28 lines
1.1 KiB

<h4>{{alias}} flips a card from {{cardOrigin}}{{#if isTrump}} with a Trump ! {{/if}}</h4>
<h4>This a {{mode}} {{#if skill}} {{skill.name}} {{/if}} Flip, with {{localize stat.label}} ({{stat.value}} - {{stat.cardsuit}})</h4>
<tr class="flexrow">
{{#each cardSlot as |slot|}}
<td class="flexcol">
<span><img class="chat-icon card-icon" src="{{slot.card1Path}}" /></span>
{{#if slot.isFace1}}
<span></span><img class="chat-icon card-icon" src="{{slot.card2Path}}" /></span>
{{#if isJoker}}
<label>This is a Critical Failure ! You deck has been resetted !</label>
<div class="flexcol">
<label>Card(s) total value : {{cardTotal}}</label>
<label>Stat/Skill base value : {{baseScore}} </label>
<label>Modifier : {{numberFormat modifier decimals=0 sign=false}}</label>
<label>Final result : {{finalScore}} compared to TN {{tn}}</label>
<label><strong>This is a {{result}} with a magnitude of {{magnitude}}</strong></label>