/** * RdD system * Author: LeRatierBretonnien * Software License: GNU GPLv3 */ /* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */ // Import Modules import { RdDActor } from "./actor.js"; import { RdDItemSheet } from "./item-sheet.js"; import { RdDActorSheet } from "./actor-sheet.js"; import { RdDActorCreatureSheet } from "./actor-creature-sheet.js"; //import { RdDActorHumanoideSheet } from "./actor-humanoide-sheet.js"; import { RdDActorEntiteSheet } from "./actor-entite-sheet.js"; import { RdDUtility } from "./rdd-utility.js"; import { TMRUtility } from "./tmr-utility.js"; import { RdDCalendrier } from "./rdd-calendrier.js"; import { RdDResolutionTable } from "./rdd-resolution-table.js"; import { RdDTokenHud } from "./rdd-token-hud.js"; /* -------------------------------------------- */ /* Foundry VTT Initialization */ /* -------------------------------------------- */ /************************************************************************************/ const _patch_initiative = () => { Combat.prototype.rollInitiative = async function ( ids, formula = undefined, messageOptions = {} ) { console.log( `${game.data.system.data.title} | Combat.rollInitiative()`, ids, formula, messageOptions ); // Structure input data ids = typeof ids === "string" ? [ids] : ids; const currentId = this.combatant._id; // calculate initiative for ( let cId = 0; cId < ids.length; cId++) { const c = this.getCombatant( ids[cId] ); //if (!c) return results; let rollFormula = formula; // Init per default if ( !rollFormula ) { let armeCombat, competence; if ( c.actor.data.type == 'creature' || c.actor.data.type == 'entite') { for (const competenceItem of c.actor.data.items) { if ( competenceItem.data.iscombat) { competence = duplicate(competenceItem); } } rollFormula = RdDUtility.calculInitiative(competence.data.niveau, competence.data.carac_value); } else { for (const item of c.actor.data.items) { if (item.type == "arme" && item.data.equipe) { armeCombat = duplicate(item); } } let compName = ( armeCombat == undefined ) ? "Corps à corps" : armeCombat.data.competence; competence = RdDUtility.findCompetence( c.actor.data.items, compName ); rollFormula = RdDUtility.calculInitiative(competence.data.niveau, c.actor.data.data.carac[competence.data.defaut_carac].value); } } //console.log("Combatat", c); const roll = this._getInitiativeRoll(c, rollFormula); if ( roll.total <= 0 ) roll.total = 1; //console.log("Compute init for", armeCombat, competence, rollFormula, roll.total); await this.updateEmbeddedEntity("Combatant", { _id: c._id, initiative: roll.total }); // Send a chat message let rollMode = messageOptions.rollMode || game.settings.get("core", "rollMode"); let messageData = mergeObject( { speaker: { scene: canvas.scene._id, actor: c.actor ? c.actor._id : null, token: c.token._id, alias: c.token.name, sound: CONFIG.sounds.dice, }, flavor: `${c.token.name} a fait son jet d'Initiative`, }, messageOptions ); roll.toMessage(messageData, { rollMode, create: true }); } return this; }; } /************************************************************************************/ Hooks.once("init", async function() { console.log(`Initializing Reve de Dragon System`); // preload handlebars templates RdDUtility.preloadHandlebarsTemplates(); // Create useful storage space game.system.rdd = { rollDataHandler: {}, TMRUtility: TMRUtility } /* -------------------------------------------- */ game.settings.register("foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon", "accorder-entite-cauchemar", { name: "Accorder le rêve aux entités", hint: "A quel moment les personnages doivent accorder leur rêve aux entités de cauchemar", scope: "world", config: true, type: String, choices: { // If choices are defined, the resulting setting will be a select menu "avant-attaque": "Avant l'attaque", "avant-defense": "Avant la défense", "avant-encaissement": "Avant l'encaissement", }, default: "avant-encaissement" }); /* -------------------------------------------- */ game.settings.register("foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon", "calendrier", { name: "calendrier", scope: "world", config: false, type: Object }); /* -------------------------------------------- */ game.settings.register("foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon", "liste-nombre-astral", { name: "liste-nombre-astral", scope: "world", config: false, type: Object }); /* -------------------------------------------- */ game.settings.register("foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon", "calendrier-pos", { name: "calendrierPos", scope: "world", config: false, type: Object }); /* -------------------------------------------- */ game.settings.register("foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon", "dice-so-nice", { name: "Montrer les dés pour toutes les jets", hint: "Utilise Dice So Nice pour tous les jets de dés possibles. Décocher pour limiter à la table de résolution", scope: "client", config: true, default: false, type: Boolean }); //game.settings.get("","") to retrieve it and game.settings.set("","", ) /* -------------------------------------------- */ // Set an initiative formula for the system CONFIG.Combat.initiative = { formula: "1d20", decimals: 2 }; /* -------------------------------------------- */ game.socket.on("system.foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon", data => { RdDUtility.performSocketMesssage( data ); }); /* -------------------------------------------- */ // Define custom Entity classes CONFIG.Actor.entityClass = RdDActor; CONFIG.RDD = { resolutionTable : RdDResolutionTable.resolutionTable, level_category : RdDUtility.getLevelCategory(), carac_array : RdDUtility.getCaracArray(), ajustementsConditions : RdDUtility.getAjustementsConditions(), difficultesLibres : RdDUtility.getDifficultesLibres() } /* -------------------------------------------- */ // Register sheet application classes Actors.unregisterSheet("core", ActorSheet); Actors.registerSheet("foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon", RdDActorSheet, { types: ["personnage"], makeDefault: true } ); Actors.registerSheet("foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon", RdDActorCreatureSheet, { types: ["creature"], makeDefault: true }); /*Actors.registerSheet("foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon", RdDActorHumanoideSheet, { types: ["humanoide"], makeDefault: true });*/ Actors.registerSheet("foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon", RdDActorEntiteSheet, { types: ["entite"], makeDefault: true }); Items.unregisterSheet("core", ItemSheet); Items.registerSheet("foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon", RdDItemSheet, {makeDefault: true}); // Handlebar function pour container Handlebars.registerHelper('buildConteneur', (objet) => { return RdDUtility.buildConteneur(objet); }); // Patch the initiative formula _patch_initiative(); }); /* -------------------------------------------- */ function messageDeBienvenue(){ game.messages .filter(it => it.user._id == game.user._id && it.data.content.match(/^Bienvenu(e)? dans le Rêve des Dragons/)) .forEach(it => it.delete()); ChatMessage.create( { user: game.user._id, whisper: [game.user._id], content : "Bienvenue dans le Rêve des Dragons !
" + "Vous trouverez quelques informations pour démarrer dans ce document : @Compendium[foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon.rappel-des-regles.7uGrUHGdPu0EmIu2]{Documentation MJ/Joueurs}" } ); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ Hooks.once("renderApplication", () => { messageDeBienvenue(); }); /* -------------------------------------------- */ /* Foundry VTT Initialization */ /* -------------------------------------------- */ Hooks.once("ready", function() { /* -------------------------------------------- */ /* Affiche/Init le calendrier */ let calendrier = new RdDCalendrier(); calendrier.initCalendrier(); let templatePath = "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/calendar-template.html"; let templateData = {}; renderTemplate(templatePath, templateData).then(html => { calendrier.render(true); } ); game.system.rdd.calendrier = calendrier; // Reference; // Avertissement si joueur sans personnage if ( !game.user.isGM && game.user.character == undefined) { ui.notifications.info( "Attention ! Vous n'êtes connecté à aucun personnage !" ); ChatMessage.create( { content:"ATTENTION Le joueur " + game.user.name + " n'est connecté à aucun personnage !", user: game.user._id } ); //whisper: [ ChatMessage.getWhisperRecipients("GM") ] } ); } // Integration du TokenHUD Hooks.on('renderTokenHUD', (app, html, data) => { RdDTokenHud.addTokenHudExtensions(app, html, data._id) }); }); /* -------------------------------------------- */ /* Abandonné pour l'instant Hooks.on("preCreateToken", (scene, tokenData, options) => { let actor = game.actors.get( tokenData.actorId ) if (actor) { let tokenSize = actor.data.data.carac.taille.value / 10; tokenData.width = tokenSize; tokenData.height = tokenSize; } console.log("PRECREATE:", scene, tokenData, options); });*/ /* -------------------------------------------- */ /* Foundry VTT Initialization */ /* -------------------------------------------- */ Hooks.on("chatMessage", (html, content, msg) => { let regExp = /(\S+)/g; let commands = content.match(regExp); return RdDUtility.processChatCommand( commands, content, msg ); } ); /* -------------------------------------------- */ Hooks.on("getCombatTrackerEntryContext", (html, options) => { RdDUtility.pushInitiativeOptions( html, options ); })