/** * Extend the base Dialog entity by defining a custom window to perform roll. * @extends {Dialog} */ export class RdDEncaisser extends Dialog { /* -------------------------------------------- */ constructor(html, actor) { // Common conf let dialogConf = { title: "Jet d'Encaissement", content: html, buttons: { "mortel": { label: "mortel", callback: html => this.performEncaisser(html, "mortel") }, "non-mortel": { label: "non-mortel", callback: html => this.performEncaisser(html, "non-mortel") }, "cauchemar": { label: "cauchemar", callback: html => this.performEncaisser(html, "cauchemar") } }, default: "coupMortel" } let dialogOptions = { classes: ["rdddialog"], width: 320, height: 240 } // Select proper roll dialog template and stuff super(dialogConf, dialogOptions); this.actor = actor; this.modifier = 0; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ performEncaisser(html, mortalite = "mortel") { this.actor.encaisserDommages({ degats: new Roll("2d10").roll().total, domArmePlusDom: Number(this.modifier), loc: { result: 0, label: "Corps" }, mortalite: mortalite }); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ activateListeners(html) { super.activateListeners(html); // Setup everything onload $(function () { $("#modificateurDegats").val("0"); }); html.find('#modificateurDegats').change((event) => { this.modifier = event.currentTarget.value; // Update the selected bonus/malus }); } }