diff --git a/module/actor-sheet.js b/module/actor-sheet.js
index 075cbbd6..e7684b78 100644
--- a/module/actor-sheet.js
+++ b/module/actor-sheet.js
@@ -258,6 +258,10 @@ export class RdDActorSheet extends ActorSheet {
this.actor.rollCarac( 'chance-actuel' );
+ html.find('#chance-appel').click((event) => {
+ this.actor.appelChance();
+ });
// Roll Skill
html.find('.competence-label a').click((event) => {
let compName = event.currentTarget.text;
diff --git a/module/actor.js b/module/actor.js
index 02f0c1c9..ef417a35 100644
--- a/module/actor.js
+++ b/module/actor.js
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
import { RdDUtility } from "./rdd-utility.js";
import { TMRUtility } from "./tmr-utility.js";
import { RdDRollDialog } from "./rdd-roll-dialog.js";
+import { RdDRoll } from "./rdd-roll.js";
import { RdDTMRDialog } from "./rdd-tmr-dialog.js";
import { Misc } from "./misc.js";
@@ -107,6 +108,10 @@ export class RdDActor extends Actor {
return this.data.data.reve.reve.value;
+ getChanceActuel() {
+ return this.data.data.compteurs.chance.value;
+ }
/* -------------------------------------------- */
getBestDraconic() {
const list = this.getDraconicList().sort((a, b) => b.data.niveau - a.data.niveau);
@@ -1004,7 +1009,7 @@ export class RdDActor extends Actor {
/* -------------------------------------------- */
- async reveActuelIncDec( value ) {
+ async reveActuelIncDec( value ) {
let reve = duplicate(this.data.data.reve.reve);
reve.value = Math.max(reve.value + value, 0);
await this.update( {"data.reve.reve": reve } );
@@ -1294,6 +1299,52 @@ export class RdDActor extends Actor {
new RdDRollDialog("carac", html, rollData, this ).render(true);
+ async appelChance( )
+ {
+ let rollData = {
+ selectedCarac: this.getCaracByName('chance-actuelle'),
+ diffConditions: this.ajustementAstrologique()
+ }
+ const dialog = await RdDRoll.create(
+ 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/dialog-roll-carac.html',
+ this,
+ rollData,
+ {
+ name: 'appelChance',
+ label: 'Appel à la chance',
+ callbacks: [
+ { action: rollData => this._appelChanceResultat(rollData) }
+ ]
+ }
+ );
+ dialog.render(true);
+ }
+ _appelChanceResultat(rollData) {
+ const message = {
+ user: game.user._id,
+ alias: this.name,
+ content: this.name + " fait appel à la chance" + RdDResolutionTable.explain(rollData.rolled)
+ };
+ if (rollData.rolled.isSuccess) {
+ message.content += "
Dépense d'un point de chance, l'action peut être retentée"
+ this.chanceActuelleIncDec(-1)
+ }
+ ChatMessage.create(message);
+ }
+ async chanceActuelleIncDec(value) {
+ let chance = duplicate(this.data.data.compteurs.chance);
+ chance.value = Math.max(chance.value + value, 0);
+ await this.update( {"data.compteurs.chance": chance } );
+ }
+ ajustementAstrologique() {
+ //TODO: selon heure et heure de naissance...
+ return 0;
+ }
getCaracByName(caracName) {
switch (caracName)
diff --git a/module/rdd-resolution-table.js b/module/rdd-resolution-table.js
index 4add9f4c..13ec0e76 100644
--- a/module/rdd-resolution-table.js
+++ b/module/rdd-resolution-table.js
@@ -97,6 +97,11 @@ export class RdDResolutionTable {
+ static async rollData(rollData ) {
+ rollData.rolled = await this.roll(rollData.caracValue, rollData.finalLevel, rollData.bonus);
+ return rollData;
+ }
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static async roll(caracValue, finalLevel, bonus = 0 ) {
let chances = this.computeChances(caracValue, finalLevel);
diff --git a/module/rdd-roll.js b/module/rdd-roll.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0766b793
--- /dev/null
+++ b/module/rdd-roll.js
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+import { HtmlUtility } from "./html-utility.js";
+import { RdDItemSort } from "./item-sort.js";
+import { Misc } from "./misc.js";
+import { RdDResolutionTable } from "./rdd-resolution-table.js";
+ * Extend the base Dialog entity to select roll parameters
+ * @extends {Dialog}
+ */
+export class RdDRoll extends Dialog {
+ static async create(htmlTemplate, actor, rollData, ...actions) {
+ RdDRoll._ensureCorrectActions(actions);
+ RdDRoll._setDefaultOptions(actor, rollData);
+ const html = await renderTemplate(htmlTemplate, rollData);
+ return new RdDRoll(actor, rollData, html, {
+ classes: ["rdddialog"],
+ width: 600, height: 500, 'z-index': 99999
+ }, actions);
+ }
+ static _setDefaultOptions(actor, rollData) {
+ mergeObject(rollData,
+ {
+ ajustementsConditions: CONFIG.RDD.ajustementsConditions,
+ difficultesLibres: CONFIG.RDD.difficultesLibres,
+ etat: actor.data.data.compteurs.etat.value,
+ finalLevel: 0,
+ diffConditions: 0,
+ diffLibre: 0,
+ malusArmureValue: 0,
+ surencMalusFlag: actor.data.data.attributs ? actor.data.data.attributs.malusarmure.value : 0,
+ surencMalusValue: actor.data.data.compteurs.surenc.value,
+ surencMalusApply: false,
+ isNatation: false,
+ useEncForNatation: false
+ },
+ { overwrite: false });
+ }
+ static _ensureCorrectActions(actions) {
+ if (actions.length==0) {
+ throw 'No action defined';
+ }
+ actions.forEach(action => {
+ if (action.callbacks == undefined) {
+ action.callbacks = [{action: r => console.log(action.name, r)}];
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ constructor(actor, rollData, html, options, actions) {
+ let conf = {
+ title: actions[0].label,
+ content: html,
+ buttons: {},
+ default: actions[0].name
+ };
+ for (let action of actions) {
+ conf.buttons[action.name] = { label: action.label, callback: html => this.onAction(action, html) };
+ }
+ super(conf, options);
+ this.actor = actor;
+ this.rollData = rollData;
+ }
+ async onAction(action, html) {
+ await RdDResolutionTable.rollData(this.rollData);
+ if (action.callbacks)
+ for (let callback of action.callbacks) {
+ if (callback.condition == undefined || callback.condition(this.rollData.rolled)) {
+ callback.action(this.rollData);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* -------------------------------------------- */
+ activateListeners(html) {
+ super.activateListeners(html);
+ this.bringToTop();
+ var rollData = this.rollData;
+ function updateRollResult(rollData) {
+ let caracValue = parseInt(rollData.selectedCarac.value)
+ let rollLevel = RdDRoll._computeFinalLevel(rollData);
+ rollData.finalLevel = rollLevel;
+ rollData.caracValue = caracValue
+ HtmlUtility._showControlWhen(".etat-general", !RdDRoll._isIgnoreEtatGeneral(rollData));
+ // Sort management
+ if (rollData.selectedSort) {
+ //console.log("Toggle show/hide", rollData.selectedSort);
+ HtmlUtility._showControlWhen("#div-sort-difficulte", RdDItemSort.isDifficulteVariable(rollData.selectedSort))
+ HtmlUtility._showControlWhen("#div-sort-ptreve", RdDItemSort.isCoutVariable(rollData.selectedSort))
+ }
+ // Mise à jour valeurs
+ $("#roll-param").text(rollData.selectedCarac.value + " / " + Misc.toSignedString(rollData.finalLevel));
+ $("#compdialogTitle").text(RdDRoll._getTitle(rollData));
+ $(".table-resolution").remove();
+ $("#resolutionTable").append(RdDResolutionTable.buildHTMLTableExtract(caracValue, rollLevel));
+ }
+ // Setup everything onload
+ $(function () {
+ // Update html, according to data
+ if (rollData.competence) {
+ // Set the default carac from the competence item
+ rollData.selectedCarac = rollData.carac[rollData.competence.data.defaut_carac];
+ $("#carac").val(rollData.competence.data.defaut_carac);
+ }
+ RdDItemSort.setCoutReveReel(rollData.selectedSort);
+ $("#diffLibre").val(Misc.toInt(rollData.diffLibre));
+ $("#diffConditions").val(Misc.toInt(rollData.diffConditions));
+ updateRollResult(rollData);
+ });
+ // Update !
+ html.find('#diffLibre').change((event) => {
+ rollData.diffLibre = Misc.toInt(event.currentTarget.value); // Update the selected bonus/malus
+ //console.log("RdDRollSelectDialog","BM CLICKED !!!", rollData);
+ updateRollResult(rollData);
+ });
+ html.find('#diffConditions').change((event) => {
+ rollData.diffConditions = Misc.toInt(event.currentTarget.value); // Update the selected bonus/malus
+ //console.log("RdDRollSelectDialog","BM CLICKED !!!", rollData);
+ updateRollResult(rollData);
+ });
+ html.find('#carac').change((event) => {
+ let caracKey = event.currentTarget.value;
+ this.rollData.selectedCarac = rollData.carac[caracKey]; // Update the selectedCarac
+ //console.log("RdDRollSelectDialog","CARAC CLICKED !!!", rollData);
+ updateRollResult(rollData);
+ });
+ html.find('#draconic').change((event) => {
+ let draconicKey = Misc.toInt(event.currentTarget.value);
+ this.rollData.selectedDraconic = rollData.draconicList[draconicKey]; // Update the selectedCarac
+ //console.log("RdDRollSelectDialog","CARAC CLICKED !!!", rollData);
+ updateRollResult(rollData);
+ });
+ html.find('#sort').change((event) => {
+ let sortKey = Misc.toInt(event.currentTarget.value);
+ this.rollData.selectedSort = rollData.sortList[sortKey]; // Update the selectedCarac
+ RdDItemSort.setCoutReveReel(rollData.selectedSort);
+ //console.log("RdDRollSelectDialog - Sort selection", rollData.selectedSort);
+ updateRollResult(rollData);
+ });
+ html.find('#ptreve-variable').change((event) => {
+ let ptreve = Misc.toInt(event.currentTarget.value);
+ this.rollData.selectedSort.data.ptreve_reel = ptreve;
+ console.log("RdDRollSelectDialog - Cout reve", ptreve);
+ updateRollResult(rollData);
+ });
+ html.find('#ptreve-variable').change((event) => {
+ let ptreve = Misc.toInt(event.currentTarget.value);
+ this.rollData.selectedSort.data.ptreve_reel = ptreve; // Update the selectedCarac
+ console.log("RdDRollSelectDialog - Cout reve", ptreve);
+ updateRollResult(rollData);
+ });
+ html.find('#coupsNonMortels').change((event) => {
+ this.rollData.mortalite = event.currentTarget.checked ? "non-mortel" : "non-mortel";
+ });
+ html.find('#surencMalusApply').change((event) => {
+ this.rollData.surencMalusApply = event.currentTarget.checked;
+ updateRollResult(rollData);
+ });
+ html.find('#useEncForNatation').change((event) => {
+ this.rollData.useEncForNatation = event.currentTarget.checked;
+ updateRollResult(rollData);
+ });
+ }
+ static _isIgnoreEtatGeneral(rollData) {
+ return rollData.selectedCarac.ignoreEtatGeneral;
+ }
+ /* -------------------------------------------- */
+ static _computeFinalLevel(rollData) {
+ const etat = RdDRoll._isIgnoreEtatGeneral(rollData) ? 0 : Misc.toInt(rollData.etat);
+ const diffConditions = Misc.toInt(rollData.diffConditions);
+ let malusEnc = (rollData.surencMalusApply) ? rollData.surencMalusValue : 0;
+ let diffLibre = Misc.toInt(rollData.diffLibre);
+ let malusEncNatation = (rollData.useEncForNatation) ? -rollData.encValueForNatation : 0;
+ // Gestion malus armure
+ let malusArmureValue = 0;
+ if (rollData.malusArmureValue != 0 && (rollData.selectedCarac.label == "Agilité" || rollData.selectedCarac.label == "Dérobée")) {
+ $("#addon-message").text("Malus armure appliqué : " + rollData.malusArmureValue);
+ malusArmureValue = rollData.malusArmureValue;
+ } else {
+ $("#addon-message").text("");
+ }
+ let diffCompetence = 0;
+ if (rollData.competence) {
+ diffCompetence = Misc.toInt(rollData.competence.data.niveau);
+ }
+ else if (rollData.draconicList) {
+ diffCompetence = Misc.toInt(rollData.selectedDraconic.data.niveau);
+ diffLibre = RdDItemSort.getDifficulte(rollData.selectedSort, diffLibre);
+ }
+ return etat + diffCompetence + diffLibre + diffConditions + malusEnc + malusEncNatation + malusArmureValue;
+ }
+ /* -------------------------------------------- */
+ static _getTitle(rollData) {
+ if (rollData.competence) {
+ // If a weapon is there, add it in the title
+ let armeTitle = (rollData.arme) ? " (" + rollData.arme.name + ") " : "";
+ let niveau = Misc.toSignedString(rollData.competence.data.niveau);
+ return rollData.selectedCarac.label + "/" + rollData.competence.name + armeTitle + " " + niveau
+ }
+ if (rollData.draconicList) {
+ return rollData.selectedDraconic.name + " - " + rollData.selectedSort.name;
+ }
+ return rollData.selectedCarac.label;
+ }
diff --git a/templates/actor-sheet.html b/templates/actor-sheet.html
index c4d02e46..e4809b89 100644
--- a/templates/actor-sheet.html
+++ b/templates/actor-sheet.html
@@ -150,6 +150,7 @@