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2020-03-25 09:00:30 +01:00
{"_id":"04OvfETcxQK8UMcR","name":"Amputated Part","permission":{"default":0},"data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"<p>Whenever you suffer a Critical Wound marked Amputation (Difficulty) you must pass an Endurance test of the corresponding difficulty or gain a Prone Condition. On a Failure (-2) or worse, you gain a Stunned Condition; on an impressive Failure (-4 or worse), gain an Unconscious&nbsp;condition</p>\n<p>All amputations require Surgery to heal properly, meaning 1 Wound cannot be healed until you visit a surgeon. See Surgey</p>\n<p><strong>Ear</strong>: Losing an ear is painful, but you will soon learn to live without it. Should you have the bad luck to lose both your ears, permanently suffer a penalty of 20 to all hearing-based Perception Tests. Further, you suffer a penalty of 5 to all Fellowship Tests per ear lost when others can see your earless state</p>"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"},"location":{"value":"Ear","type":"String","label":"Location"},"penalty":{"value":"-5 Fellowship","type":"String","label":"Penalty"}},"flags":{},"type":"injury","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/injuries/amputatedear.png"}
{"_id":"2A7SW9eXsm7MvLsk","name":"Broken Bone (Major)","permission":{"default":0},"data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"<p>A bone has been fractured, but still aligned.&nbsp;</p>\n <p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Arm: </span>You are down to one limb as the other is too painful to use, and may require binding. You take a 20 penalty on all Tests that rely on the use of two hands and you cannot wield two-handed weapons; Should the lost hand be your primary hand, you take the customary 20 penalty to Melee Tests made with weapons using your secondary hand.</p>\n <h3>Healing</h3>\n <p>A fracture takes 30+1d10 days to heal. At the end, a successful Average (+20) Endurance test means the bone healed well. Otherwise:&nbsp;-5 Agility when using that arm.</p>\n <p>A successful <strong>Average (+20)</strong> Heal Test within a week of receiving the fracture will negate the need for Endurance Test. But the area must remain bound and held in place for the duration of healing. If binding is undone, another Average (+20) Heal Test enacted within a day will need to be passed to avoid the Endurance Test.</p>"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"},"location":{"value":"Arm","type":"String","label":"Location"},"penalty":{"value":"-20 when relying on two hands","type":"String","label":"Penalty"}},"flags":{},"type":"injury","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/injuries/broken%20arm.png"}
{"_id":"6M98mPfnL3hmXW3g","name":"Broken Bone (Minor)","permission":{"default":0},"data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"<p>A bone has been fractured, but still aligned.&nbsp;</p>\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Leg: </span>Reduce your Move by half permanently and suffer a 20 penalty to all Tests that rely on mobility, and you cannot use the Dodge skill at all.</p>\n<h3>Healing</h3>\n<p>A fracture takes 30+1d10 days to heal. At the end, a successful Average (+20) Endurance test means the bone healed well. Otherwise: Permanent loss of -5 to Agility</p>\n<p>A successful <strong>Average (+20)</strong> Heal Test within a week of receiving the fracture will negate the need for Endurance Test. But the area must remain bound and held in place for the duration of healing. If binding is undone, another Average (+20) Heal Test enacted within a day will need to be passed to avoid the Endurance Test.</p>"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"},"location":{"value":"Leg","type":"String","label":"Location"},"penalty":{"value":"-20 to mobility Tests, cannot use Dodge, half Move","type":"String","label":"Penalty"}},"flags":{},"type":"injury","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/injuries/broken%20leg.png"}
{"_id":"8INWQxvtMaK9oeV4","name":"Amputated Part","permission":{"default":0},"data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"<p>Whenever you suffer a Critical Wound marked Amputation (Difficulty) you must pass an Endurance test of the corresponding difficulty or gain a Prone Condition. On a Failure (-2) or worse, you gain a Stunned Condition; on an impressive Failure (-4 or worse), gain an Unconscious&nbsp;condition</p>\n<p>All amputations require Surgery to heal properly, meaning 1 Wound cannot be healed until you visit a surgeon. See Surgey</p>\n<p><strong>Teeth:&nbsp;</strong> Loss of teeth may be unsightly and can make eating difficult. For every two teeth you lose you also suffer a permanent loss of 1 from your Fellowship characteristic. Further, once more than half your teeth (Humans: 16; Elves: 18; Halflings and Dwarfs: 20) are lost, you find consuming solids significantly more difficult than your peers, doubling eating times, and making some foodstuffs nigh-on impossible to eat, which is largely a matter of roleplaying and narrative description of your actions.</p>"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"},"location":{"value":"Teeth","type":"String","label":"Location"},"penalty":{"value":"","type":"String","label":"Penalty"}},"flags":{},"type":"injury","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/blank.png"}
{"_id":"8sM5Mdk6gP6mdjoM","name":"Amputated Part","permission":{"default":0},"data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"<p>Whenever you suffer a Critical Wound marked Amputation (Difficulty) you must pass an Endurance test of the corresponding difficulty or gain a Prone Condition. On a Failure (-2) or worse, you gain a Stunned Condition; on an impressive Failure (-4 or worse), gain an Unconscious&nbsp;condition</p>\n<p>All amputations require Surgery to heal properly, meaning 1 Wound cannot be healed until you visit a surgeon. See Surgey</p>\n<p><strong>Hand:&nbsp;</strong>&nbsp;You take a 20 penalty on all Tests that rely on the use of two hands and you cannot wield two-handed weapons; however, a shield can be strapped to the injured arm. Should the lost hand be your primary hand, you take the customary 20 penalty to Melee Tests made with weapons using your secondary hand. For every 100 XP you spend, you can reduce this penalty by 5 as you relearn how to do everything with the other hand. If you lose both hands, it is probably time to master hook fighting</p>"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"},"location":{"value":"Hand","type":"String","label":"Location"},"penalty":{"value":"-20 when relying on two hands","type":"String","label":"Penalty"}},"flags":{},"type":"injury","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/injuries/amputatedhand.png"}
{"_id":"AoJLxDfZtmWXCiDi","name":"Broken Bone (Major)","permission":{"default":0},"data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"<p>A bone is badly broken, either resting at an odd angle or has splintered at the point of breakage. The Hit Location is effectively unusable until healing.</p>\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Leg: </span>Reduce your Move by half permanently and suffer a 20 penalty to all Tests that rely on mobility, and you cannot use the Dodge skill at all.</p>\n<h3>Healing</h3>\n<p>A fracture takes 30+1d10 days to heal. At the end, a successful Average (+20) Endurance test means the bone healed well. Otherwise: Permanent loss of -10 to Agility</p>\n<p>A successful <strong>Average (+20)</strong> Heal Test within a week of receiving the fracture will negate the need for Endurance Test. But the area must remain bound and held in place for the duration of healing. If binding is undone, another Average (+20) Heal Test enacted within a day will need to be passed to avoid the Endurance Test.</p>"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"},"location":{"value":"Leg","type":"String","label":"Location"},"penalty":{"value":"-20 to mobility Tests, cannot use Dodge, half Move","type":"String","label":"Penalty"}},"flags":{},"type":"injury","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/injuries/broken%20leg.png"}
{"_id":"B4EzqsaO3Q0okZ9d","name":"Broken Bone (Major)","permission":{"default":0},"data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"<p>A bone is badly broken, either resting at an odd angle or has splintered at the point of breakage. The Hit Location is effectively unusable until healing.</p>\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Leg:</span><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">&nbsp;</span>Down to a liquid diet and will suffer a penalty of -30 to all Language Tests.&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Healing</h3>\n<p>A broken bone takes 40+1d10 days to heal. At the end, a successful Challenging (+0) Endurance test means the bone healed well. Otherwise: Penalty of -10 to spoken Language Tests.</p>\n<p>A successful <strong>Average (+20)</strong> Heal Test within a week of receiving the fracture will negate the need for Endurance Test. But the area must remain bound and held in place for the duration of healing. If binding is undone, another Average (+20) Heal Test enacted within a day will need to be passed to avoid the Endurance Test.</p>"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"},"location":{"value":"Head","type":"String","label":"Location"},"penalty":{"value":"-30 to all Language Tests. ","type":"String","label":"Penalty"}},"flags":{},"type":"injury","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/injuries/Head.png"}
{"_id":"C0BX3ywcMgTUWKXJ","name":"Amputated Part","permission":{"default":0},"data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"<p>Whenever you suffer a Critical Wound marked Amputation (Difficulty) you must pass an Endurance test of the corresponding difficulty or gain a Prone Condition. On a Failure (-2) or worse, you gain a Stunned Condition; on an impressive Failure (-4 or worse), gain an Unconscious&nbsp;condition</p>\n <p>All amputations require Surgery to heal properly, meaning 1 Wound cannot be healed until you visit a surgeon. See Surgey</p>\n <p><strong>Foot</strong>: Reduce your Move by half permanently and suffer a 20 penalty to all Tests that rely on mobility, such as Dodge. Losing both feet makes it hard to walk. Perhaps you could hire a henchman to carry you?</p>"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"},"location":{"value":"Foot","type":"String","label":"Location"},"penalty":{"value":"-20 to mobility Tests, half Move","type":"String","label":"Penalty"}},"flags":{},"type":"injury","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/injuries/amputatedfoot.png"}
{"_id":"EnqT2PdAvzbd7Rok","name":"Amputated Part","permission":{"default":0},"data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"<p>Whenever you suffer a Critical Wound marked Amputation (Difficulty) you must pass an Endurance test of the corresponding difficulty or gain a Prone Condition. On a Failure (-2) or worse, you gain a Stunned Condition; on an impressive Failure (-4 or worse), gain an Unconscious&nbsp;condition</p>\n<p>All amputations require Surgery to heal properly, meaning 1 Wound cannot be healed until you visit a surgeon. See Surgey</p>\n<p><strong>Toes: </strong>Loss of toes has an adverse effect on your balance. For each toe lost, suffer a permanent loss of 1 to your Agility and Weapon Skill Characteristics.</p>"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"},"location":{"value":"Toes","type":"String","label":"Location"},"penalty":{"value":"","type":"String","label":"Penalty"}},"flags":{},"type":"injury","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/blank.png"}
{"_id":"FmmVJn6T63vOD2Q6","name":"Broken Bone (Minor)","permission":{"default":0},"data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"<p>A bone has been fractured, but still aligned.&nbsp;</p>\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Arm: </span>You are down to one limb as the other is too painful to use, and may require binding. You take a 20 penalty on all Tests that rely on the use of two hands and you cannot wield two-handed weapons; Should the lost hand be your primary hand, you take the customary 20 penalty to Melee Tests made with weapons using your secondary hand.</p>\n<h3>Healing</h3>\n<p>A fracture takes 30+1d10 days to heal. At the end, a successful Average (+20) Endurance test means the bone healed well. Otherwise:&nbsp;-5 Agility when using that arm.</p>\n<p>A successful <strong>Average (+20)</strong> Heal Test within a week of receiving the fracture will negate the need for Endurance Test. But the area must remain bound and held in place for the duration of healing. If binding is undone, another Average (+20) Heal Test enacted within a day will need to be passed to avoid the Endurance Test.</p>"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"},"location":{"value":"Arm","type":"String","label":"Location"},"penalty":{"value":"-20 when relying on two hands","type":"String","label":"Penalty"}},"flags":{},"type":"injury","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/injuries/broken%20arm.png"}
{"_id":"HjBumJm1eqc8qbzJ","name":"Torn Muscle (Minor)","permission":{"default":0},"data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"<p>A muscle has been sprained or torn, impairing your capabilities. &nbsp;</p>\n <p><strong>Leg:</strong> Suffer a penalty of -10 to all Tests involving the body</p>\n <p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Healing: </span>The muscle will partially heal in 30 - Toughness Bonus days. Use of the Healing Skill will reduce the time by 1 day, plus a further day per SL (can only gain this once)&nbsp;</p>"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"},"location":{"value":"Body","type":"String","label":"Location"},"penalty":{"value":"-10 to Tests involving the Body","type":"String","label":"Penalty"}},"flags":{},"type":"injury","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/injuries/tornbody.png"}
{"_id":"IEK2WP1ysSIX1gie","name":"Broken Bone (Minor)","permission":{"default":0},"data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"<p>A bone has been fractured, but still aligned.&nbsp;</p>\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Body: </span>Strength and mobility is severely limited: -30 to Strength and Agility Characteristic, half your Move.&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Healing</h3>\n<p>A fracture takes 30+1d10 days to heal. At the end, a successful Average (+20) Endurance test means the bone healed well. Otherwise: Permanent loss of -5 to Agility</p>\n<p>A successful <strong>Average (+20)</strong> Heal Test within a week of receiving the fracture will negate the need for Endurance Test. But the area must remain bound and held in place for the duration of healing. If binding is undone, another Average (+20) Heal Test enacted within a day will need to be passed to avoid the Endurance Test.</p>"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"},"location":{"value":"Body","type":"String","label":"Location"},"penalty":{"value":"-30 to S and Ag, half your Move. ","type":"String","label":"Penalty"}},"flags":{},"type":"injury","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/injuries/Broken%20Body.png"}
{"_id":"ISdiZbcuTA16EyDS","name":"Amputated Part","permission":{"default":0},"data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"<p>Whenever you suffer a Critical Wound marked Amputation (Difficulty) you must pass an Endurance test of the corresponding difficulty or gain a Prone Condition. On a Failure (-2) or worse, you gain a Stunned Condition; on an impressive Failure (-4 or worse), gain an Unconscious&nbsp;condition</p>\n<p>All amputations require Surgery to heal properly, meaning 1 Wound cannot be healed until you visit a surgeon. See Surgey</p>\n<p><strong>Tongue: </strong>A loss of a tongue leaves you grunting and humming, or relying on make-shift sign language, for communication. You automatically fail all Language Tests involving speaking.</p>"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"},"location":{"value":"Tongue","type":"String","label":"Location"},"penalty":{"value":"Fail all Language Tests","type":"String","label":"Penalty"}},"flags":{},"type":"injury","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/blank.png"}
{"_id":"JMm9hqyAX6HBTqZO","name":"Torn Muscle (Minor)","permission":{"default":0},"data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"<p>A muscle has been sprained or torn, impairing your capabilities. &nbsp;</p>\n<p><strong>Arm:&nbsp;</strong>Suffer a penalty of -10 to all Tests involving the arm</p>\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Healing: </span>The muscle will partially heal in 30 - Toughness Bonus days. Use of the Healing Skill will reduce the time by 1 day, plus a further day per SL (can only gain this once)&nbsp;</p>"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"},"location":{"value":"Arm","type":"String","label":"Location"},"penalty":{"value":"-10 to Tests involving (specific) Arm","type":"String","label":"Penalty"}},"flags":{},"type":"injury","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/injuries/tornarm.png"}
{"_id":"JaadlZPkwb5ozp4f","name":"Amputated Part","permission":{"default":0},"data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"<p>Whenever you suffer a Critical Wound marked Amputation (Difficulty) you must pass an Endurance test of the corresponding difficulty or gain a Prone Condition. On a Failure (-2) or worse, you gain a Stunned Condition; on an impressive Failure (-4 or worse), gain an Unconscious&nbsp;condition</p>\n <p>All amputations require Surgery to heal properly, meaning 1 Wound cannot be healed until you visit a surgeon. See Surgey</p>\n <p><strong>Nose:&nbsp;</strong> A loss of a nose leaves one looking freakish in the extreme. Suffer a permanent loss of 20 to your Fellowship and suffer a penalty of 30 to all Tests involving the sense of smell.</p>"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"},"location":{"value":"Nose","type":"String","label":"Location"},"penalty":{"value":"-20 Fellowship, -30 to smell Tests","type":"String","label":"Penalty"}},"flags":{},"type":"injury","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/injuries/amputatednose.png"}
{"_id":"KauMO1CodRLWmhv4","name":"Amputated Part","permission":{"default":0},"data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"<p>Whenever you suffer a Critical Wound marked Amputation (Difficulty) you must pass an Endurance test of the corresponding difficulty or gain a Prone Condition. On a Failure (-2) or worse, you gain a Stunned Condition; on an impressive Failure (-4 or worse), gain an Unconscious&nbsp;condition</p>\n<p>All amputations require Surgery to heal properly, meaning 1 Wound cannot be healed until you visit a surgeon. See Surgey</p>\n<p><strong>Arm</strong>: You take a 20 penalty on all Tests that rely on the use of two hands and you cannot wield two-handed weapons. Should the lost hand be your primary hand, you take the customary 20 penalty to Melee Tests made with weapons using your secondary hand. For every 100 XP you spend, you can reduce this penalty by 5 as you relearn how to do everything with the other hand. If you lose both hands, it is probably time to master hook fighting</p>"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"},"location":{"value":"Arm","type":"String","label":"Location"},"penalty":{"value":"-20 when relying on two hands","type":"String","label":"Penalty"}},"flags":{},"type":"injury","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/injuries/amputatedarm.png"}
{"_id":"XSlFkJD3Ef842LZo","name":"Torn Muscle (Major)","permission":{"default":0},"data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"<p>A muscle has been sprained or torn, impairing your capabilities. &nbsp;</p>\n<p><strong>Leg:</strong> Half movement, Suffer a penalty of -10 to all Tests involving the leg</p>\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Healing: </span>The muscle will partially heal in 30 - Toughness Bonus days. Use of the Healing Skill will reduce the time by 1 day, plus a further day per SL (can only gain this once)&nbsp;</p>"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"},"location":{"value":"Leg","type":"String","label":"Location"},"penalty":{"value":"-20 to Tests involving (specific) Leg, Half movement","type":"String","label":"Penalty"}},"flags":{},"type":"injury","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/injuries/tornleg.png"}
{"_id":"fTLRTydQWwFSrMjV","name":"Torn Muscle (Major)","permission":{"default":0},"data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"<p>A muscle has been sprained or torn, impairing your capabilities. &nbsp;</p>\n<p><strong>Arm:&nbsp;</strong>Suffer a penalty of -20 to all Tests involving the arm</p>\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Healing: </span>The muscle will partially heal in 30 - Toughness Bonus days. Use of the Healing Skill will reduce the time by 1 day, plus a further day per SL (can only gain this once)&nbsp;</p>"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"},"location":{"value":"Arm","type":"String","label":"Location"},"penalty":{"value":"-20 to Tests involving (specific) Arm","type":"String","label":"Penalty"}},"flags":{},"type":"injury","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/injuries/tornarm.png"}
{"_id":"hPEpGFB9GuYI3kOC","name":"Torn Muscle (Minor)","permission":{"default":0},"data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"<p>A muscle has been sprained or torn, impairing your capabilities. &nbsp;</p>\n <p><strong>Head:</strong> Suffer a penalty of -10 to all Tests involving the head</p>\n <p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Healing: </span>The muscle will partially heal in 30 - Toughness Bonus days. Use of the Healing Skill will reduce the time by 1 day, plus a further day per SL (can only gain this once)&nbsp;</p>"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"},"location":{"value":"Head","type":"String","label":"Location"},"penalty":{"value":"-10 to Tests involving the head","type":"String","label":"Penalty"}},"flags":{},"type":"injury","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/injuries/tornhead.png"}
{"_id":"kCmBuxQqSXPqfgJ4","name":"Torn Muscle (Major)","permission":{"default":0},"data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"<p>A muscle has been sprained or torn, impairing your capabilities. &nbsp;</p>\n<p><strong>Leg:</strong> Suffer a penalty of -20 to all Tests involving the body</p>\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Healing: </span>The muscle will partially heal in 30 - Toughness Bonus days. Use of the Healing Skill will reduce the time by 1 day, plus a further day per SL (can only gain this once)&nbsp;</p>"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"},"location":{"value":"Body","type":"String","label":"Location"},"penalty":{"value":"-20 to Tests involving the Body","type":"String","label":"Penalty"}},"flags":{},"type":"injury","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/injuries/tornbody.png"}
{"_id":"mS1aAjNcH9zZK3Hq","name":"Broken Bone (Minor)","permission":{"default":0},"data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"<p>A bone has been fractured, but still aligned.&nbsp;</p>\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Head:</span><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">&nbsp;</span>Down to a liquid diet and will suffer a penalty of -30 to all Language Tests.&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Healing</h3>\n<p>A fracture takes 30+1d10 days to heal. At the end, a successful Average (+20) Endurance test means the bone healed well. Otherwise: Penalty of -5 to spoken Language Tests</p>\n<p>A successful <strong>Average (+20)</strong> Heal Test within a week of receiving the fracture will negate the need for Endurance Test. But the area must remain bound and held in place for the duration of healing. If binding is undone, another Average (+20) Heal Test enacted within a day will need to be passed to avoid the Endurance Test.</p>"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"},"location":{"value":"Head","type":"String","label":"Location"},"penalty":{"value":"-30 to all Language Tests. ","type":"String","label":"Penalty"}},"flags":{},"type":"injury","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/injuries/Head.png"}
{"_id":"rIJz5nxmvxZTozmB","name":"Broken Bone (Major)","permission":{"default":0},"data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"<p>A bone is badly broken, either resting at an odd angle or has splintered at the point of breakage. The Hit Location is effectively unusable until healing.</p>\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Body: </span>Strength and mobility is severely limited: -30 to Strength and Agility Characteristic, half your Move.&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Healing</h3>\n<p>A fracture takes 30+1d10 days to heal. At the end, a successful Average (+20) Endurance test means the bone healed well. Otherwise: Permanent loss of -10 to Agility</p>\n<p>A successful <strong>Average (+20)</strong> Heal Test within a week of receiving the fracture will negate the need for Endurance Test. But the area must remain bound and held in place for the duration of healing. If binding is undone, another Average (+20) Heal Test enacted within a day will need to be passed to avoid the Endurance Test.</p>"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"},"location":{"value":"Body","type":"String","label":"Location"},"penalty":{"value":"-30 to S and Ag, half your Move. ","type":"String","label":"Penalty"}},"flags":{},"type":"injury","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/injuries/Broken%20Body.png"}
{"_id":"rlXUw5Bgz2xUjVbU","name":"Torn Muscle (Minor)","permission":{"default":0},"data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"<p>A muscle has been sprained or torn, impairing your capabilities. &nbsp;</p>\n<p><strong>Leg:</strong> Half movement, Suffer a penalty of -10 to all Tests involving the leg</p>\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Healing: </span>The muscle will partially heal in 30 - Toughness Bonus days. Use of the Healing Skill will reduce the time by 1 day, plus a further day per SL (can only gain this once)&nbsp;</p>"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"},"location":{"value":"Leg","type":"String","label":"Location"},"penalty":{"value":"-10 to Tests involving (specific) Leg","type":"String","label":"Penalty"}},"flags":{},"type":"injury","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/injuries/tornleg.png"}
{"_id":"ryG4x0tj6psMSXI2","name":"Amputated Part","permission":{"default":0},"data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"<p>Whenever you suffer a Critical Wound marked Amputation (Difficulty) you must pass an Endurance test of the corresponding difficulty or gain a Prone Condition. On a Failure (-2) or worse, you gain a Stunned Condition; on an impressive Failure (-4 or worse), gain an Unconscious&nbsp;condition</p>\n<p>All amputations require Surgery to heal properly, meaning 1 Wound cannot be healed until you visit a surgeon. See Surgey</p>\n<p><strong>Finger</strong>: Further, you suffer a penalty of 5 to all Tests using the hand in question per finger lost. Once 4 or more fingers are lost on a hand, use the rules for a severed hand.</p>"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"},"location":{"value":"Finger","type":"String","label":"Location"},"penalty":{"value":"-5 using <specific hand>","type":"String","label":"Penalty"}},"flags":{},"type":"injury","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/injuries/amputatedfinger.png"}
{"_id":"uTJccLaYFfaJReIg","name":"Amputated Part","permission":{"default":0},"data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"<p>Whenever you suffer a Critical Wound marked Amputation (Difficulty) you must pass an Endurance test of the corresponding difficulty or gain a Prone Condition. On a Failure (-2) or worse, you gain a Stunned Condition; on an impressive Failure (-4 or worse), gain an Unconscious&nbsp;condition</p>\n <p>All amputations require Surgery to heal properly, meaning 1 Wound cannot be healed until you visit a surgeon. See Surgey</p>\n <p><strong>Eye</strong>: For all losing an eye is horrendous, but you soon learn to compensate. Should you have the misfortune to lose both eyes, suffer a penalty of 30 to all Tests influenced by sight, such as Weapon Tests, Dodge Tests, Ride Tests, and similar. Further, you suffer a penalty of 5 to all Fellowship Tests per scarred socket others can see</p>"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"},"location":{"value":"Eye","type":"String","label":"Location"},"penalty":{"value":"-5 Fellowship","type":"String","label":"Penalty"}},"flags":{},"type":"injury","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/injuries/amputatedeye.png"}
{"_id":"uijeixndSjrnRAK2","name":"Torn Muscle (Major)","permission":{"default":0},"data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"<p>A muscle has been sprained or torn, impairing your capabilities. &nbsp;</p>\n<p><strong>Head:</strong> Suffer a penalty of -20 to all Tests involving the head</p>\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Healing: </span>The muscle will partially heal in 30 - Toughness Bonus days. Use of the Healing Skill will reduce the time by 1 day, plus a further day per SL (can only gain this once)&nbsp;</p>"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"},"location":{"value":"Head","type":"String","label":"Location"},"penalty":{"value":"-20 to Tests involving the head","type":"String","label":"Penalty"}},"flags":{},"type":"injury","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/injuries/tornhead.png"}
{"_id":"xTtDVDXCClQieIW5","name":"Amputated Part","permission":{"default":0},"data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"<p>Whenever you suffer a Critical Wound marked Amputation (Difficulty) you must pass an Endurance test of the corresponding difficulty or gain a Prone Condition. On a Failure (-2) or worse, you gain a Stunned Condition; on an impressive Failure (-4 or worse), gain an Unconscious&nbsp;condition</p>\n <p>All amputations require Surgery to heal properly, meaning 1 Wound cannot be healed until you visit a surgeon. See Surgey</p>\n <p><strong>Leg:&nbsp;</strong> Reduce your Move by half permanently and suffer a 20 penalty to all Tests that rely on mobility, but cannot use the Dodge Skill. Losing both feet makes it hard to walk. Perhaps you could hire a henchman to carry you?</p>"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"},"location":{"value":"Leg","type":"String","label":"Location"},"penalty":{"value":"-20 to mobility Tests, cannot use Dodge, half Move","type":"String","label":"Penalty"}},"flags":{},"type":"injury","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/injuries/amputatedleg.png"}