--[[ LPEGLJ lpcode.lua Generating code from tree Copyright (C) 2014 Rostislav Sacek. based on LPeg v1.0 - PEG pattern matching for Lua Lua.org & PUC-Rio written by Roberto Ierusalimschy http://www.inf.puc-rio.br/~roberto/lpeg/ ** Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining ** a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the ** "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including ** without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, ** distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to ** permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to ** the following conditions: ** ** The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be ** included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. ** ** THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, ** EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF ** MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. ** IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY ** CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, ** TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE ** SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ** ** [ MIT license: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php ] --]] local ffi = require "ffi" require "lpvm" local band, bor, bnot, rshift, lshift = bit.band, bit.bor, bit.bnot, bit.rshift, bit.lshift local TChar = 0 local TSet = 1 local TAny = 2 -- standard PEG elements local TTrue = 3 local TFalse = 4 local TRep = 5 local TSeq = 6 local TChoice = 7 local TNot = 8 local TAnd = 9 local TCall = 10 local TOpenCall = 11 local TRule = 12 -- sib1 is rule's pattern, sib2 is 'next' rule local TGrammar = 13 -- sib1 is initial (and first) rule local TBehind = 14 -- match behind local TCapture = 15 -- regular capture local TRunTime = 16 -- run-time capture local IAny = 0 -- if no char, fail local IChar = 1 -- if char != val, fail local ISet = 2 -- if char not in val, fail local ITestAny = 3 -- in no char, jump to 'offset' local ITestChar = 4 -- if char != val, jump to 'offset' local ITestSet = 5 -- if char not in val, jump to 'offset' local ISpan = 6 -- read a span of chars in val local IBehind = 7 -- walk back 'val' characters (fail if not possible) local IRet = 8 -- return from a rule local IEnd = 9 -- end of pattern local IChoice = 10 -- stack a choice; next fail will jump to 'offset' local IJmp = 11 -- jump to 'offset' local ICall = 12 -- call rule at 'offset' local IOpenCall = 13 -- call rule number 'offset' (must be closed to a ICall) local ICommit = 14 -- pop choice and jump to 'offset' local IPartialCommit = 15 -- update top choice to current position and jump local IBackCommit = 16 -- "fails" but jump to its own 'offset' local IFailTwice = 17 -- pop one choice and then fail local IFail = 18 -- go back to saved state on choice and jump to saved offset local IGiveup = 19 -- internal use local IFullCapture = 20 -- complete capture of last 'off' chars local IOpenCapture = 21 -- start a capture local ICloseCapture = 22 local ICloseRunTime = 23 local Cclose = 0 local Cposition = 1 local Cconst = 2 local Cbackref = 3 local Carg = 4 local Csimple = 5 local Ctable = 6 local Cfunction = 7 local Cquery = 8 local Cstring = 9 local Cnum = 10 local Csubst = 11 local Cfold = 12 local Cruntime = 13 local Cgroup = 14 local PEnullable = 0 local PEnofail = 1 local RuleLR = 0x10000 local NOINST = -2 local MAXBEHINDPREDICATE = 255 local MAXRULES = 200 local MAXOFF = 0xF -- number of siblings for each tree local numsiblings = { 0, 0, 0, -- char, set, any 0, 0, -- true, false 1, -- rep 2, 2, -- seq, choice 1, 1, -- not, and 0, 0, 2, 1, -- call, opencall, rule, grammar 1, -- behind 1, 1 -- capture, runtime capture } local patternelement = ffi.typeof('PATTERN_ELEMENT') local pattern = ffi.typeof('PATTERN') local settype = ffi.typeof('int32_t[8]') local fullset = settype(-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1) -- {====================================================== -- Analysis and some optimizations -- ======================================================= local codegen -- Check whether a charset is empty (IFail), singleton (IChar), -- full (IAny), or none of those (ISet). local function charsettype(cs) local count = 0; local candidate = -1; -- candidate position for a char for i = 0, 8 - 1 do local b = cs[i]; if b == 0 then if count > 1 then return ISet; -- else set is still empty end elseif b == -1 then if count < (i * 32) then return ISet; else count = count + 32; -- set is still full end -- byte has only one bit? elseif band(b, (b - 1)) == 0 then if count > 0 then return ISet; -- set is neither full nor empty -- set has only one char till now; track it else count = count + 1; candidate = i; end else return ISet; -- byte is neither empty, full, nor singleton end end if count == 0 then return IFail, 0 -- empty set -- singleton; find character bit inside byte elseif count == 1 then local b = cs[candidate]; local c = candidate * 32; for i = 1, 32 do if b == 1 then c = c + i - 1 break end b = rshift(b, 1) end return IChar, c elseif count == 256 then return IAny, 0 -- full set else assert(false) -- should have returned by now end end -- A few basic operations on Charsets local function cs_complement(cs) for i = 0, 8 - 1 do cs[i] = bnot(cs[i]) end end local function cs_equal(cs1, cs2) for i = 0, 8 - 1 do if cs1[i] ~= cs2[i] then return end end return true end -- computes whether sets st1 and st2 are disjoint local function cs_disjoint(st1, st2) for i = 0, 8 - 1 do if band(st1[i], st2[i]) ~= 0 then return end end return true end -- Convert a 'char' pattern (TSet, TChar, TAny) to a charset local function tocharset(tree, index, valuetable) local val = settype() if tree.p[index].tag == TSet then ffi.copy(val, valuetable[tree.p[index].val], ffi.sizeof(val)) return val elseif tree.p[index].tag == TChar then local b = tree.p[index].val -- only one char -- add that one val[rshift(b, 5)] = lshift(1, band(b, 31)) return val elseif tree.p[index].tag == TAny then ffi.fill(val, ffi.sizeof(val), 0xff) return val end end -- checks whether a pattern has captures local function hascaptures(tree, index) if tree.p[index].tag == TCapture or tree.p[index].tag == TRunTime then return true elseif tree.p[index].tag == TCall then return hascaptures(tree, index + tree.p[index].ps) else local ns = numsiblings[tree.p[index].tag + 1] if ns == 0 then return elseif ns == 1 then return hascaptures(tree, index + 1) elseif ns == 2 then if hascaptures(tree, index + 1) then return true else return hascaptures(tree, index + tree.p[index].ps) end else assert(false) end end end -- Checks how a pattern behaves regarding the empty string, -- in one of two different ways: -- A pattern is *nullable* if it can match without consuming any character; -- A pattern is *nofail* if it never fails for any string -- (including the empty string). -- The difference is only for predicates; for patterns without -- predicates, the two properties are equivalent. -- (With predicates, &'a' is nullable but not nofail. Of course, -- nofail => nullable.) -- These functions are all convervative in the following way: -- p is nullable => nullable(p) -- nofail(p) => p cannot fail -- (The function assumes that TOpenCall and TRunTime are not nullable: -- TOpenCall must be checked again when the grammar is fixed; -- TRunTime is an arbitrary choice.) local function checkaux(tree, pred, index, lrcall) lrcall = lrcall or {} local tag = tree.p[index].tag if tag == TChar or tag == TSet or tag == TAny or tag == TFalse or tag == TOpenCall then return -- not nullable elseif tag == TRep or tag == TTrue then return true -- no fail elseif tag == TNot or tag == TBehind then -- can match empty, but may fail if pred == PEnofail then return else return true -- PEnullable end elseif tag == TAnd then -- can match empty; fail iff body does if pred == PEnullable then return true else return checkaux(tree, pred, index + 1, lrcall) end -- can fail; match empty iff body does elseif tag == TRunTime then if pred == PEnofail then return else return checkaux(tree, pred, index + 1, lrcall) end elseif tag == TSeq then if not checkaux(tree, pred, index + 1, lrcall) then return else return checkaux(tree, pred, index + tree.p[index].ps, lrcall) end elseif tag == TChoice then if checkaux(tree, pred, index + tree.p[index].ps, lrcall) then return true else return checkaux(tree, pred, index + 1, lrcall) end elseif tag == TCapture or tag == TGrammar or tag == TRule then return checkaux(tree, pred, index + 1, lrcall) elseif tag == TCall then --left recursive rule if bit.band(tree.p[index].cap, 0xffff) ~= 0 then local lr = index + tree.p[index].ps if lrcall[lr] then return end lrcall[lr] = true end return checkaux(tree, pred, index + tree.p[index].ps, lrcall) else assert(false) end end -- number of characters to match a pattern (or -1 if variable) -- ('count' avoids infinite loops for grammars) local function fixedlenx(tree, count, len, index) local tag = tree.p[index].tag if tag == TChar or tag == TSet or tag == TAny then return len + 1; elseif tag == TFalse or tag == TTrue or tag == TNot or tag == TAnd or tag == TBehind then return len; elseif tag == TRep or tag == TRunTime or tag == TOpenCall then return -1; elseif tag == TCapture or tag == TRule or tag == TGrammar then return fixedlenx(tree, count, len, index + 1) elseif tag == TCall then if count >= MAXRULES then return -1; -- may be a loop else return fixedlenx(tree, count + 1, len, index + tree.p[index].ps) end elseif tag == TSeq then len = fixedlenx(tree, count, len, index + 1) if (len < 0) then return -1; else return fixedlenx(tree, count, len, index + tree.p[index].ps) end elseif tag == TChoice then local n1 = fixedlenx(tree, count, len, index + 1) if n1 < 0 then return -1 end local n2 = fixedlenx(tree, count, len, index + tree.p[index].ps) if n1 == n2 then return n1 else return -1 end else assert(false) end end -- Computes the 'first set' of a pattern. -- The result is a conservative aproximation: -- match p ax -> x' for some x ==> a in first(p). -- match p '' -> '' ==> returns 1. -- The set 'follow' is the first set of what follows the -- pattern (full set if nothing follows it) local function getfirst(tree, follow, index, valuetable, lrcall) lrcall = lrcall or {} local tag = tree.p[index].tag if tag == TChar or tag == TSet or tag == TAny then local firstset = tocharset(tree, index, valuetable) return 0, firstset elseif tag == TTrue then local firstset = settype() ffi.copy(firstset, follow, ffi.sizeof(firstset)) return 1, firstset elseif tag == TFalse then local firstset = settype() return 0, firstset elseif tag == TChoice then local e1, firstset = getfirst(tree, follow, index + 1, valuetable, lrcall) local e2, csaux = getfirst(tree, follow, index + tree.p[index].ps, valuetable, lrcall) for i = 0, 8 - 1 do firstset[i] = bor(firstset[i], csaux[i]) end return bor(e1, e2), firstset elseif tag == TSeq then if not checkaux(tree, PEnullable, index + 1) then return getfirst(tree, fullset, index + 1, valuetable, lrcall) -- FIRST(p1 p2, fl) = FIRST(p1, FIRST(p2, fl)) else local e2, csaux = getfirst(tree, follow, index + tree.p[index].ps, valuetable, lrcall) local e1, firstset = getfirst(tree, csaux, index + 1, valuetable, lrcall) if e1 == 0 then -- 'e1' ensures that first can be used return 0, firstset -- one of the children has a matchtime? elseif band(bor(e1, e2), 2) == 2 then return 2, firstset -- pattern has a matchtime capture else return e2, firstset -- else depends on 'e2' end end elseif tag == TRep then local _, firstset = getfirst(tree, follow, index + 1, valuetable, lrcall) for i = 0, 8 - 1 do firstset[i] = bor(firstset[i], follow[i]) end return 1, firstset -- accept the empty string elseif tag == TCapture or tag == TGrammar or tag == TRule then return getfirst(tree, follow, index + 1, valuetable, lrcall) -- function invalidates any follow info. elseif tag == TRunTime then local e, firstset = getfirst(tree, fullset, index + 1, valuetable, lrcall) if e ~= 0 then return 2, firstset -- function is not "protected"? else return 0, firstset -- pattern inside capture ensures first can be used end elseif tag == TCall then -- left recursive rule if bit.band(tree.p[index].cap, 0xffff) ~= 0 then local lr = index + tree.p[index].ps if lrcall[lr] then return 0, settype() else lrcall[lr] = true end end return getfirst(tree, follow, index + tree.p[index].ps, valuetable, lrcall) elseif tag == TAnd then local e, firstset = getfirst(tree, follow, index + 1, valuetable, lrcall) for i = 0, 8 - 1 do firstset[i] = band(firstset[i], follow[i]) end return e, firstset elseif tag == TNot then local firstset = tocharset(tree, index + 1, valuetable) if firstset then cs_complement(firstset) return 1, firstset end local e, firstset = getfirst(tree, follow, index + 1, valuetable, lrcall) ffi.copy(firstset, follow, ffi.sizeof(firstset)) return bor(e, 1), firstset -- always can accept the empty string -- instruction gives no new information elseif tag == TBehind then -- call 'getfirst' to check for math-time captures local e, firstset = getfirst(tree, follow, index + 1, valuetable, lrcall) ffi.copy(firstset, follow, ffi.sizeof(firstset)) return bor(e, 1), firstset -- always can accept the empty string else assert(false) end end -- If it returns true, then pattern can fail only depending on the next -- character of the subject local function headfail(tree, index, lrcall) lrcall = lrcall or {} local tag = tree.p[index].tag if tag == TChar or tag == TSet or tag == TAny or tag == TFalse then return true elseif tag == TTrue or tag == TRep or tag == TRunTime or tag == TNot or tag == TBehind then return elseif tag == TCapture or tag == TGrammar or tag == TRule or tag == TAnd then return headfail(tree, index + 1, lrcall) elseif tag == TCall then -- left recursive rule if bit.band(tree.p[index].cap, 0xffff) ~= 0 then local lr = index + tree.p[index].ps if lrcall[lr] then return true else lrcall[lr] = true end end return headfail(tree, index + tree.p[index].ps, lrcall) elseif tag == TSeq then if not checkaux(tree, PEnofail, index + tree.p[index].ps) then return else return headfail(tree, index + 1, lrcall) end elseif tag == TChoice then if not headfail(tree, index + 1, lrcall) then return else return headfail(tree, index + tree.p[index].ps, lrcall) end else assert(false) end end -- Check whether the code generation for the given tree can benefit -- from a follow set (to avoid computing the follow set when it is -- not needed) local function needfollow(tree, index) local tag = tree.p[index].tag if tag == TChar or tag == TSet or tag == TAny or tag == TFalse or tag == TTrue or tag == TAnd or tag == TNot or tag == TRunTime or tag == TGrammar or tag == TCall or tag == TBehind then return elseif tag == TChoice or tag == TRep then return true elseif tag == TCapture then return needfollow(tree, index + 1) elseif tag == TSeq then return needfollow(tree, index + tree.p[index].ps) else assert(false) end end -- ====================================================== -- {====================================================== -- Code generation -- ======================================================= -- code generation is recursive; 'opt' indicates that the code is -- being generated under a 'IChoice' operator jumping to its end. -- 'tt' points to a previous test protecting this code. 'fl' is -- the follow set of the pattern. local function addinstruction(code, op, val) local size = code.size if size >= code.allocsize then code:doublesize() end code.p[size].code = op code.p[size].val = val code.size = size + 1 return size end local function setoffset(code, instruction, offset) code.p[instruction].offset = offset; end -- Add a capture instruction: -- 'op' is the capture instruction; 'cap' the capture kind; -- 'key' the key into ktable; 'aux' is optional offset local function addinstcap(code, op, cap, key, aux) local i = addinstruction(code, op, bor(cap, lshift(aux, 4))) setoffset(code, i, key) return i end local function jumptothere(code, instruction, target) if instruction >= 0 then setoffset(code, instruction, target - instruction) end end local function jumptohere(code, instruction) jumptothere(code, instruction, code.size) end -- Code an IChar instruction, or IAny if there is an equivalent -- test dominating it local function codechar(code, c, tt) assert(tt ~= -1) if tt >= 0 and code.p[tt].code == ITestChar and code.p[tt].val == c then addinstruction(code, IAny, 0) else addinstruction(code, IChar, c) end end -- Code an ISet instruction local function coderealcharset(code, cs, valuetable) local ind = #valuetable + 1 valuetable[ind] = cs return addinstruction(code, ISet, ind) end -- code a char set, optimizing unit sets for IChar, "complete" -- sets for IAny, and empty sets for IFail; also use an IAny -- when instruction is dominated by an equivalent test. local function codecharset(code, cs, tt, valuetable) local op, c = charsettype(cs) if op == IChar then codechar(code, c, tt) elseif op == ISet then assert(tt ~= -1) if tt >= 0 and code.p[tt].code == ITestSet and cs_equal(cs, valuetable[code.p[tt].val]) then addinstruction(code, IAny, 0) else coderealcharset(code, cs, valuetable) end else addinstruction(code, op, c) end end -- code a test set, optimizing unit sets for ITestChar, "complete" -- sets for ITestAny, and empty sets for IJmp (always fails). -- 'e' is true iff test should accept the empty string. (Test -- instructions in the current VM never accept the empty string.) local function codetestset(code, cs, e, valuetable) if e ~= 0 then return NOINST -- no test else local pos = code.size codecharset(code, cs, NOINST, valuetable) local inst = code.p[pos] local code = inst.code if code == IFail then inst.code = IJmp -- always jump elseif code == IAny then inst.code = ITestAny elseif code == IChar then inst.code = ITestChar elseif code == ISet then inst.code = ITestSet else assert(false) end return pos end end -- Find the final destination of a sequence of jumps local function finaltarget(code, i) while code.p[i].code == IJmp do i = i + code.p[i].offset end return i end -- final label (after traversing any jumps) local function finallabel(code, i) return finaltarget(code, i + code.p[i].offset) end -- <behind(p)> == behind n; <p> (where n = fixedlen(p)) local function codebehind(code, tree, index, valuetable) if tree.p[index].val > 0 then addinstruction(code, IBehind, tree.p[index].val) end codegen(code, tree, fullset, false, NOINST, index + 1, valuetable) -- NOINST end -- Choice; optimizations: -- - when p1 is headfail -- - when first(p1) and first(p2) are disjoint; than -- a character not in first(p1) cannot go to p1, and a character -- in first(p1) cannot go to p2 (at it is not in first(p2)). -- (The optimization is not valid if p1 accepts the empty string, -- as then there is no character at all...) -- - when p2 is empty and opt is true; a IPartialCommit can resuse -- the Choice already active in the stack. local function codechoice(code, tree, fl, opt, p1, p2, valuetable) local emptyp2 = tree.p[p2].tag == TTrue local e1, st1 = getfirst(tree, fullset, p1, valuetable) local _, st2 = getfirst(tree, fl, p2, valuetable) if headfail(tree, p1) or (e1 == 0 and cs_disjoint(st1, st2)) then -- <p1 / p2> == test (fail(p1)) -> L1 ; p1 ; jmp L2; L1: p2; L2: local test = codetestset(code, st1, 0, valuetable) local jmp = NOINST; codegen(code, tree, fl, false, test, p1, valuetable) if not emptyp2 then jmp = addinstruction(code, IJmp, 0) end jumptohere(code, test) codegen(code, tree, fl, opt, NOINST, p2, valuetable) jumptohere(code, jmp) elseif opt and emptyp2 then -- p1? == IPartialCommit; p1 jumptohere(code, addinstruction(code, IPartialCommit, 0)) codegen(code, tree, fullset, true, NOINST, p1, valuetable) else -- <p1 / p2> == -- test(fail(p1)) -> L1; choice L1; <p1>; commit L2; L1: <p2>; L2: local test = codetestset(code, st1, e1, valuetable) local pchoice = addinstruction(code, IChoice, 0) codegen(code, tree, fullset, emptyp2, test, p1, valuetable) local pcommit = addinstruction(code, ICommit, 0) jumptohere(code, pchoice) jumptohere(code, test) codegen(code, tree, fl, opt, NOINST, p2, valuetable) jumptohere(code, pcommit) end end -- And predicate -- optimization: fixedlen(p) = n ==> <&p> == <p>; behind n -- (valid only when 'p' has no captures) local function codeand(code, tree, tt, index, valuetable) local n = fixedlenx(tree, 0, 0, index) if n >= 0 and n <= MAXBEHINDPREDICATE and not hascaptures(tree, index) then codegen(code, tree, fullset, false, tt, index, valuetable) if n > 0 then addinstruction(code, IBehind, n) end else -- default: Choice L1; p1; BackCommit L2; L1: Fail; L2: local pchoice = addinstruction(code, IChoice, 0) codegen(code, tree, fullset, false, tt, index, valuetable) local pcommit = addinstruction(code, IBackCommit, 0) jumptohere(code, pchoice) addinstruction(code, IFail, 0) jumptohere(code, pcommit) end end -- Captures: if pattern has fixed (and not too big) length, use -- a single IFullCapture instruction after the match; otherwise, -- enclose the pattern with OpenCapture - CloseCapture. local function codecapture(code, tree, fl, tt, index, valuetable) local len = fixedlenx(tree, 0, 0, index + 1) if len >= 0 and len <= MAXOFF and not hascaptures(tree, index + 1) then codegen(code, tree, fl, false, tt, index + 1, valuetable) addinstcap(code, IFullCapture, tree.p[index].cap, tree.p[index].val, len) else addinstcap(code, IOpenCapture, tree.p[index].cap, tree.p[index].val, 0) codegen(code, tree, fl, false, tt, index + 1, valuetable) addinstcap(code, ICloseCapture, Cclose, 0, 0) end end local function coderuntime(code, tree, tt, index, valuetable) addinstcap(code, IOpenCapture, Cgroup, tree.p[index].val, 0) codegen(code, tree, fullset, false, tt, index + 1, valuetable) addinstcap(code, ICloseRunTime, Cclose, 0, 0) end -- Repetion; optimizations: -- When pattern is a charset, can use special instruction ISpan. -- When pattern is head fail, or if it starts with characters that -- are disjoint from what follows the repetions, a simple test -- is enough (a fail inside the repetition would backtrack to fail -- again in the following pattern, so there is no need for a choice). -- When 'opt' is true, the repetion can reuse the Choice already -- active in the stack. local function coderep(code, tree, opt, fl, index, valuetable) local st = tocharset(tree, index, valuetable) if st then local op = coderealcharset(code, st, valuetable) code.p[op].code = ISpan; else local e1, st = getfirst(tree, fullset, index, valuetable) if headfail(tree, index) or (e1 == 0 and cs_disjoint(st, fl)) then -- L1: test (fail(p1)) -> L2; <p>; jmp L1; L2: local test = codetestset(code, st, 0, valuetable) codegen(code, tree, fullset, false, test, index, valuetable) local jmp = addinstruction(code, IJmp, 0) jumptohere(code, test) jumptothere(code, jmp, test) else -- test(fail(p1)) -> L2; choice L2; L1: <p>; partialcommit L1; L2: -- or (if 'opt'): partialcommit L1; L1: <p>; partialcommit L1; local test = codetestset(code, st, e1, valuetable) local pchoice = NOINST; if opt then jumptohere(code, addinstruction(code, IPartialCommit, 0)) else pchoice = addinstruction(code, IChoice, 0) end local l2 = code.size codegen(code, tree, fullset, false, NOINST, index, valuetable) local commit = addinstruction(code, IPartialCommit, 0) jumptothere(code, commit, l2) jumptohere(code, pchoice) jumptohere(code, test) end end end -- Not predicate; optimizations: -- In any case, if first test fails, 'not' succeeds, so it can jump to -- the end. If pattern is headfail, that is all (it cannot fail -- in other parts); this case includes 'not' of simple sets. Otherwise, -- use the default code (a choice plus a failtwice). local function codenot(code, tree, index, valuetable) local e, st = getfirst(tree, fullset, index, valuetable) local test = codetestset(code, st, e, valuetable) -- test (fail(p1)) -> L1; fail; L1: if headfail(tree, index) then addinstruction(code, IFail, 0) else -- test(fail(p))-> L1; choice L1; <p>; failtwice; L1: local pchoice = addinstruction(code, IChoice, 0) codegen(code, tree, fullset, false, NOINST, index, valuetable) addinstruction(code, IFailTwice, 0) jumptohere(code, pchoice) end jumptohere(code, test) end -- change open calls to calls, using list 'positions' to find -- correct offsets; also optimize tail calls local function correctcalls(code, positions, from, to) for i = from, to - 1 do if code.p[i].code == IOpenCall then local n = code.p[i].offset; -- rule number local rule = positions[n]; -- rule position assert(rule == from or code.p[rule - 1].code == IRet) -- call; ret ? if bit.band(code.p[i].val, 0xffff) == 0 and code.p[finaltarget(code, i + 1)].code == IRet then code.p[i].code = IJmp; -- tail call else code.p[i].code = ICall; end jumptothere(code, i, rule) -- call jumps to respective rule end end end -- Code for a grammar: -- call L1; jmp L2; L1: rule 1; ret; rule 2; ret; ...; L2: local function codegrammar(code, tree, index, valuetable) local positions = {} local rulenumber = 1; -- tree.p[rule].tag local rule = index + 1 assert(tree.p[rule].tag == TRule) local LR = 0 if band(RuleLR, tree.p[rule].cap) ~= 0 then LR = 1 end local firstcall = addinstruction(code, ICall, LR) -- call initial rule code.p[firstcall].aux = tree.p[rule].val local jumptoend = addinstruction(code, IJmp, 0) -- jump to the end jumptohere(code, firstcall) -- here starts the initial rule while tree.p[rule].tag == TRule do positions[rulenumber] = code.size -- save rule position rulenumber = rulenumber + 1 codegen(code, tree, fullset, false, NOINST, rule + 1, valuetable) -- code rule addinstruction(code, IRet, 0) rule = rule + tree.p[rule].ps end assert(tree.p[rule].tag == TTrue) jumptohere(code, jumptoend) correctcalls(code, positions, firstcall + 2, code.size) end local function codecall(code, tree, index, val) local c = addinstruction(code, IOpenCall, tree.p[index].cap) -- to be corrected later code.p[c].aux = val assert(tree.p[index + tree.p[index].ps].tag == TRule) setoffset(code, c, band(tree.p[index + tree.p[index].ps].cap, 0x7fff)) -- offset = rule number end local function codeseq(code, tree, fl, opt, tt, p1, p2, valuetable) if needfollow(tree, p1) then local _, fll = getfirst(tree, fl, p2, valuetable) -- p1 follow is p2 first codegen(code, tree, fll, false, tt, p1, valuetable) else -- use 'fullset' as follow codegen(code, tree, fullset, false, tt, p1, valuetable) end -- can p1 consume anything? if (fixedlenx(tree, 0, 0, p1) ~= 0) then tt = NOINST; -- invalidate test end return codegen(code, tree, fl, opt, tt, p2, valuetable) end -- Main code-generation function: dispatch to auxiliar functions -- according to kind of tree -- code generation is recursive; 'opt' indicates that the code is being -- generated as the last thing inside an optional pattern (so, if that -- code is optional too, it can reuse the 'IChoice' already in place for -- the outer pattern). 'tt' points to a previous test protecting this -- code (or NOINST). 'fl' is the follow set of the pattern. function codegen(code, tree, fl, opt, tt, index, valuetable) local tag = tree.p[index].tag if tag == TChar then return codechar(code, tree.p[index].val, tt) elseif tag == TAny then return addinstruction(code, IAny, 0) elseif tag == TSet then return codecharset(code, valuetable[tree.p[index].val], tt, valuetable) elseif tag == TTrue then elseif tag == TFalse then return addinstruction(code, IFail, 0) elseif tag == TSeq then return codeseq(code, tree, fl, opt, tt, index + 1, index + tree.p[index].ps, valuetable) elseif tag == TChoice then return codechoice(code, tree, fl, opt, index + 1, index + tree.p[index].ps, valuetable) elseif tag == TRep then return coderep(code, tree, opt, fl, index + 1, valuetable) elseif tag == TBehind then return codebehind(code, tree, index, valuetable) elseif tag == TNot then return codenot(code, tree, index + 1, valuetable) elseif tag == TAnd then return codeand(code, tree, tt, index + 1, valuetable) elseif tag == TCapture then return codecapture(code, tree, fl, tt, index, valuetable) elseif tag == TRunTime then return coderuntime(code, tree, tt, index, valuetable) elseif tag == TGrammar then return codegrammar(code, tree, index, valuetable) elseif tag == TCall then return codecall(code, tree, index, tree.p[index].val) else assert(false) end end -- Optimize jumps and other jump-like instructions. -- * Update labels of instructions with labels to their final -- destinations (e.g., choice L1; ... L1: jmp L2: becomes -- choice L2) -- * Jumps to other instructions that do jumps become those -- instructions (e.g., jump to return becomes a return; jump -- to commit becomes a commit) local function peephole(code) local i = 0 while i < code.size do local tag = code.p[i].code if tag == IChoice or tag == ICall or tag == ICommit or tag == IPartialCommit or tag == IBackCommit or tag == ITestChar or tag == ITestSet or tag == ITestAny then -- instructions with labels jumptothere(code, i, finallabel(code, i)) -- optimize label elseif tag == IJmp then local ft = finaltarget(code, i) local tag = code.p[ft].code -- jumping to what? -- instructions with unconditional implicit jumps if tag == IRet or tag == IFail or tag == IFailTwice or tag == IEnd then ffi.copy(code.p + i, code.p + ft, ffi.sizeof(patternelement)) -- jump becomes that instruction elseif tag == ICommit or tag == IPartialCommit or tag == IBackCommit then -- inst. with unconditional explicit jumps local fft = finallabel(code, ft) ffi.copy(code.p + i, code.p + ft, ffi.sizeof(patternelement)) -- jump becomes that instruction... jumptothere(code, i, fft) -- but must correct its offset i = i - 1 -- reoptimize its label else jumptothere(code, i, ft) -- optimize label end end i = i + 1 end end -- Compile a pattern local function compile(tree, index, valuetable) local code = pattern() codegen(code, tree, fullset, false, NOINST, index, valuetable) addinstruction(code, IEnd, 0) peephole(code) ffi.C.free(tree.code) tree.code = code end local function pat_new(ct, size) size = size or 0 local allocsize = size if allocsize < 10 then allocsize = 10 end local pat = ffi.cast('PATTERN*', ffi.C.malloc(ffi.sizeof(pattern))) assert(pat ~= nil) pat.allocsize = allocsize pat.size = size pat.p = ffi.C.malloc(ffi.sizeof(patternelement) * allocsize) assert(pat.p ~= nil) ffi.fill(pat.p, ffi.sizeof(patternelement) * allocsize) return pat end local function doublesize(ct) ct.p = ffi.C.realloc(ct.p, ffi.sizeof(patternelement) * ct.allocsize * 2) assert(ct.p ~= nil) ffi.fill(ct.p + ct.allocsize, ffi.sizeof(patternelement) * ct.allocsize) ct.allocsize = ct.allocsize * 2 end local pattreg = { doublesize = doublesize, } local metareg = { ["__new"] = pat_new, ["__index"] = pattreg } ffi.metatype(pattern, metareg) return { checkaux = checkaux, tocharset = tocharset, fixedlenx = fixedlenx, hascaptures = hascaptures, compile = compile, }