Gestion des signes draconiques #455
@ -651,8 +651,7 @@ export class RdDActor extends Actor {
else {
const roll = new Roll("1dr").evaluate();
let deRecuperation =;
let deRecuperation = await RdDDice.rollTotal("1dr");
console.log("recuperationReve", deRecuperation);
if (deRecuperation >= 7) {
// Rêve de Dragon !
@ -744,7 +743,7 @@ export class RdDActor extends Actor {
// TODO: un dialogue pour demander le type de tête?
rollData.tete = true;
rollData.poesie = Poetique.getExtrait();
rollData.poesie = await Poetique.getExtrait();
whisper: ChatUtility.getWhisperRecipientsAndGMs(,
@ -1191,7 +1190,7 @@ export class RdDActor extends Actor {
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async ajouterRefoulement(value = 1) {
let refoulement = Misc.templateData(this).reve.refoulement.value + value;
let total = new Roll("1d20").evaluate({ async: false }).total;
let total = await RdDDice.rollTotal("1d20");
if (total <= refoulement) {
refoulement = 0;
await this.ajouterSouffle({ chat: true });
@ -1273,7 +1272,7 @@ export class RdDActor extends Actor {
whisper: ChatUtility.getWhisperRecipientsAndGMs(
const innaccessible = this.buildTMRInnaccessible();
let tmr = TMRUtility.getTMRAleatoire(tmr => !innaccessible.includes(tmr.coord));
let tmr = await TMRUtility.getTMRAleatoire(tmr => !innaccessible.includes(tmr.coord));
return tmr;
@ -1402,25 +1401,6 @@ export class RdDActor extends Actor {
return RdDCarac.calculSConst(Misc.templateData(this).carac.constitution.value);
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async testSiSonne(sante, endurance) {
const roll = new Roll("1d20").evaluate();
roll.showDice = true;
let result = {
roll: roll,
sonne: > endurance || == 20 // 20 is always a failure
if ( == 1) {
await this.ajoutXpConstitution(1); // +1 XP !
ChatMessage.create({ content: `${} a obenu 1 sur son Jet d'Endurance et a gagné 1 point d'Expérience en Constitution. Ce point d'XP a été ajouté automatiquement).` });
if (result.sonne) {
await this.setSonne();
sante.sonne.value = true;
return result;
async ajoutXpConstitution(xp) {
await this.update({ "data.carac.constitution.xp": Misc.toInt(Misc.templateData(this).carac.constitution.xp) + xp });
@ -1435,48 +1415,71 @@ export class RdDActor extends Actor {
return this.countBlessures(Misc.templateData(this).blessures[name].liste);
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async testSiSonne(sante, endurance) {
const result = await this._jetEndurance(endurance);
if ( == 1) {
ChatMessage.create({ content: await this._gainXpConstitutionJetEndurance() });
sante.sonne.value ||= result.sonne;
return result;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async jetEndurance() {
let myRoll = new Roll("1d20").roll();
myRoll.showDice = true;
const actorData =;
let msgText = "Jet d'Endurance : " + + " / " + + "<br>";
if ( == 1 || ( != 20 && <= {
msgText += `${} a réussi son Jet d'Endurance !`;
if ( == 1) {
await this.ajoutXpConstitution();
msgText += `et gagne 1 Point d'Experience en Constitution`;
} else {
await this.setSonne();
msgText += `${} a échoué son Jet d'Endurance et devient Sonné`;
const endurance =;
const result = await this._jetEndurance(
const message = {
content: msgText,
content: "Jet d'Endurance : " + + " / " + endurance + "<br>",
whisper: ChatMessage.getWhisperRecipients(
if (result.sonne) {
message.content += `${} a échoué son Jet d'Endurance et devient Sonné`;
else if ( == 1) {
message.content += await this._gainXpConstitutionJetEndurance();
else {
message.content += `${} a réussi son Jet d'Endurance !`;
async _gainXpConstitutionJetEndurance() {
await this.ajoutXpConstitution(1); // +1 XP !
return `${} a obtenu 1 sur son Jet d'Endurance et a gagné 1 point d'Expérience en Constitution. Ce point d'XP a été ajouté automatiquement.`;
async _jetEndurance(endurance) {
const roll = await RdDDice.roll("1d20", { showDice: true });
let result = {
roll: roll,
sonne: > endurance || == 20 // 20 is always a failure
if (result.sonne) {
await this.setSonne();
return result;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async jetVie() {
let myRoll = new Roll("1d20").roll();
myRoll.showDice = true;
let roll = await RdDDice.roll("1d20", { showDice: true });
const actorData =;
let msgText = "Jet de Vie : " + + " / " + + "<br>";
if ( <= {
let msgText = "Jet de Vie : " + + " / " + + "<br>";
if ( <= {
msgText += "Jet réussi, pas de perte de point de vie (prochain jet dans 1 round pour 1 critique, SC minutes pour une grave)";
if ( == 1) {
if ( == 1) {
msgText += "La durée entre 2 jets de vie est multipliée par 20 (20 rounds pour une critique, SCx20 minutes pour une grave)";
} else {
msgText += "Jet échoué, vous perdez 1 point de vie";
await this.santeIncDec("vie", -1);
if ( == 20) {
if ( == 20) {
msgText += "Votre personnage est mort !!!!!";
@ -1589,8 +1592,7 @@ export class RdDActor extends Actor {
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async jetDeMoral(situation, messageReussi = undefined, messageManque = undefined) {
let jetMoral = new Roll("1d20").roll();
let jetMoral = await RdDDice.roll("1d20", { showDice: true });
let moralActuel = Misc.toInt(Misc.templateData(this).compteurs.moral.value);
const difficulte = 10 + moralActuel;
const succes = <= difficulte;
@ -1694,7 +1696,7 @@ export class RdDActor extends Actor {
RdDResolutionTable.displayRollData(jetVieView, this, 'chat-resultat-ethylisme.html');
if (rollEthylisme.isEchec) {
let enduranceLostRoll = new Roll("1d6").roll();
let enduranceLostRoll = await RdDDice.roll("1d6");
// enduranceLostRoll.showDice = true;
let enduranceLost =;
@ -2973,14 +2975,14 @@ export class RdDActor extends Actor {
/* -------------------------------------------- */
computeArmure(attackerRoll) {
async computeArmure(attackerRoll) {
let dmg = (attackerRoll.dmg.dmgArme ?? 0) + (attackerRoll.dmg.dmgActor ?? 0);
let armeData = attackerRoll.arme;
let protection = 0;
const armures = =>
.filter(it => it.type == "armure" &&;
for (const itemData of armures) {
protection += new Roll(;
protection += await RdDDice.rollTotal(;
if (dmg > 0) {
this._deteriorerArmure(itemData, dmg);
dmg = 0;
@ -3041,7 +3043,7 @@ export class RdDActor extends Actor {
console.log("encaisserDommages", rollData)
let santeOrig = duplicate(Misc.templateData(this).sante);
let encaissement = this.jetEncaissement(rollData);
let encaissement = await this.jetEncaissement(rollData);
this.ajouterBlessure(encaissement); // Will upate the result table
const perteVie = this.isEntiteCauchemar()
@ -3080,29 +3082,34 @@ export class RdDActor extends Actor {
/* -------------------------------------------- */
jetEncaissement(rollData) {
const roll = new Roll("2d10").roll();
roll.showDice = true;
||||, game.settings.get("core", "rollMode"));
async jetEncaissement(rollData) {
const roll = await RdDDice.roll("2d10", { showDice: true });
const armure = this.computeArmure(rollData);
const armure = await this.computeArmure(rollData);
const jetTotal = + - armure;
let encaissement = RdDUtility.selectEncaissement(jetTotal, rollData.dmg.mortalite)
let over20 = Math.max(jetTotal - 20, 0);
encaissement.dmg = rollData.dmg;
encaissement.dmg.loc = rollData.dmg.loc ?? RdDUtility.getLocalisation(;
encaissement.dmg.loc = rollData.dmg.loc ?? await RdDUtility.getLocalisation(;
encaissement.dmg.loc.label = encaissement.dmg.loc.label ?? 'Corps;'
encaissement.roll = roll;
encaissement.armure = armure;
|||| = jetTotal;
encaissement.vie = RdDUtility._evaluatePerte(encaissement.vie, over20);
encaissement.endurance = RdDUtility._evaluatePerte(encaissement.endurance, over20);
encaissement.vie = await RdDActor._evaluatePerte(encaissement.vie, over20);
encaissement.endurance = await RdDActor._evaluatePerte(encaissement.endurance, over20);
encaissement.penetration = rollData.arme?.data.penetration ?? 0;
return encaissement;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static async _evaluatePerte(formula, over20) {
let perte = new Roll(formula, { over20: over20 });
await perte.evaluate({ async: true });
/* -------------------------------------------- */
ajouterBlessure(encaissement) {
const actorData =;
@ -3684,7 +3691,7 @@ export class RdDActor extends Actor {
potionData.reussiteReve = true;
potionData.aphasiePermanente = false;
if ( {
let chanceAphasie = new Roll("1d100").evaluate({ async: false }).total;
let chanceAphasie = await RdDDice.rollTotal("1d100");
if (chanceAphasie <= {
potionData.aphasiePermanente = true;
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import { Misc } from "./misc.js";
import { RdDDice } from "./rdd-dice.js";
import { RdDRollTables } from "./rdd-rolltables.js";
import { TMRType } from "./tmr-utility.js";
@ -68,7 +69,7 @@ export class RdDItemSigneDraconique {
static async randomSigneDraconique() {
let modele = await Misc.rollOneOf(tableSignesIndicatifs);
let modele = await RdDDice.rollOneOf(tableSignesIndicatifs);
return {
name: await RdDItemSigneDraconique.randomSigneDescription(),
type: "signedraconique",
@ -85,9 +86,9 @@ export class RdDItemSigneDraconique {
static async randomTmrs(nbTmr = undefined) {
let tmrs = Object.values(TMRType).map(value => Misc.upperFirst(;
let keep = nbTmr ?? (await new Roll("1d" + TMRType.length).evaluate().total + 1);
let keep = nbTmr ?? (await RdDDice.rollTotal("1d" + TMRType.length) + 1);
for (let i = tmrs.length; i > keep; i--) {
tmrs.splice(await new Roll("1d" + i).evaluate().total, 1);
tmrs.splice(await RdDDice.rollTotal("1d" + i), 1);
return tmrs;
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
import { RdDDice } from "./rdd-dice.js";
* This class is intended as a placeholder for utility methods unrelated
@ -92,10 +93,6 @@ export class Misc {
static rollOneOf(array) {
return array[new Roll("1d" + array.length).evaluate({ async: false }).total - 1];
static distinct(array) {
return [ Set(array)];
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import { Misc } from "./misc.js"
import { RdDDice } from "./rdd-dice.js";
const poesieHautReve = [
@ -64,8 +65,8 @@ const poesieHautReve = [
export class Poetique {
static getExtrait(){
return Misc.rollOneOf(poesieHautReve);
static async getExtrait(){
return await RdDDice.rollOneOf(poesieHautReve);
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ import { HtmlUtility } from "./html-utility.js";
import { RdDResolutionTable } from "./rdd-resolution-table.js";
import { RdDUtility } from "./rdd-utility.js";
import { Grammar } from "./grammar.js";
import { Misc } from "./misc.js";
import {RdDDice } from "./rdd-dice.js";
/* -------------------------------------------- */
const dossierIconesHeures = 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/heures/'
@ -124,9 +126,9 @@ export class RdDCalendrier extends Application {
/* -------------------------------------------- */
ajouterNombreAstral(index) {
async ajouterNombreAstral(index) {
return {
nombreAstral: new Roll("1d12").evaluate( {async:false} ).total,
nombreAstral: await RdDDice.rollTotal("1dh"),
valeursFausses: [],
index: index
@ -278,11 +280,10 @@ export class RdDCalendrier extends Application {
request.isValid = true;
if (!request.rolled.isSuccess) {
request.isValid = false;
let nbAstralFaux = new Roll("1d11").evaluate( { async: false} ).total;
nbAstral = nbAstral==nbAstralFaux ? 12 : nbAstralFaux;
nbAstral = await RdDDice.rollTotal("1dhr"+nbAstral);
// Mise à jour des nombres astraux du joueur
let astralData = this.listeNombreAstral.find((nombreAstral, i) => nombreAstral.index ==;
astralData.valeursFausses.push({ actorId:, nombreAstral: nbAstralFaux });
astralData.valeursFausses.push({ actorId:, nombreAstral: nbAstral });
game.settings.set("foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon", "liste-nombre-astral", this.listeNombreAstral);
request.nbAstral = nbAstral;
@ -283,16 +283,14 @@ export class RdDCommands {
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async rollDeDraconique(msg) {
let ddr = new Roll("1dr + 7").evaluate();
ddr.showDice = true;
await RdDDice.showDiceSoNice(ddr);
RdDCommands._chatAnswer(msg, `Lancer d'un Dé draconique: ${}`);
let ddr = await RdDDice.rollTotal("1dr + 7", { showDice:true });
RdDCommands._chatAnswer(msg, `Lancer d'un Dé draconique: ${ddr}`);
getTMRAleatoire(msg, params) {
async getTMRAleatoire(msg, params) {
if (params.length < 2) {
let type = params[0];
const tmr = TMRUtility.getTMRAleatoire(type ? (it => it.type == type) : (it => true));
const tmr = await TMRUtility.getTMRAleatoire(type ? (it => it.type == type) : (it => true));
RdDCommands._chatAnswer(msg, `Case aléatoire: ${tmr.coord} - ${tmr.label}`);
else {
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ export class De7 extends Die {
evaluate() {
async evaluate() {
return this;
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ export class DeDraconique extends Die {
evaluate() {
async evaluate() {
return this;
@ -124,6 +124,27 @@ export class RdDDice {
CONFIG.Dice.terms[DeHeure.DENOMINATION] = DeHeure;
static async roll(formula, options = { showDice: false }) {
const roll = new Roll(formula);
await roll.evaluate({ async: true });
if (options.showDice) {
roll.showDice = options.showDice;
await, game.settings.get("core", "rollMode"));
return roll;
static async rollTotal(formula) {
const roll = new Roll(formula);
await roll.evaluate({ async: true });
static async rollOneOf(array) {
const roll = await RdDDice.rollTotal(`1d${array.length}`);
return array[roll-1];
static diceSoNiceReady(dice3d) {
for (const system of Object.keys( {
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import { Grammar } from "./grammar.js";
import { Misc } from "./misc.js";
import { RdDDice } from "./rdd-dice.js";
const words = [ 'pore', 'pre', 'flor', 'lane', 'turlu', 'pin', 'a', 'alph', 'i', 'onse', 'iane', 'ane', 'zach', 'arri', 'ba', 'bo', 'bi',
'alta', 'par', 'pir', 'zor', 'zir', 'de', 'pol', 'tran', 'no', 'la','al' , 'pul', 'one', 'ner', 'nur' ];
@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ const words = [ 'pore', 'pre', 'flor', 'lane', 'turlu', 'pin', 'a', 'alph', 'i',
/* -------------------------------------------- */
export class RdDNameGen {
static getName( msg, params ) {
let name = Misc.upperFirst( Misc.rollOneOf(words) + Misc.rollOneOf(words) )
static async getName( msg, params ) {
let name = Misc.upperFirst( await RdDDice.rollOneOf(words) + await RdDDice.rollOneOf(words) )
ChatMessage.create( { content: `Nom : ${name}`, whisper: ChatMessage.getWhisperRecipients("GM") } );
@ -149,10 +149,7 @@ export class RdDResolutionTable {
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static async rollChances(chances, diviseur) {
let myRoll = new Roll("1d100").evaluate( {async: false} );
myRoll.showDice = chances.showDice;
chances.roll =;
chances.roll = await RdDDice.rollTotal("1d100", {showDice:chances.showDice});
mergeObject(chances, this.computeReussite(chances, chances.roll, diviseur), { overwrite: true });
return chances;
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import { Draconique } from "./tmr/draconique.js";
import { Misc } from "./misc.js";
import { HtmlUtility } from "./html-utility.js";
import { ReglesOptionelles } from "./regles-optionelles.js";
import { RdDDice } from "./rdd-dice.js";
/* -------------------------------------------- */
export class RdDTMRDialog extends Dialog {
@ -535,7 +536,7 @@ export class RdDTMRDialog extends Dialog {
if (rencontre) {
return rencontre;
let myRoll = new Roll("1d7").evaluate({ async: false }).total;
let myRoll = await RdDDice.rollTotal("1d7");
if (TMRUtility.isForceRencontre() || myRoll == 7) {
return await this.rencontreTMRRoll(tmr,;
@ -596,7 +597,7 @@ export class RdDTMRDialog extends Dialog {
await this._rollMaitriseCaseHumide(rollData);
rollData.poesie = Poetique.getExtrait();
rollData.poesie = await Poetique.getExtrait();
whisper: ChatUtility.getWhisperRecipientsAndGMs(,
content: await renderTemplate(`systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/chat-resultat-maitrise-tmr.html`, rollData)
@ -713,7 +714,7 @@ export class RdDTMRDialog extends Dialog {
this.toclose = rollData.rolled.isEchec;
rollData.poesie = Poetique.getExtrait();
rollData.poesie = await Poetique.getExtrait();
whisper: ChatUtility.getWhisperRecipientsAndGMs(,
content: await renderTemplate(`systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/chat-resultat-maitrise-tmr.html`, rollData)
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import { Grammar } from "./grammar.js";
import { TMRUtility } from "./tmr-utility.js";
import { DialogItemAchat } from "./dialog-item-achat.js";
import { ReglesOptionelles } from "./regles-optionelles.js";
import { RdDDice } from "./rdd-dice.js";
/* -------------------------------------------- */
// This table starts at 0 -> niveau -10
@ -444,8 +445,8 @@ export class RdDUtility {
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static getLocalisation(type = 'personnage') {
let result = new Roll("1d20").roll().total;
static async getLocalisation(type = 'personnage') {
let result = await RdDDice.rollTotal("1d20");
let txt = ""
if (type == 'personnage') {
if (result <= 3) txt = "Jambe, genou, pied, jarret";
@ -477,15 +478,6 @@ export class RdDUtility {
return duplicate(table[0]);
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static _evaluatePerte(formula, over20) {
console.log("_evaluatePerte", formula, over20);
let perte = new Roll(formula, { over20: over20 });
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static currentFatigueMalus(value, max) {
if (ReglesOptionelles.isUsing("appliquer-fatigue")) {
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
import { Grammar } from "./grammar.js";
import { Misc } from "./misc.js";
import { RdDDice } from "./rdd-dice.js";
import { TMRUtility } from "./tmr-utility.js";
import { TMRType } from "./tmr-utility.js";
@ -268,7 +269,7 @@ const rencontresStandard = [
{ code: "reflet", name: "Reflet d'ancien Rêve", type: "reflet", genre: "m", force: "2d6", isPersistant: true },
{ code: "tbblanc", name: "Tourbillon blanc", type: "tbblanc", genre: "m", force: "2d6", isPersistant: true },
{ code: "tbnoir", name: "Tourbillon noir", type: "tbnoir", genre: "m", force: "2d8", isPersistant: true },
{ code: "rdd", name: "Rêve de Dragon", type: "rdd", genre: "m", force: "1ddr + 7", refoulement: 2, quitterTMR: true }
{ code: "rdd", name: "Rêve de Dragon", type: "rdd", genre: "m", force: "1dr + 7", refoulement: 2, quitterTMR: true }
const rencontresPresentCite = [
@ -324,7 +325,7 @@ export class TMRRencontres {
return false;
if (!roll || roll <= 0 || roll > 100) {
roll = new Roll("1d100").evaluate().total;
roll = await RdDDice.rollTotal("1d100");
let rencontre = await TMRRencontres.getRencontreAleatoire(terrain, roll);
@ -356,15 +357,13 @@ export class TMRRencontres {
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static async getRencontreAleatoire(terrain, roll = undefined) {
if (!roll || roll <= 0 || roll > 100) {
roll = new Roll("1d100").evaluate({ async: false }).total;
roll = await RdDDice.rollTotal("1d100");
terrain = Grammar.toLowerCaseNoAccent(terrain);
//console.log("getRencontreAleatoire", terrain, roll);
const code = tableRencontres[terrain].find(it => it.range[0] <= roll && roll <= it.range[1]).code;
const rencontre = duplicate(rencontresStandard.find(it => it.code == code));
rencontre.roll = roll;
await TMRRencontres.evaluerForceRencontre(rencontre);
return rencontre;
@ -373,20 +372,14 @@ export class TMRRencontres {
const rencontre = duplicate(
(index && index >= 0 && index < mauvaisesRencontres.length)
? mauvaisesRencontres[index]
: Misc.rollOneOf(mauvaisesRencontres));
: await RdDDice.rollOneOf(mauvaisesRencontres));
await TMRRencontres.evaluerForceRencontre(rencontre);
return rencontre;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static async evaluerForceRencontre(rencontre) {
if (TMRRencontres.isReveDeDragon(rencontre)) {
const ddr = new Roll("1dr + 7").evaluate();
rencontre.force = 7 +;
else {
rencontre.force = new Roll(rencontre.force).evaluate({ async: false }).total;
rencontre.force = await new Roll(rencontre.force).evaluate().total;
return rencontre.force;
@ -426,14 +419,14 @@ export class TMRRencontres {
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static msgEchecPasseurFou(tmrData) {
static async msgEchecPasseurFou(tmrData) {
tmrData.sortReserve = Misc.templateData([0];
if (tmrData.sortReserve) {
// Passeur fou positionne sur la case d'un ort en réserve // TODO : Choisir le sort le plus loin ou au hasard
tmrData.newTMR = TMRUtility.getTMR(tmrData.sortReserve.coord);
} else {
// Déplacement aléatoire de la force du Passeur Fou
const newCoord = Misc.rollOneOf(TMRUtility.getTMRPortee(tmrData.tmr.coord, tmrData.rencontre.force));
const newCoord = await RdDDice.rollOneOf(TMRUtility.getTMRPortee(tmrData.tmr.coord, tmrData.rencontre.force));
tmrData.newTMR = TMRUtility.getTMR(newCoord);
if (tmrData.sortReserve) {
@ -472,7 +465,7 @@ export class TMRRencontres {
static async _toubillonner(tmrDialog, actor, cases) {
let coord = Misc.templateData(actor).reve.tmrpos.coord;
for (let i = 0; i < cases; i++) {
coord = TMRUtility.deplaceTMRAleatoire(actor, coord).coord;
coord = await TMRUtility.deplaceTMRAleatoire(actor, coord).coord;
await tmrDialog.forceDemiRevePosition(coord)
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import { TMRRencontres } from "./tmr-rencontres.js";
import { Misc } from "./misc.js";
import { Grammar } from "./grammar.js";
import { RdDDice } from "./rdd-dice.js";
/* -------------------------------------------- */
const TMRMapping = {
@ -386,13 +387,13 @@ export class TMRUtility {
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static getDirectionPattern() {
return Misc.rollOneOf(tmrRandomMovePatten);
static async getDirectionPattern() {
return await RdDDice.rollOneOf(tmrRandomMovePatten);
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static deplaceTMRAleatoire(actor, coord) {
return TMRUtility.deplaceTMRSelonPattern(actor, coord, TMRUtility.getDirectionPattern(), 1);
static async deplaceTMRAleatoire(actor, coord) {
return TMRUtility.deplaceTMRSelonPattern(actor, coord, await TMRUtility.getDirectionPattern(), 1);
/* -------------------------------------------- */
@ -424,8 +425,8 @@ export class TMRUtility {
return TMRUtility.filterTMR(filter).map(it => it.coord);
static getTMRAleatoire(filter = it => true) {
return Misc.rollOneOf(TMRUtility.filterTMR(filter))
static async getTMRAleatoire(filter = it => true) {
return await RdDDice.rollOneOf(TMRUtility.filterTMR(filter))
/* -------------------------------------------- */
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
import { Grammar } from "../grammar.js";
import { Misc } from "../misc.js";
import { RdDDice } from "../rdd-dice.js";
import { tmrColors, tmrConstants, tmrTokenZIndex, TMRUtility } from "../tmr-utility.js";
import { Draconique } from "./draconique.js";
@ -31,7 +32,7 @@ export class Conquete extends Draconique {
async _creerConquete(actor, queue) {
let existants = => this.isCase(it)).map(it =>;
let possibles = TMRUtility.filterTMR(tmr => !TMRUtility.isCaseHumide(tmr) && !existants.includes(tmr.coord));
let conquete = Misc.rollOneOf(possibles);
let conquete =await RdDDice.rollOneOf(possibles);
await this.createCaseTmr(actor, 'Conquête: ' + conquete.label, conquete,;
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ export class Debordement extends Draconique {
manualMessage() { return false }
async onActorCreateOwned(actor, souffle) {
const existants = => this.isCase(it)).map(it =>;
const tmr = TMRUtility.getTMRAleatoire(it => !(TMRUtility.isCaseHumide(it) || existants.includes(it.coord)));
const tmr = await TMRUtility.getTMRAleatoire(it => !(TMRUtility.isCaseHumide(it) || existants.includes(it.coord)));
await this.createCaseTmr(actor, 'Debordement: ' + tmr.label, tmr,;
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
import { Grammar } from "../grammar.js";
import { Misc } from "../misc.js";
import { RdDDice } from "../rdd-dice.js";
import { tmrColors, tmrConstants, tmrTokenZIndex, TMRType, TMRUtility } from "../tmr-utility.js";
import { Draconique } from "./draconique.js";
@ -13,7 +14,7 @@ export class Desorientation extends Draconique {
manualMessage() { return false }
async onActorCreateOwned(actor, souffle) {
const type = Misc.rollOneOf(this._typesPossibles(actor));
const type = await RdDDice.rollOneOf(this._typesPossibles(actor));
console.log("désorientation", type);
|||| += ": " + TMRType[type].name;
await this._creerCasesTmr(actor, type, souffle);
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ export class Pelerinage extends Draconique {
manualMessage() { return false }
async onActorCreateOwned(actor, queue) {
let tmr = TMRUtility.getTMRAleatoire();
let tmr = await TMRUtility.getTMRAleatoire();
await this.createCaseTmr(actor, 'Pèlerinage: ' + tmr.label, tmr,;
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
import { Grammar } from "../grammar.js";
import { tmrColors, tmrConstants, tmrTokenZIndex, TMRUtility } from "../tmr-utility.js";
import { RdDDice } from "../rdd-dice.js";
import { tmrConstants, tmrTokenZIndex, TMRUtility } from "../tmr-utility.js";
import { Draconique } from "./draconique.js";
export class Periple extends Draconique {
@ -13,7 +14,7 @@ export class Periple extends Draconique {
manualMessage() { return false }
async onActorCreateOwned(actor, souffle) {
let terrain = new Roll("1d2").evaluate().total == 1 ? 'sanctuaire' : 'necropole';
let terrain = (await RdDDice.rollTotal("1d2")) == 1 ? 'sanctuaire' : 'necropole';
let tmrs = TMRUtility.getListTMR(terrain);
for (let tmr of tmrs) {
await this.createCaseTmr(actor, 'Périple: ' + tmr.label, tmr,;
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ export class ReserveExtensible extends Draconique {
manualMessage() { return "Vous pouvez re-configurer votre Réserve extensible" }
async onActorCreateOwned(actor, tete) {
const existants = => this.isCase(it)).map(it =>;
const tmr = TMRUtility.getTMRAleatoire(it => !(it.type == 'fleuve' || existants.includes(it.coord)));
const tmr = await TMRUtility.getTMRAleatoire(it => !(it.type == 'fleuve' || existants.includes(it.coord)));
await this.createCaseTmr(actor, "Nouvelle Réserve extensible", tmr,;
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ export class TrouNoir extends Draconique {
async onActorCreateOwned(actor, souffle) {
const existants = => this.isCase(it)).map(it =>;
const tmr = TMRUtility.getTMRAleatoire(it => !(TMRUtility.isCaseHumide(it) || existants.includes(it.coord)));
const tmr = await TMRUtility.getTMRAleatoire(it => !(TMRUtility.isCaseHumide(it) || existants.includes(it.coord)));
await this.createCaseTmr(actor, 'Trou noir: ' + tmr.label, tmr,;
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