import { Misc } from "./misc.js"; /** * Extend the base Dialog entity by defining a custom window to perform roll. * @extends {Dialog} */ export class RdDRollDialogEthylisme extends Dialog { /* -------------------------------------------- */ constructor(html, rollData, actor, onRoll) { // Common conf let dialogConf = { title: "Test d'éthylisme", content: html, default: "rollButton", buttons: { "rollButton": { label: "Test d'éthylisme", callback: html => onRoll(this.rollData) } } }; let dialogOptions = { classes: ["rdd-roll-dialog"], width: 400, height: 'fit-content', 'z-index': 99999 } super(dialogConf, dialogOptions) this.rollData = rollData; = actor; } activateListeners(html) { super.activateListeners(html); this.html = html; this.bringToTop(); this.html.find(".force-alcool").change((event) => { this.rollData.forceAlcool = Misc.toInt(event.currentTarget.value); this.updateRollResult(); }); this.html.find(".force-alcool").val(Misc.toInt(this.rollData.forceAlcool)); this.updateRollResult(); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ async updateRollResult() { this.html.find(".roll-ethylisme").text(this.rollData.vie + " / " + Misc.toSignedString(Number(this.rollData.etat) + Number(this.rollData.forceAlcool) + this.rollData.diffNbDoses)); this.html.find(".table-resolution").remove(); } }