394 lines
16 KiB
394 lines
16 KiB
* Extend the base Dialog entity by defining a custom window to perform spell.
* @extends {Dialog}
import { RdDUtility } from "./rdd-utility.js";
import { TMRUtility } from "./tmr-utility.js";
/** Helper functions */
export class RdDTMRDialog extends Dialog {
/* -------------------------------------------- */
constructor( html, actor, tmrData) {
// Common conf
let dialogConf = {
content: html,
label: "Fermer",
callback: html => this.close(html)
default: "closeButton"
let dialogOptions = { classes: [ "tmrdialog"] }
dialogConf.title = "Terres Médianes de Rêve",
dialogOptions.width = 920;
dialogOptions.height = 960;
dialogOptions['z-index'] = 20;
super(dialogConf, dialogOptions);
this.tmrdata = duplicate(tmrData);
this.col1_y = 30;
this.col2_y = 55;
this.cellh = 55;
this.cellw = 55;
this.actor = actor;
this.nbFatigue = 1; // 1 premier point de fatigue du à la montée
this.rencontresExistantes = duplicate(this.actor.data.data.reve.rencontre.list);
this.sortReserves = duplicate(this.actor.data.data.reve.reserve.list);
this.pixiApp = new PIXI.Application( {width: 720, height: 860 } );
/* -------------------------------------------- */
close() {
this.actor.santeIncDec("fatigue", this.nbFatigue).then( super.close() ); // moving 1 cell costs 1 fatigue
/* -------------------------------------------- */
displaySortReserve() {
for (let sortReserve of this.sortReserves) {
sortReserve.circle = new PIXI.Graphics();
sortReserve.circle.beginFill(0x767610, 0.6);
sortReserve.circle.drawCircle(0, 0, 6);
let coordXY = TMRUtility.convertToCellCoord( sortReserve.coord );
let basey = (coordXY.x % 2 == 0) ? this.col1_y : this.col2_y;
let myx = 28+(coordXY.x * this.cellw);
let myy = basey+28+(coordXY.y * this.cellh);
sortReserve.circle.x = myx - (this.cellw/2)+16;
sortReserve.circle.y = myy - (this.cellh/2)+16;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
displayPreviousRencontres() {
for (let rencontre of this.rencontresExistantes) {
rencontre.circle = new PIXI.Graphics();
rencontre.circle.beginFill(0x101010, 0.8);
rencontre.circle.drawCircle(0, 0, 6);
let coordXY = TMRUtility.convertToCellCoord( rencontre.coord );
let basey = (coordXY.x % 2 == 0) ? this.col1_y : this.col2_y;
let myx = 28+(coordXY.x * this.cellw);
let myy = basey+28+(coordXY.y * this.cellh);
rencontre.circle.x = myx - (this.cellw/2)+16;
rencontre.circle.y = myy - (this.cellh/2)+16;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
updatePreviousRencontres() {
for (let rencontre of this.rencontresExistantes) {
this.pixiApp.stage.removeChild( rencontre.circle );
this.rencontresExistantes = duplicate(this.actor.data.data.reve.rencontre.list);
/* -------------------------------------------- */
updateSortReserve() {
for (let sortReserve of this.sortReserves) { //cleanup pixi icons
this.pixiApp.stage.removeChild( sortReserve.circle );
this.sortReserves = duplicate(this.actor.data.data.reve.reserve.list); // Then do it again!
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async derober() {
await this.actor.addTMRRencontre( this.currentRencontre );
console.log("-> derober", this.currentRencontre);
ChatMessage.create( { title: "TMR", content: game.user.name + " s'est dérobé et quitte les TMR.", user: game.user._id, whisper: ChatMessage.getWhisperRecipients("GM") } );
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async refouler(data) {
ChatMessage.create( { title: "TMR", content: game.user.name + " a refoulé une rencontre.", user: game.user._id, whisper: ChatMessage.getWhisperRecipients("GM") } );
await this.actor.deleteTMRRencontreAtPosition( ); // Remove the stored rencontre if necessary
let result = await this.actor.ajouterRefoulement(1);
if (result == "souffle") {
let souffle = TMRUtility.getSouffle();
console.log("-> refouler", this.currentRencontre)
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async matriser(data) {
this.actor.deleteTMRRencontreAtPosition( ); // Remove the stored rencontre if necessary
let draconic = this.actor.getBestDraconic();
let carac = this.actor.getCurrentReve();
let level = draconic.data.niveau - this.currentRencontre.force;
console.log("Maitriser", carac, draconic.data.niveau, this.currentRencontre.force);
let scoreDef = CONFIG.RDD.resolutionTable[carac][level+10];
let result = new Roll("d100").roll().total;
if ( result > scoreDef.score ) {
TMRUtility.processRencontreEchec( this.actor, this.currentRencontre);
ChatMessage.create( { title: "TMR", content: "Vous avez <strong>échoué</strong> à votre maîtrise d'un " . this.currentRencontre.name + " de force " +
this.currentRencontre.force +
"<br>Vous quittez brutalement les Terres Médianes !",
user: game.user._id, whisper: [ game.user ] } );
ChatMessage.create( { title: "TMR", content: game.user.name + " a perdu sa rencontre contre : " + this.currentRencontre.name + " de force " + this.currentRencontre.force, user: game.user._id, whisper: ChatMessage.getWhisperRecipients("GM") } );
} else {
TMRUtility.processRencontreReussite( this.actor, this.rencontre);
ChatMessage.create( { title: "TMR", content: "Vous avez <strong>réussi</strong> votre maîtrise d'un " + this.currentRencontre.name + " de force " + this.currentRencontre.force, user: game.user._id, whisper: [ game.user ] } );
ChatMessage.create( { title: "TMR", content: game.user.name + " a gagné sa rencontre contre : " + this.currentRencontre.name + " de force " + this.currentRencontre.force, user: game.user._id, whisper: ChatMessage.getWhisperRecipients("GM") } );
console.log("-> matriser", this.currentRencontre);
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async manageRencontre(coordTMR, cellDescr)
// Roll until diffent than '8'
let rencontre
this.currentRencontre = undefined;
for (let previousRencontre of this.rencontresExistantes ) {
if ( previousRencontre.coord == coordTMR)
rencontre = previousRencontre.rencontre;
if ( rencontre == undefined ) {
let val = 8;
while (val == 8) {
let myroll = new Roll("d7");
val = myroll.total;
if ( val == 7 ) {
rencontre = TMRUtility.rencontreTMRRoll(coordTMR, cellDescr);
rencontre.force = new Roll(rencontre.data.force).roll().total;
if (rencontre) { // Manages it
this.currentRencontre = duplicate(rencontre);
let diag = new Dialog( { title: "Rencontre en TMR!",
content: "Vous recontrez un " + rencontre.name + " de force " + rencontre.force + "<br>",
buttons: {
derober: {
icon: '<i class="fas fa-check"></i>',
label: "Se dérober",
callback: () => this.derober()
refouler: {
icon: '<i class="fas fa-check"></i>',
label: "Refouler",
callback: () => this.refouler()
maitiser: {
icon: '<i class="fas fa-check"></i>',
label: "Maîtriser",
callback: () => this.matriser()
} );
/* -------------------------------------------- */
performRoll (html) {
this.actor.performRoll( this.rollData );
/* -------------------------------------------- */
updateValuesDisplay() {
let ptsreve = document.getElementById("pointsreve-value");
ptsreve.innerHTML = this.actor.data.data.reve.reve.value;
let tmrpos = document.getElementById("tmr-pos");
let tmr = TMRUtility.getTMRDescription( this.actor.data.data.reve.tmrpos.coord );
tmrpos.innerHTML = this.actor.data.data.reve.tmrpos.coord + " (" + tmr.label + ")";
let etat = document.getElementById("etatgeneral-value");
etat.innerHTML = this.actor.data.data.compteurs.etat.value;
let refoulement = document.getElementById("refoulement-value");
refoulement.innerHTML = this.actor.data.data.reve.refoulement.value;
let fatigueItem = document.getElementById("fatigue-table");
fatigueItem.innerHTML = "<table class='table-fatigue'>" + RdDUtility.makeHTMLfatigueMatrix( this.actor.data.data.sante.fatigue.value, this.actor.data.data.sante.endurance.max ).html() + "</table>";
/* -------------------------------------------- */
manageCaseHumideResult() {
if ( this.toclose )
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async manageCaseHumide( cellDescr ) {
if ( cellDescr.type == "lac" || cellDescr.type == "fleuve" || cellDescr.type == "marais" ) {
let draconic = this.actor.getBestDraconic();
let carac = this.actor.getCurrentReve();
let level = draconic.data.niveau - 7;
let scoreDef = CONFIG.RDD.resolutionTable[carac][level+10];
let result = new Roll("d100").roll().total;
let content = "";
let mycallback;
console.log(">>>>", scoreDef);
if ( result > scoreDef.score ) {
content = "Vous êtes entré sur une case humide, et vous avez <strong>raté</strong> votre maîtrise ! Vous <strong>quittez les Terres Médianes</strong> ! ("+ draconic.name +") :" + carac + " / " + level + " -> " + result + " / " + scoreDef.score;
if ( result >= scoreDef.etotal ) {
let souffle = TMRUtility.getSouffle(true);
content += "<br>Vous avez fait un Echec Total. Vous subissez un Souffle de Dragon : " + souffle.name ;
this.actor.createOwnedItem( souffle );
this.toclose = true;
} else {
content = "Vous êtes entré sur une case humide, et vous avez <strong>réussi</strong> votre maîtrise ! ("+ draconic.name +") :" + carac + " / " + level + " -> " + result + " / " + scoreDef.score;
if ( result <= scoreDef.part ) {
content += "<br>Vous avez fait une Réussite Particulière";
if ( level < 0 ) {
let xpcarac = Math.floor( Math.abs(level) / 2);
let xpcomp = (Math.abs(level) % 2 == 1) ? xpcarac+1 : xpcarac;
content += "<br>Points d'expérience gagné ! " + xpcarac + " - " + xpcomp;
let humideDiag = new Dialog( {title: "Case humide",
content: content,
buttons: {
choice: { icon: '<i class="fas fa-check"></i>',
label: "Fermer",
callback: () => this.manageCaseHumideResult()
/* -------------------------------------------- */
updateSprites( myself )
let coordTMR = myself.actor.data.data.reve.tmrpos.coord;
let coordXY = TMRUtility.convertToCellCoord( coordTMR );
let basey = (coordXY.x % 2 == 0) ? myself.col1_y : myself.col2_y;
let myx = 28+(coordXY.x * myself.cellw);
let myy = basey+28+(coordXY.y * myself.cellh);
myself.circle.x = myx;
myself.circle.y = myy;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async declencheSortEnReserve( coordTMR )
for (let sortReserve of this.sortReserves ) {
if ( sortReserve.coord == coordTMR) {
await this.actor.deleteSortReserve(coordTMR);
ChatMessage.create( { title: "Sort en réserve", content: "Vous avez déclenché le sort en réserve " + sortReserve.sort.name, user: game.user._id } );
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async getCursorPosition(event) {
let origEvent = event.data.originalEvent;
let myself = event.target.tmrObject;
//console.log("EVENT:", event);
let canvasRect = origEvent.target.getBoundingClientRect();
let x = origEvent.clientX - canvasRect.left;
let y = origEvent.clientY - canvasRect.top;
let cellx = Math.floor( x / myself.cellw);// [From 0 -> 12]
if (cellx % 2 == 0)
y -= myself.col1_y;
y -= myself.col2_y;
let celly = Math.floor( y / myself.cellh);// [From 0 -> 14]
console.log(">>>>", cellx, celly );
let currentPos = TMRUtility.convertToCellCoord(myself.actor.data.data.reve.tmrpos.coord);
if ( (Math.abs(cellx - currentPos.x) > 1 || Math.abs(celly - currentPos.y) > 1) ||
(currentPos.y == 0 && celly > currentPos.y && cellx != currentPos.x && currentPos.x % 2 == 0) ||
(celly == 0 && celly < currentPos.y && cellx != currentPos.x && currentPos.x % 2 == 1) ) {
ui.notifications.error( "Vous ne pouvez vous déplacer que sur des cases adjacentes à votre position, et pas en diagonale" );
} else {
let coordTMR = TMRUtility.convertToTMRCoord(cellx, celly);
let cellDescr = TMRUtility.getTMRDescription( coordTMR );
console.log("TMR column is", coordTMR, cellx, celly, cellDescr, this);
let tmrPos = duplicate(myself.actor.data.data.reve.tmrpos);
tmrPos.coord = coordTMR;
await myself.actor.update( { "data.reve.tmrpos": tmrPos } );
myself.nbFatigue += 1;
myself.manageRencontre(coordTMR, cellDescr);
myself.manageCaseHumide( cellDescr );
await myself.declencheSortEnReserve( coordTMR );
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async activateListeners(html) {
var row = document.getElementById("tmrrow1");
var cell1 = row.insertCell(1);
cell1.append( this.pixiApp.view );
// Roll Sort
html.find('#lancer-sort').click((event) => {
// load the texture we need
await this.pixiApp.loader.add('tmr', 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/styles/ui/tmp_main_r1.webp').load((loader, resources) => {
// This creates a texture from a 'bunny.png' image
const mytmr = new PIXI.Sprite(resources.tmr.texture);
// Setup the position of the bunny
mytmr.x = 0;
mytmr.y = 0;
mytmr.width = 720;
mytmr.height = 860;
// Rotate around the center
mytmr.anchor.x = 0;
mytmr.anchor.y = 0;
mytmr.interactive = true;
mytmr.buttonMode = true;
mytmr.tmrObject = this;
mytmr.on('pointerdown', this.getCursorPosition);
this.circle = new PIXI.Graphics();
this.circle.beginFill(0x9966FF, 0.6);
this.circle.drawCircle(0, 0, 15);
this.updateSprites( this );
// Add the bunny to the scene we are building
} );
await this.actor.updatePointsDeReve( (this.tmrdata.isRapide) ? -2 : -1); // 1 point defatigue
let cellDescr = TMRUtility.getTMRDescription(this.actor.data.data.reve.tmrpos.coord);
this.manageRencontre( this.actor.data.data.reve.tmrpos.coord,cellDescr );
this.manageCaseHumide( cellDescr );