122 lines
4.0 KiB

/* -------------------------------------------- */
import { Misc } from "./misc.js";
import { TMRUtility } from "./tmr-utility.js";
/* -------------------------------------------- */
export class RdDItemSort extends Item {
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static isDifficulteVariable(sort) {
return sort && (sort.data.difficulte.toLowerCase() == "variable");
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static isCoutVariable(sort) {
return sort && (sort.data.ptreve.toLowerCase() == "variable" || sort.data.ptreve.indexOf("+") >= 0);
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static setCoutReveReel(sort){
if (sort) {
sort.data.ptreve_reel = this.isCoutVariable(sort) ? 1 : sort.data.ptreve;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static getDifficulte(sort, variable) {
if (sort && !RdDItemSort.isDifficulteVariable(sort)) {
return Misc.toInt(sort.data.difficulte);
return variable;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static buildBonusCaseList( caseBonusString, newCase ) {
let bonusCaseList = [];
let bonusCaseArray = caseBonusString.split(',');
for( let bonusCase of bonusCaseArray) {
let bonusSplit = bonusCase.split(':');
bonusCaseList.push( { case: bonusSplit[0], bonus: bonusSplit[1] } );
if ( newCase )
bonusCaseList.push( {case: "Nouvelle", bonus: 0} );
return bonusCaseList;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
* Retourne une liste de bonus/case pour un item-sheet
* @param {} item
static getBonusCaseList( data, newCase = false ) {
let bonusCaseList = [];
// Gestion spéciale case bonus
if ( data.item.type == 'sort') {
bonusCaseList = this.buildBonusCaseList(data.data.bonuscase, newCase );
return bonusCaseList;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
/** Met à jour les données de formulaire
* si static des bonus de cases sont présents
* */
static buildBonusCaseStringFromFormData( formData ) {
if ( formData.bonusValue ) {
let list = [];
let caseCheck = {};
for(let i=0; i<formData.bonusValue.length; i++) {
let caseTMR = formData.caseValue[i] || 'A1';
caseTMR = caseTMR.toUpperCase();
if ( TMRUtility.verifyTMRCoord( caseTMR ) ) { // Sanity check
let bonus = formData.bonusValue[i] || 0;
if ( bonus > 0 && caseCheck[caseTMR] == undefined ) {
caseCheck[caseTMR] = bonus;
list.push( caseTMR+":"+bonus );
formData.bonusValue = undefined;
formData.caseValue = undefined;
formData['data.bonuscase'] = list.toString(); // Reset
return formData;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static incrementBonusCase( actor, sort, coordTMR ) {
let bonusCaseList = this.buildBonusCaseList(sort.data.bonuscase, false);
//console.log("ITEMSORT", sort, bonusCaseList);
let found = false;
let StringList = [];
for( let bc of bonusCaseList) {
if (bc.case == coordTMR) { // Case existante
found = true;
bc.bonus = Number(bc.bonus) + 1;
StringList.push( bc.case+':'+bc.bonus );
if ( !found) { //Nouvelle case, bonus de 1
// Sauvegarde/update
let bonuscase = StringList.toString();
//console.log("Bonus cae :", bonuscase);
actor.updateEmbeddedEntity("OwnedItem", { _id: sort._id, 'data.bonuscase': bonuscase } );
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static getCaseBonus( sort, coordTMR) {
let bonusCaseList = this.buildBonusCaseList(sort.data.bonuscase, false);
for( let bc of bonusCaseList) {
if (bc.case == coordTMR) { // Case existante
return bc.bonus;
return 0;