/** * This class is intended as a placeholder for utility methods unrelated * to actual classes of the game system or of FoundryVTT */ export class Misc { static isFunction(v) { return v && {}.toString.call(v) === '[object Function]'; } static upperFirst(text) { return text.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + text.slice(1); } static toSignedString(number) { const value = parseInt(number) const isPositiveNumber = value != NaN && value > 0; return isPositiveNumber ? "+" + number : number } /** * Converts the value to an integer, or to 0 if undefined/null/not representing integer * @param {*} value value to convert to an integer using parseInt */ static toInt(value) { if (value == undefined) { return 0; } const parsed = parseInt(value); return isNaN(parsed) ? 0 : parsed; } static getFractionHtml(diviseur) { if (!diviseur || diviseur <= 1) return undefined; switch (diviseur || 1) { case 2: return '½'; case 4: return '¼'; default: return '1/' + diviseur; } } static classify(items, classifier = item => item.type, transform = it => it) { let itemsBy = {}; Misc.classifyInto(itemsBy, items, classifier, transform); return itemsBy; } static classifyInto(itemsBy, items, classifier = item => item.type, transform = it => it) { for (const item of items) { const classification = classifier(item); let list = itemsBy[classification]; if (!list) { list = []; itemsBy[classification] = list; } list.push(transform(item)); } } static rollOneOf(array) { return array[new Roll("1d" + array.length).evaluate().total - 1]; } static distinct(array) { return [...new Set(array)]; } }