Compare commits


19 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
74f6d4d54a Fix empty lands, Fix #33 2025-02-12 07:02:24 +01:00
2eb153ce14 Various fixes for translations 2025-02-11 21:55:04 +01:00
fe513e821a Fix AIS from ARESIA inputs 2025-02-11 21:45:30 +01:00
1b72c9c467 Various fixes for rulebook module 2025-02-10 20:28:13 +01:00
3c3a0901da Fix issues #30 and #31 2025-02-09 21:08:20 +01:00
3fc6d3e3df Fix issues #30 and #31 2025-02-09 21:08:02 +01:00
69b34669b0 Sync bol for module releas 2025-01-25 20:12:00 +01:00
89bcc47b11 Ready for module !! 2024-12-12 21:50:28 +01:00
dda70636a1 New translalation 2024-12-02 15:26:59 +01:00
4f10ed46ac BOL : Prepare official module 2024-11-26 20:05:00 +01:00
e62868d775 Prepare content module 2024-11-15 23:46:11 +01:00
1a9933fdc7 Add new items translations 2024-11-11 20:32:12 +01:00
cc6c7d076e Update for future module 2024-11-02 18:29:22 +01:00
f427369962 Add missing icons 2024-10-16 20:26:38 +02:00
6b19cb19bd Revert to 12.1.1 2024-10-15 10:31:28 +02:00
e93a554715 Add babele JSON files 2024-10-13 17:08:33 +02:00
3ba0449c12 Fix spells 2024-09-12 22:46:01 +02:00
819548567b Fix spells 2024-09-12 22:43:09 +02:00
133f7aa428 Gestion des hordes et divers améliorations + traduction espagnole 2024-09-05 20:23:41 +02:00
155 changed files with 2420 additions and 407 deletions

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@ -1,5 +1,25 @@
Changes : Changes :
# v12.1.0
## French
- Correction sur les conditions des sorts
- Jet d'armures correctement affichés
- Dégat à 0 possibles sur les armes/capacités
## English
- Corrected spell conditions
- Armor rolls are now correctly displayed
- Weapon/capacity damage can now be set to 0
# v12.1.0
- Gestion des Hordes
- Ajout de la traduction Espagnole
- Nouvelles clés de traduction
- Petites amélioration diverses
# v11.1.2 # v11.1.2
- Ajout des traductions manquantes en anglais - Ajout des traductions manquantes en anglais

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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
"entries": {
"Anglais": "English",
"Français": "French",
"Commun": "Common"

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@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
"label": "Gods&Traits",
"folders": {
"Dieux": "Gods",
"Pouvoirs Démoniaques": "Demonic Powers"
"mapping": {
"description": "system.description"
"entries": {
"Afyra, Deesse de la Vie": {
"name": "Afyra, Goddess of Life",
"description": "The Lady of Healing is worshipped by many physicians, and women everywhere who want children. She is the daughter of Hurm and Piandra. She is usually depicted as a young woman dressed in a sort shift and sandals with a garland of flowers about her neck."
"Charkond, Dieu de la Guerre et des Batailles": {
"name": "Charkond, God of War, Lord of Battle",
"description": "The son of Hurm and Lilandra is depicted as a black-skinned warrior, with four arms and four andrak legs. He is clad in a golden breastplate, wears helm and shield and is armed with a spear although he is skilled with any weapon. He generally represents the chaos of battle, rather than the skill of military strategy. As such he is worshipped mainly by mercenaries, berserkers, mariners, and raiders."
"Chiomalla, Deesse des Grains et des Moissons": {
"name": "Chiomalla, Goddess of Crops, Lady of the Harvest",
"description": "She is depicted as a mature but nonetheless attractive woman, usually dressed in a brown and green robe, carrying a sheaf of wheat and a staff. She is worshipped by farmers and anyone reliant upon grain or other crops for their livelihoods, such as innkeepers, bakers, and so on."
"Dyr, Dieu des Tempêtes et du Tonnerre": {
"name": "Dyr, God of Storms, the Thunder Lord",
"description": "A powerful god, Dyr is known to fly into rages for the most trivial of reasons. Dyr is depicted as a tall, muscular man wearing a mail shirt and a purple mantle. In battle he uses his halberd Jarnost (which was made by Yrzlak). Dyr is worshipped by just about everyone who is affected by stormy weather."
"Fillana, déesse des étoiles": {
"name": "Fillana, Goddess of the Stars",
"description": "The Lady of the Night Skies is worshipped by many who conduct their business at night and also by anyone reliant on the stars for navigation, such as whores, assassins, burglars, sailors, and sky-pilots."
"Fyrzon la Sentinelle, lInébranlable": {
"name": "Fyrzon the Sentinel, the Steadfast",
"description": "Also known as the Gate Keeper, Watcher of the Stairs. Fyrzon is often depicted as a man with the head of a bouphon, wielding a great iron mace named Mulkandrar. He is stalwart and true being able to stand for years without moving if needed. Once his feet are grounded, nothing can make him move. If you arent desired in Mezzechesh, you will not get past Fyrzon."
"Grondil, le dieu bâtisseur": {
"name": "Grondil the Builder God",
"description": "The god of Bricks and Buildings, the Stoneworker, Grondil is depicted as a muscular, bearded man, either carrying a hod of bricks or chiselling a lump of stone. He built the villa of Mezzechesh and is worshipped by architects, builders, masons, and by anyone who owns or rents their own building (almost all)."
"Hadron le Noir , seigneur du Néant": {
"name": "Hadron, Lord of the Void, the Dark One",
"description": "Worshipped by the Black Druids and the Sorcerer-Kings, he is usually depicted as an androgynous human-shaped patch of night sky with stars scattered throughout his form. However, he can assume any form he likes. Hadron has the power of destruction at his fingertips. He is the ruler of the Void, where the Dark Gods and demons are said to dwell."
"Hurm, le père des dieux, seigneur du ciel": {
"name": "Hurm, Father-God, God of the Sky",
"description": "The King of the Gods is depicted as a regal, mature man with a sturdy frame and dark beard, usually just wearing a belted leather kilt. He carries his royal sceptre in one hand and a bronze bell in the other. The bell is used to call all the other gods and goddesses to order, and has powers over men and beasts too. Hurm is worshipped by all."
"Iondal le débauché": {
"name": "Iondal the Carouser",
"description": "The Lord of Song and Debauchery is depicted as a pot-bellied man with a goblet in one hand and a haunch of meat in the other. There are usually naked women at his feet. His followers tend to be minstrels and bards, tavern-keepers, and decadent nobles."
"Karyzon, le seigneur des vents": {
"name": "Karyzon the Wind Lord",
"description": "The Messenger of the Gods is depicted as a handsome and athletic-looking youth, sometimes with feathered wings sprouting from his back, sometimes without, and often naked. Karyzon is worshipped by the Winged Folk, as well as by sailors and sky-pilots. Karyzon is the son of Nemmereth and Lilandra."
"Knothakon, dieu de la sagesse, seigneur des âges": {
"name": "Knothakon, God of Wisdom, Lord of Aeons",
"description": "Knothakon is depicted as a man in a white robe with a massive head that is far too big for his shrivelled body. His head grows as he stores more knowledge, but shrinks a little when he imparts some of this knowledge to others. He is worshipped by scribes and scholars everywhere."
"Lilandra la séductrice": {
"name": "Lilandra the Seductress",
"description": "The goddess of Love and Beauty is worshipped by many especially by courtesans and dancers. Lilandras temples tend to resemble very high- class brothels. She is depicted as a beautiful woman, and of all the goddesses most likely to appear nude or semi-nude. Poets praise the radiance of her smile and her laughter. Others appreciate her physical features rather more."
"Morgazzon, roi-démon de la folie": {
"name": "Morgazzon, The Demonlord of Madness",
"description": "Also, the Insane God. Worshipped by the Yellow Druids, Morgazzon is said to have one of his homes in the Festrel Swamp. Morgazzon often appears as a wild-eyed, long-bearded hermit in brown robes, although he sometimes appears as a shapeless mass of writhing tentacles with a yellow orb-like eye in the centre. Morgazzons followers are becoming highly ambitious of late, and are starting to appear in some of the cities of Lemuria."
"Nemmereth du long sommeil, dieu de la mort": {
"name": "Nemmereth of the Long Sleep, The Death God",
"description": "Worshipped by Lemurian priests in his guise as one of the Twenty Gods, Nemmereth is considered by Grey Druids to be a Dark God. He is brother to Hurm, with whom he had a falling out over Piandra, and was defeated in combat. He generally appears as a tall and kindly clean- shaven man wearing grey robes, although his other aspect (as a Dark Lord) has a skeletal form with maggots coming out of his eyes and mouth."
"Piandra, déesse de la chance, Dame Fortune": {
"name": "Piandra, The Goddess of Luck, Lady of Fortune",
"description": "She wears colourful patchwork garb and has dice in one hand and cards in the other. Piandra is worshipped by gamblers and anyone who needs a slice of luck when all other gods have failed them."
"Quathoomar, dieu du voyage": {
"name": "Quathoomar, Lord of Travel, The Pathfinder",
"description": "Originally a god of the Blue Giants, but now worshipped by many other travellers of all kinds. He appears as a huge Blue Giant that can stride over hills and mountains as if they are anthills. He carries a great wooden maul and wears a behemathon-hide tunic."
"SaTel, dieu des étoiles": {
"name": "SaTel, The God of Stars",
"description": "SaTel created the Star-Orb and sent it to earth for Yrzlak to forge the blade that he gave to Hrangarth to defeat the Sorcerer-Kings. He is usually depicted as a bright light or star, although he is sometimes pictured as a slim naked man of indeterminate age with deep black eyes."
"Shazzadion, dieu des mers": {
"name": "Shazzadion the Sea Lord",
"description": "God of the Oceans, Ruler of the Waves. He is depicted as an older ebony-skinned man with a grey beard and bald head. He wears a shimmering green tunic and carries a great spear. Shazzadion has a great sea-serpent called Fulca that he rides at great speed over the oceans, or that sometimes pulls his war galley. Shazzadions followers are sailors and pirates everywhere, and anyone who has to travel across the sea."
"Tharungozoth le massacreur, seigneur des souffrances": {
"name": "Tharungozoth the Slaughterer, the Pain Lord",
"description": "Tharungozoth is worshipped by the Black Druids and some torturers, gladiators, and slavers. He appears as a solid, broad-shouldered man with a black hood over his head and a black studded leather jerkin, wielding either a whip or an executioners axe sometimes both. He often has long iron nails sticking through his neck, shoulders, knees, elbows, and ankles."
"Yrzlak le dieu forgeron": {
"name": "Yrzlak the Godsmith",
"description": "The god that forged the Orb-Blade. His forge is within the volcano of Mount Kolvis. He is usually depicted as a great bearded man wearing a leather apron and with hammer, tongs and anvil the tools of a smith. He is sometimes shown riding an enormous black bouphon. Yrzlak is worshipped by blacksmiths, armourers, soldiers, and even some alchemists (who, as men of science, generally do not worship the gods)."
"Zaggath, seigneur du Feu": {
"name": "Zaggath, Lord of Fire",
"description": "He is worshipped by the Red Druids, and is said to reside on the Fire Coast where his devoted agent is Methyn Sarr, the Witch Queen. He appears as a man-form, immolated in bright red and orange fire."
"Zalkyr le Lumineux, dieu du soleil": {
"name": "Zalkyr the Bright, Lord of Light, Sun God",
"description": "Worshipped by all as he represents light, warmth and growth. He travels across the sky on either a chariot or a sky-boat (the latter being more common in Satarlan temples). In the Crimson Edda, Zalkyr is described as an aging king with golden flesh, silver bones, and hair of sunlight."
"Zylidith, seigneur du sang, dieu du sacrifice": {
"name": "Zylidith, Lord of Blood, God of the Sacrifice",
"description": "Worshipped by the Crimson Druids, Zylidith always requires his Druids to perform a human sacrifice to receive their spell benefits. He can appear as a gaunt naked man weeping blood, and sometimes as a monstrous and shapeless scarlet mass."
"Armes Améliorées": {
"name": "Enhanced Weaponry",
"description": "<p>The demon possesses some form of natural weaponry, such as claws, fangs, blades, beaks, clubbed tails, etc., or is more skilled at using normal weapons. The demon receives a bonus die to all Attack Rolls.</p>"
"Armure": {
"name": "Armour",
"description": "<p>The demon has bony plates, spines, thick hide, or other defences that provide protection against physical attacks. Protection is d6-2 (2).</p>"
"Attaques dévastatrices": {
"name": "Destructive Attacks",
"description": "<p>The demons attacks are particularly damaging. It causes the next higher damage level on the Beasts table (so a Greater Demon with this power causes d6 ×2 damage).</p>"
"Chair Malléable": {
"name": "Malleable Flesh",
"description": "<p>The demon is clay-like or squishy in a most disgusting way, and can form itself into weird shapes from completely flat, to amoeboid, to spherical, and can get into or out of any shackles or prison (except sorcerous ones).</p>"
"Cuirasssé": {
"name": "Heavily Armoured",
"description": "<p>This power provides d6 (4) protection, but at the cost of two Powers.</p>"
"Faculté de parole": {
"name": "Speech",
"description": "<p>The demon is capable of human speech</p>"
"Forme humaine": {
"name": "Human Form",
"description": "<p>The demon can take the shape of a human, but if injured or caused to fight, will normally morph back into its demonic form</p>"
"Intangible": {
"name": "Non-Corporeal",
"description": "<p>The demon lacks a physical body (in this dimension at least) and can only be harmed by sorcery or some alchemy</p>"
"Poison": {
"name": "Poison",
"description": "<p>The demon can exude a poisonous substance, which will immediately paralyse anything of man-size (medium) or smaller. Heroes get to make a Tough strength Task Roll to avoid paralysis. Once paralysed, the victim will die within an hour. Those affected get to make another Tough strength Task Roll to avoid death</p>"
"Progéniture": {
"name": "Offspring",
"description": "<p>The demon produces d6 offspring every week. They start as rabble for a week after spawning, advancing to Minor Demons, and then to Lesser Demons in another week, stopping at one level of demon lower than their sire so Minor Demons can only ever produce rabble.</p>"
"Régénération": {
"name": "Regeneration",
"description": "<p>The demon can regenerate a point of damage every round, and can remove the effects caused by a Precision Strike in two rounds.</p>"
"Savoir spécial": {
"name": "Special Knowledge",
"description": "<p>The demon has one career at rank 6.</p>"
"Séducteur": {
"name": "Seductive",
"description": "<p>The demon has unnatural appeal and can immediately make d6+6 rabble obey its orders to the letter. It can also seduce Heroes (who must make a mind-based Task Roll or become pliant to the demons requests).</p>"
"Sorcellerie": {
"name": "Sorcery",
"description": "<p>The demon can cast spells. Minor Demons have 2 Arcane Power, Lesser Demons have 5 Arcane Power, and Greater Demons have 10.</p>"
"Télépathie": {
"name": "Telepathy",
"description": "<p>The demon can implant messages and suggestions, as well as read minds</p>"
"Vulnérabilité": {
"name": "Vulnerability",
"description": "<p>In return for an extra Demonic Power, you can give a demon a weakness. The demon takes double damage from a particular source (magic, fire, electricity, iron, acid, etc.) or normal damage from a source that is not normally harmful to humans (sunlight, water, music, certain symbols, etc.)</p>"

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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
"entries": {
"Créatures": "Creatures",
"Objets&Equipement": "Items & Equipment",
"Items d'Acteurs": "Actor Items"

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@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
"label": "Armors & Shields",
"mapping": {
"description": "system.description"
"entries": {
"Armure légère": {
"name": "Light Armour",
"description": "<h1>Light Armour</h1><p>If your character prefers to avoid combat but knows that he is likely to be involved all the same, you might like your character to have some minimal protection. Light armour could represent extensive body coverage in soft leathers, or less coverage in thicker leather, or even light mail. So your character could wear a stout leather jerkin with leather vambraces, or a padded cloth doublet, leather boots and gloves. Or you could say that your light armour consists of a light mail shirt and nothing else.</p><p>Light armour is generally concealable (except on close inspection or by a seasoned soldier) and doesnt mark you out specifically as a warrior.</p><h2>Light armour effects</h2><ul><li>Roll a d6-3 (0-3 points of damage reduction).</li><li>If you prefer static numbers, light armour absorbs 1 point of damage.</li><li>Wearing light armour restricts magicians and imposes an extra 1 Arcane Point cost on a spell casting.</li></ul>"
"Armure lourde": {
"name": "Heavy Armour",
"description": "<h1>Heavy Armour</h1><p>This armour is worn by some gladiators, knights going into battle, or those expecting to participate in deadly combat in the near future. It is not worn all day long, and is certainly not worn when travelling or going about normal daily activities. Heavy armour would represent extensive coverage of mail, such as a knee- length hauberk, with gauntlets and greaves, or a steel breastplate with vambraces and greaves, or possibly a brigandine (leather coat with steel inserts) with gauntlets and boots.</p><p>Someone in heavy armour can usually remove portions of their armour to reduce it to medium armour, as necessary.</p><p>If your strength is below 0, you cant wear heavy armour at all (at least you cant do anything worthwhile whilst wearing it).</p><h2>Heavy armour effects</h2><ul><li>roll a d6-1 (0-5 points of damage reduction).</li><li>If you prefer static numbers, heavy armour absorbs 3 points of damage.</li><li>Heavy armour slows you down, so reduce agility by 2 whilst wearing it.</li><li>Wearing heavy armour restricts magicians and imposes an extra 3 Arcane Points cost on a spell casting.</li></ul>"
"Armure moyenne": {
"name": "Medium Armour",
"description": "<h1>Medium Armour</h1><p>Combining some of the mobility of the lighter armour and better protection of heavy armour, this is the armour worn by the typical adventurer expecting to get into combat situations on a regular basis. Medium armour could represent fairly extensive coverage of leather armour, with stiffened leather in some of the more vital areas, or partial coverage of mail with leather in other areas. It could even represent a steel breastplate and minimal/no other armour.</p><p>Someone in medium armour can often remove portions of their armour to reduce it to light armour, as necessary.</p><h2>Medium armour effects</h2><ul><li>Roll a d6-2 (0-4 points of damage reduction).</li><li>If you prefer static numbers, medium armour absorbs 2 points of damage.</li><li>Wearing medium armour restricts magicians and imposes an extra 2 Arcane Points cost on a spell casting.</li></ul>"
"Casque": {
"name": "Helmet",
"description": "<h1>Helmet</h1><p>If you are wearing a helmet, this adds +1 to your protection if already wearing armour. Therefore, if in light armour and helmet, youd roll d6-2. In medium armour, roll d6-1. In heavy armour, roll d6.</p><p>Helmets give you a penalty in social situations and to your initiative (as its harder to notice things whilst wearing a helmet).</p><p>Most Heroes take their helmets off, unless preparing for battle.</p>"
"Grand bouclier": {
"name": "Large shield",
"description": "<h1>Large shield</h1><p>Large shields give +1 to defence against all attacks that you are aware of, but modify your agility by -1.</p>"
"Petit bouclier": {
"name": "Small Shield",
"description": "<h1>Small Shield</h1><p>Small shields give +1 to defence against one attack per round that you are aware of.</p>"

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@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
"label": "Boons",
"mapping": {
"description": "system.description"
"entries": {
"Agilité de lhomme-oiseau": {
"name": "Winged Folk Agility",
"description": "<h1>Winged Folk Agility:</h1><p>You may add 1 to your agility, and your maximum agility is 6 instead of 5.</p>"
"Ami des bêtes": {
"name": "Beast-Friend",
"description": "<h1>Beast-Friend</h1><p>You have a natural affinity with animals. Whenever dealing with animals, roll a bonus die. If you are a beastmaster, you will also have two or three small companions, or one medium or large companion.</p>"
"Ami des céruléens": {
"name": "Giant-Friend",
"description": "<h1>Giant-Friend</h1><p>vYou grew up around giants (or you have somehow made an impression on them) so they treat you like one of their own. Roll a bonus die when dealing with the Blue Nomads.</p>"
"Amis dans la pègre": {
"name": "Friends in Low Places",
"description": "<h1>Friends in Low Places</h1><p>You have friends in various hives of scum and villainy around the land. These favours might entail putting you in contact with a fence, getting you a hiding place, etc.</p>"
"Amis haut placés": {
"name": "Friends in High Places",
"description": "<h1>Friends in High Places</h1><p>You have contacts within the upper echelons of society. While they usually do not stick their necks out for you, they will give you aid, expecting a favour in return when it suits their own interests. The sorts of things that these favours usually entail is getting you access to another important person, sharing information with you, using their pull with the local nobility, etc.</p>"
"Arme favorite": {
"name": "Trademark Weapon",
"description": "<h1>Trademark Weapon</h1><p>You have a quality weapon (a Valgardian Blade, Tyrus Warbow, Axish Sling, Halakhi Kir, Malakut Khastok, Parsool Sea Axe, Satarlan Foil, or another weapon made especially for you or that you inherited) that you have practised with since a child. When using this weapon (or, if lost, stolen or broken, a replacement made to duplicate its qualities exactly, possibly at great expense), you receive a bonus die.</p>"
"Artiste": {
"name": "Artistic",
"description": "<h1>Artistic</h1><p>You have an artistic flair. Roll a bonus die when appraising or creating items of art</p>"
"Athlète": {
"name": "Born Athlete",
"description": "<h1>Born Athlete</h1><p>When doing any athletic activities such as sprinting, climbing, swimming, or leaping (other than fighting), you may roll a bonus die.</p>"
"Attirant": {
"name": "Attractive",
"description": "<h1>Attractive</h1><p>vYou are particularly handsome or pretty. Roll a bonus die in situations where good looks might be important.</p>"
"Bagarreur": {
"name": "Brawler",
"description": "<h1>Brawler</h1><p>You are a skilled pugilist and wrestler. Roll a bonus die to attack when you are fighting with your fists, feet, head, etc.</p>"
"Baudrier de guerre": {
"name": "Battle Harness",
"description": "<h1>Battle Harness</h1><p>This boon allows your character to wear a chainmail bikini or a loincloth and battle harness (light armour at best) and treat it as if it were medium armour for damage protection purposes, with no armour penalties at all.</p>"
"Beau parleur": {
"name": "Silver Tongue",
"description": "<h1>Silver Tongue</h1><p>You are very persuasive and can make any lie sound plausible. Roll a bonus die whenever trying to lie, con, fast-talk, or otherwise deceive someone.</p>"
"Bibliothèque savante": {
"name": "Excellent Library",
"description": "<h1>Excellent Library</h1><p>You have a first-rate library for conducting your research. You get a bonus die on any rolls to find out anything while you are in it. The library does need to be restocked from time to time, leading you to occasional adventures whilst you seek the means to do this.</p>"
"Bien né": {
"name": "High-Born",
"description": "<h1>High-Born</h1><p>You grew up in the palaces and courts of the rich and noble. You receive a bonus die when dealing with courtly manners and matters of good form.</p>"
"Colosse": {
"name": "Strength Feat",
"description": "<h1>Strength Feat</h1><p>You are able to focus your strength to perform particular tasks. Roll a bonus die when breaking, lifting, pulling or pushing things.</p>"
"Combat à laveugle": {
"name": "Blind Combat",
"description": "<h1>Blind Combat</h1><p>No light? No problem. By using smell, sound, disturbances in the surrounding air, etc., you are one with the universe. Whatever penalties the GM applies to fighting in the darkness, your character does not suffer at all.</p>"
"Cri de guerre": {
"name": "War Cry",
"description": "<h1>War Cry</h1><p>Scares the hell out of those of your characters opponents that can hear the War Cry. They roll a penalty die on all their Attack Rolls for the first round following the War Cry. This ability can only be used once a day (once more for a Hero Point).</p>"
"Discret": {
"name": "Sneaky",
"description": "<h1>Sneaky</h1>\n<p>You are lithe and nimble. Roll a bonus die where stealth is important.</p>"
"Doigts de fée": {
"name": "Deft Hands",
"description": "<h1>Deft Hands</h1><p>When undertaking actions requiring fine manipulation, such as picking pockets, making things, juggling, or card-sharping, you receive a bonus die.</p>"
"Dur à cuire": {
"name": "Hard-to-Kill",
"description": "<h1>Hard-to-Kill</h1><p>You are hard to put down and have the toughness of a bronyx. Add +2 lifeblood to your total.</p>"
"Érudit": {
"name": "Learned",
"description": "<h1>Learned</h1><p>When recalling a fact from your area of speciality, you receive a bonus die.</p>"
"Fêtard": {
"name": "Carouser",
"description": "<h1>Carouser</h1><p>You were more-or-less brought up in a tavern and are popular when the drink is flowing. Roll a bonus die to gain information, make contacts, or acquire goods and services whilst in a tavern. You are also resilient to the effects of alcohol.</p>"
"Fils des plaines": {
"name": "Plains-Born",
"description": "<h1>Plains-Born</h1><p>You grew up on the plains. When tracking, trapping, hunting, or carrying out other similar activities (not fighting) in a plains environment, you receive a bonus die.</p>"
"Fortuné": {
"name": "Great Wealth",
"description": "<h1>Great Wealth</h1><p>You have a source of income or an inheritance. Roll a bonus die on any attempt to obtain any goods, services, or other items you need whilst in your home city.</p>"
"Gamin des rues": {
"name": "Low-Born",
"description": "<h1>Low-Born</h1><p>You grew up on the city streets. You receive a bonus die when dealing with the lowlife and scum of a citys underground, or when carrying out activities (not fighting) such as trailing people or noticing things.</p>"
"Inspirateur": {
"name": "Inspire",
"description": "<h1>Inspire</h1><p>Inspires your friends and supporters. This could represent an appeal to the gods, inspired leadership, inspirational music, or just your own force of personality. Inspire gives a bonus die for one round after the call to all your companions Attack Rolls (if they can hear you). This can be done once a day for free, or again for a Hero Point.</p>"
"Intimidant": {
"name": "Fearsome Looks",
"description": "<h1>Fearsome Looks</h1><p>Roll a bonus die whenever you are trying to force somebody to give you information or do something they dont want to do.</p>"
"Intrépide": {
"name": "Fearless",
"description": "<h1>Fearless</h1><p>Your character shows no fear. Even magically induced fear has no effect on him or her.</p>"
"Laboratoire fourni": {
"name": "Excellent Workshop",
"description": "<h1>Excellent Workshop</h1><p>You have a first-rate workshop for conducting your experiments. You get a bonus die on any rolls to make alchemical preparations or mechanical devices while you are in it. The workshop does need to be restocked from time to time, leading you to occasional adventures whilst you seek the means to do this.</p>"
"Magie des Rois-Sorciers": {
"name": "Magic of the Sorcerer-Kings",
"description": "<h1>Magic of the Sorcerer-Kings</h1><p>You understand some of the ancient secrets of the Sorcerer-Kings. You can roll a bonus die when casting spells, although you must also take an extra flaw.</p>"
"Mains guérisseuses": {
"name": "Healing Touch",
"description": "<h1>Healing Touch</h1><p>Gain a bonus die whenever rolling to help someone recover from injury, poison, etc. You must have the physician career to take this boon.</p>"
"Maître du déguisement": {
"name": "Master of Disguise",
"description": "<h1>Master of Disguise</h1><p>You gain a bonus die whenever you are trying to conceal your true identity. In addition, whenever you want to suddenly appear in a scene where your character wasnt already, you can spend a Hero Point to emerge as one of the random guards, townsfolk, etc., in the background. You were there the whole time, merely incognito!</p>"
"Marqué par les dieux": {
"name": "Marked by the Gods",
"description": "<h1>Marked by the Gods</h1><p>The Gods favour you. You have an extra Hero Point.</p>"
"Montagnard": {
"name": "Mountain-Born",
"description": "<h1>Mountain-Born</h1><p>You grew up in the mountains. When tracking, trapping, hunting, or carrying out other similar activities (not fighting) in a mountainous terrain, you roll a bonus die.</p>"
"Né en selle": {
"name": "Born-in-the-Saddle",
"description": "<h1>When dealing with riding beasts or carrying out physical activities (other than fighting) while mounted, you may roll a bonus die.</p>"
"Odorat développé": {
"name": "Keen Scent",
"description": "<h1>Keen Scent</h1><p>Whenever you make a mind Task Roll to perceive something using your sense of smell, you receive a bonus die.</p>"
"Ouïe fine": {
"name": "Keen Hearing",
"description": "<h1>Keen Hearing</h1><p>Whenever you make a mind Task Roll to perceive something using your hearing, you receive a bonus die.</p>"
"Outillage": {
"name": "Tools of the Trade",
"description": "<h1>Tools of the Trade</h1><p>You own a set of tools suited to your trade or craft. Roll a bonus die when attempting any actions for which using these tools would be beneficial.</p>"
"Peau dure": {
"name": "Thick Skin",
"description": "<h1>Thick Skin</h1><p>You have particularly leathery skin, which gives you +1 to your protection from damage, even when not wearing armour.</p>"
"Perspicace": {
"name": "Detect Deception",
"description": "<h1>Detect Deception</h1><p>vYou are good at spotting when you are being lied to. Any time someone tries to lie to or con you, you often see right through them. You receive a bonus die to divine fact from fable. You wont automatically know the truth, but you know that what youre being told isnt.</p>"
"Pied marin": {
"name": "Born-at-Sea",
"description": "<h1>Born-at-Sea</h1><p>You grew up on and around boats and ships. When dealing with ships or carrying out physical activities on board ship (other than fighting), you receive a bonus die.</p>"
"Pisteur des marais": {
"name": "Swamp-Born",
"description": "<h1>Swamp-Born</h1><p>You grew up in the swamps. When tracking, trapping, hunting, or carrying out similar activities (not fighting) in swamps and marshes, roll a bonus die.</p>"
"Poings dacier": {
"name": "Mighty Fists",
"description": "<h1>Mighty Fists</h1><p>Your fists are rock-hard from years of training in the fighting pits or brawling in the city taverns. You can add your full strength to damage caused when fighting unarmed.</p>"
"Pouvoir du Néant": {
"name": "Power of the Void",
"description": "<h1>Power of the Void</h1><p>You have gazed upon the darkness of the Void and receive two extra points of Arcane Power. However, you also have to take an extra flaw.</p>"
"Récupération rapide": {
"name": "Quick Recovery",
"description": "<h1>Quick Recover</h1><p>You have a much better constitution than many. When recovering after a combat, you regain one additional lifeblood, on top of the half you normally recover. In addition, you recover one lifeblood each day regardless of the type of activity you carry out after being injured.</p>"
"Renard du désert": {
"name": "Desert-Born",
"description": "<h1>Desert-Born</h1><p>When tracking, trapping or hunting, or carrying out other similar activities (not fighting) in a desert, you roll a bonus die.</p>"
"Résistant à la magie": {
"name": "Resistant to Sorcery",
"description": "<h1>Resistant to Sorcery</h1><p>If a spell is cast at you, roll a d6. On a roll of 6, it simply does not work on you.</p>"
"Résistant aux poisons": {
"name": "Poison Resistance",
"description": "<h1>Poison Resistance</h1><p>You receive a bonus die whenever you are resisting the effects of drugs, venoms, toxins, and even alcohol.</p>"
"Roi de lévasion": {
"name": "Escape Artist",
"description": "<h1>Escape Artist</h1><p>Ropes, chains, manacles, even prison cells nothing holds you for long. Either by skill or by dumb luck, you always get away (eventually). Roll a bonus die whenever you are in this situation and are trying to break free.</p>"
"Roi de la jungle": {
"name": "Jungle-Born",
"description": "<h1>Jungle-Born</h1><p>You grew up in the jungle. When tracking, trapping, hunting, or carrying out other similar activities (not fighting) in a jungle environment, you roll a bonus die.</p>"
"Santé de fer": {
"name": "Disease Immunity",
"description": "<h1>Disease Immunity</h1><p>You are immune to all diseases, even magical ones.</p>"
"Savant": {
"name": "Savant",
"description": "<h1>Savant</h1><p>You may add +1 to your mind attribute. Your maximum mind is 6 rather than 5, and your maximum starting mind is 4 rather than 3.</p>"
"Sentir la magie": {
"name": "Nose for Magic",
"description": "<h1>Nose for Magic</h1><p>You receive a bonus die when trying to spot or track a wizard, or a magical effect or artefact.</p>"
"Tigre des neiges": {
"name": "Tundra-Born",
"description": "<h1>Tundra-Born</h1><p>You were born in the snowy tundra. When tracking, trapping, hunting, or carrying out other similar activities (not fighting) in a snowy terrain, you roll a bonus die.</p>"
"Tireur puissant": {
"name": "Mighty Shot",
"description": "<h1>Mighty Shot</h1><p>With your selected type of ranged weapon (bow, sling, javelin, etc.) you can cause your full strength to the damage on a hit.</p>"
"Vigilant": {
"name": "Alert",
"description": "<h1>Alert</h1><p>You are quick to spot danger and react. You receive a bonus die to your Priority Rolls.</p>"
"Vigueur céruléenne": {
"name": "Giant Strength",
"description": "<h1>Giant Strength</h1><p>You are big and strong. You may add 1 to your strength. Your maximum strength is 6 rather than 5, and your maximum starting strength is 4 rather than 3.</p>"
"Vision nocturne": {
"name": "Night Sight",
"description": "<h1>Night Sight</h1><p>You receive a bonus die when darkness causes negative modifiers to see things.</p>"
"Vue perçante": {
"name": "Keen Eyesight",
"description": "<h1>Keen Eyesight</h1><p>Whenever you make a mind Task Roll to perceive something using your eyesight, you receive a bonus die.</p>"

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@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
"label": "Creatures Traits",
"mapping": {
"description": "system.description"
"entries": {
"Attaque féroce": {
"name": "Ferocious Attack",
"description": "<p>Roll a bonus die for the beasts Attack Roll.</p>"
"Attaque Multiple": {
"name": "Multiple Attacks",
"description": "<p>The beast has two completely different modes of attack that require separate Attack Rolls (e.g. claws and pincers, many tentacles).</p>"
"Attaque Spéciale": {
"name": "Special Attack",
"description": "<p>The creature has an unusual method of attack. The nature of the attack is described in the creature description.</p>"
"Attaque Timide": {
"name": "Docile Attack",
"description": "<p>Penalty die for the beasts attack.</p>"
"Attaque Venimeuse": {
"name": "Venomous Attack",
"description": "<p>The individual creature description sets out the poisonous effects.</p>"
"Camouflage": {
"name": "Camouflage",
"description": "<p>The creature is hard to spot, mostly due to colouration or texture of its skin or fur.</p>"
"Déficience": {
"name": "Poor ...",
"description": "<p>The creature is deficient in scent, hearing or eyesight, as set out in the description.</p>"
"Prédateur": {
"name": "Excellent Hunter",
"description": "<p>Roll a bonus die for tracking.</p>"

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@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
"label": "Heroic careers",
"mapping": {
"description": "system.description"
"entries": {
"Alchimiste (artificier/inventeur)": {
"name": "Alchemist (Artificer, Inventor)",
"description": "<h1>Alchemist (Artificer, Inventor)</h1><p>Alchemists are the scientists and inventors of Lemuria, and are often mistaken for wizards by those who do not understand science. They are masters of metallurgy and chemical processes, mixing and blending various ingredients together to create potions and tinctures, and have extensive knowledge of herbs and plants, often growing them in their own gardens.</p><p>Their work with chemicals and metals enables alchemists to produce perfumes, potions, powders, poisons, metal alloys, devices, machines, and other amazing creations. Some knowledgeable alchemists can splice living things to create bizarre and horrific chimeras. When making machines, alchemists work closely with blacksmiths to build their creations. For more information on Alchemy, see Chapter 6</p><p>Attributes: Mind is normally the most important attribute for alchemists, as they need to be able to make and read descriptive notes, understand ancient texts and diagrams, and build devices from the descriptions written by the Sorcerer-Kings.</p><p>Adventuring: This is not a terribly common career for Heroes as it requires much patience and little excitement. However, some of the more daring alchemists like to visit ancient sites to see the remains themselves, in case there are relics theyd recognise for their true worth that others would pass over.</p><p>Fighting: are very few circumstances where having ranks as an alchemist would help a character in combat.</p><p><p>Suggested Boons: Deft Hands, Excellent Library, Excellent Workshop, Keen Scent, Learned, Poison Resistance, Savant</p><p><p>Suggested Flaws: Absent-Minded, City Dweller, Combat Paralysis, Delicate, Non-Combatant, Obsession (knowledge or artefacts)</p><p>Perilous Career: For each rank above 2 in this career, the character must take a flaw (see the List of Boons and Flaws)</p><p><p>Languages: Alchemists need to learn Sorceric if they wish to use the powerful magics and alchemies of this ancient race. Learning this language is painfully difficult, and requires both spoken and written forms to be taken separately</p>"
"Assassin (agent/espion)": {
"name": "Assassin (Agent, Spy)",
"description": "<h1>Assassin (Agent, Spy</h1><p>Blades-for-hire, perhaps agents in the service of the king, spies and assassins make killing and stealing in a discreet manner a way of life. They are adept at sneak attacks, killing, information gathering, disguises, city lore, persuasion, poisons, and lock picking. Their methods involve gathering intelligence on their subject from various (sometimes seedy) sources, circumventing security measures of all types, adopting disguises that allow them to get close to the target, and building up a broad selection of contacts. They are also patient, sometimes hiding out in a single spot for days to await the perfect opportunity to strike. It is widely acknowledged that the best assassins are from Halakh.</p><p>Attributes: All of the attributes are important for assassin characters.</p><p>Adventuring: Assassins and spies tend to be loners, so this isnt a career that lends itself to an adventuring group. However, ex-assassins do have skills that might be welcome in an adventuring party.</p><p>Fighting: In combat, an assassin might gain a brief advantage in a surprise attack, such as when he strikes out of the shadows, or when he attacks by surprise using a concealed blade.</pSuggested Boons: Alert, Keen Hearing, Keen Eyesight, Friends in High Places, Friends in Low Places, Master of Disguise, Poison Resistance, Silver Tongue, Sneaky, Trademark Weapon.</p><p>Suggested Flaws: Arrogant, City Dweller, Hunted, Infamous, Obsession (finish the mission).</p>"
"Astrologue": {
"name": "Astrologue",
"description": "<h1>Alchimiste&nbsp;</h1>\n<p>Lorsque les dieux veulent communiquer avec les hommes, ils utilisent le plus souvent les r&ecirc;ves ou les oracles. Mais leurs messages sont g&eacute;n&eacute;ralement abscons, &eacute;nigmatiques, myst&eacute;rieux. Pour les d&eacute;chiffrer, il est n&eacute;cessaire de faire appel aux talents d&rsquo;un voyant, d&rsquo;un devin ou de quelque autre interpr&egrave;te des volont&eacute;s c&eacute;lestes. Encore faut-il que les dieux aient le d&eacute;sir de r&eacute;v&eacute;ler leurs secrets aux simples mortels. La plupart du temps, ils pr&eacute;f&egrave;rent s&rsquo;amuser &agrave; fourvoyer les malheureux plut&ocirc;t que de tenter de les sauver de leur destin tragique. En effet, les pr&ecirc;tres affirment que l&rsquo;avenir est &eacute;crit et que les dieux connaissent le d&eacute;but et la fin de toute chose.</p>\n<p>L&rsquo;astrologie naquit lorsque les hommes, anxieux de conna&icirc;tre leur sort sans devoir attendre la bonne volont&eacute; des dieux, lev&egrave;rent les yeux vers leur domaine et scrut&egrave;rent les signes qui s&rsquo;y manifestaient. Car Hurm arbitre le destin de tout &ecirc;tre et de toute chose, et Sa&rsquo;Tel a consign&eacute; les d&eacute;crets du roi des dieux sur la vo&ucirc;te c&eacute;leste. Ils d&eacute;couvrirent ainsi que le destin pouvait se laisser augurer dans les &eacute;toiles du firmament, &agrave; condition de savoir interpr&eacute;ter les conjonctions et les transits des astres, et de conna&icirc;tre la signification de chaque corps et ph&eacute;nom&egrave;ne c&eacute;lestes. Mais il n&rsquo;est pas donn&eacute; &agrave; tout le monde de pouvoir d&eacute;chiffrer les Glyphes sacr&eacute;s que constituent les constellations.</p>\n<p>Les sages capables de lire l&rsquo;avenir dans les &eacute;toiles sont d&eacute;sign&eacute;s sous le nom d&rsquo;astrologues. Leur art consiste &agrave; &eacute;tablir des cartes du ciel et &agrave; en donner une interpr&eacute;tation afin de r&eacute;v&eacute;ler le destin d&rsquo;un individu et le sort que lui r&eacute;servent les dieux, par exemple &agrave; l&rsquo;occasion d&rsquo;un voyage, d&rsquo;un choix &agrave; faire, d&rsquo;une t&acirc;che &agrave; entreprendre. Qu&rsquo;ils soient princes, g&eacute;n&eacute;raux, marchands, aventuriers ou simples paysans, tous consultent des astrologues, car m&ecirc;me le h&eacute;ros le plus brave peut h&eacute;siter devant une qu&ecirc;te en apparence impossible, &agrave; moins d&rsquo;avoir l&rsquo;assurance que les dieux lui souriront.</p>\n<h2>Attributs</h2>\n<p>&eacute;tudier les conjonctions et analyser le mouvement des astres requi&egrave;rent une solide &eacute;rudition et une intelligence p&eacute;n&eacute;trante. Tout personnage voulant se lancer dans cette carri&egrave;re aura donc int&eacute;r&ecirc;t &agrave; privil&eacute;gier l&rsquo;esprit. Mais pour l&rsquo;astrologue qui serait moins dou&eacute; dans l&rsquo;&eacute;tablissement d&rsquo;un th&egrave;me astral pr&eacute;cis, une bonne aura permettra d&rsquo;&eacute;noncer des pr&eacute;dictions avec conviction, m&ecirc;me si lui-m&ecirc;me n&rsquo;est pas vraiment certain de leur fiabilit&eacute;...</p>\n<h2>&Agrave; l&rsquo;aventure</h2>\n<p>quitter son observatoire pour parcourir des centaines de lieues, affronter des dangers, risquer de se faire capturer et r&eacute;duire en esclavage ? Parfois la connaissance est &agrave; ce prix. M&ecirc;me si un astrologue a plut&ocirc;t tendance &agrave; vouloir rester en ville pour vendre ses horoscopes et examiner le ciel, il est des &eacute;v&eacute;nements qui ne peuvent s&rsquo;observer qu&rsquo;&agrave; un endroit et &agrave; un moment pr&eacute;cis. De plus, un groupe ne refusera probablement pas la pr&eacute;sence d&rsquo;un astrologue suffisamment dou&eacute; pour d&eacute;terminer si les conjonctures sont favorables avant de s&rsquo;engager dans quelque p&eacute;rilleuse exp&eacute;dition.</p>\n<h2>Combat</h2>\n<p>pour sauver sa vie, un astrologue en situation critique fera comme la plupart des gens sens&eacute;s : il cherchera &agrave; se cacher ou &agrave; fuir. Et surtout, jamais il ne se risquera &agrave; provoquer une r&eacute;action qui pourrait entra&icirc;ner un affrontement physique. &Agrave; moins, peut-&ecirc;tre, que son horoscope ne lui pr&eacute;dise une issue favorable !</p>\n<h2>Id&eacute;es d&rsquo;Avantages</h2>\n<p>amis haut plac&eacute;s, beau parleur, biblioth&egrave;que savante, &eacute;rudit, laboratoire fourni, savant.</p>\n<h2>Id&eacute;es de D&eacute;savantages</h2>\n<p>ch&eacute;tif, distrait, foie jaune, gars de la ville, non-combattant, obsession, souffreteux.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>"
"Barbare (berserk/primitif)": {
"name": "Barbarian (Berserker, Savage)",
"description": "<h1>Barbarian (Berserker, Savage)</h1><p>These characters are not from the cities of Lemuria, but from the Axos Mountains, the Valgardian Northlands, the Beshaar Deserts, and other wildernesses of the continent. Barbarians are wild and untamed, like the lands they live in. They have natural skills in wilderness lore, survival, beast riding, intimidation, natural instincts, berserk rages, and so on.</p><p>Attributes: Living rough requires a certain degree of hardiness, and so barbarians are generally noted for their strength. A good agility is also useful.</p><h2><p>Adventuring: Barbarian characters are natural adventurers and have the skills and abilities to survive where others wouldnt.</p><h2><p>Fighting: In combat, barbarians are generally brutal and unrefined. This might shock city folks not used to dealing with such savagery, so a barbarian could gain a brief advantage where the fight is hard and dirty.</p><p>Suggested Boons: Alert, Disease Immunity, Fearsome Looks, Hard-to-Kill, Jungle-Born, Keen Eyesight, Keen Hearing, Keen Scent, Mountain-Born, Plains-Born, Quick Recovery, Battle Harness, Strength Feat, Swamp-Born, Thick Skin, Tundra-Born, Trademark Weapon, War Cry.</p>"
"Bourreau (geôlier/esclavagiste)": {
"name": "Executioner (Slaver, Torturer)",
"description": "<h1>Executioner (Slaver, Torturer)</h1><p>Executioners are expected to carry out public slayings as required by local nobles and judges.</p><p>Torturers are tasked with locking up some of the most hardened criminals in the cities of Lemuria. They ply their unpleasant trade in the most squalid of conditions, deep underground, extracting information from reticent prisoners and enemies of the kings.</p><p>Torturers are skilled in interrogation and intimidation, and have a basic awareness of anatomy and first aid (youve got to make sure your prisoners are healthy before they are broken).<p>Slavers travel to foreign parts to capture or buy “savages” to bring back to the cities of Lemuria for sale as gladiators, labourers, servants, and harem slaves</p></p><p>Attributes: They are not often blessed with a great deal of appeal, but strength is handy for beheadings and for maintaining a hold on your captives.</p><p>Adventuring: Although torturers rarely leave their dank prisons, and dont have much interest in adventure, the odd executioner may find himself exiled and forced to choose riches and wealth over pain and suffering. Slavers travel far and wide.</p><p>Fighting: In combat, executioners prefer two-handed axes and great swords, and some slavers will be handy with a whip. Executioners are not subtle, so skilled fighters will rarely fall to their combat style unless already prone and helpless.</p><p>Suggested Boons: Strength Feat, Fearsome Looks, Hard-to-Kill, Quick Recovery, Friends in Low Places, Trademark Weapon.</p><p>Suggested Flaws: Braggart, Cowardly, City Dweller, Drunkard, Fear of …, Greed, Illiterate, Lumbering, Missing Eye or Ear, Missing Limb, Poor Eyesight, Poor Hearing, Ugly & Brutish, Unsettling, Unprepared, Zealot.</p>"
"Chasseur (éclaireur/pisteur)": {
"name": "Hunter (Scout, Tracker)",
"description": "<h1>Hunter (Scout, Tracker)</h1><p>The hunter is a master of tracking prey through the wilderness and the wastelands. Once hunters locate their target, theyll use stealth, traps and/or expert bowmanship to bring it down. They are at home in the wild and can survive there for long periods, returning to more civilised areas only when they have furs and hides to sell, or when they require the company of their fellow men (or women).</p><p><p>Attributes: Agility is important to a hunter, as are strength and mind to a slightly lesser degree.</p><p>Adventuring: Hunting dangerous beasts is adventure enough. However, hunters are also very familiar with the areas they hunt in and sometimes stumble across old trails, ancient ruins, and strange places during their travels. For this reason, they can be highly sought after as guides.</p><p>Fighting: In combat, a hunter may receive a career bonus if fighting a creature of a type he is familiar with, but the career is rarely useful against human opponents.</p><p>Suggested Boons: Alert, Beast-Friend, Desert- Born, Keen Eyesight, Keen Hearing, Keen Scent, Mountain-Born, Night Sight, Plains-Born, Sneaky, Swamp-Born, Tools of the Trade</p><p>Suggested Flaws: Landlubber, Missing Eye or Ear, Missing Limb, Taciturn.</p>"
"Danseur (acrobate/saltimbanque)": {
"name": "Dancer (Acrobat, Tumbler)",
"description": "<h1>Dancer (Acrobat, Tumbler)</h1><p>Dancing is an important part of entertainment in Lemuria. Ceremonies and feasts will have dancers or acrobats. Dancers are athletic, showing feats of skill, agility, and coordination. Some dancers extend their skills to a few sleight of hand and juggling tricks, and others to exotic techniques using veils to barely conceal their nakedness.</p><p>Attributes: Dancers rely mostly on their agility and their appeal. Acrobats and tumblers tend to be stronger than they look.</p><p>Adventuring: These entertainers often travel around in troupes from city to city. This can lead to some dangerous situations on the road, from fierce monsters to brigands and thieves.</p><p>Fighting: In combat, a dancer might gain an advantage if her opponent is too busy examining her charms, or she might gain an edge performing a roll or diving tumble. However, dancing is not really a combat career and will rarely be of use against a skilled fighting man. Acrobats can make very good use of vines, ropes, and wall hangings in daring swashbuckling-style moves, though.</p><p>Suggested Boons: Alert, Attractive, Born Athlete, Deft Hands, Escape Artist, Quick Recovery, Sneaky.</p><p>Suggested Flaws: City Dweller, Delicate, Non- Combatant.</p>"
"Dresseur (maître des bêtes/montreur dours)": {
"name": "Beastmaster (Animal Handler, Beast Trainer)",
"description": "<h1>Beastmaster (Animal Handler, Beast Trainer)</h1><p>Beastmasters are in demand all over Lemuria for their special empathy and skill with animals. They train animals for riding, for pulling wagons, for combat, and even for the gladiatorial arena. Beastmasters can calm maddened creatures, are expert riders and wagoneers, can recognise whether creatures are dangerous and about to attack or not, and often have some skill in healing them if injured or sick. Some beastmasters rule their animals by fear and deprivation.</p><p>Attributes: Beastmasters have to have a strong personality, tempered with a good heart (in most cases) and steely determination. So appeal is the most important, but mind is a close runner-up.</p><p>Adventuring: Beastmasters are sought after by merchant with caravans, by nobles and commanders of armies to train and look after their mounts, by owners of gladiatorial arenas, and by adventurers who expect to come across strange beasts on their missions.</p><p>Fighting: Beastmasters know how to deal with beasts and where their weak spots are, so they will gain the occasional advantage if they ever have to fight them.</p><p>Suggested Boons: Alert, Beast-Friend, Born-in-the-Saddle, Keen Eyesight, Keen Hearing, Keen Scent, Night Sight, Poison Resistance, Battle Harness.</p><p>Suggested Flaws: Cant Lie, Country Bumpkin, Hot-Headed, Illiterate.</p>"
"Esclave (serf/serviteur)": {
"name": "Slave (Serf, Thrall)",
"description": "<h1>Slave (Serf, Thrall)</h1><p>Slavery is not exactly a career of choice for a heroic adventurer. Nevertheless, it can be useful in rounding out a character concept, and does provide the opportunity to pick up a few skills and techniques that other careers do not give.</p><p>The career provides skill in things like humility, going unnoticed, listening and sneaking, as well as cooking, cleaning, gardening, sewing, and manual labour. Some slaves (the strong ones or the troublemakers) are sold to gladiatorial arenas. In Zalut, if you are not a priest, an alchemist, or a magician, you are a slave.</p><p>Attributes: Slaves that are used for labour need good strength female slaves normally find things better (or worse!) if they have appeal. Slaves used to run errands often need high agility. Clever slaves are normally considered to be troublemakers.</p><p>Adventuring: Adventurous slaves invariably do not remain enslaved for very long, unless it suits their purposes. A life on the run from slavery leads to adventure, whether wanted or not.</p><p>Fighting: The career is not really of any practical use in a fight. Still, slaves will mostly be ignored by warriors, maybe to their cost.</p><p>Suggested Boons: Escape Artist, Keen Hearing, Sneaky, Strength Feat.</p><p>Suggested Flaws: City Dweller, Combat Paralysis, Cursed, Fear of …, Feels the Cold, Illiterate, Landlubber, Mute, Non-Combatant, Poor Recovery, Taciturn.</p>"
"Fermier (paysan/berger)": {
"name": "Farmer (Herder, Peasant)",
"description": "<h1>Farmer (Herder, Peasant)</h1><p>Farmers live outside the city, but often within half a days travel, so that they are able to get their produce to the city to feed the populace. They are hardy and hard-working, and are skilled in basic plant and animal lore, animal handling, cooking, baking and brewing, trading for basic goods, and such like.</p><p>Attributes: Farmers do not rely on any one attribute over any other, although appeal is probably the least important.</p><p>Adventuring: Farmers are not particularly adventurous, so something unusual or dreadful would have to happen to make a farmer leave his farm and take up a life of adventure.</p><p>Fighting: Farmers are not generally skilled combatants and so rarely receive any advantage from this career, except maybe when defending their own lands against raiders, or when turning an agricultural implement into a serviceable weapon.</p><p>Suggested Boons: Beast-Friend, Brawler, Carouser, Marked by the Gods.</p><p>Suggested Flaws: Country Bumpkin, Drunkard, Gullible, Landlubber, Lumbering, Taciturn, Ugly & Brutish, Unprepared.</p>"
"Forgeron (armurier)": {
"name": "Blacksmith (Armourer)",
"description": "<h1>Blacksmith (Armourer)</h1><p>Often found helping alchemists to build their inventions, these craftspeople work hard at their forges melting, bending, shaping, and fixing metal objects. They are skilled at weapon and armour making and repair. They craft tools and implements, and manufacture many other metallic items and objects, from shackles and cages, to the metal parts of galleys and sky-boats. Their skills lie in metallurgy, and the knowledge of weapons, armour, and metal goods. This helps them when bartering and haggling the price of metallic items.</p><p>Attributes: Blacksmiths are noted for their strength and their toughness being able to work hard at their forge tends to develop their muscles and hardiness.</p><p>Adventuring: Blacksmiths arent really adventurers, although some do join mercenary companies to craft and maintain their weapons and armour.</p><p>Fighting: Although not a combatant, a blacksmith might receive a melee bonus if his opponent is wearing metallic armour and if he knows its design and weak points.</p><p>Suggested Boons: Brawler, Battle Harness, Excellent Workshop, Master Crafter, Strength Feat, Tools of the Trade, Trademark Weapon.</p><p>Suggested Flaws: Feels the Cold, Gullible, Hot- Headed, Taciturn, Unprepared.</p>"
"Gladiateur (champion, belluaire)": {
"name": "Gladiator (champion, myrmidon)",
"description": "<h1>Gladiator (champion, myrmidon)</h1><p>Gladiators are specialists at individual combat. They are adept with a variety of weapons. They can fight humans or beasts in an entertaining fashion. Gladiators may have ended up in the arena as a slave or to pay off a debt whatever the reason, they have survived to hear the howls of the crowd and their adversary at their feet. The best gladiators are often famous outside the arena, which can be to their advantage or to their detriment.</p><p><p>Attributes: Gladiators should be strong and agile, but the most popular ones also have plenty of appeal.</p><p><p>Adventuring: A life in the arena does not lend itself to a life of adventure. However, many Heroes have spent some of their time in a gladiatorial arena, either by choice, by circumstance, or by necessity</p><p>Fighting: They are especially good at fighting in a style that is designed for spectacular bloodletting rather than a simple quick kill. They might get a combat bonus on certain flashy moves, if not overused and, as usual, at the GMs discretion.</p><p>Suggested Boons: Alert, Born Athlete, Brawler, Fearsome Looks, Hard-to-Kill, Marked by the Gods, Quick Recovery, Battle Harness, Trademark Weapon, War Cry.</p><p>Suggested Flaws: Braggart, Distinctive Appearance, Hot-Headed, Missing Eye or Ear, Missing Limb.</p>"
"Marchand (colporteur/négociant)": {
"name": "Merchant (Peddler, Trader)",
"description": "<h1>Merchant (Peddler, Trader)</h1><p>Merchants are not shopkeepers they are wide- travelled adventurers, who seek new and exotic goods to sell from faraway places. As such, merchant characters pick up a range of useful skills like trading, appraisal, obtaining rare or unusual goods, persuasion, city lore, knowledge of distant places, and guild membership. If you want a strange or unusual item, speak to a merchant first.</p><p>Attributes: Merchants need a quick mind and a degree of appeal to haggle and barter for their living.</p><p>Adventuring: A life on the road is a life of adventure, whether the merchant tries to avoid it or not. Many merchants actively seek out new lands and new markets, leading to many adventures.</p><Fighting: Merchant is not a combat career, so this will almost never be helpful to a character in a fight.</p><p>Suggested Boons: Detect Deception, Great Wealth, Savant, Silver Tongue.</p><p>Suggested Flaws: Greed, Non-Combatant, Obsession, Unprepared.</p>"
"Marin (matelot/pirate)": {
"name": "Sailor (Mariner, Pirate)",
"description": "<h1>Sailor (Mariner, Pirate)</h1><p>Sailors are sea warriors and adventurers, are skilled in sea lore, navigation by stars, and boat handling, and have a good knowledge of local ports and nearby coastlines and islands.</p><p>Skilled mariners are always in demand and so they will rarely be refused working passage on board a galley. Rogues of the sea, pirates are skilled in seacraft and speak their own version of Lemurian, known as Sea-Tongue</p><p>Attributes: Sailors need strength, and some agility is useful too.</p><p>Adventuring: A life at sea is full of adventure sea monsters, exotic places, strange people, sea battles and treasure maps are all food and drink to a mariner.</p><p>Fighting: Sailors may receive a combat bonus in actions at sea and possibly even against sea creatures that they might have some familiarity with or heard about.</p><Suggested Boons: Alert, Brawler, Born Athlete, Born- at-Sea, Carouser, Deft Hands, Friends in Low Places, Keen Eyesight, Battle Harness, Sneaky, War Cry.</p><p>Suggested Flaws: Braggart, Distinctive Appearance, Distrust of Sorcery, Drunkard, Fear of …, Greed, Hot Headed, Illiterate, Lustful, Missing Eye or Ear, Missing Limb.</p>"
"Médecin (guérisseur/rebouteux)": {
"name": "Physician (Healer, Leech)",
"description": "<h1>Physician (Healer, Leech)</h1><p>Physicians, and others who can heal injured or sick people, are very important individuals in the cities of Lemuria. With their great scale of knowledge and the importance of their job, they are held in high esteem in society. Most of the lowest-born citizens cannot afford the services of a physician, and are forced to use the services of charlatans and quacks.</p><p>Physicians are dispensers of potions and medicines and have practical skills in bone setting, surgery, and child delivery. They are knowledgeable of plant lore, first aid, and diseases and their cures. Many physicians have their own herb gardens, where they grow the exotic plants that are used in their medications. And some physicians practise a little basic alchemy (see Chapter 6). Physicians need to be literate.</p><p>Attributes: Mind is the most important attribute for a physician character.</p><p>Adventuring: Being a physician does not lend itself to a life of adventure, although physicians will be required by both sea and army captains.</p><p>Fighting: In combat, the physicians career is not really of particular benefit to a character, although after the fight, they are often most welcome.</p><p>Suggested Boons: Deft Hands, Disease Immunity, Excellent Library, Healing Touch, Learned, Poison Resistance.</p><p>Suggested Flaws: Cant Lie, City Dweller, Combat Paralysis, Drunkard, Non-Combatant.</p>"
"Mendiant (vagabond/clochard)": {
"name": "Beggar (Hobo, Vagabond)",
"description": "<h1>Beggar (Hobo, Vagabond)</h1><p>Beggars are vagrants or tramps, aimlessly wandering from place to place. They may do casual work here and there, they may sell a few small trinkets that they carry about in their backpacks, or they may have to beg for a few coins when times are really hard. Some even turn their hands to dishonest pursuits.</p><p>Attributes: There are no particular attributes that vagabonds are noted for, although it helps if begging to have a deformity, missing body part, or an unsocial disease (or at least to fake having one of these disabilities).</p><p>Adventuring: A life on the road means you will meet all sorts of people and can lead to adventure even if you are not actively seeking it.</p><p>Fighting: A vagabond is not normally a combatant, and therefore the only times having this career would be helpful in a fight is when the character is doing his best not to be noticed.</p><p>Suggested Boons: Deft Hands, Friends in Low Places, Low-Born, Sneaky.</p><p>Suggested Flaws: City Dweller, Cravings, Cursed, Delicate, Distinctive Appearance, Drunkard, Illiterate, Missing Eye or Ear, Missing Limb, Morgazzons Curse, Non- Combatant, Poor Recovery, Untrustworthy.</p>"
"Ménestrel (barde/poète)": {
"name": "Minstrel (Bard, Poet)",
"description": "<h1>Minstrel (Bard, Poet)</h1><p>As wandering entertainers, minstrels perform songs, music, poetry, and plays telling tales of distant places and historical or fantastical events. They often create their own stories or memorise and embellish the work of others. Whilst most are travellers taking their songs and music from city to city, some are retained at the courts of nobles for their own entertainment.</p><p>These performers are happiest when playing to crowds and earning a few coins for their efforts. Some minstrels extend their art to a bit of juggling and possibly other sleight-of-hand trickery this can be a good cover for a character who is also a thief. Because they travel and are great gossips, they learn ancient legends, are good orators, and have some knowledge of city and world lore. A minstrel is often a big hit with the ladies, having as they do a gift for saying the right thing.</p><p>Attributes: Minstrels require appeal as well as agility and quick minds.</p><p>Adventuring: Minstrels are wanderers, so by their very nature they can get caught up in some dangerous escapades on the road. Some might also follow soldiers and adventurers, simply to be able to create heroic tales from first-hand experience.</p><Fighting: Minstrel is not generally a combat career and there are very few circumstances where this career will provide a combat bonus. Possibly a trick or distraction might give the opportunity to get a surprise stab or, more likely, a chance to escape.</p><p>Suggested Boons: Artistic, Attractive, Carouser, Detect Deception, Keen Hearing, Learned, Master of Disguise, Inspire, Silver Tongue, Tools of the Trade (instrument).</p><p>Suggested Flaws: Arrogant, Delicate, Drunkard, Lustful, Non-Combatant.</p>"
"Mercenaire (brigand/guerrier)": {
"name": "Mercenary (Bandit, Warrior)",
"description": "<h1>Mercenary (Bandit, Warrior)</h1><p>These warriors work for anyone who will pay for their services. Some form themselves into companies under a strong leader and others travel individually or in small bands to seek employment. Often these mercenary groups turn to banditry when not gainfully employed. Just about all the city-states of Lemuria have used mercenaries in their past conflicts and most will continue to do so. They tend to have skill in living rough, riding, intimidation, carousing, and in basic upkeep and repair of weapons and armour.</p><p>Attributes: Mercenaries should be strong and agile to be able to ply their trade of war.</p><p>Adventuring: Mercenaries, by nature, tend to be drifters travelling across Lemuria to seek employment. Even when warring has ceased, there will be jobs guarding merchant caravans, treasure-hunting expeditions, and working for the nobility as bodyguards.</p><p>Fighting: Mercenaries are notorious for their ability to fight well when well paid, but to fight badly or not at all when conned or badly paid. In combat, they might receive a career bonus if the money is particularly good.</p><p>Suggested Boons: Alert, Blind Combat, Brawler, Born-in-the-Saddle, Carouser, Hard-to-Kill, Quick Recovery, Inspire, Battle Harness, Trademark Weapon, War Cry.</p><p>Suggested Flaws: Braggart, Greed, Hot-Headed, Lustful.</p>"
"Noble (aristocrate/courtisan)": {
"name": "Noble (Aristocrat, Courtier)",
"description": "<h1>Noble (Aristocrat, Courtier)</h1><p>Often holding homes in the city and estates or villas outside the city, these characters are usually titled (though not necessarily deserving) and have some authority over the common people, peasants, and slaves. Nobles are often able to obtain credit, have high-ranking contacts, and are skilled in such things as bribery, browbeating, dress sense, and etiquette.</p><p>Attributes: Nobles need plenty of appeal as well as clever minds, although at the end of the day, money always talks whatever the circumstances.</p><p>Adventuring: Nobles are not notable adventurers, although they will often finance expeditions to remote areas to obtain artefacts or to carry out trade. Some more adventurous nobles will join expeditions to oversee them.</p><p>Fighting: In combat, having a career of noble will rarely be of any benefit whatsoever. However, some peasants or lower classes will have qualms about attacking their superiors. Also, nobles often lead armies (whether capable or not).</p><p>Suggested Boons: Attractive, Born-in-the-Saddle, Friends in High Places, Great Wealth, High-Born, Inspire.</p><p>Suggested Flaws: Arrogant, Braggart, City Dweller, Cravings, Greed, Hot-Headed, Lustful.</p>"
"Ouvrier (docker, manœuvre)": {
"name": "Worker (Docker, Labourer)",
"description": "<h1>Worker (Docker, Labourer)</h1><p>Workers are unskilled labourers men who erect palisades, dig ditches, build homes, city walls and temples, or load and unload wagons and riverboats. Workers often move around doing a range of odd jobs here and there, many of which are seasonal or temporary. Workers will be skilled in heavy lifting, intimidation, carousing, and hard labour. Some of the tasks carried out by workers are also the work of slaves.</p><p>Attributes: Workers tend to find a high strength very useful in their physical endeavours.</p><p>Adventuring: Labour is dull and doesnt really lead to a life of adventure. Therefore, a character with Worker as one of his careers is unlikely to have stuck it out for very long.</p><p>Fighting: Workers are not really fighters, although they do tend to settle their disputes with their fists. They might be given a bonus during a brawl, especially when grappling or choking someone.</p><p>Suggested Boons: Carouser, Brawler, Giant Strength, Hard-to-Kill, Strength Feat, Fearsome Looks, Poison Resistance, Tools of the Trade.</p><p>Suggested Flaws: Cant Lie, Drunkard, Fear of …, Hot-Headed, Illiterate, Lumbering, Lustful, Poor Hearing, Taciturn, Unsettling.</p>"
"Pilote des airs": {
"name": "Sky-Pilot",
"description": "<h1>Sky-Pilot</h1><p>Sky-pilots are the elite of the fighting men of Satarla and are trained to fly the sky-boats of the Satarlan Sky-Navy. They are held in awe by those shackled by gravity. Along with their knowledge of piloting and general sky-boat maintenance, sky-pilots are also skilled navigators and highly observant, so they are much sought after as scouts, couriers and explorers. They are usually ex-soldiers, and most are nobles too.</p><p>Attributes: Mind, agility and to a lesser extent appeal and strength are all handy to an elite sky- pilot.</p><p>Adventuring: A sky-pilot is naturally a daring soul, so anyone coming from this career will still have a yearning for a life of adventure.</p><p>Fighting: Sky-pilots in combat will always have the advantage over any fighter unused to combat taking place in the skies.</p><p>Suggested Boons: Born Athlete, Friends in High Places, Great Wealth, Keen Eyesight, High-Born, Inspire, Marked by the Gods, Trademark Weapon.</p><p>Suggested Flaws: Arrogant, Braggart, City Dweller, Hot-Headed.</p>"
"Prêtre (druide/chaman)": {
"name": "Priest (Druid, Shaman)",
"description": "<h1>Priest (Druid, Shaman)</h1><p>Priests reside in their temples in the major cities of Lemuria they lead worship of the gods. They also determine the will of the gods. Priests are knowledgeable in theology, ancient lore, astrology, astronomy, ancient languages, oratory, and must be literate. Their position gives them a special place in the minds of the rest of the populace, and this gives them great power over all aspects of the government, the military, and the populace in general.</p><p>Druids worship the Dark Lords and are less savoury their form of worship includes human sacrifice. For more information on priests and druids, see Chapter 6.</pAttributes: Priests need to have clever minds, and the best ones have plenty of appeal to be able to sway or attract followers.</p><p>Adventuring: Some priests are highly adventurous seeking out ancient knowledge and artefacts of their gods. Others prefer the easy life and rarely leave the safety of their temples.</p><p>Fighting: Having the priest career will rarely, if ever, give you any advantage in combat. The only plus might be that gods-fearing fighters will be loath to attack a priest.</p><p>Suggested Boons: Detect Deception, Friends in High Places, Inspire, Learned, Marked by the Gods, Nose for Magic, Resistance to Sorcery, Savant, Silver Tongue.</p><p>Suggested Flaws: Arrogant, Combat Paralysis, Cravings, Distrust of Sorcery, Morgazzons Curse, Non-Combatant, Obsession, Zealot.</p><p>Languages: Druids and priests need to learn Sorceric if they wish to use the powerful magics and alchemies of the ancient race of the Sorcerer- Kings. Learning this language is painfully difficult, and requires both spoken and written forms to be taken separately.</p>"
"Scribe (érudit/copiste)": {
"name": "Scribe (Librarian, Scholar)",
"description": "<h1>Scribe (Librarian, Scholar)</h1><p>Scribes are researchers and teachers, well- educated and knowledgeable on a wide variety of subjects they are mathematicians, cartographers, astronomers, linguists, historians, and philosophers. Scribes are also skilled at debate as they discuss at length a variety of topics with other enlightened individuals. Scribes need to be clear of thought to do their laborious work of cataloguing volumes and copying texts. It goes without saying that they need to be literate.</p><p>Attributes: Mind is of primary importance to a scribe.</p><p>Adventuring: Scribes make poor adventurers, although to have some of the knowledge of a scribe would make such a character a useful addition to a party.</p><p>Fighting: Whilst scribes might have it that “the pen is mightier than the sword”, there are not actually many circumstances where having a career in scribe will have any discernible use in combat.</p><p>Suggested Boons: Excellent Library, Learned, Savant.</p><p>Suggested Flaws: Delicate, Cant Lie, Combat Paralysis, Non-Combatant, City Dweller, Obsession.</p>"
"Soldat (garde/milicien)": {
"name": "Soldier (Guard, Militiaman)",
"description": "<h1>Soldier (Guard, Militiaman)</h1><p>Soldiers are the paid guards in a city or in the standing armies of rich nobles. They are often stoic but of limited imagination. They will have some city lore, perhaps skills in intimidation and riding, as well as a limited amount of authority especially the officers.</p><p>Attributes: Strength is normally most important for soldiers, although archers and cavalrymen could do with a bit of agility. Officers need to have plenty of appeal to lead their men, and quick minds to make sound battle plans.</p><p>Adventuring: Most soldiers are dull and uninspired. However, characters will use their time in the city guard to hone their weapon skills ready for their next adventure.</p><p>Fighting: Soldiers are not specialists of any sort but will sometimes gain a career bonus in combat, especially if fighting tactically as a part of a well- led unit.</p><p>Suggested Boons: Born Athlete, Born-in-the-Saddle, Brawler, Carouser, Hard-to-Kill, Inspire, Quick Recovery, Trademark Weapon.</p><p>Suggested Flaws: Braggart, Drunkard, Gullible, Lustful, Poor Hearing, Taciturn.</p>"
"Sorcier (magicien/enchanteur)": {
"name": "Magician (Sorcerer, Witch)",
"description": "<h1>Magician (Sorcerer, Witch)</h1><p>Magicians are both respected and feared. There are few who will deal with them willingly without great need, as a great many magicians are amoral at best, exceedingly evil at worst, and all of them are at least slightly unhinged. Magicians often live alone, with only a few servants or the occasional apprentice to attend them. Along with the knowledge of such esoteric lore as astrology, astronomy, and demonology, magicians research forbidden tomes of arcane knowledge, or make pacts with demons to learn Words of Power that can shape reality itself.</p><p>Magicians steeped in the Lore of the Void are mostly from Zalut, although there are minor magicians in just about every city of Lemuria (apart from Tyrus, where magicians are outlawed). For more information on magicians, see Chapter 6.</p><p>Attributes: Magicians need a powerful mind both for their studies and for the will to create and cast mighty spells.</p><p>Adventuring: Magicians arent usually great adventurers, preferring to leave that stuff to their hirelings and minions. However, sometimes they will venture out of their lairs to personally supervise or join an expedition, when they may gain something of great mystical significance at the end of it</p><p>Fighting: There are not many circumstances where being a magician helps in a fight using ordinary weapons. But then, the best magicians dont need to use mundane weapons to kill someone.</p>Perilous Career: Sorcery is a fast track to power but it also brings its own price. For each rank taken as a magician beyond the first, take one extra flaw. This also applies if you advance in rank as a magician later on during the Saga</p><p>Suggested Flaws: Absent-Minded, Arrogant, Cravings, Delicate, Distinctive Appearance, Fear of..., Infamous, Morgazzons Curse, Non-Combatant, Obsession, Poor Recovery, Unsettling, Untrustworthy</p><p>Suggested Boons: Detect Deception, Excellent Library, Learned, Magic of the Sorcerer-Kings, Power of the Void, Resistance to Sorcery, Savant.</p><p>Languages: Magicians must know Sorceric if they wish to use the powerful magics and alchemies of the ancient race of the Sorcerer-Kings. Learning this language is painfully difficult both spoken and written forms must be taken separately.</p>"
"Tentatrice (courtisane/serveuse)": {
"name": "Temptress (Courtesan, Serving wench)",
"description": "<h1>Temptress (Courtesan, Serving wench)</h1><p>There are some who have honed seduction down to an art form. The temptress may be a noblemans mistress, a courtesan, or even a common tavern wench, but she uses her power over men for her own ends. She is as dangerous as she is beautiful: the sort that men fight battles and wars over. A temptress is skilled in fashion sense, savoir-faire, conversation, manipulation, and seduction. Some are even good at taking things from customers without them noticing.</p><p>Note that although Barbarians of Lemuria is designed to evoke the themes and feel of the classic sword-and-sorcery stories, this particular career is also open to men (using the career name lothario).</p><p>Attributes: Appeal is the most important attribute for a temptress. Agility and mind can be useful too.</p><p>Adventuring: Temptresses are usually not very adventurous (outside of the bedroom, at least!), so youd need other careers to help explain your life of peril.</p><p>Fighting: This career is seldom helpful in combat, though a temptress may be able to add her career to distract guards.</p><p>Suggested Boons: Attractive, Beguiling, Carouser, Deft Fingers, Friends in High Places, Friends in Low Places, Inspire, Sneaky, Silver Tongue.</p><p>Suggested Flaws: City Dweller, Delicate, Hot- Headed, Lustful, Non-Combatant, Unprepared.</p>"
"Voleur (filou/crapule)": {
"name": "Thief (Rogue, Scoundrel)",
"description": "<h1>Thief (Rogue, Scoundrel)</h1><p>Perhaps you fell into a life of crime, or began as a young street urchin. In either case, you have a certain unique set of skills that most find unsavoury. Thieves, scoundrels, and other neer- do-wells will have skill in such things as city lore, climbing, burglary, sneaking, picking pockets, skulduggery, and gambling, and may be part of some “guild” organisation. Malakut is known as the City of Thieves, as you will almost certainly be robbed at some time or another if you stay in the city for any length of time.</p><p>Attributes: Thieves require agility for their trade, but a quick mind also helps.</p><p>Adventuring: Good thieves are sought after by adventurers looking to break into temples and tombs where there are locks and traps guarding the treasures.</p><p>Fighting: Thieves usually need to avoid combat where possible, so will normally only gain a career bonus in combat when trying to get away and not always then, if up against well-trained city guards.</p><p>Suggested Boons: Alert, Carouser, Deft Hands, Escape Artist, Friends in Low Places, Keen Hearing, Low-Born, Night Sight, Sneaky, Tools of the Trade (lock picks).</p><p>Suggested Flaws: City Dweller, Cowardly, Greed, Hunted, Infamous, Illiterate, Poor Recovery, Untrustworthy.</p>"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
"label": "Effects - Examples",
"mapping": {
"description": "system.description"
"entries": {
"Agilité -1": {
"name": "Agility -1",
"description": ""
"Aura -1": {
"name": "Appeal -1",
"description": ""
"Esprit -1": {
"name": "Mind -1",
"description": ""
"Vigueur -1": {
"name": "Strenght -1",
"description": ""

View File

@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
"label": "Equipment",
"mapping": {
"description": "system.description"
"entries": {
"Aumonière": {
"name": "Purse",
"description": ""
"Bague": {
"name": "",
"description": ""
"Bottes": {
"name": "Boots",
"description": ""
"Bougie": {
"name": "Candle",
"description": ""
"Bourse": {
"name": "Pouch",
"description": ""
"Cape de Marchand": {
"name": "Merchant cape",
"description": ""
"Capuchon": {
"name": "Hood",
"description": ""
"Carquois": {
"name": "Holster",
"description": ""
"Ceinture": {
"name": "Belt",
"description": ""
"Chapeau": {
"name": "Hat",
"description": ""
"Chope": {
"name": "Mug",
"description": ""
"Collier": {
"name": "Necklace",
"description": ""
"Corde + Grappin": {
"name": "Rope + Grapple",
"description": ""
"Cuir Brut": {
"name": "Leather",
"description": ""
"Dés à Jouer": {
"name": "Die",
"description": ""
"Fourrure Brute": {
"name": "Fur",
"description": ""
"Gants": {
"name": "Gloves",
"description": ""
"Gourde": {
"name": "Gourd",
"description": ""
"Instrument de Musique": {
"name": "Music Instrument",
"description": ""
"Lanterne + Huile + Silex": {
"name": "Lantern + Oil + Flint",
"description": ""
"Lingot d'Acier": {
"name": "Steel Ingot",
"description": ""
"Lingot D'Or": {
"name": "Gold Ingot",
"description": ""
"Livre": {
"name": "Book",
"description": ""
"Manteau": {
"name": "Mantel",
"description": ""
"Materiel de Pêche": {
"name": "Fishing tool",
"description": ""
"Mortier": {
"name": "Mortar",
"description": ""
"Nécessaire d'Alchimie": {
"name": "Alchemy Kit",
"description": ""
"Nécessaire D'Ecriture": {
"name": "Writing Kit",
"description": ""
"Nécessaire de Forge": {
"name": "Forge Kit",
"description": ""
"Nécessaire de Survie": {
"name": "Survival Kit",
"description": ""
"Outils de Crochetage": {
"name": "Lock Picking Tools",
"description": ""
"Outils de Menuiserie": {
"name": "Carpentry Tools",
"description": ""
"Outre": {
"name": "Wineskin",
"description": ""
"Pantalon": {
"name": "Trouser",
"description": ""
"Parchemins": {
"name": "Scrolls",
"description": ""
"Petit Chaudron": {
"name": "Small Caldron",
"description": ""
"Petit Coffre": {
"name": "Small chest",
"description": ""
"Piege": {
"name": "Trap",
"description": ""
"Pierre Precieuse": {
"name": "Gem",
"description": ""
"Ration de Voyage": {
"name": "Travel food",
"description": ""
"Sac": {
"name": "Bag",
"description": ""
"Sac a Dos": {
"name": "Backpack",
"description": ""
"Torche": {
"name": "Torch",
"description": ""

View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
"label": "Combat Options",
"mapping": {
"description": "system.description"
"entries": {
"La Danseuse (Combat à Deux Armes - Défensif)": {
"name": "Two-Weapon Fighting (Defensive)",
"description": "<p>You can only use light or medium weapons. Generally, you will attack with one and block with the other, or attack with both. In the first instance, you can treat the parrying weapon like a small shield (+1 to defence against one attack), but you get -1 to your Attack Roll. If attacking with both, your Attack Roll is at -1, but you cause damage as if wielding a medium weapon (if using two light weapons), or as a large weapon (if using at least one medium weapon). In other words, using two weapons increases your chance of causing more damage you dont roll to attack with each weapon individually.</p>"
"La Feinte du Druide (Attaque au Défaut d'armure)": {
"name": "Bypass Armour",
"description": "<p>You are aiming for a weak or unarmoured area of your opponent. Just take the static armour rating as an additional negative modifier to the Attack Roll (-1 for light armour, -2 for medium and -3 for heavy). It is up to the GM whether this rule is extended to bypassing the natural armour of creatures.</p>"
"La Folie du Gladiateur (Attaque Intrépide)": {
"name": "All-Out Attack",
"description": "<p>You may adopt a reckless approach this means that you cannot use your shield or off-hand parrying weapon at all, and you receive a -2 defence against all attacks aimed at you. However, you do receive a +2 bonus to your Attack Roll.</p>"
"La Frappe Lémurienne (Attaque Standard)": {
"name": "La Frappe Lémurienne (Attaque Standard)",
"description": "<p>Vous portez une attaque &agrave; votre adversaire, avec votre arme. Au contact ou &agrave; distance.</p>"
"La Parade de lErudit (Défense Totale)": {
"name": "Full Defence",
"description": "<p>You can dodge, block, parry or otherwise act completely defensively in the round. If you do this, you dont get to attack in the round, but instead get +2 to your effective defence for all attacks directed at you, on top of anything you get for a shield or off-hand parrying weapon.</p>"
"La pose de lEsclave (Posture Défensive)": {
"name": "Defensive Stance",
"description": "<p>You can choose to adopt a wary approach, readying yourself to block or evade a blow. Taking a defensive stance gives you +1 to your defence but -1 to your Attack Roll.</p>"
"La Rage du Barbare (Posture Offensive)": {
"name": "Offensive Stance",
"description": "<p>You can choose to pay less attention to attacks against you in an effort to ensure you hit your target. This gives you +1 to your Attack Roll, but -1 to your defence.</p>"
"Le Coup du Gladiateur (Combat à Deux Armes - Offensif)": {
"name": "Two-Weapon Fighting (Offensive)",
"description": "<p>You can only use light or medium weapons. Generally, you will attack with one and block with the other, or attack with both. In the first instance, you can treat the parrying weapon like a small shield (+1 to defence against one attack), but you get -1 to your Attack Roll. If attacking with both, your Attack Roll is at -1, but you cause damage as if wielding a medium weapon (if using two light weapons), or as a large weapon (if using at least one medium weapon). In other words, using two weapons increases your chance of causing more damage you dont roll to attack with each weapon individually.</p>"

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@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
"label": "Options de Combat (Fan Made)",
"entries": {
"LOeil du Chasseur (Viser)": {
"name": "LOeil du Chasseur (Viser)"
"Loeil du Mercenaire (Observer)": {
"name": "Loeil du Mercenaire (Observer)"
"La Corde de Tyrus (Arc de Tyrus)": {
"name": "La Corde de Tyrus (Arc de Tyrus)"
"La Folie de Dyr (Occuper)": {
"name": "La Folie de Dyr (Occuper)"
"La Force de Grondil (Frappe Brutale)": {
"name": "La Force de Grondil (Frappe Brutale)"
"La Fureur de Charkond (Intimider)": {
"name": "La Fureur de Charkond (Intimider)"
"La Main dAfyra (Se Reposer)": {
"name": "La Main dAfyra (Se Reposer)"
"La Passe de lAssassin (Avantage)": {
"name": "La Passe de lAssassin (Avantage)"
"La Passe du Khastok": {
"name": "La Passe du Khastok"
"La Ruade de lAxos (Déséquilibrer)": {
"name": "La Ruade de lAxos (Déséquilibrer)"
"La Vengeance du Valgard (Epee Valgardienne)": {
"name": "La Vengeance du Valgard (Epee Valgardienne)"
"Le Coup de Mangaï (Entraver - Fouet)": {
"name": "Le Coup de Mangaï (Entraver - Fouet)"
"Le Coup du Soldat (Désarmer)": {
"name": "Le Coup du Soldat (Désarmer)"
"Le Dit de Iondal (Moquer)": {
"name": "Le Dit de Iondal (Moquer)"
"Le Doigt de Karyzon (Tir x2)": {
"name": "Le Doigt de Karyzon (Tir x2)"
"Le Halakh-Kriss (Spéciale Kriss)": {
"name": "Le Halakh-Kriss (Spéciale Kriss)"
"Le Plomb de lAxos (Fronde Axos)": {
"name": "Le Plomb de lAxos (Fronde Axos)"
"Le Saut du Voleur (Distraire)": {
"name": "Le Saut du Voleur (Distraire)"
"Le Trait du Beshaar (Javelot)": {
"name": "Le Trait du Beshaar (Javelot)"
"Le Tranchant de Parsool (Hache de Parsool)": {
"name": "Le Tranchant de Parsool (Hache de Parsool)"
"Les Poignards de Karyzon (Lancer x2)": {
"name": "Les Poignards de Karyzon (Lancer x2)"

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@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
"label": "Flaws",
"mapping": {
"description": "system.description"
"entries": {
"Addiction": {
"name": "Cravings",
"description": "<h1>Cravings</h1><p>You are addicted to something and require it every day to function fully. Whenever you go more than a day without it, you have a penalty die on all rolls.</p>"
"Âgé": {
"name": "Elderly",
"description": "<h1>Elderly</h1><p>Your character is not as young as he used to be. If he has not had a decent amount of rest each day, he will begin to slow and tire. Use an extra penalty die for any physical action if pushed too hard without rest. Other opportunities for good role-play will undoubtedly come out of this flaw.</p>"
"Arrogant": {
"name": "Arrogant",
"description": "<h1>Arrogant</h1><p>Roll a penalty die when dealing with provincials or foreigners, where your arrogance might annoy or offend them. This flaw is especially common amongst the nobility.</p>"
"Bigleux": {
"name": "Poor Eyesight",
"description": "<h1>Poor Eyesight</h1><p>You take a penalty die when trying to observe or spot something.</p>"
"Borgne/oreille coupée": {
"name": "Missing Eye/Hear",
"description": "<h1>Missing Eye/Hear</h1><p>You take a penalty die whenever the GM feels it is appropriate to the situation..</p>"
"Bouseux": {
"name": "Country Bumpkin",
"description": "<h1>Country Bumpkin</h1><p>The big city is a confusing and heartless place for the new arrival. You take a penalty die in situations to do with urban survival.</p>"
"Chétif": {
"name": "Delicate",
"description": "<h1>Delicate</h1><p>You have a small or slender build. Deduct two from your lifeblood total.</p>"
"Crédule": {
"name": "Gullible",
"description": "<h1>Gullible</h1><p>You believe the most outrageous lies. Roll a penalty die when being persuaded something is a good idea when it isnt.</p>"
"Cupide": {
"name": "Greed",
"description": "<h1>Greed</h1><p>You cannot resist any chance to make money. If money is to be made, your judgement goes out of the window. You take a penalty die whenever tempted by the offer of cash.</p>"
"Deux mains gauches": {
"name": "All Thumbs",
"description": "<h1>All Thumbs</h1><p>You take a penalty die when picking locks, firing a bow or crossbow, or when doing fine work.</p>"
"Distrait": {
"name": "Absent-Minded",
"description": "<h1>Absent-Minded</h1><p>vWhile you are not necessarily stupid indeed, you may be brilliant you have difficulty keeping track of appointments, peoples names, items on lists, and various other memory-based tasks. This means that sometimes the GM will spring things on you that your character forgot.</p>"
"Dur doreille": {
"name": "Poor Hearing",
"description": "<h1>Poor Hearing</h1><p>Whenever you make a check to perceive something using your hearing, you take a penalty die.</p>"
"Fanatique": {
"name": "Zealot",
"description": "<h1>Zealot</h1><p>This is a flaw far more common amongst villains than Heroes. There are many willing to die for their faith, but a zealot would kill for it. You get a penalty die whenever you must be civil to a non-believer.</p>"
"Fanfaron": {
"name": "Braggart",
"description": "<h1>Braggart</h1><p>You have a very high opinion of yourself and feel the need to share it with the world. You often take credit for things that you never did, and make those accomplishments you did achieve seem so much grander with each retelling, often disregarding the role anyone else played in the story. Needless to say, you often play fast and loose with the truth with these boasts, which could lead to you being called a liar.</p>"
"Foie jaune": {
"name": "Combat Paralysis",
"description": "<h1>Combat Paralysis</h1>\n<p>When swords are drawn, you tend to freeze up and act with uncertainty. Roll a d3. This is the number of rounds that you freeze, during which you can only take defensive actions.</p>"
"Gars de la ville": {
"name": "City Dweller",
"description": "<h1>City Dweller</h1><p>You arent happy in the great outdoors. You take a penalty die in situations to do with wilderness survival.</p>"
"Illettré": {
"name": "Illiterate",
"description": "<h1>Illiterate</h1><p>You cannot read or write, and you cannot choose a career with literacy as a requirement.</p>"
"Impétueux": {
"name": "Hot-Headed",
"description": "<h1>Hot-Headed</h1><p>Your anger often gets the better of you, and you are likely to fly off the handle at the slightest insult or imagined insult. You get a penalty die to any rolls when trying to suppress your anger and act rationally, such as not making a scene at a royal ball when insulted, or trying to ignore an enemys taunt. Your anger can also get you into duels, or worse.</p>"
"Inadapté à la chaleur": {
"name": "Feels the Heat",
"description": "<h1>Feels the Heat</h1><p>You are especially susceptible to heat. You take a penalty die for any tasks that you undertake in a hot or desert environment.</p>"
"Inadapté au froid": {
"name": "Feels the Cold",
"description": "<h1>Feels the Cold</h1><p>You are especially susceptible to the cold. You take a penalty die for any tasks undertaken in a cold environment.</p>"
"Incapable de mentir": {
"name": "Cant Lie",
"description": "<h1>Cant Lie</h1><p>Whether it is simple nervousness or a strong code of honour, you are terrible at lying. You get a penalty die whenever you try to deceive, tell half-truths, or conceal something that you know when you are asked about it directly. Youd much rather say, “Im not going to tell you,” than “I dont know what you are talking about.</p>"
"Indigne de confiance": {
"name": "Untrustworthy",
"description": "<h1>Untrustworthy</h1><p>You take a penalty die when the situation calls for someone to believe or trust you.</p>"
"Inquiétant": {
"name": "Unsettling",
"description": "<h1>Unsettling</h1><p>Something about you isnt quite right the way you look or smell or speak. Even animals shy away from you. Take a penalty die in social situations or when dealing with animals.</p>"
"Lent à la détente": {
"name": "Unprepared",
"description": "<h1>Unprepared</h1><p>You are not aware of whats going on around you and are slow to react to danger. Add a penalty die for Priority Rolls.</p>"
"Lubrique": {
"name": "Lustful",
"description": "<h1>Lustful</h1><p>You find it hard to resist the charms of the opposite sex, and you get a penalty die to any rolls to avoid succumbing to a pretty or handsome face.</p>"
"Malédiction de Morgazzon": {
"name": "Morgazzons Curse",
"description": "<h1>Morgazzons Curse</h1><p>You are mad. Work with the GM to determine how this manifests itself.</p>"
"Manchot/unijambiste": {
"name": "Missing Limb",
"description": "<h1>Manchot/unijambiste</h1><p>You take a penalty die whenever the GM feels the situation is appropriate.</p>"
"Marin deau douce": {
"name": "Landlubber",
"description": "<h1>Landlubber</h1><p>You take a penalty die on activities whilst at sea..</p>"
"Maudit": {
"name": "Cursed",
"description": "<h1>Cursed</h1><p>The Gods have forsaken you or you are just plain unlucky. You begin with -1 Hero Point. For some reason, bad things always seem to happen to you. The town guard mistakes you for a wanted man, the wench you picked up in the tavern turns out to be a runaway princess, you step on a twig just as you nearly snuck away, etc.</p>"
"Mauvaise réputation": {
"name": "Infamous",
"description": "<h1>Infamous</h1><p>You are well known for some wicked deed in your past. Irrespective of whether the allegations are true or not, or whether you had a good reason to do what you did, this bad reputation precedes you wherever you go. You get a penalty die in social situations when making first impressions, and continue to receive the penalty until you earn a persons trust.</p>"
"Méfiance envers la sorcellerie": {
"name": "Distrust of Sorcery",
"description": "<h1>Distrust of Sorcery</h1><p>When dealing with wizards and alchemists, you take a penalty die.</p>"
"Muet": {
"name": "Mute",
"description": "<h1>Mute</h1><p>You are unable to talk, so always roll a penalty die in social situations to make yourself understood.</p>"
"Non-combattant": {
"name": "Non-Combatant",
"description": "<h1>Non-Combatant</h1><p>You are not a warrior your skills lie elsewhere. You have only two points to spend on combat abilities instead of four, but begin with six points for careers instead of four. In addition to this, it costs you twice as many advancement points to increase combat abilities.</p>"
"Obsession": {
"name": "Obsession",
"description": "<h1>Obsession</h1><p>There is something with which you are completely obsessed. It could be a fascination with a certain pursuit, person, or thing. You spend a great deal of time and money on this obsession. Whenever you are in the presence of the object of your obsession, you have a penalty die on all rolls that require you to ignore it. Sometimes your obsession can get you into a lot of trouble.</p>"
"Pataud": {
"name": "Lumbering",
"description": "<h1>Lumbering</h1><p>You are unsteady on your feet. You take a penalty die when balance is important for example, crossing a narrow bridge or standing on a mountain ledge.</p>"
"Phobie": {
"name": "Fear of ...",
"description": "<h1>Fear of ...</h1><p>There is something that you have a great and irrational fear of. Roll a penalty die in the presence of (or when confronted by) your phobia. Some possible fears include: fear of fire, reptiles, spiders, heights, crowds, death, the dark, closed spaces, flying, etc</p>"
"Poltron": {
"name": "Cowardly",
"description": "<h1>Cowardly</h1><p>This is not a very common flaw for a Hero, but you have a great deal of difficulty resisting when the effects of fear take hold of you. Roll a penalty die to any rolls to resist the effects of fear or intimidation. In addition, you try to avoid any form of conflict, if at all possible.</p>"
"Repoussant": {
"name": "Ugly & Brutish",
"description": "<h1>Ugly & Brutish</h1><p>You are unattractive. Take a penalty die in situations where your looks are important.</p>"
"Signe distinctif": {
"name": "Distinctive Appearance",
"description": "<h1>Distinctive Appearance</h1><p>There is something about the way you look that sticks in mens minds. Perhaps you have a very memorable scar or tattoo. Maybe you were born with six fingers on your left hand. Whatever it is, you have some superficial characteristic that causes you to stand out. You gain a penalty die whenever you try to disguise yourself or maintain a low profile. If you are also Hunted (see below), bounty hunters and spies are twice as likely to spot you on entering and leaving a city.</p>"
"Soiffard": {
"name": "Drunkard",
"description": "<h1>Drunkard</h1><p>qRoll a die when you are required to do something important for the rest of your companions. If a 1 comes up, you are drunk and unable to do anything until sobered up.</p>"
"Souffreteux": {
"name": "Poor Recovery",
"description": "<h1>Poor Recovery</h1><p>You have a poor constitution. You require medical attention to restore lost lifeblood, and recover nothing from normal rest.</p>"
"Taciturne": {
"name": "Taciturn",
"description": "<h1>Taciturn</h1><p>votre personnage est incroyablement taiseux. Les jours où il prononce une phrase de plus de trois mots sont à marquer dune pierre blanche, et il est très rare quil engage de lui-même la conversation. Son extrême réticence à parler implique malheureusement quil ne donne jamais une information si on ne la lui demande pas. Vous subissez un dé de malus dans les interactions sociales.</p>"
"Traqué": {
"name": "Hunted",
"description": "<h1>Hunted</h1><p>Perhaps you are wanted by the authorities, or have offended some powerful noble or pirate king. Regardless of whom, you constantly have to evade agents intent on capturing or even killing you. Roll a d6 whenever you enter a new city. On a 1, agents of your enemy (or your enemy himself, if you choose) will spot you and make your life unpleasant.</p>"

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@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
"label": "Languages",
"mapping": {
"description": "system.description"
"entries": {
"Argot des Mers": {
"name": "Sea Tongue",
"description": "<p>The Pirate Isles have a mixture of different people from all over the continent and beyond, and their languages have mixed and mingled to form a strange combination of the familiar and the unfamiliar. There is no written form.</p>"
"Axien": {
"name": "Axian",
"description": "<p>This (sometimes called Axish) is the language of the tribes of barbarians that live in the Axos mountain range. It is not at all well- known beyond the Axos Mountains, although there are believed to be some ancient texts written in times long gone when Axian was spoken more widely that have become lost in ancient caves hidden deep in those mountains.</p>"
"Beshaari": {
"name": "Beshaari",
"description": "<p>The desert nomads of Beshaar speak and write in their own language. Most of the people of Halakh speak Beshaari, although Lemurian is spoken in that city almost as much</p>"
"Céruléen": {
"name": "Giantish",
"description": "<p>The Blue Nomads speak their own language. It has no written form. Many of the merchants in Oomis learn Giantish as their second language.</p>"
"Chant du Vent": {
"name": "Windsong",
"description": "<p>The sing-song language of the Winged Folk. The language has the sound of breeze blowing through the crags of mountains, or high winds whistling around canyons and caverns. The language is very difficult for those other than Winged Folk to reproduce successfully. There is a written form, which is almost as difficult to translate.</p>"
"Démonique (Lire/Ecrire)": {
"name": "Sorceric (Read/write)",
"description": "<p>This is the ancient language of the Sorcerer-Kings. All their texts and manuals are written in this script. Magicians, alchemists, druids, and priests need to learn Sorceric if they wish to use the powerful magics and alchemies of this ancient race. Learning this language is painfully difficult, and requires both spoken and written forms to be taken separately. The Magicians of Zalut converse strictly in Sorceric, unless dealing with outsiders.</p>"
"Démonique (Parler)": {
"name": "Sorceric (Spoken)",
"description": "<p>This is the ancient language of the Sorcerer-Kings. All their texts and manuals are written in this script. Magicians, alchemists, druids, and priests need to learn Sorceric if they wish to use the powerful magics and alchemies of this ancient race. Learning this language is painfully difficult, and requires both spoken and written forms to be taken separately. The Magicians of Zalut converse strictly in Sorceric, unless dealing with outsiders.</p>"
"Festreli": {
"name": "Festrelish",
"description": "<p>Although with a basis in Lemurian, Festrelish is now so different to be almost unintelligible to a Lemurian speaker.</p>"
"Ghatai": {
"name": "Ghatai",
"description": "<p>Langue des nomades du sud du Khanat, le ghata&iuml; s&rsquo;apparente &agrave; un dialecte ancien du&nbsp;l&eacute;murien, avec de nombreux emprunts au pinxi (cf. ci-dessous), pour le vocabulaire notamment. Avec&nbsp;un peu d&rsquo; effort et beaucoup de patience, un locuteur du l&eacute;murien sera en mesure de communiquer de&nbsp;mani&egrave;re rudimentaire avec des gens qui parlent le ghata&iuml;. Cette langue, qui &agrave; l&rsquo;origine ne poss&eacute;dait pas&nbsp;son propre syst&egrave;me d&rsquo;&eacute;criture, utilise d&eacute;sormais celui du pinxi.</p>"
"Grooth": {
"name": "Grooth",
"description": "<p>This is not really a fully developed language more a collection of grunts as well as considerable displays of foot stamping, facial contortions and ape-like waving of arms. There is no written form. It is uncommon outside of the tribes of the Grooth.</p>"
"Kashtien": {
"name": "Kashtian",
"description": "<p>The inhabitants of the Kasht Swamp have their own language each tribe speaking a variant of the basic language.</p>"
"Lemurien": {
"name": "Lemurian",
"description": "<p>Most people in Lemuria speak Lemurian. However, every city speaks a different dialect of Lemurian and that sometimes means the traveller can have difficulty understanding the locals. Sometimes you might be required to make a mind Task Roll to understand people from other cities.</p>"
"Malakutien": {
"name": "Malakutian",
"description": "<p>The people of Malakut and the surrounding area have their own language.</p>"
"Pinxi": {
"name": "Pinxi",
"description": "<p>la langue des Xi Lu, encore commun&eacute;ment parl&eacute;e par cette ethnie, m&ecirc;me si la plupart des Xi&nbsp;Lu apprennent au moins des rudiments de gatha&iuml;, la langue officielle du gouvernement du grand khan.</p>"
"Shamite": {
"name": "Shamite",
"description": "<p>Shamballah has its own tongue, spoken in the city of Shamballah and surrounding areas.</p>"
"Valgardien": {
"name": "Valgardish",
"description": "<p>The people of Valgard speak and write in their own surprisingly elaborate language.</p>"
"Wei": {
"name": "Wei",
"description": "<p>Les Wei poss&egrave;dent leur propre langue, difficile &agrave; ma&icirc;triser pour des &eacute;trangers en raison de&nbsp;ses sonorit&eacute;s particuli&egrave;res, avec un emploi abondant de claquements de langue. Les Wei n&rsquo;ont pas&nbsp;d&rsquo;&eacute;criture ; leur culture repose sur la transmission orale des savoirs et des coutumes.</p>"
"Yggdari": {
"name": "Ygddari",
"description": "<p>The ancient language of man is called Ygddari (or Old Tongue). Not many speak it and even fewer can read it. However, old texts are occasionally recovered from the ruins of Ygddar, Qiddesh, Qeb, Qar, and Oosal, and some skilled scribes are needed to translate their writings.</p>"

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@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
"label": "Alchemy - Objects",
"mapping": {
"description": "system.description"
"entries": {
"Allume-feu": {
"name": "Fire self-starter",
"description": "<p>lights campfires easily</p>"
"Antirouille": {
"name": "Rust reversal",
"description": "<p>enough to clean the rust off a suit of armour</p>"
"Arbalète à Grappin": {
"name": "Grappler crossbow",
"description": "<p>fires a silk rope and grappling hook with 25 range increment</p>"
"Arme": {
"name": "Arme",
"description": "<p>Les armes et armures de cette qualit&eacute;&nbsp;permettent, une fois par round, de relancer un 1&nbsp;obtenu sur un jet de d&eacute;g&acirc;ts/de protection.</p>"
"Arme dissimulée dans un Objet Courant": {
"name": "Weapons secreted in common items",
"description": "<p></p>"
"Arme Légendaire": {
"name": "Legendary weapon",
"description": "<p>roll a bonus die when rolling for damage in addition, they are unbreakable and ignore armour, except that created by an alchemist. The weapon must be given a name</p>"
"Arme Mythique": {
"name": "Mythic weapon",
"description": "<p>as Legendary weapon, plus they are treated as a Trademark Weapon [see Boons]. The weapon must be given a name</p>"
"Arme Supérieure": {
"name": "Harder weapons",
"description": "<p>roll a bonus die when rolling for damage.</p>"
"Armure": {
"name": "Masterwork armour",
"description": "<p>Masterwork weapons and armour reroll any result of 1 when rolling damage or protection (only one reroll allowed).</p>"
"Armure Légendaire": {
"name": "Legendary armour",
"description": "<p>provides one grade better protection [or d6 for heavy armour] in addition, you roll a bonus die so roll two dice and drop the lowest one. For example, light armour becomes medium armour with a bonus: d6H-2, so you roll 2d6 and take the highest result, and then subtract 2. This armour also halves the additional damage caused by Mighty and Legendary successes, where Bloody Slash/Crushing Blow is selected.</p>"
"Armure Mythique": {
"name": "Mythic armour",
"description": "<p>As Legendary armour, with no agility penalties at all for wearing it so you can even swim while wearing the armour</p>"
"Armure Supérieure": {
"name": "Lighter armour",
"description": "<p>provides one grade better protection than the actual armour [or d6 for heavy armour] so light armour would provide the same protection as medium armour and also halves the additional damage caused by Mighty and Legendary successes, where Bloody Slash/Crushing Blow is selected</p>"
"Automate ou golem ayant la forme dune armure animée": {
"name": "Automatons and guardians from living suits of armour",
"description": ""
"Casque permettant à son porteur de respirer sous leau": {
"name": "Water-breathing helmets",
"description": "allow the wearer to breathe under water"
"Ceinture dallanium": {
"name": "Lighter-than-air belts",
"description": "<p>made of allanium, allows the wearer to float up and down</p>"
"Ceinture dinvisibilité": {
"name": "Invisibility belts",
"description": "<p>provides the effect of Invisibility Powder, in a belt</p>"
"Création de formes de vie en laboratoire": {
"name": "Creating life from chemical vats",
"description": ""
"Création de formes de vie hybrides dhomme et danimal": {
"name": "Create man-beast hybrid life forms",
"description": ""
"Création par croisement et hybridation de plantes ou danimaux mortellement dangereux": {
"name": "Breeding plants and animals into deadly life forms",
"description": ""
"Cuve de clonage des individus": {
"name": "Vats for cloning individuals",
"description": ""
"Dague à lame creuse en verre": {
"name": "Hollow glass knife",
"description": "<p>filled with acid or poison</p>"
"Fabrication dallanium et de janium": {
"name": "Distilled allanium and janium",
"description": ""
"Habitation intelligente": {
"name": "Intelligent dwellings",
"description": ""
"Horloge": {
"name": "Timepiece",
"description": ""
"Huile Brulante": {
"name": "Burning oil",
"description": "<p>lights on contact and burns for d6 damage</p>"
"Instrument de musique au son parfait": {
"name": "Perfectly pitched musical instruments",
"description": "<p>Tools of the Trade</p>"
"Lance-éclair": {
"name": "Lightning-gun",
"description": "<p>vaguely arbalest-like devices causing d6 ×2 damage, ignoring armour, with a base range of 250</p>"
"Machine de guerre blindée": {
"name": "Armoured war machines",
"description": ""
"Machine dotée d'une semi-conscience": {
"name": "Semi-sentient machines",
"description": ""
"Machine Volante": {
"name": "Flying machines",
"description": "<p>see sky-boats</p>"
"Membre Artificiel": {
"name": "Artificial limbs",
"description": "<p>with few or no moving parts, but nicer than a hook or peg</p>"
"Microscope": {
"name": "Microscope",
"description": ""
"Navire submersible": {
"name": "Submersible boat",
"description": "<p>a submarine that can carry a crew of four, but no more than 20 beneath the waters surface. It is fitted with a floating hose that carries down air from the surface, but this can be noticed. Otherwise, it holds enough air to last four people one hour while submerged. It can move about 5 miles an hour by the people inside pedalling to turn the propeller.</p>"
"Outil": {
"name": "Masterwork tools",
"description": "<p>Masterwork weapons and armour reroll any result of 1 when rolling damage or protection (only one reroll allowed).</p>"
"Périscope": {
"name": "Periscope",
"description": ""
"Piège": {
"name": "Traps",
"description": "<p>ordinary trap of -2 difficulty to find and disarm, and cause d3+1 damage when triggered.</p>"
"Serrure": {
"name": "Locks",
"description": "<p>malus de -2 pour la forcer</p>"
"Serrure ou piège à la complexité unique": {
"name": "Unique lock or trap",
"description": "<p>-8 Difficulty to get by these traps cause d6 ×3 damage if triggered</p>"
"Serrure ou piège élaboré": {
"name": "Elaborate locks and traps",
"description": "<p>difficulty is -4 to get past them traps cause d6+1 damage when triggered)</p>"
"Serrure ou piège particulièrement ingénieux": {
"name": "Ingenious locks or traps",
"description": "<p>-6 difficulty to get by them traps cause d6 ×2 damage if triggered</p>"
"Substance chimique luminescente": {
"name": "Light-producing chemicals",
"description": "<p>produces light for up to half a day</p>"
"Télescope": {
"name": "Telescope",
"description": ""

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@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
"label": "Origins",
"mapping": {
"description": "system.description"
"entries": {
"Bei Wei": {
"name": "Bei Wei",
"description": "<h1>Bei Wei</h1>\n<p>Peuplade de la for&ecirc;t bor&eacute;ale, les Wei sont trapus (les hommes d&eacute;passent rarement les 1,70 m) avec un visage rond au nez aplati, &agrave; la peau brune et aux cheveux noirs. Ils ont de petits yeux brid&eacute;s (noirs ou marron) qui leur conf&egrave;rent un regard intense et plut&ocirc;t inqui&eacute;tant, du moins pour ceux qui les rencontrent pour la premi&egrave;re fois.</p>\n<p>&Eacute;leveurs de xalibu (des cervid&eacute;s domestiqu&eacute;s), trappeurs et b&ucirc;cherons, ce sont de grands connaisseurs des terres gel&eacute;es du bout du monde, capables de survivre dans un environnement qui serait fatal &agrave; tout autre qu&rsquo;eux. Si vous incarnez un Wei, une de vos carri&egrave;res doit &ecirc;tre barbare ou chasseur. Chez les Wei, les carri&egrave;res de pr&ecirc;tre, sorcier ou m&eacute;decin sont interdites aux hommes et ressortent du domaine exclusif des femmes.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h2>Avantages&nbsp;</h2>\n<p>ami des b&ecirc;tes, intr&eacute;pide, mains gu&eacute;risseuses, sant&eacute; de fer, tigre des neiges, tireur puissant, vigilant, vue per&ccedil;ante.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h2>D&eacute;savantages</h2>\n<p>bouseux, illettr&eacute;, inadapt&eacute; &agrave; la chaleur, inqui&eacute;tant, m&eacute;fiance envers la sorcellerie, taciturne.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h2>Noms masculins&nbsp;</h2>\n<p>Bongyur, Dongge, Dreugpa, Gempo, Jungnen, Kamzo, Kempo, Lungpo, Nagpo, Nyetri, Phagpa, Sengtsen.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h2>Noms f&eacute;minins&nbsp;&nbsp;</h2>\n<p>Bkrubati, Chantra, Chodra, Jigmei, Lhalung, Logzen, Meito, Mirlapa, Palgye, Samaye, Santara, Tangba.</p>"
"Côte de Feu": {
"name": "Fire Coast",
"description": "<h1>Fire Coast</h1><p>The Fire Coast is home to the Witch Queen and her Kalukan Sentinels. If you are from the Fire Coast (and you may need to check with your GM first), you can choose to be a Kalukan. Refer to Chapter 5 for a Kalukans boons and flaws, as well as some sample names. If you choose to be human, use the details given for Halakh or the Kasht Swamp.</p>"
"Désert de Beshaar": {
"name": "Beshaar Desert",
"description": "<h1>Beshaar Desert</h1><p>The Beshaari are short, slim, nomadic people, who ride the desert runners large flightless ostrich-like creatures. The Beshaari tend to have swarthy skins becoming wrinkled and leathery as they age under the baking desert sun. Their eyes are black or dark brown, green, purple, and crimson. It is not uncommon for the Beshaari to have one eye of a different colour to the other.</p><p>The young women of the Beshaar are considered very exotic and beautiful often finding themselves captured in raids and sold as slaves and dancers. Many a hot-blooded male has lost his life fighting over the affections of an enticing Beshaari maiden.</p><p>LThe Beshaari are noted for being hot-headed and quick to anger. They have some very specific and peculiar cultural customs, making any negotiations with the people of the Beshaar full of potential pitfalls.</p><p>All Beshaari characters will have barbarian as their first career. Their warriors like to use javelins in hunting and combat, which they throw from their mounts.</p>"
"Ghataï": {
"name": "Ghataï",
"description": "<h1>Ghata&iuml; (steppe du Khanat)</h1>\n<p>Les Ghata&iuml; ont la peau cuivr&eacute;e et les cheveux bruns, ch&acirc;tain fonc&eacute; ou roux. Leurs yeux en amande sont g&eacute;n&eacute;ralement noirs ou marron, plus rarement bleus ou indigo. De taille moyenne, les Ghata&iuml; sont r&acirc;bl&eacute;s, endurcis par une vie rude dans un environnement aust&egrave;re.</p>\n<p>Ce sont des nomades et des &eacute;leveurs, ma&icirc;tres de la grande steppe qui s&rsquo; &eacute;tend entre les montagnes de l&rsquo;Axos au sud et le Bois du Sage au nord. C&rsquo;est un peuple de cavaliers &eacute;m&eacute;rites, dont une partie s&rsquo;est s&eacute;dentaris&eacute;e apr&egrave;s avoir conquis les cit&eacute;s des Xi Lu. Si votre personnage appartient aux nomades ghata&iuml;, une de ses carri&egrave;res doit &ecirc;tre barbare ou mercenaire.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h2>Avantages&nbsp;</h2>\n<p>arme favorite (arc ghata&iuml; ou fouet), dur &agrave; cuire, fils des plaines, vision nocturne, vue per&ccedil;ante.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h2>D&eacute;savantages&nbsp;</h2>\n<p>bouseux, illettr&eacute;, imp&eacute;tueux, inadapt&eacute; &agrave; la chaleur, indigne de confiance, marin d&rsquo;eau douce.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h2>Noms masculins&nbsp;&nbsp;</h2>\n<p>Akta, Alagh, Chimeg, Gentulga, Gorgeg, Khubila&iuml;, Manga&iuml;, Nemtar, Subota&iuml;, Telagu, Ulba, Zhengar.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h2>Noms f&eacute;minins&nbsp;&nbsp;</h2>\n<p>Bolaarma, Enthu, Erdene, Kushi, Narrantseg, Ner, Odval, Oyunn, Setseg, Silta, Suren, Yeshe.</p>"
"Halakh": {
"name": "Halakh",
"description": "<h1>Halakh</h1><p>The Halakhi are a slim, swarthy, dark-skinned people with dark hair and eye colouring. They are close kin to the Beshaari and the city is where those desert nomads come to conduct most of their trade there are many merchants here from all over Lemuria. The Halakhi are noted for their wavy-bladed long fighting knives, known as kir. If you want to hire an assassin, the best are from the Mountain City of Halakh.</p>"
"Îles du Crâne": {
"name": "Pirate Isles",
"description": "<h1>Pirate Isles</h1><p>OPeople originally from just about any city can be found on the Pirate Isles. They are a coarse, lewd, rough-and-ready bunch of misfits and sea dogs. Men far outweigh women here, and female characters are most likely to be serving wenches, although a few female pirates are known. Two things bring almost everyone here the call of the sea and the promise of gold. At least one of your careers will be pirate if you are from here.</p>"
"Jungle de Qo et jungle de Qush": {
"name": "Qo and Qush Jungles",
"description": "<h1>Qo and Qush Jungles</h1><p>If you come from either of these jungle lands, you will most likely be a Grooth, but check with your GM first. There are a few tribes of barbarians and hunters on the fringes of the jungles if you are one of these tribesmen, use the boons, flaws, and names of Shamballah .</p>"
"Lysor": {
"name": "Lysor",
"description": "<h1>Lysor</h1><p>Lysorians are a quiet and meditative people. Whilst the city around them bustles with foreigners full of energy and excitement, those born here seem calmer and more reflective. They appear unaffected by the chaos around them and rarely become embroiled in the frenzied activities of visitors and outsiders.</p><p>Lysorians are generally fair- or light-brown haired, and blue- or green-eyed, but other colourings are not too uncommon. Their skin has a healthy hue with a pale tan colouration. Although the opinionated inhabitants of Satarla might have something to say about this, Lysor boasts the best healers and physicians in Lemuria.</p>"
"Malakut": {
"name": "Malakut",
"description": "<h1>Malakut</h1><p>The people of this city tend to be slim-built with a slightly sinister air. Malakuti commonly have olive skins, dark brown or black hair, thin lips, narrow eyes and hooked noses. The Ragged Knaves and the Brotherhood of Shadows are two powerful but opposing thieves guilds in Malakut, both wielding massive power throughout the city and with interests in neighbouring cities. Malakut is known for its leaf-bladed fighting spears called khastoks, used by the Royal Jemadar Guard. Thief is a likely first career for a character from Malakut.</p>"
"Marais de Festrel": {
"name": "Festrel Swamp",
"description": "<h1>Festrel Swamp</h1><p>Few people dwell in the Festrel Swamp, for it is not the most hospitable place in Lemuria. Those that do dwell here tend to be secretive and hard to find if they dont want to be found. They are short and stocky but surprisingly nimble. They are expert boaters and rafters.</p>"
"Marais de Kasht": {
"name": "Kasht Swamp",
"description": "<h1>Kasht Swamp</h1><p>The people of the Kasht Swamp tend to be light and willowy they move silently and shadowlike through their homeland using paths set by generations of hunters, trappers, and fishers. Their hair is dark and their faces pale. They are skilled at using the materials around them for camouflage, and to disguise their scent from the swamp animals they hunt.</p>"
"Montagnes de lAxos": {
"name": "Axos Mountains",
"description": "<h1>Axos Mountains</h1><p>In the lower reaches and foothills of the mountains live several fierce tribes of tall, rangy, fair-skinned barbarians. Skilled climbers, excellent hunters and herders, these people use the materials they have around them in their art, craft, hunting, and warfare. If you are from one of the Axos tribes, your first career will be barbarian. You are also likely to be a hunter. The tribes of the Axos range are noted for their use of the sling to bring down game. Living in the high peaks and crags of the Axos range are the Winged Folk.</p>"
"Oomis": {
"name": "Oomis",
"description": "<h1>Oomis</h1><p>Oomisians are generally tall, solidly built, and often have a blue tinge to their skins there is speculation about just how deep their friendship with Blue Giants runs! Their eyes are usually various shades of blue. They often have very small, almost non-existent ears, and silvery-white hair. They are a people of very fine merchants, which is a likely first career for an Oomisian character.</p>"
"Parsool": {
"name": "Parsool",
"description": "<h1>Parsool</h1><p>The people of Parsool are a mixed bag of all types, shapes, and hair and skin colouring. The very best mariners are from Parsool, so it is likely that one of your characters career choices will be sailor.</p>"
"Plaines de Klaar": {
"name": "Klaar",
"description": "<h1>Klaar</h1><p>The Klaar Plains are home to the Blue Giants, a race of blue-grey skinned nomadic giants, also known as Blue Nomads. Whilst they are fearsome- looking, Blue Giants are not especially aggressive in fact, they actually make great traders. If you are a Blue Giant character, your first career must be barbarian and the second is likely to be merchant, because nearly all Blue Giant children are taught to trade at an early age. You cannot be an alchemist, physician, scribe or magician. Their priests are called shamans. Refer to Chapter 5 for Blue Giants boons and flaws, as well as some sample names.</p>"
"Satarla": {
"name": "Satarla",
"description": "<h1>Satarla</h1><p>Satarla known as the Jewel of Lemuria is a city of high culture and sophistication. The people tend to be taller than average, but as people come from everywhere to this city, there is a mix of all colours, sizes and types. Once here, though, people tend to adopt an air of superiority. Beggars are outlawed, so no character can begin with that career. Only Satarlans may take the career of sky-pilot. Satarlan knights are legendary.</p>"
"Shamballah": {
"name": "Shamballah",
"description": "<h1>Shamballah</h1><p>Shamballahns are generally a dark-skinned and dark-haired people with purple, mauve, scarlet, and indigo eye colouring. They are very perceptive and make good hunters.</p>"
"Terres Désolées": {
"name": "Empty Lands",
"description": "<h1>Empty Lands</h1><p>No one knows what exists in and beyond the Empty Lands. People do live there, because hunters and explorers have seen evidence of them. However, no towns or even villages have been discovered, and no one has any idea of what the people are like. If you come from the Empty Lands, you will need to work with the GM to determine what your character is like. He or she will always be treated as an outsider.</p>"
"Tyrus": {
"name": "Tyrus",
"description": "<h1>Tyrus</h1><p>A bustling river city the people of Tyrus tend towards dark complexions and hair, with green and brown eyes. Tyrus soldiers are noted for their skill at archery, and their craftsmen produce superb longbows. Sorcerers are outlawed in Tyrus.</p>"
"Urceb": {
"name": "Urceb",
"description": "<h1>Urceb</h1><p>Urcebs inhabitants are risk-takers, gamblers, and opportunists. Many have ventured into Urcebs undercity and are at home in dark underground areas tunnels, catacombs, and caverns.</p>"
"Valgard": {
"name": "Valgard",
"description": "<h1>Valgard</h1><p>Valgardians are a tall, muscular, red- or fair- haired race of warlike tribesmen. If you come from Valgard, one of your careers is barbarian. You are unlikely to be a magician or alchemist, but they are not unknown in Valgard.</p>"
"Zalut": {
"name": "Zalut",
"description": "<h1>Zalut</h1><p>Also known as the City of Magicians, Zalut is ruled by magicians, priests, and alchemists. Zaluti are usually bald, and have very pale skins albinos are not uncommon. They are very insular. It is thought that they are the last remaining descendants of the Sorcerer-Kings.</p><p>Characters from Zalut are usually from one of the above three careers or they are slaves (other careers are possible, however).</p>"

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@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
"label": "Alchemy - Potions",
"mapping": {
"description": "system.description"
"entries": {
"Acide": {
"name": "Acids",
"description": "<p>1 small vial does d3 damage or burns through an inch of metal or wood</p>"
"Agrandissement ou Rapetissement": {
"name": "Growing or shrinking",
"description": "<p>for the scene</p>"
"Alcool de Qualité": {
"name": "Alcoholic Spirits",
"description": "<p>good quality, 3 bottles</p>"
"Altération permanente": {
"name": "Permanent Alteration",
"description": "<p>+1 to any attribute permanently, will only ever work once on any given individual</p>"
"Antalgique": {
"name": "Painkillers",
"description": "<p>lasts 2d6 hours, 3 doses</p>"
"Anti-Fièvre": {
"name": "Fever Relief",
"description": "<p>lasts 2d6 hours, 3 doses</p>"
"Antidote aux Poisons Alchimiques": {
"name": "Antidote to Alchemical Poisons",
"description": "<p>recovery in 1 hour, 3 doses</p>"
"Antidote contre les Venins Animaux et Poisons Végétaux": {
"name": "Antidotes to natural venoms and herbal toxins",
"description": "<p>recovery in 1 hour, 3 doses</p>"
"Antidote Universel": {
"name": "Universal Antidote",
"description": "<p>can cure any poison, instantly reversing its effects, 1 dose</p>"
"Beauté": {
"name": "Beauty",
"description": "<p>+1 appeal for the scene</p>"
"Encre Invisible": {
"name": "Invisible Ink",
"description": "<p>becomes visible when wet or warmed</p>"
"Feu Alchimique": {
"name": "Alchemists Fire",
"description": "<p>explodes in a 10 radius doing d6 ×2 damage</p>"
"Héroïsme": {
"name": "Heroism",
"description": "<p>imbiber gets +1 to all combat abilities for one scene, 1 dose</p>"
"Illusion de la Jeunesse": {
"name": "Appearance of Youth",
"description": "<p>imbiber appears to be no more than 25 years old for a week, 1 dose</p>"
"Immortalité": {
"name": "Immortality",
"description": "<p>you arent ever going to die naturally, although you might age slowly, becoming more withered the longer you go on only violence or accident can kill you.</p>"
"Métamorphose": {
"name": "Shape Change",
"description": "<p>imbiber changes to look like someone else for 1 hour. Requires some hair, fingernails, blood, etc. from that person to make it, 1 dose.</p>"
"Mort aux Rats": {
"name": "Animal Poison",
"description": "<p>kills small pests</p>"
"Neutralisant dacide": {
"name": "Acid Neutraliser",
"description": "<p>instantly stops effects of equal amount of acid makes 9 small vials</p>"
"Panacée": {
"name": "Plague Cure",
"description": "<p>imbiber is cured of any disease, 2 doses</p>"
"Paralysant": {
"name": "Paralysis",
"description": "<p>imbiber must roll strength vs. your alchemist rank or be completely paralysed for 24 hours, 1 dose</p>"
"Perspicacité": {
"name": "Clarity",
"description": "<p>+1 mind for the scene</p>"
"Philtre damour": {
"name": "Love",
"description": "<p>imbiber must roll mind vs. your alchemist rank or be in love till the next full moon, 1 dose</p>"
"Poudre dinvisibilité": {
"name": "Invisibility Powder",
"description": "<p>people seem not to notice the wearer unless he does something to draw attention to himself, lasts for one scene</p>"
"Poudre de Phénix": {
"name": "Phoenix Dust",
"description": "<p>powder that burns on contact for d6 ×3 damage, even underwater</p>"
"Précision": {
"name": "Precision",
"description": "<p>bonus die on Ranged Attack Rolls for the scene</p>"
"Prouesse": {
"name": "Prowess",
"description": "<p>bonus die on Melee Attack Rolls for the scene</p>"
"Puissance": {
"name": "Might",
"description": "<p>+1 strength for the scene</p>"
"Régénération Suprême": {
"name": "Perfect Regeneration",
"description": "<p>regrows a lost limb, eye, etc., effectively erasing the flaw associated with it</p>"
"Remède contre la Vérole": {
"name": "Pox Cure",
"description": "imbiber is cured of the pox"
"Remède contre le Scorbut": {
"name": "Scurvy Cure",
"description": "imbiber is cured of scurvy"
"Répulsifs à Insecte": {
"name": "Insect Repellent",
"description": "<p>lasts 4d6 hours, 3 doses</p>"
"Résistance": {
"name": "Resilience",
"description": "<p>imbibers skin counts as protection d6 armour for one scene, 1 dose</p>"
"Sens Accrus": {
"name": "Improved Senses",
"description": "<p>bonus die for Task Rolls for noticing things for the scene</p>"
"Sommeil Instantané": {
"name": "Instant Sleep",
"description": "<p>imbiber must roll strength vs. your alchemist rank or fall into a deep sleep for half a day</p>"
"Somnifere": {
"name": "Sleep Inducers",
"description": "<p>ingested, gives 2d6 hours sound sleep, 3 doses</p>"
"Teinture de respiration aquatique": {
"name": "Water-Breathing Tincture",
"description": "<p>allows imbiber to breathe underwater for half a day</p>"
"Vivacité": {
"name": "Quickness",
"description": "<p>+1 agility for the scene</p>"

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@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
"label": "Races",
"mapping": {
"description": "system.description"
"entries": {
"Céruléens": {
"name": "Blue Giants",
"description": "<h1>Blue Giants</h1><p>Although called Blue Giants (or sometimes Blue Nomads), these people are actually mostly grey- skinned, but colour variations do occur from green-grey, through grey, to blue- and purple-grey. Males range from about 7½ to 8½ feet high, but there are known to be some over 9 feet tall. Females are, on average, a foot shorter and a little less stocky. Males and females tend to be hairless.</p><p>Malgré leur physique impressionnant, les céruléens ne sont pas un peuple particulièrement belliqueux, même sils ne manquent pas datouts pour le combat. Lorsque deux tribus saffrontent, ils vont à la bataille montés sur des eldaphons spécialement entraînés pour la guerre.</p><p>Blue Giants roam the Plains of Klaar in their mighty wagons, pulled by huge, slow-moving banths. They are a proud race that has little to do with men, except maybe to trade occasionally with trusted merchants at Urceb or Oomis. There are several major tribes and twenty or thirty smaller tribes. Each tribe has its own name, which forms the second name of the tribal members. The most famous tribes are the Hegga, Karvoona, Kazzorla, Chunth, Thazaar and Kozaar. They are led by a chieftain and, in addition, each tribe boasts its own spiritual leader and doctor, called a shaman historical journals certainly mention that blue- skinned giants were with the Sorcerer-Kings at the various battles around Ygddar and the other cities at the time of Lord Kylarth and then King Thangard. At the battle of Hyrdral Chasm, the Blue Giant, Chunak, led a revolt against their reptiloid masters and caused hundreds of them to fall to their deaths before they could bring the worst of their foul sorceries to bear. Without this turnaround, the Sorcerer-Kings would have won the day.</p><p>Blue Giants do not make good magicians or alchemists and cannot select these careers at all. Blue Giant priests are called shamans and they generally worship Quathoomar.</p>"
"Grooth": {
"name": "Grooth",
"description": "<h1>Grooth</h1><p>Grooth are primitive, man-eating beast men, living in small scruffy settlements of rude huts in the jungle-lands. The Grooth are just one or two steps above apehood. They have squat, powerful bodies, long powerful arms that dangle almost to the ground, and short bowed legs. Their faces are brute-like with little red eyes beneath immense bony ridges, and great jaws with up-thrusting lower teeth. The only signs of a culture any higher than the brutes they resemble are that they use clubs of hard wood and the wooden shafted spears tipped with pointed stones these and a scrap of filthy animal hide bound about their loins.</p><p>If you want to play a Grooth, you can only initially select from these careers: savage (barbarian), beastmaster, slaver, gladiator, hunter, warrior, shaman (priest), slave, worker.</p><p>All Grooth automatically have the flaw: Illiterate.</p>"
"Hommes-oiseaux": {
"name": "Winged Folk",
"description": "<h1>Winged Folk</h1><p>These are a mysterious race that lives in hidden valleys high up in the Mountains of Axos. They are very secretive, rarely dealing with outsiders at all. The Winged Folk (both male and female) are slender, agile, and highly creative. Their homes are built in well-adapted caves and on rock ledges. Their wings are functional, allowing them to glide around the rocky cliff faces or even to fly for short distances if unencumbered. Their feet are bird-like claws, allowing them to cling to rock faces with ease. They are not great warriors, and use only darts light missile weapons with which to defend their homes or to hunt small game. Most armour is too cumbersome for flight, although a few of the stronger ones might if danger threatens don leather bracers, battle harnesses and greaves (light armour), or use a small shield.</p><p>If you play a Winged Folk, you can choose any career, although the following are very rare: assassin, executioner, gladiator, sailor, soldier, thief, worker, and vagabond, so create a good explanation for how your characters career path includes any of these.</p>"
"Humain": {
"name": "Human",
"description": "<h1>Human</h1>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>"
"Kalukans": {
"name": "Kalukans",
"description": "<h1>Kalukans</h1><p>The Kalukan are a race of headless eunuchs with a large single eye set in the centre of their chests, behind which their brain is located. Bred in vats by ancient alchemies, these beings are incredibly strong, need no food, and never sleep. They were created to be able to protect their masters (from magicians in particular). Their bodies are covered in tattoos which have ancient sorceries embedded in them to help maintain the Kalukans unnatural life. They are entirely sexless, although their bodies are muscled and proportioned like men.</p><p>The Witch Queen of the Fire Coast uses the Kalukan (called the Kalukan Sentinels) to guard her fortress, and arms them with great tulwars. The Kalukan are unable to speak as they have no mouths, and so always roll a penalty die in social situations to make themselves understood. They also have no written language, which might lead some to believe they are stupid, but this is not the case. They are quick learners and can be taught to read and write.</p><p>All Kalukan are born slaves, so Kalukan Heroes automatically have slave as their first career and guard (soldier) or worker as their second. Most other career choices are open to them strangely, perhaps because they were created by alchemy, some have an affinity for creating and making potions and devices when given the opportunity. Kalukan cannot be minstrels, merchants, or temptresses and some other careers are difficult for them.</p><p>All Kalukan automatically have the flaw: Mute.</p>"
"Morgal": {
"name": "Morgal",
"description": "<h1>Morgal</h1><p>The Morgal are a race of blood-drinking vampires who can live for many centuries (or possibly eternally). They start off human-like, albeit very tall and pale, but as they age they become more deranged and less than human. Their eyes range from red to violet to black. Their fingernails grow very quickly, so unless a Morgal constantly cuts them, they always end up resembling beast-like claws within a week. Some scribes believe the Morgal might be an offshoot of Sorcerer- Kings that were separated from the rest of their race at some point in the dim and distant past.</p>"
"Rois-Sorciers": {
"name": "Sorcerer-Kings",
"description": "<h1>Sorcerer-Kings</h1><p>These are the previous rulers of Lemuria or even the entire world before man came. The Sorcerer- Kings may have possessed enhanced strength and durability, but they were not especially skilled warriors. They were certainly very clever and creative, and had knowledge of the forces of sorcery. They could draw their power from Hadron and other unspecified Lords of the Void.</p><p>The Sorcerer-Kings were destroyed at Hyrdral Chasm, when the Blue Giant slave, Chunak, revolted and pushed one of their masters sorcerous weapons into the chasm. A very small number of Sorcerer-Kings are believed to have escaped and fled to the island of Thule, where their descendants now live in Zalut, the City of Magicians</p>"
"Slorth": {
"name": "Slorth",
"description": "<h1>Slorth</h1><p>Slorth are almost certainly the creations of the Sorcerer-Kings. They are woman-headed serpents that dwell in the Beshaar Deserts and can also be found (though less commonly) on the Plains of Klaar. They are pale (almost colourless), putrid snakes but with the head of a beautiful, white-faced woman with needle-sharp teeth. Their bite is mildly toxic, sending their victims into a deep sleep.</p>"

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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
"label": "Spells",
"mapping": {
"description": "system.description"
"entries": {
"Arme Démoniaque": {
"name": "Demonic Blade",
"description": "<p>Description</p>\n<p>This spell animates a sword or other melee weapon, causing it to fight the magicians foes as he directs it with his mental commands. It attacks with the magicians mind replacing either agility or strength (the magicians choice) for the purposes of the Attack Roll and Priority Roll or damage.</p>\n<p>This spell always requires Line of Sight</p><p>The spell requires a melee weapon to be available.</p><p>• This spell often requires Obvious Technique.</p>"
"Caresse de Zaggath": {
"name": "Caresse de Zaggath",
"description": "<p>Description</p>\n<p>Permet de prendre le contr&ocirc;le d&rsquo;une source de feu et de la faire exploser.&nbsp;</p>\n<p>Effet</p>\n<p>La source de feu explose dans un d&eacute;luge de flammes&nbsp;causant d6 d&eacute;g&acirc;ts &agrave; tous ceux se trouvant &agrave; port&eacute;e de&nbsp;l&rsquo;explosion.</p>"
"Javelot de Methyn Sarr": {
"name": "Javelot de Methyn Sarr",
"description": "<p>Description</p>\n<p>Permet de projeter un javelot de flammes magiques sur la&nbsp;cible.</p>\n<p>Effet</p>\n<p>Le sorcier r&eacute;alise un test de tir classique. En cas de r&eacute;ussite,&nbsp;le javelot inflige d6B points de d&eacute;g&acirc;ts. Si le r&eacute;sultat du d&eacute; de&nbsp;d&eacute;g&acirc;t est un 6, la cible s&rsquo;enflamme.</p>"
"Mauvais Oeil": {
"name": "Evil Eye",
"description": "<p>Description</p>\n<p>The magician can cause the target to suffer a curse that affects his ability to perform any normal actions. It gives the target a flaw on all actions whilst affected by the curse (that is, he adds a penalty die for all Task Rolls)</p><p>This spell always requires Line of Sight.</p><p>The targets mind is always used to modify the difficulty.</p>"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
"label": "Vehicle Weapons",
"mapping": {
"description": "system.description"
"entries": {
"Abordage": {
"name": "Boarding",
"description": "<p>A boarding action can be attempted if the two ships are locked together following a successful ram or grapple. Boarding actions are the only actions with no limit on the resources you can use to add to your Attack Roll. Boarding can also be a way for Heroes to take Heroic Actions at sea, in a similar way to Land Battles. Such actions would be part of a small roleplaying adventure perhaps with the Heroes exploring the enemy ship whilst battling the enemy crew.</p>"
"Briser les Rames": {
"name": "Oar Rake",
"description": "<p>The attacking ship runs alongside and attempts to run over and break the enemys oars. The aim is to disable the enemy ship without sinking it. An oar rake does not leave the ships locked together as a ram does. To rake, the ships must start the round at Close or Point-Blank range. The attacker makes a Task Roll. The defender can use some of its resources to avoid the rake (acting as defence against the raking attack).</p>"
"Catapulte (Feu)": {
"name": "Catapult (Fire)",
"description": "<p>Catapults are used to hurl boulders or pots of burning pitch up to Extreme range. Boulders can crush the hull and rigging of a ship as well as kill the crew. A firepot that bursts will shower the hull and crew with burning pitch. The pitch keeps burning until the crew douses the flames.</p>"
"Catapulte (Pierre)": {
"name": "Catapult (Rock)",
"description": "<p>Catapults are used to hurl boulders or pots of burning pitch up to Extreme range. Boulders can crush the hull and rigging of a ship as well as kill the crew. A firepot that bursts will shower the hull and crew with burning pitch. The pitch keeps burning until the crew douses the flames.</p>"
"Crache Feu": {
"name": "Fire Machine",
"description": "<p>This alchemists device requires special skills to use. The exact design and formulae are a closely guarded secret. The fire machine is a large pressurised tank with a tube on the top. The machine shoots a stream of burning liquid great distances (maximum of Long range). The flames are near impossible to extinguish.</p>"
"Projectiles": {
"name": "Missile",
"description": "<p>A ships crew can make missile attacks with javelins, bows, or slings up to Long range.</p>"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
"label": "Weapons",
"mapping": {
"description": "system.description"
"entries": {
"Arbalète": {
"name": "Crossbow",
"description": "<h1>Crossbow</h1><p>A crossbow is a simple device for firing a short bolt or quarrel with some force and little training. They take a round to load (ready to fire on the second round).</p>"
"Arbalète lourde": {
"name": "Arbalest",
"description": "<h1>Arbalest</h1><p>A much larger crossbow, the arbalest (sometimes called a heavy crossbow) is little used in Lemuria except as a mobile siege weapon.</p>"
"Arc": {
"name": "Bow",
"description": "<h1>Bow</h1><p>This represents a wide variety of weapons that fire arrows by drawing back and releasing a bowstring, strung between the two ends of a curving length of wood.</p>"
"Arc Ghataï": {
"name": "Arc Ghataï",
"description": "<p>Larme emblématique des Ghataï est un arc composite, particulièrement adapté pour des cavaliers. Les archers de cavalerie forment le gros des forces gathaï, qui utilisent des tactiques de harcèlement plutôt que de charge frontale.</p>"
"Arme dhast": {
"name": "Pole Arm",
"description": "<h1>Pole Arm</h1><p>This is a catch-all name for a pole weapon that is, a close-combat weapon in which the main fighting part of the weapon is placed on the end of a long shaft, typically of wood, thereby extending the users effective range. They are used with two hands and can be called halberds, mauls, great-axes, battle-axes, glaives, war scythes, and many other names besides.</p>"
"Armes Improvisée": {
"name": "Improvised weapon",
"description": ""
"Armes Improvisée (Lancer)": {
"name": "Improvised weapon (Throw)",
"description": ""
"Bâton": {
"name": "Quarterstaff",
"description": "<h1>Quarterstaff</h1><p>A quarterstaff is a simple stout pole of around 6 in length, used as an aid to walking, and as an effective weapon.</p>"
"Bâton-Fronde": {
"name": "Staff Sling",
"description": "<h1>Staff Sling</h1><p>The staff sling is a two-handed version of the sling, with a longer range.</p>"
"Cimeterre": {
"name": "Scimitar",
"description": "<h1>Scimitar (Sword)</h1><p>This weapon is a favourite amongst Heroes. This is the catch-all description for all manner of long-bladed, one-handed weapons used all over Lemuria, such as cutlasses, tulwars, scimitars, rapiers, broadswords and longswords. Call it what you want on your character sheet, because that will add flavour to your character, but at the end of the day a sword is a long blade used for killing.</p>"
"Dague": {
"name": "Dagger",
"description": "<h1>Dagger</h1><p>This covers all forms of short stabbing, thrusting or slashing weapons, either with one or two edges, that can be thrown with 10 range increments or used in close quarters. Highly concealable, it is a favourite of rogues and assassins.</p>"
"Dague (Lancer)": {
"name": "Dagger (Throw)",
"description": "<h1>Dagger (Throw)</h1><p>This covers all forms of short stabbing, thrusting or slashing weapons, either with one or two edges, that can be thrown with 10 range increments or used in close quarters. Highly concealable, it is a favourite of rogues and assassins..</p>"
"Épée": {
"name": "Sword",
"description": "<h1>Sword</h1><p>This weapon is a favourite amongst Heroes. This is the catch-all description for all manner of long-bladed, one-handed weapons used all over Lemuria, such as cutlasses, tulwars, scimitars, rapiers, broadswords and longswords. Call it what you want on your character sheet, because that will add flavour to your character, but at the end of the day a sword is a long blade used for killing.</p>"
"Épée à deux mains": {
"name": "Great Sword",
"description": "<h1>Great Sword</h1><p>These are larger two-handed swords, up to 6 in length. They can be called claymores, bastard swords, tulwars, war blades and battle blades.</p>"
"Fléau": {
"name": "Flail",
"description": "<h1>Flail</h1><p>Flails are made with a shaft of wood, mounted by a length of chain with a spike-ball head. They are not too common in general use in Lemuria, but can sometimes be found in gladiatorial arenas. Flails ignore the defence addition gained from using a shield.</p>"
"Fléchettes": {
"name": "Dart",
"description": "<h1>Dart</h1><p>Darts are missile weapons, designed to be thrown such that a sharp (often weighted) point will strike first. They are larger than arrows and shorter than javelins, although like arrows they have flights. You would usually carry a number of these into battle.</p>"
"Fouet": {
"name": "Whip",
"description": "<p></p>"
"Fronde": {
"name": "Sling",
"description": "<h1>Sling</h1><p>The sling is inexpensive and easy to build. It is a simple leather thong whirled around the head to cast small stones or cast lead bullets with some force, at 30 range increments. Two-handed versions are fitted onto a staff and are called staff-slings. This imparts a greater range, making the increments 60. The Axish sling is actually little different to any other common sling; its just that the people of the Axos mountains are particularly proficient with them. They have however played up the idea that there is some special plant fibre that the thongs are made from that gives them their extra range.</p>"
"Gourdin": {
"name": "Cudgel",
"description": "<h1>Cudgel</h1><p>The simplest of all weapons, a cudgel is a crude weapon like a stout stick or truncheon of less than 3 in length, a chair leg or even an unbroken bottle used to bludgeon your opponent. You can use a cudgel to cause non-lethal damage to knock out your opponent rather than kill him.</p>"
"Gourdin Clouté": {
"name": "Club",
"description": "<h1>Club<h1><p>This is a larger version of the cudgel. It is a stout length of wood, used in one hand to bludgeon and batter your opponent. Clubs usually have a wider or knobbed head and can be called war-clubs, knobkerries, or shillelaghs.</p>"
"Hache": {
"name": "Axe",
"description": "<h1>Axe</h1><p>These are usually made with bronze, iron, or steel heads on a wooden haft. They can be called war-axes, long-axes, or hand-axes. They are one- or two-bladed.</p>"
"Hache (Lancer)": {
"name": "Axe (Throw)",
"description": "<h1>Axe (Throw)</h1><p>These are usually made with bronze, iron, or steel heads on a wooden haft. They can be called war-axes, long-axes, or hand-axes. They are one- or two-bladed.</p>"
"Hâche à deux mains": {
"name": "Axe (2-hands)",
"description": "<h1>Axe (2-hands)</h1><p></p>"
"Javelot": {
"name": "Javelin",
"description": "<h1>Javelin</h1><p>This weapon represents a light throwing spear with a short pointed tip. Fighters who use these weapons would typically arm themselves with two or three such weapons. Winged Folk of Axos are fond of javelins.</p>"
"Khastok": {
"name": "Khastok",
"description": "<h1>Khastok</h1><p>The leaf-bladed fighting spear of the Jemadar Guard of Malakut. The Jemadar Guard prize their Khastok and will do anything rather than let it fall into enemy hands.</p>"
"Kriss": {
"name": "Kir",
"description": "<h1>Kir</h1><p>A wavy-bladed long fighting knife typical from Halakh, and rarely found elsewhere.</p>"
"Lance": {
"name": "Spear",
"description": "<h1>Spear</h1><p>A 6 or longer length of wood with a pointed tip, designed for throwing at 20 range increments, or for use in combat against mounted opponents in particular.</p>"
"Lance (Lancer)": {
"name": "Spear (Throw)",
"description": "<h1>Spear</h1><p>A 6 or longer length of wood with a pointed tip, designed for throwing at 20 range increments, or for use in combat against mounted opponents in particular.</p>"
"Mains Nues": {
"name": "Bare Hands",
"description": ""
"Masse darmes": {
"name": "Mace",
"description": "<h1>Mace</h1><p>A mace is similar to a club, but with a metal head, often with spikes or flanges. One-handed maces can be thrown at increments of 5 as they arent very effective used this way.</p>"
"Masse darmes (Lancer)": {
"name": "Mace (Thrown)",
"description": "<h1>Mace</h1><p>A mace is similar to a club, but with a metal head, often with spikes or flanges. One-handed maces can be thrown at increments of 5 as they arent very effective used this way.</p>"
"Massue": {
"name": "Club",
"description": "<h1>Club</h1><p>This is a larger version of the cudgel. It is a stout length of wood, used in one hand to bludgeon and batter your opponent. Clubs usually have a wider or knobbed head and can be called war-clubs, knobkerries, or shillelaghs.</p>"
"Massue (Lancer)": {
"name": "Club (Thrown)",
"description": "<h1>Club</h1><p>This is a larger version of the cudgel. It is a stout length of wood, used in one hand to bludgeon and batter your opponent. Clubs usually have a wider or knobbed head and can be called war-clubs, knobkerries, or shillelaghs.</p>"
"Morgenstern": {
"name": "Morning Star",
"description": "<h1>Morning Star</h1><p>A large lump of metal with spikes at all angles on the end of a 4-5 pole. It is basic but effective.</p>"
"Rapière": {
"name": "Foil",
"description": "<h1>Foil</h1><p>The foil is a small slim-bladed sword, primarily used by the fops and courtiers of the city-states of Lemuria, who have turned fencing into an art. They are often used with a parrying dagger, buckler/small shield, or rolled cloak in the off-hand.</p>"

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@ -468,6 +468,7 @@
"": "Im Discord findet ihr Support für die FoundryVTT-Implementierung dieses Systems:", "": "Im Discord findet ihr Support für die FoundryVTT-Implementierung dieses Systems:",
"": "Auf ein gutes Spiel in Lemuria!", "": "Auf ein gutes Spiel in Lemuria!",
"": "", "": "",
"": "Don't miss the full Rulebook module (including Sagas) available at : !",
"BOL.settings.rollArmor": "Roll for armor", "BOL.settings.rollArmor": "Roll for armor",
"BOL.settings.rollArmorTooltip": "Roll for armor value, fixed value if unchecked", "BOL.settings.rollArmorTooltip": "Roll for armor value, fixed value if unchecked",

View File

@ -23,15 +23,15 @@
"BOL.aptitudes.init": "Initiative", "BOL.aptitudes.init": "Initiative",
"BOL.aptitudes.melee": "Melee", "BOL.aptitudes.melee": "Melee",
"BOL.aptitudes.ranged": "Ranged", "BOL.aptitudes.ranged": "Ranged",
"BOL.aptitudes.def": "Defense", "BOL.aptitudes.def": "Defence",
"BOL.aptitudes.prot": "Protection", "BOL.aptitudes.prot": "Protection",
"BOL.resources.hp": "Vitality", "BOL.resources.hp": "Lifeblood",
"BOL.resources.hero": "Hero", "BOL.resources.hero": "Hero",
"": "Faith", "": "Fate",
"BOL.resources.creation": "Creation", "BOL.resources.creation": "Creation",
"BOL.resources.power": "Power", "BOL.resources.power": "Arcane",
"BOL.resources.villainy": "Villany", "BOL.resources.villainy": "Villain P.",
"BOL.resources.alchemypoints": "Alchemy Points", "BOL.resources.alchemypoints": "Craft Points",
"BOL.traits.xp": "Experience", "BOL.traits.xp": "Experience",
"": "Attributes", "": "Attributes",
@ -125,10 +125,10 @@
"BOL.ui.vehicleProperties" : "Vehicle properties", "BOL.ui.vehicleProperties" : "Vehicle properties",
"BOL.ui.speed" : "Speed", "BOL.ui.speed" : "Speed",
"BOL.ui.noWeaponName" : "Weapon Name", "BOL.ui.noWeaponName" : "Weapon Name",
"BOL.ui.targetDefence": "Defense", "BOL.ui.targetDefence": "Defence",
"BOL.ui.applyShieldMalus": "Apply Shield Modifier", "BOL.ui.applyShieldMalus": "Apply Shield Modifier",
"BOL.ui.shieldMalus": "Shield Modifier", "BOL.ui.shieldMalus": "Shield Modifier",
"BOL.ui.defenseScore": "Defense Score", "BOL.ui.defenseScore": "Defence Score",
"BOL.ui.defender": "Defender", "BOL.ui.defender": "Defender",
"BOL.ui.difficulty": "Difficulty", "BOL.ui.difficulty": "Difficulty",
"BOL.ui.spellProperties": "Spell Properties", "BOL.ui.spellProperties": "Spell Properties",
@ -147,8 +147,8 @@
"BOL.ui.alchemistRank": "Alchemist Rank", "BOL.ui.alchemistRank": "Alchemist Rank",
"BOL.ui.mandatoryconditions": "Mandatory conditions", "BOL.ui.mandatoryconditions": "Mandatory conditions",
"BOL.ui.optionnalconditions": "Optional conditions", "BOL.ui.optionnalconditions": "Optional conditions",
"BOL.ui.ppcost": "Power Points cost", "BOL.ui.ppcost": "Arcane Points cost",
"BOL.ui.ppAvailable": "Available Power Points", "BOL.ui.ppAvailable": "Available Arcane Points",
"BOL.ui.pccost": "Creation Points cost", "BOL.ui.pccost": "Creation Points cost",
"BOL.ui.pcnow": "Actual Creation Points", "BOL.ui.pcnow": "Actual Creation Points",
"BOL.ui.alchemyType": "Type", "BOL.ui.alchemyType": "Type",
@ -180,11 +180,11 @@
"BOL.ui.weaponbonus": "Cette arme bénéficie déja d'un Dé de Bonus (Arme Favorite prise en compte, par exemple)", "BOL.ui.weaponbonus": "Cette arme bénéficie déja d'un Dé de Bonus (Arme Favorite prise en compte, par exemple)",
"BOL.ui.initMalus": "Init malus", "BOL.ui.initMalus": "Init malus",
"BOL.ui.creature": "Creature", "BOL.ui.creature": "Creature",
"BOL.ui.undead": "Undead", "BOL.ui.undead": "Bloodless",
"BOL.ui.daemon": "Daemon", "BOL.ui.daemon": "Demon",
"BOL.ui.attributaptitude": "Attribut ou Aptitude", "BOL.ui.attributaptitude": "Attribut ou Aptitude",
"BOL.ui.always": "Tout les jets (ie toujours)", "BOL.ui.always": "All rolls (always)",
"BOL.ui.effectbonusmalus": "Bonus ou Malus à appliquer", "BOL.ui.effectbonusmalus": "Bonus/Malus to apply",
"BOL.ui.boleffects": "Effects (automatic)", "BOL.ui.boleffects": "Effects (automatic)",
"BOL.ui.modifier": "Modifier", "BOL.ui.modifier": "Modifier",
"BOL.ui.effects": "Ongoing effects", "BOL.ui.effects": "Ongoing effects",
@ -258,9 +258,9 @@
"BOL.fightOptionTypes.armor": "Armor Attack Option", "BOL.fightOptionTypes.armor": "Armor Attack Option",
"BOL.fightOptionTypes.intrepid": "Fearless Attack", "BOL.fightOptionTypes.intrepid": "Fearless Attack",
"BOL.fightOptionTypes.twoweaponsdef": "Two Weapon (Defense)", "BOL.fightOptionTypes.twoweaponsdef": "Two Weapon (Defence)",
"BOL.fightOptionTypes.twoweaponsatt": "Two Weapon (Attack)", "BOL.fightOptionTypes.twoweaponsatt": "Two Weapon (Attack)",
"BOL.fightOptionTypes.fulldefense": "Full Defense", "BOL.fightOptionTypes.fulldefense": "Full Defence",
"BOL.fightOptionTypes.defense": "Defensive Posture", "BOL.fightOptionTypes.defense": "Defensive Posture",
"BOL.fightOptionTypes.attack": "Offensive Posture", "BOL.fightOptionTypes.attack": "Offensive Posture",
"BOL.fightOptionTypes.other": "Other", "BOL.fightOptionTypes.other": "Other",
@ -385,7 +385,7 @@
"BOL.itemModifiers.init": "Modifier (Initiative)", "BOL.itemModifiers.init": "Modifier (Initiative)",
"": "Modifier (Social)", "": "Modifier (Social)",
"BOL.itemModifiers.agility": "Modifier (Agility)", "BOL.itemModifiers.agility": "Modifier (Agility)",
"BOL.itemModifiers.powercost": "Modifier (Additional Cost in PP)", "BOL.itemModifiers.powercost": "Modifier (Additional Cost in AP)",
"BOL.itemBlocking.malus": "Modifier", "BOL.itemBlocking.malus": "Modifier",
"BOL.itemBlocking.nbAttacksPerRound": "Agility", "BOL.itemBlocking.nbAttacksPerRound": "Agility",
@ -496,8 +496,8 @@
"": "No damages received, thanks to splintered shield/sword with {}. The weapon/shield has been destroyed ! One HP point has been spent also.", "": "No damages received, thanks to splintered shield/sword with {}. The weapon/shield has been destroyed ! One HP point has been spent also.",
"": "Final Damage : {finalDamage} damages !", "": "Final Damage : {finalDamage} damages !",
"": "Spell", "": "Spell",
"": "Power Points cost", "": "Arcane Points cost",
"": "Remaining Power Points", "": "Remaining Arcane Points",
"": "No damage ....", "": "No damage ....",
"": "{name} as taken wounds ...", "": "{name} as taken wounds ...",
"": "If you accept the consequences of a fumble (GM choice), you can get 1 additionnal Hero Point.", "": "If you accept the consequences of a fumble (GM choice), you can get 1 additionnal Hero Point.",
@ -542,6 +542,8 @@
"": "This is a Legendary succes ! Choisissez vos options et effets !", "": "This is a Legendary succes ! Choisissez vos options et effets !",
"": "Legendary/Heroic Success", "": "Legendary/Heroic Success",
"": "Do not apply damages", "": "Do not apply damages",
"": "Armor roll",
"": "Don't miss the full Rulebook module (including Sagas) available at : !",
"BOL.dialog.soeasy": "So easy (+4)", "BOL.dialog.soeasy": "So easy (+4)",
"BOL.dialog.veryeasy": "Very easy (+2)", "BOL.dialog.veryeasy": "Very easy (+2)",

View File

@ -533,6 +533,8 @@
"": "Transforma en Legendario: si gastas 1 Punto Héroe/Villano transformas el éxito Asombroso en Legendario. Selecciona 2 opciones de la lista.", "": "Transforma en Legendario: si gastas 1 Punto Héroe/Villano transformas el éxito Asombroso en Legendario. Selecciona 2 opciones de la lista.",
"": "¡Esto es un éxito Asombroso o Legendario! Escoge tus opciones y efectos", "": "¡Esto es un éxito Asombroso o Legendario! Escoge tus opciones y efectos",
"": "Éxito Asombroso/Legendario", "": "Éxito Asombroso/Legendario",
"": "Tirada de Armadura",
"": "Don't miss the full Rulebook module (including Sagas) available at : !",
"BOL.dialog.soeasy": "Demasiado fácil (+4)", "BOL.dialog.soeasy": "Demasiado fácil (+4)",
"BOL.dialog.veryeasy": "Muy fácil (+2)", "BOL.dialog.veryeasy": "Muy fácil (+2)",

View File

@ -569,7 +569,7 @@
"": "C'est un succès Héroïque ! Choisissez vos options et effets !", "": "C'est un succès Héroïque ! Choisissez vos options et effets !",
"": "C'est un succès Légendaire ! Choisissez vos options et effets !", "": "C'est un succès Légendaire ! Choisissez vos options et effets !",
"": "Succès Héroïque/Légendaire", "": "Succès Héroïque/Légendaire",
"": "N'oubliez pas le module complet du Livre de Règle et des Sagas disponible ici : !",
"": "{name} a perdu {lossHP} points de Vitalité. Si il se repose quelques minutes, il peut récupérer {recupHP} points de Vitalité.", "": "{name} a perdu {lossHP} points de Vitalité. Si il se repose quelques minutes, il peut récupérer {recupHP} points de Vitalité.",
"": "Récupérer pendant quelques minutes (+{recupHP} Vitalité)", "": "Récupérer pendant quelques minutes (+{recupHP} Vitalité)",
"": "{name} vient de récupérer {recupHP} points de Vitalité après quelques minutes de repos.", "": "{name} vient de récupérer {recupHP} points de Vitalité après quelques minutes de repos.",
@ -613,13 +613,14 @@
"": "Les livres nécessaires pour jouer sont disponibles sur le site de <a href=''>l'éditeur Ludospherik.</a>", "": "Les livres nécessaires pour jouer sont disponibles sur le site de <a href=''>l'éditeur Ludospherik.</a>",
"": "Les cartes intégrées au système le sont grace à l'aimable autorisation de leur auteur Guillaume Tavernier et des éditions Ludospherik. Merci à eux !.", "": "Les cartes intégrées au système le sont grace à l'aimable autorisation de leur auteur Guillaume Tavernier et des éditions Ludospherik. Merci à eux !.",
"": "Tout le support et le suivi de ce système est disponible via le <a href=''>Discord Foundry FR</a>.", "": "Tout le support et le suivi de ce système est disponible via le <a href=''>Discord Foundry FR</a>.",
"": "Consulter l'aide en ligne pour plus d'informations : @UUID[Compendium.bol.aides-de-jeu.97rugQOtiwt8zPfQ]{Aide du Jeu}.", "": "Consulter l'aide en ligne pour plus d'informations : @UUID[Compendium.bol.aides-de-jeu.JournalEntry.8ihDiCxC47fcdKVA]{Aide du Jeu}.",
"": "Bon jeu en Lemurie !", "": "Bon jeu en Lemurie !",
"": "Ne pas appliquer les dommages", "": "Ne pas appliquer les dommages",
"": "Attention ! Aucun personnage n'est relié au joueur !", "": "Attention ! Aucun personnage n'est relié au joueur !",
"": "<b>ATTENTION</b> Le joueur n'est relié à aucun personnage !", "": "<b>ATTENTION</b> Le joueur n'est relié à aucun personnage !",
"": "Le token du personnage joueur n'est pas relié à l'acteur", "": "Le token du personnage joueur n'est pas relié à l'acteur",
"": "<b>ATTENTION</b> Le token du personnage joueur n'est pas relié à l'acteur !", "": "<b>ATTENTION</b> Le token du personnage joueur n'est pas relié à l'acteur !",
"": "Jet d'armure",
"BOL.settings.rollArmor": "Effectuer des jets pour les armures", "BOL.settings.rollArmor": "Effectuer des jets pour les armures",
"BOL.settings.rollArmorTooltip": "Effectue un jet de dés pour les armures (valeur fixe si désactivé)", "BOL.settings.rollArmorTooltip": "Effectue un jet de dés pour les armures (valeur fixe si désactivé)",

View File

@ -19,6 +19,13 @@ export class BoLActor extends Actor {
return actor; return actor;
} }
if (data.type == 'encounter') {
data.system = { resources: { hero : { max : 0, value: 0 } } }
if (data.type == 'character') {
data.system = { resources: { hp : { max : 10, value: 10 } } }
if (data.type == 'horde') { if (data.type == 'horde') {
let weapon = { let weapon = {
name: game.i18n.localize("BOL.ui.hordeAttack"), type: "item", name: game.i18n.localize("BOL.ui.hordeAttack"), type: "item",
@ -47,6 +54,9 @@ export class BoLActor extends Actor {
this.chartype = 'tough' this.chartype = 'tough'
this.villainy = true this.villainy = true
} }
if (this.type === 'creature') {
this.villainy = true
if (this.type == "horde") { if (this.type == "horde") {
let weapon = this.items.find(i => i.type === "item" && i.system.subtype === "weapon") let weapon = this.items.find(i => i.type === "item" && i.system.subtype === "weapon")
// Check if the horde attack is inline with the hordesize // Check if the horde attack is inline with the hordesize
@ -79,11 +89,13 @@ export class BoLActor extends Actor {
// Configure prototype token settings // Configure prototype token settings
const prototypeToken = {}; const prototypeToken = {};
if (this.type === "character") Object.assign(prototypeToken, { if (this.type === "character") {
Object.assign(prototypeToken, {
sight: { enabled: true }, actorLink: true, disposition: CONST.TOKEN_DISPOSITIONS.FRIENDLY sight: { enabled: true }, actorLink: true, disposition: CONST.TOKEN_DISPOSITIONS.FRIENDLY
}); });
this.updateSource({ prototypeToken }); this.updateSource({ prototypeToken });
} }
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
isHeroAdversary() { isHeroAdversary() {
@ -103,7 +115,7 @@ export class BoLActor extends Actor {
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
getVillainy() { getVillainy() {
return (this.type === 'encounter' && this.chartype == "adversary") return ( (this.type === 'encounter' && this.chartype == "adversary") || this.chartype == "creature")
} }
isUndead() { isUndead() {
return (this.type == "encounter" && this.system.isundead) return (this.type == "encounter" && this.system.isundead)
@ -152,12 +164,16 @@ export class BoLActor extends Actor {
let newVitality = 10 + this.system.attributes.vigor.value + this.system.resources.hp.bonus let newVitality = 10 + this.system.attributes.vigor.value + this.system.resources.hp.bonus
if (this.system.resources.hp.max != newVitality) { if (this.system.resources.hp.max != newVitality) {
let actor = this let actor = this
setTimeout(function () { actor.update({ 'system.resources.hp.max': newVitality }) }, 800) let newHP = foundry.utils.duplicate(this.system.resources.hp)
newHP.max = newVitality
setTimeout(function () { actor.update({ 'system.resources.hp': newHP }) }, 800)
} }
let newPower = 10 + this.system.attributes.mind.value + this.system.resources.power.bonus let maxPower = 10 + this.system.attributes.mind.value + this.system.resources.power.bonus
if (this.system.resources.power.max != newPower) { if (this.system.resources.power.max != maxPower) {
let actor = this let actor = this
setTimeout(function () { actor.update({ 'system.resources.power.max': newPower }) }, 800) let newPower = foundry.utils.duplicate(this.system.resources.power)
newPower.max = maxPower
setTimeout(function () { actor.update({ 'system.resources.power': newPower }) }, 800)
} }
} }
} }
@ -693,7 +709,7 @@ export class BoLActor extends Actor {
resources['faith'] = resources['faith'] =
resources['power'] = this.system.resources.power resources['power'] = this.system.resources.power
} }
if (this.system.chartype == 'adversary') { if (this.system.chartype == 'adversary' || this.system.chartype == 'creature') {
resources['hero'] = foundry.utils.duplicate(this.system.resources.hero) resources['hero'] = foundry.utils.duplicate(this.system.resources.hero)
resources['hero'].label = "BOL.resources.villainy" resources['hero'].label = "BOL.resources.villainy"
} }
@ -1084,12 +1100,13 @@ export class BoLActor extends Actor {
} }
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
rollProtection(itemId) { async rollProtection(itemId) {
let armor = foundry.utils.duplicate(this.items.get(itemId)) let armor = foundry.utils.duplicate(this.items.get(itemId))
if (armor) { if (armor) {
let armorFormula = "max(" + + ", 0)" let armorFormula = "max(" + + ", 0)"
let rollArmor = new Roll(armorFormula) let rollArmor = new Roll(armorFormula)
rollArmor.roll({ async: false }).toMessage() await rollArmor.roll()
} }
} }

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@ -36,7 +36,6 @@ Hooks.once('init', async function () {
BoLUtility.onSocketMessage(sockmsg); BoLUtility.onSocketMessage(sockmsg);
}) })
/** /**
* Set an initiative formula for the system * Set an initiative formula for the system
* @type {String} * @type {String}
@ -75,22 +74,44 @@ Hooks.once('init', async function () {
// Register hooks // Register hooks
registerHooks() registerHooks()
if (typeof Babele !== 'undefined') {
}); });
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
function welcomeMessage() { function welcomeMessage() {
ChatMessage.create({ let content = `<div id="welcome-message-bol"><span class="rdd-roll-part">
whisper: [],
content: `<div id="welcome-message-bol"><span class="rdd-roll-part">
<strong>` + game.i18n.localize("") + `</strong><p>` + <strong>` + game.i18n.localize("") + `</strong><p>` +
game.i18n.localize("") + "<p>" + game.i18n.localize("") + "<p>" +
game.i18n.localize("") + "<p>" + game.i18n.localize("") + "<p>" +
game.i18n.localize("") + "</p>" + game.i18n.localize("") + "</p>" +
game.i18n.localize("") + "<br>" + game.i18n.localize("") + "<br>" +
game.i18n.localize("") game.i18n.localize("")
let rulebook = game.modules.find( m => === "bol-rulebook")
if ( !rulebook ) {
content += "<p>" + game.i18n.localize("") + "</p>"
whisper: [],
content: content
}) })
if (game.user.isGM && game.i18n.lang == 'en' && !game.modules.find(m => == "babele") ){
whisper: [],
content: `<div id="welcome-message-bol"><span class="rdd-roll-part">
<strong>WARNING ! English language selected, but Babele module is not installed !<br>Please install babele from the module tab in Foundry interface.`
} )
ui.notifications.warn("WARNING ! English language selected, but babele module is not installed !<br>Please install babele from the module tab in Foundry interface.")
} }
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
@ -123,6 +144,35 @@ Hooks.once('ready', async function () {
}); });
} }
const damageFR = {
"0": "0",
"1": "1",
"2": "2",
"3": "3",
"d3": "d3",
"d6M": "d6M (Malus)",
"d6": "d6",
"d6B": "d6B (Bonus)",
"d6BB": "d6B + dé bonus",
const damageEN = {
"0": "0",
"1": "1",
"2": "2",
"3": "3",
"d3": "d3",
"d6M": "d6L (Penalty)",
"d6": "d6",
"d6B": "d6H (Bonus)",
"d6BB": "d6H + Bonus die",
if (game.i18n.lang === "fr") {
game.bol.config.damageValues = damageFR;
} else {
game.bol.config.damageValues = damageEN;
}) })

View File

@ -568,6 +568,7 @@ export class BoLRoll {
icon: '<i class="fas fa-check"></i>', icon: '<i class="fas fa-check"></i>',
label: game.i18n.localize("BOL.ui.submit"), label: game.i18n.localize("BOL.ui.submit"),
callback: (html) => { callback: (html) => {
console.log("Submit Roll!!!!");
if (rollData.mode == 'spell' && rollData.ppCurrent < rollData.ppCost) { // Check PP available if (rollData.mode == 'spell' && rollData.ppCurrent < rollData.ppCost) { // Check PP available
ui.notifications.warn("Pas assez de Points de Pouvoir !") ui.notifications.warn("Pas assez de Points de Pouvoir !")
return return

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@ -140,6 +140,14 @@ export class BoLUtility {
// Update the effect modifiers // Update the effect modifiers
game.bol.config.effectIdentifiers = foundry.utils.mergeObject(game.bol.config.effectIdentifiers, game.bol.config.attackAttributes) game.bol.config.effectIdentifiers = foundry.utils.mergeObject(game.bol.config.effectIdentifiers, game.bol.config.attackAttributes)
game.bol.config.effectIdentifiers = foundry.utils.mergeObject(game.bol.config.effectIdentifiers, game.bol.config.aptitudes) game.bol.config.effectIdentifiers = foundry.utils.mergeObject(game.bol.config.effectIdentifiers, game.bol.config.aptitudes)
CONFIG.Actor.compendiumBanner = "systems/bol/ui/compendium_banner.webp"
CONFIG.Item.compendiumBanner = "systems/bol/ui/compendium_banner.webp"
CONFIG.Scene.compendiumBanner = "systems/bol/ui/compendium_banner.webp"
CONFIG.JournalEntry.compendiumBanner = "systems/bol/ui/compendium_banner.webp"
CONFIG.Macro.compendiumBanner = "systems/bol/ui/compendium_banner.webp"
CONFIG.Adventure.compendiumBanner = "systems/bol/ui/compendium_banner.webp"
} }
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
@ -474,10 +482,14 @@ export class BoLUtility {
let armorFormula = defender.getArmorFormula() let armorFormula = defender.getArmorFormula()
rollData.rollArmor = new Roll(armorFormula) rollData.rollArmor = new Roll(armorFormula)
await rollData.rollArmor.roll() await rollData.rollArmor.roll()
let msg = await rollData.rollArmor.toMessage({ flavor: " : " + armorFormula });
if ( game.dice3d) { // wait animation end when DsN is there
await game.dice3d.waitFor3DAnimationByMessageID(;
rollData.armorProtect = ( < 0) ? 0 : rollData.armorProtect = ( < 0) ? 0 :
rollData.finalDamage = rollData.damageTotal - rollData.armorProtect rollData.finalDamage = rollData.damageTotal - rollData.armorProtect
rollData.finalDamage = (rollData.finalDamage < 0) ? 0 : rollData.finalDamage rollData.finalDamage = (rollData.finalDamage < 0) ? 0 : rollData.finalDamage
defender.sufferDamage(rollData.finalDamage) await defender.sufferDamage(rollData.finalDamage)
console.log("Armor roll -> result ", rollData) console.log("Armor roll -> result ", rollData)
} }
if (defenseMode == 'damage-without-armor') { if (defenseMode == 'damage-without-armor') {
@ -493,13 +505,13 @@ export class BoLUtility {
await rollData.rollHero.roll() await rollData.rollHero.roll()
rollData.finalDamage = rollData.damageTotal - - rollData.armorProtect rollData.finalDamage = rollData.damageTotal - - rollData.armorProtect
rollData.finalDamage = (rollData.finalDamage < 0) ? 0 : rollData.finalDamage rollData.finalDamage = (rollData.finalDamage < 0) ? 0 : rollData.finalDamage
defender.sufferDamage(rollData.finalDamage) await defender.sufferDamage(rollData.finalDamage)
defender.subHeroPoints(1) defender.subHeroPoints(1)
} }
if (defenseMode == 'hero-in-extremis') { if (defenseMode == 'hero-in-extremis') {
rollData.finalDamage = 0; rollData.finalDamage = 0;
rollData.weaponHero = defender.weapons.find(item => item._id == weaponId); rollData.weaponHero = defender.weapons.find(item => item._id == weaponId);
defender.deleteEmbeddedDocuments("Item", [weaponId]); await defender.deleteEmbeddedDocuments("Item", [weaponId]);
} }
let defenderUser let defenderUser

View File

@ -9,17 +9,6 @@ System.debugMode = true;
export const BOL = {}; export const BOL = {};
BOL.damageValues = {
"1": "1",
"2": "2",
"3": "3",
"d3": "d3",
"d6M": "d6M (Malus)",
"d6": "d6",
"d6B": "d6B (Bonus)",
"d6BB": "d6B + dé bonus",
BOL.damageMultiplier = { BOL.damageMultiplier = {
"1": "x1", "1": "x1",
"2": "x2", "2": "x2",

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

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@ -1 +1 @@

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@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
2024/09/05-08:22:41.538151 7f80f20006c0 Recovering log #373 2025/02/11-21:57:02.555724 7f92b4ff96c0 Recovering log #743
2024/09/05-08:22:41.600422 7f80f20006c0 Delete type=3 #371 2025/02/11-21:57:02.565718 7f92b4ff96c0 Delete type=3 #741
2024/09/05-08:22:41.600521 7f80f20006c0 Delete type=0 #373 2025/02/11-21:57:02.565771 7f92b4ff96c0 Delete type=0 #743
2024/09/05-08:33:29.426232 7f80f10006c0 Level-0 table #378: started 2025/02/11-21:57:34.342889 7f92b3bff6c0 Level-0 table #748: started
2024/09/05-08:33:29.426300 7f80f10006c0 Level-0 table #378: 0 bytes OK 2025/02/11-21:57:34.342910 7f92b3bff6c0 Level-0 table #748: 0 bytes OK
2024/09/05-08:33:29.452722 7f80f10006c0 Delete type=0 #376 2025/02/11-21:57:34.349382 7f92b3bff6c0 Delete type=0 #746
2024/09/05-08:33:29.488467 7f80f10006c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!journal!3xJg1rCxnWvEmoxS' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!journal.pages!veAAxCtCKcFIsnln.0kUgZspxXO7VS8bd' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end) 2025/02/11-21:57:34.358371 7f92b3bff6c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!journal!3xJg1rCxnWvEmoxS' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!journal.pages!veAAxCtCKcFIsnln.0kUgZspxXO7VS8bd' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
2024/09/05-08:33:29.488527 7f80f10006c0 Manual compaction at level-1 from '!journal!3xJg1rCxnWvEmoxS' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!journal.pages!veAAxCtCKcFIsnln.0kUgZspxXO7VS8bd' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end) 2025/02/11-21:57:34.358400 7f92b3bff6c0 Manual compaction at level-1 from '!journal!3xJg1rCxnWvEmoxS' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!journal.pages!veAAxCtCKcFIsnln.0kUgZspxXO7VS8bd' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)

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@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
2024/09/05-08:21:46.861488 7f80f3e006c0 Recovering log #369 2025/02/11-21:52:03.987644 7f92b57fa6c0 Recovering log #739
2024/09/05-08:21:46.915029 7f80f3e006c0 Delete type=3 #367 2025/02/11-21:52:03.997651 7f92b57fa6c0 Delete type=3 #737
2024/09/05-08:21:46.915121 7f80f3e006c0 Delete type=0 #369 2025/02/11-21:52:03.997734 7f92b57fa6c0 Delete type=0 #739
2024/09/05-08:22:27.102597 7f80f10006c0 Level-0 table #374: started 2025/02/11-21:54:35.598552 7f92b3bff6c0 Level-0 table #744: started
2024/09/05-08:22:27.102637 7f80f10006c0 Level-0 table #374: 0 bytes OK 2025/02/11-21:54:35.598583 7f92b3bff6c0 Level-0 table #744: 0 bytes OK
2024/09/05-08:22:27.139446 7f80f10006c0 Delete type=0 #372 2025/02/11-21:54:35.604608 7f92b3bff6c0 Delete type=0 #742
2024/09/05-08:22:27.173923 7f80f10006c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!journal!3xJg1rCxnWvEmoxS' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!journal.pages!veAAxCtCKcFIsnln.0kUgZspxXO7VS8bd' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end) 2025/02/11-21:54:35.611345 7f92b3bff6c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!journal!3xJg1rCxnWvEmoxS' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!journal.pages!veAAxCtCKcFIsnln.0kUgZspxXO7VS8bd' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
2024/09/05-08:22:27.173983 7f80f10006c0 Manual compaction at level-1 from '!journal!3xJg1rCxnWvEmoxS' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!journal.pages!veAAxCtCKcFIsnln.0kUgZspxXO7VS8bd' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end) 2025/02/11-21:54:35.611398 7f92b3bff6c0 Manual compaction at level-1 from '!journal!3xJg1rCxnWvEmoxS' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!journal.pages!veAAxCtCKcFIsnln.0kUgZspxXO7VS8bd' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)

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Binary file not shown.

packs/armors/000365.ldb Normal file

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@ -1 +1 @@

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@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
2024/09/05-08:22:41.398393 7f80f3e006c0 Recovering log #279 2025/02/11-21:57:02.529611 7f92b47f86c0 Recovering log #648
2024/09/05-08:22:41.466662 7f80f3e006c0 Delete type=3 #277 2025/02/11-21:57:02.540039 7f92b47f86c0 Delete type=3 #646
2024/09/05-08:22:41.466801 7f80f3e006c0 Delete type=0 #279 2025/02/11-21:57:02.540092 7f92b47f86c0 Delete type=0 #648
2024/09/05-08:33:29.343775 7f80f10006c0 Level-0 table #284: started 2025/02/11-21:57:34.336618 7f92b3bff6c0 Level-0 table #653: started
2024/09/05-08:33:29.343813 7f80f10006c0 Level-0 table #284: 0 bytes OK 2025/02/11-21:57:34.336638 7f92b3bff6c0 Level-0 table #653: 0 bytes OK
2024/09/05-08:33:29.385824 7f80f10006c0 Delete type=0 #282 2025/02/11-21:57:34.342793 7f92b3bff6c0 Delete type=0 #651
2024/09/05-08:33:29.488427 7f80f10006c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!items!G3dZTHIabA3LA1hY' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!xhEcsi3WHjbt2ro9' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end) 2025/02/11-21:57:34.358357 7f92b3bff6c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!items!G3dZTHIabA3LA1hY' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!xhEcsi3WHjbt2ro9' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
2024/09/05-08:33:29.488496 7f80f10006c0 Manual compaction at level-1 from '!items!G3dZTHIabA3LA1hY' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!xhEcsi3WHjbt2ro9' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end) 2025/02/11-21:57:34.358393 7f92b3bff6c0 Manual compaction at level-1 from '!items!G3dZTHIabA3LA1hY' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!xhEcsi3WHjbt2ro9' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)

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@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
2024/09/05-08:21:46.755050 7f80f20006c0 Recovering log #275 2025/02/11-21:52:03.961891 7f92b5ffb6c0 Recovering log #644
2024/09/05-08:21:46.808280 7f80f20006c0 Delete type=3 #273 2025/02/11-21:52:03.971934 7f92b5ffb6c0 Delete type=3 #642
2024/09/05-08:21:46.808413 7f80f20006c0 Delete type=0 #275 2025/02/11-21:52:03.972018 7f92b5ffb6c0 Delete type=0 #644
2024/09/05-08:22:27.041438 7f80f10006c0 Level-0 table #280: started 2025/02/11-21:54:35.590985 7f92b3bff6c0 Level-0 table #649: started
2024/09/05-08:22:27.041476 7f80f10006c0 Level-0 table #280: 0 bytes OK 2025/02/11-21:54:35.591011 7f92b3bff6c0 Level-0 table #649: 0 bytes OK
2024/09/05-08:22:27.068145 7f80f10006c0 Delete type=0 #278 2025/02/11-21:54:35.598433 7f92b3bff6c0 Delete type=0 #647
2024/09/05-08:22:27.173875 7f80f10006c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!items!G3dZTHIabA3LA1hY' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!xhEcsi3WHjbt2ro9' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end) 2025/02/11-21:54:35.611337 7f92b3bff6c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!items!G3dZTHIabA3LA1hY' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!xhEcsi3WHjbt2ro9' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
2024/09/05-08:22:27.173963 7f80f10006c0 Manual compaction at level-1 from '!items!G3dZTHIabA3LA1hY' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!xhEcsi3WHjbt2ro9' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end) 2025/02/11-21:54:35.611373 7f92b3bff6c0 Manual compaction at level-1 from '!items!G3dZTHIabA3LA1hY' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!xhEcsi3WHjbt2ro9' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)

Binary file not shown.

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@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
2024/09/05-08:22:40.894494 7f80f34006c0 Recovering log #373 2025/02/11-21:57:02.425947 7f92b47f86c0 Recovering log #741
2024/09/05-08:22:40.945071 7f80f34006c0 Delete type=3 #371 2025/02/11-21:57:02.436463 7f92b47f86c0 Delete type=3 #739
2024/09/05-08:22:40.945157 7f80f34006c0 Delete type=0 #373 2025/02/11-21:57:02.436516 7f92b47f86c0 Delete type=0 #741
2024/09/05-08:33:29.044603 7f80f10006c0 Level-0 table #378: started 2025/02/11-21:57:34.292501 7f92b3bff6c0 Level-0 table #746: started
2024/09/05-08:33:29.044665 7f80f10006c0 Level-0 table #378: 0 bytes OK 2025/02/11-21:57:34.292523 7f92b3bff6c0 Level-0 table #746: 0 bytes OK
2024/09/05-08:33:29.077608 7f80f10006c0 Delete type=0 #376 2025/02/11-21:57:34.298927 7f92b3bff6c0 Delete type=0 #744
2024/09/05-08:33:29.188641 7f80f10006c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!items!039ZF3E3MtAGwbiX' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!zgspy1QKaxdEetEw' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end) 2025/02/11-21:57:34.305057 7f92b3bff6c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!items!039ZF3E3MtAGwbiX' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!zgspy1QKaxdEetEw' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
2024/09/05-08:33:29.188725 7f80f10006c0 Manual compaction at level-1 from '!items!039ZF3E3MtAGwbiX' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!zgspy1QKaxdEetEw' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end) 2025/02/11-21:57:34.305098 7f92b3bff6c0 Manual compaction at level-1 from '!items!039ZF3E3MtAGwbiX' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!zgspy1QKaxdEetEw' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)

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@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
2024/09/05-08:21:46.247658 7f80f20006c0 Recovering log #369 2025/02/11-21:52:03.851261 7f92b5ffb6c0 Recovering log #737
2024/09/05-08:21:46.345273 7f80f20006c0 Delete type=3 #367 2025/02/11-21:52:03.861605 7f92b5ffb6c0 Delete type=3 #735
2024/09/05-08:21:46.345365 7f80f20006c0 Delete type=0 #369 2025/02/11-21:52:03.861680 7f92b5ffb6c0 Delete type=0 #737
2024/09/05-08:22:26.783613 7f80f10006c0 Level-0 table #374: started 2025/02/11-21:54:35.551224 7f92b3bff6c0 Level-0 table #742: started
2024/09/05-08:22:26.783652 7f80f10006c0 Level-0 table #374: 0 bytes OK 2025/02/11-21:54:35.551250 7f92b3bff6c0 Level-0 table #742: 0 bytes OK
2024/09/05-08:22:26.820926 7f80f10006c0 Delete type=0 #372 2025/02/11-21:54:35.557302 7f92b3bff6c0 Delete type=0 #740
2024/09/05-08:22:26.890117 7f80f10006c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!items!039ZF3E3MtAGwbiX' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!zgspy1QKaxdEetEw' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end) 2025/02/11-21:54:35.557440 7f92b3bff6c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!items!039ZF3E3MtAGwbiX' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!zgspy1QKaxdEetEw' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
2024/09/05-08:22:26.890214 7f80f10006c0 Manual compaction at level-1 from '!items!039ZF3E3MtAGwbiX' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!zgspy1QKaxdEetEw' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end) 2025/02/11-21:54:35.557467 7f92b3bff6c0 Manual compaction at level-1 from '!items!039ZF3E3MtAGwbiX' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!zgspy1QKaxdEetEw' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)

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@ -1 +1 @@

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@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
2024/09/05-08:22:40.948817 7f80f3e006c0 Recovering log #373 2025/02/11-21:57:02.438456 7f92b57fa6c0 Recovering log #741
2024/09/05-08:22:41.011059 7f80f3e006c0 Delete type=3 #371 2025/02/11-21:57:02.449765 7f92b57fa6c0 Delete type=3 #739
2024/09/05-08:22:41.011181 7f80f3e006c0 Delete type=0 #373 2025/02/11-21:57:02.449822 7f92b57fa6c0 Delete type=0 #741
2024/09/05-08:33:29.077896 7f80f10006c0 Level-0 table #378: started 2025/02/11-21:57:34.299022 7f92b3bff6c0 Level-0 table #746: started
2024/09/05-08:33:29.078081 7f80f10006c0 Level-0 table #378: 0 bytes OK 2025/02/11-21:57:34.299042 7f92b3bff6c0 Level-0 table #746: 0 bytes OK
2024/09/05-08:33:29.120426 7f80f10006c0 Delete type=0 #376 2025/02/11-21:57:34.304926 7f92b3bff6c0 Delete type=0 #744
2024/09/05-08:33:29.188668 7f80f10006c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!items!CoqlfsDV1gL5swbK' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!yofwG0YrsL902G77' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end) 2025/02/11-21:57:34.305064 7f92b3bff6c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!items!CoqlfsDV1gL5swbK' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!yofwG0YrsL902G77' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
2024/09/05-08:33:29.188741 7f80f10006c0 Manual compaction at level-1 from '!items!CoqlfsDV1gL5swbK' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!yofwG0YrsL902G77' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end) 2025/02/11-21:57:34.305083 7f92b3bff6c0 Manual compaction at level-1 from '!items!CoqlfsDV1gL5swbK' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!yofwG0YrsL902G77' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)

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@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
2024/09/05-08:21:46.349301 7f80f2a006c0 Recovering log #369 2025/02/11-21:52:03.864307 7f92b4ff96c0 Recovering log #737
2024/09/05-08:21:46.398345 7f80f2a006c0 Delete type=3 #367 2025/02/11-21:52:03.874891 7f92b4ff96c0 Delete type=3 #735
2024/09/05-08:21:46.398468 7f80f2a006c0 Delete type=0 #369 2025/02/11-21:52:03.874942 7f92b4ff96c0 Delete type=0 #737
2024/09/05-08:22:26.754053 7f80f10006c0 Level-0 table #374: started 2025/02/11-21:54:35.544201 7f92b3bff6c0 Level-0 table #742: started
2024/09/05-08:22:26.754147 7f80f10006c0 Level-0 table #374: 0 bytes OK 2025/02/11-21:54:35.544228 7f92b3bff6c0 Level-0 table #742: 0 bytes OK
2024/09/05-08:22:26.783456 7f80f10006c0 Delete type=0 #372 2025/02/11-21:54:35.551120 7f92b3bff6c0 Delete type=0 #740
2024/09/05-08:22:26.890082 7f80f10006c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!items!CoqlfsDV1gL5swbK' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!yofwG0YrsL902G77' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end) 2025/02/11-21:54:35.557431 7f92b3bff6c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!items!CoqlfsDV1gL5swbK' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!yofwG0YrsL902G77' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
2024/09/05-08:22:26.890188 7f80f10006c0 Manual compaction at level-1 from '!items!CoqlfsDV1gL5swbK' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!yofwG0YrsL902G77' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end) 2025/02/11-21:54:35.557476 7f92b3bff6c0 Manual compaction at level-1 from '!items!CoqlfsDV1gL5swbK' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!yofwG0YrsL902G77' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)

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@ -1 +1 @@

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@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
2024/09/05-08:22:41.066316 7f80f2a006c0 Recovering log #373 2025/02/11-21:57:02.465029 7f92b5ffb6c0 Recovering log #741
2024/09/05-08:22:41.115337 7f80f2a006c0 Delete type=3 #371 2025/02/11-21:57:02.475250 7f92b5ffb6c0 Delete type=3 #739
2024/09/05-08:22:41.115462 7f80f2a006c0 Delete type=0 #373 2025/02/11-21:57:02.475302 7f92b5ffb6c0 Delete type=0 #741
2024/09/05-08:33:29.155126 7f80f10006c0 Level-0 table #378: started 2025/02/11-21:57:34.311288 7f92b3bff6c0 Level-0 table #746: started
2024/09/05-08:33:29.155181 7f80f10006c0 Level-0 table #378: 0 bytes OK 2025/02/11-21:57:34.311318 7f92b3bff6c0 Level-0 table #746: 0 bytes OK
2024/09/05-08:33:29.188218 7f80f10006c0 Delete type=0 #376 2025/02/11-21:57:34.317240 7f92b3bff6c0 Delete type=0 #744
2024/09/05-08:33:29.188710 7f80f10006c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!items!4S4xAfMXGnuU0O1a' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!zxY3sW0iCJBvwjOS' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end) 2025/02/11-21:57:34.330537 7f92b3bff6c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!items!4S4xAfMXGnuU0O1a' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!zxY3sW0iCJBvwjOS' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
2024/09/05-08:33:29.188774 7f80f10006c0 Manual compaction at level-1 from '!items!4S4xAfMXGnuU0O1a' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!zxY3sW0iCJBvwjOS' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end) 2025/02/11-21:57:34.330559 7f92b3bff6c0 Manual compaction at level-1 from '!items!4S4xAfMXGnuU0O1a' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!zxY3sW0iCJBvwjOS' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)

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@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
2024/09/05-08:21:46.454932 7f80f34006c0 Recovering log #369 2025/02/11-21:52:03.893611 7f92b47f86c0 Recovering log #737
2024/09/05-08:21:46.506144 7f80f34006c0 Delete type=3 #367 2025/02/11-21:52:03.903497 7f92b47f86c0 Delete type=3 #735
2024/09/05-08:21:46.506300 7f80f34006c0 Delete type=0 #369 2025/02/11-21:52:03.903562 7f92b47f86c0 Delete type=0 #737
2024/09/05-08:22:26.964849 7f80f10006c0 Level-0 table #374: started 2025/02/11-21:54:35.537763 7f92b3bff6c0 Level-0 table #742: started
2024/09/05-08:22:26.964921 7f80f10006c0 Level-0 table #374: 0 bytes OK 2025/02/11-21:54:35.537788 7f92b3bff6c0 Level-0 table #742: 0 bytes OK
2024/09/05-08:22:27.001894 7f80f10006c0 Delete type=0 #372 2025/02/11-21:54:35.544087 7f92b3bff6c0 Delete type=0 #740
2024/09/05-08:22:27.041259 7f80f10006c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!items!4S4xAfMXGnuU0O1a' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!zxY3sW0iCJBvwjOS' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end) 2025/02/11-21:54:35.557421 7f92b3bff6c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!items!4S4xAfMXGnuU0O1a' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!zxY3sW0iCJBvwjOS' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
2024/09/05-08:22:27.041316 7f80f10006c0 Manual compaction at level-1 from '!items!4S4xAfMXGnuU0O1a' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!zxY3sW0iCJBvwjOS' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end) 2025/02/11-21:54:35.557458 7f92b3bff6c0 Manual compaction at level-1 from '!items!4S4xAfMXGnuU0O1a' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!zxY3sW0iCJBvwjOS' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)

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@ -1 +1 @@

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@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
2024/09/05-08:22:41.990829 7f80f2a006c0 Recovering log #371 2025/02/11-21:57:02.646092 7f92b57fa6c0 Recovering log #739
2024/09/05-08:22:42.046685 7f80f2a006c0 Delete type=3 #369 2025/02/11-21:57:02.656332 7f92b57fa6c0 Delete type=3 #737
2024/09/05-08:22:42.046818 7f80f2a006c0 Delete type=0 #371 2025/02/11-21:57:02.656398 7f92b57fa6c0 Delete type=0 #739
2024/09/05-08:33:29.688780 7f80f10006c0 Level-0 table #376: started 2025/02/11-21:57:34.394240 7f92b3bff6c0 Level-0 table #744: started
2024/09/05-08:33:29.688842 7f80f10006c0 Level-0 table #376: 0 bytes OK 2025/02/11-21:57:34.394261 7f92b3bff6c0 Level-0 table #744: 0 bytes OK
2024/09/05-08:33:29.727188 7f80f10006c0 Delete type=0 #374 2025/02/11-21:57:34.401540 7f92b3bff6c0 Delete type=0 #742
2024/09/05-08:33:29.800782 7f80f10006c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!items!6fTZ6hOKR4pWbWOe' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!zwSNMO9HpiqUCMt8' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end) 2025/02/11-21:57:34.421045 7f92b3bff6c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!items!6fTZ6hOKR4pWbWOe' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!zwSNMO9HpiqUCMt8' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
2024/09/05-08:33:29.800870 7f80f10006c0 Manual compaction at level-1 from '!items!6fTZ6hOKR4pWbWOe' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!zwSNMO9HpiqUCMt8' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end) 2025/02/11-21:57:34.421097 7f92b3bff6c0 Manual compaction at level-1 from '!items!6fTZ6hOKR4pWbWOe' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!zwSNMO9HpiqUCMt8' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)

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@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
2024/09/05-08:21:47.299690 7f80f2a006c0 Recovering log #367 2025/02/11-21:52:04.078087 7f92b4ff96c0 Recovering log #735
2024/09/05-08:21:47.368552 7f80f2a006c0 Delete type=3 #365 2025/02/11-21:52:04.088545 7f92b4ff96c0 Delete type=3 #733
2024/09/05-08:21:47.368685 7f80f2a006c0 Delete type=0 #367 2025/02/11-21:52:04.088597 7f92b4ff96c0 Delete type=0 #735
2024/09/05-08:22:27.315399 7f80f10006c0 Level-0 table #372: started 2025/02/11-21:54:35.646391 7f92b3bff6c0 Level-0 table #740: started
2024/09/05-08:22:27.315459 7f80f10006c0 Level-0 table #372: 0 bytes OK 2025/02/11-21:54:35.646414 7f92b3bff6c0 Level-0 table #740: 0 bytes OK
2024/09/05-08:22:27.352140 7f80f10006c0 Delete type=0 #370 2025/02/11-21:54:35.652511 7f92b3bff6c0 Delete type=0 #738
2024/09/05-08:22:27.460577 7f80f10006c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!items!6fTZ6hOKR4pWbWOe' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!zwSNMO9HpiqUCMt8' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end) 2025/02/11-21:54:35.665492 7f92b3bff6c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!items!6fTZ6hOKR4pWbWOe' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!zwSNMO9HpiqUCMt8' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
2024/09/05-08:22:27.460663 7f80f10006c0 Manual compaction at level-1 from '!items!6fTZ6hOKR4pWbWOe' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!zwSNMO9HpiqUCMt8' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end) 2025/02/11-21:54:35.665529 7f92b3bff6c0 Manual compaction at level-1 from '!items!6fTZ6hOKR4pWbWOe' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!zwSNMO9HpiqUCMt8' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)

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@ -1 +1 @@

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@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
2024/09/05-08:22:41.230494 7f80f20006c0 Recovering log #374 2025/02/11-21:57:02.503615 7f92b4ff96c0 Recovering log #742
2024/09/05-08:22:41.285505 7f80f20006c0 Delete type=3 #372 2025/02/11-21:57:02.513856 7f92b4ff96c0 Delete type=3 #740
2024/09/05-08:22:41.285660 7f80f20006c0 Delete type=0 #374 2025/02/11-21:57:02.513924 7f92b4ff96c0 Delete type=0 #742
2024/09/05-08:33:29.306334 7f80f10006c0 Level-0 table #379: started 2025/02/11-21:57:34.324550 7f92b3bff6c0 Level-0 table #747: started
2024/09/05-08:33:29.306388 7f80f10006c0 Level-0 table #379: 0 bytes OK 2025/02/11-21:57:34.324572 7f92b3bff6c0 Level-0 table #747: 0 bytes OK
2024/09/05-08:33:29.343292 7f80f10006c0 Delete type=0 #377 2025/02/11-21:57:34.330429 7f92b3bff6c0 Delete type=0 #745
2024/09/05-08:33:29.343624 7f80f10006c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!items!0ErhyqifZLDCmMfT' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!yE8UH6YAgNGjKDEu' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end) 2025/02/11-21:57:34.330552 7f92b3bff6c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!items!0ErhyqifZLDCmMfT' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!yE8UH6YAgNGjKDEu' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
2024/09/05-08:33:29.343681 7f80f10006c0 Manual compaction at level-1 from '!items!0ErhyqifZLDCmMfT' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!yE8UH6YAgNGjKDEu' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end) 2025/02/11-21:57:34.330578 7f92b3bff6c0 Manual compaction at level-1 from '!items!0ErhyqifZLDCmMfT' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!yE8UH6YAgNGjKDEu' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)

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@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
2024/09/05-08:21:46.632889 7f80f3e006c0 Recovering log #370 2025/02/11-21:52:03.931941 7f92b57fa6c0 Recovering log #738
2024/09/05-08:21:46.684630 7f80f3e006c0 Delete type=3 #368 2025/02/11-21:52:03.943266 7f92b57fa6c0 Delete type=3 #736
2024/09/05-08:21:46.684773 7f80f3e006c0 Delete type=0 #370 2025/02/11-21:52:03.943400 7f92b57fa6c0 Delete type=0 #738
2024/09/05-08:22:26.890435 7f80f10006c0 Level-0 table #375: started 2025/02/11-21:54:35.557565 7f92b3bff6c0 Level-0 table #743: started
2024/09/05-08:22:26.890515 7f80f10006c0 Level-0 table #375: 0 bytes OK 2025/02/11-21:54:35.557592 7f92b3bff6c0 Level-0 table #743: 0 bytes OK
2024/09/05-08:22:26.926484 7f80f10006c0 Delete type=0 #373 2025/02/11-21:54:35.564441 7f92b3bff6c0 Delete type=0 #741
2024/09/05-08:22:27.041222 7f80f10006c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!items!0ErhyqifZLDCmMfT' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!yE8UH6YAgNGjKDEu' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end) 2025/02/11-21:54:35.584708 7f92b3bff6c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!items!0ErhyqifZLDCmMfT' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!yE8UH6YAgNGjKDEu' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
2024/09/05-08:22:27.041275 7f80f10006c0 Manual compaction at level-1 from '!items!0ErhyqifZLDCmMfT' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!yE8UH6YAgNGjKDEu' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end) 2025/02/11-21:54:35.584749 7f92b3bff6c0 Manual compaction at level-1 from '!items!0ErhyqifZLDCmMfT' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!yE8UH6YAgNGjKDEu' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)

Binary file not shown.

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@ -1 +1 @@

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@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
2024/09/05-08:22:41.778653 7f80f20006c0 Recovering log #372 2025/02/11-21:57:02.594518 7f92b57fa6c0 Recovering log #741
2024/09/05-08:22:41.859124 7f80f20006c0 Delete type=3 #370 2025/02/11-21:57:02.604172 7f92b57fa6c0 Delete type=3 #739
2024/09/05-08:22:41.859240 7f80f20006c0 Delete type=0 #372 2025/02/11-21:57:02.604221 7f92b57fa6c0 Delete type=0 #741
2024/09/05-08:33:29.534516 7f80f10006c0 Level-0 table #377: started 2025/02/11-21:57:34.358461 7f92b3bff6c0 Level-0 table #746: started
2024/09/05-08:33:29.534591 7f80f10006c0 Level-0 table #377: 0 bytes OK 2025/02/11-21:57:34.358486 7f92b3bff6c0 Level-0 table #746: 0 bytes OK
2024/09/05-08:33:29.569177 7f80f10006c0 Delete type=0 #375 2025/02/11-21:57:34.371147 7f92b3bff6c0 Delete type=0 #744
2024/09/05-08:33:29.649625 7f80f10006c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!items!4EmWdK1cv7EX0X3E' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!vGydqADwTsHZ9B3j' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end) 2025/02/11-21:57:34.394094 7f92b3bff6c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!items!AoT2c0af4lY6aBsx' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!vGydqADwTsHZ9B3j' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
2024/09/05-08:33:29.649698 7f80f10006c0 Manual compaction at level-1 from '!items!4EmWdK1cv7EX0X3E' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!vGydqADwTsHZ9B3j' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end) 2025/02/11-21:57:34.394130 7f92b3bff6c0 Manual compaction at level-1 from '!items!AoT2c0af4lY6aBsx' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!vGydqADwTsHZ9B3j' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)

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@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
2024/09/05-08:21:47.102766 7f80f3e006c0 Recovering log #368 2025/02/11-21:52:04.027483 7f92b4ff96c0 Recovering log #737
2024/09/05-08:21:47.163474 7f80f3e006c0 Delete type=3 #366 2025/02/11-21:52:04.037860 7f92b4ff96c0 Delete type=3 #735
2024/09/05-08:21:47.163592 7f80f3e006c0 Delete type=0 #368 2025/02/11-21:52:04.037909 7f92b4ff96c0 Delete type=0 #737
2024/09/05-08:22:27.245989 7f80f10006c0 Level-0 table #373: started 2025/02/11-21:54:35.611457 7f92b3bff6c0 Level-0 table #742: started
2024/09/05-08:22:27.246038 7f80f10006c0 Level-0 table #373: 0 bytes OK 2025/02/11-21:54:35.611509 7f92b3bff6c0 Level-0 table #742: 0 bytes OK
2024/09/05-08:22:27.277025 7f80f10006c0 Delete type=0 #371 2025/02/11-21:54:35.618478 7f92b3bff6c0 Delete type=0 #740
2024/09/05-08:22:27.315143 7f80f10006c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!items!4EmWdK1cv7EX0X3E' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!vGydqADwTsHZ9B3j' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end) 2025/02/11-21:54:35.639412 7f92b3bff6c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!items!AoT2c0af4lY6aBsx' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!vGydqADwTsHZ9B3j' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
2024/09/05-08:22:27.315245 7f80f10006c0 Manual compaction at level-1 from '!items!4EmWdK1cv7EX0X3E' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!vGydqADwTsHZ9B3j' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end) 2025/02/11-21:54:35.639448 7f92b3bff6c0 Manual compaction at level-1 from '!items!AoT2c0af4lY6aBsx' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!vGydqADwTsHZ9B3j' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
2025/02/11-21:57:02.606516 7f92b4ff96c0 Recovering log #224
2025/02/11-21:57:02.616865 7f92b4ff96c0 Delete type=3 #222
2025/02/11-21:57:02.616941 7f92b4ff96c0 Delete type=0 #224
2025/02/11-21:57:34.380859 7f92b3bff6c0 Level-0 table #229: started
2025/02/11-21:57:34.380888 7f92b3bff6c0 Level-0 table #229: 0 bytes OK
2025/02/11-21:57:34.387733 7f92b3bff6c0 Delete type=0 #227
2025/02/11-21:57:34.394115 7f92b3bff6c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!items!CLRp0k5qV8mD03pW' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!wYEpnhbyYaMkaNdL' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
2025/02/11-21:57:34.394142 7f92b3bff6c0 Manual compaction at level-1 from '!items!CLRp0k5qV8mD03pW' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!wYEpnhbyYaMkaNdL' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)

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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
2025/02/11-21:52:04.039947 7f92b57fa6c0 Recovering log #220
2025/02/11-21:52:04.049995 7f92b57fa6c0 Delete type=3 #218
2025/02/11-21:52:04.050056 7f92b57fa6c0 Delete type=0 #220
2025/02/11-21:54:35.633150 7f92b3bff6c0 Level-0 table #225: started
2025/02/11-21:54:35.633173 7f92b3bff6c0 Level-0 table #225: 0 bytes OK
2025/02/11-21:54:35.639265 7f92b3bff6c0 Delete type=0 #223
2025/02/11-21:54:35.639442 7f92b3bff6c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!items!CLRp0k5qV8mD03pW' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!wYEpnhbyYaMkaNdL' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
2025/02/11-21:54:35.639467 7f92b3bff6c0 Manual compaction at level-1 from '!items!CLRp0k5qV8mD03pW' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!wYEpnhbyYaMkaNdL' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)

Binary file not shown.

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@ -1 +1 @@

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@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
2024/09/05-08:22:41.014590 7f80f20006c0 Recovering log #373 2025/02/11-21:57:02.452296 7f92b4ff96c0 Recovering log #741
2024/09/05-08:22:41.061978 7f80f20006c0 Delete type=3 #371 2025/02/11-21:57:02.462230 7f92b4ff96c0 Delete type=3 #739
2024/09/05-08:22:41.062084 7f80f20006c0 Delete type=0 #373 2025/02/11-21:57:02.462316 7f92b4ff96c0 Delete type=0 #741
2024/09/05-08:33:29.120621 7f80f10006c0 Level-0 table #378: started 2025/02/11-21:57:34.280534 7f92b3bff6c0 Level-0 table #746: started
2024/09/05-08:33:29.120669 7f80f10006c0 Level-0 table #378: 0 bytes OK 2025/02/11-21:57:34.280574 7f92b3bff6c0 Level-0 table #746: 0 bytes OK
2024/09/05-08:33:29.154798 7f80f10006c0 Delete type=0 #376 2025/02/11-21:57:34.286505 7f92b3bff6c0 Delete type=0 #744
2024/09/05-08:33:29.188692 7f80f10006c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!items!0wCqg1UpGd50uJrS' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!znd0K3b7HzYpdehs' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end) 2025/02/11-21:57:34.305038 7f92b3bff6c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!items!0wCqg1UpGd50uJrS' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!znd0K3b7HzYpdehs' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
2024/09/05-08:33:29.188756 7f80f10006c0 Manual compaction at level-1 from '!items!0wCqg1UpGd50uJrS' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!znd0K3b7HzYpdehs' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end) 2025/02/11-21:57:34.305070 7f92b3bff6c0 Manual compaction at level-1 from '!items!0wCqg1UpGd50uJrS' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!znd0K3b7HzYpdehs' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)

View File

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
2024/09/05-08:21:46.401929 7f80f3e006c0 Recovering log #369 2025/02/11-21:52:03.877651 7f92b57fa6c0 Recovering log #737
2024/09/05-08:21:46.451450 7f80f3e006c0 Delete type=3 #367 2025/02/11-21:52:03.890052 7f92b57fa6c0 Delete type=3 #735
2024/09/05-08:21:46.451550 7f80f3e006c0 Delete type=0 #369 2025/02/11-21:52:03.890118 7f92b57fa6c0 Delete type=0 #737
2024/09/05-08:22:26.821212 7f80f10006c0 Level-0 table #374: started 2025/02/11-21:54:35.531550 7f92b3bff6c0 Level-0 table #742: started
2024/09/05-08:22:26.821274 7f80f10006c0 Level-0 table #374: 0 bytes OK 2025/02/11-21:54:35.531590 7f92b3bff6c0 Level-0 table #742: 0 bytes OK
2024/09/05-08:22:26.857912 7f80f10006c0 Delete type=0 #372 2025/02/11-21:54:35.537625 7f92b3bff6c0 Delete type=0 #740
2024/09/05-08:22:26.890141 7f80f10006c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!items!0wCqg1UpGd50uJrS' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!znd0K3b7HzYpdehs' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end) 2025/02/11-21:54:35.557408 7f92b3bff6c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!items!0wCqg1UpGd50uJrS' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!znd0K3b7HzYpdehs' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
2024/09/05-08:22:26.890236 7f80f10006c0 Manual compaction at level-1 from '!items!0wCqg1UpGd50uJrS' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!znd0K3b7HzYpdehs' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end) 2025/02/11-21:54:35.557449 7f92b3bff6c0 Manual compaction at level-1 from '!items!0wCqg1UpGd50uJrS' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!znd0K3b7HzYpdehs' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)

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@ -1 +1 @@

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@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
2024/09/05-08:22:41.716802 7f80f2a006c0 Recovering log #372 2024/11/10-21:29:11.591754 7faa23e006c0 Recovering log #488
2024/09/05-08:22:41.775130 7f80f2a006c0 Delete type=3 #370 2024/11/10-21:29:11.638810 7faa23e006c0 Delete type=3 #486
2024/09/05-08:22:41.775222 7f80f2a006c0 Delete type=0 #372 2024/11/10-21:29:11.638907 7faa23e006c0 Delete type=0 #488
2024/09/05-08:33:29.569351 7f80f10006c0 Level-0 table #377: started 2024/11/10-21:30:57.458015 7faa210006c0 Level-0 table #493: started
2024/09/05-08:33:29.569388 7f80f10006c0 Level-0 table #377: 0 bytes OK 2024/11/10-21:30:57.458051 7faa210006c0 Level-0 table #493: 0 bytes OK
2024/09/05-08:33:29.611494 7f80f10006c0 Delete type=0 #375 2024/11/10-21:30:57.465037 7faa210006c0 Delete type=0 #491
2024/09/05-08:33:29.649644 7f80f10006c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!items!1wKT8PUphVwAprIp' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!xR5KdgOQucELl1sn' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end) 2024/11/10-21:30:57.485284 7faa210006c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!items!1wKT8PUphVwAprIp' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!xR5KdgOQucELl1sn' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
2024/09/05-08:33:29.649713 7f80f10006c0 Manual compaction at level-1 from '!items!1wKT8PUphVwAprIp' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!xR5KdgOQucELl1sn' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end) 2024/11/10-21:30:57.485349 7faa210006c0 Manual compaction at level-1 from '!items!1wKT8PUphVwAprIp' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!xR5KdgOQucELl1sn' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)

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@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
2024/09/05-08:21:47.049598 7f80f2a006c0 Recovering log #368 2024/11/06-13:51:48.696492 7fc03ea006c0 Recovering log #484
2024/09/05-08:21:47.098859 7f80f2a006c0 Delete type=3 #366 2024/11/06-13:51:48.706605 7fc03ea006c0 Delete type=3 #482
2024/09/05-08:21:47.098979 7f80f2a006c0 Delete type=0 #368 2024/11/06-13:51:48.706665 7fc03ea006c0 Delete type=0 #484
2024/09/05-08:22:27.209421 7f80f10006c0 Level-0 table #373: started 2024/11/06-14:09:44.790536 7fc03ce006c0 Level-0 table #489: started
2024/09/05-08:22:27.209473 7f80f10006c0 Level-0 table #373: 0 bytes OK 2024/11/06-14:09:44.790560 7fc03ce006c0 Level-0 table #489: 0 bytes OK
2024/09/05-08:22:27.245755 7f80f10006c0 Delete type=0 #371 2024/11/06-14:09:44.797402 7fc03ce006c0 Delete type=0 #487
2024/09/05-08:22:27.315121 7f80f10006c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!items!1wKT8PUphVwAprIp' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!xR5KdgOQucELl1sn' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end) 2024/11/06-14:09:44.811143 7fc03ce006c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!items!1wKT8PUphVwAprIp' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!xR5KdgOQucELl1sn' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
2024/09/05-08:22:27.315204 7f80f10006c0 Manual compaction at level-1 from '!items!1wKT8PUphVwAprIp' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!xR5KdgOQucELl1sn' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end) 2024/11/06-14:09:44.811204 7fc03ce006c0 Manual compaction at level-1 from '!items!1wKT8PUphVwAprIp' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!xR5KdgOQucELl1sn' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More