import { RdDUtility } from "./rdd-utility.js"; const competenceTroncs = [["Esquive", "Dague", "Corps à corps"], ["Epée à 1 main", "Epée à 2 mains", "Hache à 1 main", "Hache à 2 mains", "Lance", "Masse à 1 main", "Masse à 2 mains"]]; const competence_xp_par_niveau = [5, 5, 5, 10, 10, 10, 10, 15, 15, 15, 15, 20, 20, 20, 20, 30, 30, 40, 40, 60, 60, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100]; const competence_niveau_max = competence_xp_par_niveau.length - 10; function _buildCumulXP() { let cumulXP = { "-11": 0 }; let cumul = 0; for (let i = 0; i <= competence_xp_par_niveau.length; i++) { let level = i - 10; cumul += competence_xp_par_niveau[i]; cumulXP[level] = cumul; } return cumulXP; } const compendiumCompetences = { "personnage": "foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon.competences", "creature": "foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon.competences-creatures", "entite": "foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon.competences-entites" }; const competence_xp_cumul = _buildCumulXP(); export class RdDItemCompetence extends Item { static compendium(actorType) { return compendiumCompetences[actorType] ?? ''; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static isCompetenceArme(competence) { switch ( { case 'melee': return != 'esquive'; case 'tir': case 'lancer': return true; } return false; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static isArmeUneMain(competence) { return competence?.name.toLowerCase().includes("1 main"); } static isArme2Main(competence) { return competence?.name.toLowerCase().includes("2 main"); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static isMalusEncombrementTotal(competence) { return competence?.name.toLowerCase().match(/(natation|acrobatie)/); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static isTronc(compName) { for (let troncList of competenceTroncs) { for (let troncName of troncList) { if (troncName == compName) return troncList; } } return false; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static computeTotalXP(competences) { const total = => RdDItemCompetence.computeXP(c)) .reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0); const economieTronc = RdDItemCompetence.computeEconomieXPTronc(competences); return total - economieTronc; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static computeXP(competence) { // Thanatos compte double ! const factor ='Thanatos') ? 2 : 1 const xpNiveau = RdDItemCompetence.computeDeltaXP(, ??; const xp = ?? 0; const xpSort = ?? 0; return factor * (xpNiveau + xp) + xpSort; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static computeEconomieXPTronc(competences) { return list => => RdDItemCompetence.findCompetence(competences, name)) // calcul du coût xp jusqu'au niveau 0 maximum .map(it => RdDItemCompetence.computeDeltaXP(it?.data.base ?? -11, Math.min(it?.data.niveau ?? -11, 0))) .sort((a, b) => b - a) // tri descendant .splice(0, 1) // ignorer le coût xp le plus élevé .reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0) ).reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0); } static setLevelUp(competences) { competences.forEach(it => { = RdDItemCompetence.getCompetenceNextXp(; = >=; }); } static computeResumeArchetype(competences) { const archetype = RdDUtility.getLimitesArchetypes(); competences.forEach(item => { let niveau = ( < 0) ? 0 :; archetype[niveau] = archetype[niveau] ?? { "niveau": niveau, "nombreMax": 0, "nombre": 0 }; archetype[niveau].nombre = (archetype[niveau]?.nombre ?? 0) + 1; }); return archetype; } static isVisible(competence) { return Number( != RdDUtility.getCategorieNiveauBase(; } static isNiveauBase(competence) { return Number( == RdDUtility.getCategorieNiveauBase(; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static findCompetence(list, name) { name = name.toLowerCase(); return list.find(it => == name && (it.type == "competence" || it.type == "competencecreature")) } static getEsquive(competences) { return { name: "Esquive", niveau: RdDItemCompetence.findCompetence(competences, 'Esquive')?.data.niveau ?? -6 }; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static getCompetenceNextXp(niveau) { return RdDItemCompetence.getCompetenceXp(niveau + 1); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static getCompetenceXp(niveau) { RdDItemCompetence._valideNiveau(niveau); return niveau < -10 ? 0 : competence_xp_par_niveau[niveau + 10]; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static computeDeltaXP(from, to) { RdDItemCompetence._valideNiveau(from); RdDItemCompetence._valideNiveau(to); return competence_xp_cumul[to] - competence_xp_cumul[from]; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static _valideNiveau(niveau) { if (niveau < -11 || niveau > competence_niveau_max) { console.warn("Niveau en dehors des niveaux de compétences: [-11, " + competence_niveau_max + "]", niveau) } } }