Add doom
This commit is contained in:
@ -72,10 +72,10 @@ Pour le compendium :
* compendium/injuries -> Baptiste Delanoue (FB)
* compendium/trappings -> LeRatierBretonnien
* tables/minormis -> Baptiste Delanoue (FB)
* tables/doom -> LeRatierBretonnien
* tables/doom
* compendium/mutations
@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
"entries": [
"id": "Blood Rot",
"name": "Blood Rot",
"description": "<p>Your very blood is diseased, and your heart now pumps sickness through your body. Leeching the rot is the accepted cure, but some doktors instead cut careful incisions near the neck to free the contaminated blood, demanding the patient ingest of vast quantities of healthy blood to replace what is lost. Whether the patient accepts such remedies or not, without treatment, Blood Rot is deadly, and will likely end in a visit from the Mourners’ Guild and the Cult of Morr.</p>"
"name": "Infection du Sang",
"description": "<p>Votre sang est infecté et votre coeur répand la maladie dans votre corps. Il est possible de vous soigner par l'intermédiaire de saignées, mais certains diktors préfèrent effectuer des incisions à un endroit très précis ayu niveau du cou pour expluser le sang contaminé et demandent au patient d'ingérer d'énormes quantité de sang sain pour remplacer celui qui a été perdu. Que le patient accepte ou np, ce remère, si aucun traitement n'est appliqué l'Infection du sang est mortelle et se concluera par une visite à la Guilde de Thanatopracteurs et du Culte de Morr.</p>"
"id": "Bronze Fever",
@ -13,42 +13,42 @@
"id": "Festering Wound",
"name": "Festering Wound",
"description": "<p>Infected cuts and abrasions are commonplace, meaning many superstitions exist explaining how best to treat them. Poultices fashioned from wrapped leaves and dung, the skin of toads, and dove-feathers are common, as is rubbing the wound in Sigmar’s Good Soil. Most physicians rubbish such talk, and prefer more scientific curatives, such as mixing the gall of a black ox with three spoonfuls of the patient’s urine and half a spoon of sea salt, which is then rubbed into the festering, pus-filled wound. The screams this elicits prove just how effective the remedy is.</p>"
"name": "Blessure Purulente",
"description": "<p>Les coupures infectées et les égratignures sont monnaie courante, ce qui explique qu'il existe de nombreuses superstitions quant à la meilleure façon de les traiter. Les cataplasmes confectionnés à parti du fumier enveloppé dans des feuilles, la peau de crapaud, ou encore les plumes de colombre sont très répandus, tout comme le fait de frotter la blessure avec de la bonne terre de Sigmar. La plupart des médecins considèrent ces pratiques comme de pûres aneries et vont préférer des remèdes plus scientifiques, comme le mélange de la bile d'un boeuf noir avec trois cuillères de l'urine du patient et une demi-cuillère de sel de mer, mixture ensuite appliquée sur la blessure purulente. Les hurlements qui suivent généralement cette application sont bien la preuve de son efficacité.</p>"
"id": "Galloping Trots",
"name": "Galloping Trots",
"description": "<p>It is said Halfling food won’t give you Galloping Trots, a messy affliction all too common in the Empire given just how little care is given to the proper preparation of food, but those suffering ‘Rumster’s Revenge’ from the cheap, Halfling pies on sale across Altdorf, would disagree, assuming they could escape the privy for long enough…</p>"
"name": "Courante Galopante",
"description": "<p>On raconte que la nourriture des Halflings ne peut pas donner de Courante Galopante, une maladie peu râgoutante et malheureusement trop répandue au sein de l'Empire à cause du manque de soins apportés à la préparation de la nourriture. Même si ceux souffrant de Vengeance des Rumsters après avoir ingurgité des Tourtes bon marché des Halflings vendues à Altdorf vous diron le contraire, s'ils peuvent quitter les toilettes assez longtemps...</p>"
"id": "Itching Pox",
"name": "Itching Pox",
"description": "<p>Annual outbreaks of Itching Pox afflict most towns and cities of the Empire. The disease, which causes body-wide itchy blisters, is relatively mild, and very rarely has lasting complications, so it concerns few outside worried parents or vain nobles. So common is it, that most temples of Shallya have vials of white paste on hand to relieve the itching of the afflicted.</p>"
"name": "Vérole Urticante",
"description": "<p>Tous les ans, la plupart des villes et cités de l'Empire subissent une épidémie de Vérole urticante. La maladie, qui fait apparaître des boursuflures qui démangent sur la quasi-totalité du corps, reste relativement bénigne et ne provoque que très rarement des complications, et n'est donc un réel souci que pour les patients inquiets de nature et les nobliaux oisifs. La maladie est tellement répandue qu'on trouve dans la plupart des temples de Shallya des ampoules remplies de pâte blanche qui permettent de soulager les démangeaisons des malades.</p>"
"id": "Minor Infection",
"name": "Minor Infection",
"name": "Infection Mineure",
"description": "<p>Minor infections — slow-healing wounds with a modicum of swelling and heat — are extremely common. Most heal of their own accord in time, so few worry about them until it’s too late, and Morr’s Portal opens.</p>"
"id": "Packer's Pox",
"name": "Packer's Pox",
"name": "Vérole du Tanneur",
"description": "<p>A common infection amongst hunters, furriers, and traders, Packer’s Pox is contracted from infected cattle and sheep, including their hides and wool, and from the bodies of those killed by the disease. It starts as a small itchy rash, but soon pink, depressed blisters spread across the whole body, concentrating on the torso and arms. Not the worst of the various poxes plaguing the Empire, but it does linger for a very long time, and can occasionally turn deadly.</p>"
"id": "Ratte Fever",
"name": "Ratte Fever",
"name": "Fièvre du rongeur",
"description": "<p>Contracted from infected rodents, dreaded Ratte Fever brings inflamed rashes and ulcerations before a fever rises and the body begins to spasm. Tough rarely fatal, it’s a debilitating disease, and it takes a long time to recover, so most are willing to try anything to lessen the symptoms. Common remedies include self-flagellation in Altdorf — which reputedly does bring some relief to the skin infections — and smearing oneself in goatcheese mixed with imported Kislevite ice-peppers in Talabheim. In the bigger towns and cities, Ratte Fever is also known as Pie Fever given just how many savory pasties contain tainted rat in place of more expensive meat.</p>"
"id": "The Black Plague",
"name": "The Black Plague",
"name": "Peste Noire",
"description": "<p>Historians claim that centuries ago rats swarmed the Empire and the Black Plague followed, wiping out nine in every ten souls. Unexplained flare-ups of the horrendous disease still occur today, and when they do, it always brings no-nonsense white nuns. The Cult of Shallya has sworn to do everything in its power to eradicate the foul disease, so, using ancient laws and rights granted to them, white-roped cordon sanitaires are erected wherever they encounter the Plague, ensuring none can leave or enter the quarantined area until the outbreak is contained, and all bodies correctly disposed.</p>"
"id": "The Bloody Flux",
"name": "The Bloody Flux",
"name": "Flux Sanglant",
"description": "<p>The Bloody Flux is a persistent problem in the Empire, and widely viewed to be a curse upon the impious by the Gods. The foul disease causes its unfortunate victim to evacuate the bowels forcibly and frequently. The Bloody Flux is endemic in the State Armies, where it is commonly claimed to kill more soldiers than any enemy. Typical cures include eating blood pudding to replace lost humors, ‘corking’, and rubbing fats into the afflicted area to lessen the sting.</p>"
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
"name": "WH4-fr-translation",
"title": "Traduction du module WH4 en Français.",
"description": "La traduction du module WH4.",
"version": "0.12",
"version": "0.13",
"minimumCoreVersion" : "0.5.1",
"author": "LeRatierBretonnien",
"esmodules": ["babele-register.js"],
@ -2,304 +2,304 @@
"name": "Dooming",
"die": "1d100",
"rows": [{
"description": "Thy end shalt be a sticky one. \r",
"description": "Ta fin sera gluante.\r",
"range": [1, 1]
}, {
"description": "Les eaux saumâtres sont du poison pour ta langue. \r",
"description": "L’eau salée est un poison dans ta gorge.\r",
"range": [2, 2]
}, {
"description": "Lorsque tu seras abandonné et seul, Moor se liera d'amitié avec toi. \r",
"description": "Quand tu seras seul et abandonné, Morr sera ton ami. \r",
"range": [3, 3]
}, {
"description": "Les Bêtes Sauvages s'occuperont de toi. \r",
"description": "Les animaux des champs te guettent.\r",
"range": [4, 4]
}, {
"description": "Workings of the Witchling Star are thy doom. \r",
"description": "Ton destin est lié aux rouages de l’Étoile du Sorcier. \r",
"range": [5, 5]
}, {
"description": "A stalled blade bringeth a sharp end. \r",
"description": "Une lame retenue entraînera une mort brutale. \r",
"range": [6, 6]
}, {
"description": "The written word shall spell thy doom. \r",
"description": "La parole écrite épellera ton destin. \r",
"range": [7, 7]
}, {
"description": "Thy body shalt break after thy spirit is crushed. \r",
"description": "L’esprit broyé, ton corps cédera. \r",
"range": [8, 8]
}, {
"description": "Be not curious, only in ignorance art thou safe. \r",
"description": "La curiosité ne te sied point, seule l’ignorance te protège.\r",
"range": [9, 9]
}, {
"description": "Lack of breath fills thy last moments. \r",
"description": "Le souffle court accompagne tes derniers instants. \r",
"range": [10, 10]
}, {
"description": "Tie not the ribbon, nor the feather wear; yea, the peacock is thine enemy. \r",
"description": "Ne noue pas le ruban, la plume ne porte pas ; oui, le paon est ton ennemi.\r",
"range": [11, 11]
}, {
"description": "Be not like Gnuthus, for thy master counts thy days. \r",
"description": "Ne t’inspire pas de Gnuthus, car ton maître compte tes jours. \r",
"range": [12, 12]
}, {
"description": "Three is thy number! \r",
"description": "Tu es lié au nombre trois ! \r",
"range": [13, 13]
}, {
"description": "A beast of brass bellows for thee! \r",
"description": "Une bête de cuivre rugit pour toi !\r",
"range": [14, 14]
}, {
"description": "Ulric<EFBFBD>s cold hand shall lead thee to Morr. \r",
"description": "La main glacée d’Ulric te guidera vers Morr. \r",
"range": [15, 15]
}, {
"description": "Watch for the cloven hoof, it is thine enemy. \r",
"description": "Gare au sabot fendu, car il est ton bourreau. \r",
"range": [16, 16]
}, {
"description": "Eat neither the chitterlings nor the meat with tubes. \r",
"description": "Ne touche pas aux tripes ni aux boyaux carnés. \r",
"range": [17, 17]
}, {
"description": "As thee began, so shalt thou end. \r",
"description": "Comme tu as commencé, tu finiras. \r",
"range": [18, 18]
}, {
"description": "As the sun doth rise, thou shalt fall. \r",
"description": "Comme le soleil se lève, tu tomberas. \r",
"range": [19, 19]
}, {
"description": "Thy doom already knows thee, though knows it not. \r",
"description": "Ton destin te connaît déjà, mais il ne le sait pas. \r",
"range": [20, 20]
}, {
"description": "A stranger shalt bring thee more than a gift. \r",
"description": "Un étranger t’apportera plus qu’un présent. \r",
"range": [21, 21]
}, {
"description": "Beware the young, the child, yea, even the babe. \r",
"description": "Gare au jeune, à l’enfant, et même au bébé, en vérité. \r",
"range": [22, 22]
}, {
"description": "Take heed of Mammit and Mummit, for both seek to lay thee low. \r",
"description": "Surveille Mammit comme Mummit, car ils veulent tous deux ta perte. \r",
"range": [23, 23]
}, {
"description": "Beware the purse, the sack, the velvet bag. \r",
"description": "Gare à la bourse, à la besace et à la sacoche de velours. \r",
"range": [24, 24]
}, {
"description": "The raven answers to Verena<6E>s call, yea, but Her scales are weighted. \r",
"description": "Le corbeau répond certes à l’appel de Verena, mais Sa balance est lestée.\r",
"range": [25, 25]
}, {
"description": "The tiniest of Taal<61>s children shalt feast upon thy gut. \r",
"description": "Les plus infimes des enfants de Taal se repaîtront de tes entrailles. \r",
"range": [26, 26]
}, {
"description": "The limner<65>s line shalt be false. \r",
"description": "Le trait du dessinateur sera trompeur. \r",
"range": [27, 27]
}, {
"description": "The holy day shalt be thy last day. \r",
"description": "Le jour saint sera ton dernier.\r",
"range": [28, 28]
}, {
"description": "Thou shalt die in bed, but not thine own! \r",
"description": "Tu mourras au lit, mais pas dans le tien ! \r",
"range": [29, 29]
}, {
"description": "Thou shalt feed the barren soil with thy blood. \r",
"description": "Tu nourriras la terre nue de ton sang. \r",
"range": [30, 30]
}, {
"description": "When thy need is greatest, Shallya shalt turn Her back to thee. \r",
"description": "Quand tu seras dans le besoin, Shallya te délaissera. \r",
"range": [31, 31]
}, {
"description": "The scythe shall reap thy flesh. \r",
"description": "La faux moissonnera ta chair. \r",
"range": [32, 32]
}, {
"description": "Thy soul, consumed with anger, shall be blinded to the unseen enemy. Roll The Prophet Speaketh \r",
"description": "Ton âme aveuglée par la colère ne verra pas ton ennemi venir.\r",
"range": [33, 33]
}, {
"description": "A friend in need brings thy death with speed. \r",
"description": "Un ami dans le besoin précipitera ta fin.\r",
"range": [34, 34]
}, {
"description": "Thy last breath is drawn by Morrsleib<69>s light. \r",
"description": "La lueur de Morrslieb puisera ton dernier souffle. \r",
"range": [35, 35]
}, {
"description": "Rats wearing the Horns of Taal shalt bite at thy heels. \r",
"description": "Des rats porteurs des cornes de Taal se hâteront à tes trousses.\r",
"range": [36, 36]
}, {
"description": "The sword shalt bring no justice, only suffering. \r",
"description": "L’épée ne servira point la justice, seule la souffrance viendra de son fil.\r",
"range": [37, 37]
}, {
"description": "The twin-tailed comet doth soar as thou dost fall. \r",
"description": "La comète à deux queues prendra son essor, tu sombreras.\r",
"range": [38, 38]
}, {
"description": "Water of all kinds is thy nemesis. \r",
"description": "L’eau veut ta mort, quel que soit son genre. \r",
"range": [39, 39]
}, {
"description": "Thy end lieth hidden in the gloaming. \r",
"description": "Ta mort se tapit dans le crépuscule. \r",
"range": [40, 40]
}, {
"description": "High places promise a low end. \r",
"description": "La hauteur promet une fin bien basse. \r",
"range": [41, 41]
}, {
"description": "Thy last exclamation is love. \r",
"description": "D’amour sera ta dernière exclamation.\r",
"range": [42, 42]
}, {
"description": "Beware the man that is not a man! \r",
"description": "Gare à l’homme qui n’en est pas un ! \r",
"range": [43, 43]
}, {
"description": "Beware the Blind Maiden, for Her scales shalt weigh thy soul. \r",
"description": "Gare à la Vierge Aveugle, car Sa balance soupèsera ton âme.\r",
"range": [44, 44]
}, {
"description": "Thy broken cart shalt herald thy end. \r",
"description": "Ton chariot brisé annoncera ta fin. \r",
"range": [45, 45]
}, {
"description": "The bun, the pastry, and the pie, yea, they art Morr<72>s dishes! \r",
"description": "La brioche, la pâtisserie et la tourte ; Morr les prépare pour toi !\r",
"range": [46, 46]
}, {
"description": "When the bell doth toll, it doth toll for thee. \r",
"description": "Quand sonne le glas, c’est à toi qu’il s’adresse. \r",
"range": [47, 47]
}, {
"description": "The laurel wreath hides a poisoned thorn. \r",
"description": "La couronne de lauriers cache une épine empoisonnée. \r",
"range": [48, 48]
}, {
"description": "Linger not upon the privvie, nor the long drop neither. \r",
"description": "Ne t’attarde pas à la selle, ni près de la corde. \r",
"range": [49, 49]
}, {
"description": "Cacklefax grips tight to coins of thy doom. \r",
"description": "Cacklefax saisit la monnaie de ton destin. \r",
"range": [50, 50]
}, {
"description": "The hourglass shatters before thy last grain falls. \r",
"description": "Le sablier se brise avant que ton dernier grain ne tombe.\r",
"range": [51, 51]
}, {
"description": "From the darkness cometh the raven. \r",
"description": "Des ténèbres surgit le grand corbeau. \r",
"range": [52, 52]
}, {
"description": "High-born blood shalt spill thine own. \r",
"description": "Le sang bleu éclaboussera le tien. \r",
"range": [53, 53]
}, {
"description": "From above comes thy death. \r",
"description": "D’en haut vient la mort.\r",
"range": [54, 54]
}, {
"description": "Plague and dark disease shalt bring thee to thine knees. \r",
"description": "La peste et le mal noir te mettront à genoux.\r",
"range": [55, 55]
}, {
"description": "Beware skin of green, it shalt afflict thee.\r",
"description": "Gare à la chair verte, elle te fera sombrer.\r",
"range": [56, 56]
}, {
"description": "Beware the verdant depths, within doth lie disaster. \r",
"description": "Méfie-toi de la verdure, le désastre se cache dans ses profondeurs.\r",
"range": [57, 57]
}, {
"description": "Be like the dancer, for rude words bring Morr to thy side. \r",
"description": "Tel le danseur il te faut être, car des paroles déplacées attireront Morr près de toi.\r",
"range": [58, 58]
}, {
"description": "The darkest rot shall eat thee from within. \r",
"description": "La pire des pourritures te dévorera de l’intérieur. \r",
"range": [59, 59]
}, {
"description": "The Gods watch over thy end. \r",
"description": "Les dieux veillent sur ta destination. \r",
"range": [60, 60]
}, {
"description": "Heed not the smith, in his artifice lies thy doom. \r",
"description": "Attention au forgeron ; ton destin repose en son art. \r",
"range": [61, 61]
}, {
"description": "Wear not Grugni<6E>s baldric, for it shall carry thy death. \r",
"description": "Refuse le baudrier de Grugni, car il entraînera ton trépas.\r",
"range": [62, 62]
}, {
"description": "Ready your coins on the thirteenth chime. \r",
"description": "Prépare tes pièces au treizième carillon.\r",
"range": [63, 63]
}, {
"description": "The drummer beats out thy end. \r",
"description": "Le tambour bat ton glas.\r",
"range": [64, 64]
}, {
"description": "Katya<EFBFBD>s eye and vanity shalt speed thee to death. \r",
"description": "L’œil et la vanité de Karya précipiteront ta perte. \r",
"range": [65, 65]
}, {
"description": "Thy end burns with flames unseen. \r",
"description": "Ton trépas brûle de flammes invisibles.\r",
"range": [66, 66]
}, {
"description": "An ill reputation shalt an ill man make. \r",
"description": "De la mauvaise réputation, viendra la mauvaise santé. \r",
"range": [67, 67]
}, {
"description": "Morr finds thee naked as the day of thy birth. Roll The Prophet Speaketh \r",
"description": "Morr te trouve nu le jour de ta naissance. \r",
"range": [68, 68]
}, {
"description": "One bullock is safe; two bullocks bringeth the raven. \r",
"description": "Va pour un bœuf, mais deux appellent le corbeau. \r",
"range": [69, 69]
}, {
"description": "Thirst not for blood, for it thirsts for thee. \r",
"description": "Ne convoite pas le sang ; il a soif de toi.\r",
"range": [70, 70]
}, {
"description": "In thy surest moment, thou shalt fail. \r",
"description": "Au moment le plus sûr, tu failliras.\r",
"range": [71, 71]
}, {
"description": "Beware the beast in the wood, it is Morr<72>s Messenger. \r",
"description": "Gare à la bête des bois, Morr en a fait son messager. \r",
"range": [72, 72]
}, {
"description": "Thou shalt sup from the cup of corruption. \r",
"description": "Tu siroteras la coupe de la corruption. \r",
"range": [73, 73]
}, {
"description": "Fear the workings of the bonesaw, they are the source of thy death. \r",
"description": "Crains l’œuvre du Grimoire, elle t’est funeste. \r",
"range": [74, 74]
}, {
"description": "Thy generosity bringeth tuppence and a sword in return. \r",
"description": "Ta générosité te vaudra deux sous et une épée. \r",
"range": [75, 75]
}, {
"description": "The withering eye is thy reward, and thy end. \r",
"description": "L’œil flétri sera ton prix et ton destin.\r",
"range": [76, 76]
}, {
"description": "Torture and pain echo in thy end. \r",
"description": "L’écho de la torture et de la douleur accompagne ton départ.\r",
"range": [77, 77]
}, {
"description": "Follow not the steps of Dragomas. \r",
"description": "Ne suis pas les traces de Dragomas. \r",
"range": [78, 78]
}, {
"description": "Thy doom is wrought from violence. \r",
"description": "Ton destin est marqué par la violence. \r",
"range": [79, 79]
}, {
"description": "Those born of Rhya<79>s cauldron shalt build thee a ravenstone. \r",
"description": "Ceux qui naissent dans le chaudron de Rhya édifieront ta pierre au corbeau.\r",
"range": [80, 80]
}, {
"description": "Absence makes thy heart grow weaker. \r",
"description": "L’absence affaiblira ton cœur. \r",
"range": [81, 81]
}, {
"description": "The Myrmidian spring is thy poison. \r",
"description": "La source myrmidéenne t’est venimeuse. \r",
"range": [82, 82]
}, {
"description": "Beware the crow, honour the raven.\r",
"description": "Méfie-toi de la corneille et honore le corbeau.\r",
"range": [83, 83]
}, {
"description": "A greased goat is safer than keeping secrets. \r",
"description": "Mieux vaut la chèvre sauvage que garder un secret. \r",
"range": [84, 84]
}, {
"description": "Manann<EFBFBD>s folk shalt love thee not. \r",
"description": "Les gens de Manann ne t’aimeront point. \r",
"range": [85, 85]
}, {
"description": "When thou art thrice haunted, Morr brings peace. \r",
"description": "Trois fois hanté, Morr viendra rétablir la paix. \r",
"range": [86, 86]
}, {
"description": "Walk with Vobist, for certainty shall take thy breath. \r",
"description": "Marche avec Vobis, car la certitude te volera le souffle. \r",
"range": [87, 87]
}, {
"description": "Beware the Lord of Murder<65>s barb<72>it awaits to strike at thee from the darkness. \r",
"description": "Gare à l’ardillon du Seigneur du Meurtre ; il attend de te frapper dans les ténèbres.\r",
"range": [88, 88]
}, {
"description": "The flashing blade shalt carve thy end. \r",
"description": "La lame étincelante gravera ton départ. \r",
"range": [89, 89]
}, {
"description": "Fearsome engines belch forth fires of thy destruction! \r",
"description": "De terribles machines crachent les flammes de ta destruction!\r",
"range": [90, 90]
}, {
"description": "Thy end is not the end! \r",
"description": "Ta fin n’est pas ultime ! \r",
"range": [91, 91]
}, {
"description": "As the piper plays his tune, thy heart shall break. \r",
"description": "Comme le flûtiste joue son air, ton cœur cède. \r",
"range": [92, 92]
}, {
"description": "Green shalt undo thee. \r",
"description": "Le vert te terrassera.\r",
"range": [93, 93]
}, {
"description": "As dark news comes knocking, Morr shalt surely follow. \r",
"description": "La sombre rumeur précédera l’arrivée de Morr. \r",
"range": [94, 94]
}, {
"description": "Thou shalt stand like Wymund until Shallya courts thy enemies. \r",
"description": "Comme Wymund tu te dresseras, jusqu’à ce que Shallya courtise tes ennemis.\r",
"range": [95, 95]
}, {
"description": "Ranald shalt abandon thee. \r",
"description": "Ranald t’abandonnera. \r",
"range": [96, 96]
}, {
"description": "Think not beyond thy station, for change is the herald of Morr. \r",
"description": "Ne songe pas au-delà de ta condition, car le changement est le héraut de Morr.\r",
"range": [97, 97]
}, {
"description": "Morr sends a maiden. \r",
"description": "Morr envoie une vierge. \r",
"range": [98, 98]
}, {
"description": "Without the big cross, thou shalt make the wrong decision. \r",
"description": "Sans la grande croix, tu prendras la mauvaise décision. \r",
"range": [99, 99]
}, {
"description": " Just before he uttered your doom, the doomsayer died, his face frozen in a mask of horror.",
"description": "Alors qu’il s’apprête à rapporter votre destinée, le Prophète s’écroule mort, le visage figé dans une sexpression d’horreur.",
"range": [100, 100]
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