Sync with latest version
This commit is contained in:
@ -216,10 +216,10 @@
"ShowBennyAnimation": "Montrer l'animation du jeton",
"ShowBennyAnimation": "Montrer l'animation du jeton",
"ShowBennyAnimationDesc": "Joue une animation en dépensant un jeton. Seulement disponible si Dice So Nice! est installé",
"ShowBennyAnimationDesc": "Joue une animation en dépensant un jeton. Seulement disponible si Dice So Nice! est installé",
"WildDiePreset": "Thème du dé joker",
"WildDiePreset": "Thème du dé joker",
"WildDiePresetDesc": "Sélectionnez un thème DSN pour votre dé joker. Sélectionnez « Personnalisé » si vous voulez créer le vôtre ou « Aucun » si vous ne voulez pas que votre dé joker soit différent. Gardez à l'esprit que pour le moment, vous seul pouvez voir votre dé joker personnalisé. Les autres joueurs le verront différemment.",
"WildDiePresetDesc": "Sélectionnez un thème DSN pour votre dé joker. Sélectionnez « Personnalisé » si vous voulez créer le vôtre ou « Aucun » si vous ne voulez pas que votre dé joker soit différent. Gardez à l'esprit que pour le moment, vous seul pouvez voir votre dé joker personnalisé. Les autres joueurs le verront différemment.",
"SettingConf": "Configuration des règles",
"SettingConf": "Configuration des règles",
"SettingConfLabel": "Ouvrir la configuration des règles",
"SettingConfLabel": "Ouvrir la configuration des règles",
"SettingConfDesc": "Ajustez le système pour qu'il s'adapte à votre univers",
"SettingConfDesc": "Ajustez le système pour qu'il s'adapte à votre univers",
"DiceConf": "Configuration des dés",
"DiceConf": "Configuration des dés",
"DiceConfDesc": "Configurer les options pour l'intégration SWADE/Dice So Nice",
"DiceConfDesc": "Configurer les options pour l'intégration SWADE/Dice So Nice",
"DiceConfLabel": "Ouvrir la configuration des dés",
"DiceConfLabel": "Ouvrir la configuration des dés",
@ -405,7 +405,7 @@
"ExpandDescription": "Agrandir pour montrer la description",
"ExpandDescription": "Agrandir pour montrer la description",
"Favorite": "Favorite",
"Favorite": "Favorite",
"Equip": "Équiper",
"Equip": "Équiper",
"RollDamage": "Lancer les dégâts",
"RollDamage": "Lancer les dégâts",
"SystemLinks": {
"SystemLinks": {
"Changelog": "Changements",
"Changelog": "Changements",
"Wiki": "Wiki",
"Wiki": "Wiki",
@ -674,7 +674,6 @@
"TypeAdventure": " Cartes d'aventure",
"TypeAdventure": " Cartes d'aventure",
"TypePoker": " Cartes de poker"
"TypePoker": " Cartes de poker"
"Actor": "Acteur",
"Actor": "Acteur",
"Vehicles": "Véhicules",
"Vehicles": "Véhicules",
"Ground Vehicles": "Véhicules terrestres",
"Ground Vehicles": "Véhicules terrestres",
@ -683,7 +682,7 @@
"World War II Military Vehicles": "Véhicules militaires de la Seconde Guerre mondiale",
"World War II Military Vehicles": "Véhicules militaires de la Seconde Guerre mondiale",
"Aircraft": "Aviation",
"Aircraft": "Aviation",
"Civilian": "Civil",
"Civilian": "Civil",
"Bestiary": "Bestiaire",
"Bestiary": "Bestiaire",
"Modern Military Aircraft": "Avions militaires modernes",
"Modern Military Aircraft": "Avions militaires modernes",
"World War II Military Aircraft": "Avions Seconde Guerre mondiale",
"World War II Military Aircraft": "Avions Seconde Guerre mondiale",
"Watercraft": "Maritime",
"Watercraft": "Maritime",
@ -715,5 +714,98 @@
"6. Bestiary": "6. Bestiaire",
"6. Bestiary": "6. Bestiaire",
"7. Game Mastering": "6. Conseils aux Maîtres de Jeu",
"7. Game Mastering": "6. Conseils aux Maîtres de Jeu",
"Character Creation": "Création de personnages",
"Character Creation": "Création de personnages",
"The Adventure toolkit": "Boite à outils des aventures"
"The Adventure toolkit": "Boite à outils des aventures",
"AdditionalStats": {
"SelectHint": "Entrezune liste d'options, séparés par une virgule"
"Attribute": "Attribut",
"AttributeManager": {
"Open": "Gérer les attributs",
"Title": "Gérer les atributs pour {name}"
"BaseDie": "Dé de base",
"Category": "Catégorie d'item",
"ColdBodied": "Corps froid",
"CompendiumTOC": {
"Dialog": {
"Content": "Afin que le changement soit pris en compte, FoundryVTT et les autres clients doivent être rafraîchis. Merci de confirmer",
"Title": "Confirmer"
"Header": "Contenu",
"Toggle": "Toggle use Compendium TOC"
"CustomWildDie": "- Dé Joker spécial - ",
"DieSides": "Faces du dé",
"EffectWizard": {
"EnterSkill": {
"Label": "Entrez une compétence",
"Hint": "Vous pouvez saisir n'importe quel nom de compétence ou en sélectionner un de la liste suggérée"
"Value": "Valeur",
"Preview": "Preview",
"Change": "Change",
"Mode": "Mode",
"Changes": "Changements",
"SelectAttribute": "Sélectionner un attribut"
"EncumbranceSteps": "Etapes d'encombrement",
"HeavyArmor": "Armure lourde",
"HeavyWeapon": "Arme lourde",
"HotbarDropOwnedItemWarning": "Vous pouvez seulement créer des boutons de macro pour les items possédés",
"IgnFatigue": "Ignorer la fatigue",
"ItemGrants": {
"Header": "Cet item fourni",
"When": "Fournir les items lorsque",
"EmptyHint": "Cet otme ne fourni actuellement aucun autre item"
"ItemIsAmmo": "Est une munition",
"MessageOnUse": {
"Label": "Messag eà l'utilisation",
"Hint": "Afficher un message dans le tchat lorsque cet item est utilisé"
"NoTokenSelectedForResistRoll": "Pour faire un test de Résistance, sélectionnez d'abord un token",
"OtherStats": "Autres stats",
"Resist": "Resister",
"ResistRolls": "Jet de résistance",
"Selection": "Sélection",
"TOCSettings": {
"Label": "Ouvrir les paramètres des Compendiums",
"Hint": "Configurer l'application des compendiums",
"Name": "Gestion des sommaires de compendium"
"Templates": {
"Cone": {
"Long": "Gabarit de cone",
"Short": "Cone"
"Large": {
"Long": "Gabarit d'explosion - Grand",
"Short": "LBT"
"Stream": {
"Long": "Gabarit - Stream",
"Short": "Stream"
"Possible": "Gabarits possibles",
"Small": {
"Long": "Gabarit d'explosion - Petit",
"Short": "SBT"
"Available": "Gabarits disponibles",
"Medium": {
"Long": "Gabarit d'explosion - Moyen",
"Short": "MBT"
"UsesTOC": "Utiliser le sommaire du compendium",
"Vision": {
"SenseHeat": "Sentir la chaleu",
"Infravision": "Infravision",
"SeeHeat": "Voir la chaleur"
"WeaponsAndArmor": "Armes & Armures",
"WildCard": "Joker Card",
"WildDieSides": "Faces du dé joker",
"WildDieTheme": "Thème du dé Joker",
"WildDieThemeDesc": "Sélectionnez un thème DSN pour votre dé joker. Choisissez 'Custom' si vous voulez créer le votre, ou 'Aucun/None' si vous ne voulez pas que votre dé joker soit différent. Gardez en tête que les thèmes 'custom' ne seront que vus par vous. Les autres joueurs le verront différents"
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
"url": "",
"url": "",
"version": "2.0.2",
"version": "2.2.0",
"esmodules": [
"esmodules": [
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
"manifest": "",
"manifest": "",
"download": "",
"download": "",
"name": "swade-fr",
"name": "swade-fr",
"id": "swade-fr",
"id": "swade-fr",
"relationships": {
"relationships": {
@ -1,30 +1,26 @@
package.path = package.path .. ";luajson/?.lua"
package.path = package.path .. ";luajson/?.lua"
local JSON = require"json"
local JSON = require"json"
local enjsonf = "../../swade/src/lang/en.yml"
local enjsonf = "en.json"
local frjsonf = "../fr.json"
local frjsonf = "../fr.json"
local fp =, "r")
local fp =, "r")
local line = fp:read()
local entags = JSON.decode( fp:read("*a") )
local entags = {}
while line do
--print("LINE", line)
local key, value = line:match("([%w%.]*):([>%-%+%p%s%w%d%.]*)" )
if key then
entags[key] = value
line = fp:read()
entags = entags.SWADE
fp =, "r")
fp =, "r")
local frtags = JSON.decode( fp:read("*a") )
local frtags = JSON.decode( fp:read("*a") )
frtags = frtags.SWADE
local todisplay = {}
local todisplay = {}
for tag, value in pairs(entags) do
for tag, value in pairs(entags) do
if not frtags[tag] then
if not frtags[tag] then
todisplay[#todisplay+1] = { tag=tag, value=value }
if type(value) == "table" then
value = JSON.encode(value)
todisplay[#todisplay+1] = { tag=tag, value = value }
@ -33,7 +29,8 @@ table.sort(todisplay, function (a, b)
for _, tagDef in pairs(todisplay) do
for _, tagDef in pairs(todisplay) do
print('"'.. tagDef.tag ..'":"'.. tagDef.value..'",')
print("\"" .. tagDef.tag .."\":" .. tagDef.value)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,789 @@
"SWADE": {
"ButtonReset": "Reset",
"ButtonSubmit": "Submit",
"CommunityCharSheet": "Legacy Character Sheet",
"CommunityNPCSheet": "Community NPC Sheet",
"CommunityVicSheet": "Community Vehicle Sheet",
"CommunityItemSheet": "Community Item Sheet",
"ItemSheet": "Savage Worlds Item Sheet",
"Expand": "Expand",
"OfficialSheet": "Savage Worlds Official Sheet by Pinnacle",
"ModHint": "Make sure your modifier includes a + or -",
"ActionDeckPresetLight": "Action Deck (Light)",
"ActionDeckPresetDark": "Action Deck (Dark)",
"Name": "Name",
"Tough": "Toughness",
"Race": "Race",
"Archetype": "Archetype",
"Pace": "Pace",
"Running": "Running",
"RunningDie": "Running Die",
"RollRun": "Click to run",
"Adv": "Advances",
"Rank": "Rank",
"Inv": "Gear",
"Summary": "Traits",
"Pow": "Powers",
"WildCard": "Wild Card",
"Extra": "Extra",
"Bennies": "Bennies",
"TraitMod": "Trait Modifier",
"SkillTest": "Skill Test",
"AttributeTest": "Attribute Test",
"Attributes": "Attributes",
"Derived": "Derived Stats",
"AttrAgi": "Agility",
"AttrSma": "Smarts",
"AnimalSmarts": "Animal Smarts",
"AnimalSmartsMarker": "A",
"AttrSpr": "Spirit",
"AttrStr": "Strength",
"AttrVig": "Vigor",
"Tweaks": "Tweaks",
"AttrAgiShort": "Agi",
"AttrSmaShort": "Sma",
"AttrSprShort": "Spi",
"AttrStrShort": "Str",
"AttrVigShort": "Vig",
"Skills": "Skills",
"Unskilled": "Unskilled",
"CoreSkill": "Core Skill",
"CoreSkills": "Core Skills",
"LinkAttr": "Linked Attribute",
"ArcaneSkill": "Arcane Skill",
"ActivateArcaneDevice": "Activate Device",
"Die": "Die",
"WildDie": "Wild Die",
"Modifier": "Modifier",
"BenniesSpend": "Spend a Benny",
"BenniesGive": "Give a Benny",
"BenniesRefresh": "Refresh Bennies",
"AllBenniesRefresh": "Refresh All Bennies",
"BenniesRefreshMessage": "Bennies have been refreshed!",
"BenniesRefreshAllMessage": "All Bennies have been refreshed!",
"BenniesGMRefreshMessage": "GM Bennies have been refreshed!",
"BenniesAddMessage": "was given a new Benny!",
"BenniesGMAddMessage": "took an additional Benny!",
"BenniesSpendMessage": "spends a Benny!",
"BenniesMax": "Bennies Reset",
"EditSkill": "Edit Skill",
"EdEdge": "Edit Edge",
"EdHind": "Edit Hindrance",
"Ed": "Edit",
"Del": "Delete",
"Arcane": "Arcane",
"All": "All",
"HasPowers": "Has Powers",
"Weapons": "Weapons",
"MeleeWeapons": "Melee Weapons",
"RangedWeapons": "Ranged Weapons",
"Armors": "Armors",
"WeaponsAndArmor": "Weapons & Armor",
"Shields": "Shields",
"Biography": "Biography",
"Shaken": "Shaken",
"Distr": "Distracted",
"Vuln": "Vulnerable",
"Stunned": "Stunned",
"Entangled": "Entangled",
"Bound": "Bound",
"Aiming": "Aiming",
"Berserk": "Berserk",
"Defending": "Defending",
"Flying": "Flying",
"Follow": "Follow {name}",
"Unfollow": "Unfollow {name}",
"MakeGroupLeader": "Make Group Leader",
"RemoveGroupLeader": "Remove Group Leader",
"AddTokenFollowers": "Add Selected Tokens as Followers",
"GroupByName": "Group by Name",
"SetGroupColor": "Set Group Color",
"SelectColor": "Select a color",
"Holding": "Holding",
"Hold": "Hold",
"ActAfterCurrentCombatant": "Act After Current Combatant",
"ActBeforeCurrentCombatant": "Act now",
"LoseTurn": "Toggle Lose Turn",
"Frightened": "Frightened",
"Encumbered": "Encumbered",
"Prone": "Prone",
"BleedingOut": "Bleeding Out",
"Diseased": "Diseased",
"HeartAttack": "Heart Attack",
"OnFire": "On Fire",
"Poisoned": "Poisoned",
"Reach": "Reach",
"Torch": "Torch",
"Invisible": "Invisible",
"ColdBodied": "Cold Bodied",
"Smite": "Smite",
"Armor": "Armor",
"Protection": "Protection",
"Dmg": "Damage",
"DmgOver": "Action Damage",
"Resist": "Resist",
"ResistRolls": "Resistance Rolls",
"Ap": "AP",
"APLong": "Armor Piercing",
"RoF": "RoF",
"Mag": "Shots",
"Parry": "Parry",
"Notes": "Notes",
"ActionsEffects": "Actions & Effects",
"Actions": "Actions",
"DmgModUni": "Damage Modifier",
"SkillModUni": "Trait Modifier",
"ShotsUsed": "Shots Used",
"NaturalArmor": "Natural Armor",
"HitLocations": "Hit Locations",
"Head": "Head",
"Torso": "Torso",
"Arms": "Arms",
"Legs": "Legs",
"MinStrLong": "Minimum Strength",
"MinStr": "Min. Strength",
"MinStrShort": "Min.Str",
"Desc": "Description",
"Special": "Special Abilities",
"Details": "Details",
"Equippable": "Equippable",
"ArcaneDevice": "Arcane Device",
"Misc": "Misc",
"QuickAccess": "Quick Access",
"Effects": "Effects",
"Hindrances": "Hindrances",
"MajHind": "Major Hindrance",
"Major": "(Major)",
"Minor": "(Minor)",
"Edges": "Edges",
"ArcBack": "Arcane Background",
"Req": "Requirements",
"Conv": "Conviction",
"UseConv": "Calls on their Conviction!",
"Hesitant": "Hesitant",
"LevelHeaded": "Level Headed",
"ImprovedLevelHeaded": "Improved Level Headed",
"AutoCalc": "Automatic Calculations",
"InclArmor": "Automatically calculates Toughness, including armor",
"Label": "Label",
"HasMaxValue": "Has Max Value",
"Enabled": "Enabled",
"Currency": "Currency",
"CarryWeight": "Encumbrance",
"Eqd": "Eq'd",
"Equipped": "Equipped",
"Unequipped": "Unequipped",
"Quantity": "Quantity",
"Weight": "Weight",
"Price": "Cost",
"PP": "Power Points",
"PPShort": "P. Points",
"PPCost": "PP Cost",
"CurPP": "Current Power Points",
"MaxPP": "Maximum Power Points",
"Dur": "Duration",
"Trap": "Trapping",
"Wound": "Wound",
"Wounds": "Wounds",
"WoundsMax": "Max Wounds",
"Fatigue": "Fatigue",
"FatigueMax": "Max Fatigue",
"Incap": "Incapacitated",
"Init": "Initiative",
"DrawInit": "Draw Initiative",
"ActionDeckReset": "Reshuffle Action Deck",
"ActionDeckResetNotification": "Action Deck reshuffled",
"InitDraw": "drew the...",
"General": "General",
"Addi": "Additional",
"Status": "Status",
"Handling": "Handling",
"Topspeed": "Top Speed",
"OutOfControl": "Out of Control",
"Wrecked": "Wrecked",
"Item": "Item",
"Cargo": "Cargo",
"MaxCargo": "Maximum Cargo Weight",
"CargoWeight": "Cargo Weight",
"Mods": "Mods",
"ModSlots": "Mod Slots",
"MaxMods": "Maximum Mods",
"Operator": "Operator",
"ManCheck": "Maneuver Check",
"AltSkill": "Alternative Skill",
"Class": "Classification",
"Vehicular": "Vehicular Weapon",
"VehicleMod": "Vehicle Mod",
"OpSkill": "Operation Skill",
"ShowBennyAnimation": "Show Benny Animation",
"ShowBennyAnimationDesc": "Play an animation when spending a Benny. Only available if Dice So Nice! is installed",
"WildDiePreset": "Wild Die Preset",
"WildDiePresetDesc": "Select a DSN Preset design for your Wild Die.",
"WildDieTheme": "Wild Die Theme",
"WildDieThemeDesc": "Select a DSN Theme for your Wild Die. Select 'Custom' if you want to create your own or 'None' if you don't want your Wild Die to look differently. Please keep in mind that self-created Wild Dies currently can only be seen by you. Other players will see them differently.",
"SettingConf": "Setting Configurator",
"SettingConfLabel": "Open Setting Configurator",
"SettingConfDesc": "Fine tune the system to fit the setting you're playing",
"DiceConf": "Wild Die Configuration",
"DiceConfDesc": "Configure the settings for the SWADE/Dice So Nice integration",
"DiceConfLabel": "Open Wild Die Configuration",
"Formula": "Formula",
"SitMod": "Situational Mod",
"RollMode": "Roll Mode",
"RollExample": "eg. +1d6x or -2",
"Roll": "Roll",
"RollRaise": "Roll Raise",
"GroupRoll": "Group Roll",
"Ok": "Ok",
"Cancel": "Cancel",
"Redraw": "Draw Card",
"Add": "Add",
"ConfigInit": "Configure Initiative",
"IgnWounds": "Ignore Wounds",
"Size": "Size",
"Scale": "Scale",
"PickACard": "Pick a card for {name}",
"NoCardsLeft": "There are not enough cards left in the deck! Only {current} of {needed} needed cards are available",
"OldCard": "Old card",
"ActionCard": "Action Card",
"ConvictionActive": "Conviction Active",
"ConvictionActivate": "Calls upon their conviction!",
"ConvictionExtend": "Do you want to extend your conviction?",
"ConvictionEnd": "wavers in their conviction",
"NoBennies": "You don't have enough bennies!",
"GM": "Game Master",
"Vehicles": "Vehicles",
"AddStats": "Additional Stats",
"Actors": "Actors",
"Items": "Items",
"Max": "Max",
"Curr": "Current",
"DSNNone": "- None -",
"Reload": "Reload",
"Refresh": "Refresh this card",
"Ammo": "Ammunition",
"ReloadUnneeded": "The weapon is already fully loaded",
"ReloadSuccess": "The weapon has been successfully reloaded",
"NotEnoughAmmo": "You don't have enough ammunition for this action!",
"NotEnoughAmmoToReload": "There's not enough ammo for a full reload",
"AutoReload": "Doesn't need Reload action",
"NoAmmoSet": "There is no ammunition set",
"Trapping": "Trappings",
"AddBenny": "Add a Benny",
"CurrentBennies": "Current Bennies",
"RerollWithBenny": "Reroll with Benny",
"FreeReroll": "Free Reroll",
"AutoCalcParry": "Automatically calculates Parry, including Shields",
"Subtype": "Subtype",
"SpecialAbility": "Special Ability",
"SpecialAbilities": "Special Abilities",
"RacialAbilities": "Racial Abilities",
"ArchetypeAbilities": "Archetype Abilities",
"About": "About",
"EdgesHindrances": "Edges & Hindrances",
"GrantsPowers": "Grants Powers",
"Crew": "Required Crew",
"Passengers": "Optional Passengers",
"String": "Text",
"Number": "Number",
"Checkbox": "Checkbox",
"Selection": "Selection",
"WealthDie": {
"Label": "Wealth Die",
"Broke": {
"Label": "Broke",
"Hint": "You are Broke!"
"Sides": "Wealth Die Sides"
"TraitRolls": "Trait Rolls",
"Trait": "Trait",
"AltTrait": "Action Trait",
"ClickSuggestions": "Click for suggestions",
"Quick": "Quick",
"BonusDamage": "Bonus Damage",
"Joker": "Joker",
"CustomWildDie": "- Custom Wild Die -",
"Subtract": "Subtract",
"DmgRolls": "Damage Rolls",
"SubtractPPDesc": "Subtract PP Cost from the available PP",
"AddPPDesc": "Add PP Cost to the available PP",
"RightClickZoom": "Right-Click to Zoom",
"SysMigrationWarning": "Your SWADE system data is from too old a Foundry version and cannot be reliably migrated to the latest version. The process will be attempted, but errors may occur.",
"DeckShuffled": "Card Deck automatically shuffled",
"BasePace": "Base Pace",
"WarningPackLocked": "You cannot edit a locked Compendium. Please unlock it first",
"ActionCardEditor": "Action Card Editor",
"CardFace": "Card Face",
"CardValue": "Value",
"CardSuit": "Suit",
"IsJoker": "Is Joker",
"OpenACEditor": "Open in Action Card Editor",
"Yes": "Yes",
"No": "No",
"ShowCharacterSummary": "Show Character Summary",
"CharacterSummary": "Character Summary",
"CopyHtml": "Copy HTML",
"CopyMarkdown": "Copy Markdown",
"Imperial": "Imperial",
"Metric": "Metric",
"ChangeBennyWarning": "Changing these settings will require you to refresh the page!",
"3DBennies": "3D Bennies",
"WealthSelectionNoneOther": "None/Other",
"Modifiers": "Modifiers",
"ActionTraitMod": "Action Trait Modifier",
"ActionDmgMod": "Action Damage Modifier",
"ItemTraitMod": "Item Trait Modifier",
"ItemDmgMod": "Item Damage Modifier",
"Duplicates": "Duplicates Found",
"DuplicateItemsBodyText": "While adding the {type} <strong>{name}</strong> to the Actor {target} the following duplicates (by name and type) have been found. The new items have been renamed to reflect their source.",
"NoActionDeckFound": "No Action Deck found, creating one",
"NoActionDeckDiscardPileFound": "No Action Deck Discard Pile found, creating one",
"Wealth": "Wealth",
"Characters": "Characters",
"SettingRules": "Setting Rules",
"WorldBasics": "World Basics",
"MAPenalty": {
"Label": "Multi-Action Penalty",
"None": "None"
"Mod": {
"Custom": {
"Add": "Add Custom Modifier"
"Support": "Support",
"Preset": {
"Choose": "Choose a Preset...",
"Add": "Add Preset"
"Value": "Value",
"Ignore": "Ignore?"
"Illumination": {
"_name": "Illumination",
"Dim": "Dim Light",
"Dark": "Darkness",
"Pitch": "Pitch Black"
"Cover": {
"_name": "Cover",
"Shield": "Cover - Shield",
"Light": "Light Cover",
"Medium": "Medium Cover",
"Heavy": "Heavy Cover",
"Total": "Total Cover"
"Range": {
"_name": "Range",
"Medium": "Medium Range",
"Long": "Long Range",
"Extreme": "Extreme Range"
"ModOther": "Other Modifiers",
"Snapfire": "Snapfire",
"UnstablePlatform": "Unstable Platform",
"CannotAddRaceToRace": "You cannot add a race/archetype to a race/archetype!",
"LayOutChaseWithDeck": "Use Deck to lay out Chase",
"ClearChaseCards": "Clear Chase cards from Scene",
"NoSceneAvailable": "There is no scene available or you've disabled the canvas",
"ChaseCardsCleared": "All chase cards have been removed from the scene.",
"SetUpChase": "Set Up Chase",
"NotADeckCompendium": "The compendium you selected doesn't appear to be a legacy deck",
"ConvertToDeck": "Convert to Deck",
"Expiration": {
"TabLabel": "Turn Behavior",
"Description": "<p>Effects expire on the target's <em>next turn or later</em>.</p>",
"Behavior": "Expiration Behavior",
"BeginAuto": "Start of Turn, Automatic",
"BeginPrompt": "Start of Turn, Prompt",
"EndAuto": "End of Turn, Automatic",
"EndPrompt": "End of Turn, Prompt",
"None": "None",
"LooseTurnOnHold": "Lose Turn on Hold"
"RemoveEffectTitle": "Remove {label} ?",
"RemoveEffectBody": "<p style=\"text-align: center;\">Remove <strong>{label}</strong> from <strong>{parent}</strong>?</p>",
"PPAbbreviation": "PP",
"ShowInChat": "Show in chat",
"ExpandDescription": "Expand to show description",
"Favorite": "Favorite",
"Equip": "Equip",
"RollDamage": "Roll Damage",
"SystemLinks": {
"Changelog": "Changelog",
"Wiki": "Wiki",
"ReportAnIssue": "Report an Issue"
"OpenOrigin": "Open origin",
"EffectsTemporary": "Temporary Effects",
"EffectsPermanent": "Permanent Effects",
"Ranks": {
"Novice": "Novice",
"Seasoned": "Seasoned",
"Veteran": "Veteran",
"Heroic": "Heroic",
"Legendary": "Legendary"
"Advances": {
"EditorTitle": "Advance Editor",
"Toggle": "Toggle Advance Planned Status",
"Delete": "Delete Advance",
"Planned": "Planned",
"Modes": {
"Legacy": "Legacy",
"Expanded": "Expanded"
"Types": {
"Edge": "New Edge",
"SingleSkill": "Raise Single Skill",
"TwoSkills": "Raise Two Skills",
"Attribute": "Raise Attribute",
"Hindrance": "Decrease Hindrance"
"Number": "Advance number"
"AddAdvance": "Add Advance",
"Appearance": "Appearance",
"CharacterGoals": "Goals",
"Background": "Background",
"ActiveEffects": {
"Add": "Add Active Effect",
"Source": "Source",
"ResetDuration": "Reset Duration",
"AddGuided": "Open Wizard",
"AddUnguided": "Add Empty Effect"
"Keybindings": {
"OpenFavoriteCards": {
"Name": "Open Favorite Card Hand",
"UserConfigLabel": "Favorite Card Hand",
"Hint": "You can set your favorite hand in the User Config",
"NoCardsWarning": "You don't have a favorite card hand set!"
"Bennies": {
"Name": "Spend/Receive a Benny",
"Hint": "Press to spend a Benny, hold down Alt while you press the key to receive a Benny instead"
"Settings": {
"HighlightTemplate": {
"Name": "Always Highlight Templates",
"Hint": "When enabled, Measured Templates alway highlight themselves instead of the grid."
"FantasyCompanionEntangle": {
"Name": "Fantasy Companion Entangle",
"Hint": "Use the Fantasy Companion Entangle status instead of the Core version. Requires a reload to take effect"
"InitDiscardPile": {
"Name": "Initiative Discard Pile"
"InitCardDeck": {
"Name": "Card Deck to use for Initiative"
"ParryBase": {
"Name": "Localized Fighting Skill Name",
"Hint": "The name of the skill which will be used to calculate a characters Parry"
"UseAttributeShorts": {
"Name": "Use shortened attribute names",
"Hint": "Activate this option if you want to see abbreviated attribute names on the pc and npc sheets, i.e. Agi instead of Agility, Sma instead of Smarts, etc. You'll need to close and reopen all open sheets for this option to take effect."
"WeightUnit": {
"Name": "Unit of weight",
"Hint": "Sets whether weights are measured in pounds or kilograms. Changing this will NOT change the weights on items, only how the encumbrance is calculated"
"HideNpcItemChatCards": {
"Name": "Hide NPC Item Chat Cards",
"Hint": "When enabled, NPC Item Chat Cards are automatically sent as a whisper to all Gamemasters instead of being posted for all to see"
"EnableBennyNotify": {
"Name": "Benny notifications",
"Hint": "Displays chat messages when bennies are taken, given or refreshed."
"HideWC": {
"Name": "Hide NPC Wild Cards",
"Hint": "Do not show which NPCs are Wild Cards to players"
"CreateInitChat": {
"Name": "Create Chat Message for Initiative"
"AutoInit": {
"Name": "Automatic Initiative",
"Hint": "Automatically draw Action Cards every round"
"Benny3DFront": {
"Name": "Front Texture",
"Hint": "Front texture of the 3D Benny"
"Benny3DBack": {
"Name": "Back Texture",
"Hint": "Back texture of the 3D Benny"
"Benny3DBackBump": {
"Name": "Back Bump Map",
"Hint": "Back bump map of the benny"
"Benny3DFrontBump": {
"Hint": "Front bump map of the benny",
"Name": "Front Bump Map"
"CoreSkillsList": {
"Name": "List of Core Skills",
"Hint": "Enter a comma-separated list of skill names to be defined as core skills for all actors"
"CoreSkillsPack": {
"Name": "Core Skills Compendium",
"Hint": "Choose from which Compendium the core skills will be drawn"
"WealthType": {
"Name": "Wealth Type",
"Hint": "Choose how to track character wealth and currency"
"CurrencyName": {
"Name": "Currency Name",
"Hint": "Name your currency"
"JokersWild": {
"Name": "Joker's Wild",
"Hint": "Gives a Benny to every player character when one of them is dealt a Joker"
"AmmoManagement": {
"Name": "Ammunition Management",
"Hint": "When turned on, and applicable, actions subtract ammunition from the magazine of the weapon. Item cards also gain a new reload button and you will not be able to roll an attack if not enough ammunition is available"
"PCAmmoFromInventory": {
"Name": "PCs use Ammunition from Inventory",
"Hint": "When activated the option to set a `Gear` Item can be set to be used as ammunition and will be used when reloading the weapon"
"NPCAmmoFromInventory": {
"Name": "NPCs use ammunition from their inventory"
"VehicleAmmoFromInventory": {
"Name": "Vehicles use ammunition from their inventory"
"EnableWoundPace": {
"Name": "Adjust Pace with Wounds",
"Hint": "When enabled, Pace is automatically affected by Wounds"
"EnableConv": {
"Name": "Conviction",
"Hint": "Enable the Conviction setting rule"
"NoPowerPoints": {
"Name": "No Power Points",
"Hint": "When enabled this option hides all Power Point interactions"
"AlwaysGeneralPP": {
"Name": "Always Show General Power Points",
"Hint": "When enabled the General Powers section always shows even if all powers have an associated Arcane Background"
"ApplyEncumbrance": {
"Name": "Apply Encumbrance Penalties",
"Hint": "Apply encumbrance penalties. Please keep in mind that this currently does NOT SUPPORT {vigor} tests to resist {fatigue}!"
"GmBennies": {
"Name": "Gamemaster Bennies",
"Hint": "Sets how many Bennies the GM receives on a refresh"
"VehicleMods": {
"Name": "Vehicles Mods",
"Hint": "Vehicles use Mod-Slots"
"VehicleEdges": {
"Name": "Vehicle Edges",
"Hint": "Vehicles use Edges and Hindrances"
"BennyImageSheet": {
"Name": "Benny",
"Hint": "Select which image to use for Bennies on the Character Sheet"
"HardChoices": {
"Name": "Hard Choices",
"Hint": "Checking this will enable the Hard Choices rule"
"CardSound": {
"Name": "Card Sound",
"Hint": "Play a short card sound when dealing Initiative"
"StartingCurrency": {
"PC": {
"Name": "Player Character starting currency",
"Hint": "Set the amount of currency that Player Character Actors recieve upon creation"
"NPC": {
"Hint": "Set the amount of currency that NPC Actors recieve upon creation",
"Name": "NPC starting currency"
"NPCCurrency": {
"Name": "NPCs use currency",
"Hint": "When enabled, all NPCs have the same currency options as Player Characters"
"EffectCallbacks": {
"Shaken": {
"RollSpirit": "Roll Spirit",
"Title": "Remove Shaken from {name}",
"Flavor": "Spirit Test to remove Shaken",
"UnshakeModifier": "Unshake Modifier",
"Question": "What do you want to do?",
"Success": "You are no longer Shaken"
"Stunned": {
"Title": "Vigor Test to remove Stunned",
"Fail": "You remain Stunned",
"Success": "You are no longer Stunned but remain Vulnerable",
"Raise": "You are no longer Stunned nor Vulnerable",
"UnStunModifier": "Unstun Modifier"
"BleedingOut": {
"Title": "Vigor Test to resist Bleeding Out",
"Fail": "You perish",
"Success": "You hang on, for now.",
"Raise": "You successfully stabilize"
"BenniesSpendGM": "Spend a GM Benny",
"DocumentLink": "Link",
"DocumentTweaks": "Tweaks",
"TargetVulnerable": "Target is Vulnerable",
"WildAttack": "Wild Attack",
"ItemType": "Item Type",
"Source": "Source",
"Properties": "Properties",
"AddAction": "Add Action",
"DeleteEmbeddedActionPrompt": "Are you sure you want to delete the action {action}",
"DeleteEmbeddedPowerPrompt": "Are you sure you want to delete the power {power}?",
"TrademarkWeapon": {
"Label": "Trademark Weapon",
"Regular": "Regular",
"Improved": "Improved"
"OffHandPenalty": "Off-Hand Penalty",
"ItemEquipStatus": {
"Label": "Location",
"Stored": "Stored",
"Carried": "Carried",
"Equipped": "Equipped",
"OffHand": "Off-Hand",
"MainHand": "Main Hand",
"TwoHands": "Two Hands",
"Added": "Added",
"Readied": "Readied"
"DestroyOnEmpty": "Destroy when Empty",
"Charges": "Charges",
"Consumable": {
"Use": "Use",
"Consumables": "Consumables"
"EmptyRacialAbilitiesHint": "This {race} or {archetype} doesn't have any abilities yet. Drag&Drop something onto the sheet to get started.",
"NoTokenSelectedForResistRoll": "To make a resistance roll, first select one token",
"Templates": {
"Cone": {
"Short": "Cone",
"Long": "Cone Template"
"Stream": {
"Short": "Stream",
"Long": "Stream Template"
"Small": {
"Short": "SBT",
"Long": "Small Blast Template"
"Medium": {
"Short": "MBT",
"Long": "Medium Blast Template"
"Large": {
"Short": "LBT",
"Long": "Large Blast Template"
"Available": "Available Templates",
"Possible": "Possible Templates"
"CompendiumTOC": {
"Toggle": "Toggle use Compendium TOC",
"Dialog": {
"Title": "Confirm Toggle",
"Content": "In order for the change to take effect, Foundry VTT and all connected clients will be reloaded. Please confirm."
"Header": "Contents"
"Category": "Item Category",
"ItemIsAmmo": "Is Ammunition",
"Vision": {
"SeeHeat": "See Heat",
"SenseHeat": "Sense Heat",
"Infravision": "Infravision"
"Attribute": "Attribute",
"BaseDie": "Base Die",
"AttributeManager": {
"Title": "Manage Attributes for {name}",
"Open": "Manage Attributes"
"HeavyArmor": "Heavy Armor",
"HeavyWeapon": "Heavy Weapon",
"UsesTOC": "Use Compendium TOC",
"TOCSettings": {
"Label": "Open Compendium TOC Settings",
"Name": "Compendium TOC Settings",
"Hint": "Configure the Compendum TOC Application"
"DieSides": "Die Sides",
"WildDieSides": "Wild Die Sides",
"EncumbranceSteps": "Encumbrance Steps",
"EffectWizard": {
"Preview": "Preview",
"Change": "Change",
"Mode": "Mode",
"Value": "Value",
"Changes": "Changes",
"SelectAttribute": "Select Attribute",
"EnterSkill": {
"Label": "Enter skill",
"Hint": "You can enter any skill name you like or select one from the list of suggestions"
"OtherStats": "Other Stats",
"HotbarDropOwnedItemWarning": "You can only create macro buttons for owned Items",
"AdditionalStats": {
"SelectHint": "Enter a list of options, seperated by semicolon"
"MessageOnUse": {
"Label": "Message on Use",
"Hint": "Display a chat message when this item is used"
"ItemGrants": {
"EmptyHint": "This item currently grants no items",
"Header": "Item Grants",
"When": "Grant Items When"
"IgnFatigue": "Ignore Fatigue"
"ACTOR": {
"TypeCharacter": "Player Character",
"TypeNpc": "NPC",
"TypeVehicle": "Vehicle"
"ITEM": {
"TypeWeapon": "Weapon",
"TypeArmor": "Armor",
"TypeShield": "Shield",
"TypeGear": "Gear",
"TypeEdge": "Edge",
"TypeHindrance": "Hindrance",
"TypeSkill": "Skill",
"TypePower": "Power",
"TypeAbility": "Ability",
"TypeConsumable": "Consumable",
"TypeAction": "Action"
"CARD": {
"TypeAdventure": "Adventure Card",
"TypePoker": "Poker Card"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user