diff --git a/lang/en.json b/lang/en.json
index 7b34e18..41f61ac 100644
--- a/lang/en.json
+++ b/lang/en.json
@@ -1,111 +1,111 @@
- "ACTOR.TypeCharacter": "Personnage",
- "ACTOR.TypeEncounter": "Rencontre",
- "ITEM.TypeItem": "Objet",
- "ITEM.TypeFeature": "Trait",
- "ITEM.TypeWeapon": "Arme",
- "ITEM.TypeArmor": "Armure",
+ "ACTOR.TypeCharacter": "Character",
+ "ACTOR.TypeEncounter": "Encounter",
+ "ITEM.TypeItem": "Item",
+ "ITEM.TypeFeature": "Feature",
+ "ITEM.TypeWeapon": "Weapon",
+ "ITEM.TypeArmor": "Armor",
- "BOL.attributes.vigor": "Vigueur",
- "BOL.attributes.halfvigor" : "Demi-vigueur",
- "BOL.attributes.agility": "Agilité",
- "BOL.attributes.mind": "Esprit",
- "BOL.attributes.appeal": "Aura",
+ "BOL.attributes.vigor": "Vigor",
+ "BOL.attributes.halfvigor" : "Half-Vigor",
+ "BOL.attributes.agility": "Agility",
+ "BOL.attributes.mind": "Mind",
+ "BOL.attributes.appeal": "Appeal",
"BOL.aptitudes.init": "Initiative",
- "BOL.aptitudes.melee": "Mêlée",
- "BOL.aptitudes.ranged": "Tir",
- "BOL.aptitudes.def": "Défense",
+ "BOL.aptitudes.melee": "Melee",
+ "BOL.aptitudes.ranged": "Ranged",
+ "BOL.aptitudes.def": "Defense",
"BOL.aptitudes.prot": "Protection",
- "BOL.resources.hp": "Vitalité",
- "BOL.resources.hero": "Héroïsme",
- "BOL.resources.faith": "Foi",
- "BOL.resources.creation": "Création",
- "BOL.resources.power": "Pouvoir",
- "BOL.resources.villainy": "Vilénie",
+ "BOL.resources.hp": "Vitality",
+ "BOL.resources.hero": "Hero",
+ "BOL.resources.faith": "Faith",
+ "BOL.resources.creation": "Creation",
+ "BOL.resources.power": "Power",
+ "BOL.resources.villainy": "Villany",
"BOL.resources.alchemypoints": "Alchemy Points",
- "BOL.traits.xp": "Expérience",
+ "BOL.traits.xp": "Experience",
- "BOL.ui.tab.stats": "Attributs",
+ "BOL.ui.tab.stats": "Attributes",
"BOL.ui.tab.combat": "Combat",
"BOL.ui.tab.actions": "Actions",
"BOL.ui.tab.features": "Traits",
- "BOL.ui.tab.equipment": "Equipement",
+ "BOL.ui.tab.equipment": "Equipment",
"BOL.ui.tab.description": "Description",
"BOL.ui.tab.details": "Details",
- "BOL.ui.tab.spellalchemy": "Spells&Alchemy",
+ "BOL.ui.tab.spellalchemy": "Spells & Alchemy",
- "BOL.ui.properties": "Propriétés",
+ "BOL.ui.properties": "Properties",
"BOL.ui.description": "Description",
"BOL.ui.actions": "Actions",
- "BOL.ui.capacities": "Capacités",
- "BOL.ui.damages": "Dommages",
- "BOL.ui.details": "Détails",
- "BOL.ui.category": "Catégorie",
- "BOL.ui.subcategory": "Sous-catégorie",
+ "BOL.ui.capacities": "Capacity",
+ "BOL.ui.damages": "Damage",
+ "BOL.ui.details": "Details",
+ "BOL.ui.category": "Category",
+ "BOL.ui.subcategory": "Sub-Category",
"BOL.ui.type": "Type",
- "BOL.ui.subtype": "Sous-type",
- "BOL.ui.attribute" : "Attribut",
+ "BOL.ui.subtype": "Subtype",
+ "BOL.ui.attribute" : "Attribute",
"BOL.ui.aptitude" : "Aptitude",
- "BOL.ui.advantages" : "Avantages/Désavantages",
- "BOL.ui.modifiers": "Modificateurs",
- "BOL.ui.item": "Objet",
- "BOL.ui.edit": "Editer",
- "BOL.ui.unequip": "Déséquiper",
- "BOL.ui.equip": "Équiper",
- "BOL.ui.delete": "Supprimer",
- "BOL.ui.roll" : "Utiliser",
- "BOL.ui.equipment" : "Équipement",
- "BOL.ui.equipmentProperties" : "Propiétés d'équipement",
+ "BOL.ui.advantages" : "Boons/Flaws",
+ "BOL.ui.modifiers": "Modifiers",
+ "BOL.ui.item": "Item",
+ "BOL.ui.edit": "Edit",
+ "BOL.ui.unequip": "Unequip",
+ "BOL.ui.equip": "Equip",
+ "BOL.ui.delete": "Delete",
+ "BOL.ui.roll" : "Roll",
+ "BOL.ui.equipment" : "Equipment",
+ "BOL.ui.equipmentProperties" : "Equipment properties",
"BOL.ui.weaponAttack" : "Weapon attack",
- "BOL.ui.weaponProperties" : "Propiétés offensives",
- "BOL.ui.protectionProperties" : "Protection",
- "BOL.ui.magicalProperties" : "Propriétés magiques",
+ "BOL.ui.weaponProperties" : "Weapon properties",
+ "BOL.ui.protectionProperties" : "Protection properties",
+ "BOL.ui.magicalProperties" : "Magical properties",
"BOL.ui.alchemyProperties": "Alchemy properties",
- "BOL.ui.armor" : "Armure",
- "BOL.ui.reach" : "Allonge",
- "BOL.ui.weapon" : "Arme",
- "BOL.ui.melee" : "Arme de contact",
- "BOL.ui.ranged" : "Arme à distance",
+ "BOL.ui.armor" : "Armor",
+ "BOL.ui.reach" : "Reach",
+ "BOL.ui.weapon" : "Weapon",
+ "BOL.ui.melee" : "Melee",
+ "BOL.ui.ranged" : "Ranged",
"BOL.ui.protection" : "Protection",
- "BOL.ui.shield" : "Bouclier",
- "BOL.ui.blocking" : "Blocage",
- "BOL.ui.range" : "Portée",
- "BOL.ui.quantity" : "Quantité",
- "BOL.ui.qty" : "Qté",
- "BOL.ui.slot" : "Empl.",
- "BOL.ui.weight" : "Poids",
- "BOL.ui.price": "Prix",
- "BOL.ui.cancel": "Annuler",
+ "BOL.ui.shield" : "Shield",
+ "BOL.ui.blocking" : "Blocking",
+ "BOL.ui.range" : "Range",
+ "BOL.ui.quantity" : "Quantity",
+ "BOL.ui.qty" : "Qty",
+ "BOL.ui.slot" : "Slot",
+ "BOL.ui.weight" : "Weight",
+ "BOL.ui.price": "Price",
+ "BOL.ui.cancel": "Cancel",
"BOL.ui.submit": "OK",
- "BOL.ui.attributeCheck" : "Test d'attribut",
- "BOL.ui.aptitudeCheck" : "Test d'aptitude",
- "BOL.ui.weaponCheck" : "Jet d'attaque",
- "BOL.ui.spellCheck" : "Jet de sort",
- "BOL.ui.careers" : "Carrières",
- "BOL.ui.boons" : "Avantages",
- "BOL.ui.flaws" : "Désavantages",
- "BOL.ui.rank" : "Rang",
- "BOL.ui.success" : "Succès",
- "BOL.ui.failure" : "Échec",
- "BOL.ui.fumble" : "Échec critique",
- "BOL.ui.critical" : "Succès critique",
- "BOL.ui.maneuvers" : "Actions de combat",
- "BOL.ui.stacksize" : "Taille de pile (max)",
- "BOL.ui.weapons" : "Armes",
- "BOL.ui.protections" : "Protections",
- "BOL.ui.ammos" : "Munitions",
- "BOL.ui.containers" : "Conteneurs",
- "BOL.ui.treasure" : "Trésor",
- "BOL.ui.vehicles" : "Véhicules/Montures",
- "BOL.ui.misc" : "Divers",
- "BOL.ui.vehicleProperties" : " Propriétés de véhicule",
- "BOL.ui.speed" : "Vitesse",
- "BOL.ui.noWeaponName" : "Arme Inconnue",
- "BOL.ui.targetDefence": "Défense",
- "BOL.ui.applyShieldMalus": "Appliquer le Malus de Petit Bouclier",
- "BOL.ui.shieldMalus": "Malus de Bouclier",
- "BOL.ui.defenseScore": "Score de Defense",
- "BOL.ui.defender": "Défenseur",
+ "BOL.ui.attributeCheck" : "Attribute Check",
+ "BOL.ui.aptitudeCheck" : "Aptitude Check",
+ "BOL.ui.weaponCheck" : "Weapon Check",
+ "BOL.ui.spellCheck" : "Spell Check",
+ "BOL.ui.careers" : "Careers",
+ "BOL.ui.boons" : "Boons",
+ "BOL.ui.flaws" : "Flaws",
+ "BOL.ui.rank" : "Rank",
+ "BOL.ui.success" : "Success",
+ "BOL.ui.failure" : "Failure",
+ "BOL.ui.fumble" : "Fumble",
+ "BOL.ui.critical" : "Critical Success",
+ "BOL.ui.maneuvers" : "Maneuvers",
+ "BOL.ui.stacksize" : "Stack Size (max)",
+ "BOL.ui.weapons" : "Weapons",
+ "BOL.ui.protections" : "Protection",
+ "BOL.ui.ammos" : "Ammo",
+ "BOL.ui.containers" : "Container",
+ "BOL.ui.treasure" : "Treasure",
+ "BOL.ui.vehicles" : "Vehicles/Mounts",
+ "BOL.ui.misc" : "Misc",
+ "BOL.ui.vehicleProperties" : "Vehicle properties",
+ "BOL.ui.speed" : "Speed",
+ "BOL.ui.noWeaponName" : "Weapon Name",
+ "BOL.ui.targetDefence": "Defense",
+ "BOL.ui.applyShieldMalus": "Apply Shield Modifier",
+ "BOL.ui.shieldMalus": "Shield Modifier",
+ "BOL.ui.defenseScore": "Defense Score",
+ "BOL.ui.defender": "Defender",
"BOL.ui.difficulty": "Difficulty",
"BOL.ui.spellProperties": "Spell Properties",
"BOL.ui.duration": "Duration",
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@
"BOL.ui.sorcererRank" : "Sorcerer Rank",
"BOL.ui.alchemistRank": "Alchemist Rank",
"BOL.ui.mandatoryconditions": "Mandatory conditions",
- "BOL.ui.optionnalconditions": "Optionnal conditions",
+ "BOL.ui.optionnalconditions": "Optional conditions",
"BOL.ui.ppcost": "Power Points cost",
"BOL.ui.ppAvailable": "Available Power Points",
"BOL.ui.pccost": "Creation Points cost",
@@ -134,38 +134,38 @@
"BOL.ui.alchemyCurrent": "Current Alchemy Points in Object",
"BOL.ui.advance": "Status",
"BOL.ui.isadvantage": "Provides a bonus dice?",
- "BOL.ui.bonusmalus": "Additionnal bonus/malus",
- "BOL.ui.nbdices": "Number of Dices",
+ "BOL.ui.bonusmalus": "Additional bonus/penalty",
+ "BOL.ui.nbdices": "Number of Dice",
"BOL.ui.totalmod": "Total Mod.",
"BOL.ui.rangeModifiers": "Range modifier",
- "BOL.ui.money": "Bougette",
+ "BOL.ui.money": "Money",
"BOL.ui.moneyTitle": "Gold & Treasure",
"BOL.ui.fightOption": "Fight Options",
"BOL.ui.none": "None",
- "BOL.ui.fightOptionType": "Fight Options types",
+ "BOL.ui.fightOptionType": "Fight Option types",
"BOL.ui.activated": "Activated",
"BOL.ui.deactivated": "Deactivated",
"BOL.ui.status": "Status",
- "BOL.ui.toactivated": "Active (>Désactiver)",
- "BOL.ui.todeactivated": "Inactive (>Activer)",
- "BOL.ui.armorAgiMalus": "Armor+Shield Malus (Agi)",
- "BOL.ui.armorInitMalus": "Armor Malus (Init)",
- "BOL.ui.attackValue": "Attack value",
+ "BOL.ui.toactivated": "Active (>Deactivated)",
+ "BOL.ui.todeactivated": "Inactive (>Active)",
+ "BOL.ui.armorAgiMalus": "Armor+Shield Modifier (Agi)",
+ "BOL.ui.armorInitMalus": "Armor Modifier (Init)",
+ "BOL.ui.attackValue": "Attack Value",
- "BOL.featureCategory.origins": "Origines",
+ "BOL.featureCategory.origins": "Origins",
"BOL.featureCategory.races": "Races",
- "BOL.featureCategory.careers": "Carrières",
- "BOL.featureCategory.boons": "Avantages",
- "BOL.featureCategory.flaws": "Désavantages",
- "BOL.featureCategory.languages": "Langages",
+ "BOL.featureCategory.careers": "Careers",
+ "BOL.featureCategory.boons": "Boons",
+ "BOL.featureCategory.flaws": "Flaws",
+ "BOL.featureCategory.languages": "Languages",
"BOL.featureCategory.fightoptions": "Fight Options",
- "BOL.featureSubtypes.origin": "Origine",
+ "BOL.featureSubtypes.origin": "Origin",
"BOL.featureSubtypes.race": "Race",
- "BOL.featureSubtypes.career": "Carrière",
- "BOL.featureSubtypes.boon": "Avantage",
- "BOL.featureSubtypes.flaw": "Désavantage",
- "BOL.featureSubtypes.language": "Langage",
+ "BOL.featureSubtypes.career": "Career",
+ "BOL.featureSubtypes.boon": "Boon",
+ "BOL.featureSubtypes.flaw": "Flaw",
+ "BOL.featureSubtypes.language": "Language",
"BOL.featureSubtypes.gods": "Faith & Gods",
"BOL.featureSubtypes.fightOption": "Combat Option",
@@ -175,46 +175,46 @@
"BOL.bougette.luxury" : "Luxury life",
"BOL.bougette.rich": "Rich!",
- "BOL.fightOptionTypes.armor": "Attaque au défaut d'armure",
- "BOL.fightOptionTypes.intrepid": "Attaque intrépide",
- "BOL.fightOptionTypes.twoweaponsdef": "Combat à 2 armes (Défense)",
- "BOL.fightOptionTypes.twoweaponsatt": "Combat à 2 armes (Attaque)",
- "BOL.fightOptionTypes.fulldefense": "Défense totale",
- "BOL.fightOptionTypes.defense": "Posture défensive",
- "BOL.fightOptionTypes.attack": "Posture offensive",
+ "BOL.fightOptionTypes.armor": "Armor Attack Option",
+ "BOL.fightOptionTypes.intrepid": "Fearless Attack",
+ "BOL.fightOptionTypes.twoweaponsdef": "Two Weapon (Defense)",
+ "BOL.fightOptionTypes.twoweaponsatt": "Two Weapon (Attack)",
+ "BOL.fightOptionTypes.fulldefense": "Full Defense",
+ "BOL.fightOptionTypes.defense": "Defensive Posture",
+ "BOL.fightOptionTypes.attack": "Offensive Posture",
- "BOL.itemCategory.object": "Objet",
- "BOL.itemCategory.equipment": "Équipement",
- "BOL.itemCategory.consumable": "Consommable",
- "BOL.itemCategory.spell": "Sort",
- "BOL.itemCategory.vehicle": "Monture/Véhicule",
- "BOL.itemCategory.other": "Autre",
- "BOL.itemCategory.capacity" : "Capacité",
+ "BOL.itemCategory.object": "Object",
+ "BOL.itemCategory.equipment": "Equipment",
+ "BOL.itemCategory.consumable": "Consumable",
+ "BOL.itemCategory.spell": "Spell",
+ "BOL.itemCategory.vehicle": "Mount/Vehicle",
+ "BOL.itemCategory.other": "Other",
+ "BOL.itemCategory.capacity" : "Capacity",
"BOL.itemCategory.alchemy": "Alchemy",
"BOL.combatCategory.protections": "Protections",
- "BOL.combatCategory.shields": "Boucliers",
- "BOL.combatCategory.melee": "Armes de contact",
- "BOL.combatCategory.ranged": "Armes à distance",
+ "BOL.combatCategory.shields": "Shields",
+ "BOL.combatCategory.melee": "Melee",
+ "BOL.combatCategory.ranged": "Ranged",
"BOL.combatCategory.fightOptions": "Fight options",
"BOL.combatCategory.natural": "Natural Weapons",
- "BOL.equipmentCategory.weapon": "Arme",
- "BOL.equipmentCategory.armor": "Armure",
+ "BOL.equipmentCategory.weapon": "Weapon",
+ "BOL.equipmentCategory.armor": "Armor",
"BOL.equipmentCategory.protection": "Protection",
- "BOL.equipmentCategory.shield": "Bouclier",
- "BOL.equipmentCategory.helm": "Casque",
- "BOL.equipmentCategory.jewel": "Bijou",
- "BOL.equipmentCategory.scroll": "Parchemin",
- "BOL.equipmentCategory.ammunition": "Munition",
- "BOL.equipmentCategory.container": "Conteneur",
- "BOL.equipmentCategory.currency": "Monnaie",
- "BOL.equipmentCategory.other": "Autre",
+ "BOL.equipmentCategory.shield": "Shield",
+ "BOL.equipmentCategory.helm": "Helm",
+ "BOL.equipmentCategory.jewel": "Jewel",
+ "BOL.equipmentCategory.scroll": "Scroll",
+ "BOL.equipmentCategory.ammunition": "Ammunition",
+ "BOL.equipmentCategory.container": "Container",
+ "BOL.equipmentCategory.currency": "Money",
+ "BOL.equipmentCategory.other": "Other",
- "BOL.protectionCategory.armor": "Armure",
- "BOL.protectionCategory.shield": "Bouclier",
- "BOL.protectionCategory.helm": "Casque",
- "BOL.protectionCategory.other": "Autre",
+ "BOL.protectionCategory.armor": "Armor",
+ "BOL.protectionCategory.shield": "Shield",
+ "BOL.protectionCategory.helm": "Helm",
+ "BOL.protectionCategory.other": "Other",
"BOL.spellItem.charm": "Charm",
"BOL.spellItem.circle1": "First Circle",
@@ -226,140 +226,140 @@
"BOL.alchemyItem.legend": "Legendary",
"BOL.alchemyItem.mythic": "Mythic",
- "BOL.weaponCategory.melee": "Arme de mêlée",
- "BOL.weaponCategory.ranged": "Arme de tir",
- "BOL.weaponCategory.other": "Autre",
+ "BOL.weaponCategory.melee": "Melee",
+ "BOL.weaponCategory.ranged": "Ranged",
+ "BOL.weaponCategory.other": "Other",
- "BOL.itemProperty.damageMultiplier": "Damages Multiplier",
+ "BOL.itemProperty.damageMultiplier": "Damage Multiplier",
"BOL.itemProperty.attackBonusDice": "Attack Bonus Dice",
- "BOL.itemProperty.equipable": "Équipable",
+ "BOL.itemProperty.equipable": "Equipable",
"BOL.itemProperty.protection": "Protection",
- "BOL.itemProperty.blocking": "Blocage",
- "BOL.itemProperty.magical": "Magique",
- "BOL.itemProperty.concealable": "Dissimulable",
- "BOL.itemProperty.2H": "Arme à 2 mains",
- "BOL.itemProperty.helm": "Casque",
- "BOL.itemProperty.improvised": "Improvisée",
- "BOL.itemProperty.shield": "Bouclier",
- "BOL.itemProperty.melee": "Arme de contact",
- "BOL.itemProperty.throwable": "Peut être lancée",
- "BOL.itemProperty.ignoreshield": "Ignore les boucliers",
- "BOL.itemProperty.bashing": "Dégâts non létaux",
- "BOL.itemProperty.stackable": "Empilable",
- "BOL.itemProperty.ranged": "A distance",
- "BOL.itemProperty.weapon": "Offensive",
- "BOL.itemProperty.reloadable": "Rechargeable",
- "BOL.itemProperty.worn": "Équipé",
- "BOL.itemProperty.spell" : "Sort",
- "BOL.itemProperty.armor" : "Armure",
- "BOL.itemProperty.consumable" : "Consommable",
- "BOL.itemProperty.bow" : "Arc",
- "BOL.itemProperty.crossbow" : "Arbalète",
- "BOL.itemProperty.throwing" : "Arme de jet",
+ "BOL.itemProperty.blocking": "Blocking",
+ "BOL.itemProperty.magical": "Magical",
+ "BOL.itemProperty.concealable": "Concealable",
+ "BOL.itemProperty.2H": "2H Weapon",
+ "BOL.itemProperty.helm": "Helm",
+ "BOL.itemProperty.improvised": "Improvised",
+ "BOL.itemProperty.shield": "Shield",
+ "BOL.itemProperty.melee": "Melee",
+ "BOL.itemProperty.throwable": "Throwable",
+ "BOL.itemProperty.ignoreshield": "Ignore Shield",
+ "BOL.itemProperty.bashing": "Bashing",
+ "BOL.itemProperty.stackable": "Stackable",
+ "BOL.itemProperty.ranged": "Ranged",
+ "BOL.itemProperty.weapon": "Weapon",
+ "BOL.itemProperty.reloadable": "Reloadable",
+ "BOL.itemProperty.worn": "Equipped",
+ "BOL.itemProperty.spell" : "Spell",
+ "BOL.itemProperty.armor" : "Armor",
+ "BOL.itemProperty.consumable" : "Consumable",
+ "BOL.itemProperty.bow" : "Bow",
+ "BOL.itemProperty.crossbow" : "Crossbow",
+ "BOL.itemProperty.throwing" : "Throwing",
"BOL.itemProperty.activable" : "Activable",
- "BOL.itemProperty.powder" : "Arme à poudre",
- "BOL.itemProperty.attackAttribute" : "Attaque (Attribut)",
- "BOL.itemProperty.attackAptitude" : "Attaque (Aptitude)",
- "BOL.itemProperty.attackModifiers" : "Attaque (Modificateurs)",
- "BOL.itemProperty.attackReroll1" : "Attaque (Relancer les 1)",
- "BOL.itemProperty.damage" : "Dommages (Dés)",
- "BOL.itemProperty.damageModifiers" : "Dommages (Modificateurs)",
- "BOL.itemProperty.damageAttribute" : "Dommages (Attribut)",
- "BOL.itemProperty.damageSpecial" : "Dommages (Spécial)",
- "BOL.itemProperty.damageReroll1" : "Relancer les 1",
- "BOL.itemProperty.range" : "Portée (en m)",
- "BOL.itemProperty.soakFormula": "Encaissement (Formule)",
- "BOL.itemProperty.soakModifiers": "Encaissement (Modificateur)",
- "BOL.itemProperty.soakValue": "Encaissement (Valeur par défaut)",
- "BOL.itemProperty.armorQuality": "Qualité d'armure",
- "BOL.itemProperty.blockingMalus" : "Malus de blocage",
- "BOL.itemProperty.blockingAttacksBlocked" : "Attaques bloquée",
- "BOL.itemProperty.blocking1Attack" : "Bloque 1 attaque",
- "BOL.itemProperty.blockingAllAttacks" : "Bloque toutes les attaques",
- "BOL.itemProperty.slot" : "Emplacement utilisé",
- "BOL.itemProperty.reload": "Rechargement (Actions)",
- "BOL.itemProperty.weaponSize" : "Classe d'arme",
+ "BOL.itemProperty.powder" : "Powder",
+ "BOL.itemProperty.attackAttribute" : "Attack (Attribute)",
+ "BOL.itemProperty.attackAptitude" : "Attack (Aptitude)",
+ "BOL.itemProperty.attackModifiers" : "Attack (Modifiers)",
+ "BOL.itemProperty.attackReroll1" : "Attack (Reroll 1's)",
+ "BOL.itemProperty.damage" : "Damage (Dmg)",
+ "BOL.itemProperty.damageModifiers" : "Damage (Modifiers)",
+ "BOL.itemProperty.damageAttribute" : "Damage (Attribute)",
+ "BOL.itemProperty.damageSpecial" : "Damage (Special)",
+ "BOL.itemProperty.damageReroll1" : "Reroll 1's",
+ "BOL.itemProperty.range" : "Range (in m)",
+ "BOL.itemProperty.soakFormula": "Soak (Formula)",
+ "BOL.itemProperty.soakModifiers": "Soak (Modifiers)",
+ "BOL.itemProperty.soakValue": "Soak (Default Value)",
+ "BOL.itemProperty.armorQuality": "Armor Quality",
+ "BOL.itemProperty.blockingMalus" : "Blocking Modifier",
+ "BOL.itemProperty.blockingAttacksBlocked" : "Attacks blocked",
+ "BOL.itemProperty.blocking1Attack" : "Block 1 attack",
+ "BOL.itemProperty.blockingAllAttacks" : "Block all attacks",
+ "BOL.itemProperty.slot" : "Slot",
+ "BOL.itemProperty.reload": "Reload (Actions)",
+ "BOL.itemProperty.weaponSize" : "Weapon Size",
"BOL.itemProperty.difficulty": "Difficulty",
"BOL.itemProperty.natural": "Natural weapon",
"BOL.itemProperty.onlymodifier": "Modifier only (ie creatures attacks)",
- "BOL.itemStat.quantity": "Quantité",
- "BOL.itemStat.weight": "Poids",
- "BOL.itemStat.price": "Prix",
- "BOL.itemStat.range": "Portée",
- "BOL.itemStat.damage": "Dommages",
- "BOL.itemStat.reload": "Rechargement (Actions)",
- "BOL.itemStat.soak": "Valeur de protection",
- "BOL.itemStat.blocking": "Bloquage",
- "BOL.itemStat.modifiers": "Modificateurs",
+ "BOL.itemStat.quantity": "Quantity",
+ "BOL.itemStat.weight": "Weight",
+ "BOL.itemStat.price": "Price",
+ "BOL.itemStat.range": "Range",
+ "BOL.itemStat.damage": "Damage",
+ "BOL.itemStat.reload": "Reload (Actions)",
+ "BOL.itemStat.soak": "Soak",
+ "BOL.itemStat.blocking": "Blocking",
+ "BOL.itemStat.modifiers": "Modifiers",
- "BOL.weaponSize.unarmed" : "Mains nues",
- "BOL.weaponSize.improvised" : "Arme improvisée",
- "BOL.weaponSize.light" : "Légère",
- "BOL.weaponSize.medium" : "Moyenne",
- "BOL.weaponSize.heavy" : "Lourde",
+ "BOL.weaponSize.unarmed" : "Unarmed",
+ "BOL.weaponSize.improvised" : "Improvised",
+ "BOL.weaponSize.light" : "Light",
+ "BOL.weaponSize.medium" : "Medium",
+ "BOL.weaponSize.heavy" : "heavy",
- "BOL.itemModifiers.init": "Malus (Initiative)",
- "BOL.itemModifiers.social": "Malus (Social)",
- "BOL.itemModifiers.agility": "Malus (Agilité)",
- "BOL.itemModifiers.powercost": "Malus (Coût supplémentaire en PP)",
+ "BOL.itemModifiers.init": "Modifier (Initiative)",
+ "BOL.itemModifiers.social": "Modifier (Social)",
+ "BOL.itemModifiers.agility": "Modifier (Agility)",
+ "BOL.itemModifiers.powercost": "Modifier (Additional Cost in PP)",
- "BOL.itemBlocking.malus": "Social",
- "BOL.itemBlocking.nbAttacksPerRound": "Agilité",
+ "BOL.itemBlocking.malus": "Modifier",
+ "BOL.itemBlocking.nbAttacksPerRound": "Agility",
"BOL.soakFormula.none" : "-",
- "BOL.soakFormula.light" : "Légère (Annule d6-3 dégâts subis)",
- "BOL.soakFormula.medium" : "Moyenne (Annule d6-2 dégâts subis)",
- "BOL.soakFormula.heavy" : "Lourde (Annule d6-1 dégâts subis)",
+ "BOL.soakFormula.light" : "Light (Cancels d6-3 damage)",
+ "BOL.soakFormula.medium" : "Medium (Cancels d6-2 damage)",
+ "BOL.soakFormula.heavy" : "Heavy (Cancels d6-1 damage)",
"BOL.armorQuality.none" : "-",
- "BOL.armorQuality.light" : "Légère",
- "BOL.armorQuality.lightQ" : "Légère de qualité",
- "BOL.armorQuality.lightSup" : "Légère Supérieure",
- "BOL.armorQuality.lightLeg" : "Légère Légendaire",
- "BOL.armorQuality.medium" : "Moyenne",
- "BOL.armorQuality.mediumQ" : "Moyenne de qualité",
- "BOL.armorQuality.mediumSup" : "Moyenne Supérieure",
- "BOL.armorQuality.mediumLeg" : "Moyenne Légendaire",
- "BOL.armorQuality.heavy" : "Lourde",
- "BOL.armorQuality.heavyQ" : "Lourde de qualité",
- "BOL.armorQuality.heavySup" : "Lourde Supérieure",
- "BOL.armorQuality.heavyLeg" : "Lourde Légendaire",
+ "BOL.armorQuality.light" : "Light",
+ "BOL.armorQuality.lightQ" : "Light Quality",
+ "BOL.armorQuality.lightSup" : "Light Superior",
+ "BOL.armorQuality.lightLeg" : "Light Legendary",
+ "BOL.armorQuality.medium" : "Medium",
+ "BOL.armorQuality.mediumQ" : "Medium Quality",
+ "BOL.armorQuality.mediumSup" : "Medium Superior",
+ "BOL.armorQuality.mediumLeg" : "Medium Legendary",
+ "BOL.armorQuality.heavy" : "Heavy",
+ "BOL.armorQuality.heavyQ" : "Heavy Quality",
+ "BOL.armorQuality.heavySup" : "Heavy Superior",
+ "BOL.armorQuality.heavyLeg" : "Heavy Legendary",
"BOL.equipmentSlots.none" : "-",
- "BOL.equipmentSlots.head" : "Tête",
- "BOL.equipmentSlots.neck" : "Cou",
- "BOL.equipmentSlots.shoulders" : "Épaules",
- "BOL.equipmentSlots.body" : "Corps",
- "BOL.equipmentSlots.rhand" : "Main droite",
- "BOL.equipmentSlots.lhand" : "Main gauche",
- "BOL.equipmentSlots.2hands" : "2 mains",
- "BOL.equipmentSlots.rarm" : "Bras droit",
- "BOL.equipmentSlots.larm" : "Bras gauche",
- "BOL.equipmentSlots.chest" : "Torse",
- "BOL.equipmentSlots.belt" : "Ceinture",
- "BOL.equipmentSlots.legs" : "Jambes",
- "BOL.equipmentSlots.feet" : "Pieds",
- "BOL.equipmentSlots.finder" : "Doigt",
- "BOL.equipmentSlots.ear" : "Oreille",
+ "BOL.equipmentSlots.head" : "Head",
+ "BOL.equipmentSlots.neck" : "Neck",
+ "BOL.equipmentSlots.shoulders" : "Shoulders",
+ "BOL.equipmentSlots.body" : "Body",
+ "BOL.equipmentSlots.rhand" : "Right hand",
+ "BOL.equipmentSlots.lhand" : "Left hand",
+ "BOL.equipmentSlots.2hands" : "2 hands",
+ "BOL.equipmentSlots.rarm" : "Right arm",
+ "BOL.equipmentSlots.larm" : "Left arm",
+ "BOL.equipmentSlots.chest" : "Chest",
+ "BOL.equipmentSlots.belt" : "Belt",
+ "BOL.equipmentSlots.legs" : "Legs",
+ "BOL.equipmentSlots.feet" : "Feet",
+ "BOL.equipmentSlots.finder" : "Finger",
+ "BOL.equipmentSlots.ear" : "Ear",
- "BOL.vehicleCategory.mount" : "Monture terrestre",
- "BOL.vehicleCategory.flying" : "Monture volante",
- "BOL.vehicleCategory.boat" : "Bateau",
- "BOL.vehicleCategory.other" : "Autre",
+ "BOL.vehicleCategory.mount" : "Ground Mount",
+ "BOL.vehicleCategory.flying" : "Flying Mount",
+ "BOL.vehicleCategory.boat" : "Boat",
+ "BOL.vehicleCategory.other" : "Other",
- "BOL.range.PointBlank": "Bout portant",
- "BOL.range.Short": "Courte",
- "BOL.range.Medium": "Moyenne",
+ "BOL.range.PointBlank": "Point Blank",
+ "BOL.range.Short": "Short",
+ "BOL.range.Medium": "Medium",
"BOL.range.Long": "Long",
- "BOL.range.VeryLong": "Très longue",
- "BOL.range.Extreme": "Extrême",
- "BOL.range.Maximum": "Maximale",
+ "BOL.range.VeryLong": "Very Long",
+ "BOL.range.Extreme": "Extreme",
+ "BOL.range.Maximum": "Maximum",
- "BOL.notification.MacroMultipleTokensSelected": "Vous avez sélectionné plusieurs tokens",
- "BOL.notification.MacroNoActorAvailable": "Aucun acteur n'a pu être ciblé",
- "BOL.notification.MacroNoTokenSelected": "Vous devez sélectionner un token",
+ "BOL.notification.MacroMultipleTokensSelected": "You have selected several tokens!",
+ "BOL.notification.MacroNoActorAvailable": "No actor could be targeted!",
+ "BOL.notification.MacroNoTokenSelected": "You must select a token!",
"BOL.size.tiny": "Tiny",
"BOL.size.verysmall": "Very Small",
@@ -374,62 +374,62 @@
"BOL.size.immense": "Immense",
"BOL.size.colossal": "Colossal",
- "BOL.chat.fightactive": "{name} active son option de combat {foName} pour ce round !",
- "BOL.chat.fightunactive": "{name} désactive son option de combat {foName} pour ce round !",
- "BOL.chat.isdead": "{name} est mort !",
- "BOL.chat.epitaph": "Que son nom soit honoré sur les champs de batailles de Lémurie !",
- "BOL.chat.vitalityzero": "La Vitalité de {name} est {hp} : il va s'écrouler au sol et sombrer dans l'inconscience !",
- "BOL.chat.vitalityheroism": "Vous pouvez dépenser 1 Point d'Héroisme pour reprendre vos esprits pendant 1 round.",
- "BOL.chat.vitalityheroismhint": "Dans ce cas votre vitalité remonte à son maximum divisé par 2 (arrondi au supérieur).",
- "BOL.chat.vitalitydying": "La Vitalité de {name} est de {hp} ! Il est mourant ...",
- "BOL.chat.vitalitydyingheroism": "Vous pouvez cependant dépenser 1 Point d'Héroisme pour Défier la Mort (cf. page 58).",
- "BOL.chat.alchemytitle": "Préparation Alchimique : {name}",
- "BOL.chat.alchemypoints": "Points de Création Investis : {pcCostCurrent}",
- "BOL.chat.alchemysuccess": "La préparation alchimique a été réalisée avec succès !
Créez l'item ou l'effet correspondant dans votre Inventaire.
L'avancement dans la préparation a été remis à 0.",
- "BOL.chat.alchemyfailure": "La préparation alchimique a échouée !
L'avancement dans la préparation a été remis à 0.",
- "BOL.chat.rolldamage": "Lancer les dommages",
- "BOL.chat.rolldamage6": "Lancer les dommages +6",
- "BOL.chat.rolldamage12": "Dommages +12 (1 Pt. d'Heroisme)",
- "BOL.chat.damageresult": "Dommages de {name} : {total}",
- "BOL.chat.damagetarget": "Cible : {target}",
- "BOL.chat.applydamagetotarget": "Appliquer les dommages à la cible",
- "BOL.chat.fightoption": "Option de combat",
- "BOL.chat.reroll": "Relancer (1 P. Heroisme)",
- "BOL.chat.toheroic": "Transformer en succés Héroïque (1 P. Héroisme)",
- "BOL.chat.tolegend": "Transformer en succes Légendaire (1 P. Heroisme)",
- "BOL.chat.hurttitle": "{name} va encaisser {damageTotal} dégats !",
- "BOL.chat.armordefault": "C'est une attaque au défaut de l'armure : vous devez encaisser SANS la protection de l'armure !",
- "BOL.chat.witharmor": "Encaisser avec la protection de l'armure",
- "BOL.chat.withoutarmor": "Encaisser sans la protection de l'armure",
- "BOL.chat.shakeoff": "Juste une égratignure (1 Point d'Héroisme)",
- "BOL.chat.splinteredshield": "Parade in Extremis avec {name} (1 Point d'Héroisme)",
- "BOL.chat.damagesummary": "Dégats subis par {name}",
- "BOL.chat.protectvalue": "Protection de l'armure",
- "BOL.chat.noprotectvalue": "Aucune protection d'armure !",
- "BOL.chat.heroreducedamage": "Un point d'héroisme dépensé, pour une réduction des dommages supplémentaire de {total}.",
- "BOL.chat.herosplintered": "Aucun dommage encaissé, grâce à la parade in-extremis avec {weaponHero.name}. L'arme a été détruite pendant cette parade ! Un point d'héroisme a également été dépensé.",
- "BOL.chat.finaldamage": "Encaissement final : {finalDamage} dégats !",
- "BOL.chat.spell": "Sort",
- "BOL.chat.spellcost": "Cout en Points de Pouvoir",
- "BOL.chat.spellremaining": "Points de Pouvoir restants",
+ "BOL.chat.fightactive": "{name} activates the fight option {foName} for this round !",
+ "BOL.chat.fightunactive": "{name} deactivates the fight option {foName} for this round !",
+ "BOL.chat.isdead": "{name} is dead !",
+ "BOL.chat.epitaph": "Keep his name and memory in honor !",
+ "BOL.chat.vitalityzero": "Lifeblood of {name} is now {hp} : he is going to fall unconscious !",
+ "BOL.chat.vitalityheroism": "You can spent 1 Hero Point to raise up for 1 round.",
+ "BOL.chat.vitalityheroismhint": "In this case, your lifeblood raises up to its maximum divided by 2.",
+ "BOL.chat.vitalitydying": "Lifeblood of {name} is now {hp} ! He is dying ...",
+ "BOL.chat.vitalitydyingheroism": "You can spent 1 Hero Point to Defy Death.",
+ "BOL.chat.alchemytitle": "Alchemy recipe : {name}",
+ "BOL.chat.alchemypoints": "Craft Points cost : {pcCostCurrent}",
+ "BOL.chat.alchemysuccess": "The alchemy recipe is a success !
Create the relevant item/effect in your Inventory.
Stage counter has been resetted.",
+ "BOL.chat.alchemyfailure": "The alchemy recipe has failed !
Stage counter has been resetted.",
+ "BOL.chat.rolldamage": "Roll for damages",
+ "BOL.chat.rolldamage6": "Roll for damages +6",
+ "BOL.chat.rolldamage12": "Roll for damages +12 (1 HP)",
+ "BOL.chat.damageresult": "Damages of {name} : {total}",
+ "BOL.chat.damagetarget": "Target : {target}",
+ "BOL.chat.applydamagetotarget": "Apply damages to the target",
+ "BOL.chat.fightoption": "Combat options",
+ "BOL.chat.reroll": "Reroll (1 HP)",
+ "BOL.chat.toheroic": "Convert to Mighty success (1 HP)",
+ "BOL.chat.tolegend": "Convert to Legendary succes (1 HP)",
+ "BOL.chat.hurttitle": "{name} is going to receive {damageTotal} damages !",
+ "BOL.chat.armordefault": "This attack is bypassing armor : armor is not used to reduce damages !",
+ "BOL.chat.witharmor": "Hit with armor",
+ "BOL.chat.withoutarmor": "Hit without armor",
+ "BOL.chat.shakeoff": "Shake off Wounds (1 HP)",
+ "BOL.chat.splinteredshield": "Splintered Shield/Sword {name} (1 HP)",
+ "BOL.chat.damagesummary": "Damages received by {name}",
+ "BOL.chat.protectvalue": "Armor protect",
+ "BOL.chat.noprotectvalue": "No armor !",
+ "BOL.chat.heroreducedamage": "One Hero Point has been spent, for reducing damges by {total}.",
+ "BOL.chat.herosplintered": "No damages received, thanks to splintered shield/sword with {weaponHero.name}. The weapon/shield has been destroyed ! One HP point has been spent also.",
+ "BOL.chat.finaldamage": "Final Damage : {finalDamage} damages !",
+ "BOL.chat.spell": "Spell",
+ "BOL.chat.spellcost": "Power Points cost",
+ "BOL.chat.spellremaining": "Remaining Power Points",
- "BOL.dialog.soeasy": "Inmanquable (+4)",
- "BOL.dialog.veryeasy": "Trés Facile (+2)",
- "BOL.dialog.easy": "Facile (+1)",
- "BOL.dialog.moderate": "Moyenne (0)",
- "BOL.dialog.hard": "Ardue (-1)",
- "BOL.dialog.tough": "Difficile (-2)",
- "BOL.dialog.demanding": "Très Difficile (-4)",
- "BOL.dialog.formidable": "Impossible (-6)",
- "BOL.dialog.heroic": "Héroïque (-8)",
- "BOL.dialog.mythic": "Mythique (-10)",
+ "BOL.dialog.soeasy": "So easy (+4)",
+ "BOL.dialog.veryeasy": "Very easy (+2)",
+ "BOL.dialog.easy": "Easy (+1)",
+ "BOL.dialog.moderate": "Moderate (0)",
+ "BOL.dialog.hard": "Hard (-1)",
+ "BOL.dialog.tough": "Tough (-2)",
+ "BOL.dialog.demanding": "Demanding (-4)",
+ "BOL.dialog.formidable": "Formidable (-6)",
+ "BOL.dialog.heroic": "Heroic (-8)",
+ "BOL.dialog.mythic": "Mythic (-10)",
"BOL.dialog.divine": "Divine (-12)",
- "BOL.dialog.pointblank": "Bout portant (+1)",
- "BOL.dialog.close": "Courte (0)",
- "BOL.dialog.medium": "Moyenne (-1))",
- "BOL.dialog.long": "Longue (-2)",
- "BOL.dialog.distant": "Très longue (-4)",
- "BOL.dialog.extreme": "Extrême (-6)",
- "BOL.dialog.utmost": "Maximale (-8)"
+ "BOL.dialog.pointblank": "Point blank (+1)",
+ "BOL.dialog.close": "Clos e(0)",
+ "BOL.dialog.medium": "Medium (-1))",
+ "BOL.dialog.long": "Long (-2)",
+ "BOL.dialog.distant": "Distant (-4)",
+ "BOL.dialog.extreme": "Extreme (-6)",
+ "BOL.dialog.utmost": "Utmost (-8)"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system.json b/system.json
index f25f346..1a232db 100644
--- a/system.json
+++ b/system.json
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
"url": "https://github.com/ZigmundKreud/bol",
"license": "LICENSE.txt",
"flags": {},
- "version": "1.3.11",
+ "version": "1.3.12",
"templateVersion": 10,
"minimumCoreVersion": "0.8.6",
"compatibleCoreVersion": "9",