import { RdDItemSort } from "./item-sort.js"; import { RdDUtility } from "./rdd-utility.js"; import { RdDAlchimie } from "./rdd-alchimie.js"; import { RdDItemCompetence } from "./item-competence.js"; import { RdDHerbes } from "./rdd-herbes.js"; import { Misc } from "./misc.js"; import { HtmlUtility } from "./html-utility.js"; import { ReglesOptionelles } from "./regles-optionelles.js"; /** * Extend the basic ItemSheet with some very simple modifications * @extends {ItemSheet} */ export class RdDItemSheet extends ItemSheet { /** @override */ static get defaultOptions() { return mergeObject(super.defaultOptions, { classes: ["foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon", "sheet", "item"], template: "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/item-sheet.html", width: 550, height: 550 //tabs: [{navSelector: ".sheet-tabs", contentSelector: ".sheet-body", initial: "description"}] }); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ _getHeaderButtons() { let buttons = super._getHeaderButtons(); const videSiConteneur = this.object.isConteneur() ? this.object.isVide() : true; // Add "Post to chat" button // We previously restricted this to GM and editable items only. If you ever find this comment because it broke something: eh, sorry! if ("cout" in Misc.templateData(this.object) && videSiConteneur) { buttons.unshift({ class: "post", icon: "fas fa-comments-dollar", onclick: ev => this.item.proposerVente() }); } else { buttons.unshift({ class: "post", icon: "fas fa-comment", onclick: ev => this.item.postItem() }); } return buttons } /* -------------------------------------------- */ /** @override */ setPosition(options = {}) { const position = super.setPosition(options); const sheetBody = this.element.find(".sheet-body"); const bodyHeight = position.height - 192; sheetBody.css("height", bodyHeight); return position; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ async getData() { const objectData =; let formData = { title:, id:, type: objectData.type, img: objectData.img, name:, data:, isGM: game.user.isGM, owner: this.document.isOwner, editable: this.isEditable, cssClass: this.isEditable ? "editable" : "locked", isSoins: false } if ( { formData.isOwned = true; formData.actorId =; } formData.categorieCompetences = RdDItemCompetence.getCategorieCompetences(); if (formData.type == 'tache' || formData.type == 'livre' || formData.type == 'meditation' || formData.type == 'oeuvre') { formData.caracList = duplicate(game.system.model.Actor.personnage.carac); formData.competences = await RdDUtility.loadCompendium('foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon.competences'); } if (formData.type == 'arme') { formData.competences = await RdDUtility.loadCompendium('foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon.competences', it => RdDItemCompetence.isCompetenceArme(it)); console.log(formData.competences); } if (formData.type == 'recettealchimique') { RdDAlchimie.processManipulation(objectData, &&; } if (formData.type == 'potion') { if (this.dateUpdated) { = this.dateUpdated; this.dateUpdated = undefined; } RdDHerbes.updatePotionData(formData); } if (formData.isOwned && formData.type == 'herbe' && ( == 'Soin' || == 'Repos')) { formData.isIngredientPotionBase = true; } formData.bonusCaseList = RdDItemSort.getBonusCaseList(formData, true); return formData; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ /** @override */ activateListeners(html) { super.activateListeners(html); HtmlUtility._showControlWhen($(".item-cout"), ReglesOptionelles.isUsing('afficher-prix-joueurs') || game.user.isGM || !this.object.isOwned); HtmlUtility._showControlWhen($(".item-magique"), this.object.isMagique()); // Everything below here is only needed if the sheet is editable if (!this.options.editable) return; // Select competence categorie html.find(".categorie").change(event => this._onSelectCategorie(event)); html.find('.sheet-competence-xp').change((event) => { if ( == 'competence') { RdDUtility.checkThanatosXP(; } }); html.find('.enchanteDate').change((event) => { let jour = Number($('#jourMois').val()); let mois = $('#nomMois').val(); this.dateUpdated = game.system.rdd.calendrier.getIndexFromDate(jour, mois); }); html.find('.creer-tache-livre').click((event) => { let actorId = event.currentTarget.attributes['data-actor-id'].value; let actor = game.actors.get(actorId); actor.creerTacheDepuisLivre(this.item); }); html.find('.consommer-potion').click((event) => { let actorId = event.currentTarget.attributes['data-actor-id'].value; let actor = game.actors.get(actorId); actor.consommerPotion(this.item); }); html.find('.creer-potion-base').click((event) => { let actorId = event.currentTarget.attributes['data-actor-id'].value; let actor = game.actors.get(actorId); actor.dialogFabriquerPotion(this.item); }); html.find('.alchimie-tache a').click((event) => { let actorId = event.currentTarget.attributes['data-actor-id'].value; let recetteId = event.currentTarget.attributes['data-recette-id'].value; let tacheName = event.currentTarget.attributes['data-alchimie-tache'].value; let tacheData = event.currentTarget.attributes['data-alchimie-data'].value; let actor = game.actors.get(actorId); if (actor) { actor.effectuerTacheAlchimie(recetteId, tacheName, tacheData); } else {"Impossible trouver un actur pour réaliser cette tache Alchimique."); } }); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ async _onSelectCategorie(event) { event.preventDefault(); if (this.object.isCompetence()){ let level = RdDItemCompetence.getNiveauBase(event.currentTarget.value); Misc.templateData(this.object).base = level; $("#base").val(level); } } /* -------------------------------------------- */ get template() { //console.log(this); let type =; return `systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/item-${type}-sheet.html`; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ /** @override */ _updateObject(event, formData) { // Deprecated en v0.8 à clarifier //console.log("UPDATE !", formData); // Données de bonus de cases ? formData = RdDItemSort.buildBonusCaseStringFromFormData(formData); return this.object.update(formData); } }