Merge pull request '12.0.36 - L'alchimie d'Astrobazzarh' (#740) from VincentVk/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon:v11 into v11
Reviewed-on: #740
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,4 +1,21 @@
# 12.0
## 12.0.36 - L'alchimie d'Astrobazzarh
- Nouveautés
- ajout d'un bouton pour enchanter les potions
- standardisation des boutons d'actions sur les items
- utilisations d'icones pour les actions de l'inventaire
- Corrections:
- la commande /tmra sans paramètres fonctionne
- les jets d'encaissement depuis le tchat fonctionnent
- affichage de la vie/endurance en cas de blessures et remise à neuf
- les queues durant 12 heures ajoutées début Vaisseau ne durent plus 24 heures
- Compendiums
- Corrections des remedes enchantables
- Corrections de descriptions pour proposer les jet de dés
## 12.0.35 - La Solution d'Astrobazzarh
- Fix problème d'initialisation des feuilles d'items
## 12.0.34 - la tête d'Astrobazzarh
- support de liens "jets de dés"
- on peut ajouter des liens "jet de dés" dans les journaux, descriptions, notes, maladresses, ...
@ -12,7 +12,8 @@ import { RdDSheetUtility } from "./rdd-sheet-utility.js";
import { STATUSES } from "./settings/status-effects.js";
import { MAINS_DIRECTRICES } from "./actor.js";
import { RdDBaseActorReveSheet } from "./actor/base-actor-reve-sheet.js";
import { ITEM_TYPES, RdDItem } from "./item.js";
import { ITEM_TYPES } from "./constants.js";
import { RdDItem } from "./item.js";
import { RdDItemBlessure } from "./item/blessure.js";
import { RdDEmpoignade } from "./rdd-empoignade.js";
import { RdDBaseActorSangSheet } from "./actor/base-actor-sang-sheet.js";
@ -184,22 +185,19 @@ export class RdDActorSheet extends RdDBaseActorSangSheet {
await blessure?.setSoinsBlessure({ soinscomplets: { bonus: Number(event.currentTarget.value) } })
// Equip Inventory Item
this.html.find('.item-equip').click(async event =>
this.html.find('.roll-chance-actuelle').click(async event =>'chance-actuelle'))
this.html.find('.button-appel-chance').click(async event =>
this.html.find('[name="jet-astrologie"]').click(async event =>
this.html.find('.tache-label a').click(async event =>
this.html.find('.action-tache').click(async event =>
this.html.find('.meditation-label a').click(async event =>
this.html.find('.chant-label a').click(async event =>
this.html.find('.danse-label a').click(async event =>
this.html.find('.musique-label a').click(async event =>
this.html.find('.oeuvre-label a').click(async event =>
this.html.find('.jeu-label a').click(async event =>
this.html.find('.recettecuisine-label a').click(async event =>
this.html.find('.action-chant').click(async event =>
this.html.find('.action-danse').click(async event =>
this.html.find('.action-musique').click(async event =>
this.html.find('.action-oeuvre').click(async event =>
this.html.find('.action-jeu').click(async event =>
this.html.find('.action-recettecuisine').click(async event =>
this.html.find('.description-aleatoire').click(async event => new AppPersonnageAleatoire(
if (game.user.isGM) {
@ -217,13 +215,12 @@ export class RdDActorSheet extends RdDBaseActorSangSheet {
// Boutons spéciaux MJs
this.html.find('.forcer-tmr-aleatoire').click(async event =>"Action MJ"))
this.html.find('.don-de-haut-reve').click(async event =>
this.html.find('.sortreserve-add').click(async event =>
this.html.find('.afficher-tmr').click(async event =>
// Points de reve actuel
this.html.find('.roll-reve-actuel').click(async event =>'reve-actuel', {resistance:true}))
this.html.find('.empoignade-label a').click(async event => RdDEmpoignade.onAttaqueEmpoignadeFromItem(RdDSheetUtility.getItem(event,
this.html.find('.action-empoignade').click(async event => RdDEmpoignade.onAttaqueEmpoignadeFromItem(RdDSheetUtility.getItem(event,
this.html.find('.roll-arme').click(async event =>, 'competence'))
@ -327,7 +324,7 @@ export class RdDActorSheet extends RdDBaseActorSangSheet {
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async selectTypeOeuvreToCreate() {
let types = RdDItem.getTypesOeuvres();
let content = `<span class="competence-label">Selectionnez le type d'oeuvre</span><select class="item-type">`;
let content = `<span class="generic-label">Selectionnez le type d'oeuvre</span><select class="item-type">`;
for (let typeName of types) {
content += `<option value="${typeName}">${Misc.typeName('Item', typeName)}</option>`
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ import { RdDItemBlessure } from "./item/blessure.js";
import { AppAstrologie } from "./sommeil/app-astrologie.js";
import { RdDEmpoignade } from "./rdd-empoignade.js";
import { ExperienceLog, XP_TOPIC } from "./actor/experience-log.js";
import { ITEM_TYPES } from "./item.js";
import { ITEM_TYPES } from "./constants.js";
import { RdDBaseActorSang } from "./actor/base-actor-sang.js";
import { RdDCoeur } from "./coeur/rdd-coeur.js";
import { DialogChoixXpCarac } from "./dialog-choix-xp-carac.js";
@ -167,29 +167,23 @@ export class RdDActor extends RdDBaseActorSang {
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async $perteRevePotionsEnchantees() {
let potions = this.itemTypes[ITEM_TYPES.potion]
.filter(it => Grammar.includesLowerCaseNoAccent(it.system.categorie, 'enchanté') && !it.system.prpermanent)
const potionUpdates = await Promise.all( it => {
const nouveauReve = Math.max( - 1, 0)
const potionUpdates = this.itemTypes[ITEM_TYPES.potion].map(it => it.perteRevePotion())
.filter(it => it != undefined)
if (potionUpdates.length > 0) {
console.log('perte rêve de potions', potionUpdates)
const messageUpdates = await Promise.all( p => await renderTemplate(`systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/chat-potionenchantee-chateaudormant.html`, {
pr: foundry.utils.getProperty(p, ''),
alias: this.getAlias(),
potionImg: p.img
whisper: ChatUtility.getOwners(this),
content: await renderTemplate(`systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/chat-potionenchantee-chateaudormant.html`, {
pr: nouveauReve,
alias: this.getAlias(),
potionImg: it.img
content: messageUpdates.reduce(Misc.joining('<br>'))
return {
_id: it._id,
'': nouveauReve,
'system.quantite': nouveauReve > 0 ? it.system.quantite : 0
await this.updateEmbeddedDocuments('Item', potionUpdates);
/** --------------------------------------------
* @returns true si l'acteur possède au moins 1 arme de mêlée équipée
@ -245,7 +239,7 @@ export class RdDActor extends RdDBaseActorSang {
async _recuperationSante(message) {
const maladiesPoisons = this.getMaladiePoisons();
const maladiesPoisons = this.getMaladiesPoisons();
const isMaladeEmpoisonne = maladiesPoisons.length > 0;
this._messageRecuperationMaladiePoisons(maladiesPoisons, message);
@ -253,7 +247,7 @@ export class RdDActor extends RdDBaseActorSang {
await this._recupererVie(message, isMaladeEmpoisonne);
getMaladiePoisons() {
getMaladiesPoisons() {
return this.items.filter(item => item.type == 'maladie' || (item.type == 'poison' &&;
@ -413,19 +407,18 @@ export class RdDActor extends RdDBaseActorSang {
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async remiseANeuf() {
whisper: ChatUtility.getOwners(this),
content: 'Remise à neuf de ' +
await this.supprimerBlessures(it => true);
await this.removeEffects(e => != STATUSES.StatusDemiReve);
const updates = {
await this.update({
'system.sante.endurance.value': this.system.sante.endurance.max,
'system.sante.vie.value': this.system.sante.vie.max,
'system.sante.fatigue.value': 0,
'system.compteurs.ethylisme': { value: 1, nb_doses: 0, jet_moral: false }
await this.update(updates);
await this.removeEffects(e => != STATUSES.StatusDemiReve);
await this.supprimerBlessures(it => true);
await ChatMessage.create({
whisper: ChatUtility.getOwners(this),
content: 'Remise à neuf de ' +
/* -------------------------------------------- */
@ -529,7 +522,7 @@ export class RdDActor extends RdDBaseActorSang {
jet_moral: false,
value: value
/* -------------------------------------------- */
@ -993,14 +986,11 @@ export class RdDActor extends RdDBaseActorSang {
async addSortReserve(itemId) {
if (itemId) {
const item = this.items.get(itemId)
if (item.type == ITEM_TYPES.sort && !item.system.isrituel) {
async addSortReserve(item) {
if (item?.type == ITEM_TYPES.sort && !item.system.isrituel) {
const selectSortReserve = {
title: "Créer un sort en réserve",
label: "Choisir un sort",
@ -1203,42 +1193,6 @@ export class RdDActor extends RdDBaseActorSang {
new RdDRollDialogEthylisme(html, rollData, this, r => this.saouler(r.forceAlcool)).render(true);
async actionPrincipale(item, onActionItem = async () => { }) {
let result = await super.actionPrincipale(item, onActionItem)
if (result) { return result }
result = await this.actionNourritureboisson(item, onActionItem)
if (result) { return result }
switch (item.type) {
case ITEM_TYPES.potion: return await this.consommerPotion(item, onActionItem);
case ITEM_TYPES.livre: return await this.actionLire(item);
case ITEM_TYPES.conteneur: return await item.sheet.render(true);
case ITEM_TYPES.herbe: return await this.actionHerbe(item, onActionItem);
case ITEM_TYPES.queue: case ITEM_TYPES.ombre: return await this.actionRefoulement(item);
return undefined
async actionNourritureboisson(item, onActionItem) {
switch (item.getUtilisationCuisine()) {
case 'brut': {
const utilisation = new Dialog({
title: "Nourriture brute",
content: `Que faire de votre ${}`,
buttons: {
'cuisiner': { icon: '<i class="fa-solid fa-utensils"></i>', label: 'Cuisiner', callback: async () => await this.preparerNourriture(item) },
'manger': { icon: '<i class="fa-solid fa-drumstick-bite"></i>', label: 'Manger cru', callback: async () => await this.mangerNourriture(item, onActionItem) }
return utilisation.render(true);
case 'pret':
return await this.mangerNourriture(item, onActionItem);
return undefined;
async mangerNourriture(item, onActionItem) {
return (await DialogConsommer.create(this, item, onActionItem)).render(true);
@ -1891,8 +1845,8 @@ export class RdDActor extends RdDBaseActorSang {
rollData.tache.system.tentatives = rollData.tache.system.nb_jet_succes + rollData.tache.system.nb_jet_echec;
this.updateEmbeddedDocuments('Item', [rollData.tache]);
this.santeIncDec("fatigue", rollData.tache.system.fatigue);
await this.updateEmbeddedDocuments('Item', [rollData.tache]);
await this.santeIncDec("fatigue", rollData.tache.system.fatigue);
await RdDResolutionTable.displayRollData(rollData, this, 'chat-resultat-tache.html');
if (options?.onRollAutomate) {
@ -2570,8 +2524,7 @@ export class RdDActor extends RdDBaseActorSang {
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async equiperObjet(itemID) {
let item = this.getEmbeddedDocument('Item', itemID);
async equiperObjet(item) {
if (item?.isEquipable()) {
const isEquipe = !item.system.equipe;
await item.update({ "system.equipe": isEquipe });
@ -2590,7 +2543,7 @@ export class RdDActor extends RdDBaseActorSang {
for (const armure of armures) {
protection += await RdDDice.rollTotal(;
if (dmg > 0 && attackerRoll.dmg.encaisserSpecial != "noarmure") {
await armure.deteriorerArmure(dmg)
dmg = 0;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import { RdDTextEditor } from "../apps/rdd-text-roll-editor.js";
import { Grammar } from "../grammar.js";
import { ITEM_TYPES } from "../item.js";
import { ITEM_TYPES } from "../constants.js";
import { RdDSheetUtility } from "../rdd-sheet-utility.js";
import { RdDBaseActorSheet } from "./base-actor-sheet.js";
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import { RdDRoll } from "../rdd-roll.js";
import { RdDUtility } from "../rdd-utility.js";
import { ReglesOptionnelles } from "../settings/regles-optionnelles.js";
import { RdDBaseActor } from "./base-actor.js";
import { ITEM_TYPES } from "../item.js";
import { ITEM_TYPES } from "../constants.js";
import { RdDItemCompetence } from "../item-competence.js";
import { RdDItemCompetenceCreature } from "../item-competencecreature.js";
import { RdDItemArme } from "../item-arme.js";
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import { RdDUtility } from "../rdd-utility.js";
import { ReglesOptionnelles } from "../settings/regles-optionnelles.js";
import { STATUSES } from "../settings/status-effects.js";
import { ITEM_TYPES } from "../item.js";
import { ITEM_TYPES } from "../constants.js";
import { RdDBaseActorReve } from "./base-actor-reve.js";
import { RdDDice } from "../rdd-dice.js";
import { RdDItemBlessure } from "../item/blessure.js";
@ -3,9 +3,11 @@ import { Misc } from "../misc.js";
import { DialogSplitItem } from "../dialog-split-item.js";
import { RdDSheetUtility } from "../rdd-sheet-utility.js";
import { Monnaie } from "../item-monnaie.js";
import { RdDItem, ITEM_TYPES } from "../item.js";
import { ITEM_TYPES } from "../constants.js";
import { RdDItem } from "../item.js";
import { RdDItemCompetenceCreature } from "../item-competencecreature.js";
import { RdDTextEditor } from "../apps/rdd-text-roll-editor.js";
import { ItemAction } from "../item/item-actions.js";
/* -------------------------------------------- */
@ -26,7 +28,7 @@ export class RdDBaseActorSheet extends ActorSheet {
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async getData() {
let formData = {
@ -42,7 +44,7 @@ export class RdDBaseActorSheet extends ActorSheet {
formData.calc = {
fortune: Monnaie.toSolsDeniers(,
@ -54,6 +56,7 @@ export class RdDBaseActorSheet extends ActorSheet {
formData.conteneurs = RdDUtility.conteneursRacine(formData.conteneurs);
formData.competences.filter(it => it.type == ITEM_TYPES.competencecreature)
.forEach(it => it.isdommages = RdDItemCompetenceCreature.isDommages(it))
return formData;
@ -77,95 +80,37 @@ export class RdDBaseActorSheet extends ActorSheet {
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static filterItemsPerTypeForSheet(formData, itemTypes) {
formData.blessures = Misc.arrayOrEmpty(itemTypes['blessure']);
formData.recettescuisine = Misc.arrayOrEmpty(itemTypes['recettecuisine']);
formData.recettesAlchimiques = Misc.arrayOrEmpty(itemTypes['recettealchimique']);
formData.maladies = Misc.arrayOrEmpty(itemTypes['maladie']);
formData.poisons = Misc.arrayOrEmpty(itemTypes['poison']);
formData.possessions = Misc.arrayOrEmpty(itemTypes['possession']);
formData.maladiesPoisons = formData.maladies.concat(formData.poisons);
formData.competences = (itemTypes['competence'] ?? []).concat(itemTypes['competencecreature'] ?? []);
formData.sortsReserve = Misc.arrayOrEmpty(itemTypes['sortreserve']);
formData.sorts = Misc.arrayOrEmpty(itemTypes['sort']);
formData.rencontres = Misc.arrayOrEmpty(itemTypes['rencontre']);
formData.casestmr = Misc.arrayOrEmpty(itemTypes['casetmr']);
formData.signesdraconiques = Misc.arrayOrEmpty(itemTypes['signedraconique']);
formData.queues = Misc.arrayOrEmpty(itemTypes['queue']);
formData.souffles = Misc.arrayOrEmpty(itemTypes['souffle']);
formData.ombres = Misc.arrayOrEmpty(itemTypes['ombre']);
formData.tetes = Misc.arrayOrEmpty(itemTypes['tete']);
formData.taches = Misc.arrayOrEmpty(itemTypes['tache']);
formData.meditations = Misc.arrayOrEmpty(itemTypes['meditation']);
formData.chants = Misc.arrayOrEmpty(itemTypes['chant']);
formData.danses = Misc.arrayOrEmpty(itemTypes['danse']);
formData.musiques = Misc.arrayOrEmpty(itemTypes['musique']);
formData.oeuvres = Misc.arrayOrEmpty(itemTypes['oeuvre']);
formData.jeux = Misc.arrayOrEmpty(itemTypes['jeu']);
|||| = Misc.arrayOrEmpty(itemTypes['service']);
formData.conteneurs = Misc.arrayOrEmpty(itemTypes['conteneur']);
formData.materiel = Misc.arrayOrEmpty(itemTypes['objet']);
formData.armes = Misc.arrayOrEmpty(itemTypes['arme']);
formData.armures = Misc.arrayOrEmpty(itemTypes['armure']);
formData.munitions = Misc.arrayOrEmpty(itemTypes['munition']);
formData.livres = Misc.arrayOrEmpty(itemTypes['livre']);
formData.potions = Misc.arrayOrEmpty(itemTypes['potion']);
formData.plantes = Misc.arrayOrEmpty(itemTypes['plante']);
formData.ingredients = Misc.arrayOrEmpty(itemTypes['ingredient']);
formData.faunes = Misc.arrayOrEmpty(itemTypes['faune']);
formData.herbes = Misc.arrayOrEmpty(itemTypes['herbe']);
formData.nourritureboissons = Misc.arrayOrEmpty(itemTypes['nourritureboisson']);
formData.gemmes = Misc.arrayOrEmpty(itemTypes['gemme']);
formData.monnaies = Misc.arrayOrEmpty(itemTypes['monnaie']).sort(Monnaie.triValeurEntiere());
formData.objets = Misc.arrayOrEmpty(itemTypes['objet'])
formData.inventaires = RdDItem.getItemTypesInventaire('all')
.map(t => Misc.arrayOrEmpty(itemTypes[t]))
.reduce((a, b) => a.concat(b), [])
.sort(Misc.ascending(it =>;
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /** @override */
activateListeners(html) {
this.html = html;
this.html.find('.actionItem').click(event => ItemAction.onActionItem(event,, this.options))
this.html.find('.item-edit').click(async event => this.itemActionEdit(event))
this.html.find('.conteneur-name a').click(async event => {
this.html.find('.actor-montrer').click(async event =>;
this.html.find('.item-edit').click(async event => this.getItem(event)?.sheet.render(true))
this.html.find('.item-montrer').click(async event => this.getItem(event)?.postItemToChat());
.each((index, field) => {
.keyup(async event => this._rechercherKeyup(event))
.change(async event => this._rechercherKeyup(event));
this.html.find('.recherche').prop("disabled", false);
.change(async event => this._rechercherKeyup(event))
this.html.find('.recherche').prop("disabled", false)
// Everything below here is only needed if the sheet is editable
if (!this.options.editable) return;
this.html.find('.item-action').click(async event => {
const item = RdDSheetUtility.getItem(event,;
item?.actionPrincipale(, async () => this.render())
this.html.find('.item-split').click(async event => {
const item = this.getItem(event);
this.html.find('.item-equip-armure').click(async event =>
this.html.find('.item-delete').click(async event => RdDUtility.confirmActorItemDelete(this.getItem(event),;
this.html.find('.item-split').click(async event => RdDSheetUtility.splitItem(this.getItem(event),
this.html.find('.item-quantite-plus').click(async event =>, 1));
this.html.find('.item-quantite-moins').click(async event =>, -1));
this.html.find('.item-delete').click(async event => RdDUtility.confirmActorItemDelete(this, this.getItem(event)));
this.html.find('.item-vendre').click(async event => this.vendre(this.getItem(event)));
this.html.find('.creer-un-objet').click(async event => {
@ -180,6 +125,11 @@ export class RdDBaseActorSheet extends ActorSheet {
itemActionEdit(event) {
const item = this.getItem(event);
return item?.sheet.render(true);
_rechercherKeyup(event) {
const currentTarget = event.currentTarget;
const nouvelleRecherche = this._optionRecherche(currentTarget);
@ -246,7 +196,7 @@ export class RdDBaseActorSheet extends ActorSheet {
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async selectObjetTypeToCreate() {
let types = this.getTypesInventaire().sort(Misc.ascending(type => Misc.typeName('Item', type)));
let content = `<span class="competence-label">Selectionnez le type d'équipement</span><select class="item-type">`;
let content = `<span class="generic-label">Selectionnez le type d'équipement</span><select class="item-type">`;
for (let typeName of types) {
content += `<option value="${typeName}">${Misc.typeName('Item', typeName)}</option>`
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import { ChatUtility } from "../chat-utility.js";
import { SYSTEM_SOCKET_ID } from "../constants.js";
import { Grammar } from "../grammar.js";
import { Monnaie } from "../item-monnaie.js";
import { ITEM_TYPES } from "../item.js";
import { ITEM_TYPES } from "../constants.js";
import { Misc } from "../misc.js";
import { RdDAudio } from "../rdd-audio.js";
import { RdDConfirm } from "../rdd-confirm.js";
@ -737,25 +737,20 @@ export class RdDBaseActor extends Actor {
actionImpossible(action) {
||||`${this.getAlias()} ne peut pas faire cette action: ${action}`)
async jetEthylisme() { this.actionImpossible("jet d'éthylisme") }
async rollAppelChance() { this.actionImpossible("appel à la chance") }
async jetDeMoral() { this.actionImpossible("jet de moral") }
async actionPrincipale(item, onActionItem = async () => { }) {
switch (item.type) {
case ITEM_TYPES.conteneur: return await item.sheet.render(true);
return undefined
async resetItemUse() { }
async incDecItemUse(itemId, inc = 1) { }
getItemUse(itemId) { return 0; }
async finDeRound(options = { terminer: false }) { }
isActorCombat() { return false }
getCaracInit(competence) { return 0 }
listActionsCombat() { return [] }
listActionsPossessions() {
return this.itemTypes[ITEM_TYPES.possession]
@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ export class RdDCommerceSheet extends RdDBaseActorSheet {
this.html.find('a.item-acheter').click(async event => await this.vente(this.getItem(event)));
this.html.find('.service-acheter').click(async event => await this.vente(this.getItem(event)));
if (!this.options.editable) return;
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import { Grammar } from "../grammar.js";
import { ITEM_TYPES } from "../item.js";
import { ITEM_TYPES } from "../constants.js";
import { LIST_CARAC_AUTRES } from "../rdd-carac.js";
import { RdDBaseActorSang } from "./base-actor-sang.js";
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import { ENTITE_INCARNE, ENTITE_NONINCARNE } from "../constants.js";
import { ITEM_TYPES } from "../item.js";
import { ITEM_TYPES } from "../constants.js";
import { Misc } from "../misc.js";
import { RdDCarac } from "../rdd-carac.js";
import { RdDEncaisser } from "../rdd-roll-encaisser.js";
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import { ACTOR_TYPES } from "../../item.js"
import { ACTOR_TYPES } from "../../constants.js"
import { Misc } from "../../misc.js"
import { EXPORT_CSV_SCRIPTARIUM, OptionsAvancees } from "../../settings/options-avancees.js"
import { Mapping } from "./mapping.js"
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import { Grammar } from "../../grammar.js"
import { RdDItemArme } from "../../item-arme.js"
import { RdDItemCompetence } from "../../item-competence.js"
import { RdDItemSort } from "../../item-sort.js"
import { ITEM_TYPES } from "../../item.js"
import { ITEM_TYPES } from "../../constants.js"
import { Misc } from "../../misc.js"
import { RdDTimestamp } from "../../time/rdd-timestamp.js"
import { RdDBonus } from "../../rdd-bonus.js"
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import { Grammar } from "../grammar.js";
import { Misc } from "../misc.js";
import { ENTITE_INCARNE, ENTITE_NONINCARNE } from "../constants.js";
import { RdDItemTete } from "../item/tete.js";
import { ITEM_TYPES } from "../item.js";
import { ITEM_TYPES } from "../constants.js";
const WHITESPACES = "\\s+"
const NUMERIC = "[\\+\\-]?\\d+"
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import "./xregexp-all.js";
import { SystemCompendiums } from "../settings/system-compendiums.js";
import { ACTOR_TYPES } from "../item.js";
import { ACTOR_TYPES } from "../constants.js";
import { TextRollAlchimie } from "./textroll/text-roll-alchimie.js";
import { TextRollCaracCompetence } from "./textroll/text-roll-carac-competence.js";
import { TextRollFormula } from "./textroll/text-roll-formula.js";
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import "../xregexp-all.js";
import { ACTOR_TYPES, ITEM_TYPES } from "../../item.js";
import { ACTOR_TYPES, ITEM_TYPES } from "../../constants.js";
import { RdDCarac } from "../../rdd-carac.js";
import { RdDUtility } from "../../rdd-utility.js";
import { RdDAlchimie } from "../../rdd-alchimie.js";
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ export class TextRollFormula {
async onRollText(event, actor) {
const node = TextRollManager.getNode(event)
const rollFormula ='roll-formula')
const rollFormula ='formula')
if (rollFormula) {
const roll = new Roll(rollFormula)
await roll.evaluate()
@ -51,3 +51,58 @@ export const RDD_CONFIG = {
{value: "Rarissime", label: "Rarissime"}
export const ACTOR_TYPES = {
personnage: 'personnage',
creature: 'creature',
entite: 'entite',
commerce: 'commerce',
vehicule: 'vehicule'
export const ITEM_TYPES = {
competence: 'competence',
competencecreature: 'competencecreature',
empoignade: 'empoignade',
possession: 'possession',
blessure: 'blessure',
maladie: 'maladie',
poison: 'poison',
arme: 'arme',
armure: 'armure',
conteneur: 'conteneur',
objet: 'objet',
monnaie: 'monnaie',
gemme: 'gemme',
munition: 'munition',
nourritureboisson: 'nourritureboisson',
herbe: 'herbe',
plante: 'plante',
ingredient: 'ingredient',
faune: 'faune',
livre: 'livre',
potion: 'potion',
service: 'service',
musique: 'musique',
danse: 'danse',
chant: 'chant',
jeu: 'jeu',
race: 'race',
recettecuisine: 'recettecuisine',
oeuvre: 'oeuvre',
recettealchimique: 'recettealchimique',
tache: 'tache',
sort: 'sort',
sortreserve: 'sortreserve',
rencontre: 'rencontre',
queue: 'queue',
ombre: 'ombre',
souffle: 'souffle',
tete: 'tete',
casetmr: 'casetmr',
meditation: 'meditation',
signedraconique: 'signedraconique',
tarot: 'tarot',
nombreastral: 'nombreastral',
extraitpoetique: 'extraitpoetique',
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import { Grammar } from "./grammar.js";
import { RdDItemCompetenceCreature } from "./item-competencecreature.js"
import { ITEM_TYPES } from "./item.js";
import { ITEM_TYPES } from "./constants.js";
import { BASE_CORPS_A_CORPS } from "./item/base-items.js";
import { RdDCombatManager } from "./rdd-combat.js";
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import { ITEM_TYPES } from "./item.js";
import { ITEM_TYPES } from "./constants.js";
import { RdDCombatManager } from "./rdd-combat.js";
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import { Misc } from "./misc.js";
import { LOG_HEAD } from "./constants.js";
import { ITEM_TYPES, LOG_HEAD } from "./constants.js";
name: "Denier (étain)", type: 'monnaie',
@ -70,18 +70,17 @@ export class Monnaie {
static getFortune(monnaies) {
return (monnaies??[])
return (monnaies ?? [])
.map(m => Number(m.system.cout) * Number(m.system.quantite))
.reduce(Misc.sum(), 0);
static async optimiserFortune(actor, fortune) {
let resteEnDeniers = Math.round(fortune * 100);
let monnaies = actor.itemTypes['monnaie'];
let updates = [];
Monnaie.validerMonnaies(monnaies, actor);
const updates = []
let parValeur = Misc.classifyFirst(monnaies, it => VALEUR_DENIERS(it.system.cout));
const parValeur = Misc.classifyFirst(actor.itemTypes[ITEM_TYPES.monnaie], it => VALEUR_DENIERS(it.system.cout));
for (let valeurDeniers of [1000, 100, 10, 1]) {
const itemPiece = parValeur[valeurDeniers];
if (itemPiece) {
@ -102,8 +101,11 @@ export class Monnaie {
static validerMonnaies(monnaies, actor = undefined) {
monnaies.filter(it => VALEUR_DENIERS(it.system.cout) == 0)
static validerMonnaies(actor) {
if (!actor) {
actor.itemTypes[ITEM_TYPES.monnaie]?.filter(it => VALEUR_DENIERS(it.system.cout) == 0)
.map(it => `La monnaie ${} de l'acteur ${actor?.name ?? 'sélectionné'} a une valeur de 0!`)
.forEach(message => {
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import { ACTOR_TYPES, ITEM_TYPES } from "./constants.js";
import { RdDItemSort } from "./item-sort.js";
import { RdDUtility } from "./rdd-utility.js";
import { RdDItemCompetence } from "./item-competence.js";
import { RdDHerbes } from "./rdd-herbes.js";
import { RdDGemme } from "./rdd-gemme.js";
import { HtmlUtility } from "./html-utility.js";
import { ReglesOptionnelles } from "./settings/regles-optionnelles.js";
@ -11,9 +11,10 @@ import { SystemCompendiums } from "./settings/system-compendiums.js";
import { Misc } from "./misc.js";
import { RdDTimestamp } from "./time/rdd-timestamp.js";
import { RdDItemCompetenceCreature } from "./item-competencecreature.js";
import { ACTOR_TYPES, ITEM_TYPES, RdDItem } from "./item.js";
import { RdDItem } from "./item.js";
import { FLEUVE_COORD, TMRUtility } from "./tmr-utility.js";
import { RdDTextEditor } from "./apps/rdd-text-roll-editor.js";
import { ItemAction } from "./item/item-actions.js";
* Extend the basic ItemSheet for RdD specific items
@ -26,8 +27,8 @@ export class RdDItemSheet extends ItemSheet {
static defaultTemplate(type) {
return type ?
`systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/item-${type}-sheet.html` :
`systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/item/${type}-sheet.hbs` :
static register(sheetClass) {
@ -136,9 +137,7 @@ export class RdDItemSheet extends ItemSheet {
formData.gemmeTypeList = RdDGemme.getGemmeTypeOptionList();
if (this.item.type == ITEM_TYPES.potion) {
RdDHerbes.calculFormData(formData, this.item)
if (this.item.type == ITEM_TYPES.herbe) {
if (formData.options.isOwned && ['Soin', 'Repos'].includes(formData.system.categorie)) {
formData.isIngredientPotionBase = true;
@ -193,16 +192,7 @@ export class RdDItemSheet extends ItemSheet {
this.html.find('.date-enchantement').change((event) => {
const jour = Number(this.html.find('[name="enchantement.jour"]').val());
const mois = RdDTimestamp.definition(this.html.find('[name="enchantement.mois"]').val());
const indexDate = game.system.rdd.calendrier.getIndexFromDate(jour, mois.heure);
this.item.update({ 'system.prdate': indexDate });
console.warn(`Date d'enchantement modifiée ${jour}/${mois.heure}: ${indexDate}`)
this.html.find('.creer-tache-livre').click((event) => this._getEventActor(event).creerTacheDepuisLivre(this.item));
this.html.find('.consommer-potion').click((event) => this._getEventActor(event).consommerPotion(this.item, this.getActionRenderItem()));
this.html.find('.creer-potion-base').click((event) => this._getEventActor(event).actionHerbe(this.item));
this.html.find('input[name="system.cacher_points_de_tache"]').change(async event => await this.item.update({ 'system.cacher_points_de_tache': event.currentTarget.checked }));
@ -210,12 +200,14 @@ export class RdDItemSheet extends ItemSheet {
this.html.find('.chat-roll-text').click(async event => await RdDTextEditor.chatRollText(event))
if ( {
this.html.find('.item-split').click(async event => RdDSheetUtility.splitItem(RdDSheetUtility.getItem(event,,, this.getActionRenderItem()));
this.html.find('.actionItem').click(event => ItemAction.onActionItem(event,, this.options))
this.html.find('.item-potion-consommer').click(event => this.itemActionConsommer(event))
this.html.find('.item-split').click( event => this.itemActionSplit(event))
this.html.find('.item-edit').click(async event => RdDSheetUtility.getItem(event,;
this.html.find('.item-delete').click(async event => RdDUtility.confirmActorItemDelete(this, RdDSheetUtility.getItem(event,;
this.html.find('.item-vendre').click(async event => RdDSheetUtility.getItem(event,;
this.html.find('.item-montrer').click(async event => RdDSheetUtility.getItem(event,;
this.html.find('.item-action').click(async event => RdDSheetUtility.getItem(event,, this.getActionRenderItem()));
this.html.find('.item-delete').click(async event => this.itemActionDelete(event));
this.html.find('.item-quantite-plus').click(async event => {
await, 1)
@ -233,13 +225,24 @@ export class RdDItemSheet extends ItemSheet {
RdDTimestamp.handleTimestampEditor(this.html, 'system.temporel.fin', updateItemTimestamp);
getActionRenderItem() {
return async () => {
let item = this.item;
while (item) {
await item.sheet?.render()
item =
itemActionDelete(event) {
const item = RdDSheetUtility.getItem(event,
return RdDUtility.confirmActorItemDelete(item,
async itemActionConsommer(event) {
const item = RdDSheetUtility.getItem(event,
if (item) {
await actor.consommerPotion(item)
await RdDSheetUtility.renderItemBranch(, item)
async itemActionSplit(event) {
const item = RdDSheetUtility.getItem(event,
if (item) {
await RdDSheetUtility.splitItem(item,
await RdDSheetUtility.renderItemBranch(, item)
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import { Grammar } from "./grammar.js";
import { RdDItemCompetence } from "./item-competence.js";
import { ITEM_TYPES } from "./item.js";
import { ITEM_TYPES } from "./constants.js";
import { Misc } from "./misc.js";
import { FLEUVE_COORD, TMRUtility } from "./tmr-utility.js";
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import { ITEM_TYPES } from "./constants.js";
import { DialogItemVente } from "./achat-vente/dialog-item-vente.js";
import { Grammar } from "./grammar.js";
import { Misc } from "./misc.js";
import { RdDHerbes } from "./rdd-herbes.js";
import { RdDTimestamp } from "./time/rdd-timestamp.js";
import { RdDUtility } from "./rdd-utility.js";
import { SystemCompendiums } from "./settings/system-compendiums.js";
@ -9,61 +9,7 @@ import { RdDRaretes } from "./item/raretes.js";
import { CATEGORIES_COMPETENCES } from "./item-competence.js";
import { CATEGORIES_COMPETENCES_CREATURES } from "./item-competencecreature.js";
import { BASE_CORPS_A_CORPS, BASE_ESQUIVE } from "./item/base-items.js";
export const ACTOR_TYPES = {
personnage: 'personnage',
creature: 'creature',
entite: 'entite',
commerce: 'commerce',
vehicule: 'vehicule'
export const ITEM_TYPES = {
competence: 'competence',
competencecreature: 'competencecreature',
empoignade: 'empoignade',
possession: 'possession',
blessure: 'blessure',
maladie: 'maladie',
poison: 'poison',
arme: 'arme',
armure: 'armure',
conteneur: 'conteneur',
objet: 'objet',
monnaie: 'monnaie',
gemme: 'gemme',
munition: 'munition',
nourritureboisson: 'nourritureboisson',
herbe: 'herbe',
plante: 'plante',
ingredient: 'ingredient',
faune: 'faune',
livre: 'livre',
potion: 'potion',
service: 'service',
musique: 'musique',
danse: 'danse',
chant: 'chant',
jeu: 'jeu',
race: 'race',
recettecuisine: 'recettecuisine',
oeuvre: 'oeuvre',
recettealchimique: 'recettealchimique',
tache: 'tache',
sort: 'sort',
sortreserve: 'sortreserve',
rencontre: 'rencontre',
queue: 'queue',
ombre: 'ombre',
souffle: 'souffle',
tete: 'tete',
casetmr: 'casetmr',
meditation: 'meditation',
signedraconique: 'signedraconique',
tarot: 'tarot',
nombreastral: 'nombreastral',
extraitpoetique: 'extraitpoetique',
import { ITEM_ACTIONS, DEFAULT_ACTIONS, COMMON_ACTIONS } from "./item/item-actions.js";
const typesInventaireMateriel = [
@ -100,41 +46,41 @@ densité 3.5 (~2.3 à 4, parfois plus) --
export const defaultItemImg = {
competence: "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/competence_defaut.webp",
competencecreature: "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/competence_defaut.webp",
arme: "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/armes_armures/epee_gnome.webp",
armure: "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/armes_armures/armure_plaques.webp",
conteneur: "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/objets/sac_a_dos.webp",
sort: "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/competence_oniros.webp",
herbe: "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/botanique/Endorlotte.webp",
faune: "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/faune/rongeur.webp",
ingredient: "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/objets/sable_poudre.webp",
livre: "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/objets/livre.webp",
potion: "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/objets/liqueur_de_bagdol.webp",
rencontre: "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/tete_dragon.webp",
queue: "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/queue_dragon.webp",
ombre: "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/queue_dragon.webp",
souffle: "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/souffle_dragon.webp",
tete: "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/tete_dragon.webp",
meditation: "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/meditations_ecrits/meditation_alchimie.webp",
recettealchimique: "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/competence_alchimie.webp",
chant: "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/arts/chant_0.webp",
competence: "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/competence_defaut.webp",
competencecreature: "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/competence_defaut.webp",
conteneur: "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/objets/sac_a_dos.webp",
danse: "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/arts/danse_0.webp",
empoignade: "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/empoignade.webp",
extraitpoetique: "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/competence_ecriture.webp",
faune: "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/faune/rongeur.webp",
gemme: "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/gemmes/almaze.webp",
herbe: "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/botanique/Endorlotte.webp",
ingredient: "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/objets/sable_poudre.webp",
jeu: "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/arts/jeux_petasse.webp",
recettecuisine: "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/arts/recette_cuisine_1.webp",
musique: "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/arts/chant_0.webp",
livre: "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/objets/livre.webp",
maladie: "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/maladies_venins/maladie.webp",
poison: "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/maladies_venins/venin.webp",
oeuvre: "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/competence_comedie.webp",
meditation: "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/meditations_ecrits/meditation_alchimie.webp",
musique: "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/arts/chant_0.webp",
nourritureboisson: "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/objets/provision_crue.webp",
oeuvre: "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/competence_comedie.webp",
ombre: "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/queue_dragon.webp",
poison: "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/maladies_venins/venin.webp",
possession: "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/entites/possession2.webp",
potion: "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/objets/liqueur_de_bagdol.webp",
queue: "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/queue_dragon.webp",
recettealchimique: "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/competence_alchimie.webp",
recettecuisine: "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/arts/recette_cuisine_1.webp",
rencontre: "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/tete_dragon.webp",
service: "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/services/lit.webp",
signedraconique: "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/tmr/signe_draconique.webp",
gemme: "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/gemmes/almaze.webp",
possession: "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/entites/possession2.webp",
sort: "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/competence_oniros.webp",
sortreserve: "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/competence_oniros.webp",
extraitpoetique: "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/competence_ecriture.webp",
souffle: "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/souffle_dragon.webp",
tarot: "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/tarots/dos-tarot.webp",
empoignade: "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/competence_corps_a_corps.webp"
tete: "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/tete_dragon.webp",
/* -------------------------------------------- */
@ -356,13 +302,6 @@ export class RdDItem extends Item {
getUtilisation() {
switch (this.type) {
case ITEM_TYPES.potion:
switch (this.system.categorie) {
case 'Alchimie': case 'AlchimieEnchante': case 'AlchimieAutre': return 'alchimie'
case 'Cuisine': return 'cuisine'
case 'Remede': case 'Repos': case 'ReposEnchante': case 'Soin': case 'SoinEnchante': return 'soins'
return '';
case ITEM_TYPES.nourritureboisson: return 'cuisine';
case ITEM_TYPES.herbe: case ITEM_TYPES.faune: case ITEM_TYPES.ingredient: case ITEM_TYPES.plante:
switch (this.system.categorie) {
@ -471,68 +410,51 @@ export class RdDItem extends Item {
// appliquer le pourcentage
return this.parent.calculerPrix(this);
return this.system.cout;
return this.system.cout
prepareDerivedData() {
if (this.isInventaire()) {
this.system.encTotal = this.getEncTotal();
if (this.isPotion()) {
this.system.encTotal = this.getEncTotal()
this.system.actionPrincipale = this.getActionPrincipale({ warnIfNot: false });
this.equipable = this.isEquipable();
this.equipable = this.isEquipable()
prepareDataPotion() {
const categorie = Grammar.toLowerCaseNoAccent(this.system.categorie);
this.system.magique = categorie.includes('enchante');
if (this.system.magique) {
if (categorie.includes('soin') || categorie.includes('repos')) {
// TODO: utiliser calculPointsRepos / calculPointsGuerison
this.system.puissance = RdDHerbes.calculPuissancePotion(this);
itemActions() {
return COMMON_ACTIONS.concat(this.itemSpecificActions()).concat(DEFAULT_ACTIONS)
getActionPrincipale(options = { warnIfNot: true }) {
itemSpecificActions() {
const actions = ITEM_ACTIONS[this.type] ?? []
// const actorTypes = actions.actorTypes ?? [ACTOR_TYPES.personnage]
// if (!actorTypes.includes( {
// return []
// }
return actions
isActionAllowed(code) {
switch (this.type) {
case ITEM_TYPES.conteneur: return 'Ouvrir';
case ITEM_TYPES.possession:
case ITEM_TYPES.empoignade:
case ITEM_TYPES.rencontre:
case ITEM_TYPES.signedraconique:
switch (code) {
case 'item-edit':
case 'item-delete':
return game.user.isGM
if ( {
const warn = options.warnIfNot;
if (this.getUtilisationCuisine() == 'brut') {
return 'Cuisiner';
switch (this.type) {
case ITEM_TYPES.nourritureboisson: return this._actionOrWarnQuantiteZero(this.system.boisson ? 'Boire' : 'Manger', warn);
case ITEM_TYPES.potion: return this._actionOrWarnQuantiteZero('Consommer', warn);
case ITEM_TYPES.livre: return this._actionOrWarnQuantiteZero('Lire', warn);
case ITEM_TYPES.herbe: return this.isHerbeAPotion() ? this._actionOrWarnQuantiteZero('Décoction', warn) : undefined;
case ITEM_TYPES.queue: case ITEM_TYPES.ombre: return this.system.refoulement > 0 ? 'Refouler' : undefined;
case ITEM_TYPES.maladie:
case ITEM_TYPES.poison:
return game.user.isGM
case ITEM_TYPES.casetmr:
switch (code) {
case 'item-delete':
return game.user.isGM
return undefined;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async actionPrincipale(actor, onActionItem = async () => { }) {
if (!this.getActionPrincipale()) { return }
await actor?.actionPrincipale(this, onActionItem);
_actionOrWarnQuantiteZero(actionName, warn) {
if ((this.system.quantite ?? 0) <= 0) {
if (warn) {
ui.notifications.warn(`Vous n'avez plus de ${}.`);
return undefined;
else {
return actionName;
return true
async diminuerQuantite(nombre, options = { diminuerQuantite: true, supprimerSiZero: false }) {
@ -805,14 +727,6 @@ export class RdDItem extends Item {
/* -------------------------------------------- */
_potionChatData() {
return [
`<b>Rareté</b>: ${this.system.rarete}`,
`<b>Catégorie</b>: ${this.system.categorie}`,
/* -------------------------------------------- */
_queueChatData() {
function label(categorie) {
switch (categorie) {
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import { ITEM_TYPES, RdDItem } from "../item.js";
import { ITEM_TYPES } from "../constants.js";
import { RdDItem } from "../item.js";
import { Misc } from "../misc.js";
import { ReglesOptionnelles } from "../settings/regles-optionnelles.js";
@ -10,7 +11,7 @@ export class RdDItemArmure extends RdDItem {
return "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/armes_armures/armure_plaques.webp";
deteriorerArmure(dmg) {
async deteriorerArmure(dmg) {
if (!ReglesOptionnelles.isUsing('deteriorationArmure') || == '0') {
@ -22,12 +23,10 @@ export class RdDItemArmure extends RdDItem {
protection = this.calculProtectionDeterioree();
ChatMessage.create({ content: `Votre armure ${} s'est détériorée, elle protège maintenant de ${protection}` });
system: {
deterioration: deterioration,
protection: protection
await this.update({
'system.deterioration': deterioration,
'': protection
calculProtectionDeterioree() {
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ export class RdDItemBlessure extends RdDItem {
prepareDerivedData() {
this.system.label = this.getLabelGravite()
this.system.label = RdDItemBlessure.getLabelGravite(this.system.gravite)
static prepareTacheSoin(gravite) {
@ -43,29 +43,32 @@ export class RdDItemBlessure extends RdDItem {
static async applyFullBlessure(actor, gravite) {
const definition = RdDItemBlessure.getDefinition(gravite)
const definition = foundry.utils.duplicate(RdDItemBlessure.getDefinition(gravite))
let lostEndurance = 0
let lostVie = 0
if (definition.endurance) {
lostEndurance = new Roll(definition.endurance)
await lostEndurance.roll();
actor.santeIncDec("endurance", -Number(;
if (definition.vie) {
lostVie = definition.vie
actor.santeIncDec("vie", definition.vie)
await actor.santeIncDec("vie", definition.vie)
const lostEndurance = await RdDItemBlessure.rollLostEndurance(definition.endurance)
if (lostEndurance) {
await actor.santeIncDec("endurance", -Number(lostEndurance));
await this.createBlessure(actor, gravite)
content: `Blessure ${definition.label} appliquée à ${}`+
`<br>Perte d'endurance : ${lostEndurance}`+
`<br>Perte de Vie : ${lostVie}`,
//TODO: hbs
content: `Blessure ${definition.label} appliquée à ${}<br>Perte d'endurance : ${lostEndurance} (${definition.endurance})<br>Perte de Vie : ${definition.vie}`,
whisper: ChatUtility.getOwners(actor)
static async rollLostEndurance(formula) {
if (formula) {
const roll = new Roll(formula)
await roll.evaluate()
return 0
static async createBlessure(actor, gravite, localisation = '', attackerToken) {
@ -125,10 +128,10 @@ export class RdDItemBlessure extends RdDItem {
if (this.system.gravite > 0) {
const update = { system: { premierssoins: { bonus: 0 }, soinscomplets: { bonus: 0 } } }
const gravite = this.system.gravite;
const graviteMoindre = gravite - 2;
const gravite = this.system.gravite
const graviteMoindre = gravite - 2
const moindres = blessures.filter(it => it.system.gravite == graviteMoindre, 'blessures').length
const label = this.getLabelGravite();
const label = RdDItemBlessure.getLabelGravite(this.system.gravite)
let rolled = await actor.jetRecuperationConstitution(this.system.soinscomplets.bonus, message);
@ -158,11 +161,11 @@ export class RdDItemBlessure extends RdDItem {
peutRetrograder(graviteMoindre, moindres) {
return moindres < RdDItemBlessure.getDefinition(graviteMoindre).max
return moindres < RdDItemBlessure.maxBlessures(graviteMoindre)
async calculerFinPeriodeTemporel(debut) {
return await debut.nouveauJour().addJours(this.system.gravite);
return debut.nouveauJour().addJours(this.system.gravite);
async onFinPeriode(oldTimestamp, newTimestamp) {
@ -182,16 +185,16 @@ export class RdDItemBlessure extends RdDItem {
return `systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/sante/${soins ? 'blessure-soins' : img}.webp`
getLabelGravite() {
return RdDItemBlessure.getDefinition(this.system.gravite).label
static getLabelGravite(gravite) {
return definitionsBlessures.find(it => it.gravite >= gravite).label
static getDefinition(gravite) {
return definitionsBlessures.sort(Misc.ascending(it => it.gravite))
.find(it => it.gravite >= gravite);
return definitionsBlessures.find(it => it.gravite >= gravite)
static maxBlessures(gravite) {
return RdDItemBlessure.getDefinition(gravite).max
return definitionsBlessures.find(it => it.gravite >= gravite).max
isContusion() {
@ -216,7 +219,7 @@ export class RdDItemBlessure extends RdDItem {
`<b>Heure et Date</b>: ${new RdDTimestamp(this.system.temporel.debut).formatDateHeure()}`,
RdDItem.propertyIfDefined('Blessé', this.parent?.name, this.parent),
`<b>Localisation</b>: ${this.system.localisation}`,
`<b>Gravité</b>: ${RdDItemBlessure.getDefinition(this.system.gravite).label}`,
`<b>Gravité</b>: ${this.system.label}`,
`<b>Difficulté des soins</b>: ${this.system.difficulte}`,
(this.system.soinscomplets.done ?
`<b>Bonus soins complets</b>: ${this.system.soinscomplets.bonus}` :
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
import { Misc } from "../misc.js"
import { RdDSheetUtility } from "../rdd-sheet-utility.js"
import { RdDUtility } from "../rdd-utility.js"
* options.editable ?
const _SPACEHOLDER = { placeholder: true }
const _VENDRE = {
code: 'item-vendre', label: 'Vendre ou donner', icon: it => 'fa-solid fa-comments-dollar',
filter: it => Misc.toInt(it.system.quantite) > 0,
optionsFilter: options => options.editable,
action: (item, actor) => item.proposerVente()
const _ACHAT_SERVICE = {
code: 'item-service-acheter', label: 'Acheter', icon: it => 'fa-regular fa-coins',
//filter: it => Misc.toInt(it.system.quantite) > 0,
//optionsFilter: options => options.editable,
//action: (item, actor) => item.proposerVente()
const _MONTRER = {
code: 'item-montrer', label: 'Montrer', icon: it => 'fa-solid fa-comment',
action: (item, actor) => item.postItemToChat()
const _EDIT = {
code: 'item-edit', label: 'Editer', icon: it => 'fa-solid fa-edit',
action: (item, actor) => item.sheet.render(true)
const _DELETE = {
code: 'item-delete', label: 'Supprimer', icon: it => 'fa-solid fa-trash',
optionsFilter: options => options.editable && options.isOwner,
action: (item, actor) => RdDUtility.confirmActorItemDelete(item, actor)
const _EQUIPER = {
code: 'item-equip', label: 'Equiper', icon: it => it.system.equipe ? 'fa-solid fa-hand-rock' : 'fa-regular fa-hand-paper',
filter: it => !it.estContenu && it.isEquipable(),
action: (item, actor) => actor.equiperObjet(item)
const _CUISINER = {
code: 'item-cuisiner', label: 'Cuisiner', icon: it => 'fa-solid fa-utensils',
filter: it => it.getUtilisation() == 'cuisine' && it.system.sust > 0,
optionsFilter: options => options.editable,
action: (item, actor) => actor.preparerNourriture(item)
const _MANGER_CRU = {
code: 'item-manger-cru', label: 'Manger cru', icon: it => 'fa-solid fa-drumstick-bite',
filter: it => it.getUtilisation() == 'cuisine' && it.system.sust > 0,
optionsFilter: options => options.editable,
action: (item, actor) => actor.mangerNourriture(item)
const _MANGER = {
code: 'item-manger', label: 'Manger', icon: it => 'fa-solid fa-utensils',
filter: it => !(it.system.boisson),
optionsFilter: options => options.editable,
action: (item, actor) => actor.mangerNourriture(item)
const _BOIRE = {
code: 'item-boire', label: 'Boire', icon: it => 'fa-solid fa-glass-water',
filter: it => it.system.boisson,
optionsFilter: options => options.editable,
action: (item, actor) => actor.mangerNourriture(item)
const _DECOCTION = {
code: 'item-decoction', label: 'Décoction', icon: it => 'fa-solid fa-flask-vial',
optionsFilter: options => options.editable,
action: (item, actor) => actor.actionHerbe(item)
const _OUVRIR = {
code: 'item-edit', label: 'Ouvrir', icon: it => 'fa-solid fa-eye',
action: (item, actor) => item.sheet.render(true)
const _LIRE = {
code: 'item-lire', label: 'Lire', icon: it => 'fa-solid fa-book-open',
optionsFilter: options => options.editable,
action: (item, actor) => actor.actionLire(item)
const _REFOULER = {
code: 'item-refouler', label: 'Refouler', icon: it => 'fa-solid fa-burst',
filter: it => it.system.refoulement > 0,
optionsFilter: options => options.editable,
action: (item, actor) => actor.actionRefoulement(item)
code: 'item-potion-consommer', label: 'Consommer', icon: it => 'fa-solid fa-vial',
optionsFilter: options => options.editable,
action: (item, actor) => actor.consommerPotion(item)
const _ENCHANTER = {
code: 'item-enchanter', label: 'Enchanter', icon: it => 'fa-solid fa-sparkles',
filter: it => it.isEnchantable(),
optionsFilter: options => options.editable,
action: (item, actor) => item.enchanterPotion()
const _SORT_RESERVE = {
code: 'item-sortreserve-add', label: 'Ajouter en réserve', icon: it => 'fa-solid fa-sparkles',
filter: it => game.user.isGM && !it.system.isrituel,
action: (item, actor) => actor.addSortReserve(item)
export const COMMON_ACTIONS = [_EQUIPER]
export const ITEM_ACTIONS = {
ingredient: [_CUISINER, _MANGER_CRU],
conteneur: [_OUVRIR],
livre: [_LIRE],
nourritureboisson: [_MANGER, _BOIRE],
ombre: [_REFOULER],
queue: [_REFOULER],
sort: [_SORT_RESERVE],
service: [_ACHAT_SERVICE]
export class ItemAction {
static applies(action, item, options) {
return action
&& item.isActionAllowed(action.code)
&& (!action.filter || action.filter(item))
&& (!action.optionsFilter || action.optionsFilter(options))
static icon(action, item) {
if (action && action.icon) {
return action.icon(item)
return undefined
static onActionItem(event, actor, options) {
const item = RdDSheetUtility.getItem(event, actor)
const code = $(event.currentTarget).data('code')
const action = item.itemActions().find(it => it.code == code)
if (action && (!action.optionsFilter || action.optionsFilter(options))) {
action.action(item, actor)
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ export class RdDItemMaladie extends RdDItem {
async calculerFinPeriodeTemporel(debut) {
return await debut.addPeriode(this.system.periode.nombre, this.system.periode.unite);
return debut.addPeriode(this.system.periode.nombre, this.system.periode.unite);
async onFinPeriode(oldTimestamp, newTimestamp) {
@ -1,11 +1,8 @@
import { RdDItem } from "../item.js";
import { RdDItemQueue } from "./queue.js";
export class RdDItemOmbre extends RdDItemQueue {
export class RdDItemOmbre extends RdDItem {
static get defaultIcon() {
return "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/queue_dragon.webp";
async calculerFinPeriodeTemporel(debut) {
return await debut.appliquerDuree(this.system.duree, this.parent);
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ export class RdDItemPoison extends RdDItem {
async calculerFinPeriodeTemporel(debut) {
return await debut.addPeriode(this.system.periode.nombre, this.system.periode.unite) ;
return debut.addPeriode(this.system.periode.nombre, this.system.periode.unite) ;
async onFinPeriode(oldTimestamp, newTimestamp) {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
import { ITEM_TYPES } from "../constants.js";
import { Grammar } from "../grammar.js";
import { RdDItem } from "../item.js";
import { SystemCompendiums } from "../settings/system-compendiums.js";
import { ITEM_ACTIONS } from "./item-actions.js";
import { DialogEnchanter } from "./potion/dialog-enchanter.js";
const POTION_MAGIQUE = ['AlchimieEnchante', 'ReposEnchante', 'SoinEnchante', 'AutreEnchante']
const POTION_ENCHANTABLE = ['Alchimie', 'Repos', 'Soin', 'Autre']
{ basique: 'Alchimie', enchante: 'AlchimieEnchante' },
{ basique: 'Repos', enchante: 'ReposEnchante' },
{ basique: 'Soin', enchante: 'SoinEnchante' },
{ basique: 'Autre', enchante: 'AutreEnchante' }]
export class RdDItemPotion extends RdDItem {
static async herbesSoins() {
return await RdDItemPotion.$listHerbes(it => Grammar.equalsInsensitive(it.system.categorie, 'Soin') && it.system.niveau > 0)
static async herbesRepos() {
return await RdDItemPotion.$listHerbes(it => Grammar.equalsInsensitive(it.system.categorie, 'Repos') && it.system.niveau > 0)
static async $listHerbes(filter) {
const herbes = await SystemCompendiums.getWorldOrCompendiumItems('herbe', 'faune-flore-mineraux');
return herbes.filter(filter)
static get defaultIcon() {
return "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/objets/liqueur_de_bagdol.webp"
prepareDerivedData() {
this.system.puissance = this.system.magique ? this.calculPuissance() : 0
isPotion() { return true }
isEnchantable() { return POTION_ENCHANTABLE.includes(this.system.categorie) }
isMagique() { return POTION_MAGIQUE.includes(this.system.categorie) }
itemSpecificActions() {
getActions(options = { warnIfNot: true }) {
const actionConsommer = this.prepareAction('Consommer', options.warnIfNot);
if (this.isEnchantable()) {
return [
this.prepareAction('Enchanter', options.warnIfNot)
return [
// TDOD: purifier?
getUtilisation() {
switch (this.system.categorie) {
case 'Alchimie': case 'AlchimieEnchante':
case 'AlchimieAutre':
return 'alchimie'
case 'Cuisine': return 'cuisine'
case 'Remede': case 'Repos': case 'ReposEnchante': case 'Soin': case 'SoinEnchante':
return 'soins'
return ''
_potionChatData() {
return [
`<b>Rareté</b>: ${this.system.rarete}`,
`<b>Catégorie</b>: ${this.system.categorie}`,
async enchanterPotion() {
const actor = this.parent;
if (actor && (!actor.isPersonnage() || !actor.isHautRevant())) {
||||'Seul un haut rêvant peut enchanter une potion')
const dailog = await DialogEnchanter.create(this, actor, (updates) => this.$onEnchanterPotion(updates));
perteRevePotion() {
if (this.system.magique && !this.system.prpermanent && > 0) {
const nouveauReve = Math.max( - 1, 0)
return {
img: this.img,
'': nouveauReve,
'system.quantite': nouveauReve > 0 ? this.system.quantite : 0,
'system.magique': nouveauReve > 0
return undefined
async $onEnchanterPotion(enchanter) {
if (enchanter.nouveaupr == 0) {
await this.update({
'': 0,
'system.purifie': false,
'system.magique': false,
'system.categorie': this.categorieEnchantement().basique,
'system.prpermanent': false,
'system.prdate': 0,
'system.quantite': this.parent ? 0 : this.system.quantite
else {
await this.update({
'': enchanter.nouveaupr,
'system.purifie': enchanter.purifier,
'system.magique': true,
'system.categorie': this.categorieEnchantement().enchante,
'system.prpermanent': enchanter.prpermanent,
'system.prdate': RdDItemPotion.dateEnchantement()
calculPuissance() { return this.system.herbebonus * }
categorieEnchantement() {
const categorie = this.system.categorie
const categorieEnchantement = MAP_CATEGORIE_ENCHANTEMENT.find(it => [it.basique, it.enchante].includes(categorie))
return categorieEnchantement ?? { basique: categorie, enchante: categorie }
static dateEnchantement() {
return game.system.rdd.calendrier.getTimestamp().debutJournee().indexDate
static buildHerbesList(listeHerbes, max) {
let list = {}
for (let herbe of listeHerbes) {
let brins = max - herbe.system.niveau;
list[] = `${} (Bonus: ${herbe.system.niveau}, Brins: ${brins})`;
list['Autre'] = 'Autre (Bonus: variable, Brins: variable)'
return list;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
export class DialogEnchanter extends Dialog {
static async create(item, actor, callback) {
const enchanter = {
actor: actor,
item: item,
prpermanent: item.system.prpermanent,
purifier: false
const html = await renderTemplate(`systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/item/potion/dialog-enchanter.hbs`, enchanter)
return new DialogEnchanter(enchanter, html, callback)
constructor(enchanter, html, callback) {
let options = { classes: ["dialog-enchanter"], width: 400, height: 'fit-content', 'z-index': 99999 }
let conf = {
title: "Enchanter une potion",
content: html,
default: "enchanter",
buttons: {
"enchanter": { label: "Enchanter", callback: it => this.onEnchanter() }
super(conf, options)
this.callback = callback
this.enchanter = enchanter
activateListeners(html) {
this.html = html
this.html.find("input.nouveaupr").change(event => this.enchanter.nouveaupr = Number(event.currentTarget.value))
this.html.find("input.purifier").change(event => this.enchanter.purifier = event.currentTarget.checked)
this.html.find("input.prpermanent").change(event => this.enchanter.prpermanent = event.currentTarget.checked)
async onEnchanter() {
await this.html.find(".nouveaupr").change()
@ -6,8 +6,9 @@ export class RdDItemQueue extends RdDItem {
return "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/queue_dragon.webp";
async calculerFinPeriodeTemporel(debut) {
async calculerFinPeriodeTemporel(timestamp) {
// décaller le début pour calcul correct si la queue dure 12h
const debut = timestamp.addMinutes(timestamp.indexMinute == 0 ? -1 : 0);
return await debut.appliquerDuree(this.system.duree, this.parent);
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import { ITEM_TYPES, RdDItem } from "../item.js";
import { ITEM_TYPES } from "../constants.js";
import { RdDItem } from "../item.js";
import { Misc } from "../misc.js";
import { LIST_CARAC_PERSONNAGE, RdDCarac } from "../rdd-carac.js";
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ export class RdDRencontre extends RdDItem {
async calculerFinPeriodeTemporel(debut) {
return await debut.nouvelleHeure().addHeures(12);
return debut.nouvelleHeure().addHeures(12);
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import { RdDBaseActorSheet } from "../actor/base-actor-sheet.js";
import { ITEM_TYPES } from "../item.js";
import { ITEM_TYPES } from "../constants.js";
import { RdDSheetUtility } from "../rdd-sheet-utility.js";
import { RdDUtility } from "../rdd-utility.js";
import { RdDItemInventaireSheet } from "./sheet-base-inventaire.js";
@ -29,9 +29,10 @@ export class RdDConteneurItemSheet extends RdDItemInventaireSheet {
/* -------------------------------------------- */
prepareConteneurData(formData) {
this.objetVersConteneur = RdDUtility.buildArbreDeConteneurs(formData.conteneurs, formData.inventaires);
formData.subItems = formData.conteneurs.find(it => it._id ==;
const subItems = formData.conteneurs.find(it => it._id ==;
formData.subItems = subItems
async _onDragStart(event) {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
import { ITEM_TYPES } from "../constants.js";
import { RdDTimestamp } from "../time/rdd-timestamp.js";
import { RdDItemPotion } from "./potion.js";
import { RdDItemInventaireSheet } from "./sheet-base-inventaire.js";
export class RdDPotionItemSheet extends RdDItemInventaireSheet {
static get ITEM_TYPE() { return ITEM_TYPES.potion };
static $calculBonusHerbe(formData, herbesList, max) {
if (Number(formData.system.herbebrins)) {
let herbe = herbesList.find(h => == formData.system.herbe.toLowerCase());
if (herbe) {
const brinsRequis = max - herbe.system.niveau;
const brinsManquants = Math.max(brinsRequis - formData.system.herbebrins, 0);
formData.system.herbebonus = Math.max(herbe.system.niveau - brinsManquants, 0);
get potion(){ return this.item }
async getData() {
const formData = await super.getData()
formData.enchantable = this.potion.isEnchantable()
const enchantement = this.potion.categorieEnchantement()
formData.isSoins = enchantement.basique == 'Soin'
formData.isRepos = enchantement.basique == 'Repos'
if (formData.isSoins) {
const herbesSoins = await RdDItemPotion.herbesSoins()
RdDPotionItemSheet.$calculBonusHerbe(formData, herbesSoins, 12);
formData.herbesSoins = RdDItemPotion.buildHerbesList(herbesSoins, 12)
if (formData.isRepos) {
const herbesRepos = await RdDItemPotion.herbesRepos()
RdDPotionItemSheet.$calculBonusHerbe(formData, herbesRepos, 7);
formData.herbesRepos = RdDItemPotion.buildHerbesList(herbesRepos, 7)
formData.dateActuelle = game.system.rdd.calendrier.dateCourante()
formData.enchantement = RdDTimestamp.splitIndexDate(this.potion.system.prdate)
return formData
activateListeners(html) {
this.html.find('.item-enchanter').click((event) => this.potion.enchanterPotion())
this.html.find('.date-enchantement').change((event) => {
const jour = Number(this.html.find('[name="enchantement.jour"]').val())
const mois = RdDTimestamp.definition(this.html.find('[name="enchantement.mois"]').val())
const indexDate = game.system.rdd.calendrier.getIndexFromDate(jour, mois.heure)
this.potion.update({ 'system.prdate': indexDate })
console.warn(`Date d'enchantement modifiée ${jour}/${mois.heure}: ${indexDate}`)
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
import { ITEM_TYPES } from "../constants.js";
import { RdDItem } from "../item.js";
import { Grammar } from "../grammar.js"
import { ITEM_TYPES, RdDItem } from "../item.js"
import { SystemCompendiums } from "../settings/system-compendiums.js"
const DON_HAUT_REVE = "Don de Haut-Rêve"
@ -2,7 +2,8 @@ import { RdDBaseActor } from "./actor/base-actor.js";
import { LOG_HEAD, SYSTEM_RDD } from "./constants.js";
import { Grammar } from "./grammar.js";
import { Monnaie } from "./item-monnaie.js";
import { RdDItem, ITEM_TYPES, ACTOR_TYPES } from "./item.js";
import { ITEM_TYPES, ACTOR_TYPES } from "./constants.js";
import { RdDItem } from "./item.js";
import { RdDTimestamp } from "./time/rdd-timestamp.js";
import { RdDRaretes } from "./item/raretes.js";
import { VOIES_DRACONIC } from "./item-sort.js";
@ -542,7 +542,7 @@ export class RdDCombat {
case '.particuliere-attaque': return await this.choixParticuliere(attackerRoll, event.currentTarget.attributes['data-mode'].value);
case '.parer-button': return this.parade(attackerRoll, armeParadeId);
case '.esquiver-button': return this.esquive(attackerRoll, compId, competence);
case '0encaisser-button': return this.encaisser(attackerRoll, defenderRoll);
case '.encaisser-button': return this.encaisser(attackerRoll, defenderRoll);
case '.echec-total-attaque': return this._onEchecTotal(attackerRoll);
case '.appel-chance-attaque': return this.attacker.rollAppelChance(
@ -361,13 +361,14 @@ export class RdDCommands {
async getTMRAleatoire(msg, params) {
if (params.length < 2) {
let type = params[0]
const solvedTerrain = TMRUtility.findTMRLike(type)?.type
if (solvedTerrain){
const tmr = await TMRUtility.getTMRAleatoire(type ? (it => it.type == solvedTerrain) : (it => true))
const solvedTerrain = type ? TMRUtility.findTMRLike(type)?.type : undefined
const filter = solvedTerrain ? (it => it.type == solvedTerrain) : (it => true)
if (type == undefined || solvedTerrain != undefined) {
const tmr = await TMRUtility.getTMRAleatoire(filter)
return RdDCommands._chatAnswer(msg, `Case aléatoire: ${tmr.coord} - ${tmr.label}`)
return false;
return false
async findTMR(msg, params) {
@ -4,8 +4,7 @@ import { RdDRoll } from "./rdd-roll.js";
import { RdDItemCompetenceCreature } from "./item-competencecreature.js";
import { ChatUtility } from "./chat-utility.js";
import { STATUSES } from "./settings/status-effects.js";
import { ReglesOptionnelles } from "./settings/regles-optionnelles.js";
import { ITEM_TYPES } from "./item.js";
import { ITEM_TYPES } from "./constants.js";
/* -------------------------------------------- */
@ -429,7 +428,6 @@ export class RdDEmpoignade {
return await Item.create({
name: "Empoignade en cours de " + + ' sur ' +,
type: 'empoignade',
img: "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/entites/possession2.webp",
system: { description: "", empoignadeid: foundry.utils.randomID(16), compteempoigne: 0, empoigneurid:, empoigneid:, ptsemp: 0, empoigneurname:, empoignename: }
@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
import { Grammar } from "./grammar.js";
import { SystemCompendiums } from "./settings/system-compendiums.js";
import { RdDTimestamp } from "./time/rdd-timestamp.js";
/* -------------------------------------------- */
export class RdDHerbes extends Item {
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static async onReady() {
this.herbesSoins = await RdDHerbes.listCategorieHerbes('Soin');
this.herbesRepos = await RdDHerbes.listCategorieHerbes('Repos');
static async listCategorieHerbes(categorie) {
const herbes = await SystemCompendiums.getWorldOrCompendiumItems('herbe', 'faune-flore-mineraux');
return herbes.filter(it => Grammar.equalsInsensitive(it.system.categorie, categorie));
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static buildHerbesList(listeHerbes, max) {
let list = {}
for (let herbe of listeHerbes) {
let brins = max - herbe.system.niveau;
list[] = `${} (Bonus: ${herbe.system.niveau}, Brins: ${brins})`;
list['Autre'] = 'Autre (Bonus: variable, Brins: variable)'
return list;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static calculFormData(formData, item) {
formData.isSoins = item.system.categorie.includes('Soin');
formData.isRepos = item.system.categorie.includes('Repos');
if (formData.isSoins) {
RdDHerbes.calculBonusHerbe(formData, this.herbesSoins, 12);
if (formData.isRepos) {
RdDHerbes.calculBonusHerbe(formData, this.herbesRepos, 7);
formData.herbesSoins = RdDHerbes.buildHerbesList(this.herbesSoins, 12);
formData.herbesRepos = RdDHerbes.buildHerbesList(this.herbesRepos, 7);
formData.dateActuelle = game.system.rdd.calendrier.dateCourante();
formData.enchantement = RdDTimestamp.splitIndexDate(item.system.prdate);
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static calculPuissancePotion(potion) {
return potion.system.herbebonus *;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static calculPointsRepos(potion) {
return potion.system.herbebonus *;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static calculPointsGuerison(potion) {
return potion.system.herbebonus *;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static calculBonusHerbe(formData, herbesList, max) {
if (Number(formData.system.herbebrins)) {
let herbe = herbesList.find(item => == formData.system.herbe.toLowerCase());
if (herbe) {
const brinsRequis = max - herbe.system.niveau;
const brinsManquants = Math.max(brinsRequis - formData.system.herbebrins, 0);
formData.system.herbebonus = Math.max(herbe.system.niveau - brinsManquants, 0);
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import { RdDItemArme } from "./item-arme.js";
import { RdDItemCompetenceCreature } from "./item-competencecreature.js";
import { ITEM_TYPES } from "./item.js";
import { ITEM_TYPES } from "./constants.js";
export class RdDHotbar {
@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ import { RdDCompendiumOrganiser } from "./rdd-compendium-organiser.js"
import { ReglesOptionnelles } from "./settings/regles-optionnelles.js"
import { RdDHotbar } from "./rdd-hotbar-drop.js"
import { EffetsDraconiques } from "./tmr/effets-draconiques.js"
import { RdDHerbes } from "./rdd-herbes.js"
import { RdDDice } from "./rdd-dice.js"
import { RdDPossession } from "./rdd-possession.js"
import { Misc } from "./misc.js"
@ -76,7 +75,8 @@ import { AppPersonnageAleatoire } from "./actor/random/app-personnage-aleatoire.
import { RdDActorExportSheet } from "./actor/export-scriptarium/actor-encart-sheet.js"
import { RdDStatBlockParser } from "./apps/rdd-import-stats.js"
import { RdDJournalSheet } from "./journal/journal-sheet.js"
import { RdDTextEditor } from "./apps/rdd-text-roll-editor.js"
import { RdDPotionItemSheet } from "./item/sheet-potion.js"
import { RdDItemPotion } from "./item/potion.js"
* RdD system
@ -105,6 +105,7 @@ export class SystemReveDeDragon {
poison: RdDItemPoison,
queue: RdDItemQueue,
tete: RdDItemTete,
potion: RdDItemPotion,
race: RdDItemRace,
rencontre: RdDRencontre,
service: RdDItemService,
@ -195,6 +196,7 @@ export class SystemReveDeDragon {
@ -202,9 +204,10 @@ export class SystemReveDeDragon {
Items.registerSheet(SYSTEM_RDD, RdDItemInventaireSheet, {
types: [
"objet", "arme", "armure", "livre", "potion", "munition",
"objet", "arme", "armure", "livre", "munition",
"monnaie", "nourritureboisson", "gemme",
], makeDefault: true
makeDefault: true
Items.registerSheet(SYSTEM_RDD, RdDItemSheet, {
types: [
@ -214,7 +217,8 @@ export class SystemReveDeDragon {
"queue", "ombre", "souffle", "tete", "casetmr", "sort", "sortreserve",
"nombreastral", "tache", "maladie", "poison", "possession",
"tarot", "extraitpoetique", "empoignade"
], makeDefault: true
makeDefault: true
// préparation des différents modules
@ -316,7 +320,6 @@ export class SystemReveDeDragon {
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import { RdDResolutionTable } from "./rdd-resolution-table.js";
import { RdDRoll } from "./rdd-roll.js";
import { RdDItemCompetenceCreature } from "./item-competencecreature.js";
import { Targets } from "./targets.js";
import { ITEM_TYPES } from "./item.js";
import { ITEM_TYPES } from "./constants.js";
/* -------------------------------------------- */
/* On part du principe qu'une entité démarre tjs
@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ export class RdDPossession {
await RdDResolutionTable.displayRollData(rollData, rollData.attacker, 'chat-resultat-possession.html')
if (rollData.possession.isPosseder || rollData.possession.isConjurer) {
// conjuration
victime.deleteEmbeddedDocuments("Item", [rollData.possession._id])
await victime.deleteEmbeddedDocuments("Item", [rollData.possession._id])
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import { RdDCarac } from "./rdd-carac.js";
import { RdDResolutionTable } from "./rdd-resolution-table.js";
import { ReglesOptionnelles } from "./settings/regles-optionnelles.js";
import { Grammar } from "./grammar.js";
import { ACTOR_TYPES } from "./item.js";
import { ACTOR_TYPES } from "./constants.js";
* Extend the base Dialog entity to select roll parameters
@ -137,7 +137,11 @@ export class RdDRoll extends Dialog {
this.rollData.selectedCarac = this.rollData.carac[]
if (this.rollData.selectedCarac) {
|||| == ACTOR_TYPES.personnage
? RdDCarac.caracDetails(this.rollData.selectedCarac.label).code
: this.rollData.selectedCarac.label
if (this.rollData.selectedSort) {
@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
import { RdDTextEditor } from "./apps/rdd-text-roll-editor.js";
import { CompendiumTable, CompendiumTableHelpers, SystemCompendiums } from "./settings/system-compendiums.js";
export class RdDRollTables {
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ export class RdDSheetUtility {
await RdDSheetUtility._onSplitItem(item, split, actor);
static async _onSplitItem(item, split, actor) {
@ -82,4 +82,11 @@ export class RdDSheetUtility {
await actor.createEmbeddedDocuments('Item', [splitItem])
static async renderItemBranch(actor, item) {
while (item) {
await item.sheet?.render()
item = actor.getContenant(item)
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ import { RdDDice } from "./rdd-dice.js";
import { STATUSES } from "./settings/status-effects.js";
import { RdDRencontre } from "./item/rencontre.js";
import { RdDTimestamp } from "./time/rdd-timestamp.js";
import { ITEM_TYPES } from "./item.js";
import { ITEM_TYPES } from "./constants.js";
import { Misc } from "./misc.js";
@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ export class RdDTMRDialog extends Dialog {
getSortsReserve(coord) {
return[ITEM_TYPES.sortreserve].filter(// Reserve sur une case fleuve ou normale
return this.sortsReserve.filter(// Reserve sur une case fleuve ou normale
TMRUtility.getTMR(coord).type == 'fleuve'
? it => TMRUtility.getTMR(it.system.coord).type == 'fleuve'
: it => it.system.coord == coord
@ -271,8 +271,7 @@ export class RdDTMRDialog extends Dialog {
_getTokensSortsReserve() {
const sortsReserve =[ITEM_TYPES.sortreserve];
return Misc.concat( =>
return Misc.concat( =>
EffetsDraconiques.sortReserve.tokens(this.pixiTMR, sortReserve, () => sortReserve.system.coord)))
@ -908,8 +907,8 @@ export class RdDTMRDialog extends Dialog {
/* -------------------------------------------- */
lancerSortEnReserve(coord, sortId) {
let sorts = this.getSortsReserve(coord);
let sort = sorts.find(it => == sortId);
const sort = this.getSortsReserve(coord)
.find(it => == sortId);
if (sort) {
} else {
@ -19,10 +19,12 @@ import { RdDEmpoignade } from "./rdd-empoignade.js";
import { ExperienceLog } from "./actor/experience-log.js";
import { RdDCoeur } from "./coeur/rdd-coeur.js";
import { APP_ASTROLOGIE_REFRESH } from "./sommeil/app-astrologie.js";
import { RDD_CONFIG } from "./constants.js";
import { ITEM_TYPES, RDD_CONFIG } from "./constants.js";
import { RdDBaseActor } from "./actor/base-actor.js";
import { RdDCarac } from "./rdd-carac.js";
import { RdDTextEditor } from "./apps/rdd-text-roll-editor.js";
import { Monnaie } from "./item-monnaie.js";
import { ItemAction } from "./item/item-actions.js";
/* -------------------------------------------- */
// This table starts at 0 -> niveau -10
@ -115,6 +117,7 @@ export class RdDUtility {
// sous-parties de feuilles de personnages
@ -129,48 +132,47 @@ export class RdDUtility {
@ -180,8 +182,9 @@ export class RdDUtility {
// partial enums
@ -189,7 +192,7 @@ export class RdDUtility {
@ -294,9 +297,9 @@ export class RdDUtility {
// math
Handlebars.registerHelper('min', (...args) => Math.min(...args.slice(0, -1)));
Handlebars.registerHelper('repeat', function(n, block) {
Handlebars.registerHelper('repeat', function (n, block) {
let accum = '';
for(let i = 0; i < n; ++i){
for (let i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
accum += block.fn(i)
return accum
@ -334,6 +337,8 @@ export class RdDUtility {
Handlebars.registerHelper('isFieldInventaireModifiable', (type, field) => RdDItem.isFieldInventaireModifiable(type, field));
// Items
Handlebars.registerHelper('rarete-getChamp', (rarete, field) => RdDRaretes.getChamp(rarete, field));
Handlebars.registerHelper('item-action-applies', (action, item, options) => ItemAction.applies(action, item, options))
Handlebars.registerHelper('item-action-icon', (action, item) => ItemAction.icon(action, item))
// TMRs
Handlebars.registerHelper('caseTmr-label', coord => TMRUtility.getTMRLabel(coord));
@ -435,8 +440,8 @@ export class RdDUtility {
if (!optionsArbre.templateItem) {
optionsArbre.templateItem = item.parent?.type == 'commerce'
? "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/actor/commerce-inventaire-item.html"
: "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/actor/inventaire-item.html";
? "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/actor/commerce-inventaire-item.hbs"
: "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/actor/inventaire-item.hbs";
item.niveau = optionsArbre.profondeur;
@ -464,13 +469,38 @@ export class RdDUtility {
return ligneObjet;
static filterItemsPerTypeForSheet(formData, itemTypes) {
Object.values(ITEM_TYPES).forEach(t => {
formData[t + 's'] = Misc.arrayOrEmpty(itemTypes[t])
itemTypes[t].forEach(item => item.actions = item.itemActions())
formData.maladiesPoisons = formData.maladies.concat(formData.poisons)
formData.competences = formData.competences.concat(formData.competencecreatures)
formData.monnaies = formData.monnaies.sort(Monnaie.triValeurEntiere())
formData.inventaires = RdDUtility.prepareInventaire(itemTypes)
static buildInventaireConteneur(actorId, itemId, options) {
const actor = game.actors.get(actorId)
const item = actor?.items.get(itemId)
if (item) {
return RdDUtility.buildContenuConteneur(item, options, { ouvert: true, profondeur: 1 });
if (item?.type == ITEM_TYPES.conteneur) {
const formData = {}
RdDUtility.filterItemsPerTypeForSheet(formData, actor.itemTypes);
RdDUtility.buildArbreDeConteneurs(formData.conteneurs, formData.inventaires);
item.subItems = formData.conteneurs.find(it => it._id == itemId)?.subItems;
return RdDUtility.buildContenuConteneur(item, options, { ouvert: true, profondeur: 1 })
return '';
return ''
static prepareInventaire(itemTypes) {
return RdDItem.getItemTypesInventaire('all')
.map(t => Misc.arrayOrEmpty(itemTypes[t]))
.reduce((a, b) => a.concat(b), [])
.sort(Misc.ascending(it =>
/* -------------------------------------------- */
@ -872,7 +902,7 @@ export class RdDUtility {
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static async confirmActorItemDelete(sheet, item, htmlToDelete) {
static async confirmActorItemDelete(item, actor) {
const itemId =;
const confirmationSuppression = {
settingConfirmer: "confirmation-supprimer-" + item.getItemGroup(),
@ -881,8 +911,7 @@ export class RdDUtility {
buttonLabel: "Supprimer",
onAction: () => {
console.log('Delete : ', itemId);
||||'Item', [itemId], { renderSheet: false });
RdDUtility.slideOnDelete(sheet, htmlToDelete);
actor.deleteEmbeddedDocuments('Item', [itemId], { renderSheet: false });
if (item.isConteneurNonVide()) {
@ -895,8 +924,7 @@ export class RdDUtility {
label: "Supprimer conteneur et contenu",
callback: () => {
console.log("Delete : ", itemId);
||||, { renderSheet: false });
RdDUtility.slideOnDelete(sheet, htmlToDelete);
actor.deleteAllConteneur(itemId, { renderSheet: false });
@ -334,6 +334,10 @@ export class RdDTimestamp {
return this.nouvelleHeure().addHeures((12 + heure - this.heure) % 12);
debutJournee() {
return RdDTimestamp.timestamp(this.annee, this.mois, this.jour)
async appliquerDuree(duree, actor) {
const formule = FORMULES_DUREE.find(it => it.code == duree) ?? FORMULES_DUREE.find(it => it.code == "");
return await formule.calcul(this, actor);
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ export class TMRRencontres {
* @param {*} forcedRoll
async rollRencontre(terrain, forcedRoll) {
const tmrType = TMRUtility.findTMRLike(terrain)?.type
const tmrType = TMRUtility.findTMRLike(terrain, { inclusMauvaise: true })?.type
if (tmrType == undefined) {
return undefined;
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ export class TMRRencontres {
const frequence = it => it.system.frequence[tmrType];
const row = await this.table.getRandom(frequence, filtreMauvaise, forcedRoll);
if (row) {
await CompendiumTableHelpers.tableRowToChatMessage(row, 'Item', {showSource: false});
await CompendiumTableHelpers.tableRowToChatMessage(row, 'Item', { showSource: false });
return row?.document;
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ export const TMRType = {
export const FLEUVE_COORD = 'Fleuve'
const TMRMapping = {
Fleuve: { type: TMRType.fleuve.type, label: "Fleuve de l'Oubli" },
Fleuve: { type: TMRType.fleuve.type, label: "Fleuve de l'Oubli", generique: 'fleuve' },
A1: { type: TMRType.cite.type, label: "Cité Vide" },
B1: { type: TMRType.plaines.type, label: "Plaines d’Assorh" },
C1: { type: TMRType.necropole.type, label: "Nécropole de Kroak" },
@ -281,18 +281,18 @@ export class TMRUtility {
return Grammar.articleDetermine(tmr.type) + ' ' + tmr.label;
static findTMRLike(type, options = { inclusMauvaise: true }) {
static findTMRLike(type, options = { inclusMauvaise: false }) {
const choix = [...Object.values(TMRType)]
if (options.inclusMauvaise) {
choix.push({ name: 'Mauvaise', type: 'mauvaise'});
const selection = Misc.findAllLike(type, choix)
if (selection.length == 0) {
ui.notifications.warn(`Un type de TMR doit être indiqué, '${type}' n'est pas trouvé dans ${choix}`);
ui.notifications.warn(`Un type de TMR doit être indiqué, '${type}' n'est pas trouvé dans ${ =>', '))}`);
return undefined
if (selection.length > 1) {
ui.notifications.warn(`Plusieurs types de TMR pourraient correspondre à '${type}': ${ =>}`);
ui.notifications.warn(`Plusieurs types de TMR pourraient correspondre à '${type}': ${ =>', '))}`);
return undefined;
return selection[0]
@ -357,7 +357,7 @@ export class TMRUtility {
static filterTMR(filter) {
return Object.values(TMRMapping).filter(filter);
return Object.values(TMRMapping).filter(it => !it.generique && filter(it))
static getCasesType(type) {
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import { ITEM_TYPES } from "../item.js";
import { ITEM_TYPES } from "../constants.js";
import { TMRUtility } from "../tmr-utility.js";
import { PixiTMR } from "./pixi-tmr.js";
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ import { Periple } from "./periple.js";
import { UrgenceDraconique } from "./urgence-draconique.js";
import { Grammar } from "../grammar.js";
import { AugmentationSeuil } from "./augmentation-seuil.js";
import { ITEM_TYPES } from "../item.js";
import { ITEM_TYPES } from "../constants.js";
export class EffetsDraconiques {
static carteTmr = new CarteTmr();
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import { RdDRollTables } from "../rdd-rolltables.js";
import { TMRUtility } from "../tmr-utility.js";
import { tmrTokenZIndex } from "../tmr-constants.js";
import { Draconique } from "./draconique.js";
import { ITEM_TYPES } from "../item.js";
import { ITEM_TYPES } from "../constants.js";
import { TMRAnimations } from "./animation.js";
export class UrgenceDraconique extends Draconique {
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import { ITEM_TYPES } from "../item.js"
import { ITEM_TYPES } from "../constants.js"
import { RdDItemCompetence } from "../item-competence.js"
import { ChatUtility } from "../chat-utility.js"
import { Misc } from "../misc.js"
@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ system:
déchirure. Celle-là se contente de chercher à fuir en
cas d’agression, ou attaque toutes griffes dehors si elle se sent
acculée. Pour la distinguer (visuellement) de la rieuse,
réussir VUE/Zoologie à -5. Les caractéristiques de
réussir @roll[VUE/Zoologie/-5]. Les caractéristiques de
combat indiquées ne s’appliquent qu’à la
race: ''
@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ system:
souffrir ses premiers malus à la course et au saut. La vitesse
indiquée correspond à une allure plutôt lente.
Contrairement aux autres animaux pour qui la vitesse de base est fixe, le
gardien des rêves peut rajouter jusqu’à 3d6 points
gardien des rêves peut rajouter jusqu’à @roll[3d6] points
à la vitesse de course de chaque individu. Cette nouvelle vitesse de
course est rajoutée une fois pour toutes, mais peut être
modulée par un jet de course sur la table de Course animale.</p>
@ -3897,7 +3897,7 @@ items:
indexDate: -1
indexMinute: 0
rarete: ''
categorie: Remede
categorie: Alchimie
herbe: ''
herbebrins: 0
herbebonus: 0
@ -5349,7 +5349,7 @@ items:
indexDate: -1
indexMinute: 0
rarete: ''
categorie: Remede
categorie: Alchimie
herbe: ''
herbebrins: 0
herbebonus: 0
@ -5605,7 +5605,7 @@ items:
indexDate: -1
indexMinute: 0
rarete: ''
categorie: Remede
categorie: Alchimie
herbe: ''
herbebrins: 0
herbebonus: 0
@ -5765,7 +5765,7 @@ items:
indexDate: -1
indexMinute: 0
rarete: ''
categorie: Remede
categorie: Alchimie
herbe: ''
herbebrins: 0
herbebonus: 0
@ -6437,7 +6437,7 @@ items:
indexDate: -1
indexMinute: 0
rarete: ''
categorie: Remede
categorie: Alchimie
herbe: ''
herbebrins: 0
herbebonus: 0
@ -7610,7 +7610,7 @@ items:
indexDate: -1
indexMinute: 0
rarete: ''
categorie: Remede
categorie: Alchimie
herbe: ''
herbebrins: 0
herbebonus: 0
@ -8010,7 +8010,7 @@ items:
poussant dans les lieux frais et humides : marais ombragés,
certaines forêts, et parfois vallées de montagne. Un peu
moins rare est la fausse endebrume, qui lui ressemble physiquement, mais
n'a aucune vertu. <br /><em>VUE/Botanique à -1 pour savoir
n'a aucune vertu. <br /><em>@roll[VUE/Botanique/-1] pour savoir
à quelle espèce on a affaire (jet obligatoire à
chaque cueillette).</em></p>
@ -8782,7 +8782,7 @@ items:
description: |-
<p>Poudre brune apparaissant sur les parois des grottes.</p>
<p>VUE/Alchimie à -1.</p>
descriptionmj: ''
encombrement: 0.001
quantite: 1
@ -8818,7 +8818,7 @@ items:
<p>Poudre blanche apparaissant sous l’écorce de nombreux
<p>VUE/Alchimie à 0.</p>
descriptionmj: ''
encombrement: 0.001
quantite: 1
@ -8854,7 +8854,7 @@ items:
<p>Poudre rouge obtenue par disruption alchimique de la
<em>chramaele</em>, minerai ayant l’apparence de la glaise.</p>
<p>VUE/Alchimie à -4</p>
descriptionmj: ''
encombrement: 0.001
quantite: 1
@ -8899,7 +8899,7 @@ items:
<p>Poudre noire obtenue par disruption alchimique du minerai
appelé <em>narthalide</em>, sorte de marne.</p>
<p>VUE/Alchimie à -3</p>
descriptionmj: ''
encombrement: 0.001
quantite: 1
@ -8941,7 +8941,7 @@ items:
<p>Poudre bleuâtre obtenue par disruption alchimique du minerai
appelé <em>obbadine</em>, sorte de tourbe.</p>
<p>VUE/Alchimie à -2</p>
descriptionmj: ''
encombrement: 0.001
quantite: 1
@ -8983,7 +8983,7 @@ items:
<p>Plus rare que le vert, poudre grisâtre apparaissant le long de
certaines lianes des marais.</p>
<p>VUE/Alchimie à -4</p>
descriptionmj: ''
encombrement: 0.001
quantite: 1
@ -9019,7 +9019,7 @@ items:
<p>Poudre verdâtre apparaissant sur les tiges de certains
<p>VUE/Alchimie à -2</p>
descriptionmj: ''
encombrement: 0.001
quantite: 1
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ system:
indexDate: -1
indexMinute: 0
rarete: ''
categorie: Remede
categorie: Alchimie
herbe: ''
herbebrins: 0
herbebonus: 0
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ system:
indexDate: -1
indexMinute: 0
rarete: ''
categorie: Remede
categorie: Alchimie
herbe: ''
herbebrins: 0
herbebonus: 0
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ system:
indexDate: -1
indexMinute: 0
rarete: ''
categorie: Remede
categorie: Alchimie
herbe: ''
herbebrins: 0
herbebonus: 0
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ system:
indexDate: -1
indexMinute: 0
rarete: ''
categorie: Remede
categorie: Alchimie
herbe: ''
herbebrins: 0
herbebonus: 0
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ system:
indexDate: -1
indexMinute: 0
rarete: ''
categorie: Remede
categorie: Alchimie
herbe: ''
herbebrins: 0
herbebonus: 0
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ system:
indexDate: -1
indexMinute: 0
rarete: ''
categorie: Remede
categorie: Alchimie
herbe: ''
herbebrins: 0
herbebonus: 0
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ effects: []
description: |-
<p>Poudre brune apparaissant sur les parois des grottes.</p>
<p>VUE/Alchimie à -1.</p>
descriptionmj: ''
encombrement: 0.001
quantite: 1
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ system:
<p>Poudre blanche apparaissant sous l’écorce de nombreux
<p>VUE/Alchimie à 0.</p>
descriptionmj: ''
encombrement: 0.001
quantite: 1
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ system:
<p>Poudre rouge obtenue par disruption alchimique de la <em>chramaele</em>,
minerai ayant l’apparence de la glaise.</p>
<p>VUE/Alchimie à -4</p>
descriptionmj: ''
encombrement: 0.001
quantite: 1
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ system:
<p>Poudre noire obtenue par disruption alchimique du minerai appelé
<em>narthalide</em>, sorte de marne.</p>
<p>VUE/Alchimie à -3</p>
descriptionmj: ''
encombrement: 0.001
quantite: 1
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ system:
<p>Poudre bleuâtre obtenue par disruption alchimique du minerai
appelé <em>obbadine</em>, sorte de tourbe.</p>
<p>VUE/Alchimie à -2</p>
descriptionmj: ''
encombrement: 0.001
quantite: 1
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ system:
<p>Plus rare que le vert, poudre grisâtre apparaissant le long de
certaines lianes des marais.</p>
<p>VUE/Alchimie à -4</p>
descriptionmj: ''
encombrement: 0.001
quantite: 1
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ effects: []
description: |-
<p>Poudre verdâtre apparaissant sur les tiges de certains roseaux.</p>
<p>VUE/Alchimie à -2</p>
descriptionmj: ''
encombrement: 0.001
quantite: 1
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ type: ombre
img: systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/queue_dragon.webp
effects: []
description: <p>Prise immédiate de 3d6 points de fatigue.</p>
description: <p>Prise immédiate de @roll[3d6] points de fatigue.</p>
descriptionmj: ''
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
_id: OjG8XRbeYtq2jcgB
name: Casser 3d6 oeufs en les jetant à terre
name: Casser @roll[3d6] oeufs en les jetant à terre
type: queue
img: systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/queues/desir_lancinant.webp
effects: []
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ type: queue
img: systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/queue_dragon.webp
effects: []
description: <p>Prise immédiate de 3d6 points de fatigue.</p>
description: <p>Prise immédiate de @roll[3d6] points de fatigue.</p>
descriptionmj: ''
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
_id: F8G3rdU1nfJzYwYR
name: Garder sur soi 3d6 kilos de cailloux
name: Garder sur soi @roll[3d6] kilos de cailloux
type: queue
img: systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/queues/idee_fixe.webp
effects: []
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ system:
<p><strong>L’huile de pierre</strong> (pétrole brut) se trouve
naturellement à la surface de certains marais.</p>
<p>VUE/Alchimie à zéro pour l’identifier.</p>
<p>@roll[VUE/Alchimie/0] pour l’identifier.</p>
<p> </p>
@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ results:
- _id: 5AHjNXDrQL5TqLjv
flags: {}
type: pack
text: 'Désir lancinant : Casser 3d6 oeufs en les jetant à terre'
text: 'Désir lancinant : Casser @roll[3d6] oeufs en les jetant à terre'
img: systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/queues/desir_lancinant.webp
weight: 1
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ results:
- _id: P0eaJjtQQfpNIL9I
flags: {}
type: pack
text: 'Idée fixe : Garder sur soi 3d6 kilos de cailloux'
text: 'Idée fixe : Garder sur soi @roll[3d6] kilos de cailloux'
img: systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/queues/idee_fixe.webp
weight: 1
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ results:
- _id: wpUaRAW4HVRM8eOs
flags: {}
type: text
text: Reflet d’ancien rêve 2d6+4.
text: Reflet d’ancien rêve @roll[2d6+4].
img: systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/heures/hd06.webp
weight: 1
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ results:
- _id: tPwuPqShKzWo5jkG
flags: {}
type: text
text: Tourbillon blanc 2d6+4.
text: Tourbillon blanc @roll[2d6+4].
img: systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/heures/hd06.webp
weight: 1
@ -67,7 +67,8 @@
/* =================== 3. some constants ============ */
--color-controls:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.9);
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grid-template-columns: repeat(12, minmax(0, 1fr));
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-ms-flex-pack: start;
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@ -417,8 +419,11 @@ table {border: 1px solid #7a7971;}
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:is(.flex-grow, .flex-grow-3) {
.flex-grow, .flex-grow-3 {
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.flex-grow-2 {
@ -493,12 +498,13 @@ span.equipement-detail-buttons {
justify-content: center;
text-align: center;
.equipement-actions {
margin: 0;
flex-grow: 2;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
text-align: left;
align-items: end;
justify-content: flex-end;
text-align: right;
.blessure-control {
@ -813,16 +819,21 @@ input:is(.blessure-premiers_soins, .blessure-soins_complets) {
margin: 0;
.competence-list .item-controls {
.competence-list .item-controls,
.competence-list .item-actions-controls {
display: contents !important;
.competence-list .item-actions-controls.hidden-controls,
.competence-list .item-controls.hidden-controls {
display: none !important;
.item-actions-controls a.actionItem i:is(.fas, .fa, .fa-solid, .fa-regular),
.item-controls i:is(.fas, .fa, .fa-solid, .fa-regular) {
font-size: 0.8em;
color: var(--color-controls);
color: var(--color-controls-light);
.item-actions-controls a.actionItem i:is(.fas, .fa, .fa-solid, .fa-regular):hover,
.item-controls i:is(.fas, .far, .fa-solid, .fa-regular):hover {
opacity: 0.6;
@ -1050,6 +1061,10 @@ a.content-link {
white-space: nowrap;
word-break: break-all;
a.roll-text i.fas{
color: var(--color-text-dark-inactive);
margin-right: 0.25em;
li label.compteur {
@ -1084,25 +1099,29 @@ li label.compteur {
padding: 0.25rem;
.window-app.sheet .window-content .carac-value, .window-app.sheet .window-content .competence-xp {
.window-app.sheet .window-content .carac-value,
.window-app.sheet .window-content .competence-xp {
flex-grow: 0;
margin: 0.05rem;
flex-basis: 2rem;
text-align: center;
.window-app.sheet .window-content .carac-value, .window-app.sheet .window-content .competence-value {
.window-app.sheet .window-content .carac-value,
.window-app.sheet .window-content .competence-value {
flex-grow: 0;
margin: 0.05rem;
flex-basis: 2rem;
text-align: center;
.window-app.sheet .window-content .carac-value, .window-app.sheet .window-content .competence-archetype {
.window-app.sheet .window-content .carac-value,
.window-app.sheet .window-content .competence-archetype {
flex-grow: 0;
margin: 0.05rem;
flex-basis: 2rem;
text-align: center;
.window-app.sheet .window-content .carac-value, .window-app.sheet .window-content .competence-xp-sort {
.window-app.sheet .window-content .carac-value,
.window-app.sheet .window-content .competence-xp-sort {
flex-grow: 0;
margin: 0.05rem;
flex-basis: 2rem;
@ -1192,6 +1211,9 @@ li:nth-child(odd) {
.item-controls i.fas.allouer-stress.level-up {
color: var(--color-gold);
.item-action-controls i.fa-solid.allouer-stress.level-up {
color: var(--color-gold);
.blessures-list ul {
display: flex;
@ -1308,21 +1330,11 @@ div.competence-column div.categorie-competence{
font-weight: bold;
flex-grow: 0;
.description-label {
.list-title-label {
flex-grow: 2;
@ -802,7 +802,9 @@
"herbebrins": 0,
"herbebonus": 0,
"reposalchimique": false,
"magique": false,
"pr": 0,
"purifie": false,
"prpermanent": false,
"prdate": 0
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
<div class="flex-group-left flexcol competence-column">
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
{{!-- Equipment Tab --}}
<div class="tab items" data-group="primary" data-tab="items">
{{> "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/actor/inventaire-monnaie.html"}}
{{> "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/actor/inventaire-monnaie.hbs"}}
{{> "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/actor/inventaire.html"}}
@ -40,8 +40,8 @@
<div class="flex-group-left flexcol">
<div class="flex-group-left flexcol competence-column">
@ -111,19 +111,19 @@
<div class="tab combat" data-group="primary" data-tab="combat">
{{> "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/actor/combat.html"}}<hr>
{{> "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/actor/blessures.html"}}
{{> "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/actor/maladies-poisons.html"}}
{{> "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/actor/possessions.html"}}
{{> "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/actor/maladies-poisons.hbs"}}
{{> "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/actor/possessions.hbs"}}
{{#if options.isObserver}}{{!-- Connaissances Tab --}}
<div class="tab connaissances" data-group="primary" data-tab="connaissances">
{{> "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/actor/astrologie.html"}}
{{> "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/actor/taches.html"}}
{{> "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/actor/chirurgie.html"}}
{{> "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/actor/oeuvres.html"}}
{{> "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/actor/jeux.html"}}
{{> "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/actor/alchimie.html"}}
{{> "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/actor/taches.hbs"}}
{{> "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/actor/chirurgie.hbs"}}
{{> "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/actor/oeuvres.hbs"}}
{{> "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/actor/jeus.hbs"}}
{{> "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/actor/alchimie.hbs"}}
{{#if options.isObserver}}{{!-- hautreve Tab --}}
@ -143,7 +143,7 @@
{{!-- Equipment Tab --}}
<div class="tab items" data-group="primary" data-tab="items">
{{> "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/actor/inventaire-monnaie.html"}}
{{> "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/actor/inventaire-monnaie.hbs"}}
{{> "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/actor/inventaire.html"}}
{{> "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/actor/liens-animaux.hbs"}}
{{> "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/actor/liens-vehicules.hbs"}}
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@
{{!-- Equipment Tab --}}
<div class="tab items" data-group="primary" data-tab="items">
{{> "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/actor/inventaire-monnaie.html"}}
{{> "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/actor/inventaire-monnaie.hbs"}}
{{> "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/actor/inventaire.html"}}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
{{#if recettealchimiques.length}}
<h3>Recettes Alchimiques</h3>
<ul class="item-list alterne-list">
{{#each (trier recettealchimiques) as |recette id|}}
<li class="item flexrow list-item" data-item-id="{{recette._id}}">
<span class="list-item-label"><a class="item-edit">{{}}</a></span>
{{>'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/actor/item-action-controls.hbs' item=recette options=@root.options}}
@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
{{#if recettesAlchimiques.length}}
<h3>Recettes Alchimiques</h3>
<ul class="item-list alterne-list">
{{#each (trier recettesAlchimiques) as |recette id|}}
<li class="item flexrow list-item" data-item-id="{{recette._id}}"><span class="competence-title recette-label item-edit"><a>{{}}</a></span>
<div class="item-controls">
<a class="item-edit" data-tooltip="Modifier"><i class="fas fa-edit"></i></a>
<a class="item-delete" data-tooltip="Supprimer"><i class="fas fa-trash"></i></a>
<a class="item-montrer" data-tooltip="Montrer"><i class="fas fa-comment"></i></a>
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
<li class="caracteristique item flexrow list-item" data-item-id="{{}}">
<span class="flex-grow">
<img class="sheet-competence-img subacteur-open" src="{{armure.img}}" data-tooltip="{{}}"/>
<a class="item-equip" data-tooltip="Equiper">{{#if armure.system.equipe}}<i class="fas fa-hand-rock"></i>{{else}}<i class="far fa-hand-paper"></i>{{/if}}</a>
<a class="item-equip-armure" data-tooltip="Equiper">{{#if armure.system.equipe}}<i class="fas fa-hand-rock"></i>{{else}}<i class="far fa-hand-paper"></i>{{/if}}</a>
{{#if armure.system.malus}}
<span class="derivee-value">({{armure.system.malus}})</span>
@ -33,10 +33,5 @@
{{#if system.origine}}<span>Par {{system.origine}}</span>{{/if}}
{{#if system.localisation}}<span>{{system.localisation}}</span>{{/if}}
<span class="item-controls">
<a class="item-edit" data-tooltip="Editer"><i class="fas fa-edit"></i></a>
<a class="item-delete" data-tooltip="Supprimer"><i class="fas fa-trash"></i></a>
<a class="item-montrer" data-tooltip="Montrer"><i class="fas fa-comment"></i></a>
{{>'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/actor/item-action-controls.hbs' item=this options=@root.options}}
@ -10,14 +10,9 @@
<li class="item flexrow list-item" data-item-id="{{tache._id}}"
data-tooltip="Premiers soins: {{}} ({{tache.system.points_de_tache_courant}}/{{tache.system.points_de_tache}})">
<img class="sheet-competence-img" src="{{tache.img}}"/>
<span class="competence-title tache-label"><a>{{}}
<span class="list-item-label"><a class="action-tache">{{}}
<div class="item-controls">
<a class="item-edit" data-tooltip="Modifier"><i class="fas fa-edit"></i></a>
<a class="item-delete" data-tooltip="Supprimer"><i class="fas fa-trash"></i></a>
<a class="item-montrer" data-tooltip="Montrer"><i class="fas fa-comment"></i></a>
{{>'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/actor/item-action-controls.hbs' item=tache options=@root.options}}
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
<ul class="item-list alterne-list">
<li class="competence-header flexrow">
<span class="competence-title competence-label">Armes et Défenses</span>
<span class="competence-title competence-value">Niveau</span>
<span class="competence-title competence-value">+dom</span>
<span class="competence-title competence-value"></span>
<span class="competence-title initiative-value">Initiative</span>
<span class="generic-label">Armes et Défenses</span>
<span class="competence-value">Niveau</span>
<span class="competence-value">+dom</span>
<span class="competence-value"></span>
<span class="initiative-value">Initiative</span>
{{#each combat as |arme key|}}
<li class="item flexrow list-item"
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
data-tooltip="{{}}: niveau {{plusMoins arme.system.niveau}}">
<span class="arme-label">
<span class="list-item-label">
<a class="roll-arme">
{{#if arme.img}}
<img class="sheet-competence-img" src="{{arme.img}}" data-tooltip="{{}}"/>
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
{{#each esquives as |esq key|}}
<li class="item flexrow list-item" data-item-id="{{esq._id}}"
data-tooltip="{{}}: niveau {{plusMoins esq.system.niveau}}">
<span class="competence-label">
<span class="list-item-label">
<a class="roll-competence" name="{{}}">
<img class="sheet-competence-img" src="{{esq.img}}" />
@ -47,26 +47,20 @@
<ul class="item-list alterne-list">
<li class="competence-header flexrow">
<span class="competence-title competence-label">Empoignades</span>
<span class="competence-title competence-value">Points d'Emp</span>
<span class="flex-grow-3">Empoignades</span>
<span class="flex-group-right">Points d'Emp</span>
<span class="item-controls"></span>
{{#each empoignades as |emp key|}}
<li class="item flexrow list-item"
data-item-id="{{emp._id}}" data-arme-name="{{}}"
data-tooltip="{{}}: niveau {{plusMoins emp.system.niveau}}">
<span class="empoignade-label">
{{#if emp.img}}
data-tooltip="{{}}: niveau {{plusMoins emp.system.pointsemp}}">
<a class="flex-grow-3 action-empoignade">
<img class="sheet-competence-img" src="{{emp.img}}"/>
<span class="competence-value">{{emp.system.pointsemp}}</span>
<div class="item-controls">
<a class="item-edit" data-tooltip="Modifier"><i class="fas fa-edit"></i></a>
<a class="item-delete" data-tooltip="Supprimer"><i class="fas fa-trash"></i></a>
<span class="flex-grow-0-5 flex-group-right">{{emp.system.pointsemp}}</span>
{{>'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/actor/item-action-controls.hbs' item=emp options=@root.options}}
@ -39,46 +39,13 @@
{{editor description target="system.description" button=true owner=options.isOwner editable=options.isOwner engine="prosemirror"}}
{{> "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/actor/commerce-inventaire.html"}}
{{> "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/actor/commerce-inventaire.hbs"}}
{{#unless system.illimite}}
{{#if @root.options.isObserver}}
{{> "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/actor/inventaire-monnaie.html"}}
{{> "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/actor/inventaire-monnaie.hbs"}}
<div class="flexcol">
<ul class="item-list alterne-list">
<li class="item flexrow list-item">
<label class="flex-grow">Service</label>
<label>Prix (sols)</label>
{{#unless disabled}}
<a class="service-add"><i class="fas fa-plus-circle"></i></a>
{{#each (trier as |service key|}}
<li class="item flexrow list-item" data-key="{{key}}">
<input {{@root.disabled}} type="text" name="services[{{key}}].name" value="{{}}" data-dtype="String" />
<input {{@root.disabled}} type="checkbox" name="services[{{key}}].system.moral" {{#if service.system.moral}}checked{{/if}} />
<input {{@root.disabled}} type="number" name="services[{{key}}].system.qualite" value="{{service.system.qualite}}" data-dtype="Number" min="-10" max="10"/>
<input {{@root.disabled}} type="number" class="input-prix" name="services[{{key}}].system.cout" value="{{numberFormat service.system.cout decimals=2 sign=false}}" data-dtype="Number" min="0" />
<div class="item-controls">
<a class="service-acheter" data-tooltip="Acheter"><i class="fa-sharp fa-solid fa-coins"></i></a>
{{#unless @root.disabled}}
<a class="service-vendre" data-tooltip="Proposer"><i class="fas fa-comments-dollar"></i></a>
<a class="service-delete" data-tooltip="Supprimer"><i class="fas fa-trash"></i></a>
{{> "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/actor/editor-notes-mj.html"}}
@ -39,23 +39,7 @@
{{/if}} />
<span class="equipement-actions item-controls">
{{#if options.isOwner}}
<a class="item-edit" data-tooltip="Editer"><i class="fas fa-edit"></i></a>
{{#unless (and (eq item.type 'conteneur') (not vide))}}
<a class="item-delete" data-tooltip="Supprimer"><i class="fas fa-trash"></i></a>
{{#if (or item.parent.system.illimite (ne item.system.quantite 0))}}
<a class="item-vendre" data-tooltip="Vendre"><i class="fas fa-comments-dollar"></i></a>
{{#unless (and (eq item.type 'conteneur') (not vide))}}
{{#if (or item.parent.system.illimite (gt item.system.quantite 0))}}
<a class="item-acheter" data-tooltip="Acheter"><i class="fa-regular fa-coins"></i></a>
<a class="item-montrer" data-tooltip="Montrer"><i class="fas fa-comment"></i></a>
{{>'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/actor/item-action-controls.hbs' item=item options=@root.options}}
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
<ul class="item-list alterne-list">
{{#each (trier competences) as |comp key|}}
<li class="item flexrow list-item" data-item-id="{{comp._id}}">
<a class="competence-label roll-competence">
<a class="list-item-label roll-competence">
<img class="sheet-competence-img" src="{{comp.img}}" data-tooltip="{{}}"/>
@ -23,12 +23,7 @@
{{#unless @root.options.vueDetaillee}}disabled{{/unless}}
{{#if @root.options.vueDetaillee}}
<div class="item-controls">
<a class="item-edit" data-tooltip="Modifier"><i class="fas fa-edit"></i></a>
<a class="item-delete" data-tooltip="Supprimer"><i class="fas fa-trash"></i></a>
{{>'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/actor/item-action-controls.hbs' item=comp options=@root.options}}
@ -4,11 +4,8 @@
{{#each possessions as |possession key|}}
<li class="item flexrow list-item" data-item-id="{{possession._id}}">
<img class="sheet-competence-img" src="{{possession.img}}" data-tooltip="{{}}"/>
<span class="competence-label">{{}}</span>
<div class="item-controls">
<a class="item-edit" data-tooltip="Modifier"><i class="fas fa-edit"></i></a>
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<span class="list-item-label">{{}}</span>
{{>'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/actor/item-action-controls.hbs' item=possession options=@root.options}}
@ -14,17 +14,17 @@
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{{#each competences as |comp key|}}
{{> "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/actor/competence.html" comp}}
{{> "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/actor/competence.hbs" comp}}
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