import { HIDE_DICE, SHOW_DICE } from "./constants.js"; import { RdDUtility } from "./rdd-utility.js"; /** * Extend the base Dialog entity by defining a custom window to perform roll. * @extends {Dialog} */ export class DialogValidationEncaissement extends Dialog { static async validerEncaissement(actor, rollData, armure, show, onEncaisser) { let encaissement = await RdDUtility.jetEncaissement(rollData, armure, { showDice: HIDE_DICE }); const html = await renderTemplate('systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/dialog-validation-encaissement.html', { actor: actor, rollData: rollData, encaissement: encaissement, show: show }); const dialog = new DialogValidationEncaissement(html, actor, rollData, armure, encaissement, show, onEncaisser); dialog.render(true); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ constructor(html, actor, rollData, armure, encaissement, show, onEncaisser) { // Common conf let buttons = { "valider": { label: "Valider", callback: html => this.onValider() }, "annuler": { label: "Annuler", callback: html => { } }, }; let dialogConf = { title: "Validation d'encaissement", content: html, buttons: buttons, default: "valider" } let dialogOptions = { classes: ["rdd-roll-dialog"], width: 350, height: 290 } // Select proper roll dialog template and stuff super(dialogConf, dialogOptions); = actor this.rollData = rollData; this.armure = armure; this.encaissement = encaissement; = show; this.onEncaisser = onEncaisser; this.forceDiceResult = {total: encaissement.roll.result }; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ activateListeners(html) { super.activateListeners(html); this.html = html; this.html.find('input.encaissement-roll-result').keyup(async event => { = event.currentTarget.value; this.encaissement = await RdDUtility.jetEncaissement(this.rollData, this.armure, { showDice: HIDE_DICE, forceDiceResult: this.forceDiceResult}); this.html.find('label.encaissement-total').text(; this.html.find('label.encaissement-blessure').text(this.encaissement.blessures) }); } async onValider() { this.encaissement = await RdDUtility.jetEncaissement(this.rollData, this.armure, { showDice: SHOW_DICE, forceDiceResult: this.forceDiceResult}); this.onEncaisser(this.encaissement, } }