Vincent Vandemeulebrouck 63770790b9 Fix multi-dialogs
Arrêter d'utiliser le jQuery $(selector) qui cause des effets de bord si
plusieurs élements de la page (ie: foundry) correspondent
au selector.

Stocker le html dans les Sheet/Dialogs lors de l'appel
activateListeners  afin de pouvoir s'y référer ensuite.

Utiliser this.html.find pour chercher dans le html de la fenêtre

Eliminer les référence par id html car l'id est unique (donc ne marche
pas en multi-fenêtres)
2022-12-09 02:07:59 +01:00

79 lines
2.4 KiB

import { ENTITE_BLURETTE, ENTITE_INCARNE } from "./constants.js";
import { RdDUtility } from "./rdd-utility.js";
* Extend the base Dialog entity by defining a custom window to perform roll.
* @extends {Dialog}
export class RdDEncaisser extends Dialog {
static async encaisser(actor) {
let html = await renderTemplate('systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/dialog-roll-encaisser.html',
{ ajustementsEncaissement: RdDUtility.getAjustementsEncaissement() }
new RdDEncaisser(html, actor).render(true);
/* -------------------------------------------- */
constructor(html, actor) {
let dialogConf = {
title: "Jet d'Encaissement",
content: html,
if (!actor.isEntite()) {
dialogConf.default = "mortel";
dialogConf.buttons = {
"mortel": { label: "Mortel", callback: html => this.performEncaisser("mortel") },
"non-mortel": { label: "Non-mortel", callback: html => this.performEncaisser("non-mortel") },
"sonne": { label: "Sonné", callback: html => },
else if (actor.isEntite([ENTITE_BLURETTE, ENTITE_INCARNE])) {
dialogConf.default = "cauchemar"
dialogConf.buttons = {
"cauchemar": { label: "Cauchemar", callback: html => this.performEncaisser("cauchemar") }
let dialogOptions = {
classes: ["rdd-roll-dialog"],
width: 320,
height: 'fit-content'
// Select proper roll dialog template and stuff
super(dialogConf, dialogOptions); = actor;
this.modifier = 0;
this.encaisserSpecial = "aucun";
activateListeners(html) {
this.html = html;
this.html.find('[name="modificateurDegats"]').change((event) => {
this.modifier = event.currentTarget.value; // Update the selected bonus/malus
this.html.find('[name="encaisserSpecial"]').change((event) => {
this.encaisserSpecial = event.currentTarget.value; // Update the selected bonus/malus
/* -------------------------------------------- */
performEncaisser(mortalite) {{
dmg: {
total: Number(this.modifier),
ajustement: Number(this.modifier),
encaisserSpecial: this.encaisserSpecial,
loc: { result: 0, label: "" },
mortalite: mortalite