Hooks.on("init", () => { game.settings.register("wfrp4e-night-of-blood", "initialized", { name: "Initialization", scope: "world", config: false, default: false, type: Boolean }); game.settings.registerMenu("wfrp4e-night-of-blood", "init-dialog", { name: "WFRP4e Night of Blood Initialization", label : "Initialize", hint : "This will import content for the WFRP4e adventure Night of Blood Module", type : WFRP4eNightOfBloodWrapper, restricted: true }) }) Hooks.on("ready", () => { if (!game.settings.get("wfrp4e-night-of-blood", "initialized") && game.user.isGM) { new WFRP4eNightOfBloodInitialization().render(true) } }) class WFRP4eNightOfBloodWrapper extends FormApplication { render() { new WFRP4eNightOfBloodInitialization().render(true); } } class WFRP4eNightOfBloodInitialization extends Dialog{ constructor() { super({ title: "WFRP4e Night of Blood Initialization", content: `

Night of Blood is free from Cubicle 7 on DriveThruRPG and is needed to use this Foundry module.

Pressing Initialize will import all Journals, Actors and Scenes into your world, sort them into folders, and place map pins on the maps.

Written by Jim Bambra
4E Conversion by Lindsay Law
Foundry Edition by Stuart Kerrigan
Special thanks to: Russell Thurman (Moo Man)

Listen to the Perilous Realm Podcast

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`, buttons: { initialize: { label : "Initialize", callback : async () => { game.settings.set("wfrp4e-night-of-blood", "initialized", true) await new WFRP4eNightOfBloodInitialization().initialize() ui.notifications.notify("Initialization Complete") } }, no: { label : "No", callback : () => { game.settings.set("wfrp4e-night-of-blood", "initialized", true) ui.notifications.notify("Skipped Initialization.") } } } }) this.folders = { "Scene" : {}, "Item" : {}, "Actor" : {}, "JournalEntry" : {} } this.SceneFolders = {}; this.ActorFolders = {}; this.ItemFolders = {}; this.JournalEntryFolders = {}; this.journals = {}; this.scenes = {}; this.moduleKey = "wfrp4e-night-of-blood" } async initialize() { return new Promise((resolve) => { fetch(`modules/${this.moduleKey}/initialization.json`).then(async r => r.json()).then(async json => { let createdFolders = await Folder.create(json) for (let folder of createdFolders) this.folders[folder.data.type][folder.data.name] = folder; for (let folderType in this.folders) { for (let folder in this.folders[folderType]) { let parent = this.folders[folderType][folder].getFlag(this.moduleKey, "initialization-parent") if (parent) { let parentId = this.folders[folderType][parent].data._id await this.folders[folderType][folder].update({ parent: parentId }) } } } await this.initializeEntities() await this.initializeScenes() resolve() }) }) } async initializeEntities() { let packList= [ `${this.moduleKey}.NightOfBloodActors`, `${this.moduleKey}.NightOfBloodScenes`, `${this.moduleKey}.NightOfBloodJournal`] for( let pack of packList) { console.log(pack); let content = await game.packs.get(pack).getContent(); for (let entity of content) { let folder = entity.getFlag(this.moduleKey, "initialization-folder") if (folder) entity.data.folder = this.folders[entity.entity][folder].data._id; } switch(content[0].entity) { case "Actor": ui.notifications.notify("Initializing Actors") await Actor.create(content.map(c => c.data)) break; case "Item": ui.notifications.notify("Initializing Items") await Item.create(content.map(c => c.data)) break; case "JournalEntry" : ui.notifications.notify("Initializing Journals") let createdEntries = await JournalEntry.create(content.map(c => c.data)) if (!createdEntries.length) break for (let entry of createdEntries) this.journals[entry.data.name] = entry break; } } } async initializeScenes() { ui.notifications.notify("Initializing Scenes") let m = game.packs.get(`${this.moduleKey}.NightOfBloodScenes`) let maps = await m.getContent() for (let map of maps) { let folder = map.getFlag(this.moduleKey, "initialization-folder") if (folder) map.data.folder = this.folders["Scene"][folder].data._id; let journalName = map.getFlag(this.moduleKey, "scene-note") if (journalName) map.data.journal = game.journal.getName(journalName).data._id; map.data.notes.forEach(n => { try { n.entryId = this.journals[getProperty(n, `flags.${this.moduleKey}.initialization-entryName`)].data._id } catch (e) { console.log("wfrp4e | INITIALIZATION ERROR: " + e) } }) } await Scene.create(maps.map(m => m.data)).then(sceneArray => { sceneArray.forEach(async s => { let thumb = await s.createThumbnail(); s.update({"thumb" : thumb.thumb}) }) }) } } class WFRP4eNightOfBloodInitializationSetup { static async setup() { WFRP4eNightOfBloodInitializationSetup.displayFolders() WFRP4eNightOfBloodInitializationSetup.setFolderFlags() WFRP4eNightOfBloodInitializationSetup.setEmbeddedEntities() } /** This gets every folder in the system */ static async displayFolders() { let array = []; game.folders.entities.forEach(async f => { if (f.data.parent) await f.setFlag("wfrp4e-night-of-blood", "initialization-parent", game.folders.get(f.data.parent).data.name) }) game.folders.entities.forEach(f => { array.push(f.data) }) console.log(JSON.stringify(array)) } static async setFolderFlags() { for (let scene of game.scenes.entities) await scene.setFlag("wfrp4e-night-of-blood", "initialization-folder", game.folders.get(scene.data.folder).data.name) for (let actor of game.actors.entities) await actor.setFlag("wfrp4e-night-of-blood", "initialization-folder", game.folders.get(actor.data.folder).data.name) for (let item of game.items.entities) await item.setFlag("wfrp4e-night-of-blood", "initialization-folder", game.folders.get(item.data.folder).data.name) for (let journal of game.journal.entities) await journal.setFlag("wfrp4e-night-of-blood", "initialization-folder", game.folders.get(journal.data.folder).data.name) WFRP4eNightOfBloodInitializationSetup.setSceneNotes(); } static async setSceneNotes() { for (let scene of game.scenes.entities) if (scene.data.journal) await scene.setFlag("wfrp4e-night-of-blood", "scene-note", game.journal.get(scene.data.journal).data.name) } static async setEmbeddedEntities() { for (let scene of game.scenes.entities) { let notes = duplicate(scene.data.notes) for (let note of notes) { setProperty(note, "flags.wfrp4e-night-of-blood.initialization-entryName", game.journal.get(note.entryId).data.name) } await scene.update({notes : notes}) } } }