Améliorations parser
- armure équipée - armes équipées - ajout des bonus de cases - dommages des créatures - ajout des esquives spéciales - fix édition feuilles de compétences créatures - déplacement des valeurs de test en fin de fichier
This commit is contained in:
@ -6,6 +6,370 @@ import { Grammar } from "../grammar.js";
import { Misc } from "../misc.js";
import { Misc } from "../misc.js";
import { ENTITE_INCARNE, ENTITE_NONINCARNE } from "../constants.js";
import { ENTITE_INCARNE, ENTITE_NONINCARNE } from "../constants.js";
const WHITESPACES = "\\s+"
const NUMERIC = "[\\+\\-]?\\d+"
const NUMERIC_VALUE = "(?<value>" + NUMERIC + ")"
const XREGEXP_NAME = "(?<name>[A-Za-zÀ-ÖØ-öø-ÿ\\s\\-]+)"
const XREGEXP_COMP_CREATURE = WHITESPACES + "(?<carac>\\d+)"
+ "(" + WHITESPACES + "(?<init>\\d+)?\\s+?(?<dommages>[\\+\\-]?\\d+)?" + ")?"
// Skill parser depending on the type of actor
const compParser = {
personnage: "(\\D+)*" + WHITESPACES + NUMERIC_VALUE,
const XREGEXP_SORT_VOIE = "[OHNT\\/]+"
const XREGEXP_SORT_CASE = "\\((?<case>[A-Za-zÀ-ÖØ-öø-ÿ\\s\\-]+)\\)";
+ WHITESPACES + "R(?<diff>([\\-\\d]+|(\\w|\\s)+))"
+ WHITESPACES + "r(?<reve>(\\d+(\\+)?|\\s\\w+))"
+ "(" + WHITESPACES + "\\+(?<bonus>\\d+)\\s?%" + WHITESPACES + "en" + WHITESPACES + "(?<bonuscase>[A-M]\\d{1,2})" + ")?"
+ ")"
// Main class for parsing a stat block
export class RdDStatBlockParser {
static openInputDialog() {
let dialog = new Dialog({
title: "Import de stats de PNJ/Créatures",
content: `
<p>Coller le texte de la stat ici</p>
<textarea id="statBlock" style="width: 100%; height: 200px;"></textarea>
buttons: {
ok: {
label: "OK",
callback: async (html) => {
let statBlock = html.find("#statBlock")[0].value;
await RdDStatBlockParser.parseStatBlock(statBlock);
cancel: {
label: "Cancel"
static fixWeirdPDF(statString) {
// Split the statString into lines
let lines = statString.split("\n");
let newLines = [];
let index = 0;
let nextType = "string";
// Loop through each line
for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
// remove trailing spaces
lines[i] = lines[i].trim();
// Is it text ?
if (lines[i].match(/^[a-zA-Zéêè\s]+/)) {
if (nextType == "string") {
newLines[index] = lines[i];
nextType = "number";
} else {
console.log("Wrong sequence string detected...", lines[i], nextType);
// Is it a number ?
if (lines[i].match(/^[\d\s]+/)) {
if (nextType == "number") {
newLines[index] = newLines[index] + lines[i];
nextType = "string";
} else {
console.log("Wrong sequence number detected...", lines[i], nextType);
static getHeureKey(heure) {
for (let h of game.system.rdd.config.heuresRdD) {
if (h.label.toLowerCase() == heure.toLowerCase()) {
return h.value;
return "vaisseau";
static async parseStatBlock(statString, type = "npc") {
//statString = statBlock03;
if (!statString) {
// Special function to fix strange/weird copy/paste from PDF readers
// Unused up to now : this.fixWeirdPDF(statString);
// Replace all endline by space in the statString
statString = statString.replace(/\n/g, " ");
// Remove all multiple spaces
statString = statString.replace(/\s{2,}/g, " ");
// Remove all leading and trailing spaces
statString = statString.trim();
// TODO: check for entite
let actorType = RdDStatBlockParser.parseActorType(statString);
// Now start carac
let actorData = foundry.utils.deepClone(game.model.Actor[actorType]);
for (let key in actorData.carac) {
let caracDef = actorData.carac[key];
// Parse the stat string for each caracteristic
let carac = XRegExp.exec(statString, XRegExp(caracDef.label + "\\s+(?<value>\\d+)", 'giu'));
if (carac?.value) {
actorData.carac[key].value = Number(carac.value);
// If creature we need to setup additionnal fields
switch (actorType) {
case "creature":
RdDStatBlockParser.parseCreature(statString, actorData)
case "entite":
RdDStatBlockParser.parseEntite(statString, actorData)
let items = [];
// Get skills from compendium
const competences = await SystemCompendiums.getCompetences(actorType);
//console.log("Competences : ", competences);
for (let comp of competences) {
let compMatch = XRegExp.exec(statString, XRegExp( + compParser[actorType], 'giu'));
if (compMatch) {
comp = comp.toObject()
comp.system.niveau = Number(compMatch.value);
if (actorType == "creature" || actorType == "entite") {
comp.system.carac_value = Number(compMatch.carac);
if (compMatch.dommages != undefined) {
comp.system.dommages = Number(compMatch.dommages);
comp.system.iscombat = true;
else if (actorType == "personnage") {
comp = comp.toObject()
// Now process weapons
const weapons = await SystemCompendiums.getWorldOrCompendiumItems("arme", "equipement")
//console.log("Equipement : ", equipment);
// TODO: les noms d'armes peuvent avoir un suffixe (à une main, lancée) qui détermine la compétence correspondante
// TODO: une arme peut être spécifique ("fourche"), ajouter une compétence dans ces cas là?
for (let weapon of weapons) {
let weapMatch = XRegExp.exec(statString, XRegExp( + "\\s+(?<value>\\+\\d+)", 'giu'));
if (weapMatch) {
weapon = weapon.toObject()
weapon.system.equipe = 'true'
// now process the skill
if (weapon.system?.competence != "") {
let wComp = items.find(i => Grammar.equalsInsensitive(, weapon.system.competence))
if (wComp) {
wComp.system.niveau = Number(weapMatch.value);
if (weapon.system?.tir != "") {
let wComp = items.find(i => Grammar.equalsInsensitive(, weapon.system.tir))
if (wComp) {
wComp.system.niveau = Number(weapMatch.value);
if (weapon.system?.lancer != "") {
let wComp = items.find(i => Grammar.equalsInsensitive(, weapon.system.lancer))
if (wComp) {
wComp.system.niveau = Number(weapMatch.value);
// Now process armors
const armors = await SystemCompendiums.getWorldOrCompendiumItems("armure", "equipement")
for (let armor of armors) {
let matchArmor = XRegExp.exec(statString, XRegExp(, 'giu'));
if (matchArmor) {
armor = armor.toObject()
armor.system.equipe = true
// Attemp to detect spell
let hautRevant = false
let sorts = await SystemCompendiums.getWorldOrCompendiumItems("sort", "sorts-oniros")
sorts = sorts.concat(await SystemCompendiums.getWorldOrCompendiumItems("sort", "sorts-hypnos"))
sorts = sorts.concat(await SystemCompendiums.getWorldOrCompendiumItems("sort", "sorts-narcos"))
sorts = sorts.concat(await SystemCompendiums.getWorldOrCompendiumItems("sort", "sorts-thanatos"))
XRegExp.forEach(statString, XRegExp(XREGEXP_SORT, 'giu'),
function (matchSort, i) {
let sort = sorts.find(s => Grammar.equalsInsensitive(,
if (sort) {
hautRevant = true
sort = sort.toObject();
if (matchSort.bonus && matchSort.bonuscase) {
sort.system.bonuscase = `${matchSort.bonuscase}:${matchSort.bonus}`
if (hautRevant) {
let tetes = await SystemCompendiums.getWorldOrCompendiumItems("tete", "tetes-de-dragon-pour-tous-personnages")
let donHR = tetes.find(t => Grammar.equalsInsensitive(, "Don de Haut-Rêve"))
if (donHR) {
if (actorType == "personnage") {
let feminin = XRegExp.exec(statString, XRegExp("né(?<value>e?) à", 'giu'));
actorData.sexe = (feminin?.value == 'e') ? 'féminin' : 'masculin'
// Get hour name : heure du XXXXX
let heure = XRegExp.exec(statString, XRegExp("heure (du|de la|des|de l\')\\s*(?<value>[A-Za-zÀ-ÖØ-öø-ÿ\\s]+),", 'giu'));
actorData.heure = this.getHeureKey(heure?.value || "Vaisseau");
// Get age
let age = XRegExp.exec(statString, XRegExp("(?<value>\\d+) ans", 'giu'));
if (age?.value) {
actorData.age = Number(age.value);
// Get height
let taille = XRegExp.exec(statString, XRegExp("(?<value>\\d+m\\d+)", 'giu'));
if (taille?.value) {
actorData.taille = taille.value;
// Get weight
let poids = XRegExp.exec(statString, XRegExp("(?<value>\\d+) kg", 'giu'));
if (poids?.value) {
actorData.poids = poids.value;
// Get cheveux
let cheveux = XRegExp.exec(statString, XRegExp("kg,\\s+(?<value>[A-Za-zÀ-ÖØ-öø-ÿ\\s\\-]+),\\s+yeux", 'giu'));
if (cheveux?.value) {
actorData.cheveux = cheveux.value;
// Get yeux
let yeux = XRegExp.exec(statString, XRegExp("yeux\\s+(?<value>[A-Za-zÀ-ÖØ-öø-ÿ\\s\\-]+), Beau", 'giu'));
if (yeux?.value) {
actorData.yeux = yeux.value;
// Get beauty
let beaute = XRegExp.exec(statString, XRegExp("beauté\\s+(?<value>\\d+)", 'giu'));
if (beaute?.value) {
actorData.beaute = Number(beaute.value);
// Name is all string before ', né'
let name = RdDStatBlockParser.extractName(actorType, statString);
let newActor = RdDBaseActorReve.create({ name: name || "Importé", type: actorType, system: actorData, items: items });
// DUmp....
static parseCreature(statString, actorData) {
let plusDom = XRegExp.exec(statString, XRegExp("\\+dom\\s+(?<value>[\\+\\-]?\\d+)", 'giu'));
if (plusDom?.values) {
actorData.attributs.plusdom.value = Number(plusDom.value);
let protection = XRegExp.exec(statString, XRegExp("protection\\s+(?<value>[\\-]?\\d+)", 'giu'));
if (protection?.value) {
| = Number(protection.value);
let endurance = XRegExp.exec(statString, XRegExp("endurance\\s+(?<value>\\d+)", 'giu'));
if (endurance?.value) {
actorData.sante.endurance.value = Number(endurance.value);
actorData.sante.endurance.max = Number(endurance.value);
let vie = XRegExp.exec(statString, XRegExp("vie\\s+(?<value>\\d+)", 'giu'));
if (vie.value) {
actorData.sante.vie.value = Number(vie.value);
actorData.sante.vie.max = Number(vie.value);
let vitesse = XRegExp.exec(statString, XRegExp("vitesse\\s+(?<value>[\\d\\/]+)", 'giu'));
if (vitesse?.value) {
actorData.attributs.vitesse.value = vitesse.value;
static parseEntite(statString, actorData) {
let plusDom = XRegExp.exec(statString, XRegExp("\\+dom\\s+(?<value>[\\+\\-]?\\d+)", 'giu'));
if (plusDom?.values) {
actorData.attributs.plusdom.value = Number(plusDom.value);
actorData.definition.categorieentite = 'cauchemar'
actorData.definition.typeentite = ENTITE_NONINCARNE
let endurance = XRegExp.exec(statString, XRegExp("endurance\\s+(?<value>\\d+)", 'giu'));
if (endurance?.value) {
actorData.sante.endurance.value = Number(endurance.value);
actorData.sante.endurance.max = Number(endurance.value);
actorData.definition.typeentite = ENTITE_INCARNE
let vitesse = XRegExp.exec(statString, XRegExp("vitesse\\s+(?<value>[\\d\\/]+)", 'giu'));
if (vitesse?.value) {
actorData.attributs.vitesse.value = vitesse.value;
static parseActorType(statString) {
let niveau = XRegExp.exec(statString, XRegExp("Niveau\\s+(?<value>[\\+\\-]?\\d+)", 'giu'))
let perception = XRegExp.exec(statString, XRegExp("perception\\s+(?<value>\\d+)", 'giu'))
if (perception?.value) {
return "creature"
if (niveau?.value) {
return "entite"
return "personnage"
static extractName(actorType, statString) {
switch (actorType) {
case "personnage": return RdDStatBlockParser.extractNamePersonnage(statString);
case "creature": return RdDStatBlockParser.extractNameCreature(statString);
return RdDStatBlockParser.extractNameCreature(statString);
static extractNamePersonnage(statString) {
let name = XRegExp.exec(statString, XRegExp("(?<value>[\\p{Letter}\\s\\d]+),", 'giu'));
if (!name?.value) {
name = XRegExp.exec(statString, XRegExp("(?<value>.+)\\s+taille", 'giu'));
return Misc.upperFirst(name?.value || "Importé");
static extractNameCreature(statString) {
const name = XRegExp.exec(statString, XRegExp("(?<value>.+)\\s+taille", 'giu'));
return Misc.upperFirst(name?.value || "Importé");
// Some internal test strings
// Some internal test strings
let statBlock01 = `+$16(/, baron de Sylvedire, né à l’heure du
let statBlock01 = `+$16(/, baron de Sylvedire, né à l’heure du
@ -197,337 +561,4 @@ Discrétion
// Skill parser depending on the type of actor
const compParser = {
personnage: "(\\D+)*\\s+(?<value>[\\+\\-]?\\d+)",
creature: "\\s+(?<carac>\\d+)\\s+(?<value>[\\+\\-]?\\d+)\\s?(?<init>\\d+)?\\s+?(?<dommages>\\+\\d+)?"
// Main class for parsing a stat block
export class RdDStatBlockParser {
static openInputDialog() {
let dialog = new Dialog({
title: "Import de stats de PNJ/Créatures",
content: `
<p>Coller le texte de la stat ici</p>
<textarea id="statBlock" style="width: 100%; height: 200px;"></textarea>
buttons: {
ok: {
label: "OK",
callback: async (html) => {
let statBlock = html.find("#statBlock")[0].value;
await RdDStatBlockParser.parseStatBlock(statBlock);
cancel: {
label: "Cancel"
static fixWeirdPDF(statString) {
// Split the statString into lines
let lines = statString.split("\n");
let newLines = [];
let index = 0;
let nextType = "string";
// Loop through each line
for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
// remove trailing spaces
lines[i] = lines[i].trim();
// Is it text ?
if (lines[i].match(/^[a-zA-Zéêè\s]+/)) {
if (nextType == "string") {
newLines[index] = lines[i];
nextType = "number";
} else {
console.log("Wrong sequence string detected...", lines[i], nextType);
// Is it a number ?
if (lines[i].match(/^[\d\s]+/)) {
if (nextType == "number") {
newLines[index] = newLines[index] + lines[i];
nextType = "string";
} else {
console.log("Wrong sequence number detected...", lines[i], nextType);
static getHeureKey(heure) {
for (let h of game.system.rdd.config.heuresRdD) {
if (h.label.toLowerCase() == heure.toLowerCase()) {
return h.value;
return "vaisseau";
static async parseStatBlock(statString, type = "npc") {
//statString = statBlock03;
if (!statString) {
// Special function to fix strange/weird copy/paste from PDF readers
// Unused up to now : this.fixWeirdPDF(statString);
// Replace all endline by space in the statString
statString = statString.replace(/\n/g, " ");
// Remove all multiple spaces
statString = statString.replace(/\s{2,}/g, " ");
// Remove all leading and trailing spaces
statString = statString.trim();
// TODO: check for entite
let actorType = RdDStatBlockParser.parseActorType(statString);
// Now start carac
let actorData = foundry.utils.deepClone(game.model.Actor[actorType]);
for (let key in actorData.carac) {
let caracDef = actorData.carac[key];
// Parse the stat string for each caracteristic
let carac = XRegExp.exec(statString, XRegExp(caracDef.label + "\\s+(?<value>\\d+)", 'giu'));
if (carac?.value) {
actorData.carac[key].value = Number(carac.value);
// If creature we need to setup additionnal fields
switch (actorType) {
case "creature":
RdDStatBlockParser.parseCreature(statString, actorData)
case "entite":
RdDStatBlockParser.parseEntite(statString, actorData)
let items = [];
// Get skills from compendium
const competences = await SystemCompendiums.getCompetences(actorType);
//console.log("Competences : ", competences);
let allComp = => i.toObject())
for (let comp of allComp) {
const compName =;
let skill = XRegExp.exec(Grammar.toLowerCaseNoAccent(statString), XRegExp(Grammar.toLowerCaseNoAccent(compName) + compParser[actorType], 'giu'));
if (skill) {
comp.system.niveau = Number(skill.value);
if (actorType == "creature") {
comp.system.carac_value = Number(skill.carac);
if (skill.init) {
comp.system.dommages = Number(skill.dommages);
comp.system.iscombat = true;
if (actorType == "personnage" || skill!= undefined){
// Now process weapons
const weapons = await SystemCompendiums.getWorldOrCompendiumItems("arme", "equipement")
//console.log("Equipement : ", equipment);
// TODO: les noms d'armes peuvent avoir un suffixe (à une main, lancée) qui détermine la compétence correspondante
// TODO: une arme peut être spécifique ("fourche"), ajouter une compétence dans ces cas là?
for (let w of weapons) {
let weapon = XRegExp.exec(statString, XRegExp( + "\\s+(?<value>\\+\\d+)", 'giu'));
if (weapon) {
w.system.equipe = 'true'
// now process the skill
if (w.system?.competence != "") {
let wComp = items.find(i => Grammar.equalsInsensitive(, w.system.competence))
if (wComp) {
wComp.system.niveau = Number(weapon.value);
if (w.system?.tir != "") {
let wComp = items.find(i => Grammar.equalsInsensitive(, w.system.tir))
if (wComp) {
wComp.system.niveau = Number(weapon.value);
if (w.system?.lancer != "") {
let wComp = items.find(i => Grammar.equalsInsensitive(, w.system.lancer))
if (wComp) {
wComp.system.niveau = Number(weapon.value);
// Now process armors
const armors = await SystemCompendiums.getWorldOrCompendiumItems("armure", "equipement")
for (let a of armors) {
let armor = XRegExp.exec(statString, XRegExp(, 'giu'));
if (armor) {
a.system.equipe = true
// Attemp to detect spell
let hautRevant = false
let sorts = await SystemCompendiums.getWorldOrCompendiumItems("sort", "sorts-oniros")
sorts = sorts.concat(await SystemCompendiums.getWorldOrCompendiumItems("sort", "sorts-hypnos"))
sorts = sorts.concat(await SystemCompendiums.getWorldOrCompendiumItems("sort", "sorts-narcos"))
sorts = sorts.concat(await SystemCompendiums.getWorldOrCompendiumItems("sort", "sorts-thanatos"))
XRegExp.forEach(statString, XRegExp("[OHNT]\\s+(?<name>[A-Za-zÀ-ÖØ-öø-ÿ\\s\\-]+)\\s+\\((?<case>[A-Za-zÀ-ÖØ-öø-ÿ\\s\\-]+)\\)\\s+R(?<diff>[\\-\\d]+)\\s+r(?<reve>\\d+)", 'giu'),
function (match, i) {
let sortCompendium = sorts.find(s => Grammar.equalsInsensitive(,
if (sortCompendium) {
hautRevant = true
let sort = sortCompendium.toObject();
if (hautRevant) {
let tetes = await SystemCompendiums.getWorldOrCompendiumItems("tete", "tetes-de-dragon-pour-tous-personnages")
let donHR = tetes.find(t => Grammar.equalsInsensitive(, "Don de Haut-Rêve"))
if (donHR) {
let feminin = XRegExp.exec(statString, XRegExp("né(?<value>e?) à", 'giu'));
actorData.sexe = (feminin?.value == 'e') ? 'féminin' : 'masculin'
// Get hour name : heure du XXXXX
let heure = XRegExp.exec(statString, XRegExp("heure (du|de la|des|de l\')\\s*(?<value>[A-Za-zÀ-ÖØ-öø-ÿ\\s]+),", 'giu'));
actorData.heure = this.getHeureKey(heure?.value || "Vaisseau");
// Get age
let age = XRegExp.exec(statString, XRegExp("(?<value>\\d+) ans", 'giu'));
if (age?.value) {
actorData.age = Number(age.value);
// Get height
let taille = XRegExp.exec(statString, XRegExp("(?<value>\\d+m\\d+)", 'giu'));
if (taille?.value) {
actorData.taille = taille.value;
// Get weight
let poids = XRegExp.exec(statString, XRegExp("(?<value>\\d+) kg", 'giu'));
if (poids?.value) {
actorData.poids = poids.value;
// Get cheveux
let cheveux = XRegExp.exec(statString, XRegExp("kg,\\s+(?<value>[A-Za-zÀ-ÖØ-öø-ÿ\\s\\-]+),\\s+yeux", 'giu'));
if (cheveux?.value) {
actorData.cheveux = cheveux.value;
// Get yeux
let yeux = XRegExp.exec(statString, XRegExp("yeux\\s+(?<value>[A-Za-zÀ-ÖØ-öø-ÿ\\s\\-]+), Beau", 'giu'));
if (yeux?.value) {
actorData.yeux = yeux.value;
// Get beauty
let beaute = XRegExp.exec(statString, XRegExp("beauté\\s+(?<value>\\d+)", 'giu'));
if (beaute?.value) {
actorData.beaute = Number(beaute.value);
// Name is all string before ', né'
let name = RdDStatBlockParser.extractName(actorType, statString);
let newActor = RdDBaseActorReve.create({ name: name || "Importé", type: actorType, system: actorData, items: items });
// DUmp....
static parseCreature(statString, actorData) {
let plusDom = XRegExp.exec(statString, XRegExp("\\+dom\\s+(?<value>[\\+\\-]?\\d+)", 'giu'));
if (plusDom?.values) {
actorData.attributs.plusdom.value = Number(plusDom.value);
let protection = XRegExp.exec(statString, XRegExp("protection\\s+(?<value>[\\-]?\\d+)", 'giu'));
if (protection?.value) {
|||||| = Number(protection.value);
let endurance = XRegExp.exec(statString, XRegExp("endurance\\s+(?<value>\\d+)", 'giu'));
if (endurance?.value) {
actorData.sante.endurance.value = Number(endurance.value);
actorData.sante.endurance.max = Number(endurance.value);
let vie = XRegExp.exec(statString, XRegExp("vie\\s+(?<value>\\d+)", 'giu'));
if (vie.value) {
actorData.sante.vie.value = Number(vie.value);
actorData.sante.vie.max = Number(vie.value);
let vitesse = XRegExp.exec(statString, XRegExp("vitesse\\s+(?<value>[\\d\\/]+)", 'giu'));
if (vitesse?.value) {
actorData.attributs.vitesse.value = vitesse.value;
static parseEntite(statString, actorData) {
let plusDom = XRegExp.exec(statString, XRegExp("\\+dom\\s+(?<value>[\\+\\-]?\\d+)", 'giu'));
if (plusDom?.values) {
actorData.attributs.plusdom.value = Number(plusDom.value);
actorData.definition.categorieentite = 'cauchemar'
actorData.definition.typeentite = ENTITE_NONINCARNE
let endurance = XRegExp.exec(statString, XRegExp("endurance\\s+(?<value>\\d+)", 'giu'));
if (endurance?.value) {
actorData.sante.endurance.value = Number(endurance.value);
actorData.sante.endurance.max = Number(endurance.value);
actorData.definition.typeentite = ENTITE_INCARNE
let vitesse = XRegExp.exec(statString, XRegExp("vitesse\\s+(?<value>[\\d\\/]+)", 'giu'));
if (vitesse?.value) {
actorData.attributs.vitesse.value = vitesse.value;
static parseActorType(statString) {
let niveau = XRegExp.exec(statString, XRegExp("Niveau\\s+(?<value>[\\+\\-]?\\d+)", 'giu'))
let perception = XRegExp.exec(statString, XRegExp("perception\\s+(?<value>\\d+)", 'giu'))
if (perception?.value) {
return "creature"
if (niveau?.value) {
return "entite"
return "personnage"
static extractName(actorType, statString) {
switch (actorType) {
case "personnage": return RdDStatBlockParser.extractNamePersonnage(statString);
case "creature": return RdDStatBlockParser.extractNameCreature(statString);
return RdDStatBlockParser.extractNameCreature(statString);
static extractNamePersonnage(statString) {
let name = XRegExp.exec(statString, XRegExp("(?<value>[\\p{Letter}\\s\\d]+),", 'giu'));
if (!name?.value) {
name = XRegExp.exec(statString, XRegExp("(?<value>.+)\\s+taille", 'giu'));
return Misc.upperFirst(name?.value || "Importé");
static extractNameCreature(statString) {
const name = XRegExp.exec(statString, XRegExp("(?<value>.+)\\s+taille", 'giu'));
return Misc.upperFirst(name?.value || "Importé");
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ export class RdDItemCompetenceCreature extends Item {
static isParade(item) {
static isParade(item) {
if (item.type == ITEM_TYPES.competencecreature) {
if (item.type == ITEM_TYPES.competencecreature) {
return armeData.system.categorie_parade || armeData.system.isparade
return item.system.categorie_parade || item.system.isparade
return false
return false
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
name: Esquive eau
type: competencecreature
img: systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/competence_esquive.webp
effects: []
description: ''
descriptionmj: ''
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niveau: 1
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_key: '!items!Qrg3ADB9LOhGthaO'
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
name: Esquive sol
type: competencecreature
img: systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/competence_esquive.webp
effects: []
description: ''
descriptionmj: ''
carac_value: 10
niveau: 1
default_diffLibre: 0
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categorie_parade: ''
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isnaturelle: true
ispossession: false
dommages: 0
mortalite: mortel
isparade: false
default: 0
folder: null
compendiumSource: null
duplicateSource: null
coreVersion: '12.331'
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systemVersion: 12.0.24
createdTime: 1733182930109
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flags: {}
_id: siPvW3hAMCJbrYvq
sort: 0
_key: '!items!siPvW3hAMCJbrYvq'
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
name: Esquive vol
type: competencecreature
img: systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/competence_esquive.webp
effects: []
description: ''
descriptionmj: ''
carac_value: 10
niveau: 1
default_diffLibre: 0
categorie: generale
categorie_parade: ''
iscombat: false
isnaturelle: true
ispossession: false
dommages: 0
mortalite: mortel
isparade: false
default: 0
folder: null
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duplicateSource: null
coreVersion: '12.331'
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systemVersion: 12.0.24
createdTime: 1733182932133
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_id: 3ScoGTkQ0VBOpaX6
sort: 0
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