import { TMRUtility } from "../tmr-utility.js"; import { Draconique } from "./draconique.js"; import { PixiTMR } from "./pixi-tmr.js"; export class CarteTmr extends Draconique { constructor() { super(); } type() { return '' } match(item) { return false; } manualMessage() { return false } async onActorCreateOwned(actor, item) { } code() { return 'tmr' } img() { return 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/styles/img/ui/tmr.webp' } createSprite(pixiTMR) { const img = PixiTMR.getImgFromCode(this.code()) const sprite = new PIXI.Sprite(PIXI.utils.TextureCache[img]); // Setup the position of the TMR sprite.x = 0; sprite.y = 0; sprite.width = 722; sprite.height = 860; // Rotate around the center sprite.anchor.set(0); sprite.buttonMode = true; sprite.tmrObject = pixiTMR; return sprite; } computeTooltip(coordTMR) { const tmr = TMRUtility.getTMR(coordTMR) return tmr? TMRUtility.getTMRLabel(coordTMR) : ''; } }