import { BoLRoll } from "../controllers/bol-rolls.js"; export class BoLHotbar { /** * Create a macro when dropping an entity on the hotbar * Item - open roll dialog for item * Actor - open actor sheet * Journal - open journal sheet */ static init( ) { Hooks.on("hotbarDrop", async (bar, documentData, slot) => { // Create item macro if rollable item - weapon, spell, prayer, trait, or skill if (documentData.type == "Item") { console.log("Drop done !!!", bar, documentData, slot) let item = let command = `game.bol.BoLHotbar.rollMacro("${}", "${item.type}");` let macro = game.macros.contents.find(m => ( === && (m.command === command)) if (!macro) { macro = await Macro.create({ name:, type: "script", img: item.img, command: command }, { displaySheet: false }) } game.user.assignHotbarMacro(macro, slot); } // Create a macro to open the actor sheet of the actor dropped on the hotbar else if (documentData.type == "Actor") { let actor = game.actors.get(; let command = `game.actors.get("${}").sheet.render(true)` let macro = game.macros.contents.find(m => ( === && (m.command === command)); if (!macro) { macro = await Macro.create({ name:, type: "script", img:, command: command }, { displaySheet: false }) game.user.assignHotbarMacro(macro, slot); } } // Create a macro to open the journal sheet of the journal dropped on the hotbar else if (documentData.type == "JournalEntry") { let journal = game.journal.get(; let command = `game.journal.get("${}").sheet.render(true)` let macro = game.macros.contents.find(m => ( === && (m.command === command)); if (!macro) { macro = await Macro.create({ name:, type: "script", img: "systems/bol/icons/images/icone_parchement_vierge.webp", command: command }, { displaySheet: false }) game.user.assignHotbarMacro(macro, slot); } } return false; }); } /** Roll macro */ static rollMacro(itemName, itemType, bypassData) { const speaker = ChatMessage.getSpeaker() let actor if (speaker.token) actor = game.actors.tokens[speaker.token] if (!actor) actor = game.actors.get( if (!actor) { return ui.notifications.warn(`Selectionnez votre personnage pour utiliser la macro`) } let item = actor.items.find(it => === itemName && it.type == itemType) if (!item ) { return ui.notifications.warn(`Impossible de trouver l'objet de cette macro`) } // Trigger the item roll if ( === "equipment" && === "weapon") { return BoLRoll.weaponCheckWithWeapon( actor, item) } if ( === "spell") { return BoLRoll.spellCheckWithSpell( actor, item) } } }