{ "label": "Weapons", "mapping": { "description": "system.description" }, "entries": { "Arbalète": { "name": "Crossbow", "description": "
A crossbow is a simple device for firing a short bolt or quarrel with some force and little training. They take a round to load (ready to fire on the second round).
" }, "Arbalète lourde": { "name": "Arbalest", "description": "A much larger crossbow, the arbalest (sometimes called a heavy crossbow) is little used in Lemuria except as a mobile siege weapon.
" }, "Arc": { "name": "Bow", "description": "This represents a wide variety of weapons that fire arrows by drawing back and releasing a bowstring, strung between the two ends of a curving length of wood.
" }, "Arc Ghataï": { "name": "Arc Ghataï", "description": "L’arme emblématique des Ghataï est un arc composite, particulièrement adapté pour des cavaliers. Les archers de cavalerie forment le gros des forces gathaï, qui utilisent des tactiques de harcèlement plutôt que de charge frontale.
" }, "Arme d’hast": { "name": "Pole Arm", "description": "This is a catch-all name for a pole weapon – that is, a close-combat weapon in which the main fighting part of the weapon is placed on the end of a long shaft, typically of wood, thereby extending the user’s effective range. They are used with two hands and can be called halberds, mauls, great-axes, battle-axes, glaives, war scythes, and many other names besides.
" }, "Armes Improvisée": { "name": "Armes Improvisée", "description": "" }, "Armes Improvisée (Lancer)": { "name": "Armes Improvisée (Lancer)", "description": "" }, "Bâton": { "name": "Quarterstaff", "description": "A quarterstaff is a simple stout pole of around 6’ in length, used as an aid to walking, and as an effective weapon.
" }, "Bâton-Fronde": { "name": "Bâton-Fronde", "description": "Version plus puissante de la fronde, montée au bout d’un bâton (ce qui en fait une arme à deux mains), qui permet des tirs à plus longue portée.
" }, "Cimeterre": { "name": "Cimeterre", "description": "l’arme favorite des héros. Elle se décline en différents modèles utilisés un peu partout en Lémurie, comme les sabres d’abordage, les tulwars, les cimeterres ou les épées longues. Inscrivez le nom de l’arme que vous voulez sur la fiche de votre personnage en fonction de l’image que vous vous faites de ce dernier. Mais au final, une épée reste une longue lame utilisée pour tuer l’ennemi.
" }, "Dague": { "name": "Dagger", "description": "This covers all forms of short stabbing, thrusting or slashing weapons, either with one or two edges, that can be thrown with 10’ range increments or used in close quarters. Highly concealable, it is a favourite of rogues and assassins.
" }, "Dague (Lancer)": { "name": "Dagger (Throw)", "description": "This covers all forms of short stabbing, thrusting or slashing weapons, either with one or two edges, that can be thrown with 10’ range increments or used in close quarters. Highly concealable, it is a favourite of rogues and assassins..
" }, "Épée": { "name": "Sword", "description": "This weapon is a favourite amongst Heroes. This is the catch-all description for all manner of long-bladed, one-handed weapons used all over Lemuria, such as cutlasses, tulwars, scimitars, rapiers, broadswords and longswords. Call it what you want on your character sheet, because that will add flavour to your character, but at the end of the day a sword is a long blade used for killing.
" }, "Épée à deux mains": { "name": "Great Sword", "description": "These are larger two-handed swords, up to 6’ in length. They can be called claymores, bastard swords, tulwars, war blades and battle blades.
" }, "Fléau": { "name": "Flail", "description": "Flails are made with a shaft of wood, mounted by a length of chain with a spike-ball head. They are not too common in general use in Lemuria, but can sometimes be found in gladiatorial arenas. Flails ignore the defence addition gained from using a shield.
" }, "Fléchettes": { "name": "Dart", "description": "Darts are missile weapons, designed to be thrown such that a sharp (often weighted) point will strike first. They are larger than arrows and shorter than javelins, although like arrows they have flights. You would usually carry a number of these into battle.
" }, "Fouet": { "name": "Whip", "description": "" }, "Fronde": { "name": "Sling", "description": "The sling is inexpensive and easy to build. It is a simple leather thong whirled around the head to cast small stones or cast lead bullets with some force, at 30’ range increments. Two-handed versions are fitted onto a staff and are called staff-slings. This imparts a greater range, making the increments 60’. The Axish sling is actually little different to any other common sling; it’s just that the people of the Axos mountains are particularly proficient with them. They have however played up the idea that there is some special plant fibre that the thongs are made from that gives them their extra range.
" }, "Gourdin": { "name": "Cudgel", "description": "The simplest of all weapons, a cudgel is a crude weapon like a stout stick or truncheon of less than 3’ in length, a chair leg or even an unbroken bottle used to bludgeon your opponent. You can use a cudgel to cause non-lethal damage to knock out your opponent rather than kill him.
" }, "Gourdin Clouté": { "name": "Club", "description": "This is a larger version of the cudgel. It is a stout length of wood, used in one hand to bludgeon and batter your opponent. Clubs usually have a wider or knobbed head and can be called war-clubs, knobkerries, or shillelaghs.
" }, "Hache": { "name": "Axe", "description": "These are usually made with bronze, iron, or steel heads on a wooden haft. They can be called war-axes, long-axes, or hand-axes. They are one- or two-bladed.
" }, "Hache (Lancer)": { "name": "Axe (Throw)", "description": "These are usually made with bronze, iron, or steel heads on a wooden haft. They can be called war-axes, long-axes, or hand-axes. They are one- or two-bladed.
" }, "Hâche à deux mains": { "name": "Axe (2-hands)", "description": "This weapon represents a light throwing spear with a short pointed tip. Fighters who use these weapons would typically arm themselves with two or three such weapons. Winged Folk of Axos are fond of javelins.
" }, "Khastok": { "name": "Khastok", "description": "The leaf-bladed fighting spear of the Jemadar Guard of Malakut. The Jemadar Guard prize their Khastok and will do anything rather than let it fall into enemy hands.
" }, "Kriss": { "name": "Kir", "description": "A wavy-bladed long fighting knife typical from Halakh, and rarely found elsewhere.
" }, "Lance": { "name": "Spear", "description": "A 6’ or longer length of wood with a pointed tip, designed for throwing at 20’ range increments, or for use in combat against mounted opponents in particular.
" }, "Lance (Lancer)": { "name": "Spear (Throw)", "description": "A 6’ or longer length of wood with a pointed tip, designed for throwing at 20’ range increments, or for use in combat against mounted opponents in particular.
" }, "Mains Nues": { "name": "Bare Hands", "description": "" }, "Masse d’armes": { "name": "Mace", "description": "cA mace is similar to a club, but with a metal head, often with spikes or flanges. One-handed maces can be thrown at increments of 5’ as they aren’t very effective used this way.
" }, "Masse d’armes (Lancer)": { "name": "Masse d’armes (Lancer)", "description": "cette arme a la même forme qu’un gourdin, mais possède une tête en métal, souvent agrémentée de pointes ou d’ailettes pour plus d’efficacité. Les masses d’armes à une main peuvent se lancer, mais à courte distance, car elles ne sont pas vraiment prévues pour cet usage.
" }, "Massue": { "name": "Massue", "description": "la version lourde du gourdin. Une massue consiste en un solide manche en bois dont l’extrémité, plus volumineuse, sert à fracasser le crâne de ses adversaires, d’où son autre nom de casse-tête.
" }, "Massue (Lancer)": { "name": "Massue (Lancer)", "description": "la version lourde du gourdin. Une massue consiste en un solide manche en bois dont l’extrémité, plus volumineuse, sert à fracasser le crâne de ses adversaires, d’où son autre nom de casse-tête.
" }, "Morgenstern": { "name": "Morning Star", "description": "A large lump of metal with spikes at all angles on the end of a 4’-5’ pole. It is basic but effective.
" }, "Rapière": { "name": "Foil", "description": "The foil is a small slim-bladed sword, primarily used by the fops and courtiers of the city-states of Lemuria, who have turned fencing into an art. They are often used with a parrying dagger, buckler/small shield, or rolled cloak in the off-hand.
" } } }