attacked in the night?




When fighting in the wilderness, you may make an Outdoor Survival Test to receive +1 Advantage, in the same way as Intuition, to a maximum number of Advantage equal to your Intelligence Bonus, as you spy out treacherous and advantageous terrain that you can best use to your advantage.




Gathering Food and Herbs


Gathering food or herbs normally takes around 2 hours. Hunting and foraging parties make one assisted Outdoor Survival Test for the group, with the Difficulty determined by the circumstances.








Your ability to notice things with your senses — sight, smell, hearing, touch, and taste, and any other senses you may possess, such as magical or non-Human senses. Your GM may ask for a Perception Test to detect something, like movement behind the treeline, the presence of a trap, or someone following you, modified by how easy it is to notice. Perception is also used to resist attempts to hide things through Skills such as Sleight of Hand or Stealth. Perception has multiple uses in combat, most commonly to notice important details beyond the immediately obvious about the surrounding environment and your opponents, as determined by the GM. 


How proficient you are at riding a particular group of animals; Ride (Horse), for example, will let you ride Horses, Mules, Donkeys, and similar. You’ll only need to make a Test when doing something out of the ordinary, such as racing, dressage, traversing dangerous terrain, or charging into combat. Otherwise, if you have at least one Advance in the Skill, you are presumed to be able to ride around without need of a Test.




If mounted on a steed, you move using the steed’s Movement statistic; if you wish to run, jump, or leap, you use your Ride Skill, not Athletics. An extended Ride Test may be needed if you are racing somewhere, the target SL depending on the length of the journey, the number of Tests indicating how long you take to arrive. A Ride Test may be modified by environmental conditions, and the temperament of your mount. For more information on mounts, see Chapter 12: Bestiary. The Ride skill can be used extensively in combat. See Chapter 5: Rules, for more on mounted combat.




Specializations: Demigryph, Great Wolf, Griffon, Horse, Pegasus 


Your prowess at pulling an oar and moving a boat through the water. The Row Skill is typically only used when racing, navigating rapids, desperately avoiding Bog Octopuses, or similar unusual or dangerous feats. Anyone with the Skill is automatically presumed to be able to scull about a pond, or over a gentle river, without a Test. Those without the skill may have to make a Test for anything but the most basic maneuvers. 


Allows you to creep quietly and conceal yourself in shadows more readily than most. Stealth is generally Opposed by an opponent’s Perception Skill, and Tests will be modifed by how dark or well concealed your route is, as well as how circumspectly you are dressed. An Impressive or Astounding Failure on a Stealth Test will likely draw the immediate attention of the enemies you were trying to avoid in the first place.




Stealth has many potential applications in combat, most usefully to hide oneself in preparation for an Ambush, or to creep around an opponent in order to attack from behind. Of course, you can also use the Skill to escape a conflict unseen…




Specializations: Rural, Underground, Urban 




Options: Shadowing


Shadowing is following someone secretly. To do this requires a Combined Perception and Stealth Test. If the target is actively trying to lose a tail, it is Opposed with the target’s Stealth Skill.




If you pass the Perception Test, and fail the Stealth Test you follow your target, but are spotted. If you fail the perception Test, yet pass the Stealth Test, you lose your target, but go unnoticed

"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"advanced":{"value":"bsc","type":"String"},"grouped":{"value":"isSpec","type":"String"},"characteristic":{"type":"String","label":"Characteristic","value":"ag"},"advances":{"type":"Number","label":"Advances","value":0},"total":{"type":"Number","label":"Total"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"Ggx0bRaCuq8MbF0g","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Gold Crown","type":"money","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/currency/goldcrown.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"quantity":{"type":"Number","label":"Quantity","value":0},"encumbrance":{"type":"Number","label":"Encumbrance","value":0.005},"location":{"type":"Number","label":"Location","value":0},"coinValue":{"label":"Value (in d)","type":"Number","value":240},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"KB8HgDz56dh2w7w1","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Silver Shilling","type":"money","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/currency/silvershilling.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"quantity":{"type":"Number","label":"Quantity","value":0},"encumbrance":{"type":"Number","label":"Encumbrance","value":0.005},"location":{"type":"Number","label":"Location","value":0},"coinValue":{"label":"Value (in d)","type":"Number","value":12},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"0MYOJFx3vkYA95B4","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Brass Penny","type":"money","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/currency/brasspenny.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"quantity":{"type":"Number","label":"Quantity","value":0},"encumbrance":{"type":"Number","label":"Encumbrance","value":0.005},"location":{"type":"Number","label":"Location","value":0},"coinValue":{"label":"Value (in d)","type":"Number","value":1},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"oh4GDQczaQTMcvQ1","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Corruption","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"The creature is tainted by Chaos, or perhaps suffused with Dark Magics. The Strength of the Corruption is marked in brackets."},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":false,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"","bonusCharacteristic":"","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"Minor","type":"String","label":"Specification"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}},"sort":100000},{"_id":"5tjGD31mJZJMF7wF","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"Weapon","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"The creature carries a melee weapon, or uses teeth, claws, or similar in combat.\n \n The weapon causes Damage equal to its Rating which already includes the creature’s Strength Bonus. Typically it will be 4 + its Strength Bonus (representing a Hand Weapon)"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":true,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"ws","bonusCharacteristic":"s","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"4","type":"String","label":"Specification"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}},"sort":200000},{"_id":"1VnKaO3KiXJO2raH","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"2 Tentacles","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"

The creature has a number of tentacles equal to #.

\n "},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":true,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"ws","bonusCharacteristic":"s","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"3","type":"String","label":"Specification"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}},"sort":300000},{"_id":"pVUsjNCDF53I7IXb","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"Armour","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"The creature is protected by armor or thick hide. It has Rating Armor Points on all Hit Locations"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":false,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"","bonusCharacteristic":"","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"#","type":"String","label":"Specification"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}},"sort":400000}]} {"name":"Mutant with Eyestalks","permission":{"default":0,"Cq31UaFnLVMpY5dr":3},"type":"npc","data":{"characteristics":{"ws":{"type":"number","label":"CHAR.WS","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.WS","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"bs":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.BS","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.BS","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"s":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.S","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.S","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"t":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.T","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.T","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"i":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.I","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.I","initial":40,"advances":0,"value":40,"bonus":4,"cost":25},"ag":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.Ag","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.Ag","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"dex":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.Dex","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.Dex","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"int":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.Int","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.Int","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"wp":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.WP","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.WP","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"fel":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.Fel","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.Fel","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25}},"status":{"wounds":{"type":"Number","label":"Wounds","abrev":"W","value":12,"max":12},"advantage":{"type":"Number","label":"Advantage","value":"0","max":10},"criticalWounds":{"type":"Number","label":"Critical Wounds","value":0,"max":2},"sin":{"type":"Number","label":"Sin","value":"0"},"penalties":{"type":"String","label":"Penalties","value":""},"corruption":{"type":"Number","label":"Corruption","value":0},"encumbrance":{"type":"Number","label":"Encumbrance","max":6,"current":0}},"details":{"species":{"type":"String","label":"Species","value":"Mutant"},"gender":{"type":"String","label":"Gender","value":""},"size":{"type":"String","label":"Size","value":"avg"},"move":{"type":"Number","label":"Movement","value":"4","walk":8,"run":16},"god":{"type":"String","label":"God","value":""},"hitLocationTable":{"value":"hitloc","type":"String","label":"Hit Location Table"},"personal-ambitions":{"short-term":"","long-term":""},"party-ambitions":{"short-term":"","long-term":""},"motivation":{"value":""}}},"flags":{"autoCalcRun":true,"autoCalcWalk":true,"autoCalcWounds":true,"autoCalcCritW":true,"autoCalcCorruption":true,"autoCalcEnc":true,"modifier":""},"img":"systems/wfrp4e/tokens/Mutant.png","token":{"flags":{},"name":"Mutant","displayName":20,"img":"systems/wfrp4e/tokens/Mutant.png","width":1,"height":1,"scale":1,"lockRotation":false,"rotation":0,"vision":false,"dimSight":0,"brightSight":0,"dimLight":0,"brightLight":0,"sightAngle":360,"lightAngle":360,"lightAlpha":1,"actorId":"C06kjUIuptMBHBha","actorLink":false,"actorData":{},"disposition":0,"displayBars":20,"bar1":{"attribute":"status.wounds"},"bar2":{"attribute":"status.advantage"},"randomImg":false},"items":[{"_id":"fdq3RFSOKl5b3WzW","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Art","type":"skill","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/skills/skill.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"

Create works of art in your chosen medium. Not having access to appropriate Trade Tools will incur a penalty to your Test. The SL achieved determines the quality of the final piece. For complicated or large works of art, an Extended Test may be required. The Art Skill has little use in combat, but marble busts make marvelous improvised weapons.




Specializations: Cartography, Engraving, Mosaics, Painting, Sculpture, Tattoo, Weaving 




Example: Irina has been commissioned to paint a portrait of a local noble, whose favor her party is currying. Her GM determines this requires a total of 10 SL in an Extended Art Test, with each Test representing a week’s work.


Your ability to run, jump and move with speed or grace, and to perform any general physical activity. Refer to Moving for details on using Athletics in combat movement. 


Your ability to judge how likely a person is to accept a bribe, and how best to offer the bribe so they will accept it. A successful Bribery Test tells you if a target may be bribed. If so, your GM will secretly determine the price of their cooperation using the target’s Earnings, increasing the amount according to their usual honesty and the risk involved in taking the bribe. You then guess that target amount and the GM will tell you if the price is higher, lower, or equal. Each SL from your initial Bribery Test gives you another guess. At the end of this process, you determine how much money to offer, based on what you have gleaned.




In combat, you may use Bribery as above to try to stop the fight, but treat the Test as Hard (–20) owing to the stress of the situation. If your target is not susceptible, you cannot afford the fee, or your foes do not speak your tongue, your pathetic attempts to buy them off will be doomed to fail. Of course, if they have the advantage of numbers, what’s to prevent them from taking all of your money?




Example: Snorri is trying to bribe his way past a city watchman; a character of the Brass Tier 2, meaning they roll 4d10 Brass for Income. The GM decides the guard can be bribed and secretly rolls 21 on the 4d10, meaning the price for bribing the guard is 21 Brass. Letting Snorri through isn’t too risky for the watchman, and he does it often, so the GM doesn’t increase the bribe required. Snorri rolls 1 SL on his Bribery Test; so, he knows the watchman is open to a bribe, and has 2 guesses as to his price. Snorri’s first guess is 15 Brass, to which his GM replies ‘higher’. His second guess is 40, to which his GM replies ‘lower’. Snorri now knows he must bribe the watchman between 15 and 40 Brass, so decides to aim high, and offers 30. Smiling, the watchman waves Snorri through.


Charm makes people think favorably of you, your opinions, and proposed actions. Passing an Opposed Charm/Cool Test allows you to influence the behavior of one or more targets, up to a maximum number equal to your Fellowship Bonus + SL, affecting those with the lowest Willpower first. If a target is amenable to your Charm, the Test will be uncontested.


Your GM may permit you to use Charm in Combat if they think your foes might be susceptible to you pleading for your life or making persuasive arguments to stop the violence (although good luck charming a Goblin)!


If you use Charm as your Action, calculate the number of targets affected as normal. If you use it to defend, you only affect your attacker. If you succeed, any affected targets will not attack you this round and you gain +1 Advantage as normal. You may do this in successive rounds until you choose to stop or fail a Charm Test, after which your words carry no more weight.


Your GM may permit you to use Charm in Combat if they think your foes might be susceptible to you pleading for your life or making persuasive arguments to stop the violence (although good luck charming a Goblin)!


If you use Charm as your Action, calculate the number of targets affected as normal. If you use it to defend, you only affect your attacker. If you succeed, any affected targets will not attack you this round and you gain +1 Advantage as normal. You may do this in successive rounds until you choose to stop or fail a Charm Test, after which your words carry no more weight.




Public Speaking


The charm skill can be used to make impressive speeches to sway multiple targets to your way of thinking. assuming they can hear you and are inclined to listen, you can influence up to your Fellowship Bonus + SL targets with a single charm Test, influencing targets with the lowest Willpower first. If the crowd is unruly, or not receptive to your words, the test is opposed by the crowd’s average Willpower (typically 35). A failure shows the crowd is unconvinced. the public speaking and master orator talents can significantly increase the number of people you affect with public speaking. an astounding Failure (-6) (see page 152) in a charm test means your crowd quickly becomes an angry mob, with you as the target of their ire… 






The Charm skill can be used to beg on the streets. A successful test will scrounge Fellowship Bonus × SL brass pennies per hour from passers-by, with the Difficulty modified by the pitch chosen for begging, and how much sympathy your appearance can elicit. If you score no SL, but still pass the skill test, you only manage to scrounge a single pfennig. an astounding Failure (-6) means you may have attracted problems from the local Watchmen, found some trouble with  other, local beggars, or suffer some other significant set-back.


Note: Characters who are caught begging by their peers or associates will likely lose status unless they are already in the Beggar, or in some other destitute, career. 



"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"advanced":{"value":"bsc","type":"String"},"grouped":{"value":"noSpec","type":"String"},"characteristic":{"type":"String","label":"Characteristic","value":"fel"},"advances":{"type":"Number","label":"Advances","value":0},"total":{"type":"Number","label":"Total"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"4IGdIhnwTaZijzg7","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"Charm Animal","type":"skill","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/skills/skill.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"

Your aptitude for be friending, quickly calming, or subjugating animals.




Passing a Charm Animal Test allows you to influence the behavior of one or more animals, to a maximum of Willpower Bonus + SL. If the target animals are naturally docile, this Test may be uncontested, but it will generally be Opposed by the target’s Willpower.




In combat, you may use Charm Animal when facing animals. If you succeed, any affected targets will not attack you this Round and you gain +1 Advantage. You may do this in successive rounds until you choose to stop or fail a Charm Test, after which the creature’s instincts take over and you have no further influence.


The ability to ascend steep or vertical surfaces.


If time isn’t an issue, and a climb is relatively easy, anyone with Climb Skill is automatically assumed to be able to climb any reasonably small height.


For any other climbing, Climbing during combat. You may even find yourself climbing large opponents, though whether that is prudent is debatable.

"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"advanced":{"value":"bsc","type":"String"},"grouped":{"value":"noSpec","type":"String"},"characteristic":{"type":"String","label":"Characteristic","value":"s"},"advances":{"type":"Number","label":"Advances","value":0},"total":{"type":"Number","label":"Total"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"R2ytluHiEFF2KQ5e","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Consume Alcohol","type":"skill","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/skills/skill.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"



Your ability to handle alcohol without letting it cloud your judgment or render you senseless.


After each alcoholic drink make a Consume Alcohol Test, modified by the strength of the drink. For each Test you fail, you suffer a –10 penalty to WS, BS, Ag, Dex, and Int, to a maximum of –30 per Characteristic. After you fail a number of Tests equal to your Toughness Bonus, you are Stinking Drunk. Roll on the following table to see what happens:






Stinking Drunk




 Marienburgher’s Courage!’: Gain a bonus of +20 to your Cool Skill.




You’re My Besht Mate!’: Ignore all your existing Prejudices and Animosities.




 ‘Why’s Everything Wobbling!’: On your Turn, you can either Move or take an Action, but not both.




‘I’ll Take Yer All On!’: Gain Animosity (Everybody)!




 ‘How Did I Get here?’: You wake up the next day, massively hungover, with little memory of what transpired. The GM and other players with you will fill in the embarrassing gaps if you investigate. Pass a Consume Alcohol Test or also gain a Poisoned Condition.




After not drinking for an hour, enact a Challenging (+0) Consume Alcohol Test. The effects of being drunk will wear


off after 10–SL hours, with any Characteristic modifiers for being drunk lost over that time. After all effects wear off, enact another Challenging (+0) Consume Alcohol Test. You now gain a hangover, which is an Fatigued Condition that cannot be removed for 5–SL hours.


You may expend 1 Resolve point to ignore the negative modifiers of being drunk until the end of the next round.






Cool allows you to remain calm under stress, resist fear when faced with horror, and stick to your convictions.




Cool is generally used to resist other Skills — Charm, Intimidate, and similar — but you may also be required to make a Cool Test when faced with anything forcing you to do something you would rather not. Cool is also the primary Skill used to limit Psychology


Dodge is your ability to avoid things, through ducking, diving, and moving quickly, and is used extensively to sidestep falling rocks, incoming weapons, unexpected traps, and the like.


In combat, Dodge is generally used to resist attacks or avoid damage. Refer to Rolling to Hit.




Drive lets you guide vehicles — most commonly simple carts and lumbering coaches, not to mention the more ‘experimental’ creations of the Imperial Engineers — along the roads of the Empire with as little incident as possible.




Under normal circumstances, if you possess the Drive Skill, there is no need to Test. If conditions are less than ideal — perhaps the road is in poor condition, or the weather is terrible — a Drive Test will be required. If you do not possess the Drive Skill, you may be required to make a Test to carry out even basic maneuver. An Astounding Failure (-6) on a Drive Test means something bad has happened. Roll on the following table:










Snapped Harness: One horse (or equivalent) breaks free; reduce speed accordingly.




 Jolted Carriage: Passengers suffer 1 Wound and fragile cargos might be damaged.




Broken Wheel: Pass a Drive Test every round to avoid Crashing. Two-wheeled vehicles with a Broken Wheel Crash automatically.




 Broken Axle: The vehicle goes out of control and Crashes.




Crashing: Occupants of Crashing vehicles usually suffer 2d10 Wounds modified by Toughness Bonus and Armor Points


unless the vehicle was moving slowly (as determined by the GM). Crashed vehicles must be repaired by someone with an appropriate Trade Skill, such as Trade (Carpenter) or Trade (Cartwright). Spare wheels can be installed by anyone with a Drive Test or with an appropriate Trade Test. In combat, Drive may be used if circumstances allow — for instance, if the party is in a coach being raided by outlaws, and you wish to ram an enemy, or outrun them.






The Endurance Skill is called upon when you must endure hardship, withstand deprivation, sit without moving for long periods of time, or survive harsh environments. In particular, Endurance is Tested to resist or recover from various Conditions (see page 167) and helps you recover lost Wounds.


Allows you to delight crowds with the spoken word, perhaps by singing, acting, or attempting a few jokes. A successful use of the Entertain Skill means you have entertained patrons near enough to hear you; the SL indicates how well you have done.


In combat, it is unlikely that Entertain will be of much use, although you may come up with an interesting way to use Entertain (Acting) to confuse or mislead your opponents.




Specialisations: Acting, Comedy, Singing, Storytelling 


Allows you to measure the likelihood that a bet will pay off, as well as successfully engage in various games of chance.


To represent a gambling match, all players make a Gamble Test — applying any appropriate modifiers for familiarity with the game — and the player with the highest SL wins. On a tie, any lower scoring players drop out, and those remaining enact another Gamble Test, repeating this process until you have a winner.


If you wish to influence the game through less honest mechanics, see Sleight of Hand.


You can quickly ferret out interesting and useful news, and spread rumors of your own. A successful Gossip Test means you have found out one useful piece of information, which your GM can impart to you, about the local area. Each SL either offers you an additional piece of information, or the chance to spread a rumor to a number of individuals equal to your Fellowship Bonus. The time required for a Gossip Test depends on how circumspect the players are being, and how busy the area is, as determined by the GM.


It is unlikely that Gossip will be much use in combat, but if your attacker happens to be local, and you happen to know something really juicy…




Half-Heard Whispers


While it may be expedient for GMs to quickly share information gleaned from Gossip tests to all players at once, it is often more fun to share the information only with individual players (either through a note, or through briefly taking them aside). This means the players must relate this information to one another in-character — aiding the immersive roleplaying experience — which allows for mistakes and misunderstandings, sometimes leading to hilarious, or horrific, results. 




Haggle allows you to secure better deals when negotiating with others. In general, Haggle is used to see whether you do, or do not, make a good deal, most commonly with an Opposed Haggle Test. Specifically, it can be used when shopping to secure better prices. For information on this, refer to Chapter 11: Consumers’ Guide.


Allows you to coerce or frighten sentient creatures. The precise manner of initiating an Intimidate Test depends on context: while it is generally accompanied by an overt threat, sometimes a subtle implication or even a look is enough. Intimidate is almost always Opposed by your target’s Cool Skill; if successful, you can intimidate a number of targets up to your Strength Bonus + SL. Each will react to Intimidate based on their individual personalities and how successful you were in menacing them, but in all cases, they will back down or move out of the way and will not speak out against you, or they will alternatively accept combat is the only way forward and prepare their weapons.




In combat, you cause @Compendium[wfrp4e.psychologies.Ib2YQYChktDFN93y]{Fear} in all Intimidated targets. You may also use your Intimidate Skill instead of Melee when defending against those afraid of you, causing the Intimidated parties to back away from the fight with your will and posture alone. Further, with your GM’s approval, you may use Intimidate to ‘attack’ such targets, issuing specific commands, such as ‘drop your weapons’ or ‘get out of here!’. However, if you fail any of these subsequent Intimidate Tests, you no longer Intimidate (or cause Fear) in affected opponents. With your GM’s permission you may try to Intimidate them again in a later Round, but this will incur a negative modifier, as they are less likely to fear you having seen through your bravado once already.




Alternative Characteristics For Intimidate


While strength is the default stat for Intimidate tests, the GM may decree certain situations may allow you to use a different characteristic: a steely witch hunter may use Willpower to stare down an inquisitive bystander, or an academic may use Intelligence to cow a lowly student with his intimidating knowledge, for instance. 




Example: Facing a group of footpads, Svetlana the Strong rolls 4 SL on her Intimidate Test. Combined with her SB of 5, this means she can affect up to 9 targets, more than enough to impact all three footpads who now Fear Svetlana. As she has won by 3 SL, she gains +1 Advantage point until the end of her next turn. In the next round, she ‘attacks’ the footpads using her Intimidate, intending to scare them into leaving her be. However, she fails the Test, and the footpads realize they outnumber her, and are armed… 




The Intuition Skill allows you to get a feel for your surroundings, leading you to notice when something is wrong, and gives you a sense of when people may be hiding something from you. A successful use of the Intuition Skill gives you subtle or implicit intelligence relating to your environment, determined by your GM. This may be information such as whether someone believes what they are saying, what the general attitude is towards the local noble, or if the helpful local’s motives are as pure as they seem. If someone is actively trying to hide their intent, they may resist your Intuition with Cool or Entertain (Acting).




In combat, a successful Intuition Test may be used to give you +1 Advantage as you weigh the environment and your opponents. You may continue building Advantage in subsequent turns providing you are able to observe your targets and are not interrupted (such as being attacked); you may gain a maximum Advantage equal to your Intelligence Bonus in this manner.


A measure of your ability to lead others and command their respect. While most often associated with martial situations, a resolute leader can quickly direct a fast response to a fire or other such calamity, and nobles use the Skill frequently to command their lessers.




A successful Leadership Test allows you to issue orders to a number of targets equal to your Fellowship Bonus + SL. If the targets are your natural subordinates — a noble commanding serfs, or a sergeant commanding his troops — commands are usually unopposed. If there is no natural hierarchy in place, or the order is particularly challenging — such as ordering your soldiers to charge a Hydra head on — the Test is Opposed by your targets’ Cool.




In combat, you may use Leadership to encourage your subordinates. A successful Leadership Test confers a bonus of +10 to all Psychology Tests until the end of the next round (see page 190).




Further, Leadership can be used to transfer Advantage to allies able to hear you; following a successful Leadership Test, you may transfer an Advantage to one ally of your choice, plus a further +1 Advantage per SL scored, which can again go to any allies of your choice within earshot.




Example: Lord Ludwig von Schemp has been watching his two bodyguards discourse with some ruffians for three Rounds, using his Intuition Skill to build up 3 Advantage. Feeling it is going nowhere, he issues a peremptory order to attack the ringleader; passing his Leadership Test with 5 SL, he gives one bodyguard 2 of his Advantage, and the remaining bodyguard 1 Advantage, hoping this will bring a swift end to proceedings. 


The Melee Skill represents specific training with a single type of close combat weaponry. Each Melee Specialization indicates training in using a specific class of weapon. If you don’t have the correct Specialization for a weapon you wish to use, refer to Chapter 11: Consumers’ Guide for the correct weapon entry, and what penalties you will suffer. See Chapter 5: Rules for more detail about combat and using the Melee Skill.




Specializations: Basic, Brawling, Cavalry, Fencing, Flail, Parry, Pole-Arm, Two-Handed 


Navigation allows you to find your way in the wilderness using landmarks, stellar bodies or maps. Possessing the Navigation Skill means you know roughly where you are, and can find your way between well-known landmarks without a Test. A Test is only required if you are disoriented or travelling far from the beaten path, with success showing you the correct direction, or allowing you to avoid mishap.




If you are navigating a long journey, your GM may ask for an extended Navigation Test, modified by conditions, visible landmarks, and access to reliable geographical information. The SL required to succeed depends on how far the destination is, with each Test representing between an hour and a day’s travel, depending on the nature of the journey

"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"advanced":{"value":"bsc","type":"String"},"grouped":{"value":"noSpec","type":"String"},"characteristic":{"type":"String","label":"Characteristic","value":"i"},"advances":{"type":"Number","label":"Advances","value":0},"total":{"type":"Number","label":"Total"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"os4NKy5Oy6sRt1eh","flags":{},"name":"Outdoor Survival","type":"skill","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/skills/skill.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"

The Outdoor Survival Skill is used to survive in the wild, including the ability to fish, hunt, forage, and build fires and shelters. Experienced travelers are skilled at reading the signs of incoming inclement weather and finding the spoor of various dangerous beasts.




When camping, make an Outdoor Survival Test, modified by the harshness of conditions — for instance, a Test is Challenging (+0) if it is raining, Hard (–20) in a storm. A successful Test indicates you can provide yourself sustenance and shelter for the night. Each SL allows you to provide for one more character. If the Test is failed, you must make a Challenging (+0) Endurance Test or receive the Fatigued Condition. If you suffer an Astounding Failure, something untoward has happened, as determined by the GM; perhaps your camp is attacked in the night?




When fighting in the wilderness, you may make an Outdoor Survival Test to receive +1 Advantage, in the same way as Intuition, to a maximum number of Advantage equal to your Intelligence Bonus, as you spy out treacherous and advantageous terrain that you can best use to your advantage.




Gathering Food and Herbs


Gathering food or herbs normally takes around 2 hours. Hunting and foraging parties make one assisted Outdoor Survival Test for the group, with the Difficulty determined by the circumstances.








Your ability to notice things with your senses — sight, smell, hearing, touch, and taste, and any other senses you may possess, such as magical or non-Human senses. Your GM may ask for a Perception Test to detect something, like movement behind the treeline, the presence of a trap, or someone following you, modified by how easy it is to notice. Perception is also used to resist attempts to hide things through Skills such as Sleight of Hand or Stealth. Perception has multiple uses in combat, most commonly to notice important details beyond the immediately obvious about the surrounding environment and your opponents, as determined by the GM. 


How proficient you are at riding a particular group of animals; Ride (Horse), for example, will let you ride Horses, Mules, Donkeys, and similar. You’ll only need to make a Test when doing something out of the ordinary, such as racing, dressage, traversing dangerous terrain, or charging into combat. Otherwise, if you have at least one Advance in the Skill, you are presumed to be able to ride around without need of a Test.




If mounted on a steed, you move using the steed’s Movement statistic; if you wish to run, jump, or leap, you use your Ride Skill, not Athletics. An extended Ride Test may be needed if you are racing somewhere, the target SL depending on the length of the journey, the number of Tests indicating how long you take to arrive. A Ride Test may be modified by environmental conditions, and the temperament of your mount. For more information on mounts, see Chapter 12: Bestiary. The Ride skill can be used extensively in combat. See Chapter 5: Rules, for more on mounted combat.




Specializations: Demigryph, Great Wolf, Griffon, Horse, Pegasus 


Your prowess at pulling an oar and moving a boat through the water. The Row Skill is typically only used when racing, navigating rapids, desperately avoiding Bog Octopuses, or similar unusual or dangerous feats. Anyone with the Skill is automatically presumed to be able to scull about a pond, or over a gentle river, without a Test. Those without the skill may have to make a Test for anything but the most basic maneuvers. 


Allows you to creep quietly and conceal yourself in shadows more readily than most. Stealth is generally Opposed by an opponent’s Perception Skill, and Tests will be modifed by how dark or well concealed your route is, as well as how circumspectly you are dressed. An Impressive or Astounding Failure on a Stealth Test will likely draw the immediate attention of the enemies you were trying to avoid in the first place.




Stealth has many potential applications in combat, most usefully to hide oneself in preparation for an Ambush, or to creep around an opponent in order to attack from behind. Of course, you can also use the Skill to escape a conflict unseen…




Specializations: Rural, Underground, Urban 




Options: Shadowing


Shadowing is following someone secretly. To do this requires a Combined Perception and Stealth Test. If the target is actively trying to lose a tail, it is Opposed with the target’s Stealth Skill.




If you pass the Perception Test, and fail the Stealth Test you follow your target, but are spotted. If you fail the perception Test, yet pass the Stealth Test, you lose your target, but go unnoticed

"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"advanced":{"value":"bsc","type":"String"},"grouped":{"value":"isSpec","type":"String"},"characteristic":{"type":"String","label":"Characteristic","value":"ag"},"advances":{"type":"Number","label":"Advances","value":0},"total":{"type":"Number","label":"Total"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"Ggx0bRaCuq8MbF0g","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Gold Crown","type":"money","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/currency/goldcrown.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"quantity":{"type":"Number","label":"Quantity","value":0},"encumbrance":{"type":"Number","label":"Encumbrance","value":0.005},"location":{"type":"Number","label":"Location","value":0},"coinValue":{"label":"Value (in d)","type":"Number","value":240},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"KB8HgDz56dh2w7w1","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Silver Shilling","type":"money","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/currency/silvershilling.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"quantity":{"type":"Number","label":"Quantity","value":0},"encumbrance":{"type":"Number","label":"Encumbrance","value":0.005},"location":{"type":"Number","label":"Location","value":0},"coinValue":{"label":"Value (in d)","type":"Number","value":12},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"0MYOJFx3vkYA95B4","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Brass Penny","type":"money","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/currency/brasspenny.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"quantity":{"type":"Number","label":"Quantity","value":0},"encumbrance":{"type":"Number","label":"Encumbrance","value":0.005},"location":{"type":"Number","label":"Location","value":0},"coinValue":{"label":"Value (in d)","type":"Number","value":1},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"oh4GDQczaQTMcvQ1","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Corruption","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"The creature is tainted by Chaos, or perhaps suffused with Dark Magics. The Strength of the Corruption is marked in brackets."},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":false,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"","bonusCharacteristic":"","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"Minor","type":"String","label":"Specification"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}},"sort":100000},{"_id":"5tjGD31mJZJMF7wF","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"Weapon","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"The creature carries a melee weapon, or uses teeth, claws, or similar in combat.\n \n The weapon causes Damage equal to its Rating which already includes the creature’s Strength Bonus. Typically it will be 4 + its Strength Bonus (representing a Hand Weapon)"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":true,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"ws","bonusCharacteristic":"s","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"4","type":"String","label":"Specification"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}},"sort":200000}],"_id":"ZaSCCSLUACuVzlDy"} {"_id":"ZaSCCSLUACuVzlDy","name":"Mutant with Eyestalks","permission":{"default":0,"Cq31UaFnLVMpY5dr":3},"type":"npc","data":{"characteristics":{"ws":{"type":"number","label":"CHAR.WS","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.WS","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"bs":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.BS","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.BS","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"s":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.S","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.S","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"t":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.T","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.T","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"i":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.I","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.I","initial":40,"advances":0,"value":40,"bonus":4,"cost":25},"ag":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.Ag","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.Ag","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"dex":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.Dex","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.Dex","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"int":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.Int","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.Int","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"wp":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.WP","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.WP","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"fel":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.Fel","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.Fel","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25}},"status":{"wounds":{"type":"Number","label":"Wounds","abrev":"W","value":12,"max":12},"advantage":{"type":"Number","label":"Advantage","value":"0","max":10},"criticalWounds":{"type":"Number","label":"Critical Wounds","value":0,"max":2},"sin":{"type":"Number","label":"Sin","value":"0"},"penalties":{"type":"String","label":"Penalties","value":""},"corruption":{"type":"Number","label":"Corruption","value":0},"encumbrance":{"type":"Number","label":"Encumbrance","max":6,"current":0}},"details":{"species":{"type":"String","label":"Species","value":"Mutant"},"gender":{"type":"String","label":"Gender","value":""},"size":{"type":"String","label":"Size","value":"avg"},"move":{"type":"Number","label":"Movement","value":"4","walk":8,"run":16},"god":{"type":"String","label":"God","value":""},"hitLocationTable":{"value":"hitloc","type":"String","label":"Hit Location Table"},"personal-ambitions":{"short-term":"","long-term":""},"party-ambitions":{"short-term":"","long-term":""},"motivation":{"value":""}}},"sort":100001,"flags":{"autoCalcRun":true,"autoCalcWalk":true,"autoCalcWounds":true,"autoCalcCritW":true,"autoCalcCorruption":true,"autoCalcEnc":true,"modifier":""},"img":"systems/wfrp4e/tokens/Mutant.png","token":{"flags":{},"name":"Mutant","displayName":20,"img":"systems/wfrp4e/tokens/Mutant.png","width":1,"height":1,"scale":1,"lockRotation":false,"rotation":0,"vision":false,"dimSight":0,"brightSight":0,"dimLight":0,"brightLight":0,"sightAngle":360,"lightAngle":360,"lightAlpha":1,"actorId":"ZaSCCSLUACuVzlDy","actorLink":false,"actorData":{},"disposition":0,"displayBars":20,"bar1":{"attribute":"status.wounds"},"bar2":{"attribute":"status.advantage"},"randomImg":false},"items":[{"_id":"fdq3RFSOKl5b3WzW","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Art","type":"skill","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/skills/skill.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"

Create works of art in your chosen medium. Not having access to appropriate Trade Tools will incur a penalty to your Test. The SL achieved determines the quality of the final piece. For complicated or large works of art, an Extended Test may be required. The Art Skill has little use in combat, but marble busts make marvelous improvised weapons.




Specializations: Cartography, Engraving, Mosaics, Painting, Sculpture, Tattoo, Weaving 




Example: Irina has been commissioned to paint a portrait of a local noble, whose favor her party is currying. Her GM determines this requires a total of 10 SL in an Extended Art Test, with each Test representing a week’s work.


Your ability to run, jump and move with speed or grace, and to perform any general physical activity. Refer to Moving for details on using Athletics in combat movement. 


Your ability to judge how likely a person is to accept a bribe, and how best to offer the bribe so they will accept it. A successful Bribery Test tells you if a target may be bribed. If so, your GM will secretly determine the price of their cooperation using the target’s Earnings, increasing the amount according to their usual honesty and the risk involved in taking the bribe. You then guess that target amount and the GM will tell you if the price is higher, lower, or equal. Each SL from your initial Bribery Test gives you another guess. At the end of this process, you determine how much money to offer, based on what you have gleaned.




In combat, you may use Bribery as above to try to stop the fight, but treat the Test as Hard (–20) owing to the stress of the situation. If your target is not susceptible, you cannot afford the fee, or your foes do not speak your tongue, your pathetic attempts to buy them off will be doomed to fail. Of course, if they have the advantage of numbers, what’s to prevent them from taking all of your money?




Example: Snorri is trying to bribe his way past a city watchman; a character of the Brass Tier 2, meaning they roll 4d10 Brass for Income. The GM decides the guard can be bribed and secretly rolls 21 on the 4d10, meaning the price for bribing the guard is 21 Brass. Letting Snorri through isn’t too risky for the watchman, and he does it often, so the GM doesn’t increase the bribe required. Snorri rolls 1 SL on his Bribery Test; so, he knows the watchman is open to a bribe, and has 2 guesses as to his price. Snorri’s first guess is 15 Brass, to which his GM replies ‘higher’. His second guess is 40, to which his GM replies ‘lower’. Snorri now knows he must bribe the watchman between 15 and 40 Brass, so decides to aim high, and offers 30. Smiling, the watchman waves Snorri through.


Charm makes people think favorably of you, your opinions, and proposed actions. Passing an Opposed Charm/Cool Test allows you to influence the behavior of one or more targets, up to a maximum number equal to your Fellowship Bonus + SL, affecting those with the lowest Willpower first. If a target is amenable to your Charm, the Test will be uncontested.


Your GM may permit you to use Charm in Combat if they think your foes might be susceptible to you pleading for your life or making persuasive arguments to stop the violence (although good luck charming a Goblin)!


If you use Charm as your Action, calculate the number of targets affected as normal. If you use it to defend, you only affect your attacker. If you succeed, any affected targets will not attack you this round and you gain +1 Advantage as normal. You may do this in successive rounds until you choose to stop or fail a Charm Test, after which your words carry no more weight.


Your GM may permit you to use Charm in Combat if they think your foes might be susceptible to you pleading for your life or making persuasive arguments to stop the violence (although good luck charming a Goblin)!


If you use Charm as your Action, calculate the number of targets affected as normal. If you use it to defend, you only affect your attacker. If you succeed, any affected targets will not attack you this round and you gain +1 Advantage as normal. You may do this in successive rounds until you choose to stop or fail a Charm Test, after which your words carry no more weight.




Public Speaking


The charm skill can be used to make impressive speeches to sway multiple targets to your way of thinking. assuming they can hear you and are inclined to listen, you can influence up to your Fellowship Bonus + SL targets with a single charm Test, influencing targets with the lowest Willpower first. If the crowd is unruly, or not receptive to your words, the test is opposed by the crowd’s average Willpower (typically 35). A failure shows the crowd is unconvinced. the public speaking and master orator talents can significantly increase the number of people you affect with public speaking. an astounding Failure (-6) (see page 152) in a charm test means your crowd quickly becomes an angry mob, with you as the target of their ire… 






The Charm skill can be used to beg on the streets. A successful test will scrounge Fellowship Bonus × SL brass pennies per hour from passers-by, with the Difficulty modified by the pitch chosen for begging, and how much sympathy your appearance can elicit. If you score no SL, but still pass the skill test, you only manage to scrounge a single pfennig. an astounding Failure (-6) means you may have attracted problems from the local Watchmen, found some trouble with  other, local beggars, or suffer some other significant set-back.


Note: Characters who are caught begging by their peers or associates will likely lose status unless they are already in the Beggar, or in some other destitute, career. 



"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"advanced":{"value":"bsc","type":"String"},"grouped":{"value":"noSpec","type":"String"},"characteristic":{"type":"String","label":"Characteristic","value":"fel"},"advances":{"type":"Number","label":"Advances","value":0},"total":{"type":"Number","label":"Total"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"4IGdIhnwTaZijzg7","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"Charm Animal","type":"skill","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/skills/skill.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"

Your aptitude for be friending, quickly calming, or subjugating animals.




Passing a Charm Animal Test allows you to influence the behavior of one or more animals, to a maximum of Willpower Bonus + SL. If the target animals are naturally docile, this Test may be uncontested, but it will generally be Opposed by the target’s Willpower.




In combat, you may use Charm Animal when facing animals. If you succeed, any affected targets will not attack you this Round and you gain +1 Advantage. You may do this in successive rounds until you choose to stop or fail a Charm Test, after which the creature’s instincts take over and you have no further influence.


The ability to ascend steep or vertical surfaces.


If time isn’t an issue, and a climb is relatively easy, anyone with Climb Skill is automatically assumed to be able to climb any reasonably small height.


For any other climbing, Climbing during combat. You may even find yourself climbing large opponents, though whether that is prudent is debatable.

"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"advanced":{"value":"bsc","type":"String"},"grouped":{"value":"noSpec","type":"String"},"characteristic":{"type":"String","label":"Characteristic","value":"s"},"advances":{"type":"Number","label":"Advances","value":0},"total":{"type":"Number","label":"Total"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"R2ytluHiEFF2KQ5e","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Consume Alcohol","type":"skill","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/skills/skill.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"



Your ability to handle alcohol without letting it cloud your judgment or render you senseless.


After each alcoholic drink make a Consume Alcohol Test, modified by the strength of the drink. For each Test you fail, you suffer a –10 penalty to WS, BS, Ag, Dex, and Int, to a maximum of –30 per Characteristic. After you fail a number of Tests equal to your Toughness Bonus, you are Stinking Drunk. Roll on the following table to see what happens:






Stinking Drunk




 Marienburgher’s Courage!’: Gain a bonus of +20 to your Cool Skill.




You’re My Besht Mate!’: Ignore all your existing Prejudices and Animosities.




 ‘Why’s Everything Wobbling!’: On your Turn, you can either Move or take an Action, but not both.




‘I’ll Take Yer All On!’: Gain Animosity (Everybody)!




 ‘How Did I Get here?’: You wake up the next day, massively hungover, with little memory of what transpired. The GM and other players with you will fill in the embarrassing gaps if you investigate. Pass a Consume Alcohol Test or also gain a Poisoned Condition.




After not drinking for an hour, enact a Challenging (+0) Consume Alcohol Test. The effects of being drunk will wear


off after 10–SL hours, with any Characteristic modifiers for being drunk lost over that time. After all effects wear off, enact another Challenging (+0) Consume Alcohol Test. You now gain a hangover, which is an Fatigued Condition that cannot be removed for 5–SL hours.


You may expend 1 Resolve point to ignore the negative modifiers of being drunk until the end of the next round.






Cool allows you to remain calm under stress, resist fear when faced with horror, and stick to your convictions.




Cool is generally used to resist other Skills — Charm, Intimidate, and similar — but you may also be required to make a Cool Test when faced with anything forcing you to do something you would rather not. Cool is also the primary Skill used to limit Psychology


Dodge is your ability to avoid things, through ducking, diving, and moving quickly, and is used extensively to sidestep falling rocks, incoming weapons, unexpected traps, and the like.


In combat, Dodge is generally used to resist attacks or avoid damage. Refer to Rolling to Hit.




Drive lets you guide vehicles — most commonly simple carts and lumbering coaches, not to mention the more ‘experimental’ creations of the Imperial Engineers — along the roads of the Empire with as little incident as possible.




Under normal circumstances, if you possess the Drive Skill, there is no need to Test. If conditions are less than ideal — perhaps the road is in poor condition, or the weather is terrible — a Drive Test will be required. If you do not possess the Drive Skill, you may be required to make a Test to carry out even basic maneuver. An Astounding Failure (-6) on a Drive Test means something bad has happened. Roll on the following table:










Snapped Harness: One horse (or equivalent) breaks free; reduce speed accordingly.




 Jolted Carriage: Passengers suffer 1 Wound and fragile cargos might be damaged.




Broken Wheel: Pass a Drive Test every round to avoid Crashing. Two-wheeled vehicles with a Broken Wheel Crash automatically.




 Broken Axle: The vehicle goes out of control and Crashes.




Crashing: Occupants of Crashing vehicles usually suffer 2d10 Wounds modified by Toughness Bonus and Armor Points


unless the vehicle was moving slowly (as determined by the GM). Crashed vehicles must be repaired by someone with an appropriate Trade Skill, such as Trade (Carpenter) or Trade (Cartwright). Spare wheels can be installed by anyone with a Drive Test or with an appropriate Trade Test. In combat, Drive may be used if circumstances allow — for instance, if the party is in a coach being raided by outlaws, and you wish to ram an enemy, or outrun them.






The Endurance Skill is called upon when you must endure hardship, withstand deprivation, sit without moving for long periods of time, or survive harsh environments. In particular, Endurance is Tested to resist or recover from various Conditions (see page 167) and helps you recover lost Wounds.


Allows you to delight crowds with the spoken word, perhaps by singing, acting, or attempting a few jokes. A successful use of the Entertain Skill means you have entertained patrons near enough to hear you; the SL indicates how well you have done.


In combat, it is unlikely that Entertain will be of much use, although you may come up with an interesting way to use Entertain (Acting) to confuse or mislead your opponents.




Specialisations: Acting, Comedy, Singing, Storytelling 


Allows you to measure the likelihood that a bet will pay off, as well as successfully engage in various games of chance.


To represent a gambling match, all players make a Gamble Test — applying any appropriate modifiers for familiarity with the game — and the player with the highest SL wins. On a tie, any lower scoring players drop out, and those remaining enact another Gamble Test, repeating this process until you have a winner.


If you wish to influence the game through less honest mechanics, see Sleight of Hand.


You can quickly ferret out interesting and useful news, and spread rumors of your own. A successful Gossip Test means you have found out one useful piece of information, which your GM can impart to you, about the local area. Each SL either offers you an additional piece of information, or the chance to spread a rumor to a number of individuals equal to your Fellowship Bonus. The time required for a Gossip Test depends on how circumspect the players are being, and how busy the area is, as determined by the GM.


It is unlikely that Gossip will be much use in combat, but if your attacker happens to be local, and you happen to know something really juicy…




Half-Heard Whispers


While it may be expedient for GMs to quickly share information gleaned from Gossip tests to all players at once, it is often more fun to share the information only with individual players (either through a note, or through briefly taking them aside). This means the players must relate this information to one another in-character — aiding the immersive roleplaying experience — which allows for mistakes and misunderstandings, sometimes leading to hilarious, or horrific, results. 




Haggle allows you to secure better deals when negotiating with others. In general, Haggle is used to see whether you do, or do not, make a good deal, most commonly with an Opposed Haggle Test. Specifically, it can be used when shopping to secure better prices. For information on this, refer to Chapter 11: Consumers’ Guide.


Allows you to coerce or frighten sentient creatures. The precise manner of initiating an Intimidate Test depends on context: while it is generally accompanied by an overt threat, sometimes a subtle implication or even a look is enough. Intimidate is almost always Opposed by your target’s Cool Skill; if successful, you can intimidate a number of targets up to your Strength Bonus + SL. Each will react to Intimidate based on their individual personalities and how successful you were in menacing them, but in all cases, they will back down or move out of the way and will not speak out against you, or they will alternatively accept combat is the only way forward and prepare their weapons.




In combat, you cause @Compendium[wfrp4e.psychologies.Ib2YQYChktDFN93y]{Fear} in all Intimidated targets. You may also use your Intimidate Skill instead of Melee when defending against those afraid of you, causing the Intimidated parties to back away from the fight with your will and posture alone. Further, with your GM’s approval, you may use Intimidate to ‘attack’ such targets, issuing specific commands, such as ‘drop your weapons’ or ‘get out of here!’. However, if you fail any of these subsequent Intimidate Tests, you no longer Intimidate (or cause Fear) in affected opponents. With your GM’s permission you may try to Intimidate them again in a later Round, but this will incur a negative modifier, as they are less likely to fear you having seen through your bravado once already.




Alternative Characteristics For Intimidate


While strength is the default stat for Intimidate tests, the GM may decree certain situations may allow you to use a different characteristic: a steely witch hunter may use Willpower to stare down an inquisitive bystander, or an academic may use Intelligence to cow a lowly student with his intimidating knowledge, for instance. 




Example: Facing a group of footpads, Svetlana the Strong rolls 4 SL on her Intimidate Test. Combined with her SB of 5, this means she can affect up to 9 targets, more than enough to impact all three footpads who now Fear Svetlana. As she has won by 3 SL, she gains +1 Advantage point until the end of her next turn. In the next round, she ‘attacks’ the footpads using her Intimidate, intending to scare them into leaving her be. However, she fails the Test, and the footpads realize they outnumber her, and are armed… 




The Intuition Skill allows you to get a feel for your surroundings, leading you to notice when something is wrong, and gives you a sense of when people may be hiding something from you. A successful use of the Intuition Skill gives you subtle or implicit intelligence relating to your environment, determined by your GM. This may be information such as whether someone believes what they are saying, what the general attitude is towards the local noble, or if the helpful local’s motives are as pure as they seem. If someone is actively trying to hide their intent, they may resist your Intuition with Cool or Entertain (Acting).




In combat, a successful Intuition Test may be used to give you +1 Advantage as you weigh the environment and your opponents. You may continue building Advantage in subsequent turns providing you are able to observe your targets and are not interrupted (such as being attacked); you may gain a maximum Advantage equal to your Intelligence Bonus in this manner.


A measure of your ability to lead others and command their respect. While most often associated with martial situations, a resolute leader can quickly direct a fast response to a fire or other such calamity, and nobles use the Skill frequently to command their lessers.




A successful Leadership Test allows you to issue orders to a number of targets equal to your Fellowship Bonus + SL. If the targets are your natural subordinates — a noble commanding serfs, or a sergeant commanding his troops — commands are usually unopposed. If there is no natural hierarchy in place, or the order is particularly challenging — such as ordering your soldiers to charge a Hydra head on — the Test is Opposed by your targets’ Cool.




In combat, you may use Leadership to encourage your subordinates. A successful Leadership Test confers a bonus of +10 to all Psychology Tests until the end of the next round (see page 190).




Further, Leadership can be used to transfer Advantage to allies able to hear you; following a successful Leadership Test, you may transfer an Advantage to one ally of your choice, plus a further +1 Advantage per SL scored, which can again go to any allies of your choice within earshot.




Example: Lord Ludwig von Schemp has been watching his two bodyguards discourse with some ruffians for three Rounds, using his Intuition Skill to build up 3 Advantage. Feeling it is going nowhere, he issues a peremptory order to attack the ringleader; passing his Leadership Test with 5 SL, he gives one bodyguard 2 of his Advantage, and the remaining bodyguard 1 Advantage, hoping this will bring a swift end to proceedings. 


The Melee Skill represents specific training with a single type of close combat weaponry. Each Melee Specialization indicates training in using a specific class of weapon. If you don’t have the correct Specialization for a weapon you wish to use, refer to Chapter 11: Consumers’ Guide for the correct weapon entry, and what penalties you will suffer. See Chapter 5: Rules for more detail about combat and using the Melee Skill.




Specializations: Basic, Brawling, Cavalry, Fencing, Flail, Parry, Pole-Arm, Two-Handed 


Navigation allows you to find your way in the wilderness using landmarks, stellar bodies or maps. Possessing the Navigation Skill means you know roughly where you are, and can find your way between well-known landmarks without a Test. A Test is only required if you are disoriented or travelling far from the beaten path, with success showing you the correct direction, or allowing you to avoid mishap.




If you are navigating a long journey, your GM may ask for an extended Navigation Test, modified by conditions, visible landmarks, and access to reliable geographical information. The SL required to succeed depends on how far the destination is, with each Test representing between an hour and a day’s travel, depending on the nature of the journey

"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"advanced":{"value":"bsc","type":"String"},"grouped":{"value":"noSpec","type":"String"},"characteristic":{"type":"String","label":"Characteristic","value":"i"},"advances":{"type":"Number","label":"Advances","value":0},"total":{"type":"Number","label":"Total"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"os4NKy5Oy6sRt1eh","flags":{},"name":"Outdoor Survival","type":"skill","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/skills/skill.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"

The Outdoor Survival Skill is used to survive in the wild, including the ability to fish, hunt, forage, and build fires and shelters. Experienced travelers are skilled at reading the signs of incoming inclement weather and finding the spoor of various dangerous beasts.




When camping, make an Outdoor Survival Test, modified by the harshness of conditions — for instance, a Test is Challenging (+0) if it is raining, Hard (–20) in a storm. A successful Test indicates you can provide yourself sustenance and shelter for the night. Each SL allows you to provide for one more character. If the Test is failed, you must make a Challenging (+0) Endurance Test or receive the Fatigued Condition. If you suffer an Astounding Failure, something untoward has happened, as determined by the GM; perhaps your camp is attacked in the night?




When fighting in the wilderness, you may make an Outdoor Survival Test to receive +1 Advantage, in the same way as Intuition, to a maximum number of Advantage equal to your Intelligence Bonus, as you spy out treacherous and advantageous terrain that you can best use to your advantage.




Gathering Food and Herbs


Gathering food or herbs normally takes around 2 hours. Hunting and foraging parties make one assisted Outdoor Survival Test for the group, with the Difficulty determined by the circumstances.








Your ability to notice things with your senses — sight, smell, hearing, touch, and taste, and any other senses you may possess, such as magical or non-Human senses. Your GM may ask for a Perception Test to detect something, like movement behind the treeline, the presence of a trap, or someone following you, modified by how easy it is to notice. Perception is also used to resist attempts to hide things through Skills such as Sleight of Hand or Stealth. Perception has multiple uses in combat, most commonly to notice important details beyond the immediately obvious about the surrounding environment and your opponents, as determined by the GM. 


How proficient you are at riding a particular group of animals; Ride (Horse), for example, will let you ride Horses, Mules, Donkeys, and similar. You’ll only need to make a Test when doing something out of the ordinary, such as racing, dressage, traversing dangerous terrain, or charging into combat. Otherwise, if you have at least one Advance in the Skill, you are presumed to be able to ride around without need of a Test.




If mounted on a steed, you move using the steed’s Movement statistic; if you wish to run, jump, or leap, you use your Ride Skill, not Athletics. An extended Ride Test may be needed if you are racing somewhere, the target SL depending on the length of the journey, the number of Tests indicating how long you take to arrive. A Ride Test may be modified by environmental conditions, and the temperament of your mount. For more information on mounts, see Chapter 12: Bestiary. The Ride skill can be used extensively in combat. See Chapter 5: Rules, for more on mounted combat.




Specializations: Demigryph, Great Wolf, Griffon, Horse, Pegasus 


Your prowess at pulling an oar and moving a boat through the water. The Row Skill is typically only used when racing, navigating rapids, desperately avoiding Bog Octopuses, or similar unusual or dangerous feats. Anyone with the Skill is automatically presumed to be able to scull about a pond, or over a gentle river, without a Test. Those without the skill may have to make a Test for anything but the most basic maneuvers. 


Allows you to creep quietly and conceal yourself in shadows more readily than most. Stealth is generally Opposed by an opponent’s Perception Skill, and Tests will be modifed by how dark or well concealed your route is, as well as how circumspectly you are dressed. An Impressive or Astounding Failure on a Stealth Test will likely draw the immediate attention of the enemies you were trying to avoid in the first place.




Stealth has many potential applications in combat, most usefully to hide oneself in preparation for an Ambush, or to creep around an opponent in order to attack from behind. Of course, you can also use the Skill to escape a conflict unseen…




Specializations: Rural, Underground, Urban 




Options: Shadowing


Shadowing is following someone secretly. To do this requires a Combined Perception and Stealth Test. If the target is actively trying to lose a tail, it is Opposed with the target’s Stealth Skill.




If you pass the Perception Test, and fail the Stealth Test you follow your target, but are spotted. If you fail the perception Test, yet pass the Stealth Test, you lose your target, but go unnoticed

"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"advanced":{"value":"bsc","type":"String"},"grouped":{"value":"isSpec","type":"String"},"characteristic":{"type":"String","label":"Characteristic","value":"ag"},"advances":{"type":"Number","label":"Advances","value":0},"total":{"type":"Number","label":"Total"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"Ggx0bRaCuq8MbF0g","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Gold Crown","type":"money","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/currency/goldcrown.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"quantity":{"type":"Number","label":"Quantity","value":0},"encumbrance":{"type":"Number","label":"Encumbrance","value":0.005},"location":{"type":"Number","label":"Location","value":0},"coinValue":{"label":"Value (in d)","type":"Number","value":240},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"KB8HgDz56dh2w7w1","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Silver Shilling","type":"money","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/currency/silvershilling.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"quantity":{"type":"Number","label":"Quantity","value":0},"encumbrance":{"type":"Number","label":"Encumbrance","value":0.005},"location":{"type":"Number","label":"Location","value":0},"coinValue":{"label":"Value (in d)","type":"Number","value":12},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"0MYOJFx3vkYA95B4","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Brass Penny","type":"money","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/currency/brasspenny.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"quantity":{"type":"Number","label":"Quantity","value":0},"encumbrance":{"type":"Number","label":"Encumbrance","value":0.005},"location":{"type":"Number","label":"Location","value":0},"coinValue":{"label":"Value (in d)","type":"Number","value":1},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"oh4GDQczaQTMcvQ1","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Corruption","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"The creature is tainted by Chaos, or perhaps suffused with Dark Magics. The Strength of the Corruption is marked in brackets."},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":false,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"","bonusCharacteristic":"","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"Minor","type":"String","label":"Specification"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}},"sort":100000},{"_id":"5tjGD31mJZJMF7wF","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"Weapon","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"The creature carries a melee weapon, or uses teeth, claws, or similar in combat.\n \n The weapon causes Damage equal to its Rating which already includes the creature’s Strength Bonus. Typically it will be 4 + its Strength Bonus (representing a Hand Weapon)"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":true,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"ws","bonusCharacteristic":"s","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"4","type":"String","label":"Specification"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}},"sort":200000}]} {"name":"Mutant with Tentacles","permission":{"default":0,"Cq31UaFnLVMpY5dr":3},"type":"npc","data":{"characteristics":{"ws":{"type":"number","label":"CHAR.WS","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.WS","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"bs":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.BS","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.BS","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"s":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.S","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.S","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"t":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.T","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.T","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"i":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.I","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.I","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"ag":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.Ag","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.Ag","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"dex":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.Dex","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.Dex","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"int":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.Int","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.Int","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"wp":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.WP","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.WP","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"fel":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.Fel","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.Fel","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25}},"status":{"wounds":{"type":"Number","label":"Wounds","abrev":"W","value":12,"max":12},"advantage":{"type":"Number","label":"Advantage","value":"0","max":10},"criticalWounds":{"type":"Number","label":"Critical Wounds","value":0,"max":2},"sin":{"type":"Number","label":"Sin","value":"0"},"penalties":{"type":"String","label":"Penalties","value":""},"corruption":{"type":"Number","label":"Corruption","value":0},"encumbrance":{"type":"Number","label":"Encumbrance","max":6,"current":0}},"details":{"species":{"type":"String","label":"Species","value":"Mutant"},"gender":{"type":"String","label":"Gender","value":""},"size":{"type":"String","label":"Size","value":"avg"},"move":{"type":"Number","label":"Movement","value":"4","walk":8,"run":16},"god":{"type":"String","label":"God","value":""},"hitLocationTable":{"value":"hitloc","type":"String","label":"Hit Location Table"},"personal-ambitions":{"short-term":"","long-term":""},"party-ambitions":{"short-term":"","long-term":""},"motivation":{"value":""}}},"flags":{"autoCalcRun":true,"autoCalcWalk":true,"autoCalcWounds":true,"autoCalcCritW":true,"autoCalcCorruption":true,"autoCalcEnc":true,"modifier":"","defensive":0,"talentTests":[]},"img":"systems/wfrp4e/tokens/Mutant.png","token":{"flags":{},"name":"Mutant with Eyestalks (Copy)","displayName":20,"img":"systems/wfrp4e/tokens/Mutant.png","width":1,"height":1,"scale":1,"lockRotation":false,"rotation":0,"vision":false,"dimSight":0,"brightSight":0,"dimLight":0,"brightLight":0,"sightAngle":360,"lightAngle":360,"lightAlpha":1,"actorId":"zEa45EkPv9CPvgYT","actorLink":false,"actorData":{},"disposition":0,"displayBars":20,"bar1":{"attribute":"status.wounds"},"bar2":{"attribute":"status.advantage"},"randomImg":false},"items":[{"_id":"fdq3RFSOKl5b3WzW","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Art","type":"skill","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/skills/skill.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"

Create works of art in your chosen medium. Not having access to appropriate Trade Tools will incur a penalty to your Test. The SL achieved determines the quality of the final piece. For complicated or large works of art, an Extended Test may be required. The Art Skill has little use in combat, but marble busts make marvelous improvised weapons.




Specializations: Cartography, Engraving, Mosaics, Painting, Sculpture, Tattoo, Weaving 




Example: Irina has been commissioned to paint a portrait of a local noble, whose favor her party is currying. Her GM determines this requires a total of 10 SL in an Extended Art Test, with each Test representing a week’s work.


Your ability to run, jump and move with speed or grace, and to perform any general physical activity. Refer to Moving for details on using Athletics in combat movement. 


Your ability to judge how likely a person is to accept a bribe, and how best to offer the bribe so they will accept it. A successful Bribery Test tells you if a target may be bribed. If so, your GM will secretly determine the price of their cooperation using the target’s Earnings, increasing the amount according to their usual honesty and the risk involved in taking the bribe. You then guess that target amount and the GM will tell you if the price is higher, lower, or equal. Each SL from your initial Bribery Test gives you another guess. At the end of this process, you determine how much money to offer, based on what you have gleaned.




In combat, you may use Bribery as above to try to stop the fight, but treat the Test as Hard (–20) owing to the stress of the situation. If your target is not susceptible, you cannot afford the fee, or your foes do not speak your tongue, your pathetic attempts to buy them off will be doomed to fail. Of course, if they have the advantage of numbers, what’s to prevent them from taking all of your money?




Example: Snorri is trying to bribe his way past a city watchman; a character of the Brass Tier 2, meaning they roll 4d10 Brass for Income. The GM decides the guard can be bribed and secretly rolls 21 on the 4d10, meaning the price for bribing the guard is 21 Brass. Letting Snorri through isn’t too risky for the watchman, and he does it often, so the GM doesn’t increase the bribe required. Snorri rolls 1 SL on his Bribery Test; so, he knows the watchman is open to a bribe, and has 2 guesses as to his price. Snorri’s first guess is 15 Brass, to which his GM replies ‘higher’. His second guess is 40, to which his GM replies ‘lower’. Snorri now knows he must bribe the watchman between 15 and 40 Brass, so decides to aim high, and offers 30. Smiling, the watchman waves Snorri through.


Charm makes people think favorably of you, your opinions, and proposed actions. Passing an Opposed Charm/Cool Test allows you to influence the behavior of one or more targets, up to a maximum number equal to your Fellowship Bonus + SL, affecting those with the lowest Willpower first. If a target is amenable to your Charm, the Test will be uncontested.


Your GM may permit you to use Charm in Combat if they think your foes might be susceptible to you pleading for your life or making persuasive arguments to stop the violence (although good luck charming a Goblin)!


If you use Charm as your Action, calculate the number of targets affected as normal. If you use it to defend, you only affect your attacker. If you succeed, any affected targets will not attack you this round and you gain +1 Advantage as normal. You may do this in successive rounds until you choose to stop or fail a Charm Test, after which your words carry no more weight.


Your GM may permit you to use Charm in Combat if they think your foes might be susceptible to you pleading for your life or making persuasive arguments to stop the violence (although good luck charming a Goblin)!


If you use Charm as your Action, calculate the number of targets affected as normal. If you use it to defend, you only affect your attacker. If you succeed, any affected targets will not attack you this round and you gain +1 Advantage as normal. You may do this in successive rounds until you choose to stop or fail a Charm Test, after which your words carry no more weight.




Public Speaking


The charm skill can be used to make impressive speeches to sway multiple targets to your way of thinking. assuming they can hear you and are inclined to listen, you can influence up to your Fellowship Bonus + SL targets with a single charm Test, influencing targets with the lowest Willpower first. If the crowd is unruly, or not receptive to your words, the test is opposed by the crowd’s average Willpower (typically 35). A failure shows the crowd is unconvinced. the public speaking and master orator talents can significantly increase the number of people you affect with public speaking. an astounding Failure (-6) (see page 152) in a charm test means your crowd quickly becomes an angry mob, with you as the target of their ire… 






The Charm skill can be used to beg on the streets. A successful test will scrounge Fellowship Bonus × SL brass pennies per hour from passers-by, with the Difficulty modified by the pitch chosen for begging, and how much sympathy your appearance can elicit. If you score no SL, but still pass the skill test, you only manage to scrounge a single pfennig. an astounding Failure (-6) means you may have attracted problems from the local Watchmen, found some trouble with  other, local beggars, or suffer some other significant set-back.


Note: Characters who are caught begging by their peers or associates will likely lose status unless they are already in the Beggar, or in some other destitute, career. 



"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"advanced":{"value":"bsc","type":"String"},"grouped":{"value":"noSpec","type":"String"},"characteristic":{"type":"String","label":"Characteristic","value":"fel"},"advances":{"type":"Number","label":"Advances","value":0},"total":{"type":"Number","label":"Total"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"4IGdIhnwTaZijzg7","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"Charm Animal","type":"skill","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/skills/skill.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"

Your aptitude for be friending, quickly calming, or subjugating animals.




Passing a Charm Animal Test allows you to influence the behavior of one or more animals, to a maximum of Willpower Bonus + SL. If the target animals are naturally docile, this Test may be uncontested, but it will generally be Opposed by the target’s Willpower.




In combat, you may use Charm Animal when facing animals. If you succeed, any affected targets will not attack you this Round and you gain +1 Advantage. You may do this in successive rounds until you choose to stop or fail a Charm Test, after which the creature’s instincts take over and you have no further influence.


The ability to ascend steep or vertical surfaces.


If time isn’t an issue, and a climb is relatively easy, anyone with Climb Skill is automatically assumed to be able to climb any reasonably small height.


For any other climbing, Climbing during combat. You may even find yourself climbing large opponents, though whether that is prudent is debatable.

"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"advanced":{"value":"bsc","type":"String"},"grouped":{"value":"noSpec","type":"String"},"characteristic":{"type":"String","label":"Characteristic","value":"s"},"advances":{"type":"Number","label":"Advances","value":0},"total":{"type":"Number","label":"Total"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"R2ytluHiEFF2KQ5e","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Consume Alcohol","type":"skill","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/skills/skill.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"



Your ability to handle alcohol without letting it cloud your judgment or render you senseless.


After each alcoholic drink make a Consume Alcohol Test, modified by the strength of the drink. For each Test you fail, you suffer a –10 penalty to WS, BS, Ag, Dex, and Int, to a maximum of –30 per Characteristic. After you fail a number of Tests equal to your Toughness Bonus, you are Stinking Drunk. Roll on the following table to see what happens:






Stinking Drunk




 Marienburgher’s Courage!’: Gain a bonus of +20 to your Cool Skill.




You’re My Besht Mate!’: Ignore all your existing Prejudices and Animosities.




 ‘Why’s Everything Wobbling!’: On your Turn, you can either Move or take an Action, but not both.




‘I’ll Take Yer All On!’: Gain Animosity (Everybody)!




 ‘How Did I Get here?’: You wake up the next day, massively hungover, with little memory of what transpired. The GM and other players with you will fill in the embarrassing gaps if you investigate. Pass a Consume Alcohol Test or also gain a Poisoned Condition.




After not drinking for an hour, enact a Challenging (+0) Consume Alcohol Test. The effects of being drunk will wear


off after 10–SL hours, with any Characteristic modifiers for being drunk lost over that time. After all effects wear off, enact another Challenging (+0) Consume Alcohol Test. You now gain a hangover, which is an Fatigued Condition that cannot be removed for 5–SL hours.


You may expend 1 Resolve point to ignore the negative modifiers of being drunk until the end of the next round.






Cool allows you to remain calm under stress, resist fear when faced with horror, and stick to your convictions.




Cool is generally used to resist other Skills — Charm, Intimidate, and similar — but you may also be required to make a Cool Test when faced with anything forcing you to do something you would rather not. Cool is also the primary Skill used to limit Psychology


Dodge is your ability to avoid things, through ducking, diving, and moving quickly, and is used extensively to sidestep falling rocks, incoming weapons, unexpected traps, and the like.


In combat, Dodge is generally used to resist attacks or avoid damage. Refer to Rolling to Hit.




Drive lets you guide vehicles — most commonly simple carts and lumbering coaches, not to mention the more ‘experimental’ creations of the Imperial Engineers — along the roads of the Empire with as little incident as possible.




Under normal circumstances, if you possess the Drive Skill, there is no need to Test. If conditions are less than ideal — perhaps the road is in poor condition, or the weather is terrible — a Drive Test will be required. If you do not possess the Drive Skill, you may be required to make a Test to carry out even basic maneuver. An Astounding Failure (-6) on a Drive Test means something bad has happened. Roll on the following table:










Snapped Harness: One horse (or equivalent) breaks free; reduce speed accordingly.




 Jolted Carriage: Passengers suffer 1 Wound and fragile cargos might be damaged.




Broken Wheel: Pass a Drive Test every round to avoid Crashing. Two-wheeled vehicles with a Broken Wheel Crash automatically.




 Broken Axle: The vehicle goes out of control and Crashes.




Crashing: Occupants of Crashing vehicles usually suffer 2d10 Wounds modified by Toughness Bonus and Armor Points


unless the vehicle was moving slowly (as determined by the GM). Crashed vehicles must be repaired by someone with an appropriate Trade Skill, such as Trade (Carpenter) or Trade (Cartwright). Spare wheels can be installed by anyone with a Drive Test or with an appropriate Trade Test. In combat, Drive may be used if circumstances allow — for instance, if the party is in a coach being raided by outlaws, and you wish to ram an enemy, or outrun them.






The Endurance Skill is called upon when you must endure hardship, withstand deprivation, sit without moving for long periods of time, or survive harsh environments. In particular, Endurance is Tested to resist or recover from various Conditions (see page 167) and helps you recover lost Wounds.


Allows you to delight crowds with the spoken word, perhaps by singing, acting, or attempting a few jokes. A successful use of the Entertain Skill means you have entertained patrons near enough to hear you; the SL indicates how well you have done.


In combat, it is unlikely that Entertain will be of much use, although you may come up with an interesting way to use Entertain (Acting) to confuse or mislead your opponents.




Specialisations: Acting, Comedy, Singing, Storytelling 


Allows you to measure the likelihood that a bet will pay off, as well as successfully engage in various games of chance.


To represent a gambling match, all players make a Gamble Test — applying any appropriate modifiers for familiarity with the game — and the player with the highest SL wins. On a tie, any lower scoring players drop out, and those remaining enact another Gamble Test, repeating this process until you have a winner.


If you wish to influence the game through less honest mechanics, see Sleight of Hand.


You can quickly ferret out interesting and useful news, and spread rumors of your own. A successful Gossip Test means you have found out one useful piece of information, which your GM can impart to you, about the local area. Each SL either offers you an additional piece of information, or the chance to spread a rumor to a number of individuals equal to your Fellowship Bonus. The time required for a Gossip Test depends on how circumspect the players are being, and how busy the area is, as determined by the GM.


It is unlikely that Gossip will be much use in combat, but if your attacker happens to be local, and you happen to know something really juicy…




Half-Heard Whispers


While it may be expedient for GMs to quickly share information gleaned from Gossip tests to all players at once, it is often more fun to share the information only with individual players (either through a note, or through briefly taking them aside). This means the players must relate this information to one another in-character — aiding the immersive roleplaying experience — which allows for mistakes and misunderstandings, sometimes leading to hilarious, or horrific, results. 




Haggle allows you to secure better deals when negotiating with others. In general, Haggle is used to see whether you do, or do not, make a good deal, most commonly with an Opposed Haggle Test. Specifically, it can be used when shopping to secure better prices. For information on this, refer to Chapter 11: Consumers’ Guide.


Allows you to coerce or frighten sentient creatures. The precise manner of initiating an Intimidate Test depends on context: while it is generally accompanied by an overt threat, sometimes a subtle implication or even a look is enough. Intimidate is almost always Opposed by your target’s Cool Skill; if successful, you can intimidate a number of targets up to your Strength Bonus + SL. Each will react to Intimidate based on their individual personalities and how successful you were in menacing them, but in all cases, they will back down or move out of the way and will not speak out against you, or they will alternatively accept combat is the only way forward and prepare their weapons.




In combat, you cause @Compendium[wfrp4e.psychologies.Ib2YQYChktDFN93y]{Fear} in all Intimidated targets. You may also use your Intimidate Skill instead of Melee when defending against those afraid of you, causing the Intimidated parties to back away from the fight with your will and posture alone. Further, with your GM’s approval, you may use Intimidate to ‘attack’ such targets, issuing specific commands, such as ‘drop your weapons’ or ‘get out of here!’. However, if you fail any of these subsequent Intimidate Tests, you no longer Intimidate (or cause Fear) in affected opponents. With your GM’s permission you may try to Intimidate them again in a later Round, but this will incur a negative modifier, as they are less likely to fear you having seen through your bravado once already.




Alternative Characteristics For Intimidate


While strength is the default stat for Intimidate tests, the GM may decree certain situations may allow you to use a different characteristic: a steely witch hunter may use Willpower to stare down an inquisitive bystander, or an academic may use Intelligence to cow a lowly student with his intimidating knowledge, for instance. 




Example: Facing a group of footpads, Svetlana the Strong rolls 4 SL on her Intimidate Test. Combined with her SB of 5, this means she can affect up to 9 targets, more than enough to impact all three footpads who now Fear Svetlana. As she has won by 3 SL, she gains +1 Advantage point until the end of her next turn. In the next round, she ‘attacks’ the footpads using her Intimidate, intending to scare them into leaving her be. However, she fails the Test, and the footpads realize they outnumber her, and are armed… 




The Intuition Skill allows you to get a feel for your surroundings, leading you to notice when something is wrong, and gives you a sense of when people may be hiding something from you. A successful use of the Intuition Skill gives you subtle or implicit intelligence relating to your environment, determined by your GM. This may be information such as whether someone believes what they are saying, what the general attitude is towards the local noble, or if the helpful local’s motives are as pure as they seem. If someone is actively trying to hide their intent, they may resist your Intuition with Cool or Entertain (Acting).




In combat, a successful Intuition Test may be used to give you +1 Advantage as you weigh the environment and your opponents. You may continue building Advantage in subsequent turns providing you are able to observe your targets and are not interrupted (such as being attacked); you may gain a maximum Advantage equal to your Intelligence Bonus in this manner.


A measure of your ability to lead others and command their respect. While most often associated with martial situations, a resolute leader can quickly direct a fast response to a fire or other such calamity, and nobles use the Skill frequently to command their lessers.




A successful Leadership Test allows you to issue orders to a number of targets equal to your Fellowship Bonus + SL. If the targets are your natural subordinates — a noble commanding serfs, or a sergeant commanding his troops — commands are usually unopposed. If there is no natural hierarchy in place, or the order is particularly challenging — such as ordering your soldiers to charge a Hydra head on — the Test is Opposed by your targets’ Cool.




In combat, you may use Leadership to encourage your subordinates. A successful Leadership Test confers a bonus of +10 to all Psychology Tests until the end of the next round (see page 190).




Further, Leadership can be used to transfer Advantage to allies able to hear you; following a successful Leadership Test, you may transfer an Advantage to one ally of your choice, plus a further +1 Advantage per SL scored, which can again go to any allies of your choice within earshot.




Example: Lord Ludwig von Schemp has been watching his two bodyguards discourse with some ruffians for three Rounds, using his Intuition Skill to build up 3 Advantage. Feeling it is going nowhere, he issues a peremptory order to attack the ringleader; passing his Leadership Test with 5 SL, he gives one bodyguard 2 of his Advantage, and the remaining bodyguard 1 Advantage, hoping this will bring a swift end to proceedings. 


The Melee Skill represents specific training with a single type of close combat weaponry. Each Melee Specialization indicates training in using a specific class of weapon. If you don’t have the correct Specialization for a weapon you wish to use, refer to Chapter 11: Consumers’ Guide for the correct weapon entry, and what penalties you will suffer. See Chapter 5: Rules for more detail about combat and using the Melee Skill.




Specializations: Basic, Brawling, Cavalry, Fencing, Flail, Parry, Pole-Arm, Two-Handed 


Navigation allows you to find your way in the wilderness using landmarks, stellar bodies or maps. Possessing the Navigation Skill means you know roughly where you are, and can find your way between well-known landmarks without a Test. A Test is only required if you are disoriented or travelling far from the beaten path, with success showing you the correct direction, or allowing you to avoid mishap.




If you are navigating a long journey, your GM may ask for an extended Navigation Test, modified by conditions, visible landmarks, and access to reliable geographical information. The SL required to succeed depends on how far the destination is, with each Test representing between an hour and a day’s travel, depending on the nature of the journey

"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"advanced":{"value":"bsc","type":"String"},"grouped":{"value":"noSpec","type":"String"},"characteristic":{"type":"String","label":"Characteristic","value":"i"},"advances":{"type":"Number","label":"Advances","value":0},"total":{"type":"Number","label":"Total"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"os4NKy5Oy6sRt1eh","flags":{},"name":"Outdoor Survival","type":"skill","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/skills/skill.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"

The Outdoor Survival Skill is used to survive in the wild, including the ability to fish, hunt, forage, and build fires and shelters. Experienced travelers are skilled at reading the signs of incoming inclement weather and finding the spoor of various dangerous beasts.




When camping, make an Outdoor Survival Test, modified by the harshness of conditions — for instance, a Test is Challenging (+0) if it is raining, Hard (–20) in a storm. A successful Test indicates you can provide yourself sustenance and shelter for the night. Each SL allows you to provide for one more character. If the Test is failed, you must make a Challenging (+0) Endurance Test or receive the Fatigued Condition. If you suffer an Astounding Failure, something untoward has happened, as determined by the GM; perhaps your camp is attacked in the night?




When fighting in the wilderness, you may make an Outdoor Survival Test to receive +1 Advantage, in the same way as Intuition, to a maximum number of Advantage equal to your Intelligence Bonus, as you spy out treacherous and advantageous terrain that you can best use to your advantage.




Gathering Food and Herbs


Gathering food or herbs normally takes around 2 hours. Hunting and foraging parties make one assisted Outdoor Survival Test for the group, with the Difficulty determined by the circumstances.








Your ability to notice things with your senses — sight, smell, hearing, touch, and taste, and any other senses you may possess, such as magical or non-Human senses. Your GM may ask for a Perception Test to detect something, like movement behind the treeline, the presence of a trap, or someone following you, modified by how easy it is to notice. Perception is also used to resist attempts to hide things through Skills such as Sleight of Hand or Stealth. Perception has multiple uses in combat, most commonly to notice important details beyond the immediately obvious about the surrounding environment and your opponents, as determined by the GM. 


How proficient you are at riding a particular group of animals; Ride (Horse), for example, will let you ride Horses, Mules, Donkeys, and similar. You’ll only need to make a Test when doing something out of the ordinary, such as racing, dressage, traversing dangerous terrain, or charging into combat. Otherwise, if you have at least one Advance in the Skill, you are presumed to be able to ride around without need of a Test.




If mounted on a steed, you move using the steed’s Movement statistic; if you wish to run, jump, or leap, you use your Ride Skill, not Athletics. An extended Ride Test may be needed if you are racing somewhere, the target SL depending on the length of the journey, the number of Tests indicating how long you take to arrive. A Ride Test may be modified by environmental conditions, and the temperament of your mount. For more information on mounts, see Chapter 12: Bestiary. The Ride skill can be used extensively in combat. See Chapter 5: Rules, for more on mounted combat.




Specializations: Demigryph, Great Wolf, Griffon, Horse, Pegasus 


Your prowess at pulling an oar and moving a boat through the water. The Row Skill is typically only used when racing, navigating rapids, desperately avoiding Bog Octopuses, or similar unusual or dangerous feats. Anyone with the Skill is automatically presumed to be able to scull about a pond, or over a gentle river, without a Test. Those without the skill may have to make a Test for anything but the most basic maneuvers. 


Allows you to creep quietly and conceal yourself in shadows more readily than most. Stealth is generally Opposed by an opponent’s Perception Skill, and Tests will be modifed by how dark or well concealed your route is, as well as how circumspectly you are dressed. An Impressive or Astounding Failure on a Stealth Test will likely draw the immediate attention of the enemies you were trying to avoid in the first place.




Stealth has many potential applications in combat, most usefully to hide oneself in preparation for an Ambush, or to creep around an opponent in order to attack from behind. Of course, you can also use the Skill to escape a conflict unseen…




Specializations: Rural, Underground, Urban 




Options: Shadowing


Shadowing is following someone secretly. To do this requires a Combined Perception and Stealth Test. If the target is actively trying to lose a tail, it is Opposed with the target’s Stealth Skill.




If you pass the Perception Test, and fail the Stealth Test you follow your target, but are spotted. If you fail the perception Test, yet pass the Stealth Test, you lose your target, but go unnoticed

"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"advanced":{"value":"bsc","type":"String"},"grouped":{"value":"isSpec","type":"String"},"characteristic":{"type":"String","label":"Characteristic","value":"ag"},"advances":{"type":"Number","label":"Advances","value":0},"total":{"type":"Number","label":"Total"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"Ggx0bRaCuq8MbF0g","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Gold Crown","type":"money","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/currency/goldcrown.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"quantity":{"type":"Number","label":"Quantity","value":0},"encumbrance":{"type":"Number","label":"Encumbrance","value":0.005},"location":{"type":"Number","label":"Location","value":0},"coinValue":{"label":"Value (in d)","type":"Number","value":240},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"KB8HgDz56dh2w7w1","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Silver Shilling","type":"money","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/currency/silvershilling.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"quantity":{"type":"Number","label":"Quantity","value":0},"encumbrance":{"type":"Number","label":"Encumbrance","value":0.005},"location":{"type":"Number","label":"Location","value":0},"coinValue":{"label":"Value (in d)","type":"Number","value":12},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"0MYOJFx3vkYA95B4","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Brass Penny","type":"money","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/currency/brasspenny.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"quantity":{"type":"Number","label":"Quantity","value":0},"encumbrance":{"type":"Number","label":"Encumbrance","value":0.005},"location":{"type":"Number","label":"Location","value":0},"coinValue":{"label":"Value (in d)","type":"Number","value":1},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"oh4GDQczaQTMcvQ1","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Corruption","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"The creature is tainted by Chaos, or perhaps suffused with Dark Magics. The Strength of the Corruption is marked in brackets."},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":false,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"","bonusCharacteristic":"","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"Minor","type":"String","label":"Specification"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}},"sort":100000},{"_id":"5tjGD31mJZJMF7wF","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"Weapon","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"The creature carries a melee weapon, or uses teeth, claws, or similar in combat.\n \n The weapon causes Damage equal to its Rating which already includes the creature’s Strength Bonus. Typically it will be 4 + its Strength Bonus (representing a Hand Weapon)"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":true,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"ws","bonusCharacteristic":"s","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"4","type":"String","label":"Specification"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}},"sort":200000},{"_id":"1VnKaO3KiXJO2raH","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"2 Tentacles","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"

The creature has a number of tentacles equal to #.

\n "},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":true,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"ws","bonusCharacteristic":"s","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"3","type":"String","label":"Specification"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}},"sort":300000}],"_id":"qgtTlKhapxfHBbpf"} {"_id":"qgtTlKhapxfHBbpf","name":"Mutant with Tentacles","permission":{"default":0,"Cq31UaFnLVMpY5dr":3},"type":"npc","data":{"characteristics":{"ws":{"type":"number","label":"CHAR.WS","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.WS","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"bs":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.BS","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.BS","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"s":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.S","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.S","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"t":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.T","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.T","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"i":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.I","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.I","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"ag":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.Ag","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.Ag","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"dex":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.Dex","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.Dex","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"int":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.Int","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.Int","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"wp":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.WP","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.WP","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"fel":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.Fel","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.Fel","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25}},"status":{"wounds":{"type":"Number","label":"Wounds","abrev":"W","value":12,"max":12},"advantage":{"type":"Number","label":"Advantage","value":"0","max":10},"criticalWounds":{"type":"Number","label":"Critical Wounds","value":0,"max":2},"sin":{"type":"Number","label":"Sin","value":"0"},"penalties":{"type":"String","label":"Penalties","value":""},"corruption":{"type":"Number","label":"Corruption","value":0},"encumbrance":{"type":"Number","label":"Encumbrance","max":6,"current":0}},"details":{"species":{"type":"String","label":"Species","value":"Mutant"},"gender":{"type":"String","label":"Gender","value":""},"size":{"type":"String","label":"Size","value":"avg"},"move":{"type":"Number","label":"Movement","value":"4","walk":8,"run":16},"god":{"type":"String","label":"God","value":""},"hitLocationTable":{"value":"hitloc","type":"String","label":"Hit Location Table"},"personal-ambitions":{"short-term":"","long-term":""},"party-ambitions":{"short-term":"","long-term":""},"motivation":{"value":""}}},"sort":100001,"flags":{"autoCalcRun":true,"autoCalcWalk":true,"autoCalcWounds":true,"autoCalcCritW":true,"autoCalcCorruption":true,"autoCalcEnc":true,"modifier":"","defensive":0,"talentTests":[]},"img":"systems/wfrp4e/tokens/Mutant.png","token":{"flags":{},"name":"Mutant with Eyestalks (Copy)","displayName":20,"img":"systems/wfrp4e/tokens/Mutant.png","width":1,"height":1,"scale":1,"lockRotation":false,"rotation":0,"vision":false,"dimSight":0,"brightSight":0,"dimLight":0,"brightLight":0,"sightAngle":360,"lightAngle":360,"lightAlpha":1,"actorId":"qgtTlKhapxfHBbpf","actorLink":false,"actorData":{},"disposition":0,"displayBars":20,"bar1":{"attribute":"status.wounds"},"bar2":{"attribute":"status.advantage"},"randomImg":false},"items":[{"_id":"fdq3RFSOKl5b3WzW","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Art","type":"skill","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/skills/skill.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"

Create works of art in your chosen medium. Not having access to appropriate Trade Tools will incur a penalty to your Test. The SL achieved determines the quality of the final piece. For complicated or large works of art, an Extended Test may be required. The Art Skill has little use in combat, but marble busts make marvelous improvised weapons.




Specializations: Cartography, Engraving, Mosaics, Painting, Sculpture, Tattoo, Weaving 




Example: Irina has been commissioned to paint a portrait of a local noble, whose favor her party is currying. Her GM determines this requires a total of 10 SL in an Extended Art Test, with each Test representing a week’s work.


Your ability to run, jump and move with speed or grace, and to perform any general physical activity. Refer to Moving for details on using Athletics in combat movement. 


Your ability to judge how likely a person is to accept a bribe, and how best to offer the bribe so they will accept it. A successful Bribery Test tells you if a target may be bribed. If so, your GM will secretly determine the price of their cooperation using the target’s Earnings, increasing the amount according to their usual honesty and the risk involved in taking the bribe. You then guess that target amount and the GM will tell you if the price is higher, lower, or equal. Each SL from your initial Bribery Test gives you another guess. At the end of this process, you determine how much money to offer, based on what you have gleaned.




In combat, you may use Bribery as above to try to stop the fight, but treat the Test as Hard (–20) owing to the stress of the situation. If your target is not susceptible, you cannot afford the fee, or your foes do not speak your tongue, your pathetic attempts to buy them off will be doomed to fail. Of course, if they have the advantage of numbers, what’s to prevent them from taking all of your money?




Example: Snorri is trying to bribe his way past a city watchman; a character of the Brass Tier 2, meaning they roll 4d10 Brass for Income. The GM decides the guard can be bribed and secretly rolls 21 on the 4d10, meaning the price for bribing the guard is 21 Brass. Letting Snorri through isn’t too risky for the watchman, and he does it often, so the GM doesn’t increase the bribe required. Snorri rolls 1 SL on his Bribery Test; so, he knows the watchman is open to a bribe, and has 2 guesses as to his price. Snorri’s first guess is 15 Brass, to which his GM replies ‘higher’. His second guess is 40, to which his GM replies ‘lower’. Snorri now knows he must bribe the watchman between 15 and 40 Brass, so decides to aim high, and offers 30. Smiling, the watchman waves Snorri through.


Charm makes people think favorably of you, your opinions, and proposed actions. Passing an Opposed Charm/Cool Test allows you to influence the behavior of one or more targets, up to a maximum number equal to your Fellowship Bonus + SL, affecting those with the lowest Willpower first. If a target is amenable to your Charm, the Test will be uncontested.


Your GM may permit you to use Charm in Combat if they think your foes might be susceptible to you pleading for your life or making persuasive arguments to stop the violence (although good luck charming a Goblin)!


If you use Charm as your Action, calculate the number of targets affected as normal. If you use it to defend, you only affect your attacker. If you succeed, any affected targets will not attack you this round and you gain +1 Advantage as normal. You may do this in successive rounds until you choose to stop or fail a Charm Test, after which your words carry no more weight.


Your GM may permit you to use Charm in Combat if they think your foes might be susceptible to you pleading for your life or making persuasive arguments to stop the violence (although good luck charming a Goblin)!


If you use Charm as your Action, calculate the number of targets affected as normal. If you use it to defend, you only affect your attacker. If you succeed, any affected targets will not attack you this round and you gain +1 Advantage as normal. You may do this in successive rounds until you choose to stop or fail a Charm Test, after which your words carry no more weight.




Public Speaking


The charm skill can be used to make impressive speeches to sway multiple targets to your way of thinking. assuming they can hear you and are inclined to listen, you can influence up to your Fellowship Bonus + SL targets with a single charm Test, influencing targets with the lowest Willpower first. If the crowd is unruly, or not receptive to your words, the test is opposed by the crowd’s average Willpower (typically 35). A failure shows the crowd is unconvinced. the public speaking and master orator talents can significantly increase the number of people you affect with public speaking. an astounding Failure (-6) (see page 152) in a charm test means your crowd quickly becomes an angry mob, with you as the target of their ire… 






The Charm skill can be used to beg on the streets. A successful test will scrounge Fellowship Bonus × SL brass pennies per hour from passers-by, with the Difficulty modified by the pitch chosen for begging, and how much sympathy your appearance can elicit. If you score no SL, but still pass the skill test, you only manage to scrounge a single pfennig. an astounding Failure (-6) means you may have attracted problems from the local Watchmen, found some trouble with  other, local beggars, or suffer some other significant set-back.


Note: Characters who are caught begging by their peers or associates will likely lose status unless they are already in the Beggar, or in some other destitute, career. 



"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"advanced":{"value":"bsc","type":"String"},"grouped":{"value":"noSpec","type":"String"},"characteristic":{"type":"String","label":"Characteristic","value":"fel"},"advances":{"type":"Number","label":"Advances","value":0},"total":{"type":"Number","label":"Total"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"4IGdIhnwTaZijzg7","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"Charm Animal","type":"skill","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/skills/skill.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"

Your aptitude for be friending, quickly calming, or subjugating animals.




Passing a Charm Animal Test allows you to influence the behavior of one or more animals, to a maximum of Willpower Bonus + SL. If the target animals are naturally docile, this Test may be uncontested, but it will generally be Opposed by the target’s Willpower.




In combat, you may use Charm Animal when facing animals. If you succeed, any affected targets will not attack you this Round and you gain +1 Advantage. You may do this in successive rounds until you choose to stop or fail a Charm Test, after which the creature’s instincts take over and you have no further influence.


The ability to ascend steep or vertical surfaces.


If time isn’t an issue, and a climb is relatively easy, anyone with Climb Skill is automatically assumed to be able to climb any reasonably small height.


For any other climbing, Climbing during combat. You may even find yourself climbing large opponents, though whether that is prudent is debatable.

"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"advanced":{"value":"bsc","type":"String"},"grouped":{"value":"noSpec","type":"String"},"characteristic":{"type":"String","label":"Characteristic","value":"s"},"advances":{"type":"Number","label":"Advances","value":0},"total":{"type":"Number","label":"Total"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"R2ytluHiEFF2KQ5e","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Consume Alcohol","type":"skill","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/skills/skill.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"



Your ability to handle alcohol without letting it cloud your judgment or render you senseless.


After each alcoholic drink make a Consume Alcohol Test, modified by the strength of the drink. For each Test you fail, you suffer a –10 penalty to WS, BS, Ag, Dex, and Int, to a maximum of –30 per Characteristic. After you fail a number of Tests equal to your Toughness Bonus, you are Stinking Drunk. Roll on the following table to see what happens:






Stinking Drunk




 Marienburgher’s Courage!’: Gain a bonus of +20 to your Cool Skill.




You’re My Besht Mate!’: Ignore all your existing Prejudices and Animosities.




 ‘Why’s Everything Wobbling!’: On your Turn, you can either Move or take an Action, but not both.




‘I’ll Take Yer All On!’: Gain Animosity (Everybody)!




 ‘How Did I Get here?’: You wake up the next day, massively hungover, with little memory of what transpired. The GM and other players with you will fill in the embarrassing gaps if you investigate. Pass a Consume Alcohol Test or also gain a Poisoned Condition.




After not drinking for an hour, enact a Challenging (+0) Consume Alcohol Test. The effects of being drunk will wear


off after 10–SL hours, with any Characteristic modifiers for being drunk lost over that time. After all effects wear off, enact another Challenging (+0) Consume Alcohol Test. You now gain a hangover, which is an Fatigued Condition that cannot be removed for 5–SL hours.


You may expend 1 Resolve point to ignore the negative modifiers of being drunk until the end of the next round.






Cool allows you to remain calm under stress, resist fear when faced with horror, and stick to your convictions.




Cool is generally used to resist other Skills — Charm, Intimidate, and similar — but you may also be required to make a Cool Test when faced with anything forcing you to do something you would rather not. Cool is also the primary Skill used to limit Psychology


Dodge is your ability to avoid things, through ducking, diving, and moving quickly, and is used extensively to sidestep falling rocks, incoming weapons, unexpected traps, and the like.


In combat, Dodge is generally used to resist attacks or avoid damage. Refer to Rolling to Hit.




Drive lets you guide vehicles — most commonly simple carts and lumbering coaches, not to mention the more ‘experimental’ creations of the Imperial Engineers — along the roads of the Empire with as little incident as possible.




Under normal circumstances, if you possess the Drive Skill, there is no need to Test. If conditions are less than ideal — perhaps the road is in poor condition, or the weather is terrible — a Drive Test will be required. If you do not possess the Drive Skill, you may be required to make a Test to carry out even basic maneuver. An Astounding Failure (-6) on a Drive Test means something bad has happened. Roll on the following table:










Snapped Harness: One horse (or equivalent) breaks free; reduce speed accordingly.




 Jolted Carriage: Passengers suffer 1 Wound and fragile cargos might be damaged.




Broken Wheel: Pass a Drive Test every round to avoid Crashing. Two-wheeled vehicles with a Broken Wheel Crash automatically.




 Broken Axle: The vehicle goes out of control and Crashes.




Crashing: Occupants of Crashing vehicles usually suffer 2d10 Wounds modified by Toughness Bonus and Armor Points


unless the vehicle was moving slowly (as determined by the GM). Crashed vehicles must be repaired by someone with an appropriate Trade Skill, such as Trade (Carpenter) or Trade (Cartwright). Spare wheels can be installed by anyone with a Drive Test or with an appropriate Trade Test. In combat, Drive may be used if circumstances allow — for instance, if the party is in a coach being raided by outlaws, and you wish to ram an enemy, or outrun them.






The Endurance Skill is called upon when you must endure hardship, withstand deprivation, sit without moving for long periods of time, or survive harsh environments. In particular, Endurance is Tested to resist or recover from various Conditions (see page 167) and helps you recover lost Wounds.


Allows you to delight crowds with the spoken word, perhaps by singing, acting, or attempting a few jokes. A successful use of the Entertain Skill means you have entertained patrons near enough to hear you; the SL indicates how well you have done.


In combat, it is unlikely that Entertain will be of much use, although you may come up with an interesting way to use Entertain (Acting) to confuse or mislead your opponents.




Specialisations: Acting, Comedy, Singing, Storytelling 


Allows you to measure the likelihood that a bet will pay off, as well as successfully engage in various games of chance.


To represent a gambling match, all players make a Gamble Test — applying any appropriate modifiers for familiarity with the game — and the player with the highest SL wins. On a tie, any lower scoring players drop out, and those remaining enact another Gamble Test, repeating this process until you have a winner.


If you wish to influence the game through less honest mechanics, see Sleight of Hand.


You can quickly ferret out interesting and useful news, and spread rumors of your own. A successful Gossip Test means you have found out one useful piece of information, which your GM can impart to you, about the local area. Each SL either offers you an additional piece of information, or the chance to spread a rumor to a number of individuals equal to your Fellowship Bonus. The time required for a Gossip Test depends on how circumspect the players are being, and how busy the area is, as determined by the GM.


It is unlikely that Gossip will be much use in combat, but if your attacker happens to be local, and you happen to know something really juicy…




Half-Heard Whispers


While it may be expedient for GMs to quickly share information gleaned from Gossip tests to all players at once, it is often more fun to share the information only with individual players (either through a note, or through briefly taking them aside). This means the players must relate this information to one another in-character — aiding the immersive roleplaying experience — which allows for mistakes and misunderstandings, sometimes leading to hilarious, or horrific, results. 




Haggle allows you to secure better deals when negotiating with others. In general, Haggle is used to see whether you do, or do not, make a good deal, most commonly with an Opposed Haggle Test. Specifically, it can be used when shopping to secure better prices. For information on this, refer to Chapter 11: Consumers’ Guide.


Allows you to coerce or frighten sentient creatures. The precise manner of initiating an Intimidate Test depends on context: while it is generally accompanied by an overt threat, sometimes a subtle implication or even a look is enough. Intimidate is almost always Opposed by your target’s Cool Skill; if successful, you can intimidate a number of targets up to your Strength Bonus + SL. Each will react to Intimidate based on their individual personalities and how successful you were in menacing them, but in all cases, they will back down or move out of the way and will not speak out against you, or they will alternatively accept combat is the only way forward and prepare their weapons.




In combat, you cause @Compendium[wfrp4e.psychologies.Ib2YQYChktDFN93y]{Fear} in all Intimidated targets. You may also use your Intimidate Skill instead of Melee when defending against those afraid of you, causing the Intimidated parties to back away from the fight with your will and posture alone. Further, with your GM’s approval, you may use Intimidate to ‘attack’ such targets, issuing specific commands, such as ‘drop your weapons’ or ‘get out of here!’. However, if you fail any of these subsequent Intimidate Tests, you no longer Intimidate (or cause Fear) in affected opponents. With your GM’s permission you may try to Intimidate them again in a later Round, but this will incur a negative modifier, as they are less likely to fear you having seen through your bravado once already.




Alternative Characteristics For Intimidate


While strength is the default stat for Intimidate tests, the GM may decree certain situations may allow you to use a different characteristic: a steely witch hunter may use Willpower to stare down an inquisitive bystander, or an academic may use Intelligence to cow a lowly student with his intimidating knowledge, for instance. 




Example: Facing a group of footpads, Svetlana the Strong rolls 4 SL on her Intimidate Test. Combined with her SB of 5, this means she can affect up to 9 targets, more than enough to impact all three footpads who now Fear Svetlana. As she has won by 3 SL, she gains +1 Advantage point until the end of her next turn. In the next round, she ‘attacks’ the footpads using her Intimidate, intending to scare them into leaving her be. However, she fails the Test, and the footpads realize they outnumber her, and are armed… 




The Intuition Skill allows you to get a feel for your surroundings, leading you to notice when something is wrong, and gives you a sense of when people may be hiding something from you. A successful use of the Intuition Skill gives you subtle or implicit intelligence relating to your environment, determined by your GM. This may be information such as whether someone believes what they are saying, what the general attitude is towards the local noble, or if the helpful local’s motives are as pure as they seem. If someone is actively trying to hide their intent, they may resist your Intuition with Cool or Entertain (Acting).




In combat, a successful Intuition Test may be used to give you +1 Advantage as you weigh the environment and your opponents. You may continue building Advantage in subsequent turns providing you are able to observe your targets and are not interrupted (such as being attacked); you may gain a maximum Advantage equal to your Intelligence Bonus in this manner.


A measure of your ability to lead others and command their respect. While most often associated with martial situations, a resolute leader can quickly direct a fast response to a fire or other such calamity, and nobles use the Skill frequently to command their lessers.




A successful Leadership Test allows you to issue orders to a number of targets equal to your Fellowship Bonus + SL. If the targets are your natural subordinates — a noble commanding serfs, or a sergeant commanding his troops — commands are usually unopposed. If there is no natural hierarchy in place, or the order is particularly challenging — such as ordering your soldiers to charge a Hydra head on — the Test is Opposed by your targets’ Cool.




In combat, you may use Leadership to encourage your subordinates. A successful Leadership Test confers a bonus of +10 to all Psychology Tests until the end of the next round (see page 190).




Further, Leadership can be used to transfer Advantage to allies able to hear you; following a successful Leadership Test, you may transfer an Advantage to one ally of your choice, plus a further +1 Advantage per SL scored, which can again go to any allies of your choice within earshot.




Example: Lord Ludwig von Schemp has been watching his two bodyguards discourse with some ruffians for three Rounds, using his Intuition Skill to build up 3 Advantage. Feeling it is going nowhere, he issues a peremptory order to attack the ringleader; passing his Leadership Test with 5 SL, he gives one bodyguard 2 of his Advantage, and the remaining bodyguard 1 Advantage, hoping this will bring a swift end to proceedings. 


The Melee Skill represents specific training with a single type of close combat weaponry. Each Melee Specialization indicates training in using a specific class of weapon. If you don’t have the correct Specialization for a weapon you wish to use, refer to Chapter 11: Consumers’ Guide for the correct weapon entry, and what penalties you will suffer. See Chapter 5: Rules for more detail about combat and using the Melee Skill.




Specializations: Basic, Brawling, Cavalry, Fencing, Flail, Parry, Pole-Arm, Two-Handed 


Navigation allows you to find your way in the wilderness using landmarks, stellar bodies or maps. Possessing the Navigation Skill means you know roughly where you are, and can find your way between well-known landmarks without a Test. A Test is only required if you are disoriented or travelling far from the beaten path, with success showing you the correct direction, or allowing you to avoid mishap.




If you are navigating a long journey, your GM may ask for an extended Navigation Test, modified by conditions, visible landmarks, and access to reliable geographical information. The SL required to succeed depends on how far the destination is, with each Test representing between an hour and a day’s travel, depending on the nature of the journey

"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"advanced":{"value":"bsc","type":"String"},"grouped":{"value":"noSpec","type":"String"},"characteristic":{"type":"String","label":"Characteristic","value":"i"},"advances":{"type":"Number","label":"Advances","value":0},"total":{"type":"Number","label":"Total"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"os4NKy5Oy6sRt1eh","flags":{},"name":"Outdoor Survival","type":"skill","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/skills/skill.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"

The Outdoor Survival Skill is used to survive in the wild, including the ability to fish, hunt, forage, and build fires and shelters. Experienced travelers are skilled at reading the signs of incoming inclement weather and finding the spoor of various dangerous beasts.




When camping, make an Outdoor Survival Test, modified by the harshness of conditions — for instance, a Test is Challenging (+0) if it is raining, Hard (–20) in a storm. A successful Test indicates you can provide yourself sustenance and shelter for the night. Each SL allows you to provide for one more character. If the Test is failed, you must make a Challenging (+0) Endurance Test or receive the Fatigued Condition. If you suffer an Astounding Failure, something untoward has happened, as determined by the GM; perhaps your camp is attacked in the night?




When fighting in the wilderness, you may make an Outdoor Survival Test to receive +1 Advantage, in the same way as Intuition, to a maximum number of Advantage equal to your Intelligence Bonus, as you spy out treacherous and advantageous terrain that you can best use to your advantage.




Gathering Food and Herbs


Gathering food or herbs normally takes around 2 hours. Hunting and foraging parties make one assisted Outdoor Survival Test for the group, with the Difficulty determined by the circumstances.








Your ability to notice things with your senses — sight, smell, hearing, touch, and taste, and any other senses you may possess, such as magical or non-Human senses. Your GM may ask for a Perception Test to detect something, like movement behind the treeline, the presence of a trap, or someone following you, modified by how easy it is to notice. Perception is also used to resist attempts to hide things through Skills such as Sleight of Hand or Stealth. Perception has multiple uses in combat, most commonly to notice important details beyond the immediately obvious about the surrounding environment and your opponents, as determined by the GM. 


How proficient you are at riding a particular group of animals; Ride (Horse), for example, will let you ride Horses, Mules, Donkeys, and similar. You’ll only need to make a Test when doing something out of the ordinary, such as racing, dressage, traversing dangerous terrain, or charging into combat. Otherwise, if you have at least one Advance in the Skill, you are presumed to be able to ride around without need of a Test.




If mounted on a steed, you move using the steed’s Movement statistic; if you wish to run, jump, or leap, you use your Ride Skill, not Athletics. An extended Ride Test may be needed if you are racing somewhere, the target SL depending on the length of the journey, the number of Tests indicating how long you take to arrive. A Ride Test may be modified by environmental conditions, and the temperament of your mount. For more information on mounts, see Chapter 12: Bestiary. The Ride skill can be used extensively in combat. See Chapter 5: Rules, for more on mounted combat.




Specializations: Demigryph, Great Wolf, Griffon, Horse, Pegasus 


Your prowess at pulling an oar and moving a boat through the water. The Row Skill is typically only used when racing, navigating rapids, desperately avoiding Bog Octopuses, or similar unusual or dangerous feats. Anyone with the Skill is automatically presumed to be able to scull about a pond, or over a gentle river, without a Test. Those without the skill may have to make a Test for anything but the most basic maneuvers. 


Allows you to creep quietly and conceal yourself in shadows more readily than most. Stealth is generally Opposed by an opponent’s Perception Skill, and Tests will be modifed by how dark or well concealed your route is, as well as how circumspectly you are dressed. An Impressive or Astounding Failure on a Stealth Test will likely draw the immediate attention of the enemies you were trying to avoid in the first place.




Stealth has many potential applications in combat, most usefully to hide oneself in preparation for an Ambush, or to creep around an opponent in order to attack from behind. Of course, you can also use the Skill to escape a conflict unseen…




Specializations: Rural, Underground, Urban 




Options: Shadowing


Shadowing is following someone secretly. To do this requires a Combined Perception and Stealth Test. If the target is actively trying to lose a tail, it is Opposed with the target’s Stealth Skill.




If you pass the Perception Test, and fail the Stealth Test you follow your target, but are spotted. If you fail the perception Test, yet pass the Stealth Test, you lose your target, but go unnoticed

"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"advanced":{"value":"bsc","type":"String"},"grouped":{"value":"isSpec","type":"String"},"characteristic":{"type":"String","label":"Characteristic","value":"ag"},"advances":{"type":"Number","label":"Advances","value":0},"total":{"type":"Number","label":"Total"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"Ggx0bRaCuq8MbF0g","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Gold Crown","type":"money","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/currency/goldcrown.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"quantity":{"type":"Number","label":"Quantity","value":0},"encumbrance":{"type":"Number","label":"Encumbrance","value":0.005},"location":{"type":"Number","label":"Location","value":0},"coinValue":{"label":"Value (in d)","type":"Number","value":240},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"KB8HgDz56dh2w7w1","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Silver Shilling","type":"money","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/currency/silvershilling.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"quantity":{"type":"Number","label":"Quantity","value":0},"encumbrance":{"type":"Number","label":"Encumbrance","value":0.005},"location":{"type":"Number","label":"Location","value":0},"coinValue":{"label":"Value (in d)","type":"Number","value":12},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"0MYOJFx3vkYA95B4","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Brass Penny","type":"money","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/currency/brasspenny.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"quantity":{"type":"Number","label":"Quantity","value":0},"encumbrance":{"type":"Number","label":"Encumbrance","value":0.005},"location":{"type":"Number","label":"Location","value":0},"coinValue":{"label":"Value (in d)","type":"Number","value":1},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"oh4GDQczaQTMcvQ1","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Corruption","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"The creature is tainted by Chaos, or perhaps suffused with Dark Magics. The Strength of the Corruption is marked in brackets."},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":false,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"","bonusCharacteristic":"","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"Minor","type":"String","label":"Specification"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}},"sort":100000},{"_id":"5tjGD31mJZJMF7wF","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"Weapon","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"The creature carries a melee weapon, or uses teeth, claws, or similar in combat.\n \n The weapon causes Damage equal to its Rating which already includes the creature’s Strength Bonus. Typically it will be 4 + its Strength Bonus (representing a Hand Weapon)"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":true,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"ws","bonusCharacteristic":"s","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"4","type":"String","label":"Specification"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}},"sort":200000},{"_id":"1VnKaO3KiXJO2raH","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"2 Tentacles","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"

The creature has a number of tentacles equal to #.

\n "},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":true,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"ws","bonusCharacteristic":"s","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"3","type":"String","label":"Specification"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}},"sort":300000}]} {"name":"Blue Horror","permission":{"default":0,"Cq31UaFnLVMpY5dr":3},"type":"creature","data":{"characteristics":{"ws":{"type":"number","label":"Weapon Skill","abrev":"WS","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"bs":{"type":"Number","label":"Ballistic Skill","abrev":"BS","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"s":{"type":"Number","label":"Strength","abrev":"S","initial":35,"advances":0,"value":35,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"t":{"type":"Number","label":"Toughness","abrev":"T","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"i":{"type":"Number","label":"Initiative","abrev":"I","initial":35,"advances":0,"value":35,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"ag":{"type":"Number","label":"Agility","abrev":"Ag","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"dex":{"type":"Number","label":"Dexterity","abrev":"Dex","initial":35,"advances":0,"value":35,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"int":{"type":"Number","label":"Intelligence","abrev":"Int","initial":25,"advances":0,"value":25,"bonus":2,"cost":25},"wp":{"type":"Number","label":"Willpower","abrev":"WP","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"fel":{"type":"Number","label":"Fellowship","abrev":"Fel","initial":10,"advances":0,"value":10,"bonus":1,"cost":25}},"status":{"wounds":{"type":"Number","label":"Wounds","abrev":"W","value":12,"max":12},"advantage":{"type":"Number","label":"Advantage","value":"0","max":10},"criticalWounds":{"type":"Number","label":"Critical Wounds","value":0,"max":2},"sin":{"type":"Number","label":"Sin","value":"0"},"penalties":{"type":"String","label":"Penalties","value":""},"corruption":{"type":"Number","label":"Corruption","value":0},"encumbrance":{"type":"Number","label":"Encumbrance","max":6,"current":0}},"details":{"species":{"type":"String","label":"Species","value":"Daemon"},"gender":{"type":"String","label":"Gender","value":""},"size":{"type":"String","label":"Size","value":"avg"},"move":{"type":"Number","label":"Movement","value":"4","walk":8,"run":16},"god":{"type":"String","label":"God","value":""},"hitLocationTable":{"value":"hitloc","type":"String","label":"Hit Location Table"},"biography":{"value":"

Horrors of Tzeentch are the gibbering, mutable scions of the Changer of Ways. Many-limbed monstrosities, their form seems to writhe and change as arms, legs, and tentacles burst forth, snaking through the air, seeking prey to drag into their gaping maws. Creatures of pure magic, the air around them crackles and warps with unholy arcane energies.


Pink Horrors revel in change and in magic. When summoned, they giggle and gambol their way through the world, frolicking and capering with glee. Their cheerfully antic disposition means they are often known as ‘Squealers’ or ‘Whirling Destroyers’. As creatures of raw Chaos, they are drawn to one another, amplifying one another’s power, and conjuring fearsome bolts of magical flame to wreak havoc on those foolish enough to draw close.


Should a Pink Horror receive a blow sufficient enough to destroy its material manifestation, it explosively splits into two Blue Horrors, rather than being banished to the Realms of Chaos. In stark contrast to their giggling pink precursor, Blue Horrors appear sullen and malicious, their faces distorted into grimaces and sneers. Instead of laughter, their eldritch throats spew grumbling, muttered curses.


If a group of nine, or a multiple of nine, creatures have the @Compendium[eis.eisitems.jUX15HY3WhHTTqwV]{Tzeentch's Fire} trait, then all the creatures pool their resources  together and instead cast the @Compendium[eis.eisspells.R0uUNtxsHEEddMLV]{Tzeentch's Firestorm} Spell. Nine, of course, is Tzeentch’s sacred number.

"}},"excludedTraits":[10,11,12,13,14,15,"Ah2FDyFPJ3gdWuiz","Xj8q7PmERgyxBsob","nfDnS3oljEo2bfMb","QYEw1Eag3sPLJw6Q"]},"flags":{"autoCalcRun":true,"autoCalcWalk":true,"autoCalcWounds":true,"autoCalcCritW":true,"autoCalcCorruption":true,"autoCalcEnc":true,"defensive":0,"talentTests":[],"modifier":"","_sheetTab":"notes"},"img":"modules/eis/tokens/blue%20horror.png","token":{"flags":{},"name":"Blue Horror","displayName":20,"img":"modules/eis/tokens/blue%20horror.png","width":1,"height":1,"scale":1,"lockRotation":false,"rotation":0,"vision":false,"dimSight":0,"brightSight":0,"dimLight":0,"brightLight":0,"sightAngle":360,"lightAngle":360,"lightAlpha":1,"actorId":"Xxxtndkb6DWCgfJn","actorLink":false,"actorData":{},"disposition":0,"displayBars":20,"bar1":{"attribute":"status.wounds"},"bar2":{"attribute":"status.advantage"},"randomImg":false},"items":[{"_id":"yuGObELH7iLhKKRW","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"Corruption","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"The creature is tainted by Chaos, or perhaps suffused with Dark Magics. The Strength of the Corruption is marked in brackets."},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":false,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"","bonusCharacteristic":"","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"Moderate","type":"String","label":"Specification"}},"sort":100000},{"_id":"6OtSf1LezkPzrGgn","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"Daemonic","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"

The creature’s essence is raw magic, and unholy ichor pumps through what passes for its veins. Daemonic creatures do not require the normal prerequisites for life: food, water, air…


All its attacks are Magical. Roll 1d10 after any blow is received, if the creature rolls the Target number or higher, the blow is ignored, even if it is a critical. Should the creature be reduced to 0 Wounds, its soul returns to the Realms of Chaos immediately, removing it from play.


The creature causes supernatural Fear in other creatures, with a rating equal to its Rating.




The Fear trait represents an extreme aversion to something. Creatures that cause Fear have a Fear Rating; this value reflects the SL you are required to pass on an Extended Cool Test to overcome your Fear. You may continue to Test at the end of every round until your SL equals or surpasses the creature’s Fear rating. Until you do this, you are subject to Fear.




When subject to Fear, you suffer –1 SL on all Tests to affect the source of your fear. You may not move closer to whatever is causing Fear without passing a Challenging (+0) Cool Test. If it comes closer to you, you must pass a Challenging (+0) Cool Test, or gain a Broken Condition.

"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":false,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"","bonusCharacteristic":"","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"1","type":"String","label":"Specification"}},"sort":300000},{"_id":"PKCx5ekiO64pBOZw","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Tzeentch's Fire","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"

The creature is wreathed with Tzeentchs fire that frequently flies forth from fingertips, mouths, or burning eyes. All creatures of the same type (e.g. all Pink Horrors, or all Blue Horrors) in the vicinity pool their power. One Horror is chosen to be the focus (caster), and may cast 1 Tzeentch Spell: Pink Horrors cast the @Item[EWyHGvmyKDFnSgRT]{Pink Fire of Tzeentch} Spell; other creatures cast the @Item[NUsedIrcCRAAun2C]{Blue Fire of Tzeentch} Spell. Each additional contributing creature adds +1 SL, to a maximum of +9 SL, as a Free Action.


The creature’s corpus is maintained by foul magics that are inherently unstable in the material realm.


Whenever it ends a round engaged with any opponent with higher Advantage, the creature is driven back, and the magics holding it together weaken. It loses as many Wounds as the difference between its Advantage, and the highest Advantage engaged with it.


So, if the creature had 1 Advantage, and its opponent had 3, the creature would lose 2 Wounds. If the creature ever reach 0 Wounds, the magics holding it in place collapse, and it ‘dies’.

"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":false,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"","bonusCharacteristic":"","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"","type":"String","label":"Specification"}},"sort":3400001},{"_id":"sV785qFyW0mk4cTx","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"Weapon","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"The creature carries a melee weapon, or uses teeth, claws, or similar in combat.\n \n The weapon causes Damage equal to its Rating which already includes the creature’s Strength Bonus. Typically it will be 4 + its Strength Bonus (representing a Hand Weapon)"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":true,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"ws","bonusCharacteristic":"s","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"3","type":"String","label":"Specification"}},"sort":3500001},{"_id":"UbcS9PCqkdpj4v06","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Channelling","type":"skill","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/skills/skill.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"

The Channeling Skill measures your ability to call upon and control the various Winds of Magic, and is solely used by the magic rules. Channeling is a special skill in that it is both Grouped, allowing for Specializations, and also ungrouped, for those not properly trained to channel magic. 

"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"advanced":{"value":"adv","type":"String"},"grouped":{"value":"isSpec","type":"String"},"characteristic":{"type":"String","label":"Characteristic","value":"wp"},"advances":{"type":"Number","label":"Advances","value":5},"total":{"type":"Number","label":"Total"}},"sort":3600001},{"_id":"4DhPpi8GXklCRxEI","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Language (Magick)","type":"skill","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/skills/skill.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"

The Language Skill grants you access to extra languages beyond your native tongue. All characters are automatically assumed to be able to speak ‘Reikspiel’ — the language of the Empire — and their native language (if your character has one different to Reikspiel), without ever having to Test. If your game is not set in the Empire, replace Reikspiel with the local language.




If you possess a Language Skill, you are generally able to make yourself understood in that language, or to understand simple concepts. You will be asked to Test your Language Skill when a particularly difficult concept must be conveyed, or an obscure dialect or vocabulary is employed.




MagickSpoken by wizards; a tonal language used to shape the Winds of Magic into material effects. The academic form of the language taught by the Colleges of Magic is called the Lingua Praestantia, which is quite different to the debased form of the language used by witches and the untrained. It is not a language used for communication.

"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"advanced":{"value":"adv","type":"String"},"grouped":{"value":"isSpec","type":"String"},"characteristic":{"type":"String","label":"Characteristic","value":"int"},"advances":{"type":"Number","label":"Advances","value":5},"total":{"type":"Number","label":"Total"}},"sort":3700001},{"_id":"Ah2FDyFPJ3gdWuiz","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"Distracting","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"The creature distracts or confuse foes, possibly exuding a soporific musk or nauseating reek, or maybe its appearance is bizarrely horrifying. All living targets within a number of yards equal to its Toughness Bonus suffer a penalty of –20 to all Tests. A target can only suffer this penalty once, no matter how many Distracting foes there are. \r\r"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":false,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"","bonusCharacteristic":"","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"","type":"String","label":"Specification"}},"sort":3800001},{"_id":"nfDnS3oljEo2bfMb","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"Spellcaster","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"The creature can cast spells; the specific Lore of Magic will be indicated in brackets."},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":false,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"","bonusCharacteristic":"","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"Tzeentch","type":"String","label":"Specification"}},"sort":4100001},{"_id":"QYEw1Eag3sPLJw6Q","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"Tongue Attack (3 yards)","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"

The creature’s prehensile tongue can wrap itself around prey, dragging it to a grisly end.

\n "},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":true,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"bs","bonusCharacteristic":"","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"3","type":"String","label":"Specification"}},"sort":4200001},{"_id":"Xj8q7PmERgyxBsob","flags":{},"name":"Mutation","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"The creature is ‘blessed’ with a Mutation. Roll on the Physical Corruption Table\r\r"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":false,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"","bonusCharacteristic":"","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"","type":"String","label":"Specification"}},"sort":3900001}],"_id":"hOZ9DowJxDsW4bgY"} {"_id":"hOZ9DowJxDsW4bgY","name":"Blue Horror","permission":{"default":0,"Cq31UaFnLVMpY5dr":3},"type":"creature","data":{"characteristics":{"ws":{"type":"number","label":"Weapon Skill","abrev":"WS","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"bs":{"type":"Number","label":"Ballistic Skill","abrev":"BS","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"s":{"type":"Number","label":"Strength","abrev":"S","initial":35,"advances":0,"value":35,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"t":{"type":"Number","label":"Toughness","abrev":"T","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"i":{"type":"Number","label":"Initiative","abrev":"I","initial":35,"advances":0,"value":35,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"ag":{"type":"Number","label":"Agility","abrev":"Ag","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"dex":{"type":"Number","label":"Dexterity","abrev":"Dex","initial":35,"advances":0,"value":35,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"int":{"type":"Number","label":"Intelligence","abrev":"Int","initial":25,"advances":0,"value":25,"bonus":2,"cost":25},"wp":{"type":"Number","label":"Willpower","abrev":"WP","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"fel":{"type":"Number","label":"Fellowship","abrev":"Fel","initial":10,"advances":0,"value":10,"bonus":1,"cost":25}},"status":{"wounds":{"type":"Number","label":"Wounds","abrev":"W","value":12,"max":12},"advantage":{"type":"Number","label":"Advantage","value":"0","max":10},"criticalWounds":{"type":"Number","label":"Critical Wounds","value":0,"max":2},"sin":{"type":"Number","label":"Sin","value":"0"},"penalties":{"type":"String","label":"Penalties","value":""},"corruption":{"type":"Number","label":"Corruption","value":0},"encumbrance":{"type":"Number","label":"Encumbrance","max":6,"current":0}},"details":{"species":{"type":"String","label":"Species","value":"Daemon"},"gender":{"type":"String","label":"Gender","value":""},"size":{"type":"String","label":"Size","value":"avg"},"move":{"type":"Number","label":"Movement","value":"4","walk":8,"run":16},"god":{"type":"String","label":"God","value":""},"hitLocationTable":{"value":"hitloc","type":"String","label":"Hit Location Table"},"biography":{"value":"

Horrors of Tzeentch are the gibbering, mutable scions of the Changer of Ways. Many-limbed monstrosities, their form seems to writhe and change as arms, legs, and tentacles burst forth, snaking through the air, seeking prey to drag into their gaping maws. Creatures of pure magic, the air around them crackles and warps with unholy arcane energies.


Pink Horrors revel in change and in magic. When summoned, they giggle and gambol their way through the world, frolicking and capering with glee. Their cheerfully antic disposition means they are often known as ‘Squealers’ or ‘Whirling Destroyers’. As creatures of raw Chaos, they are drawn to one another, amplifying one another’s power, and conjuring fearsome bolts of magical flame to wreak havoc on those foolish enough to draw close.


Should a Pink Horror receive a blow sufficient enough to destroy its material manifestation, it explosively splits into two Blue Horrors, rather than being banished to the Realms of Chaos. In stark contrast to their giggling pink precursor, Blue Horrors appear sullen and malicious, their faces distorted into grimaces and sneers. Instead of laughter, their eldritch throats spew grumbling, muttered curses.


If a group of nine, or a multiple of nine, creatures have the @Compendium[eis.eisitems.jUX15HY3WhHTTqwV]{Tzeentch's Fire} trait, then all the creatures pool their resources  together and instead cast the @Compendium[eis.eisspells.R0uUNtxsHEEddMLV]{Tzeentch's Firestorm} Spell. Nine, of course, is Tzeentch’s sacred number.

"}},"excludedTraits":[10,11,12,13,14,15,"Ah2FDyFPJ3gdWuiz","Xj8q7PmERgyxBsob","nfDnS3oljEo2bfMb","QYEw1Eag3sPLJw6Q"]},"sort":100001,"flags":{"autoCalcRun":true,"autoCalcWalk":true,"autoCalcWounds":true,"autoCalcCritW":true,"autoCalcCorruption":true,"autoCalcEnc":true,"defensive":0,"talentTests":[],"modifier":"","_sheetTab":"notes"},"img":"modules/eis/tokens/blue%20horror.png","token":{"flags":{},"name":"Blue Horror","displayName":20,"img":"modules/eis/tokens/blue%20horror.png","width":1,"height":1,"scale":1,"lockRotation":false,"rotation":0,"vision":false,"dimSight":0,"brightSight":0,"dimLight":0,"brightLight":0,"sightAngle":360,"lightAngle":360,"lightAlpha":1,"actorId":"hOZ9DowJxDsW4bgY","actorLink":false,"actorData":{},"disposition":0,"displayBars":20,"bar1":{"attribute":"status.wounds"},"bar2":{"attribute":"status.advantage"},"randomImg":false},"items":[{"_id":"yuGObELH7iLhKKRW","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"Corruption","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"The creature is tainted by Chaos, or perhaps suffused with Dark Magics. The Strength of the Corruption is marked in brackets."},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":false,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"","bonusCharacteristic":"","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"Moderate","type":"String","label":"Specification"}},"sort":100000},{"_id":"6OtSf1LezkPzrGgn","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"Daemonic","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"

The creature’s essence is raw magic, and unholy ichor pumps through what passes for its veins. Daemonic creatures do not require the normal prerequisites for life: food, water, air…


All its attacks are Magical. Roll 1d10 after any blow is received, if the creature rolls the Target number or higher, the blow is ignored, even if it is a critical. Should the creature be reduced to 0 Wounds, its soul returns to the Realms of Chaos immediately, removing it from play.


The creature causes supernatural Fear in other creatures, with a rating equal to its Rating.




The Fear trait represents an extreme aversion to something. Creatures that cause Fear have a Fear Rating; this value reflects the SL you are required to pass on an Extended Cool Test to overcome your Fear. You may continue to Test at the end of every round until your SL equals or surpasses the creature’s Fear rating. Until you do this, you are subject to Fear.




When subject to Fear, you suffer –1 SL on all Tests to affect the source of your fear. You may not move closer to whatever is causing Fear without passing a Challenging (+0) Cool Test. If it comes closer to you, you must pass a Challenging (+0) Cool Test, or gain a Broken Condition.

"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":false,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"","bonusCharacteristic":"","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"1","type":"String","label":"Specification"}},"sort":300000},{"_id":"PKCx5ekiO64pBOZw","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Tzeentch's Fire","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"

The creature is wreathed with Tzeentchs fire that frequently flies forth from fingertips, mouths, or burning eyes. All creatures of the same type (e.g. all Pink Horrors, or all Blue Horrors) in the vicinity pool their power. One Horror is chosen to be the focus (caster), and may cast 1 Tzeentch Spell: Pink Horrors cast the @Item[EWyHGvmyKDFnSgRT]{Pink Fire of Tzeentch} Spell; other creatures cast the @Item[NUsedIrcCRAAun2C]{Blue Fire of Tzeentch} Spell. Each additional contributing creature adds +1 SL, to a maximum of +9 SL, as a Free Action.


The creature’s corpus is maintained by foul magics that are inherently unstable in the material realm.


Whenever it ends a round engaged with any opponent with higher Advantage, the creature is driven back, and the magics holding it together weaken. It loses as many Wounds as the difference between its Advantage, and the highest Advantage engaged with it.


So, if the creature had 1 Advantage, and its opponent had 3, the creature would lose 2 Wounds. If the creature ever reach 0 Wounds, the magics holding it in place collapse, and it ‘dies’.

"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":false,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"","bonusCharacteristic":"","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"","type":"String","label":"Specification"}},"sort":3400001},{"_id":"sV785qFyW0mk4cTx","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"Weapon","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"The creature carries a melee weapon, or uses teeth, claws, or similar in combat.\n \n The weapon causes Damage equal to its Rating which already includes the creature’s Strength Bonus. Typically it will be 4 + its Strength Bonus (representing a Hand Weapon)"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":true,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"ws","bonusCharacteristic":"s","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"3","type":"String","label":"Specification"}},"sort":3500001},{"_id":"UbcS9PCqkdpj4v06","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Channelling","type":"skill","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/skills/skill.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"

The Channeling Skill measures your ability to call upon and control the various Winds of Magic, and is solely used by the magic rules. Channeling is a special skill in that it is both Grouped, allowing for Specializations, and also ungrouped, for those not properly trained to channel magic. 

"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"advanced":{"value":"adv","type":"String"},"grouped":{"value":"isSpec","type":"String"},"characteristic":{"type":"String","label":"Characteristic","value":"wp"},"advances":{"type":"Number","label":"Advances","value":5},"total":{"type":"Number","label":"Total"}},"sort":3600001},{"_id":"4DhPpi8GXklCRxEI","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Language (Magick)","type":"skill","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/skills/skill.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"

The Language Skill grants you access to extra languages beyond your native tongue. All characters are automatically assumed to be able to speak ‘Reikspiel’ — the language of the Empire — and their native language (if your character has one different to Reikspiel), without ever having to Test. If your game is not set in the Empire, replace Reikspiel with the local language.




If you possess a Language Skill, you are generally able to make yourself understood in that language, or to understand simple concepts. You will be asked to Test your Language Skill when a particularly difficult concept must be conveyed, or an obscure dialect or vocabulary is employed.




MagickSpoken by wizards; a tonal language used to shape the Winds of Magic into material effects. The academic form of the language taught by the Colleges of Magic is called the Lingua Praestantia, which is quite different to the debased form of the language used by witches and the untrained. It is not a language used for communication.

"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"advanced":{"value":"adv","type":"String"},"grouped":{"value":"isSpec","type":"String"},"characteristic":{"type":"String","label":"Characteristic","value":"int"},"advances":{"type":"Number","label":"Advances","value":5},"total":{"type":"Number","label":"Total"}},"sort":3700001},{"_id":"Ah2FDyFPJ3gdWuiz","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"Distracting","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"The creature distracts or confuse foes, possibly exuding a soporific musk or nauseating reek, or maybe its appearance is bizarrely horrifying. All living targets within a number of yards equal to its Toughness Bonus suffer a penalty of –20 to all Tests. A target can only suffer this penalty once, no matter how many Distracting foes there are. \r\r"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":false,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"","bonusCharacteristic":"","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"","type":"String","label":"Specification"}},"sort":3800001},{"_id":"nfDnS3oljEo2bfMb","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"Spellcaster","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"The creature can cast spells; the specific Lore of Magic will be indicated in brackets."},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":false,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"","bonusCharacteristic":"","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"Tzeentch","type":"String","label":"Specification"}},"sort":4100001},{"_id":"QYEw1Eag3sPLJw6Q","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"Tongue Attack (3 yards)","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"

The creature’s prehensile tongue can wrap itself around prey, dragging it to a grisly end.

\n "},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":true,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"bs","bonusCharacteristic":"","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"3","type":"String","label":"Specification"}},"sort":4200001},{"_id":"Xj8q7PmERgyxBsob","flags":{},"name":"Mutation","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"The creature is ‘blessed’ with a Mutation. Roll on the Physical Corruption Table\r\r"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":false,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"","bonusCharacteristic":"","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"","type":"String","label":"Specification"}},"sort":3900001}]} {"name":"Pink Horror","permission":{"default":0,"Cq31UaFnLVMpY5dr":3},"type":"creature","data":{"characteristics":{"ws":{"type":"number","label":"Weapon Skill","abrev":"WS","initial":50,"advances":0,"value":50,"bonus":5,"cost":25},"bs":{"type":"Number","label":"Ballistic Skill","abrev":"BS","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"s":{"type":"Number","label":"Strength","abrev":"S","initial":35,"advances":0,"value":35,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"t":{"type":"Number","label":"Toughness","abrev":"T","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"i":{"type":"Number","label":"Initiative","abrev":"I","initial":35,"advances":0,"value":35,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"ag":{"type":"Number","label":"Agility","abrev":"Ag","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"dex":{"type":"Number","label":"Dexterity","abrev":"Dex","initial":35,"advances":0,"value":35,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"int":{"type":"Number","label":"Intelligence","abrev":"Int","initial":25,"advances":0,"value":25,"bonus":2,"cost":25},"wp":{"type":"Number","label":"Willpower","abrev":"WP","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"fel":{"type":"Number","label":"Fellowship","abrev":"Fel","initial":10,"advances":0,"value":10,"bonus":1,"cost":25}},"status":{"wounds":{"type":"Number","label":"Wounds","abrev":"W","value":12,"max":12},"advantage":{"type":"Number","label":"Advantage","value":"0","max":10},"criticalWounds":{"type":"Number","label":"Critical Wounds","value":0,"max":2},"sin":{"type":"Number","label":"Sin","value":"0"},"penalties":{"type":"String","label":"Penalties","value":""},"corruption":{"type":"Number","label":"Corruption","value":0},"encumbrance":{"type":"Number","label":"Encumbrance","max":6,"current":0}},"details":{"species":{"type":"String","label":"Species","value":"Daemon"},"gender":{"type":"String","label":"Gender","value":""},"size":{"type":"String","label":"Size","value":"avg"},"move":{"type":"Number","label":"Movement","value":"4","walk":8,"run":16},"god":{"type":"String","label":"God","value":""},"hitLocationTable":{"value":"hitloc","type":"String","label":"Hit Location Table"},"biography":{"value":"

Horrors of Tzeentch are the gibbering, mutable scions of the Changer of Ways. Many-limbed monstrosities, their form seems to writhe and change as arms, legs, and tentacles burst forth, snaking through the air, seeking prey to drag into their gaping maws. Creatures of pure magic, the air around them crackles and warps with unholy arcane energies.


Pink Horrors revel in change and in magic. When summoned, they giggle and gambol their way through the world, frolicking and capering with glee. Their cheerfully antic disposition means they are often known as ‘Squealers’ or ‘Whirling Destroyers’. As creatures of raw Chaos, they are drawn to one another, amplifying one another’s power, and conjuring fearsome bolts of magical flame to wreak havoc on those foolish enough to draw close.


Should a Pink Horror receive a blow sufficient enough to destroy its material manifestation, it explosively splits into two Blue Horrors, rather than being banished to the Realms of Chaos. In stark contrast to their giggling pink precursor, Blue Horrors appear sullen and malicious, their faces distorted into grimaces and sneers. Instead of laughter, their eldritch throats spew grumbling, muttered curses.


If a group of nine, or a multiple of nine, creatures have the @Compendium[eis.eisitems.jUX15HY3WhHTTqwV]{Tzeentch's Fire} trait, then all the creatures pool their resources  together and instead cast the @Compendium[eis.eisspells.R0uUNtxsHEEddMLV]{Tzeentch's Firestorm} Spell. Nine, of course, is Tzeentch’s sacred number.

"}},"excludedTraits":[10,11,12,13,14,"SpEuNd2VwqvL7cIi","BsEZDnEE7svcX2rI","fHulIgkWBelvz6GA","hPGJOdq2b6V5zJYR","OTdg46vMJsdf9KaX"]},"flags":{"autoCalcRun":true,"autoCalcWalk":true,"autoCalcWounds":true,"autoCalcCritW":true,"autoCalcCorruption":true,"autoCalcEnc":true,"defensive":0,"talentTests":[],"modifier":"","_sheetTab":"notes"},"img":"modules/eis/tokens/pink%20horror.png","token":{"flags":{},"name":"Pink Horror","displayName":20,"img":"modules/eis/tokens/pink%20horror.png","width":1,"height":1,"scale":1,"lockRotation":false,"rotation":0,"vision":false,"dimSight":0,"brightSight":0,"dimLight":0,"brightLight":0,"sightAngle":360,"lightAngle":360,"lightAlpha":1,"actorId":"9gj1zSM0bX97fmLz","actorLink":false,"actorData":{},"disposition":0,"displayBars":20,"bar1":{"attribute":"status.wounds"},"bar2":{"attribute":"status.advantage"},"randomImg":false},"items":[{"_id":"BJhL3LJnDWkBw3lu","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"Corruption","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"The creature is tainted by Chaos, or perhaps suffused with Dark Magics. The Strength of the Corruption is marked in brackets."},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":false,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"","bonusCharacteristic":"","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"Moderate","type":"String","label":"Specification"}},"sort":100000},{"_id":"7I45LEXl6GdZs3TA","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"Daemonic","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"

The creature’s essence is raw magic, and unholy ichor pumps through what passes for its veins. Daemonic creatures do not require the normal prerequisites for life: food, water, air…


All its attacks are Magical. Roll 1d10 after any blow is received, if the creature rolls the Target number or higher, the blow is ignored, even if it is a critical. Should the creature be reduced to 0 Wounds, its soul returns to the Realms of Chaos immediately, removing it from play.


The creature causes supernatural Fear in other creatures, with a rating equal to its Rating.




The Fear trait represents an extreme aversion to something. Creatures that cause Fear have a Fear Rating; this value reflects the SL you are required to pass on an Extended Cool Test to overcome your Fear. You may continue to Test at the end of every round until your SL equals or surpasses the creature’s Fear rating. Until you do this, you are subject to Fear.




When subject to Fear, you suffer –1 SL on all Tests to affect the source of your fear. You may not move closer to whatever is causing Fear without passing a Challenging (+0) Cool Test. If it comes closer to you, you must pass a Challenging (+0) Cool Test, or gain a Broken Condition.


If the creature suffers a Critical Wound, or loses all its Wounds, it splits in half and is replaced by two Blue Horrors, both of which are unwounded.

"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":false,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"","bonusCharacteristic":"","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"","type":"String","label":"Specification"}},"sort":3200001},{"_id":"WcRzNc1EkQsNZsW6","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Tzeentch's Fire","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"

The creature is wreathed with Tzeentchs fire that frequently flies forth from fingertips, mouths, or burning eyes. All creatures of the same type (e.g. all Pink Horrors, or all Blue Horrors) in the vicinity pool their power. One Horror is chosen to be the focus (caster), and may cast 1 Tzeentch Spell: Pink Horrors cast the @Item[EWyHGvmyKDFnSgRT]{Pink Fire of Tzeentch} Spell; other creatures cast the @Item[NUsedIrcCRAAun2C]{Blue Fire of Tzeentch} Spell. Each additional contributing creature adds +1 SL, to a maximum of +9 SL, as a Free Action.


The creature’s corpus is maintained by foul magics that are inherently unstable in the material realm.


Whenever it ends a round engaged with any opponent with higher Advantage, the creature is driven back, and the magics holding it together weaken. It loses as many Wounds as the difference between its Advantage, and the highest Advantage engaged with it.


So, if the creature had 1 Advantage, and its opponent had 3, the creature would lose 2 Wounds. If the creature ever reach 0 Wounds, the magics holding it in place collapse, and it ‘dies’.

"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":false,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"","bonusCharacteristic":"","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"","type":"String","label":"Specification"}},"sort":3400001},{"_id":"EJA69ti8i9Ag3yb3","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"Weapon","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"The creature carries a melee weapon, or uses teeth, claws, or similar in combat.\n \n The weapon causes Damage equal to its Rating which already includes the creature’s Strength Bonus. Typically it will be 4 + its Strength Bonus (representing a Hand Weapon)"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":true,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"ws","bonusCharacteristic":"s","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"5","type":"String","label":"Specification"}},"sort":3500001},{"_id":"bXOub1kVVuJKwuG3","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Channelling","type":"skill","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/skills/skill.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"

The Channeling Skill measures your ability to call upon and control the various Winds of Magic, and is solely used by the magic rules. Channeling is a special skill in that it is both Grouped, allowing for Specializations, and also ungrouped, for those not properly trained to channel magic. 

"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"advanced":{"value":"adv","type":"String"},"grouped":{"value":"isSpec","type":"String"},"characteristic":{"type":"String","label":"Characteristic","value":"wp"},"advances":{"type":"Number","label":"Advances","value":35},"total":{"type":"Number","label":"Total"}},"sort":3600001},{"_id":"YHMNBUcnp4OVtAlz","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Language (Magick)","type":"skill","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/skills/skill.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"

The Language Skill grants you access to extra languages beyond your native tongue. All characters are automatically assumed to be able to speak ‘Reikspiel’ — the language of the Empire — and their native language (if your character has one different to Reikspiel), without ever having to Test. If your game is not set in the Empire, replace Reikspiel with the local language.




If you possess a Language Skill, you are generally able to make yourself understood in that language, or to understand simple concepts. You will be asked to Test your Language Skill when a particularly difficult concept must be conveyed, or an obscure dialect or vocabulary is employed.




MagickSpoken by wizards; a tonal language used to shape the Winds of Magic into material effects. The academic form of the language taught by the Colleges of Magic is called the Lingua Praestantia, which is quite different to the debased form of the language used by witches and the untrained. It is not a language used for communication.

"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"advanced":{"value":"adv","type":"String"},"grouped":{"value":"isSpec","type":"String"},"characteristic":{"type":"String","label":"Characteristic","value":"int"},"advances":{"type":"Number","label":"Advances","value":30},"total":{"type":"Number","label":"Total"}},"sort":3700001},{"_id":"SpEuNd2VwqvL7cIi","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"Distracting","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"The creature distracts or confuse foes, possibly exuding a soporific musk or nauseating reek, or maybe its appearance is bizarrely horrifying. All living targets within a number of yards equal to its Toughness Bonus suffer a penalty of –20 to all Tests. A target can only suffer this penalty once, no matter how many Distracting foes there are. \r\r"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":false,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"","bonusCharacteristic":"","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"","type":"String","label":"Specification"}},"sort":3800001},{"_id":"BsEZDnEE7svcX2rI","flags":{},"name":"Mutation","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"The creature is ‘blessed’ with a Mutation. Roll on the Physical Corruption Table\r\r"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":false,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"","bonusCharacteristic":"","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"","type":"String","label":"Specification"}},"sort":3900001},{"_id":"fHulIgkWBelvz6GA","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"Size","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"

This trait represents creatures whose size differ from the game standard (i.e. roughly human sized). There are seven steps of Size, ranging from Tiny to Monstrous.










Butterfly, Mouse, Pigeon




Cat, Hawk, Human Baby




Giant Rat, Halfling, Human Child




Dwarf, Elf, Human




Horse, Ogre, Troll




Griffon, Wyvern, Manticore




Dragon, Giant, Greater Daemon




Using Size




if you wish to use size to make a creature bigger — for example converting a giant spider to a gigantic spider — then increase Strength and Toughness by +10 and reduce Agility by –5 per step of size you increase the creature. Reverse this if you wish to make a creature smaller 






Size Combat Modifers


If larger:




If smaller:


• It gains a bonus of +10 to hit.




Defending Against Big Creatures


You suffer a penalty of –2 SL for each step larger your opponent is when using Melee to defend an Opposed Test. It is recommended to dodge a Giant swinging a tree, not parry it!




Ranged Attacks


You gain a hefty bonus when shooting at larger targets, but for every +10 you receive, you subtract 1 from your damage. (Ex. +40 to hit Enormous, -4 Damage).




Fear and Terror


If the creature is perceived to be aggressive, it causes Fear in any creature smaller than it, and Terror in any creature two or more steps smaller. The rating of the Fear or Terror equals the Size step difference. So, if the creature is Large, and its opponent is Small, it will cause Terror 2.




Moving in Combat


A creature that is larger ignores the need to Disengage if it wishes to leave melee combat; instead, it brushes smaller combatants out of the way, moving where it wishes.




Opposed Strength


During Opposed Strength Tests (and similar), if one creature is 2 or more size steps larger, it wins automatically. If one creature is 1 size step larger, the smaller creature must roll a Critical to contest the roll. If it does, SL are compared as normal. All other results mean the larger creature wins.






Creatures that are larger than their opponents may make one Stomp as a Free Attack, by spending 1 Advantage, as they kick downwards or otherwise bash smaller opponents out of the way. This attack has a Damage equal to their Strength Bonus +0, and uses Melee(Brawling).














Toughness Bonus




(2×Toughness Bonus) + Willpower Bonus




Strength Bonus+(2×Toughness Bonus) + Willpower Bonus




(Strength Bonus+(2×Toughness Bonus) + Willpower Bonus) ×2




(Strength Bonus+(2×Toughness Bonus) + Willpower Bonus) ×4




(Strength Bonus+(2×Toughness Bonus) + Willpower Bonus) ×8

"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":false,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"","bonusCharacteristic":"","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"Large","type":"String","label":"Specification"}},"sort":4000001},{"_id":"hPGJOdq2b6V5zJYR","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"Spellcaster","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"The creature can cast spells; the specific Lore of Magic will be indicated in brackets."},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":false,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"","bonusCharacteristic":"","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"Tzeentch","type":"String","label":"Specification"}},"sort":4100001},{"_id":"OTdg46vMJsdf9KaX","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Tongue Attack (6 yards)","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"

The creature’s prehensile tongue can wrap itself around prey, dragging it to a grisly end.

\n "},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":true,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"bs","bonusCharacteristic":"","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"6","type":"String","label":"Specification"}},"sort":4200001}],"_id":"AfxzwmgQDQYxcyO4"} {"_id":"AfxzwmgQDQYxcyO4","name":"Pink Horror","permission":{"default":0,"Cq31UaFnLVMpY5dr":3},"type":"creature","data":{"characteristics":{"ws":{"type":"number","label":"Weapon Skill","abrev":"WS","initial":50,"advances":0,"value":50,"bonus":5,"cost":25},"bs":{"type":"Number","label":"Ballistic Skill","abrev":"BS","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"s":{"type":"Number","label":"Strength","abrev":"S","initial":35,"advances":0,"value":35,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"t":{"type":"Number","label":"Toughness","abrev":"T","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"i":{"type":"Number","label":"Initiative","abrev":"I","initial":35,"advances":0,"value":35,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"ag":{"type":"Number","label":"Agility","abrev":"Ag","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"dex":{"type":"Number","label":"Dexterity","abrev":"Dex","initial":35,"advances":0,"value":35,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"int":{"type":"Number","label":"Intelligence","abrev":"Int","initial":25,"advances":0,"value":25,"bonus":2,"cost":25},"wp":{"type":"Number","label":"Willpower","abrev":"WP","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"fel":{"type":"Number","label":"Fellowship","abrev":"Fel","initial":10,"advances":0,"value":10,"bonus":1,"cost":25}},"status":{"wounds":{"type":"Number","label":"Wounds","abrev":"W","value":12,"max":12},"advantage":{"type":"Number","label":"Advantage","value":"0","max":10},"criticalWounds":{"type":"Number","label":"Critical Wounds","value":0,"max":2},"sin":{"type":"Number","label":"Sin","value":"0"},"penalties":{"type":"String","label":"Penalties","value":""},"corruption":{"type":"Number","label":"Corruption","value":0},"encumbrance":{"type":"Number","label":"Encumbrance","max":6,"current":0}},"details":{"species":{"type":"String","label":"Species","value":"Daemon"},"gender":{"type":"String","label":"Gender","value":""},"size":{"type":"String","label":"Size","value":"avg"},"move":{"type":"Number","label":"Movement","value":"4","walk":8,"run":16},"god":{"type":"String","label":"God","value":""},"hitLocationTable":{"value":"hitloc","type":"String","label":"Hit Location Table"},"biography":{"value":"

Horrors of Tzeentch are the gibbering, mutable scions of the Changer of Ways. Many-limbed monstrosities, their form seems to writhe and change as arms, legs, and tentacles burst forth, snaking through the air, seeking prey to drag into their gaping maws. Creatures of pure magic, the air around them crackles and warps with unholy arcane energies.


Pink Horrors revel in change and in magic. When summoned, they giggle and gambol their way through the world, frolicking and capering with glee. Their cheerfully antic disposition means they are often known as ‘Squealers’ or ‘Whirling Destroyers’. As creatures of raw Chaos, they are drawn to one another, amplifying one another’s power, and conjuring fearsome bolts of magical flame to wreak havoc on those foolish enough to draw close.


Should a Pink Horror receive a blow sufficient enough to destroy its material manifestation, it explosively splits into two Blue Horrors, rather than being banished to the Realms of Chaos. In stark contrast to their giggling pink precursor, Blue Horrors appear sullen and malicious, their faces distorted into grimaces and sneers. Instead of laughter, their eldritch throats spew grumbling, muttered curses.


If a group of nine, or a multiple of nine, creatures have the @Compendium[eis.eisitems.jUX15HY3WhHTTqwV]{Tzeentch's Fire} trait, then all the creatures pool their resources  together and instead cast the @Compendium[eis.eisspells.R0uUNtxsHEEddMLV]{Tzeentch's Firestorm} Spell. Nine, of course, is Tzeentch’s sacred number.

"}},"excludedTraits":[10,11,12,13,14,"SpEuNd2VwqvL7cIi","BsEZDnEE7svcX2rI","fHulIgkWBelvz6GA","hPGJOdq2b6V5zJYR","OTdg46vMJsdf9KaX"]},"sort":100001,"flags":{"autoCalcRun":true,"autoCalcWalk":true,"autoCalcWounds":true,"autoCalcCritW":true,"autoCalcCorruption":true,"autoCalcEnc":true,"defensive":0,"talentTests":[],"modifier":"","_sheetTab":"notes"},"img":"modules/eis/tokens/pink%20horror.png","token":{"flags":{},"name":"Pink Horror","displayName":20,"img":"modules/eis/tokens/pink%20horror.png","width":1,"height":1,"scale":1,"lockRotation":false,"rotation":0,"vision":false,"dimSight":0,"brightSight":0,"dimLight":0,"brightLight":0,"sightAngle":360,"lightAngle":360,"lightAlpha":1,"actorId":"AfxzwmgQDQYxcyO4","actorLink":false,"actorData":{},"disposition":0,"displayBars":20,"bar1":{"attribute":"status.wounds"},"bar2":{"attribute":"status.advantage"},"randomImg":false},"items":[{"_id":"BJhL3LJnDWkBw3lu","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"Corruption","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"The creature is tainted by Chaos, or perhaps suffused with Dark Magics. The Strength of the Corruption is marked in brackets."},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":false,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"","bonusCharacteristic":"","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"Moderate","type":"String","label":"Specification"}},"sort":100000},{"_id":"7I45LEXl6GdZs3TA","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"Daemonic","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"

The creature’s essence is raw magic, and unholy ichor pumps through what passes for its veins. Daemonic creatures do not require the normal prerequisites for life: food, water, air…


All its attacks are Magical. Roll 1d10 after any blow is received, if the creature rolls the Target number or higher, the blow is ignored, even if it is a critical. Should the creature be reduced to 0 Wounds, its soul returns to the Realms of Chaos immediately, removing it from play.


The creature causes supernatural Fear in other creatures, with a rating equal to its Rating.




The Fear trait represents an extreme aversion to something. Creatures that cause Fear have a Fear Rating; this value reflects the SL you are required to pass on an Extended Cool Test to overcome your Fear. You may continue to Test at the end of every round until your SL equals or surpasses the creature’s Fear rating. Until you do this, you are subject to Fear.




When subject to Fear, you suffer –1 SL on all Tests to affect the source of your fear. You may not move closer to whatever is causing Fear without passing a Challenging (+0) Cool Test. If it comes closer to you, you must pass a Challenging (+0) Cool Test, or gain a Broken Condition.


If the creature suffers a Critical Wound, or loses all its Wounds, it splits in half and is replaced by two Blue Horrors, both of which are unwounded.

"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":false,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"","bonusCharacteristic":"","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"","type":"String","label":"Specification"}},"sort":3200001},{"_id":"WcRzNc1EkQsNZsW6","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Tzeentch's Fire","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"

The creature is wreathed with Tzeentchs fire that frequently flies forth from fingertips, mouths, or burning eyes. All creatures of the same type (e.g. all Pink Horrors, or all Blue Horrors) in the vicinity pool their power. One Horror is chosen to be the focus (caster), and may cast 1 Tzeentch Spell: Pink Horrors cast the @Item[EWyHGvmyKDFnSgRT]{Pink Fire of Tzeentch} Spell; other creatures cast the @Item[NUsedIrcCRAAun2C]{Blue Fire of Tzeentch} Spell. Each additional contributing creature adds +1 SL, to a maximum of +9 SL, as a Free Action.


The creature’s corpus is maintained by foul magics that are inherently unstable in the material realm.


Whenever it ends a round engaged with any opponent with higher Advantage, the creature is driven back, and the magics holding it together weaken. It loses as many Wounds as the difference between its Advantage, and the highest Advantage engaged with it.


So, if the creature had 1 Advantage, and its opponent had 3, the creature would lose 2 Wounds. If the creature ever reach 0 Wounds, the magics holding it in place collapse, and it ‘dies’.

"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":false,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"","bonusCharacteristic":"","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"","type":"String","label":"Specification"}},"sort":3400001},{"_id":"EJA69ti8i9Ag3yb3","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"Weapon","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"The creature carries a melee weapon, or uses teeth, claws, or similar in combat.\n \n The weapon causes Damage equal to its Rating which already includes the creature’s Strength Bonus. Typically it will be 4 + its Strength Bonus (representing a Hand Weapon)"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":true,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"ws","bonusCharacteristic":"s","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"5","type":"String","label":"Specification"}},"sort":3500001},{"_id":"bXOub1kVVuJKwuG3","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Channelling","type":"skill","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/skills/skill.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"

The Channeling Skill measures your ability to call upon and control the various Winds of Magic, and is solely used by the magic rules. Channeling is a special skill in that it is both Grouped, allowing for Specializations, and also ungrouped, for those not properly trained to channel magic. 

"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"advanced":{"value":"adv","type":"String"},"grouped":{"value":"isSpec","type":"String"},"characteristic":{"type":"String","label":"Characteristic","value":"wp"},"advances":{"type":"Number","label":"Advances","value":35},"total":{"type":"Number","label":"Total"}},"sort":3600001},{"_id":"YHMNBUcnp4OVtAlz","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Language (Magick)","type":"skill","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/skills/skill.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"

The Language Skill grants you access to extra languages beyond your native tongue. All characters are automatically assumed to be able to speak ‘Reikspiel’ — the language of the Empire — and their native language (if your character has one different to Reikspiel), without ever having to Test. If your game is not set in the Empire, replace Reikspiel with the local language.




If you possess a Language Skill, you are generally able to make yourself understood in that language, or to understand simple concepts. You will be asked to Test your Language Skill when a particularly difficult concept must be conveyed, or an obscure dialect or vocabulary is employed.




MagickSpoken by wizards; a tonal language used to shape the Winds of Magic into material effects. The academic form of the language taught by the Colleges of Magic is called the Lingua Praestantia, which is quite different to the debased form of the language used by witches and the untrained. It is not a language used for communication.

"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"advanced":{"value":"adv","type":"String"},"grouped":{"value":"isSpec","type":"String"},"characteristic":{"type":"String","label":"Characteristic","value":"int"},"advances":{"type":"Number","label":"Advances","value":30},"total":{"type":"Number","label":"Total"}},"sort":3700001},{"_id":"SpEuNd2VwqvL7cIi","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"Distracting","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"The creature distracts or confuse foes, possibly exuding a soporific musk or nauseating reek, or maybe its appearance is bizarrely horrifying. All living targets within a number of yards equal to its Toughness Bonus suffer a penalty of –20 to all Tests. A target can only suffer this penalty once, no matter how many Distracting foes there are. \r\r"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":false,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"","bonusCharacteristic":"","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"","type":"String","label":"Specification"}},"sort":3800001},{"_id":"BsEZDnEE7svcX2rI","flags":{},"name":"Mutation","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"The creature is ‘blessed’ with a Mutation. Roll on the Physical Corruption Table\r\r"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":false,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"","bonusCharacteristic":"","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"","type":"String","label":"Specification"}},"sort":3900001},{"_id":"fHulIgkWBelvz6GA","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"Size","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"

This trait represents creatures whose size differ from the game standard (i.e. roughly human sized). There are seven steps of Size, ranging from Tiny to Monstrous.










Butterfly, Mouse, Pigeon




Cat, Hawk, Human Baby




Giant Rat, Halfling, Human Child




Dwarf, Elf, Human




Horse, Ogre, Troll




Griffon, Wyvern, Manticore




Dragon, Giant, Greater Daemon




Using Size




if you wish to use size to make a creature bigger — for example converting a giant spider to a gigantic spider — then increase Strength and Toughness by +10 and reduce Agility by –5 per step of size you increase the creature. Reverse this if you wish to make a creature smaller 






Size Combat Modifers


If larger:




If smaller:


• It gains a bonus of +10 to hit.




Defending Against Big Creatures


You suffer a penalty of –2 SL for each step larger your opponent is when using Melee to defend an Opposed Test. It is recommended to dodge a Giant swinging a tree, not parry it!




Ranged Attacks


You gain a hefty bonus when shooting at larger targets, but for every +10 you receive, you subtract 1 from your damage. (Ex. +40 to hit Enormous, -4 Damage).




Fear and Terror


If the creature is perceived to be aggressive, it causes Fear in any creature smaller than it, and Terror in any creature two or more steps smaller. The rating of the Fear or Terror equals the Size step difference. So, if the creature is Large, and its opponent is Small, it will cause Terror 2.




Moving in Combat


A creature that is larger ignores the need to Disengage if it wishes to leave melee combat; instead, it brushes smaller combatants out of the way, moving where it wishes.




Opposed Strength


During Opposed Strength Tests (and similar), if one creature is 2 or more size steps larger, it wins automatically. If one creature is 1 size step larger, the smaller creature must roll a Critical to contest the roll. If it does, SL are compared as normal. All other results mean the larger creature wins.






Creatures that are larger than their opponents may make one Stomp as a Free Attack, by spending 1 Advantage, as they kick downwards or otherwise bash smaller opponents out of the way. This attack has a Damage equal to their Strength Bonus +0, and uses Melee(Brawling).














Toughness Bonus




(2×Toughness Bonus) + Willpower Bonus




Strength Bonus+(2×Toughness Bonus) + Willpower Bonus




(Strength Bonus+(2×Toughness Bonus) + Willpower Bonus) ×2




(Strength Bonus+(2×Toughness Bonus) + Willpower Bonus) ×4




(Strength Bonus+(2×Toughness Bonus) + Willpower Bonus) ×8

"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":false,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"","bonusCharacteristic":"","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"Large","type":"String","label":"Specification"}},"sort":4000001},{"_id":"hPGJOdq2b6V5zJYR","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"Spellcaster","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"The creature can cast spells; the specific Lore of Magic will be indicated in brackets."},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":false,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"","bonusCharacteristic":"","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"Tzeentch","type":"String","label":"Specification"}},"sort":4100001},{"_id":"OTdg46vMJsdf9KaX","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Tongue Attack (6 yards)","type":"trait","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/traits/trait.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"

The creature’s prehensile tongue can wrap itself around prey, dragging it to a grisly end.

\n "},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"rollable":{"value":true,"label":"Rollable","type":"Boolean","rollCharacteristic":"bs","bonusCharacteristic":"","defaultDifficulty":"challenging"},"specification":{"value":"6","type":"String","label":"Specification"}},"sort":4200001}]} {"name":"Road Warden","permission":{"default":0,"Cq31UaFnLVMpY5dr":3},"type":"npc","data":{"characteristics":{"ws":{"type":"number","label":"CHAR.WS","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.WS","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"bs":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.BS","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.BS","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"s":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.S","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.S","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"t":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.T","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.T","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"i":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.I","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.I","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"ag":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.Ag","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.Ag","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"dex":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.Dex","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.Dex","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"int":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.Int","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.Int","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"wp":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.WP","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.WP","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25},"fel":{"type":"Number","label":"CHAR.Fel","abrev":"CHARAbbrev.Fel","initial":30,"advances":0,"value":30,"bonus":3,"cost":25}},"status":{"wounds":{"type":"Number","label":"Wounds","abrev":"W","value":12,"max":12},"advantage":{"type":"Number","label":"Advantage","value":"0","max":10},"criticalWounds":{"type":"Number","label":"Critical Wounds","value":0,"max":2},"sin":{"type":"Number","label":"Sin","value":"0"},"penalties":{"type":"String","label":"Penalties","value":""},"corruption":{"type":"Number","label":"Corruption","value":0},"encumbrance":{"type":"Number","label":"Encumbrance","max":6,"current":0}},"details":{"species":{"type":"String","label":"Species","value":"Human"},"gender":{"type":"String","label":"Gender","value":"Female"},"size":{"type":"String","label":"Size","value":"avg"},"move":{"type":"Number","label":"Movement","value":"4","walk":8,"run":16},"god":{"type":"String","label":"God","value":""},"hitLocationTable":{"value":"hitloc","type":"String","label":"Hit Location Table"},"personal-ambitions":{"short-term":"","long-term":""},"party-ambitions":{"short-term":"","long-term":""},"motivation":{"value":""}}},"flags":{"autoCalcRun":true,"autoCalcWalk":true,"autoCalcWounds":true,"autoCalcCritW":true,"autoCalcCorruption":true,"autoCalcEnc":true,"defensive":0,"talentTests":[],"modifier":""},"img":"modules/wfrp4e-night-of-blood/assets/tokens/realwarden.png","token":{"flags":{},"name":"Road Warden","displayName":20,"img":"modules/wfrp4e-night-of-blood/assets/tokens/realwarden.png","width":1,"height":1,"scale":1,"lockRotation":false,"rotation":0,"vision":false,"dimSight":0,"brightSight":0,"dimLight":0,"brightLight":0,"sightAngle":360,"lightAngle":360,"lightAlpha":1,"actorId":"IAiyunNIxqb12Sj2","actorLink":false,"actorData":{},"disposition":0,"displayBars":20,"bar1":{"attribute":"status.wounds"},"bar2":{"attribute":"status.advantage"},"randomImg":false},"items":[{"_id":"fdq3RFSOKl5b3WzW","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Art","type":"skill","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/skills/skill.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"

Create works of art in your chosen medium. Not having access to appropriate Trade Tools will incur a penalty to your Test. The SL achieved determines the quality of the final piece. For complicated or large works of art, an Extended Test may be required. The Art Skill has little use in combat, but marble busts make marvelous improvised weapons.




Specializations: Cartography, Engraving, Mosaics, Painting, Sculpture, Tattoo, Weaving 




Example: Irina has been commissioned to paint a portrait of a local noble, whose favor her party is currying. Her GM determines this requires a total of 10 SL in an Extended Art Test, with each Test representing a week’s work.


Your ability to run, jump and move with speed or grace, and to perform any general physical activity. Refer to Moving for details on using Athletics in combat movement. 


Your ability to judge how likely a person is to accept a bribe, and how best to offer the bribe so they will accept it. A successful Bribery Test tells you if a target may be bribed. If so, your GM will secretly determine the price of their cooperation using the target’s Earnings, increasing the amount according to their usual honesty and the risk involved in taking the bribe. You then guess that target amount and the GM will tell you if the price is higher, lower, or equal. Each SL from your initial Bribery Test gives you another guess. At the end of this process, you determine how much money to offer, based on what you have gleaned.




In combat, you may use Bribery as above to try to stop the fight, but treat the Test as Hard (–20) owing to the stress of the situation. If your target is not susceptible, you cannot afford the fee, or your foes do not speak your tongue, your pathetic attempts to buy them off will be doomed to fail. Of course, if they have the advantage of numbers, what’s to prevent them from taking all of your money?




Example: Snorri is trying to bribe his way past a city watchman; a character of the Brass Tier 2, meaning they roll 4d10 Brass for Income. The GM decides the guard can be bribed and secretly rolls 21 on the 4d10, meaning the price for bribing the guard is 21 Brass. Letting Snorri through isn’t too risky for the watchman, and he does it often, so the GM doesn’t increase the bribe required. Snorri rolls 1 SL on his Bribery Test; so, he knows the watchman is open to a bribe, and has 2 guesses as to his price. Snorri’s first guess is 15 Brass, to which his GM replies ‘higher’. His second guess is 40, to which his GM replies ‘lower’. Snorri now knows he must bribe the watchman between 15 and 40 Brass, so decides to aim high, and offers 30. Smiling, the watchman waves Snorri through.


Charm makes people think favorably of you, your opinions, and proposed actions. Passing an Opposed Charm/Cool Test allows you to influence the behavior of one or more targets, up to a maximum number equal to your Fellowship Bonus + SL, affecting those with the lowest Willpower first. If a target is amenable to your Charm, the Test will be uncontested.


Your GM may permit you to use Charm in Combat if they think your foes might be susceptible to you pleading for your life or making persuasive arguments to stop the violence (although good luck charming a Goblin)!


If you use Charm as your Action, calculate the number of targets affected as normal. If you use it to defend, you only affect your attacker. If you succeed, any affected targets will not attack you this round and you gain +1 Advantage as normal. You may do this in successive rounds until you choose to stop or fail a Charm Test, after which your words carry no more weight.


Your GM may permit you to use Charm in Combat if they think your foes might be susceptible to you pleading for your life or making persuasive arguments to stop the violence (although good luck charming a Goblin)!


If you use Charm as your Action, calculate the number of targets affected as normal. If you use it to defend, you only affect your attacker. If you succeed, any affected targets will not attack you this round and you gain +1 Advantage as normal. You may do this in successive rounds until you choose to stop or fail a Charm Test, after which your words carry no more weight.




Public Speaking


The charm skill can be used to make impressive speeches to sway multiple targets to your way of thinking. assuming they can hear you and are inclined to listen, you can influence up to your Fellowship Bonus + SL targets with a single charm Test, influencing targets with the lowest Willpower first. If the crowd is unruly, or not receptive to your words, the test is opposed by the crowd’s average Willpower (typically 35). A failure shows the crowd is unconvinced. the public speaking and master orator talents can significantly increase the number of people you affect with public speaking. an astounding Failure (-6) (see page 152) in a charm test means your crowd quickly becomes an angry mob, with you as the target of their ire… 






The Charm skill can be used to beg on the streets. A successful test will scrounge Fellowship Bonus × SL brass pennies per hour from passers-by, with the Difficulty modified by the pitch chosen for begging, and how much sympathy your appearance can elicit. If you score no SL, but still pass the skill test, you only manage to scrounge a single pfennig. an astounding Failure (-6) means you may have attracted problems from the local Watchmen, found some trouble with  other, local beggars, or suffer some other significant set-back.


Note: Characters who are caught begging by their peers or associates will likely lose status unless they are already in the Beggar, or in some other destitute, career. 



"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"advanced":{"value":"bsc","type":"String"},"grouped":{"value":"noSpec","type":"String"},"characteristic":{"type":"String","label":"Characteristic","value":"fel"},"advances":{"type":"Number","label":"Advances","value":0},"total":{"type":"Number","label":"Total"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"4IGdIhnwTaZijzg7","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"Charm Animal","type":"skill","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/skills/skill.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"

Your aptitude for be friending, quickly calming, or subjugating animals.




Passing a Charm Animal Test allows you to influence the behavior of one or more animals, to a maximum of Willpower Bonus + SL. If the target animals are naturally docile, this Test may be uncontested, but it will generally be Opposed by the target’s Willpower.




In combat, you may use Charm Animal when facing animals. If you succeed, any affected targets will not attack you this Round and you gain +1 Advantage. You may do this in successive rounds until you choose to stop or fail a Charm Test, after which the creature’s instincts take over and you have no further influence.


The ability to ascend steep or vertical surfaces.


If time isn’t an issue, and a climb is relatively easy, anyone with Climb Skill is automatically assumed to be able to climb any reasonably small height.


For any other climbing, Climbing during combat. You may even find yourself climbing large opponents, though whether that is prudent is debatable.

"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"advanced":{"value":"bsc","type":"String"},"grouped":{"value":"noSpec","type":"String"},"characteristic":{"type":"String","label":"Characteristic","value":"s"},"advances":{"type":"Number","label":"Advances","value":0},"total":{"type":"Number","label":"Total"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"R2ytluHiEFF2KQ5e","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Consume Alcohol","type":"skill","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/skills/skill.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"



Your ability to handle alcohol without letting it cloud your judgment or render you senseless.


After each alcoholic drink make a Consume Alcohol Test, modified by the strength of the drink. For each Test you fail, you suffer a –10 penalty to WS, BS, Ag, Dex, and Int, to a maximum of –30 per Characteristic. After you fail a number of Tests equal to your Toughness Bonus, you are Stinking Drunk. Roll on the following table to see what happens:






Stinking Drunk




 Marienburgher’s Courage!’: Gain a bonus of +20 to your Cool Skill.




You’re My Besht Mate!’: Ignore all your existing Prejudices and Animosities.




 ‘Why’s Everything Wobbling!’: On your Turn, you can either Move or take an Action, but not both.




‘I’ll Take Yer All On!’: Gain Animosity (Everybody)!




 ‘How Did I Get here?’: You wake up the next day, massively hungover, with little memory of what transpired. The GM and other players with you will fill in the embarrassing gaps if you investigate. Pass a Consume Alcohol Test or also gain a Poisoned Condition.




After not drinking for an hour, enact a Challenging (+0) Consume Alcohol Test. The effects of being drunk will wear


off after 10–SL hours, with any Characteristic modifiers for being drunk lost over that time. After all effects wear off, enact another Challenging (+0) Consume Alcohol Test. You now gain a hangover, which is an Fatigued Condition that cannot be removed for 5–SL hours.


You may expend 1 Resolve point to ignore the negative modifiers of being drunk until the end of the next round.






Cool allows you to remain calm under stress, resist fear when faced with horror, and stick to your convictions.




Cool is generally used to resist other Skills — Charm, Intimidate, and similar — but you may also be required to make a Cool Test when faced with anything forcing you to do something you would rather not. Cool is also the primary Skill used to limit Psychology


Dodge is your ability to avoid things, through ducking, diving, and moving quickly, and is used extensively to sidestep falling rocks, incoming weapons, unexpected traps, and the like.


In combat, Dodge is generally used to resist attacks or avoid damage. Refer to Rolling to Hit.




Drive lets you guide vehicles — most commonly simple carts and lumbering coaches, not to mention the more ‘experimental’ creations of the Imperial Engineers — along the roads of the Empire with as little incident as possible.




Under normal circumstances, if you possess the Drive Skill, there is no need to Test. If conditions are less than ideal — perhaps the road is in poor condition, or the weather is terrible — a Drive Test will be required. If you do not possess the Drive Skill, you may be required to make a Test to carry out even basic maneuver. An Astounding Failure (-6) on a Drive Test means something bad has happened. Roll on the following table:










Snapped Harness: One horse (or equivalent) breaks free; reduce speed accordingly.




 Jolted Carriage: Passengers suffer 1 Wound and fragile cargos might be damaged.




Broken Wheel: Pass a Drive Test every round to avoid Crashing. Two-wheeled vehicles with a Broken Wheel Crash automatically.




 Broken Axle: The vehicle goes out of control and Crashes.




Crashing: Occupants of Crashing vehicles usually suffer 2d10 Wounds modified by Toughness Bonus and Armor Points


unless the vehicle was moving slowly (as determined by the GM). Crashed vehicles must be repaired by someone with an appropriate Trade Skill, such as Trade (Carpenter) or Trade (Cartwright). Spare wheels can be installed by anyone with a Drive Test or with an appropriate Trade Test. In combat, Drive may be used if circumstances allow — for instance, if the party is in a coach being raided by outlaws, and you wish to ram an enemy, or outrun them.






The Endurance Skill is called upon when you must endure hardship, withstand deprivation, sit without moving for long periods of time, or survive harsh environments. In particular, Endurance is Tested to resist or recover from various Conditions (see page 167) and helps you recover lost Wounds.


Allows you to delight crowds with the spoken word, perhaps by singing, acting, or attempting a few jokes. A successful use of the Entertain Skill means you have entertained patrons near enough to hear you; the SL indicates how well you have done.


In combat, it is unlikely that Entertain will be of much use, although you may come up with an interesting way to use Entertain (Acting) to confuse or mislead your opponents.




Specialisations: Acting, Comedy, Singing, Storytelling 


Allows you to measure the likelihood that a bet will pay off, as well as successfully engage in various games of chance.


To represent a gambling match, all players make a Gamble Test — applying any appropriate modifiers for familiarity with the game — and the player with the highest SL wins. On a tie, any lower scoring players drop out, and those remaining enact another Gamble Test, repeating this process until you have a winner.


If you wish to influence the game through less honest mechanics, see Sleight of Hand.


You can quickly ferret out interesting and useful news, and spread rumors of your own. A successful Gossip Test means you have found out one useful piece of information, which your GM can impart to you, about the local area. Each SL either offers you an additional piece of information, or the chance to spread a rumor to a number of individuals equal to your Fellowship Bonus. The time required for a Gossip Test depends on how circumspect the players are being, and how busy the area is, as determined by the GM.


It is unlikely that Gossip will be much use in combat, but if your attacker happens to be local, and you happen to know something really juicy…




Half-Heard Whispers


While it may be expedient for GMs to quickly share information gleaned from Gossip tests to all players at once, it is often more fun to share the information only with individual players (either through a note, or through briefly taking them aside). This means the players must relate this information to one another in-character — aiding the immersive roleplaying experience — which allows for mistakes and misunderstandings, sometimes leading to hilarious, or horrific, results. 




Haggle allows you to secure better deals when negotiating with others. In general, Haggle is used to see whether you do, or do not, make a good deal, most commonly with an Opposed Haggle Test. Specifically, it can be used when shopping to secure better prices. For information on this, refer to Chapter 11: Consumers’ Guide.


Allows you to coerce or frighten sentient creatures. The precise manner of initiating an Intimidate Test depends on context: while it is generally accompanied by an overt threat, sometimes a subtle implication or even a look is enough. Intimidate is almost always Opposed by your target’s Cool Skill; if successful, you can intimidate a number of targets up to your Strength Bonus + SL. Each will react to Intimidate based on their individual personalities and how successful you were in menacing them, but in all cases, they will back down or move out of the way and will not speak out against you, or they will alternatively accept combat is the only way forward and prepare their weapons.




In combat, you cause @Compendium[wfrp4e.psychologies.Ib2YQYChktDFN93y]{Fear} in all Intimidated targets. You may also use your Intimidate Skill instead of Melee when defending against those afraid of you, causing the Intimidated parties to back away from the fight with your will and posture alone. Further, with your GM’s approval, you may use Intimidate to ‘attack’ such targets, issuing specific commands, such as ‘drop your weapons’ or ‘get out of here!’. However, if you fail any of these subsequent Intimidate Tests, you no longer Intimidate (or cause Fear) in affected opponents. With your GM’s permission you may try to Intimidate them again in a later Round, but this will incur a negative modifier, as they are less likely to fear you having seen through your bravado once already.




Alternative Characteristics For Intimidate


While strength is the default stat for Intimidate tests, the GM may decree certain situations may allow you to use a different characteristic: a steely witch hunter may use Willpower to stare down an inquisitive bystander, or an academic may use Intelligence to cow a lowly student with his intimidating knowledge, for instance. 




Example: Facing a group of footpads, Svetlana the Strong rolls 4 SL on her Intimidate Test. Combined with her SB of 5, this means she can affect up to 9 targets, more than enough to impact all three footpads who now Fear Svetlana. As she has won by 3 SL, she gains +1 Advantage point until the end of her next turn. In the next round, she ‘attacks’ the footpads using her Intimidate, intending to scare them into leaving her be. However, she fails the Test, and the footpads realize they outnumber her, and are armed… 




The Intuition Skill allows you to get a feel for your surroundings, leading you to notice when something is wrong, and gives you a sense of when people may be hiding something from you. A successful use of the Intuition Skill gives you subtle or implicit intelligence relating to your environment, determined by your GM. This may be information such as whether someone believes what they are saying, what the general attitude is towards the local noble, or if the helpful local’s motives are as pure as they seem. If someone is actively trying to hide their intent, they may resist your Intuition with Cool or Entertain (Acting).




In combat, a successful Intuition Test may be used to give you +1 Advantage as you weigh the environment and your opponents. You may continue building Advantage in subsequent turns providing you are able to observe your targets and are not interrupted (such as being attacked); you may gain a maximum Advantage equal to your Intelligence Bonus in this manner.


A measure of your ability to lead others and command their respect. While most often associated with martial situations, a resolute leader can quickly direct a fast response to a fire or other such calamity, and nobles use the Skill frequently to command their lessers.




A successful Leadership Test allows you to issue orders to a number of targets equal to your Fellowship Bonus + SL. If the targets are your natural subordinates — a noble commanding serfs, or a sergeant commanding his troops — commands are usually unopposed. If there is no natural hierarchy in place, or the order is particularly challenging — such as ordering your soldiers to charge a Hydra head on — the Test is Opposed by your targets’ Cool.




In combat, you may use Leadership to encourage your subordinates. A successful Leadership Test confers a bonus of +10 to all Psychology Tests until the end of the next round (see page 190).




Further, Leadership can be used to transfer Advantage to allies able to hear you; following a successful Leadership Test, you may transfer an Advantage to one ally of your choice, plus a further +1 Advantage per SL scored, which can again go to any allies of your choice within earshot.




Example: Lord Ludwig von Schemp has been watching his two bodyguards discourse with some ruffians for three Rounds, using his Intuition Skill to build up 3 Advantage. Feeling it is going nowhere, he issues a peremptory order to attack the ringleader; passing his Leadership Test with 5 SL, he gives one bodyguard 2 of his Advantage, and the remaining bodyguard 1 Advantage, hoping this will bring a swift end to proceedings. 


The Melee Skill represents specific training with a single type of close combat weaponry. Each Melee Specialization indicates training in using a specific class of weapon. If you don’t have the correct Specialization for a weapon you wish to use, refer to Chapter 11: Consumers’ Guide for the correct weapon entry, and what penalties you will suffer. See Chapter 5: Rules for more detail about combat and using the Melee Skill.




Specializations: Basic, Brawling, Cavalry, Fencing, Flail, Parry, Pole-Arm, Two-Handed 


Navigation allows you to find your way in the wilderness using landmarks, stellar bodies or maps. Possessing the Navigation Skill means you know roughly where you are, and can find your way between well-known landmarks without a Test. A Test is only required if you are disoriented or travelling far from the beaten path, with success showing you the correct direction, or allowing you to avoid mishap.




If you are navigating a long journey, your GM may ask for an extended Navigation Test, modified by conditions, visible landmarks, and access to reliable geographical information. The SL required to succeed depends on how far the destination is, with each Test representing between an hour and a day’s travel, depending on the nature of the journey

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The Outdoor Survival Skill is used to survive in the wild, including the ability to fish, hunt, forage, and build fires and shelters. Experienced travelers are skilled at reading the signs of incoming inclement weather and finding the spoor of various dangerous beasts.




When camping, make an Outdoor Survival Test, modified by the harshness of conditions — for instance, a Test is Challenging (+0) if it is raining, Hard (–20) in a storm. A successful Test indicates you can provide yourself sustenance and shelter for the night. Each SL allows you to provide for one more character. If the Test is failed, you must make a Challenging (+0) Endurance Test or receive the Fatigued Condition. If you suffer an Astounding Failure, something untoward has happened, as determined by the GM; perhaps your camp is attacked in the night?




When fighting in the wilderness, you may make an Outdoor Survival Test to receive +1 Advantage, in the same way as Intuition, to a maximum number of Advantage equal to your Intelligence Bonus, as you spy out treacherous and advantageous terrain that you can best use to your advantage.




Gathering Food and Herbs


Gathering food or herbs normally takes around 2 hours. Hunting and foraging parties make one assisted Outdoor Survival Test for the group, with the Difficulty determined by the circumstances.








Your ability to notice things with your senses — sight, smell, hearing, touch, and taste, and any other senses you may possess, such as magical or non-Human senses. Your GM may ask for a Perception Test to detect something, like movement behind the treeline, the presence of a trap, or someone following you, modified by how easy it is to notice. Perception is also used to resist attempts to hide things through Skills such as Sleight of Hand or Stealth. Perception has multiple uses in combat, most commonly to notice important details beyond the immediately obvious about the surrounding environment and your opponents, as determined by the GM. 


How proficient you are at riding a particular group of animals; Ride (Horse), for example, will let you ride Horses, Mules, Donkeys, and similar. You’ll only need to make a Test when doing something out of the ordinary, such as racing, dressage, traversing dangerous terrain, or charging into combat. Otherwise, if you have at least one Advance in the Skill, you are presumed to be able to ride around without need of a Test.




If mounted on a steed, you move using the steed’s Movement statistic; if you wish to run, jump, or leap, you use your Ride Skill, not Athletics. An extended Ride Test may be needed if you are racing somewhere, the target SL depending on the length of the journey, the number of Tests indicating how long you take to arrive. A Ride Test may be modified by environmental conditions, and the temperament of your mount. For more information on mounts, see Chapter 12: Bestiary. The Ride skill can be used extensively in combat. See Chapter 5: Rules, for more on mounted combat.




Specializations: Demigryph, Great Wolf, Griffon, Horse, Pegasus 


Your prowess at pulling an oar and moving a boat through the water. The Row Skill is typically only used when racing, navigating rapids, desperately avoiding Bog Octopuses, or similar unusual or dangerous feats. Anyone with the Skill is automatically presumed to be able to scull about a pond, or over a gentle river, without a Test. Those without the skill may have to make a Test for anything but the most basic maneuvers. 


Allows you to creep quietly and conceal yourself in shadows more readily than most. Stealth is generally Opposed by an opponent’s Perception Skill, and Tests will be modifed by how dark or well concealed your route is, as well as how circumspectly you are dressed. An Impressive or Astounding Failure on a Stealth Test will likely draw the immediate attention of the enemies you were trying to avoid in the first place.




Stealth has many potential applications in combat, most usefully to hide oneself in preparation for an Ambush, or to creep around an opponent in order to attack from behind. Of course, you can also use the Skill to escape a conflict unseen…




Specializations: Rural, Underground, Urban 




Options: Shadowing


Shadowing is following someone secretly. To do this requires a Combined Perception and Stealth Test. If the target is actively trying to lose a tail, it is Opposed with the target’s Stealth Skill.




If you pass the Perception Test, and fail the Stealth Test you follow your target, but are spotted. If you fail the perception Test, yet pass the Stealth Test, you lose your target, but go unnoticed

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Table"},"personal-ambitions":{"short-term":"","long-term":""},"party-ambitions":{"short-term":"","long-term":""},"motivation":{"value":""}}},"sort":100001,"flags":{"autoCalcRun":true,"autoCalcWalk":true,"autoCalcWounds":true,"autoCalcCritW":true,"autoCalcCorruption":true,"autoCalcEnc":true,"defensive":0,"talentTests":[],"modifier":""},"img":"modules/wfrp4e-night-of-blood/assets/tokens/realwarden.png","token":{"flags":{},"name":"Road 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Create works of art in your chosen medium. Not having access to appropriate Trade Tools will incur a penalty to your Test. The SL achieved determines the quality of the final piece. For complicated or large works of art, an Extended Test may be required. The Art Skill has little use in combat, but marble busts make marvelous improvised weapons.




Specializations: Cartography, Engraving, Mosaics, Painting, Sculpture, Tattoo, Weaving 




Example: Irina has been commissioned to paint a portrait of a local noble, whose favor her party is currying. Her GM determines this requires a total of 10 SL in an Extended Art Test, with each Test representing a week’s work.


Your ability to run, jump and move with speed or grace, and to perform any general physical activity. Refer to Moving for details on using Athletics in combat movement. 


Your ability to judge how likely a person is to accept a bribe, and how best to offer the bribe so they will accept it. A successful Bribery Test tells you if a target may be bribed. If so, your GM will secretly determine the price of their cooperation using the target’s Earnings, increasing the amount according to their usual honesty and the risk involved in taking the bribe. You then guess that target amount and the GM will tell you if the price is higher, lower, or equal. Each SL from your initial Bribery Test gives you another guess. At the end of this process, you determine how much money to offer, based on what you have gleaned.




In combat, you may use Bribery as above to try to stop the fight, but treat the Test as Hard (–20) owing to the stress of the situation. If your target is not susceptible, you cannot afford the fee, or your foes do not speak your tongue, your pathetic attempts to buy them off will be doomed to fail. Of course, if they have the advantage of numbers, what’s to prevent them from taking all of your money?




Example: Snorri is trying to bribe his way past a city watchman; a character of the Brass Tier 2, meaning they roll 4d10 Brass for Income. The GM decides the guard can be bribed and secretly rolls 21 on the 4d10, meaning the price for bribing the guard is 21 Brass. Letting Snorri through isn’t too risky for the watchman, and he does it often, so the GM doesn’t increase the bribe required. Snorri rolls 1 SL on his Bribery Test; so, he knows the watchman is open to a bribe, and has 2 guesses as to his price. Snorri’s first guess is 15 Brass, to which his GM replies ‘higher’. His second guess is 40, to which his GM replies ‘lower’. Snorri now knows he must bribe the watchman between 15 and 40 Brass, so decides to aim high, and offers 30. Smiling, the watchman waves Snorri through.


Charm makes people think favorably of you, your opinions, and proposed actions. Passing an Opposed Charm/Cool Test allows you to influence the behavior of one or more targets, up to a maximum number equal to your Fellowship Bonus + SL, affecting those with the lowest Willpower first. If a target is amenable to your Charm, the Test will be uncontested.


Your GM may permit you to use Charm in Combat if they think your foes might be susceptible to you pleading for your life or making persuasive arguments to stop the violence (although good luck charming a Goblin)!


If you use Charm as your Action, calculate the number of targets affected as normal. If you use it to defend, you only affect your attacker. If you succeed, any affected targets will not attack you this round and you gain +1 Advantage as normal. You may do this in successive rounds until you choose to stop or fail a Charm Test, after which your words carry no more weight.


Your GM may permit you to use Charm in Combat if they think your foes might be susceptible to you pleading for your life or making persuasive arguments to stop the violence (although good luck charming a Goblin)!


If you use Charm as your Action, calculate the number of targets affected as normal. If you use it to defend, you only affect your attacker. If you succeed, any affected targets will not attack you this round and you gain +1 Advantage as normal. You may do this in successive rounds until you choose to stop or fail a Charm Test, after which your words carry no more weight.




Public Speaking


The charm skill can be used to make impressive speeches to sway multiple targets to your way of thinking. assuming they can hear you and are inclined to listen, you can influence up to your Fellowship Bonus + SL targets with a single charm Test, influencing targets with the lowest Willpower first. If the crowd is unruly, or not receptive to your words, the test is opposed by the crowd’s average Willpower (typically 35). A failure shows the crowd is unconvinced. the public speaking and master orator talents can significantly increase the number of people you affect with public speaking. an astounding Failure (-6) (see page 152) in a charm test means your crowd quickly becomes an angry mob, with you as the target of their ire… 






The Charm skill can be used to beg on the streets. A successful test will scrounge Fellowship Bonus × SL brass pennies per hour from passers-by, with the Difficulty modified by the pitch chosen for begging, and how much sympathy your appearance can elicit. If you score no SL, but still pass the skill test, you only manage to scrounge a single pfennig. an astounding Failure (-6) means you may have attracted problems from the local Watchmen, found some trouble with  other, local beggars, or suffer some other significant set-back.


Note: Characters who are caught begging by their peers or associates will likely lose status unless they are already in the Beggar, or in some other destitute, career. 



"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"advanced":{"value":"bsc","type":"String"},"grouped":{"value":"noSpec","type":"String"},"characteristic":{"type":"String","label":"Characteristic","value":"fel"},"advances":{"type":"Number","label":"Advances","value":0},"total":{"type":"Number","label":"Total"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"4IGdIhnwTaZijzg7","flags":{"_sheetTab":"details"},"name":"Charm Animal","type":"skill","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/skills/skill.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"

Your aptitude for be friending, quickly calming, or subjugating animals.




Passing a Charm Animal Test allows you to influence the behavior of one or more animals, to a maximum of Willpower Bonus + SL. If the target animals are naturally docile, this Test may be uncontested, but it will generally be Opposed by the target’s Willpower.




In combat, you may use Charm Animal when facing animals. If you succeed, any affected targets will not attack you this Round and you gain +1 Advantage. You may do this in successive rounds until you choose to stop or fail a Charm Test, after which the creature’s instincts take over and you have no further influence.


The ability to ascend steep or vertical surfaces.


If time isn’t an issue, and a climb is relatively easy, anyone with Climb Skill is automatically assumed to be able to climb any reasonably small height.


For any other climbing, Climbing during combat. You may even find yourself climbing large opponents, though whether that is prudent is debatable.

"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"advanced":{"value":"bsc","type":"String"},"grouped":{"value":"noSpec","type":"String"},"characteristic":{"type":"String","label":"Characteristic","value":"s"},"advances":{"type":"Number","label":"Advances","value":0},"total":{"type":"Number","label":"Total"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"R2ytluHiEFF2KQ5e","flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"name":"Consume Alcohol","type":"skill","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/skills/skill.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"



Your ability to handle alcohol without letting it cloud your judgment or render you senseless.


After each alcoholic drink make a Consume Alcohol Test, modified by the strength of the drink. For each Test you fail, you suffer a –10 penalty to WS, BS, Ag, Dex, and Int, to a maximum of –30 per Characteristic. After you fail a number of Tests equal to your Toughness Bonus, you are Stinking Drunk. Roll on the following table to see what happens:






Stinking Drunk




 Marienburgher’s Courage!’: Gain a bonus of +20 to your Cool Skill.




You’re My Besht Mate!’: Ignore all your existing Prejudices and Animosities.




 ‘Why’s Everything Wobbling!’: On your Turn, you can either Move or take an Action, but not both.




‘I’ll Take Yer All On!’: Gain Animosity (Everybody)!




 ‘How Did I Get here?’: You wake up the next day, massively hungover, with little memory of what transpired. The GM and other players with you will fill in the embarrassing gaps if you investigate. Pass a Consume Alcohol Test or also gain a Poisoned Condition.




After not drinking for an hour, enact a Challenging (+0) Consume Alcohol Test. The effects of being drunk will wear


off after 10–SL hours, with any Characteristic modifiers for being drunk lost over that time. After all effects wear off, enact another Challenging (+0) Consume Alcohol Test. You now gain a hangover, which is an Fatigued Condition that cannot be removed for 5–SL hours.


You may expend 1 Resolve point to ignore the negative modifiers of being drunk until the end of the next round.






Cool allows you to remain calm under stress, resist fear when faced with horror, and stick to your convictions.




Cool is generally used to resist other Skills — Charm, Intimidate, and similar — but you may also be required to make a Cool Test when faced with anything forcing you to do something you would rather not. Cool is also the primary Skill used to limit Psychology


Dodge is your ability to avoid things, through ducking, diving, and moving quickly, and is used extensively to sidestep falling rocks, incoming weapons, unexpected traps, and the like.


In combat, Dodge is generally used to resist attacks or avoid damage. Refer to Rolling to Hit.




Drive lets you guide vehicles — most commonly simple carts and lumbering coaches, not to mention the more ‘experimental’ creations of the Imperial Engineers — along the roads of the Empire with as little incident as possible.




Under normal circumstances, if you possess the Drive Skill, there is no need to Test. If conditions are less than ideal — perhaps the road is in poor condition, or the weather is terrible — a Drive Test will be required. If you do not possess the Drive Skill, you may be required to make a Test to carry out even basic maneuver. An Astounding Failure (-6) on a Drive Test means something bad has happened. Roll on the following table:










Snapped Harness: One horse (or equivalent) breaks free; reduce speed accordingly.




 Jolted Carriage: Passengers suffer 1 Wound and fragile cargos might be damaged.




Broken Wheel: Pass a Drive Test every round to avoid Crashing. Two-wheeled vehicles with a Broken Wheel Crash automatically.




 Broken Axle: The vehicle goes out of control and Crashes.




Crashing: Occupants of Crashing vehicles usually suffer 2d10 Wounds modified by Toughness Bonus and Armor Points


unless the vehicle was moving slowly (as determined by the GM). Crashed vehicles must be repaired by someone with an appropriate Trade Skill, such as Trade (Carpenter) or Trade (Cartwright). Spare wheels can be installed by anyone with a Drive Test or with an appropriate Trade Test. In combat, Drive may be used if circumstances allow — for instance, if the party is in a coach being raided by outlaws, and you wish to ram an enemy, or outrun them.






The Endurance Skill is called upon when you must endure hardship, withstand deprivation, sit without moving for long periods of time, or survive harsh environments. In particular, Endurance is Tested to resist or recover from various Conditions (see page 167) and helps you recover lost Wounds.


Allows you to delight crowds with the spoken word, perhaps by singing, acting, or attempting a few jokes. A successful use of the Entertain Skill means you have entertained patrons near enough to hear you; the SL indicates how well you have done.


In combat, it is unlikely that Entertain will be of much use, although you may come up with an interesting way to use Entertain (Acting) to confuse or mislead your opponents.




Specialisations: Acting, Comedy, Singing, Storytelling 


Allows you to measure the likelihood that a bet will pay off, as well as successfully engage in various games of chance.


To represent a gambling match, all players make a Gamble Test — applying any appropriate modifiers for familiarity with the game — and the player with the highest SL wins. On a tie, any lower scoring players drop out, and those remaining enact another Gamble Test, repeating this process until you have a winner.


If you wish to influence the game through less honest mechanics, see Sleight of Hand.


You can quickly ferret out interesting and useful news, and spread rumors of your own. A successful Gossip Test means you have found out one useful piece of information, which your GM can impart to you, about the local area. Each SL either offers you an additional piece of information, or the chance to spread a rumor to a number of individuals equal to your Fellowship Bonus. The time required for a Gossip Test depends on how circumspect the players are being, and how busy the area is, as determined by the GM.


It is unlikely that Gossip will be much use in combat, but if your attacker happens to be local, and you happen to know something really juicy…




Half-Heard Whispers


While it may be expedient for GMs to quickly share information gleaned from Gossip tests to all players at once, it is often more fun to share the information only with individual players (either through a note, or through briefly taking them aside). This means the players must relate this information to one another in-character — aiding the immersive roleplaying experience — which allows for mistakes and misunderstandings, sometimes leading to hilarious, or horrific, results. 




Haggle allows you to secure better deals when negotiating with others. In general, Haggle is used to see whether you do, or do not, make a good deal, most commonly with an Opposed Haggle Test. Specifically, it can be used when shopping to secure better prices. For information on this, refer to Chapter 11: Consumers’ Guide.


Allows you to coerce or frighten sentient creatures. The precise manner of initiating an Intimidate Test depends on context: while it is generally accompanied by an overt threat, sometimes a subtle implication or even a look is enough. Intimidate is almost always Opposed by your target’s Cool Skill; if successful, you can intimidate a number of targets up to your Strength Bonus + SL. Each will react to Intimidate based on their individual personalities and how successful you were in menacing them, but in all cases, they will back down or move out of the way and will not speak out against you, or they will alternatively accept combat is the only way forward and prepare their weapons.




In combat, you cause @Compendium[wfrp4e.psychologies.Ib2YQYChktDFN93y]{Fear} in all Intimidated targets. You may also use your Intimidate Skill instead of Melee when defending against those afraid of you, causing the Intimidated parties to back away from the fight with your will and posture alone. Further, with your GM’s approval, you may use Intimidate to ‘attack’ such targets, issuing specific commands, such as ‘drop your weapons’ or ‘get out of here!’. However, if you fail any of these subsequent Intimidate Tests, you no longer Intimidate (or cause Fear) in affected opponents. With your GM’s permission you may try to Intimidate them again in a later Round, but this will incur a negative modifier, as they are less likely to fear you having seen through your bravado once already.




Alternative Characteristics For Intimidate


While strength is the default stat for Intimidate tests, the GM may decree certain situations may allow you to use a different characteristic: a steely witch hunter may use Willpower to stare down an inquisitive bystander, or an academic may use Intelligence to cow a lowly student with his intimidating knowledge, for instance. 




Example: Facing a group of footpads, Svetlana the Strong rolls 4 SL on her Intimidate Test. Combined with her SB of 5, this means she can affect up to 9 targets, more than enough to impact all three footpads who now Fear Svetlana. As she has won by 3 SL, she gains +1 Advantage point until the end of her next turn. In the next round, she ‘attacks’ the footpads using her Intimidate, intending to scare them into leaving her be. However, she fails the Test, and the footpads realize they outnumber her, and are armed… 




The Intuition Skill allows you to get a feel for your surroundings, leading you to notice when something is wrong, and gives you a sense of when people may be hiding something from you. A successful use of the Intuition Skill gives you subtle or implicit intelligence relating to your environment, determined by your GM. This may be information such as whether someone believes what they are saying, what the general attitude is towards the local noble, or if the helpful local’s motives are as pure as they seem. If someone is actively trying to hide their intent, they may resist your Intuition with Cool or Entertain (Acting).




In combat, a successful Intuition Test may be used to give you +1 Advantage as you weigh the environment and your opponents. You may continue building Advantage in subsequent turns providing you are able to observe your targets and are not interrupted (such as being attacked); you may gain a maximum Advantage equal to your Intelligence Bonus in this manner.


A measure of your ability to lead others and command their respect. While most often associated with martial situations, a resolute leader can quickly direct a fast response to a fire or other such calamity, and nobles use the Skill frequently to command their lessers.




A successful Leadership Test allows you to issue orders to a number of targets equal to your Fellowship Bonus + SL. If the targets are your natural subordinates — a noble commanding serfs, or a sergeant commanding his troops — commands are usually unopposed. If there is no natural hierarchy in place, or the order is particularly challenging — such as ordering your soldiers to charge a Hydra head on — the Test is Opposed by your targets’ Cool.




In combat, you may use Leadership to encourage your subordinates. A successful Leadership Test confers a bonus of +10 to all Psychology Tests until the end of the next round (see page 190).




Further, Leadership can be used to transfer Advantage to allies able to hear you; following a successful Leadership Test, you may transfer an Advantage to one ally of your choice, plus a further +1 Advantage per SL scored, which can again go to any allies of your choice within earshot.




Example: Lord Ludwig von Schemp has been watching his two bodyguards discourse with some ruffians for three Rounds, using his Intuition Skill to build up 3 Advantage. Feeling it is going nowhere, he issues a peremptory order to attack the ringleader; passing his Leadership Test with 5 SL, he gives one bodyguard 2 of his Advantage, and the remaining bodyguard 1 Advantage, hoping this will bring a swift end to proceedings. 


The Melee Skill represents specific training with a single type of close combat weaponry. Each Melee Specialization indicates training in using a specific class of weapon. If you don’t have the correct Specialization for a weapon you wish to use, refer to Chapter 11: Consumers’ Guide for the correct weapon entry, and what penalties you will suffer. See Chapter 5: Rules for more detail about combat and using the Melee Skill.




Specializations: Basic, Brawling, Cavalry, Fencing, Flail, Parry, Pole-Arm, Two-Handed 


Navigation allows you to find your way in the wilderness using landmarks, stellar bodies or maps. Possessing the Navigation Skill means you know roughly where you are, and can find your way between well-known landmarks without a Test. A Test is only required if you are disoriented or travelling far from the beaten path, with success showing you the correct direction, or allowing you to avoid mishap.




If you are navigating a long journey, your GM may ask for an extended Navigation Test, modified by conditions, visible landmarks, and access to reliable geographical information. The SL required to succeed depends on how far the destination is, with each Test representing between an hour and a day’s travel, depending on the nature of the journey

"},"gmdescription":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":""},"advanced":{"value":"bsc","type":"String"},"grouped":{"value":"noSpec","type":"String"},"characteristic":{"type":"String","label":"Characteristic","value":"i"},"advances":{"type":"Number","label":"Advances","value":0},"total":{"type":"Number","label":"Total"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}}},{"_id":"os4NKy5Oy6sRt1eh","flags":{},"name":"Outdoor Survival","type":"skill","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/skills/skill.png","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"

The Outdoor Survival Skill is used to survive in the wild, including the ability to fish, hunt, forage, and build fires and shelters. Experienced travelers are skilled at reading the signs of incoming inclement weather and finding the spoor of various dangerous beasts.




When camping, make an Outdoor Survival Test, modified by the harshness of conditions — for instance, a Test is Challenging (+0) if it is raining, Hard (–20) in a storm. A successful Test indicates you can provide yourself sustenance and shelter for the night. Each SL allows you to provide for one more character. If the Test is failed, you must make a Challenging (+0) Endurance Test or receive the Fatigued Condition. If you suffer an Astounding Failure, something untoward has happened, as determined by the GM; perhaps your camp is attacked in the night?




When fighting in the wilderness, you may make an Outdoor Survival Test to receive +1 Advantage, in the same way as Intuition, to a maximum number of Advantage equal to your Intelligence Bonus, as you spy out treacherous and advantageous terrain that you can best use to your advantage.




Gathering Food and Herbs


Gathering food or herbs normally takes around 2 hours. Hunting and foraging parties make one assisted Outdoor Survival Test for the group, with the Difficulty determined by the circumstances.








Your ability to notice things with your senses — sight, smell, hearing, touch, and taste, and any other senses you may possess, such as magical or non-Human senses. Your GM may ask for a Perception Test to detect something, like movement behind the treeline, the presence of a trap, or someone following you, modified by how easy it is to notice. Perception is also used to resist attempts to hide things through Skills such as Sleight of Hand or Stealth. Perception has multiple uses in combat, most commonly to notice important details beyond the immediately obvious about the surrounding environment and your opponents, as determined by the GM. 


How proficient you are at riding a particular group of animals; Ride (Horse), for example, will let you ride Horses, Mules, Donkeys, and similar. You’ll only need to make a Test when doing something out of the ordinary, such as racing, dressage, traversing dangerous terrain, or charging into combat. Otherwise, if you have at least one Advance in the Skill, you are presumed to be able to ride around without need of a Test.




If mounted on a steed, you move using the steed’s Movement statistic; if you wish to run, jump, or leap, you use your Ride Skill, not Athletics. An extended Ride Test may be needed if you are racing somewhere, the target SL depending on the length of the journey, the number of Tests indicating how long you take to arrive. A Ride Test may be modified by environmental conditions, and the temperament of your mount. For more information on mounts, see Chapter 12: Bestiary. The Ride skill can be used extensively in combat. See Chapter 5: Rules, for more on mounted combat.




Specializations: Demigryph, Great Wolf, Griffon, Horse, Pegasus 


Your prowess at pulling an oar and moving a boat through the water. The Row Skill is typically only used when racing, navigating rapids, desperately avoiding Bog Octopuses, or similar unusual or dangerous feats. Anyone with the Skill is automatically presumed to be able to scull about a pond, or over a gentle river, without a Test. Those without the skill may have to make a Test for anything but the most basic maneuvers. 


Allows you to creep quietly and conceal yourself in shadows more readily than most. Stealth is generally Opposed by an opponent’s Perception Skill, and Tests will be modifed by how dark or well concealed your route is, as well as how circumspectly you are dressed. An Impressive or Astounding Failure on a Stealth Test will likely draw the immediate attention of the enemies you were trying to avoid in the first place.




Stealth has many potential applications in combat, most usefully to hide oneself in preparation for an Ambush, or to creep around an opponent in order to attack from behind. Of course, you can also use the Skill to escape a conflict unseen…




Specializations: Rural, Underground, Urban 




Options: Shadowing


Shadowing is following someone secretly. To do this requires a Combined Perception and Stealth Test. If the target is actively trying to lose a tail, it is Opposed with the target’s Stealth Skill.




If you pass the Perception Test, and fail the Stealth Test you follow your target, but are spotted. If you fail the perception Test, yet pass the Stealth Test, you lose your target, but go unnoticed

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