// Import Modules import { frostgraveActor } from "./actor/actor.js"; import { frostgraveActorSheet } from "./actor/actor-sheet.js"; import { frostgraveItem } from "./item/item.js"; import { frostgraveItemSheet } from "./item/item-sheet.js"; import { preloadHandlebarsTemplates } from "./templates.js"; Hooks.once("init", async function () { game.frostgrave = { frostgraveActor, frostgraveItem, }; /** * Set an initiative formula for the system * @type {String} */ CONFIG.Combat.initiative = { formula: "1d20", decimals: 2, }; // Define custom Entity classes CONFIG.Actor.entityClass = frostgraveActor; CONFIG.Item.entityClass = frostgraveItem; // Register sheet application classes Actors.unregisterSheet("core", ActorSheet); Actors.registerSheet("frostgrave", frostgraveActorSheet, { makeDefault: true, }); Items.unregisterSheet("core", ItemSheet); Items.registerSheet("frostgrave", frostgraveItemSheet, { types: ["item", "feature", "spell"], makeDefault: true, }); // If you need to add Handlebars helpers, here are a few useful examples: Handlebars.registerHelper("concat", function () { var outStr = ""; for (var arg in arguments) { if (typeof arguments[arg] != "object") { outStr += arguments[arg]; } } return outStr; }); Handlebars.registerHelper("toLowerCase", function (str) { return str.toLowerCase(); }); // Preload Handlebars Templates preloadHandlebarsTemplates(); });