// Import Modules import { BoLActor } from "./actor/actor.js"; import { BoLActorSheet } from "./actor/actor-sheet.js"; import { BoLItem } from "./item/item.js"; import { BoLItemSheet } from "./item/item-sheet.js"; import { System, BOL } from "./system/config.js"; import { preloadHandlebarsTemplates } from "./system/templates.js"; import { registerHandlebarsHelpers } from "./system/helpers.js"; import registerHooks from "./system/hooks.js"; import { Macros } from "./system/macros.js"; import { BoLUtility } from "./system/bol-utility.js"; import { BoLCombatManager } from "./system/bol-combat.js"; Hooks.once('init', async function () { game.bol = { BoLActor, BoLItem, macros: Macros, config: BOL }; // Game socket game.socket.on("system.bol", sockmsg => { BoLUtility.onSocketMessage(sockmsg); }); /** * Set an initiative formula for the system * @type {String} */ CONFIG.Combat.initiative = { formula: "2d6+@attributes.mind.value+@aptitudes.init.value", decimals: 3 }; // Define custom Entity classes CONFIG.Actor.documentClass = BoLActor; CONFIG.Item.documentClass = BoLItem; CONFIG.Combat.documentClass = BoLCombatManager; // Register sheet application classes Actors.unregisterSheet("core", ActorSheet); Actors.registerSheet("bol", BoLActorSheet, { makeDefault: true }); Items.unregisterSheet("core", ItemSheet); Items.registerSheet("bol", BoLItemSheet, { makeDefault: true }); // Inot useful stuff BoLUtility.init(); // Preload Handlebars Templates await preloadHandlebarsTemplates(); // Register Handlebars helpers registerHandlebarsHelpers(); // Register hooks registerHooks() }); /* -------------------------------------------- */ // Register world usage statistics function registerUsageCount( registerKey ) { if ( game.user.isGM ) { game.settings.register(registerKey, "world-key", { name: "Unique world key", scope: "world", config: false, type: String }); let worldKey = game.settings.get(registerKey, "world-key") if ( worldKey == undefined || worldKey == "" ) { worldKey = randomID(32) game.settings.set(registerKey, "world-key", worldKey ) } // Simple API counter let regURL = `https://www.uberwald.me/fvtt_appcount/count.php?name="${registerKey}"&worldKey="${worldKey}"&version="${game.release.generation}.${game.release.build}"&system="${game.system.id}"&systemversion="${game.system.data.version}"` $.ajax(regURL) } } /* -------------------------------------------- */ function welcomeMessage() { ChatMessage.create({ user: game.user.id, whisper: [game.user.id], content: `
Bienvenue dans Barbarians of Lemuria (Ludospherik version)

Les livres nécessaires pour jouer sont disponibles sur le site de l'éditeur : http://www.ludospherik.fr/content/14-barbarians-of-lemuria

Bon jeu en Lemurie !

Tout le support et le suivi de ce système es disponible via le Discord Foundry FR : https://discord.gg/pPSDNJk

` }); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ Hooks.once('ready', async function () { registerUsageCount('bol') welcomeMessage() });