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2020-11-05 08:42:34 +01:00
[{"name":"Absorber la Corruption","description":"<p>Vous posez vos mains sur un personnage ou un animal commun de votre taille ou plus petit et vous lui retirez 1 Point de Corruption, en labsorbant dans votre âme. En réalisant ceci, vous devez réussir un Test de Résistance à la Corruption (Mineure). Lancez ce sort sur une créature avec le Trait Corruption na aucun effet, à moins que le MJ en décide autrement. Surincantation: Pour chaque +3 DR, vous pouvez absorber 1 autre Point de Corruption, assorti dun nouveau Test de Résistance à la Corruption (Mineure).<\/p>","id":"Absorb Corruption"},{"name":"Accelerate","description":"<p style=\"text-align: justify;\">You speed up your target&rsquo;s senses, granting them +1 Movement, +10 Agility and +10 Combat Initiative. A target affected by this spell may not make Channelling, Language (Magick), or Pray Tests. When the spell ends, the target takes a Fatigued Condition for 1d10 minutes.<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: justify;\"><strong>Overcast:<\/strong> For every +2 SL, you may increase the attribute benefits by +1\/+10. If you overcast by +6 SL, your target also gains an extra Action during their Turn.&nbsp;<\/p>","id":"Accelerate"},{"name":"Odorat Aiguisé","description":"<p>Vous améliorez votre sens de l'odorat, en acquérant le Talent Sens Aiguisé (Odorat). Chaque +1 DR vous fait gagner un niveau supplémentaire dans le Talent, jusqu'à son maximum.<\/p>","id":"Acute Smell"},{"name":"Ajuster la Température ","description":"<p>Vous visez un petit objet inanimé tel qu'une fiole, un pot, une boîte, un bocal ou un gobelet et vous pouvez le chauffer ou le refroidir à la température souhaitée en @Roll[1d10]&nbsp;minutes. Ce sort est souvent utilisé dans la fabrication de potions ou pour garder le contenu d'un récipient soit chaud soit congelé. <\/p>","id":"Adjust Temperature"},{"name":"Aethyric Arrow","description":"<p style=\"text-align: justify;\">You conjure a floating Magical arrow and use your hands to &lsquo;throw&rsquo; it at the target. To do this, both your hands must be empty and free. Make a normal Ranged (Throwing) attack using your Willpower score in place of the weapon&rsquo;s Range. Damage is calculated for a Bow and Arrow but with your Willpower Bonus in place of Strength Bonus. If any arrow wounds a target, you gain a maximum of 1 Advantage for these attacks.&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: justify;\">Overcast: For every +2 SL, you may conjure an additional arrow, using a Free Attack to target any creature in range and roll another Ranged Test.<\/p>","id":"Aethyric Arrow"},{"name":"Alarm","description":"<p style=\"text-align: justify;\">You may cast this spell on any spot or object. When a creature passes within your Willpower Bonus yards of the target, you are jolted with an instant awareness of the disturbance, no matter where you are.&nbsp;<\/p>","id":"Alarm"},{"name":"Allegiance","description":"<p style=\"text-align: justify;\">Your gentle touch momentarily calms a target of your size or smaller, even if they were your mortal foe. For any further effect, the target must be able to understand your language, cannot be Immune to Psychology nor have the Bestial, Daemonic, Frenzy, Mindless, or Undead Creature Traits. If you win an Opposed Willpower Test, the creature immediately thinks of you as an ally and can be asked to help out in a fight or perform tasks according to the creature&rsquo;s abilities and personality. For instance, a noble will not perform the tasks of a servant and a dutiful soldier will not take the life of their commander. Nor can a creature be commanded to do something overly detrimental to their well-being, such as jumping off a bridge or challenging a dragon. Asking such a thing immediately breaks the enchantment. Once the spell ends, the creature remembers everything that happened.&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: justify;\">Overcast: For every +2 SL, you may increase your Opposed SL by +1 SL. For every +4 SL, you may increase the affected size by one step.&nbsp;<\/p>","id":"Allegiance"},{"name":"Cont