import { RdDItemCompetence } from "./item-competence.js"; import { Misc } from "./misc.js"; import { SYSTEM_SOCKET_ID } from "./constants.js"; /** * Extend the base Dialog entity by defining a custom window to perform roll. * @extends {Dialog} */ export class RdDAstrologieJoueur extends Dialog { /* -------------------------------------------- */ static async create(actor, dialogConfig) { let data = { nombres: this.organizeNombres(actor), dates: game.system.rdd.calendrier.getJoursSuivants(10), etat: actor.getEtatGeneral(), ajustementsConditions: CONFIG.RDD.ajustementsConditions, astrologie: RdDItemCompetence.findCompetence(actor.items, 'Astrologie') } const html = await renderTemplate('systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/dialog-astrologie-joueur.html', data); let options = { classes: ["rdddialog"], width: 600, height: 500, 'z-index': 99999 }; if (dialogConfig.options) { mergeObject(options, dialogConfig.options, { overwrite: true }); } return new RdDAstrologieJoueur(html, actor, data); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ constructor(html, actor, data) { let myButtons = { saveButton: { label: "Fermer", callback: html => this.quitDialog() } }; // Get all n // Common conf let dialogConf = { content: html, title: "Nombres Astraux", buttons: myButtons, default: "saveButton" }; let dialogOptions = { classes: ["rdddialog"], width: 600, height: 300, 'z-index': 99999 }; super(dialogConf, dialogOptions); = actor; this.dataNombreAstral = duplicate(data); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static organizeNombres(actor) { let itemNombres = actor.listItemsData('nombreastral'); let itemFiltered = {}; for (let item of itemNombres) { if (itemFiltered[item.system.jourindex]) { itemFiltered[item.system.jourindex].listValues.push(item.system.value); } else { itemFiltered[item.system.jourindex] = { listValues: [item.system.value], jourlabel: item.system.jourlabel } } } return itemFiltered; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ requestJetAstrologie() { let data = { id:, carac_vue:['vue'].value, etat: this.dataNombreAstral.etat, astrologie: this.dataNombreAstral.astrologie, conditions: $("#diffConditions").val(), date: $("#joursAstrologie").val(), userId: } if (Misc.isUniqueConnectedGM()) { game.system.rdd.calendrier.requestNombreAstral(data); } else { game.socket.emit(SYSTEM_SOCKET_ID, { msg: "msg_request_nombre_astral", data: data }); } this.close(); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ quitDialog() { } /* -------------------------------------------- */ activateListeners(html) { super.activateListeners(html); $(function () { $("#diffConditions").val(0); }); html.find('#jet-astrologie').click((event) => { this.requestJetAstrologie(); }); } }