Fixes mineurs #583

uberwald merged 4 commits from VincentVk/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon:v10 into v10 2022-11-30 16:40:36 +01:00
2 changed files with 46 additions and 41 deletions
Showing only changes of commit e67ac96e93 - Show all commits

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@ -22,7 +22,20 @@ const rddRollNumeric = /^(\d+)\s*([\+\-]?\d+)?\s*(s)?/;
export class RdDCommands {
static init() {
game.system.rdd.commands = new RdDCommands();
const rddCommands = new RdDCommands();
Hooks.on("chatMessage", (html, content, msg) => {
if (content[0] == '/') {
let regExp = /(\S+)/g;
let commands = content.match(regExp);
if (rddCommands.processChatCommand(commands, content, msg)) {
return false;
return true;
game.system.rdd.commands = rddCommands;
constructor() {
@ -50,7 +63,7 @@ export class RdDCommands {
<br><strong>/table rencontre deso</strong> affiche la table des rencontres en Désolation
<br><strong>/table rencontre mauvaise</strong> affiche la table des mauvaises rencontres`
this.registerCommand({ path: ["/table", "milieu"], func: (content, msg, params) => this.tableMilieu(msg, params,'liste'), descr: "Affiche la table des ressource naturelles pour un milieu donné" });
this.registerCommand({ path: ["/table", "milieu"], func: (content, msg, params) => this.tableMilieu(msg, params, 'liste'), descr: "Affiche la table des ressource naturelles pour un milieu donné" });
this.registerCommand({ path: ["/tirer", "comp"], func: (content, msg, params) => RdDRollTables.getCompetence('chat'), descr: "Tire une compétence au hasard" });
this.registerCommand({ path: ["/tirer", "queue"], func: (content, msg, params) => RdDRollTables.getQueue('chat'), descr: "Tire une Queue de Dragon" });
@ -154,14 +167,7 @@ export class RdDCommands {
/* -------------------------------------------- */
registerCommand(command) {
this._addCommand(this.getCommands(), command.path, '', command);
getCommands() {
if (!this.commandsTable){
return this.commandsTable;
this._addCommand(this.commandsTable, command.path, '', command);
/* -------------------------------------------- */
@ -198,18 +204,29 @@ export class RdDCommands {
processChatCommand(commandLine, content = '', msg = {}) {
// Setup new message's visibility
let rollMode = game.settings.get("core", "rollMode");
if (["gmroll", "blindroll"].includes(rollMode)) msg["whisper"] = ChatMessage.getWhisperRecipients("GM");
if (rollMode === "blindroll") msg["blind"] = true;
if (["gmroll", "blindroll"].includes(rollMode)) {
msg["whisper"] = ChatMessage.getWhisperRecipients("GM");
if (rollMode === "blindroll"){
msg["blind"] = true;
msg["type"] = 0;
let command = commandLine[0].toLowerCase();
let params = commandLine.slice(1);
return this.process(command, params, content, msg);
if (!this.commandsTable) {
process(command, params, content, msg) {
return this._processCommand(this.getCommands(), command, params, content, msg);
let command = commandLine[0].toLowerCase();
if (this._isCommandHandled(command)) {
let params = commandLine.slice(1);
this._processCommand(this.commandsTable, command, params, content, msg);
return true;
return false;
return this.commandsTable[command] != undefined;
async _processCommand(commandsTable, name, params, content = '', msg = {}, path = "") {
@ -217,18 +234,20 @@ export class RdDCommands {
path = path + name + " ";
if (command && command.subTable) {
if (params[0]) {
return this._processCommand(command.subTable, params[0], params.slice(1), content, msg, path)
this._processCommand(command.subTable, params[0], params.slice(1), content, msg, path)
else {, command.subTable);
return true;
if (command && command.func) {
new Promise(async () => {
const result = await command.func(content, msg, params);
if (result == false) {
RdDCommands._chatAnswer(msg, command.descr);
return true;
return false;
@ -240,7 +259,7 @@ export class RdDCommands {
async help(msg, table) {
let commands = []
this._buildSubTableHelp(commands, table ?? this.getCommands());
this._buildSubTableHelp(commands, table ?? this.commandsTable);
let html = await renderTemplate("systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/settings/dialog-aide-commands.html", { commands: commands });
let d = new Dialog(

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@ -345,17 +345,3 @@ async function migrationPngWebp_1_5_34() {
/* -------------------------------------------- */
Hooks.once('diceSoNiceReady', (dice3d) => RdDDice.diceSoNiceReady(dice3d));
/* -------------------------------------------- */
/* Foundry VTT chat message */
/* -------------------------------------------- */
Hooks.on("chatMessage", (html, content, msg) => {
if (content[0] == '/') {
let regExp = /(\S+)/g;
let commands = content.match(regExp);
if (game.system.rdd.commands.processChatCommand(commands, content, msg)) {
return false;
return true;