/** * Extend the base Actor entity by defining a custom roll data structure which is ideal for the Simple system. * @extends {Actor} */ import { RdDUtility } from "./rdd-utility.js"; import { RdDRollDialog } from "./rdd-roll-dialog.js"; export class RdDActor extends Actor { /* -------------------------------------------- */ /** * Override the create() function to provide additional RdD functionality. * * This overrided create() function adds initial items * Namely: Basic skills, money, * * @param {Object} data Barebones actor data which this function adds onto. * @param {Object} options (Unused) Additional options which customize the creation workflow. * */ static async create(data, options) { // If the created actor has items (only applicable to duplicated actors) bypass the new actor creation logic if (data.items) { return super.create(data, options); } super.create(data, options); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ prepareData() { super.prepareData(); const actorData = this.data; const data = actorData.data; const flags = actorData.flags; // Make separate methods for each Actor type (character, npc, etc.) to keep // things organized. if (actorData.type === 'personnage') this._prepareCharacterData(actorData); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ /** * Prepare Character type specific data */ _prepareCharacterData(actorData) { // Initialize empty items RdDUtility.computeCarac(actorData.data); this.computeEtatGeneral(); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ async performRoll( rollData ) { let myroll = new Roll("d100"); myroll.roll(); let quality = "Echec"; let xpmsg = ""; let tache = 0; //console.log(">>> ROLL", rollData.selectedCarac.label, rollData.rollTarget.score, myroll.total ); let result = myroll.total; if (result <= rollData.rollTarget.part) { quality = "Réussite Particulière!"; if ( rollData.finalLevel < 0 ) { let xpcarac = Math.floor( Math.abs(rollData.finalLevel) / 2); let xpcomp = (Math.abs(rollData.finalLevel) % 2 == 1) ? xpcarac+1 : xpcarac; xpmsg = "
Points d'expérience gagné ! " + xpcarac + " - " + xpcomp; } rollData.pointsDeTache = 4; rollData.qualite = 2; } else if (result <= (rollData.rollTarget.score /2) ) { quality = "Réussite Significative"; rollData.pointsDeTache = 2; rollData.qualite = 1; } else if (result <= (rollData.rollTarget.score) ) { quality = "Réussite Normale"; rollData.pointsDeTache = 1; rollData.qualite = 0; } else if (result < (rollData.rollTarget.epart) ) { quality = "Echec Normal"; rollData.pointsDeTache = 0; rollData.qualite = -2; } else if (result < (rollData.rollTarget.etotal) ) { quality = "Echec Particulier"; rollData.pointsDeTache = -2; rollData.qualite = -4; } else if (result >= (rollData.rollTarget.etotal) ) { quality = "Echec Total"; rollData.pointsDeTache = -4; rollData.qualite = -6; } // Manage weapon categories when parrying (cf. page 115 ) let need_significative = false; // Do we need to have a sgnificative ? let need_resist = false; // Do we need to have a sgnificative ? if ( rollData.arme && rollData.attackerRoll ) { // Manage parade depeding on weapon type, and change roll results let attCategory = RdDUtility.getArmeCategory( rollData.attackerRoll.arme ); let defCategory = RdDUtility.getArmeCategory( rollData.arme ); if ( defCategory == "bouclier" ) need_significative = true; else if ( attCategory != defCategory ) need_significative = true; if ( attCategory.match("epee") && ( defCategory == "hache" || defCategory == "lance") ) need_resist = true; } // Sonne management or if need_significative is set if ( this.data.data.sante.sonne.value || need_significative) { if (rollData.pointsDeTache >= 2 ) { // Reussite normale dès que significative quality = "Réussite Normale"; rollData.pointsDeTache = 1; rollData.qualite = 0; } else if (rollData.pointsDeTache < 2 ) { // Not a "significative" quality = "Echec Normal"; rollData.pointsDeTache = 0; rollData.qualite = -2; } } // Fight management ! let defenseMsg; let encaisser = false; let specialStr = "
Points de taches : " + rollData.pointsDeTache; // Per default if ( rollData.arme ) { // In case of fight, replace the "tache" message per dommages + localization. "tache" indicates if result is OK or not if ( rollData.attackerRoll) { // Defense case ! if ( rollData.pointsDeTache > 0 ) { // Réussite ! specialStr = "
Attaque parée/esquivée !"; } else { specialStr = "
Esquive/Parade échouée, encaissement !"; encaisser = true; } } else { // This is the attack roll! if ( rollData.pointsDeTache > 0 ) { let myroll = new Roll("2d10"); myroll.roll(); rollData.degats = parseInt(myroll.result) + parseInt(rollData.arme.data.dommages); if ( rollData.selectedCarac.label == "Mêlée" ) // +dom only for Melee rollData.degats += parseInt(this.data.data.attributs.plusdom.value); if ( rollData.selectedCarac.label == "Lancer" ) { // +dom only for Melee/Lancer let bdom = parseInt(this.data.data.attributs.plusdom.value); if ( bdom > parseInt(rollData.arme.data.dommages)*2 ) bdom = parseInt(rollData.arme.data.dommages)*2; rollData.degats += bdom } rollData.loc = RdDUtility.getLocalisation(); for (let target of game.user.targets) { defenseMsg = RdDUtility.buildDefenseChatCard(this, target, rollData ); specialStr = "
Cible : " + target.actor.data.name; } specialStr += "
Dommages : " + rollData.degats + "
Localisation : " + rollData.loc.label; } else { specialStr = "
Echec ! Pas de dommages"; } } } // Save it for fight await this.setFlag( "foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon", "rollData", undefined ); await this.setFlag( "foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon", "rollData", rollData ); let lvl = (rollData.competence) ? rollData.competence.name : rollData.bmValue; let chatOptions = { content: "Test : " + rollData.selectedCarac.label + " / " + lvl + "
Jet : " + rollData.selectedCarac.value + " / " + rollData.finalLevelStr + " -> " + rollData.rollTarget.score + "%
Résutat : " + myroll.total + "
" + "" + quality + "" + specialStr + xpmsg, user: game.user._id, title: "Résultat du test" } ChatMessage.create( chatOptions ); // This an attack, generate the defense message if ( defenseMsg ) { // target hit ! ChatMessage.create( defenseMsg ); } // Get damages! if ( encaisser ) { this.encaisserDommages( rollData ); } } /* -------------------------------------------- */ updateCarac( caracName, caracValue ) { let caracpath = "data.carac." + caracName + ".value" this.update( { caracpath: caracValue } ); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ async updateCompetence( compName, compValue ) { let comp = RdDUtility.findCompetence( this.data.items, compName); if ( comp ) { const update = {_id: comp._id, 'data.niveau': compValue }; const updated = await this.updateEmbeddedEntity("OwnedItem", update); // Updates one EmbeddedEntity } else { console.log("Competence not found", compName); } } /* -------------------------------------------- */ async updateCompetenceXP( compName, compValue ) { let comp = RdDUtility.findCompetence( this.data.items, compName); if ( comp ) { const update = {_id: comp._id, 'data.xp': compValue }; const updated = await this.updateEmbeddedEntity("OwnedItem", update); // Updates one EmbeddedEntity } else { console.log("Competence not found", compName); } } /* -------------------------------------------- */ computeEtatGeneral( ) { let data = this.data.data; let state = 0; state = state - (data.sante.vie.max - data.sante.vie.value); state = state + RdDUtility.currentFatigueMalus(data.sante.fatigue.value, data.sante.endurance.max); data.compteurs.etat.value = state; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ testSiSonne( sante, endurance ) { let myroll = new Roll("d20"); myroll.roll(); let result = myroll.total; if ( result <= endurance.value) sante.sonne.value = false; if ( result > endurance.value || result == 20) // 20 is always a failure sante.sonne.value = true; if (result == 1) { sante.sonne.value = false; let xp = parseInt(this.data.data.carac.constitution.xp) + parseInt(1); this.update( {"data.carac.constitution.xp": xp } ); // +1 XP ! // TODO : Output to chat } } /* -------------------------------------------- */ async santeIncDec(name, inc ) { const sante = duplicate(this.data.data.sante); let data = sante[name]; let lastValue = data.value; // Useful for Endurance and Sonné data.value = data.value + inc; if ( data.value > data.max ) data.value = data.max; if ( data.value < 0 ) data.value = 0; if (name == "endurance") { if ( inc < 0 ) // Each endurance lost -> fatigue lost sante.fatigue.value = sante.fatigue.value - inc // If endurance is 0 -> -1 vie if ( data.value == 0 && sante.vie.value > 0) { sante.vie.value = sante.vie.value - 1; } let diffVie = sante.vie.max - sante.vie.value; if ( data.value > data.max - (diffVie*2) ) { data.value = data.max - (diffVie*2); } if ( data.value < 0 ) data.value = 0; // Security let blessures = this.data.data.blessures; let maxEnd = Math.floor( data.max / blessures.graves.nombre); if (data.value > maxEnd ) data.value = maxEnd; if ( blessures.critiques.nombre > 0 && data.value > 1) data.value = 1; if (lastValue - data.value > 1) this.testSiSonne(sante, data); // Peut-être sonné si 2 points d'endurance perdus d'un coup } console.log(name, inc, data.value); let diffEndurance = sante.endurance.max - this.data.data.sante.endurance.value; if ( sante.fatigue.value < diffEndurance) // If endurance lost, then the same amount of fatigue cannot be recovered sante.fatigue.value = diffEndurance; console.log("SANTE::::", sante); await this.update( {"data.sante": sante } ); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ manageBlessures( blessuresData ) { let blessures = duplicate(this.data.data.blessures); if (blessuresData.legeres > 0 ) { blessures.legeres.nombre += 1; if ( blessures.legeres.nombre > 5 ) { blessures.legeres.nombre = 5; blessuresData.graves += 1; } else { blessures.legeres.liste[blessures.legeres.nombre-1].etat = "active"; blessures.legeres.liste[blessures.legeres.nombre-1].loc = blessuresData.locName; } } if ( blessuresData.graves > 0 ) { blessures.graves.nombre += 1; if ( blessures.graves.nombre > 2 ) { blessures.graves.nombre = 2; blessuresData.critiques += 1; } else { blessures.graves.liste[blessures.graves.nombre-1].etat = "active"; blessures.graves.liste[blessures.graves.nombre-1].loc = blessuresData.locName; } } if ( blessuresData.critiques > 0 ) { blessuresData.endurance = this.data.data.sante.endurance.value; // Patch with real endurance current value (ie end -> 0 when critique) blessures.critiques.nombre = 1; blessures.critiques.liste[0].etat = "active"; blessures.critiques.liste[0].loc = blessuresData.locName; } if ( blessuresData.legeres > 0 || blessuresData.graves > 0 || blessuresData.critiques > 0 ) this.update( { "data.blessures": blessures } ); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ async rollCarac( caracName ) { let rollData = { "selectedCarac": this.data.data.carac[caracName], "bonusmalusTable": CONFIG.RDD.bonusmalus, "etat": this.data.data.compteurs.etat.value, "finalLevel": 0, "bmValue": 0 } console.log(caracName, rollData); let html = await renderTemplate('systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/dialog-roll-carac.html', rollData); new RdDRollDialog("carac", html, rollData, this ).render(true); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ rollArme( armeName ) { let armeItem = RdDUtility.findCompetence( this.data.items, armeName ); if ( armeItem && armeItem.data.competence ) this.rollCompetence( armeItem.data.competence, armeItem ); else this.rollCompetence( armeName ); //Bypass mode! } /* -------------------------------------------- */ async rollCompetence( compName, armeItem=undefined, attackerRoll=undefined ) { console.log("!!!!!!", compName, armeItem); let compItem = RdDUtility.findCompetence( this.data.items, compName); let rollData = { "competence": compItem, "arme": armeItem, "carac": this.data.data.carac, "bonusmalusTable": CONFIG.RDD.bonusmalus, "etat": this.data.data.compteurs.etat.value, "bmValue": (attackerRoll) ? attackerRoll.bmValue : 0, "attackerRoll": attackerRoll, "finalLevel": 0 } let html = await renderTemplate('systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/dialog-competence.html', rollData); if (armeItem) { new RdDRollDialog("arme", html, rollData, this ).render(true); } else { new RdDRollDialog("competence", html, rollData, this ).render(true); } } /* -------------------------------------------- */ computeArmure( locData ) { /* TODO */ return 0; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ encaisserDommages( rollData ) { let attackerRoll = rollData.attackerRoll; console.log("RollData from attacker!", rollData); let degatsReel = attackerRoll.degats - this.computeArmure(attackerRoll.loc); let result = RdDUtility.computeBlessuresSante(degatsReel); this.santeIncDec("vie", result.vie); this.santeIncDec("endurance", result.vie); result.locName = attackerRoll.loc.label; // Add the localisation namme this.manageBlessures( result ); // Will upate the result table ChatMessage.create( {title: "Blessures !", content: this.data.name + " a encaissé : " + "
" + result.legeres + " légères, " + result.graves + " graves et " + result.critiques + " critique." + "
Et perdu : " + "
" + result.endurance + " Endurance et " + result.vie + " Points de Vie" } ); this.computeEtatGeneral(); this.sheet.render(true); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ parerAttaque( attackerRoll, armeId ) { let armeItem = this.getOwnedItem(armeId); // Item.data.data ! console.log("Going to PARY !!!!!!!!!", armeItem, attackerRoll.bmValue); this.rollCompetence( armeItem.data.data.competence, armeItem.data, attackerRoll ); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ /** @override */ getRollData() { const data = super.getRollData(); return data; } }