import { BoLUtility } from "../system/bol-utility.js"; const __adv2dice = { ["1B"]: 3, ["2B"]: 4, ["2"]: 2, ["1M"]: 3, ["2M"]: 4 } const _apt2attr = { init: "mind", melee: "agility", ranged: "agility", def: "vigor" } export class BoLRoll { static options() { return { classes: ["bol", "dialog"] }; } static convertToAdv(adv) { if (adv == 0) return "2" return Math.abs(adv) + (adv < 0) ? 'M' : 'B'; } static getDefaultAttribute(key) { return _apt2attr[key] } static attributeCheck(actor, actorData, dataset, event) { // const elt = $(event.currentTarget)[0]; // let key = elt.attributes["data-rolling"].value; const key = dataset.key; const adv = dataset.adv; let attribute = eval(`${key}`); let label = (attribute.label) ? game.i18n.localize(attribute.label) : null; let description = + " - " + game.i18n.localize('BOL.ui.attributeCheck') + " - " + game.i18n.localize(attribute.label); return this.displayRollDialog( { mode: "attribute", actor: actor, actorData: actorData, attribute: attribute, label: label, description: description, adv: this.convertToAdv(adv), mod: 0 }); } static aptitudeCheck(actor, actorData, dataset, event) { // const elt = $(event.currentTarget)[0]; // let key = elt.attributes["data-rolling"].value; const key = dataset.key; const adv = dataset.adv; let aptitude = eval(`${key}`); let attrKey = this.getDefaultAttribute(key) let attribute = eval(`${attrKey}`); let label = (aptitude.label) ? game.i18n.localize(aptitude.label) : null; let description = + " - " + game.i18n.localize('BOL.ui.aptitudeCheck') + " - " + game.i18n.localize(aptitude.label); return this.displayRollDialog( { mode: "aptitude", actor: actor, actorData: actorData, attribute: attribute, aptitude: aptitude, label: label, description: description, adv: this.convertToAdv(adv), mod: 0 }); } static weaponCheck(actor, actorData, dataset, event) { // const elt = $(event.currentTarget)[0]; // let key = elt.attributes["data-rolling"].value; let target = BoLUtility.getTarget() const li = $(event.currentTarget).parents(".item"); const weapon = actor.items.get("item-id")); if (!weapon) { ui.notifications.warn("Unable to find weapon !"); return; } let weaponData =; let attackDef = { mode: "weapon", actor: actor, actorData: actorData, weapon: weapon, target: target, defender: (target) ? game.actors.get( : undefined, attribute: eval(`${}`), aptitude: eval(`${}`), label: ( ? : game.i18n.localize('BOL.ui.noWeaponName'), description: + " - " + game.i18n.localize('BOL.ui.weaponAttack'), adv: "2", } console.debug("WEAPON!", attackDef, weaponData); return this.displayRollDialog(attackDef); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ /* ROLL DIALOGS */ /* -------------------------------------------- */ static async displayRollDialog(rollData, onEnter = "submit") { const rollOptionTpl = `systems/bol/templates/dialogs/${rollData.mode}-roll-dialog.hbs` = rollData.boons = rollData.actorData.features.boons rollData.flaws = rollData.actorData.features.flaws rollData.defence = 0 rollData.mod = 0 = randomID(16) // Weapon mode specific management if (rollData.mode == "weapon") { if (rollData.defender) { // If target is selected rollData.defence = rollData.defender.defenseValue, rollData.shieldBlock = 'none' let shields = rollData.defender.shields for (let shield of shields) { rollData.shieldBlock = ( ? 'blockall' : 'blockone'; rollData.shieldAttackMalus = ( ? : 1; rollData.applyShieldMalus = false } } } console.log("ROL1", rollData) const rollOptionContent = await renderTemplate(rollOptionTpl, rollData); let d = new Dialog({ title: rollData.label, content: rollOptionContent, rollData: rollData, buttons: { cancel: { icon: '', label: game.i18n.localize("BOL.ui.cancel"), callback: () => { } }, submit: { icon: '', label: game.i18n.localize("BOL.ui.submit"), callback: (html) => { rollData.attrKey = html.find('#attr').val(); rollData.aptKey = html.find('#apt').val(); rollData.adv = $("input[name='adv']:checked").val() || "2"; //rollData.adv = html.find('#adv').val() || 0; rollData.mod = html.find('#mod').val() || 0; let careers = html.find('#career').val(); = (!careers || careers.length == 0) ? 0 : Math.max( => parseInt(i))); rollData.registerInit = (rollData.aptKey == 'init') ? $('#register-init').is(":checked") : false; let shieldMalus = 0; if (rollData.mode == "weapon") { const applyShieldMalus = html.find('#applyShieldMalus').val() || false; if (applyShieldMalus || rollData.shieldBlock == 'blockall') { shieldMalus = rollData.shieldAttackMalus; } } const isMalus = rollData.adv.includes('M'); const dicePool = __adv2dice[rollData.adv] //// const dicePool = (isMalus) ? 2 - parseInt(rollData.adv) : 2 + parseInt(rollData.adv); const attrValue = (rollData.attrKey) && eval(`${rollData.attrKey}.value`) || 0; const aptValue = (rollData.aptKey) && eval(`${rollData.aptKey}.value`) || 0 const modifiers = parseInt(attrValue) + parseInt(aptValue) + parseInt(rollData.mod) + parseInt( - rollData.defence - shieldMalus; const formula = (isMalus) ? dicePool + "d6kl2 + " + modifiers : dicePool + "d6kh2 + " + modifiers; rollData.formula = formula; rollData.modifiers = modifiers let r = new BoLDefaultRoll(rollData); r.roll(); } } }, default: onEnter, close: () => { } }, this.options()); return d.render(true); } } export class BoLDefaultRoll { constructor(rollData) { BoLUtility.storeRoll(rollData) this.rollData = rollData if ( this.rollData.isSuccess == undefined ) { // First init this.rollData.isSuccess = false; this.rollData.isCritical = false; this.rollData.isFumble = false; } if ( this.rollData.optionsId) { $(`#${this.rollData.optionsId}`).hide() // Hide the options roll buttons } if ( this.rollData.applyId) { $(`#${this.rollData.applyId}`).hide() // Hide the options roll buttons } this.rollData.optionsId = randomID(16) this.rollData.applyId = randomID(16) } async roll() { const r = new Roll(this.rollData.formula); await r.roll({ "async": false }); const activeDice = r.terms[0].results.filter(r =>; const diceTotal = => r.result).reduce((a, b) => a + b); this.rollData.roll = r this.rollData.isSuccess = ( >= 9); this.rollData.isCritical = (diceTotal === 12) this.rollData.isRealCritical = (diceTotal === 12) this.rollData.isFumble = (diceTotal === 2); this.rollData.isFailure = !this.rollData.isSuccess if (this.rollData.reroll == undefined) { this.rollData.reroll = } if (this.rollData.registerInit) {, this.rollData.isCritical); } console.log("ROLL", this.rollData) await this.sendChatMessage() } async sendChatMessage() { this._buildChatMessage(this.rollData).then(msgFlavor => { this.rollData.roll.toMessage({ user:, flavor: msgFlavor, speaker: ChatMessage.getSpeaker({ actor: }), flags: { msgType: "default" } }) }); } upgradeToCritical() { // Force to Critical roll this.rollData.isCritical = true this.rollData.isRealCritical = false this.rollData.isSuccess = true this.rollData.isFailure = false this.rollData.reroll = false this.rollData.roll = new Roll("12+" + this.rollData.modifiers) this.rollData.reroll = false this.sendChatMessage() } setSuccess(flag) { this.rollData.isSuccess = flag } async sendDamageMessage() { this._buildDamageChatMessage(this.rollData).then(msgFlavor => { this.rollData.damageRoll.toMessage({ user:, flavor: msgFlavor, speaker: ChatMessage.getSpeaker({ actor: }), flags: { msgType: "default" } }) }); } async rollDamage() { if (this.rollData.mode != "weapon") { // Only specific process in Weapon mode return; } if (this.rollData.isSuccess) { if ( !this.rollData.damageRoll) { let bonusDmg = 0 if ( this.rollData.damageMode == 'damage-plus-6') { bonusDmg = 6 } if ( this.rollData.damageMode == 'damage-plus-12') { bonusDmg = 12 } console.log("DAMAGE !!!") let attrDamage =; let weaponFormula = BoLUtility.getDamageFormula(,, let damageFormula = weaponFormula + "+" + bonusDmg + ((attrDamage) ? "+" +[attrDamage].value : "+0"); //console.log("Formula", weaponFormula, damageFormula, this.rollData.damageFormula = damageFormula this.rollData.damageRoll = new Roll(damageFormula) this.rollData.damageTotal = await this.rollData.damageRoll.roll({ "async": false }) } $(`#${this.rollData.optionsId}`).hide() // Hide the options roll buttons this.sendDamageMessage() } } _buildDamageChatMessage(rollData) { const rollMessageTpl = 'systems/bol/templates/chat/rolls/damage-roll-card.hbs'; return renderTemplate(rollMessageTpl, rollData); } _buildChatMessage(rollData) { const rollMessageTpl = 'systems/bol/templates/chat/rolls/default-roll-card.hbs'; return renderTemplate(rollMessageTpl, rollData); } }