Utilisation de system dans les data de formulaire pour tous les Item/Actor (à la base, ou les sous-éléments) Corrections sur les sorts en réserve (ce ne sont pas des Item) Petites améliorations: * `actor.itemTypes[type]` revient à faire (sans besoin de filtrer) `actor.items.filter(it => it.type == type)` * dans les ItemSheet, this.object et this.document remplacés par this.item * dans les ActorSheet, this.object et this.document remplacés par this.actor Quelques corrections en plus: * parade ne marchait pas * problèmes sur le commerce
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* Extend the basic ActorSheet with some very simple modifications
* @extends {ActorSheet}
import { RdDUtility } from "./rdd-utility.js";
import { HtmlUtility } from "./html-utility.js";
import { Misc } from "./misc.js";
import { RdDSheetUtility } from "./rdd-sheet-utility.js";
/* -------------------------------------------- */
export class RdDActorVehiculeSheet extends ActorSheet {
/** @override */
static get defaultOptions() {
return mergeObject(super.defaultOptions, {
classes: ["rdd", "sheet", "actor"],
template: "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/actor-vehicule-sheet.html",
width: 640,
height: 720,
tabs: [{ navSelector: ".sheet-tabs", contentSelector: ".sheet-body", initial: "carac" }],
dragDrop: [{ dragSelector: ".item-list .item", dropSelector: null }]
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async getData() {
let formData = {
title: this.title,
id: this.actor.id,
type: this.actor.type,
img: this.actor.img,
name: this.actor.name,
editable: this.isEditable,
cssClass: this.isEditable ? "editable" : "locked",
system: foundry.utils.deepClone(this.actor.system),
effects: this.actor.effects.map(e => foundry.utils.deepClone(e)),
limited: this.actor.limited,
options: this.options,
owner: this.actor.isOwner,
itemsByType: Misc.classify(this.actor.items.map(i => foundry.utils.deepClone(i))),
this.objetVersConteneur = RdDUtility.buildArbreDeConteneurs(formData.conteneurs, formData.objets);
formData.conteneurs = RdDUtility.conteneursRacine(formData.conteneurs);
formData.options.isGM = game.user.isGM;
formData.calc = {
encTotal: await this.actor.computeEncombrementTotalEtMalusArmure(),
surEncombrementMessage: this.actor.getMessageSurEncombrement()
console.log("DATA", formData);
return formData;
async computeMalusArmure() {
// pas de malus armure
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async _onDropItem(event, dragData) {
const destItemId = $(event.target)?.closest('.item').attr('data-item-id');
const dropParams = RdDSheetUtility.prepareItemDropParameters(destItemId, this.actor.id, dragData, this.objetVersConteneur);
const callSuper = await this.actor.processDropItem(dropParams);
if (callSuper) {
await super._onDropItem(event, dragData)
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async createItem(name, type) {
await this.actor.createEmbeddedDocuments('Item', [{ name: name, type: type }], { renderSheet: true });
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async monnaieIncDec(id, value) {
let monnaie = this.getMonnaie(id);
if (monnaie) {
const quantite = Math.max(0, monnaie.system.quantite + value);
await this.updateEmbeddedDocuments('Item', [{ _id: monnaie.id, 'data.quantite': quantite }]);
/* -------------------------------------------- */
/** @override */
activateListeners(html) {
HtmlUtility._showControlWhen($(".gm-only"), game.user.isGM);
// Everything below here is only needed if the sheet is editable
if (!this.options.editable) return;
// Update Inventory Item
html.find('.item-edit').click(async event => {
const item = RdDSheetUtility.getItem(event, this.actor);
// Delete Inventory Item
html.find('.item-delete').click(async event => {
const li = RdDSheetUtility.getEventElement(event);
RdDUtility.confirmerSuppression(this, li);
html.find('.item-vendre').click(async event => {
const item = RdDSheetUtility.getItem(event, this.actor);
html.find('.item-montrer').click(async event => {
const item = RdDSheetUtility.getItem(event, this.actor);
html.find('.item-action').click(async event => {
const item = RdDSheetUtility.getItem(event, this.actor);
html.find('.creer-un-objet').click(async event => {
html.find('#nettoyer-conteneurs').click(async event => {
html.find('.monnaie-plus').click(async event => {
this.actor.monnaieIncDec(RdDSheetUtility.getItemId(event), 1);
html.find('.monnaie-moins').click(async event => {
this.actor.monnaieIncDec(RdDSheetUtility.getItemId(event), -1);
// Display info about queue
html.find('.conteneur-name a').click((event) => {
/* -------------------------------------------- */
/** @override */
setPosition(options = {}) {
const position = super.setPosition(options);
const sheetHeader = this.element.find(".sheet-header");
const sheetTabs = this.element.find(".sheet-tabs");
const sheetBody = this.element.find(".sheet-body");
const bodyHeight = position.height - sheetHeader[0].clientHeight - sheetTabs[0].clientHeight;
sheetBody.css("height", bodyHeight);
return position;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
/** @override */
_updateObject(event, formData) {
// Update the Actor
return this.actor.update(formData);