846 lines
37 KiB
846 lines
37 KiB
/* Common useful functions shared between objects */
import { ChatUtility } from "./chat-utility.js";
import { RdDCombat } from "./rdd-combat.js";
import { Misc } from "./misc.js";
import { Grammar } from "./grammar.js";
import { TMRUtility } from "./tmr-utility.js";
import { DialogItemAchat } from "./dialog-item-achat.js";
import { ReglesOptionelles } from "./regles-optionelles.js";
import { RdDDice } from "./rdd-dice.js";
/* -------------------------------------------- */
// This table starts at 0 -> niveau -10
const carac_array = ["taille", "apparence", "constitution", "force", "agilite", "dexterite", "vue", "ouie", "odoratgout", "volonte", "intellect", "empathie", "reve", "chance", "melee", "tir", "lancer", "derobee"];
const difficultesLibres = [0, -1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6, -7, -8, -9, -10];
const ajustementsConditions = [-10, -9, -8, -7, -6, -5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, +1, +2, +3, +4, +5, +6, +7, +8, +9, +10];
const ajustementsEncaissement = [-10, -9, -8, -7, -6, -5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, +1, +2, +3, +4, +5, +6, +7, +8, +9, +10, +11, +12, +13, +14, +15, +16, +17, +18, +19, +20, +21, +22, +23, +24, +25];
/* -------------------------------------------- */
function _buildAllSegmentsFatigue(max) {
const cycle = [5, 2, 4, 1, 3, 0];
let fatigue = [[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]];
for (let i = 0; i <= max; i++) {
const ligneFatigue = duplicate(fatigue[i]);
const caseIncrementee = cycle[i % 6];
ligneFatigue[caseIncrementee + 6]++;
ligneFatigue.fatigueMax = 2 * (i + 1);
fatigue[i + 1] = ligneFatigue;
return fatigue;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
function _cumulSegmentsFatigue(matrix) {
let cumulMatrix = [];
for (let line of matrix) {
let cumul = duplicate(line);
for (let i = 1; i < 12; i++) {
cumul[i] += cumul[i - 1];
return cumulMatrix;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
const fatigueMatrix = _buildAllSegmentsFatigue(60);
const cumulFatigueMatrix = _cumulSegmentsFatigue(fatigueMatrix);
const fatigueMalus = [0, 0, 0, -1, -1, -1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6, -7]; // Provides the malus for each segment of fatigue
const fatigueLineSize = [3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12];
const fatigueLineMalus = [0, -1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6, -7];
const fatigueMarche = {
"aise": { "4": 1, "6": 2, "8": 3, "10": 4, "12": 6 },
"malaise": { "4": 2, "6": 3, "8": 4, "10": 6 },
"difficile": { "4": 3, "6": 4, "8": 6 },
"tresdifficile": { "4": 4, "6": 6 }
/* -------------------------------------------- */
const definitionsBlessures = [
{ type: "legere", facteur: 2 },
{ type: "grave", facteur: 4 },
{ type: "critique", facteur: 6 }
/* -------------------------------------------- */
const nomEthylisme = ["Emeché", "Gris", "Pinté", "Pas frais", "Ivre", "Bu", "Complètement fait", "Ivre mort"];
/* -------------------------------------------- */
const definitionsEncaissement = {
"mortel": [
{ minimum: undefined, maximum: 0, endurance: "0", vie: "0", eraflures: 0, legeres: 0, graves: 0, critiques: 0 },
{ minimum: 1, maximum: 10, endurance: "1d4", vie: "0", eraflures: 1, legeres: 0, graves: 0, critiques: 0 },
{ minimum: 11, maximum: 15, endurance: "1d6", vie: "0", eraflures: 0, legeres: 1, graves: 0, critiques: 0 },
{ minimum: 16, maximum: 19, endurance: "2d6", vie: "2", eraflures: 0, legeres: 0, graves: 1, critiques: 0 },
{ minimum: 20, maximum: undefined, endurance: "100", vie: "4 + @over20", eraflures: 0, legeres: 0, graves: 0, critiques: 1 },
"non-mortel": [
{ minimum: undefined, maximum: 0, endurance: "0", vie: "0", eraflures: 0, legeres: 0, graves: 0, critiques: 0 },
{ minimum: 1, maximum: 10, endurance: "1d4", vie: "0", eraflures: 1, legeres: 0, graves: 0, critiques: 0 },
{ minimum: 11, maximum: 15, endurance: "1d6", vie: "0", eraflures: 1, legeres: 0, graves: 0, critiques: 0 },
{ minimum: 16, maximum: 19, endurance: "2d6", vie: "0", eraflures: 0, legeres: 1, graves: 0, critiques: 0 },
{ minimum: 20, maximum: undefined, endurance: "100", vie: "0", eraflures: 0, legeres: 1, graves: 0, critiques: 0 },
"cauchemar": [
{ minimum: undefined, maximum: 0, endurance: "0", vie: "0", eraflures: 0, legeres: 0, graves: 0, critiques: 0 },
{ minimum: 1, maximum: 10, endurance: "1d4", vie: "0", eraflures: 1, legeres: 0, graves: 0, critiques: 0 },
{ minimum: 11, maximum: 15, endurance: "1d6", vie: "0", eraflures: 1, legeres: 0, graves: 0, critiques: 0 },
{ minimum: 16, maximum: 19, endurance: "2d6", vie: "0", eraflures: 1, legeres: 0, graves: 0, critiques: 0 },
{ minimum: 20, maximum: undefined, endurance: "3d6 + @over20", vie: "0", eraflures: 1, legeres: 0, graves: 0, critiques: 0 },
/* -------------------------------------------- */
export class RdDUtility {
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static async init() {
Hooks.on("renderChatMessage", async (app, html, msg) => RdDUtility.onRenderChatMessage(app, html, msg));
Hooks.on('renderChatLog', (log, html, data) => RdDUtility.chatListeners(html));
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static async preloadHandlebarsTemplates() {
const templatePaths = [
//Character Sheets
// Conteneur/item in Actor sheet
// Dialogs
// Partials
// Calendrier
// HUD
// messages tchat
Handlebars.registerHelper('upperFirst', str => Misc.upperFirst(str ?? 'Null'));
Handlebars.registerHelper('upper', str => str?.toUpperCase() ?? 'NULL');
Handlebars.registerHelper('le', str => Grammar.articleDetermine(str));
Handlebars.registerHelper('un', str => Grammar.articleIndetermine(str));
Handlebars.registerHelper('accord', (genre, ...args) => Grammar.accord(genre, args));
Handlebars.registerHelper('buildConteneur', (objet) => { return RdDUtility.buildConteneur(objet); });
Handlebars.registerHelper('caseTmr-label', coord => TMRUtility.getTMRLabel(coord));
Handlebars.registerHelper('caseTmr-type', coord => TMRUtility.getTMRType(coord));
Handlebars.registerHelper('typeTmr-name', coord => TMRUtility.typeTmrName(coord));
Handlebars.registerHelper('sortCompetence', competences => competences.sort((a, b) => {
if (a.name.startsWith("Survie") && b.name.startsWith("Survie")) {
if (a.name.includes("Cité")) return -1;
if (b.name.includes("Cité")) return 1;
if (a.name.includes("Extérieur")) return -1;
if (b.name.includes("Extérieur")) return 1;
return a.name.localeCompare(b.name);
if (a.data.categorie.startsWith("melee") && b.data.categorie.startsWith("melee")) {
if (a.name.includes("Corps")) return -1;
if (b.name.includes("Corps")) return 1;
if (a.name.includes("Dague")) return -1;
if (b.name.includes("Dague")) return 1;
if (a.name.includes("Esquive")) return -1;
if (b.name.includes("Esquive")) return 1;
return a.name.localeCompare(b.name);
if (a.name.startsWith("Voie") && b.name.startsWith("Voie")) {
if (a.name.includes("Oniros")) return -1;
if (b.name.includes("Oniros")) return 1;
if (a.name.includes("Hypnos")) return -1;
if (b.name.includes("Hypnos")) return 1;
if (a.name.includes("Narcos")) return -1;
if (b.name.includes("Narcos")) return 1;
if (a.name.includes("Thanatos")) return -1;
if (b.name.includes("Thanatos")) return 1;
return a.name.localeCompare(b.name);
return a.name.localeCompare(b.name);
return loadTemplates(templatePaths);
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static buildListOptions(min, max) {
let options = ""
for (let i = min; i <= max; i++) {
options += `<option value="${i}">${i}</option>`
return options;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static checkNull(items) {
if (items && items.length) {
return items;
return [];
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static getNomEthylisme(niveauEthylisme) {
let index = -niveauEthylisme;
return index < 0 ? 'Aucun' : nomEthylisme[index];
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static initAfficheContenu(actorId) { // persistent handling of conteneur show/hide
if (!this.afficheContenu)
this.afficheContenu = {};
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static toggleAfficheContenu(conteneurId) {
this.afficheContenu[conteneurId] = !this.afficheContenu[conteneurId];
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static getAfficheContenu(conteneurId) {
if (conteneurId)
return this.afficheContenu[conteneurId];
return undefined;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static filterItemsPerTypeForSheet(formData) {
formData.materiel = this.checkNull(formData.itemsByType['objet']);
formData.conteneurs = this.checkNull(formData.itemsByType['conteneur']);
formData.armes = this.checkNull(formData.itemsByType['arme']);
formData.armures = this.checkNull(formData.itemsByType['armure']);
formData.livres = this.checkNull(formData.itemsByType['livre']);
formData.potions = this.checkNull(formData.itemsByType['potion']);
formData.ingredients = this.checkNull(formData.itemsByType['ingredient']);
formData.munitions = this.checkNull(formData.itemsByType['munition']);
formData.herbes = this.checkNull(formData.itemsByType['herbe']);
formData.sorts = this.checkNull(formData.itemsByType['sort']);
formData.signesdraconiques = this.checkNull(formData.itemsByType['signedraconique']);
formData.queues = this.checkNull(formData.itemsByType['queue']);
formData.souffles = this.checkNull(formData.itemsByType['souffle']);
formData.ombres = this.checkNull(formData.itemsByType['ombre']);
formData.tetes = this.checkNull(formData.itemsByType['tete']);
formData.taches = this.checkNull(formData.itemsByType['tache']);
formData.monnaie = this.checkNull(formData.itemsByType['monnaie']);
formData.nourritureboissons = this.checkNull(formData.itemsByType['nourritureboisson']);
formData.meditations = this.checkNull(formData.itemsByType['meditation']);
formData.chants = this.checkNull(formData.itemsByType['chant']);
formData.danses = this.checkNull(formData.itemsByType['danse']);
formData.musiques = this.checkNull(formData.itemsByType['musique']);
formData.oeuvres = this.checkNull(formData.itemsByType['oeuvre']);
formData.jeux = this.checkNull(formData.itemsByType['jeu']);
formData.recettescuisine = this.checkNull(formData.itemsByType['recettecuisine']);
formData.recettesAlchimiques = this.checkNull(formData.itemsByType['recettealchimique']);
formData.objets = formData.conteneurs.concat(formData.materiel)
formData.competences = (formData.itemsByType.competence ?? []).concat(formData.itemsByType.competencecreature ?? []);
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static buildArbreDeConteneurs(conteneurs, objets) {
let objetVersConteneur = {};
// Attribution des objets aux conteneurs
for (let conteneur of conteneurs) {
conteneur.subItems = [];
for (let id of conteneur.data.contenu ?? []) {
let objet = objets.find(objet => (id == objet._id));
if (objet) {
objet.estContenu = true; // Permet de filtrer ce qui est porté dans le template
objetVersConteneur[id] = conteneur._id;
for (let conteneur of conteneurs) {
conteneur.data.encTotal = RdDUtility.calculEncContenu(conteneur, objets);
return objetVersConteneur;
static calculEncContenu(conteneur, objets) {
const itemData = Misc.data(conteneur);
const contenuDatas = (itemData.data.contenu ?? []).filter(id => id != undefined)
.map(id => Misc.data(objets.find(it => (id == it._id))))
.filter(it => it);
let enc = Number(itemData.data.encombrement ?? 0) * Number(itemData.data.quantite ?? 1);
for (let itemData of contenuDatas){
if (itemData.type == 'conteneur') {
enc += RdDUtility.calculEncContenu(itemData, objets);
enc += Number(itemData.data.encombrement ?? 0) * Number(itemData.data.quantite ?? 1);
return enc;
// Construit la liste des conteneurs de niveau 1 (c'est à dire non contenu eux-même dans un conteneur)
static conteneursRacine(conteneurs) {
return conteneurs.filter((conteneur, index, arr) => !conteneur.estContenu);
/* -------------------------------------------- */
/** Construit la structure récursive des conteneurs, avec imbrication potentielle
static buildConteneur(objet, niveau) {
if (!niveau) niveau = 1;
objet.niveau = niveau;
//console.log("OBJ:", objet);
let str = Handlebars.partials['systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/actor-sheet-inventaire-conteneur.html']({ item: objet });
if (objet.type == 'conteneur') {
//console.log("ITEM DISPLAYED", objet );
if (this.getAfficheContenu(objet._id)) {
str = str + "<ul class='item-list alterne-list item-display-show list-item-margin" + niveau + "'>";
} else {
str = str + "<ul class='item-list alterne-list item-display-hide list-item-margin" + niveau + "'>";
for (let subItem of objet.subItems) {
str = str + this.buildConteneur(subItem, niveau + 1);
str = str + "</ul>";
return new Handlebars.SafeString(str);
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static getCaracArray() {
return carac_array;
static getDifficultesLibres() {
return difficultesLibres;
static getAjustementsConditions() {
return ajustementsConditions;
static getAjustementsEncaissement() {
return ajustementsEncaissement;
static getDefinitionsBlessures() {
return definitionsBlessures;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static getSegmentsFatigue(maxEnd) {
maxEnd = Math.max(maxEnd, 1);
maxEnd = Math.min(maxEnd, fatigueMatrix.length);
return fatigueMatrix[maxEnd];
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static calculMalusFatigue(fatigue, maxEnd) {
maxEnd = Math.max(maxEnd, 1);
maxEnd = Math.min(maxEnd, cumulFatigueMatrix.length);
let segments = cumulFatigueMatrix[maxEnd];
for (let i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
if (fatigue <= segments[i]) {
return fatigueMalus[i]
return -7;
static calculFatigueHtml(fatigue, endurance) {
return ReglesOptionelles.isUsing("appliquer-fatigue") ? {
malus: RdDUtility.calculMalusFatigue(fatigue, endurance),
html: "<table class='table-fatigue'>" + RdDUtility.makeHTMLfatigueMatrix(fatigue, endurance).html() + "</table>"
} : { malus: 0, html: '' };
/* -------------------------------------------- */
// Build the nice (?) html table used to manage fatigue.
// max should be the endurance max value
static makeHTMLfatigueMatrix(fatigue, maxEndurance) {
let segments = this.getSegmentsFatigue(maxEndurance);
return this.makeHTMLfatigueMatrixForSegment(fatigue, segments);
static makeHTMLfatigueMatrixForSegment(fatigue, segments) {
fatigue = Math.max(fatigue, 0);
fatigue = Math.min(fatigue, segments.fatigueMax);
let table = $("<table/>").addClass('table-fatigue');
let segmentIdx = 0;
let fatigueCount = 0;
for (var line = 0; line < fatigueLineSize.length; line++) {
let row = $("<tr/>");
let segmentsPerLine = fatigueLineSize[line];
row.append("<td class='fatigue-malus'>" + fatigueLineMalus[line] + "</td>");
while (segmentIdx < segmentsPerLine) {
let freeSize = segments[segmentIdx];
for (let col = 0; col < 5; col++) {
if (col < freeSize) {
if (fatigueCount < fatigue)
row.append("<td class='fatigue-used'>X</td>");
row.append("<td class='fatigue-free'/>");
} else {
row.append("<td class='fatigue-none'/>");
row.append("<td class='fatigue-separator'/>");
segmentIdx = segmentIdx + 1;
return table;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static async getLocalisation(type = 'personnage') {
let result = await RdDDice.rollTotal("1d20");
let txt = ""
if (type == 'personnage') {
if (result <= 3) txt = "Jambe, genou, pied, jarret";
else if (result <= 7) txt = "Hanche, cuisse, fesse";
else if (result <= 9) txt = "Ventre, reins";
else if (result <= 12) txt = "Poitrine, dos";
else if (result <= 14) txt = "Avant-bras, main, coude";
else if (result <= 18) txt = "Epaule, bras, omoplate";
else if (result == 19) txt = "Tête";
else if (result == 20) txt = "Tête (visage)";
} else {
if (result <= 7) txt = "Jambes/Pattes";
else if (result <= 18) txt = "Corps";
else if (result <= 20) txt = "Tête";
return { result: result, label: txt };
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static selectEncaissement(degats, mortalite) {
const table = definitionsEncaissement[mortalite] === undefined ? definitionsEncaissement["mortel"] : definitionsEncaissement[mortalite];
for (let encaissement of table) {
if ((encaissement.minimum === undefined || encaissement.minimum <= degats)
&& (encaissement.maximum === undefined || degats <= encaissement.maximum)) {
return duplicate(encaissement);
return duplicate(table[0]);
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static currentFatigueMalus(value, max) {
if (ReglesOptionelles.isUsing("appliquer-fatigue")) {
max = Math.max(1, Math.min(max, 60));
value = Math.min(max * 2, Math.max(0, value));
let fatigueTab = fatigueMatrix[max];
let fatigueRem = value;
for (let idx = 0; idx < fatigueTab.length; idx++) {
fatigueRem -= fatigueTab[idx];
if (fatigueRem <= 0) {
return fatigueMalus[idx];
return -7; // This is the max !
return 0;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static async loadCompendiumData(compendium) {
const pack = game.packs.get(compendium);
return await pack?.getDocuments() ?? [];
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static async loadCompendium(compendium, filter = item => true) {
let compendiumData = await RdDUtility.loadCompendiumData(compendium);
return compendiumData.filter(filter);
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static async responseNombreAstral(data) {
let actor = game.actors.get(data.id);
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static onSocketMesssage(sockmsg) {
switch (sockmsg.msg) {
case "msg_gm_chat_message":
return ChatUtility.handleGMChatMessage(sockmsg.data);
case "msg_sync_time":
return game.system.rdd.calendrier.syncPlayerTime(sockmsg.data);
case "msg_request_nombre_astral":
return game.system.rdd.calendrier.requestNombreAstral(sockmsg.data);
case "msg_response_nombre_astral":
return RdDUtility.responseNombreAstral(sockmsg.data);
case "msg_tmr_move":
let actor = game.actors.get(sockmsg.data.actorId);
if (actor.isOwner || game.user.isGM) {
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static async chatListeners(html) {
// Gestion spécifique message passeurs
html.on("click", '.tmr-passeur-coord a', event => {
let coord = event.currentTarget.attributes['data-tmr-coord'].value;
let actorId = event.currentTarget.attributes['data-actor-id'].value;
let actor = game.actors.get(actorId);
// Gestion spécifique des sorts en réserve multiples (ie têtes)
html.on("click", '#sort-reserve', event => {
let coord = event.currentTarget.attributes['data-tmr-coord'].value;
let sortId = event.currentTarget.attributes['data-sort-id'].value;
let actorId = event.currentTarget.attributes['data-actor-id'].value;
let actor = game.actors.get(actorId);
actor.tmrApp.lancerSortEnReserve(coord, sortId);
// gestion bouton tchat Acheter
html.on("click", '.button-acheter', event => DialogItemAchat.onButtonAcheter(event));
// Gestion du bouton payer
html.on("click", '.payer-button', event => {
let sumdenier = event.currentTarget.attributes['data-somme-denier']?.value ?? 0;
let quantite = event.currentTarget.attributes['data-quantite']?.value ?? 1;
let fromActorId = event.currentTarget.attributes['data-actor-id']?.value;
let jsondata = event.currentTarget.attributes['data-jsondata']
let objData
if (jsondata) {
objData = JSON.parse(jsondata.value)
let actor = RdDUtility.getSelectedActor("Pour effectuer le paiement:");
if (actor) {
actor.depenserDeniers(sumdenier, objData, quantite, fromActorId);
static findChatMessageId(current) {
return RdDUtility.getChatMessageId(RdDUtility.findChatMessage(current));
static getChatMessageId(node) {
return node?.attributes.getNamedItem('data-message-id')?.value;
static findChatMessage(current) {
return RdDUtility.findNodeMatching(current, it => it.classList.contains('chat-message') && it.attributes.getNamedItem('data-message-id'));
static findNodeMatching(current, predicate) {
if (current) {
if (predicate(current)) {
return current;
return RdDUtility.findNodeMatching(current.parentElement, predicate);
return undefined;
static getSelectedActor(msgPlayer = undefined) {
if (canvas.tokens.controlled.length == 1) {
let token = canvas.tokens.controlled[0];
if (token.actor && token.data.actorLink) {
return token.actor;
if (msgPlayer != undefined) {
msgPlayer += "<br>le token sélectionné doit être lié à un personnage";
if (game.user.character) {
return game.user.character;
if (msgPlayer != undefined) {
msgPlayer += "<br>vous pouvez sélectionner un seul token lié à un personnage";
msgPlayer += "<br>vous devez être connecté comme joueur avec un personnage sélectionné";
ChatMessage.create({ content: msgPlayer, whisper: [game.user] });
return undefined;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static createMonnaie(name, valeur_deniers, img = "", enc = 0.01) {
let piece = {
name: name, type: 'monnaie', img: img, _id: randomID(16),
data: {
quantite: 0,
valeur_deniers: valeur_deniers,
encombrement: enc,
description: ""
return piece;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static afficherDemandePayer(som1, som2) {
som1 = (som1) ? som1.toLowerCase() : "0d";
som2 = (som2) ? som2.toLowerCase() : "0d";
let regExp = /(\d+)(\w+)/g;
let p1 = regExp.exec(som1);
regExp = /(\d+)(\w+)/g;
let p2 = regExp.exec(som2);
let sumd = 0;
let sums = 0;
if (p1[2] == 'd') sumd += Number(p1[1]);
if (p1[2] == 's') sums += Number(p1[1]);
if (p2[2] == 'd') sumd += Number(p2[1]);
if (p2[2] == 's') sums += Number(p2[1]);
let sumtotald = sumd + (sums * 100);
let msgPayer = "La somme de " + sums + " Sols et " + sumd + " Deniers est à payer, cliquer sur le lien ci-dessous si besoin.<br>";
msgPayer += "<a class='payer-button chat-card-button' data-somme-denier='" + sumtotald + "'>Payer</a>"
ChatMessage.create({ content: msgPayer });
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static chatDataSetup(content, modeOverride, isRoll = false, forceWhisper) {
let chatData = {
user: game.user.id,
rollMode: modeOverride || game.settings.get("core", "rollMode"),
content: content
if (["gmroll", "blindroll"].includes(chatData.rollMode)) chatData["whisper"] = ChatMessage.getWhisperRecipients("GM").map(u => u.id);
if (chatData.rollMode === "blindroll") chatData["blind"] = true;
else if (chatData.rollMode === "selfroll") chatData["whisper"] = [game.user];
if (forceWhisper) { // Final force !
chatData["speaker"] = ChatMessage.getSpeaker();
chatData["whisper"] = ChatMessage.getWhisperRecipients(forceWhisper);
return chatData;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static confirmerSuppressionSubacteur(actorSheet, li) {
let actorId = li.data("actor-id");
let actor = game.actors.get(actorId);
let msgTxt = "<p>Etes vous certain de vouloir supprimer le lien vers ce véhicule/monture/suivant : " + actor.data.name + " ?</p>";
let d = new Dialog({
title: "Confirmer la suppression du lien",
content: msgTxt,
buttons: {
delete: {
icon: '<i class="fas fa-check"></i>',
label: "Supprimer le lien",
callback: () => {
console.log("Delete : ", actorId);
li.slideUp(200, () => actorSheet.render(false));
cancel: {
icon: '<i class="fas fa-times"></i>',
label: "Annuler"
default: "cancel"
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static async confirmerSuppression(actorSheet, li) {
let itemId = li.data("item-id");
let objet = actorSheet.actor.getObjet(itemId);
let msgTxt = "<p>Etes vous certain de vouloir supprimer cet objet ?";
let buttons = {
delete: {
icon: '<i class="fas fa-check"></i>',
label: "Supprimer l'objet",
callback: () => {
console.log("Delete : ", itemId);
actorSheet.actor.deleteEmbeddedDocuments('Item', [itemId]);
li.slideUp(200, () => actorSheet.render(false));
cancel: {
icon: '<i class="fas fa-times"></i>',
label: "Annuler"
const docData = Misc.data(objet);
if (docData.type == 'conteneur' && docData.data.contenu.length > 0) {
msgTxt += "<br>Ce conteneur n'est pas vide. Choisissez l'option de suppression";
buttons['deleteall'] = {
icon: '<i class="fas fa-check"></i>',
label: "Supprimer le conteneur et tout son contenu",
callback: () => {
console.log("Delete : ", itemId);
li.slideUp(200, () => actorSheet.render(false));
msgTxt += "</p>";
let d = new Dialog({
title: "Confirmer la suppression",
content: msgTxt,
buttons: buttons,
default: "cancel"
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static afficherHeuresChanceMalchance(heureNaissance) {
if (heureNaissance) {
let ajustement = game.system.rdd.calendrier.getAjustementAstrologique(heureNaissance);
content: `A l'heure ${game.system.rdd.calendrier.getCurrentHeure()}, le modificateur de Chance/Malchance pour l'heure de naissance ${heureNaissance} est de : ${ajustement}.`,
whisper: ChatMessage.getWhisperRecipients("GM")
else {
ui.notifications.warn("Pas d'heure de naissance selectionnée")
/*-------------------------------------------- */
static checkThanatosXP(compName) {
if (compName.includes('Thanatos')) {
let message = "Vous avez mis des points d'Expérience dans la Voie de Thanatos !<br>Vous devez réduire manuellement d'un même montant d'XP une autre compétence Draconique.";
whisper: ChatMessage.getWhisperRecipients(game.user.name),
content: message
/*-------------------------------------------- */
static distribuerStress(stressValue, raison = 'Inconnu', nomJoueur = undefined) {
if (game.user.isGM) {
if (nomJoueur == undefined) {
for (let actor of game.actors) {
if (actor.hasPlayerOwner) {
actor.addCompteurValue('stress', stressValue, raison);
ui.notifications.info(`${actor.name} a reçu ${stressValue} points de Stress (raison : ${raison})`);
} else {
//console.log(stressValue, nomJoueur);
let joueur = game.users.find(user => user.name.toLowerCase() == nomJoueur.toLowerCase());
//console.log("Player", joueur, joueur.character );
joueur.character.addCompteurValue('stress', stressValue, raison);
ui.notifications.info(`${joueur.character.name} a reçu ${stressValue} points de Stress (raison : ${raison})`);
} else {
ui.notifications.warn("Seul le MJ est autorisé à utiliser la commande /stress");
/*-------------------------------------------- */
static async onRenderChatMessage(app, html, msg) {
//console.log(app, html, msg);