#17 Gestion heure et calendrier
This commit is contained in:
@ -912,9 +912,11 @@ export class RdDActor extends Actor {
if (data.compteurs && data.compteurs.ethylisme) // Ajout de l'éthylisme
if (data.compteurs && data.compteurs.ethylisme) // Ajout de l'éthylisme
state = state + data.compteurs.ethylisme.value;
state = state + data.compteurs.ethylisme.value;
state = state;
state = state;
surenc = -this.detectSurEncombrement();
data.compteurs.etat.value = state;
data.compteurs.etat.value = state;
data.compteurs.surenc.value = surenc;
if ( data.compteurs && data.compteurs.surenc) {
surenc = -this.detectSurEncombrement();
data.compteurs.surenc.value = surenc;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
/* -------------------------------------------- */
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
import { Misc } from "./misc.js";
* Extend the base Dialog entity by defining a custom window to perform roll.
* @extends {Dialog}
export class RdDCalendrierEditeur extends Dialog {
/* -------------------------------------------- */
constructor(html, calendrier, calendrierData) {
let myButtons = {
saveButton: { label: "Enregistrer", callback: html => this.fillData() }
// Common conf
let dialogConf = { content: html, title: "Editeur de date/heure", buttons: myButtons, default: "saveButton" };
let dialogOptions = { classes: ["rdddialog"], width: 400, height: 300, 'z-index': 99999 }
super(dialogConf, dialogOptions)
this.calendrier = calendrier;
this.calendrierData = calendrierData; //duplicate(calendrierData);
/* -------------------------------------------- */
fillData( ) {
this.calendrierData.moisKey = $("#nomMois").val();
this.calendrierData.heureKey = $("#nomHeure").val();
this.calendrierData.jourMois = $("#jourMois").val();
this.calendrierData.heuresRelative = $("#heuresRelative").val();
this.calendrierData.minutesRelative = $("#minutesRelative").val();
console.log("UPDATE ", this.calendrierData);
this.calendrier.saveEditeur( this.calendrierData )
/* -------------------------------------------- */
updateData( calendrierData ) {
this.calendrierData = duplicate(calendrierData);
/* -------------------------------------------- */
activateListeners(html) {
let calendrierData = this.calendrierData;
$(function () {
@ -1,22 +1,321 @@
/* -------------------------------------------- */
/* -------------------------------------------- */
const heures = [ "Vaisseau", "Sirène", "Faucon", "Couronne", "Dragon", "Epées", "Lyre", "Serpent", "Poisson Acrobate", "Araignée", "Roseau", "Château Dormant" ]
import { RdDCalendrierEditeur } from "./rdd-calendrier-editeur.js";
/* -------------------------------------------- */
const heuresList = [ "vaisseau", "sirene", "faucon", "couronne", "dragon", "epees", "lyre", "serpent", "poissonacrobate", "araignee", "roseau", "chateaudormant" ];
const heuresDef = { "vaisseau": { label: "Vaisseau", lettreFont: 'v', saison: "printemps" },
"sirene": { label: "Sirène", lettreFont: 'S', saison: "printemps"},
"faucon": {label: "Faucon", lettreFont: 'f', saison: "printemps"},
"couronne": {label: "Couronne", lettreFont: 'C', saison: "ete"},
"dragon": {label: "Dragon", lettreFont: 'd', saison: "ete"},
"epees": {label: "Epées", lettreFont: 'e', saison: "ete"},
"lyre": {label: "Lyre", lettreFont: 'l', saison: "automne"},
"serpent": {label: "Serpent", lettreFont: 's', saison: "automne"},
"poissonacrobate": {label: "Poisson Acrobate", lettreFont: 'p', saison: "automne"},
"araignee": {label: "Araignée", lettreFont: 'a', saison: "hiver"},
"roseau": {label: "Roseau", lettreFont: 'r', saison: "hiver"},
"chateaudormant": {label: "Château Dormant", lettreFont: 'c', saison: "hiver"}
const saisonsDef = { "printemps": { label: "Printemps"},
"ete": { label: "Eté"},
"automne": { label: "Automne"},
"hiver": { label: "Hiver"}
const RDD_JOUR_PAR_MOIS = 28;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
/* -------------------------------------------- */
export class RdDCalendrier extends Application {
export class RdDCalendrier extends Application {
data = {
saisons: [],
static get defaultOptions() {
/* -------------------------------------------- */
const options = super.defaultOptions;
async initCalendrier() {
options.template = "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/calendar-template.html";
// Calendrier
options.popOut = false;
this.calendrier = duplicate(game.settings.get("foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon", "calendrier"));
options.resizable = false;
console.log("CALENDRIER", this.calendrier);
return options;
if ( this.calendrier == undefined || this.calendrier.moisRdD == undefined) {
this.calendrier.heureRdD = 0; // Index dans heuresList
this.calendrier.heuresRelative = 0;
this.calendrier.minutesRelative = 0;
this.calendrier.moisRdD = 0; // Index dans heuresList
this.calendrier.jour = 1;
if ( game.user.isGM) { // Uniquement si GM
game.settings.set("foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon", "calendrier", this.calendrier );
// position
this.calendrierPos = duplicate(game.settings.get("foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon", "calendrier-pos"));
if ( this.calendrierPos == undefined || this.calendrierPos.top == undefined) {
this.calendrierPos.top = 200;
this.calendrierPos.left = 200;
if ( game.user.isGM) { // Uniquement si GM
game.settings.set("foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon", "calendrier-pos", this.calendrierPos );
console.log(this.calendrier, this.calendrierPos);
/*getData() {
/* -------------------------------------------- */
return templateData;
static get defaultOptions() {
const options = super.defaultOptions;
options.template = "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/calendar-template.html";
options.popOut = false;
options.resizable = false;
return options;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
incrementTime(heure, minute = 0) {
this.calendrier.minutesRelative += minute;
if (this.calendrier.minutesRelative >= 60 ) {
this.calendrier.minutesRelative -= 60;
heure += 1;
this.calendrier.heuresRelative += heure;
if (this.calendrier.heuresRelative >= 2) {
this.calendrier.heuresRelative -= 2;
this.calendrier.heureRdD += 1;
if ( this.calendrier.heureRdD > 11 ) {
this.calendrier.heureRdD -= 11;
this.calendrier.jour += 1;
if ( this.calendrier.jour > RDD_JOUR_PAR_MOIS) {
this.calendrier.jour -= this.calendrier.jour;
if ( this.calendrier.jour <= 0)
this.calendrier.jour = 1;
this.calendrier.moisRdD += 1;
game.settings.set("foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon", "calendrier", duplicate(this.calendrier) );
// Notification aux joueurs
game.socket.emit("system.foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon", {
msg: "msg_sync_time",
data: duplicate(this.calendrier)
} );
//console.log(this.calendrier, heure, minute);
/* -------------------------------------------- */
syncPlayerTime( calendrier ) {
this.calendrier = duplicate(calendrier); // Local copy update
this.updateDisplay(); // Then update
/* -------------------------------------------- */
positionnerHeure( indexHeure ) {
if ( indexHeure <= this.calendrier.heureRdD )
this.calendrier.jour +=1;
this.calendrier.heureRdD = indexHeure;
this.calendrier.minutesRelative = 0;
this.calendrier.heuresRelative = 0;
game.settings.set("foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon", "calendrier", duplicate(this.calendrier) );
/* -------------------------------------------- */
fillCalendrierData( data = {} ) {
let moisKey = heuresList[this.calendrier.moisRdD];
let heureKey = heuresList[this.calendrier.heureRdD];
//console.log(moisKey, heureKey);
data.heureKey = heureKey;
data.moisKey = moisKey;
data.nomMois = heuresDef[moisKey].label; // heures et mois nommés identiques
data.jourMois = this.calendrier.jour;
data.nomHeure = heuresDef[heureKey].label;
data.nomSaison = saisonsDef[heuresDef[moisKey].saison].label;
data.heuresRelative = this.calendrier.heuresRelative;
data.minutesRelative = this.calendrier.minutesRelative;
data.lettreFont = heuresDef[heureKey].lettreFont;
data.isGM = game.user.isGM;
return data;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
getData() {
let data = super.getData();
this.setPos( this.calendrierPos );
return data;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
setPos(pos) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
function check() {
let elmnt = document.getElementById("calendar-time-container");
if (elmnt) {
elmnt.style.bottom = null;
let xPos = (pos.left) > window.innerWidth ? window.innerWidth-200 : pos.left;
let yPos = (pos.top) > window.innerHeight-20 ? window.innerHeight-100 : pos.top;
elmnt.style.top = (yPos) + "px";
elmnt.style.left = (xPos) + "px";
elmnt.style.position = 'fixed';
elmnt.style.zIndex = 100;
} else {
setTimeout(check, 30);
/* -------------------------------------------- */
updateDisplay() {
let data = this.fillCalendrierData( );
// Rebuild data
document.getElementById("calendar--move-handle").innerHTML = `Jour ${data.jourMois} de ${data.nomMois} (${data.nomSaison})`;
document.getElementById("calendar-heure-texte").innerHTML = ` - ${data.nomHeure}`;
document.getElementById("calendar-time").innerHTML = `${data.heuresRelative}:${data.minutesRelative}`;
document.getElementById("calendar-icone-heure").innerHTML = data.lettreFont;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
saveEditeur( calendrierData ) {
this.calendrier.heuresRelative = Number(calendrierData.heuresRelative);
this.calendrier.minutesRelative = Number(calendrierData.minutesRelative);
this.calendrier.jour = Number(calendrierData.jourMois);
this.calendrier.moisRdD = heuresList.findIndex(mois => mois === calendrierData.moisKey);
this.calendrier.heureRdD = heuresList.findIndex(heure => heure === calendrierData.heureKey);; // Index dans heuresList
game.settings.set("foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon", "calendrier", duplicate(this.calendrier) );
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async showCalendarEditor() {
let calendrierData = duplicate( this.fillCalendrierData( ) );
if ( this.editeur == undefined ) {
calendrierData.jourMoisOptions = Array(28).fill().map((item, index) => 1 + index);
calendrierData.heuresOptions = [0, 1];
calendrierData.minutesOptions = Array(60).fill().map((item, index) => 0 + index);
let html = await renderTemplate('systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/calendar-editor-template.html', calendrierData );
this.editeur = new RdDCalendrierEditeur(html, this, calendrierData )
this.editeur.updateData( calendrierData );
/* -------------------------------------------- */
/** @override */
activateListeners(html) {
html.find('#calendar-btn-1min').click(ev => {
this.incrementTime(0, 1);
html.find('#calendar-btn-5min').click(ev => {
this.incrementTime(0, 5);
html.find('#calendar-btn-10min').click(ev => {
this.incrementTime(0, 10);
html.find('#calendar-btn-20min').click(ev => {
this.incrementTime(0, 20);
html.find('#calendar-btn-30min').click(ev => {
this.incrementTime(0, 30);
html.find('#calendar-btn-1heure').click(ev => {
this.incrementTime(2, 0);
html.find('#calendar-btn-vaisseau').click(ev => {
this.positionnerHeure(0); // 0 -> vaisseau
html.find('#calendar-btn-lyre').click(ev => {
this.positionnerHeure(6); // 6 -> lyre
html.find('#calendar-btn-edit').click(ev => {
html.find('#calendar--move-handle').mousedown(ev => {
ev = ev || window.event;
let isRightMB = false;
if ("which" in ev) { // Gecko (Firefox), WebKit (Safari/Chrome) & Opera
isRightMB = ev.which == 3;
} else if ("button" in ev) { // IE, Opera
isRightMB = ev.button == 2;
if (!isRightMB) {
let pos1 = 0, pos2 = 0, pos3 = 0, pos4 = 0;
function dragElement(elmnt) {
elmnt.onmousedown = dragMouseDown;
function dragMouseDown(e) {
e = e || window.event;
pos3 = e.clientX;
pos4 = e.clientY;
document.onmouseup = closeDragElement;
document.onmousemove = elementDrag;
function elementDrag(e) {
e = e || window.event;
// calculate the new cursor position:
pos1 = pos3 - e.clientX;
pos2 = pos4 - e.clientY;
pos3 = e.clientX;
pos4 = e.clientY;
// set the element's new position:
elmnt.style.bottom = null
elmnt.style.top = (elmnt.offsetTop - pos2) + "px";
elmnt.style.left = (elmnt.offsetLeft - pos1) + "px";
elmnt.style.position = 'fixed';
elmnt.style.zIndex = 100;
function closeDragElement() {
// stop moving when mouse button is released:
elmnt.onmousedown = null;
document.onmouseup = null;
document.onmousemove = null;
let xPos = (elmnt.offsetLeft - pos1) > window.innerWidth ? window.innerWidth-200 : (elmnt.offsetLeft - pos1);
let yPos = (elmnt.offsetTop - pos2) > window.innerHeight-20 ? window.innerHeight-100 : (elmnt.offsetTop - pos2)
xPos = xPos < 0 ? 0 : xPos;
yPos = yPos < 0 ? 0 : yPos;
if(xPos != (elmnt.offsetLeft - pos1) || yPos != (elmnt.offsetTop - pos2)){
elmnt.style.top = (yPos) + "px";
elmnt.style.left = (xPos) + "px";
game.system.rdd.calendrier.calendrierPos.top = yPos;
game.system.rdd.calendrier.calendrierPos.left = xPos;
game.settings.set("foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon", "calendrier-pos", duplicate(game.system.rdd.calendrier.calendrierPos) );
} else if(isRightMB){
game.system.rdd.calendrier.calendrierPos.top = 200;
game.system.rdd.calendrier.calendrierPos.left = 200;
game.settings.set("foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon", "calendrier-pos", duplicate(game.system.rdd.calendrier.calendrierPos) );
@ -105,6 +105,8 @@ Hooks.once("init", async function() {
rollDataHandler: {},
rollDataHandler: {},
TMRUtility: TMRUtility
TMRUtility: TMRUtility
/* -------------------------------------------- */
game.settings.register("foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon", "accorder-entite-cauchemar", {
game.settings.register("foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon", "accorder-entite-cauchemar", {
name: "Accorder le rêve aux entités",
name: "Accorder le rêve aux entités",
hint: "A quel moment les personnages doivent accorder leur rêve aux entités de cauchemar",
hint: "A quel moment les personnages doivent accorder leur rêve aux entités de cauchemar",
@ -119,13 +121,21 @@ Hooks.once("init", async function() {
default: "avant-encaissement"
default: "avant-encaissement"
// Create specific settings
/* -------------------------------------------- */
// game.settings.register("foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon", "configuration", {
game.settings.register("foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon", "calendrier", {
// name: "configuration",
name: "calendrier",
// scope: "world",
scope: "world",
// config: false,
config: false,
// type: Object
type: Object
// });
/* -------------------------------------------- */
game.settings.register("foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon", "calendrier-pos", {
name: "calendrierPos",
scope: "world",
config: false,
type: Object
/* -------------------------------------------- */
game.settings.register("foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon", "dice-so-nice", {
game.settings.register("foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon", "dice-so-nice", {
name: "Montrer les dés pour toutes les jets",
name: "Montrer les dés pour toutes les jets",
hint: "Utilise Dice So Nice pour tous les jets de dés possibles. Décocher pour limiter à la table de résolution",
hint: "Utilise Dice So Nice pour tous les jets de dés possibles. Décocher pour limiter à la table de résolution",
@ -136,19 +146,19 @@ Hooks.once("init", async function() {
//game.settings.get("<systemName>","<settingName>") to retrieve it and game.settings.set("<systemName>","<settingName>", <newValue>)
//game.settings.get("<systemName>","<settingName>") to retrieve it and game.settings.set("<systemName>","<settingName>", <newValue>)
/* -------------------------------------------- */
* Set an initiative formula for the system
// Set an initiative formula for the system
* @type {String}
CONFIG.Combat.initiative = {
CONFIG.Combat.initiative = {
formula: "1d20",
formula: "1d20",
decimals: 2
decimals: 2
/* -------------------------------------------- */
game.socket.on("system.foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon", data => {
game.socket.on("system.foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon", data => {
RdDUtility.performSocketMesssage( data );
RdDUtility.performSocketMesssage( data );
/* -------------------------------------------- */
// Define custom Entity classes
// Define custom Entity classes
CONFIG.Actor.entityClass = RdDActor;
CONFIG.Actor.entityClass = RdDActor;
@ -159,6 +169,7 @@ Hooks.once("init", async function() {
difficultesLibres : RdDUtility.getDifficultesLibres()
difficultesLibres : RdDUtility.getDifficultesLibres()
/* -------------------------------------------- */
// Register sheet application classes
// Register sheet application classes
Actors.unregisterSheet("core", ActorSheet);
Actors.unregisterSheet("core", ActorSheet);
Actors.registerSheet("foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon", RdDActorSheet, {
Actors.registerSheet("foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon", RdDActorSheet, {
@ -209,13 +220,18 @@ Hooks.once("renderApplication", () => {
/* Foundry VTT Initialization */
/* Foundry VTT Initialization */
/* -------------------------------------------- */
/* -------------------------------------------- */
Hooks.once("ready", function() {
Hooks.once("ready", function() {
/* Affiche le calendrier */
//let calendrier = new RdDCalendrier();
/* -------------------------------------------- */
//let templatePath = "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/calendar-template.html";
/* Affiche/Init le calendrier */
//let templateData = {};
let calendrier = new RdDCalendrier();
/* DISABLEDrenderTemplate(templatePath, templateData).then(html => {
let templatePath = "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/calendar-template.html";
let templateData = {};
renderTemplate(templatePath, templateData).then(html => {
} ); */
} );
game.system.rdd.calendrier = calendrier; // Reference;
// Avertissement si joueur sans personnage
// Avertissement si joueur sans personnage
if ( !game.user.isGM && game.user.character == undefined) {
if ( !game.user.isGM && game.user.character == undefined) {
ui.notifications.info( "Attention ! Vous n'êtes connecté à aucun personnage !" );
ui.notifications.info( "Attention ! Vous n'êtes connecté à aucun personnage !" );
@ -179,6 +179,8 @@ export class RdDUtility {
// Calendrier
// Calendrier
// Conteneur/item in Actor sheet
// Conteneur/item in Actor sheet
@ -714,6 +716,8 @@ export class RdDUtility {
return RdDUtility._handleMsgDefense(sockmsg.data);
return RdDUtility._handleMsgDefense(sockmsg.data);
case "msg_gm_chat_message":
case "msg_gm_chat_message":
return ChatUtility.handleGMChatMessage(sockmsg.data);
return ChatUtility.handleGMChatMessage(sockmsg.data);
case "msg_sync_time":
return game.system.rdd.calendrier.syncPlayerTime( sockmsg.data );
Reference in New Issue
Block a user