Enhance translation for mutations and EiS modules with sub-tables
This commit is contained in:
@ -69,9 +69,29 @@ const _manage_inn_roll = async (content, msg) => {
const setup_wfrp4e_tables = () => {
let __eis_tables = { "animalmishap":1, "beasthead":1, "coincedentalenc":1, "demonic-mien":1,
"expandedmutatemental":1, "expandedmutatephys":1, "fixations":1,
"harmfulenc":1, "positiveenc":1, "weather":1, "mutatephys": 1
const __check_fix_wrong_modules = () => {
game.modules.forEach((module, name) => {
if ( name == "eis" && module.active) {
FilePicker.browse("data", "modules/WH4-fr-translation/tables/").then(resp => {
for (var file of resp.files) {
let filename = file.substring(file.lastIndexOf("/")+1, file.indexOf(".json"));
if ( __eis_tables[filename] == 1 ) { // Matching table name -> patch !
fetch(file).then(r=>r.json()).then(records => {
WFRP_Tables[filename] = records;
ChatMessage.create( { title: "Module EiS patché", content: "<strong>Le module EiS a été detecté et automatiquement patché.</strong>", whisper: ChatMessage.getWhisperRecipients("GM") } );
if ( name == "wfrp4e-rnhd" && module.active ) {
WFRP_Tables.career.name = "Carrières aléatoires";
@ -110,11 +130,13 @@ const __check_fix_wrong_modules = () => {
ChatMessage.create( { "title": "Module RNHD patché", "content": "<strong>Le module RHND a été detecté et automatiquement patché.</strong>", } );
ChatMessage.create( { title: "Module RNHD patché", content: "<strong>Le module RHND a été detecté et automatiquement patché.</strong>", whisper: ChatMessage.getWhisperRecipients("GM") } );
if ( name == "wfrp4e-ew" && module.active ) {
ChatMessage.create( { "title": "Module non compatible detecté !", "content": "<strong>Vous avez le module EW (wfrp4e-ew ?) installé. Malheureusement, ce module n'est pas compatible avec" +
" les traductions et vient casser le fonctionnement de la traduction. Veuillez recopier les compendiums dans votre monde, désactiver le module et re-démarrer le monde</strong>", } );
ChatMessage.create( { title: "Module non compatible detecté !", content: "<strong>Vous avez le module EW (wfrp4e-ew ?) installé. Malheureusement, ce module n'est pas compatible avec" +
" les traductions et vient casser le fonctionnement de la traduction. Veuillez recopier les compendiums dans votre monde, désactiver le module et re-démarrer le monde</strong>",
whisper: ChatMessage.getWhisperRecipients("GM")
} );
@ -508,6 +508,21 @@ Hooks.once('init', () => {
var compendium = game.packs.find(p => p.collection === 'wfrp4e.careers');
return compendium.i18nName( { name: value } );
"mutations_modifier": (value) => {
console.log("Parsing mutation :", value);
value = value.toLowerCase();
value = value.replace("weapon skill" ,"Capacité de Combat");
value = value.replace("ballistic skill", "Capacité de Tir");
value = value.replace("strength", "Force");
value = value.replace("toughness", "Endurance");
value = value.replace("agility", "Agilité");
value = value.replace("dexterity", "Dextérité");
value = value.replace("willpower", "Force Mentale");
value = value.replace("fellowship", "Sociabilité");
value = value.replace("initiative", "Initiative");
value = value.replace("intelligence", "Intelligence");
return value;
// Auto-translate duration
"spells_duration_range_target_damage": (value) => {
//console.log("Spell duration/range/damage/target :", value);
@ -1,455 +1,460 @@
"label": "Mutations Supplémentaires",
"mappings": {
"modifier": {
"path": "data.modifier.value",
"converter": "mutations_modifier"
"mutationType": {
"path": "data.mutationType.value",
"converter": "generic_localization"
"entries": [
"id": "Acid Blood",
"name": "Sang acide",
"description": "<p>Gain the @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.M5QSWOYt2Rbv2yxW]{Corrosive Blood} Creature Trait</p>"
"description": "<p>Gagnez le Trait de Créature @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.M5QSWOYt2Rbv2yxW]{Sang corrosif}</p>"
"id": "Aethyric Leak",
"name": "Aethyric Leak",
"description": "<p>Gain the @Compendium[wfrp4e.talents.qdMbxW09FUoYBzmB]{Witch!} Talent</p>"
"name": "Fuite Aethérique",
"description": "<p>Gagnez le Talent @Compendium[wfrp4e.talents.qdMbxW09FUoYBzmB]{Sorcier!}</p>"
"id": "Animalistic Legs",
"name": "Jambes Animales",
"description": "+1 Movement; this mutation can only be hidden by clothing; difficult (–10) Athletics Test to walk with a normal gait"
"description": "+1 Mouvement; cette mutation ne peut-être cachée que par des vêtements; les Tests d'Athlétisme reçoivent une pénalité de -10 pour marcher avec une démarche normale"
"id": "Animalistic Psyche",
"name": "Esprit Animal",
"description": "<p>Gain the @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.AGcJl5rHjkyIQBPP]{Bestial} Creature Trait for <strong><a class=\"chat-roll\">1d10</a></strong> hours if you fail a Test derived from Willpower</p>"
"description": "<p>Gagnez le Trait de Créature @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.AGcJl5rHjkyIQBPP]{Bestial} pour <strong><a class=\"chat-roll\">1d10</a></strong> heures si vous échouez à n'importe quel Test dérivé de Force Mentale</p>"
"id": "Beacon of Corruption",
"name": "Beacon of Corruption",
"description": "<p>Whenever subject to Psychology, gain the @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.xsGbDFqK2qh7lsIj]{Corruption} (Minor) Creature Trait</p>"
"name": "Balise de Corruption",
"description": "<p>Lorsque vous êtes sujet à la Psychologie, gagnez le Trait de Creature @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.xsGbDFqK2qh7lsIj]{Corruption} (Mineure)</p>"
"id": "Beaked Face",
"name": "Beaked Face",
"description": "<p>Gain the @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.pLW9SVX0TVTYPiPv]{Bite} +3 Creature Trait; this mutation cannot be hidden</p>"
"name": "Bec au visage",
"description": "<p>Gagnez le Trait de Créature @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.pLW9SVX0TVTYPiPv]{Morsure} +3; cette mutation ne peut pas être cachée</p>"
"id": "Bear Head",
"name": "Tête d'ours",
"description": "<p>+1 Armour Point to the Head; Gain the @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.pLW9SVX0TVTYPiPv]{Bite} +9 Creature Trait; this mutation cannot be hidden</p>"
"description": "<p>+1 PA à la tête; Gagnez le Trait de Créature @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.pLW9SVX0TVTYPiPv]{Morsure} +9 ; cette mutation ne peut pas être cachée</p>"
"id": "Beast Head",
"name": "Tête de bête",
"description": "<p>Roll on the <a class=\"table-click\" data-table=\"bestialheads\"><strong>Bestial Heads</strong></a> Table; this mutation cannot be hidden</p>"
"description": "<p>Faites un jet sur la table <a class=\"table-click\" data-table=\"bestialheads\"><strong>Têtes Bestiales</strong></a>; cette mutation ne peut pas être cachée</p>"
"id": "Beweaponed Extremities",
"name": "Beweaponed Extremities",
"description": "Permanently reduce Dexterity to 0. You cannot be disarmed; this mutation cannot be hidden"
"name": "Extrémités armées",
"description": "Réduction permanente de la Dexterité à 0. Vous ne pouvez être désarmé; cette mutation ne peut pas être cachée"
"id": "Beyond Pain",
"name": "Beyond Pain",
"description": "<p>Gain the @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.wMwSRDmgiF2IdCJr]{Painless} Creature Trait</p>"
"name": "Au delà de la souffrance",
"description": "<p>Gagnez le Trait de Créature @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.wMwSRDmgiF2IdCJr]{Insensible à la douleur}</p>"
"id": "Big Ears",
"name": "Grandes Oreilles",
"description": "<p>Gain the @Compendium[wfrp4e.talents.9h82z72XGo9tfgQS]{Acute Sense} (Hearing) Talent; this mutation can only be hidden by clothing</p>"
"description": "<p>Gagnez le Talent @Compendium[wfrp4e.talents.9h82z72XGo9tfgQS]{Sens auguisé} (Ouïe); cette mutation ne peut-être cachée qu'avec des vêtements</p>"
"id": "Bird's Feet",
"name": "Pieds d'Oiseaux",
"description": "<p>Gain the @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.rOV2s6PQBBrhpMOv]{Arboreal} Creature Trait</p>"
"description": "<p>Gagnez le Trait de Créature @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.rOV2s6PQBBrhpMOv]{Arboricole}</p>"
"id": "Blank Face",
"name": "Blank Face",
"description": "<p>Gain the @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.pTorrE0l3VybAbtn]{Fear} 2 Creature Trait; this mutation can only be hidden by clothing</p>"
"name": "Visage Vide",
"description": "<p>Gagnez le Trait de Créature @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.pTorrE0l3VybAbtn]{Peur} 2; cette mutation ne peut-être cachée qu'avec des vêtements</p>"
"id": "Blasphemous Soul",
"name": "Blasphemous Soul",
"description": "<p>Gain the @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.aE3pyW20Orvdjzj0]{Hatred} (Religion) Creature Trait</p>"
"name": "Ame blasphématoire",
"description": "<p>Gagnez le Trait de Créature @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.aE3pyW20Orvdjzj0]{Haine} (Religion)</p>"
"id": "Blasted Mind",
"name": "Blasted Mind",
"description": "<p>Gain the @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.IAWyzDfC286a9MPz]{Immunity to Psychology} Creature Trait for <strong><a class=\"chat-roll\">1d10</a></strong> Rounds whenever you would take a Broken Condition, afterwards take <strong><a class=\"chat-roll\">1d10</a></strong> Broken Conditions</p>"
"name": "Esprit dévasté",
"description": "<p>Gagnez le Trait de Créature @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.IAWyzDfC286a9MPz]{Immunité psychologique} pour <strong><a class=\"chat-roll\">1d10</a></strong> Rounds au lieu de subir un état Brisé, après quoi subissez <strong><a class=\"chat-roll\">1d10</a></strong> états Brisés</p>"
"id": "Boar Head",
"name": "Boar Head",
"description": "<p>+1 Armour Point to the Head; @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.BqPZn6q3VHn9HUrW]{Horns (Tusks)} Creature Trait; this mutation cannot be hidden</p>"
"name": "Tête de Sanglier",
"description": "<p>+1 PA à la Tête; @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.BqPZn6q3VHn9HUrW]{Cornes (Défenses)}; cette mutation ne peut pas être cachée</p>"
"id": "Breathe Fire",
"name": "Breathe Fire",
"description": "<p>Gain the @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.uqGxFOEqeurwkAO3]{Breath} 5 Fire Creature Trait</p>"
"name": "Souffe Enflammé",
"description": "<p>Gagnez le Trait de Créature @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.uqGxFOEqeurwkAO3]{Souffle} 5 (Feu)</p>"
"id": "Bulging Eyes",
"name": "Bulging Eyes",
"description": "+10 Initiative; this mutation can only be hidden by clothing"
"name": "Yeux Globuleux",
"description": "+10 en Initiative; cette mutation ne peut-être cachée qu'avec des vêtements"
"id": "Bull Head",
"name": "Bull Head",
"description": "<p>+1 Armour Point to the Head; gain the@Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.BqPZn6q3VHn9HUrW]{Horns} Creature Trait; this mutation cannot be hidden</p>"
"name": "Tête de Taureau",
"description": "<p>+1 PA à la Tête; Gagnez le Trait de Créature @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.BqPZn6q3VHn9HUrW]{Cornes}; cette mutation ne peut pas être cachée</p>"
"id": "Burning Skin",
"name": "Burning Skin",
"description": "Creatures and objects that physically touch you must pass an Athletics Test or gain 1 Ablaze Condition; this mutation cannot be hidden"
"name": "Peau Enflammée",
"description": "Les créatures et objets qui vous touchent doivent réussir un Test d'Athlétisme ou recevoit un état En Flammes; cette mutation ne peut pas être cachée"
"id": "Carapace",
"name": "Carapace",
"description": "<p>+1 Armour Point on two random Hit Locations; this mutation can only be hidden by clothing</p>"
"description": "<p>+1 PA sur 2 parties aléatoires du corps; cette mutation ne peut-être cachée qu'avec des vêtements</p>"
"id": "Claws",
"name": "Claws",
"description": "<p>Hands count as a Creature @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.AtpAudHA4ybXVlWM]{Weapon}of Damage equal to your SB; this mutation cannot be hidden</p>"
"name": "Griffes",
"description": "<p>Les main sont considérées comme des armes : @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.AtpAudHA4ybXVlWM]{Weapon}, avec des dommages égal au Bonus de Force; cette mutation ne peut pas être cachée</p>"
"id": "Cloud of Flies",
"name": "Cloud of Flies",
"description": "<p>Gain the @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.MVI0lXcg6vvtooAF]{Distracting} Creature Trait; this mutation cannot be hidden</p>"
"name": "Nuage de Mouches",
"description": "<p>Gagnez le Trait de Créature @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.MVI0lXcg6vvtooAF]{Perturbant} ; cette mutation ne peut pas être cachée</p>"
"id": "Corpulent",
"name": "Corpulent",
"description": "-1 Movement, +5 Strength, +5 Toughness"
"description": "-1 Mouvement, +5 Force, +5 Endurance"
"id": "Crested Head",
"name": "Crested Head",
"description": "<p>Gain the @Compendium[wfrp4e.talents.6l3jvIAvrKxt0lA9]{Attractive} Talent when Dealing with Mutants and Beastmen; this mutation cannot be hidden</p>"
"name": "Crête de Coq",
"description": "<p>Gagnez le Talent @Compendium[wfrp4e.talents.6l3jvIAvrKxt0lA9]{Attirant} lorsque vous interagissez avec des Muntants ou des Hommes-Bêtes; cette mutation ne peut pas être cachée</p>"
"id": "Deafening Cry",
"name": "Deafening Cry",
"description": "<p>Gain the @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.MVI0lXcg6vvtooAF]{Distracting} Creature Trait</p>"
"name": "Cri Assourdissant",
"description": "<p>Gagnez le Talent @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.MVI0lXcg6vvtooAF]{Perturbant} </p>"
"id": "Distended Digits",
"name": "Distended Digits",
"description": "+10 Dexterity; this mutation cannot be hidden"
"name": "Doigts Distendus",
"description": "+10 Dextérité; cette mutation ne peut pas être cachée"
"id": "Dog Head",
"name": "Dog Head",
"description": "<p>Gain the @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.pLW9SVX0TVTYPiPv]{Bite} +5 Creature Trait; this mutation cannot be hidden</p>"
"name": "Tête de Chien",
"description": "<p>Gagnez le Trait de Créature @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.pLW9SVX0TVTYPiPv]{Morsure} +5; cette mutation ne peut pas être cachée</p>"
"id": "Eagle Head",
"name": "Eagle Head",
"description": "<p>Gain the @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.pLW9SVX0TVTYPiPv]{Bite} +4 Creature Trait; this mutation cannot be hidden</p>"
"name": "Tête d'Aigle",
"description": "<p>Gagnez le Trait de Créature @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.pLW9SVX0TVTYPiPv]{Morsure} +4; cette mutation ne peut pas être cachée</p>"
"id": "Elastic Arms",
"name": "Elastic Arms",
"description": "You may count any melee weapon as having a Reach up to 2 steps longer"
"name": "Bras Elastiques",
"description": "Vous pouvez étendre la porté des armes de Mêlée de 2 grades supplémentaires"
"id": "Emaciated",
"name": "Emaciated",
"description": "-10 Strength, +5 Agility"
"name": "Emacié",
"description": "-10 Force, +5 Agilité"
"id": "Evil Eye",
"name": "Evil Eye",
"name": "Oeil Maudit",
"description": ""
"id": "Extra Leg Joints",
"name": "Extra Leg Joints",
"description": "+5 Agility; this mutation cannot be hidden"
"name": "Jambes Articulées",
"description": "+5 Agilité; cette mutation ne peut pas être cachée"
"id": "Extra Mouth",
"name": "Extra Mouth",
"description": "<p>Roll on the Hit Location table to see where; this mutation can only be hidden by clothing</p>"
"name": "Bouche Supplémentaire",
"description": "<p>Faites un jet sur la table des Localisations pour savoir où elle se trouve; cette mutation ne peut-être cachée qu'avec des vêtements</p>"
"id": "Eyestalks",
"name": "Eyestalks",
"description": "See over/around obstacles; this mutation cannot be hidden"
"name": "Yeux Mobiles",
"description": "Vous voyez par-dessus et autour des obstacles; cette mutation ne peut pas être cachée"
"id": "Fantasist",
"name": "Fantasist",
"description": ""
"name": "Imprévisible Fantaisiste",
"description": "-5 Initiative, -5 Force Mentale"
"id": "Fitful Hatred",
"name": "Fitful Hatred",
"description": "<p>Gain the @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.aE3pyW20Orvdjzj0]{Hatred} (Target) Creature Trait. Roll on the <a class=\"table-click\" data-table=\"fixations\">Fixations</a> Table once per day for the Target</p>"
"name": "Haine Changeante",
"description": "<p>Gagnez le Trait de Créature @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.aE3pyW20Orvdjzj0]{Haine} (Cible). Effectuez un lancer sur la table des <a class=\"table-click\" data-table=\"fixations\">Fixations</a> une fois par jour pour déterminer la cible</p>"
"id": "Fleshy Tentacle",
"name": "Fleshy Tentacle",
"description": "<p>Gain the @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.4xF7M6ylIiGntekh]{# Tentacles} Creature Trait; this mutation can only be hidden by clothing</p>"
"name": "Tentacule de Chair",
"description": "<p>Gagnez le Trait de Créature @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.4xF7M6ylIiGntekh]{# Tentacules} ; cette mutation ne peut-être cachée qu'avec des vêtements</p>"
"id": "Foul Odour",
"name": "Foul Odour",
"description": "<p>Gain the @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.MVI0lXcg6vvtooAF]{Distracting} Creature Trait</p>"
"name": "Odeur Nauséabonde",
"description": "<p>Gagnez le Trait de Créature @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.MVI0lXcg6vvtooAF]{Perturbant} </p>"
"id": "Furred Skin",
"name": "Furred Skin",
"description": "You no longer suffer the effects of Exposure in cold climates; the effects of Exposure in hot climates are doubled; this mutation cannot be hidden"
"name": "Peau de Fourrure",
"description": "Vous ne souffrez plus du froid dû au climat; les effets de l'exposition aux climats chauds sont doublés; cette mutation ne peut pas être cachée"
"id": "Giant Spider Head",
"name": "Giant Spider Head",
"description": "<p>Gain the @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.pLW9SVX0TVTYPiPv]{Bite} +3 and @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.gFkRm9wS65qe18Xv]{Venom (Average} Creature Traits, this mutation cannot be hidden</p>"
"name": "Tête d'Araignée Géante",
"description": "<p>Gagnez le Trait de Créature @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.pLW9SVX0TVTYPiPv]{Morsure} +3 et @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.gFkRm9wS65qe18Xv]{Venin (Intermédiaire}, cette mutation ne peut pas être cachée</p>"
"id": "Gills",
"name": "Gills",
"description": "You can breathe underwater; this mutation can only be hidden by clothing"
"name": "Branchies",
"description": "Vous pouvez respirer sous l'eau; cette mutation ne peut-être cachée qu'avec des vêtements"
"id": "Glorious Corruption",
"name": "Glorious Corruption",
"description": "<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Gain a </span><span class=\"fontstyle2\">Fatigued </span><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Condition for every week you go without gaining a Corruption Point, or where you are not responsible for another Character gaining a Corruption Point; lose all Fatigued Conditions if either situation occurs</span></p>"
"name": "Corruption Glorieuse",
"description": "<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Gagnez l'état </span><span class=\"fontstyle2\">Extenué </span><span class=\"fontstyle0\"> pour chaque semaine passée sans gain de Point de Corruption, ou quand vous n'êtes pas responsable lorsqu'un autre personnage gagne un Point de Corruption; perdez tout les états Exténué dans les autres cas</span></p>"
"id": "Glowing Skin",
"name": "Glowing Skin",
"description": "Effective light of a candle; this mutation cannot be hidden"
"name": "Peau Luisante",
"description": "Lumière d'une bougie; cette mutation ne peut pas être cachée"
"id": "Goat Head",
"name": "Goat Head",
"description": "<p>Gain the @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.BqPZn6q3VHn9HUrW]{Horns} Creature Trait, this mutation cannot be hidden</p>"
"name": "Tête de Chèvre",
"description": "<p>Gagnez le Trait de Créature @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.BqPZn6q3VHn9HUrW]{Cornes}, cette mutation ne peut pas être cachée</p>"
"id": "Headless",
"name": "Headless",
"description": "<p>Gain the @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.pTorrE0l3VybAbtn]{Fear} 2 Creature Trait; Head hits count as misses; this mutation cannot be hidden</p>"
"name": "Sans-tête",
"description": "<p>Gagnez le Trait de Créature @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.pTorrE0l3VybAbtn]{Peur} 2; les coups à la tête sont considérés comme ratés; cette mutation ne peut pas être cachée</p>"
"id": "Hopper",
"name": "Hopper",
"description": "<p>Your Movement is reduced to 2 and cannot be increase; gain the @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.j6v78dnOOdCB6c3d]{Bounce} Creature Trait; this mutation cannot be hidden</p>"
"name": "Sauteur",
"description": "<p>Votre Mouvement est réduit de 2 et ne peut plus êter augmenté; gagnez le Trait de Créature @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.j6v78dnOOdCB6c3d]{Bond} ; cette mutation ne peut pas être cachée</p>"
"id": "Hounds of Despair",
"name": "Hounds of Despair",
"description": "<p>Gain the <strong><a class=\"symptom-tag\">Malaise</a></strong> Symptom for <strong><a class=\"chat-roll\">1d10</a></strong> hours if you fail a Test Derived from Willpower</p>"
"name": "Chiens du Desespoir",
"description": "<p>Gagnez le Symptôme <strong><a class=\"symptom-tag\">Malaise</a></strong> pour <strong><a class=\"chat-roll\">1d10</a></strong> heures lorsque vous échouez à une Test dérive de la Force Mentale</p>"
"id": "Hurried Masochism",
"name": "Hurried Masochism",
"description": "<p>Gain the @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.GbDyBCu8ZjDp6dkj]{Belligerent} Creature Trait; you cannot Flee voluntarilly</p>"
"name": "Masochisme Urgent",
"description": "<p>Gagnez le Trait de Créature @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.GbDyBCu8ZjDp6dkj]{Belliqueux}; vous ne pouvez pas fuir volontairement</p>"
"id": "Inhuman Beauty",
"name": "Inhuman Beauty",
"description": "+10 Fellowship; you do not scar"
"name": "Beauté Inhumaine",
"description": "+10 Sociabilité; vous ne faites jamais de cicatrices"
"id": "Iron Skin",
"name": "Iron Skin",
"description": "+2 Armour Points to all locations; -10 Agility"
"name": "Peau d'Acier",
"description": "+2 PA sur tout le corps; -10 en Agilité"
"id": "Lingering Foulness",
"name": "Lingering Foulness",
"description": "<p>Gain the <strong><a class=\"symptom-tag\">Nausea</a></strong> Symptom for <strong><a class=\"chat-roll\">1d10</a></strong> hours after interacting with filth</p>"
"name": "Grossiereté Persistante",
"description": "<p>Gagnez le Symptôme <strong><a class=\"symptom-tag\">Nausée</a></strong> pour <strong><a class=\"chat-roll\">1d10</a></strong> heures après avoir interagit avec de la saleté</p>"
"id": "Lolling Tongue",
"name": "Lolling Tongue",
"description": "-10 to all Language Tests when speaking; this mutation cannot be hidden"
"name": "Langue Pendante",
"description": "-10 à tout les Tests de Language lorsque vous parlez; cette mutation ne peut pas être cachée"
"id": "Long Arms",
"name": "Long Arms",
"description": "If you and your opponent have weapons of the same Reach, your weapon counts as longer; this mutation cannot be hidden"
"name": "Bras Allongés",
"description": "Si vous et votre opposant avez des armes de même Portée, votre arme compte comme étant plus longue; cette mutation ne peut pas être cachée"
"id": "Long Legs",
"name": "Long Legs",
"description": "+2 Movement; this mutation cannot be hidden"
"name": "Jambes Allongées",
"description": "+2 Mouvement; cette mutation ne peut pas être cachée"
"id": "Long Neck",
"name": "Long Neck",
"description": "Half of body hits are head hits; this mutation cannot be hidden"
"name": "Coup Allongé",
"description": "La moitié des coups portés au corps le sont à la Tête; cette mutation ne peut pas être cachée"
"id": "Mindless Wandering",
"name": "Mindless Wandering",
"description": "<p>Gain the @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.9GNpAqgsKzxZKJpp]{Stupid} Creature Trait when alone</p>"
"name": "Errance Sans Esprit",
"description": "<p>Gagnez le Trait de Créature @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.9GNpAqgsKzxZKJpp]{Stupide} lorsque seul</p>"
"id": "Monstrous Paranoia",
"name": "Monstrous Paranoia",
"description": "<p>Gain the @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.IPKRMGry6WotuS1G]{Skittish} Creature Trait</p>"
"name": "Paranoïa Monstrueuse",
"description": "<p>Gagnez le Trait de Créature @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.IPKRMGry6WotuS1G]{Craintif}</p>"
"id": "Multiple Arms",
"name": "Multiple Arms",
"description": "<p>Gain one Free Attack; this mutation cannot be hidden</p>"
"name": "Bras Multiples",
"description": "<p>Gagnez 1 Attaque gratuite; cette mutation ne peut pas être cachée</p>"
"id": "Multiple Legs",
"name": "Multiple Legs",
"description": "+1 Movement; this mutation cannot be hidden"
"name": "Jambes Multiples",
"description": "+1 Mouvement; cette mutation ne peut pas être cachée"
"id": "One Eye",
"name": "One Eye",
"description": "-20 Ballistic Skill; this mutation can only be hidden by clothing"
"name": "Un Oeil",
"description": "-20 Capacité de Tir; cette mutation ne peut-être cachée qu'avec des vêtements"
"id": "Panicked Urgency",
"name": "Panicked Urgency",
"name": "Urgence Paniqué",
"description": ""
"id": "Patchy Feathers",
"name": "Patchy Feathers",
"description": "<p>Roll on the Hit Location table twice to see where</p>"
"name": "Plumes Eparses",
"description": "<p>Lancez deux fois sur la table de localisations pour les placer</p>"
"id": "Pin Head",
"name": "Pin Head",
"description": "<p>Gain the @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.9GNpAqgsKzxZKJpp]{Stupid} Creature Trait; this mutation cannot be hidden</p>"
"name": "Tête d'épingle",
"description": "<p>Gagnez le Trait de Créature @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.9GNpAqgsKzxZKJpp]{Stupide} ; cette mutation ne peut pas être cachée</p>"
"id": "Pointed Head",
"name": "Pointed Head",
"description": "<p>Gain the @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.9GNpAqgsKzxZKJpp]{Stupid} Creature Trait; you cannot wear a helmet; this mutation cannot be hidden</p>"
"name": "Tête Pointue",
"description": "<p>Gagnez le Trait de Créature @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.9GNpAqgsKzxZKJpp]{Stupide} ; vous ne pouvez pas porter de casque; cette mutation ne peut pas être cachée</p>"
"id": "Rat Head",
"name": "Rat Head",
"description": "<p>Gain the @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.pLW9SVX0TVTYPiPv]{Bite} +4 and @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.V0c3qBU1CMm8bmsW]{Infected} Creature Traits; this mutation cannot be hidden</p>"
"name": "Tête de Rat",
"description": "<p>Gagnez le Trait de Créature @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.pLW9SVX0TVTYPiPv]{Morsure} +4 et @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.V0c3qBU1CMm8bmsW]{Infecté}s; cette mutation ne peut pas être cachée</p>"
"id": "Ravenous Hunger",
"name": "Ravenous Hunger",
"description": "<p>Gain the @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.xneBqGOs1QS7kfUr]{Hungry} Creature Trait</p>"
"name": "Faim Vorace",
"description": "<p>Gagnez le Trait de Créature @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.xneBqGOs1QS7kfUr]{Affamé}</p>"
"id": "Rearranged Face",
"name": "Rearranged Face",
"description": "<p>Gain the @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.pTorrE0l3VybAbtn]{Fear} 1 Creature Trait; Characters trying to determine if you are lying suffer a -20 penalty to Intuition; this mutation can only be hidden by clothing</p>"
"name": "Visage Arrangé",
"description": "<p>Gagnez le Trait de Créature @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.pTorrE0l3VybAbtn]{Peur} 1; Les Personnages cherchant à savoir si vous mentez subissent un malus de -20 à leurs tests d'Intuition; cette mutation ne peut-être cachée qu'avec des vêtements</p>"
"id": "Rotting Flesh",
"name": "Rotting Flesh",
"description": "<p>Gain the @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.pTorrE0l3VybAbtn]{Fear} 2, and @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.V0c3qBU1CMm8bmsW]{Infected} Creature Traits</p>"
"name": "Chaire Pourrie",
"description": "<p>Gagnez les Traits de Créature @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.pTorrE0l3VybAbtn]{Peur} 2, et @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.V0c3qBU1CMm8bmsW]{Infecté} </p>"
"id": "Shifting Colours",
"name": "Shifting Colours",
"description": "<p>Gain the @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.MVI0lXcg6vvtooAF]{Distracting} Creature Trait; this mutation cannot be hidden</p>"
"name": "Couleurs Changeantes",
"description": "<p>Gagnez le Trait de Créature @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.MVI0lXcg6vvtooAF]{Perturbant} ; cette mutation ne peut pas être cachée</p>"
"id": "Short Legs",
"name": "Short Legs",
"description": "-1 Movement; this mutation cannot be hidden"
"name": "Jambes Rétrécies",
"description": "-1 Mouvement; cette mutation ne peut pas être cachée"
"id": "Skull Face",
"name": "Skull Face",
"description": "<p>Gain the @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.pTorrE0l3VybAbtn]{Fear} 2 Creature Trait; this mutation can only be hidden by clothing</p>"
"name": "Face de Crâne",
"description": "<p>Gagnez le Trait de Créature @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.pTorrE0l3VybAbtn]{Peur} 2; cette mutation ne peut-être cachée qu'avec des vêtements</p>"
"id": "Snake Head",
"name": "Snake Head",
"description": "<p>+1 Armour Point to the Head; gain the @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.pLW9SVX0TVTYPiPv]{Bite} +3 and @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.gFkRm9wS65qe18Xv]{Venom (Average)} Creature Traits; this mutation cannot be hidden</p>"
"name": "Tête de Serpent",
"description": "<p>+1 PA à la Tête; Gagnez les Traits de Créature @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.pLW9SVX0TVTYPiPv]{Morsure} +3 et @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.gFkRm9wS65qe18Xv]{Venin (Intermédiaire)}; cette mutation ne peut pas être cachée</p>"
"id": "Spiked Skin",
"name": "Spiked Skin",
"description": "<p>Cannot waer armour; +1 Armour Points on all locations; gain a Free Attack (@Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.AtpAudHA4ybXVlWM]{Weapon} +4 Creature Trait) when Charging; this mutation cannot be hidden</p>"
"name": "Peau Cloutée",
"description": "<p>Pas d'armure possible; +1 PA sur tout les corps; gagnez une attaque gratuite (@Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.AtpAudHA4ybXVlWM]{Arme} +4) lors des Charges; cette mutation ne peut pas être cachée</p>"
"id": "Suckered Hands and Feet",
"name": "Suckered Hands and Feet",
"description": "<p>Gain the @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.KII1gWnxIZ8HzmU5]{Wallcrawler} Creature Trait; this mutation can only be hidden by clothing</p>"
"name": "Mains et Pieds Ventouses",
"description": "<p>Gagnez le Trait de Créature @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.KII1gWnxIZ8HzmU5]{Grimpant} ; cette mutation ne peut-être cachée qu'avec des vêtements</p>"
"id": "Terrible Phobia",
"name": "Terrible Phobia",
"description": "<p>Gain the @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.4CMKeDTDrRQZbPIJ]{Afraid} (Target) Creature Trait, rolling on the <a class=\"table-click\" data-table=\"fixations\">Fixations</a> Table to determine the Target</p>"
"name": "Phobie Terrible",
"description": "<p>Gagnez le Trait de Créature @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.4CMKeDTDrRQZbPIJ]{Craintif} (Cible), faites un jet sur table des <a class=\"table-click\" data-table=\"fixations\">Idées Fixes</a> pour déterminer la cible</p>"
"id": "Thorny Scales",
"name": "Thorny Scales",
"description": "+1 Armour Points to all locations; this mutation can only be hidden by clothing"
"name": "Ecailles Epineuses",
"description": "+1 PA sur tout le corps; cette mutation ne peut-être cachée qu'avec des vêtements"
"id": "Three Eyes",
"name": "Three Eyes",
"description": "<p>Gain the @Compendium[wfrp4e.talents.9h82z72XGo9tfgQS]{Acute Sense} (Vision) Talent; this mutation can only be hidden by clothing</p>"
"id": "Three Eyes",
"name": "Three Eyes",
"description": "<p>Gain the @Compendium[wfrp4e.talents.9h82z72XGo9tfgQS]{Acute Sense} (Vision) Talent; this mutation can only be hidden by clothing</p>"
"name": "Troisième Oeil",
"description": "<p>Gagnez le Talent @Compendium[wfrp4e.talents.9h82z72XGo9tfgQS]{Sens aiguisé} (Vue); cette mutation ne peut-être cachée qu'avec des vêtements</p>"
"id": "Thrill Seeker",
"name": "Thrill Seeker",
"name": "Amateur de sensations fortes",
"description": ""
"id": "Transparent Skin",
"name": "Transparent Skin",
"description": "<p>Gain the @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.pTorrE0l3VybAbtn]{Fear} 2 Creature Trait; this mutation cannot be hidden</p>"
"name": "Peau Transparente",
"description": "<p>Gagnez le Trait de Créature @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.pTorrE0l3VybAbtn]{Peur} 2; cette mutation ne peut pas être cachée</p>"
"id": "Two Heads",
"name": "Two Heads",
"description": "<p>Gain the @Compendium[wfrp4e.talents.IFKWu98qmWpaSfUi]{Ambidextrous} Talent; this mutation cannot be hidden</p>"
"name": "Bicéphale",
"description": "<p>Gagnez leTalent @Compendium[wfrp4e.talents.IFKWu98qmWpaSfUi]{Ambidextre}; cette mutation ne peut pas être cachée</p>"
"id": "Uneven Horns",
"name": "Uneven Horns",
"description": "+1 Armour Points to the Head; counts as a Creature Weapon of Damage equal to your SB; this mutation cannot be hidden"
"name": "Cornes Disparates",
"description": "+1 PA à la Tête; compte comme une Arme (Bonus Force); cette mutation ne peut pas être cachée"
"id": "Unusual Skin",
"name": "Unusual Skin",
"description": "Odd colour or texture: orange, striped, spotted, warty, etc.; this mutation cannot be hidden"
"name": "Peau Curieuse",
"description": "Couleur bizarre ou texture spéciale: orange, rayée, piquée, verruqueuse, etc.; cette mutation ne peut pas être cachée"
"id": "Warp Frenzy",
"name": "Warp Frenzy",
"description": "<p>Gain the @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.yRhhOlt18COq4e1q]{Frenzy} Creature Trait; whilst Frenzied, temporarily gain another random physical mutation</p>"
"name": "Frénésie Mutagène",
"description": "<p>Gagnez le Trait de Créature @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.yRhhOlt18COq4e1q]{Frénésie} ; Quand vous entrez en Frénésie, gagnez temporairement une autre mutation physique</p>"
"id": "Webbed Feet",
"name": "Webbed Feet",
"description": "<p>Gain the @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.sJ3yX1kvzu2hgNq5]{Amphibious} Creature Trait; this mutation can only be hidden by clothing</p>"
"name": "Pieds Palmés",
"description": "<p>Gagnez le Trait de Créature @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.sJ3yX1kvzu2hgNq5]{Amphibie} ; cette mutation ne peut-être cachée qu'avec des vêtements</p>"
"id": "Weeping Pus",
"name": "Weeping Pus",
"description": "Roll on the <a class = 'table-click' data-table='hitloc'</b></a> table to twice to see where"
"name": "Suintement de Pus",
"description": "Lancez deux fois sur la table de localisation the <a class = 'table-click' data-table='hitloc'</b></a> pour savoir où"
"id": "Whiskered Snout",
"name": "Whiskered Snout",
"description": "+10 Track; this mutation can only be hidden by clothing"
"name": "Groin Poilu",
"description": "+10 Pistage; cette mutation ne peut-être cachée qu'avec des vêtements"
"id": "Wings",
"name": "Wings",
"description": "<p>Gain the @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.EO05HX7jql0g605A]{Flight} 60 Creature Trait; this mutation can only be hidden by clothing</p>"
"name": "Ailes",
"description": "<p>Gagnez le Trait de Créature @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.EO05HX7jql0g605A]{Vol} 60; cette mutation ne peut-être cachée qu'avec des vêtements</p>"
"id": "Wolf Head",
"name": "Wolf Head",
"description": "<p>+1 Armour Point to the Head; gain the @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.pLW9SVX0TVTYPiPv]{Bite} +6 Creature Trait; gain the @Compendium[wfrp4e.talents.9h82z72XGo9tfgQS]{Acute Sense (Smell)} Talent; this mutation cannot be hidden</p>"
"name": "Tête de Loup",
"description": "<p>+1 PA à la Tête; gagnez le Trait de Créature @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.pLW9SVX0TVTYPiPv]{Morsure} +6; gagnez le Talent @Compendium[wfrp4e.talents.9h82z72XGo9tfgQS]{Sens Aiguisé (Odorat)}; cette mutation ne peut pas être cachée</p>"
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
"id": "Reveal the Inner Beauty",
"name": "Révéler la Beauté Intérieure",
"description": "<p>Vous causer la décomposition rapide d'un objet ou d'un individu que vous touchez. Si la cible n'est pas organique, elle devient fragile, et inutilisable. Si la cible est organique, elle mûrit rapidement jusqu'à être gâchés, s'ouvrant puis répandant son contenu. Une créature vivante doit réussir un Test de <em>Résistance Intermédiaire (+0)</em> pour résister au sort. Sur un échec, la cible vieillit de <a class='chat-roll'>2d10</a> années et perd de manière permanente –<a class='chat-roll'>1d10</a>% en CC, CT, Force, Endurance, Agilité et Dextérité.</p>"
"description": "<p>Vous causez la décomposition rapide d'un objet ou d'un individu que vous touchez. Si la cible n'est pas organique, elle devient fragile, et inutilisable. Si la cible est organique, elle mûrit rapidement jusqu'à flétrir, s'ouvrant puis répandant son contenu aux alentours. Une créature vivante doit réussir un Test de <em>Résistance Intermédiaire (+0)</em> pour résister au sort. Sur un échec, la cible vieillit de <a class='chat-roll'>2d10</a> années et perd de manière permanente –<a class='chat-roll'>1d10</a>% en CC, CT, Force, Endurance, Agilité et Dextérité.</p>"
@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
"label": "Mutations",
"mapping": {
"modifier": "data.modifier.value",
"modifier": {
"path": "data.modifier.value",
"converter": "mutations_modifier"
"mutationType": {
"path": "data.mutationType.value",
"converter": "generic_localization"
@ -11,27 +14,27 @@
"id": "Animalistic Legs",
"name": "Membres d'animaux",
"description": ""
"description": "+1 Mouvement"
"id": "Awful Cravings",
"name": "Atroces Désirs",
"description": ""
"description": "-5 Sociabilité; -5 Force Mentale"
"id": "Beast Within'",
"name": "Bête intérieure",
"description": ""
"description": "+10 Force Mentale; -5 Sociabilité; -5 Intelligence"
"id": "Chaotic Dreams",
"name": "Rêves chaotiques",
"description": ""
"description": "Gagnez l'état Extenué pendant les 2 premières heures de chaque journée"
"id": "Corpulent",
"name": "Corpulent",
"description": ""
"description": "-1 Mouvement; +5 Force; +5 Endurance"
"id": "Crawling Skin",
@ -85,7 +88,7 @@
"id": "Hateful Impulses",
"name": "Pulsions de haine",
"name": "Pulsions de Haine",
"description": ""
@ -195,12 +198,12 @@
"id": "Whiskered Snout",
"name": "Whiskered Snout",
"name": "Groin Poilu",
"description": ""
"id": "Worried Jitters",
"name": "Worried Jitters",
"name": "Terrible Inquiétude",
"description": ""
@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
"name": "WH4-fr-translation",
"title": "Traduction du module WH4 en Français.",
"description": "La traduction du module WH4.",
"version": "0.88",
"version": "0.89",
"minimumCoreVersion" : "0.6.0",
"compatibleCoreVersion": "0.6.1",
"compatibleCoreVersion": "0.6.2",
"author": "LeRatierBretonnien",
"esmodules": [
@ -1,107 +1,107 @@
"name": "Beast Head",
"name": "Tête Bestiale",
"die" : "1d100",
"columns": ["Undivided", "Khorne", "Nurgle", "Slaanesh", "Tzeentch"],
"columns": ["Commun", "Khorne", "Nurgle", "Slaanesh", "Tzeentch"],
"rows": [
"Undivided" : [1, 5],
"Commun" : [1, 5],
"Khorne" : [1, 10],
"Nurgle" : [1, 5],
"Slaanesh" : [1, 5],
"Tzeentch" : [1 ,10]
"beast": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Bear Head' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'><b>Bear Head</b></a>"
"beast": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Bear Head' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'><b>Tête d'Ours</b></a>"
"Undivided" : [6, 15],
"Commun" : [6, 15],
"Khorne" : [11, 25],
"Nurgle" : [6, 20],
"Slaanesh" : [6, 10],
"Tzeentch" : [11 ,20]
"beast": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Boar Head' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'><b>Boar Head</b></a>"
"beast": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Boar Head' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'><b>Tête de Sanglier</b></a>"
"Undivided" : [15, 25],
"Commun" : [15, 25],
"Khorne" : [26, 45],
"Nurgle" : [],
"Slaanesh" : [11, 55],
"Tzeentch" : [21 ,30]
"beast": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Bull Head' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'><b>Bull Head</b></a>"
"beast": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Bull Head' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'><b>Tête de Taureau</b></a>"
"Undivided" : [26, 30],
"Commun" : [26, 30],
"Khorne" : [46, 60],
"Nurgle" : [21, 35],
"Slaanesh" : [16, 25],
"Tzeentch" : [31 ,40]
"beast": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Dog Head' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'><b>Dog Head</b></a>"
"beast": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Dog Head' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'><b>Tête de Chien</b></a>"
"Undivided" : [31, 35],
"Commun" : [31, 35],
"Khorne" : [61, 65],
"Nurgle" : [36, 40],
"Slaanesh" : [26, 35],
"Tzeentch" : [41 ,50]
"beast": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Eagle Head' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'><b>Eagle Head</b></a>"
"beast": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Eagle Head' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'><b>Tête d'Aigle</b></a>"
"Undivided" : [36, 50],
"Commun" : [36, 50],
"Khorne" : [],
"Nurgle" : [41, 60],
"Slaanesh" : [],
"Tzeentch" : [51 ,60]
"beast": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Rat Head' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'><b>Rat Head</b></a>"
"beast": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Rat Head' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'><b>Tête de Rat</b></a>"
"Undivided" : [51, 55],
"Commun" : [51, 55],
"Khorne" : [],
"Nurgle" : [61, 80],
"Slaanesh" : [],
"Tzeentch" : [61 ,70]
"beast": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Giant Spider Head' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'><b>Giant Spider Head</b></a>"
"beast": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Giant Spider Head' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'><b>Tête d'Araignée Géante</b></a>"
"Undivided" : [56, 80],
"Commun" : [56, 80],
"Khorne" : [66, 80],
"Nurgle" : [81, 95],
"Slaanesh" : [36, 75],
"Tzeentch" : [71 ,80]
"beast": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Goat Head' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'><b>Goat Head</b></a>"
"beast": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Goat Head' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'><b>Tête de Chèvre</b></a>"
"Undivided" : [81, 95],
"Commun" : [81, 95],
"Khorne" : [81, 99],
"Nurgle" : [],
"Slaanesh" : [76, 80],
"Tzeentch" : [81 ,90]
"beast": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Wolf Head' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'><b>Wolf Head</b></a>"
"beast": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Wolf Head' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'><b>Tête de Loup</b></a>"
"Undivided" : [91, 100],
"Commun" : [91, 100],
"Khorne" : [100, 100],
"Nurgle" : [96, 100],
"Slaanesh" : [81, 100],
"Tzeentch" : [91 ,100]
"beast": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Snake Head' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'><b>Snake Head</b></a>"
"beast": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Snake Head' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'><b>Tête de Serpent</b></a>"
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
"rows": [
@ -14,70 +14,70 @@
"Nurgle": [1,1],
"Slaanesh": [],
"Tzeentch": [],
"Undivided": []
"Commun": []
"Description": "@Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.a8MC97PLzl10WocT]{Big}"
"Description": "@Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.a8MC97PLzl10WocT]{Grand}"
"range": {
"Nurgle": [2,2],
"Slaanesh": [],
"Tzeentch": [],
"Undivided": []
"Commun": []
"Description": "@Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.uqGxFOEqeurwkAO3]{Breath +7 (Corrosion & Poison)}"
"Description": "@Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.uqGxFOEqeurwkAO3]{Souffle +7 (Corrosion & Poison)}"
"range": {
"Nurgle": [3,3],
"Slaanesh": [],
"Tzeentch": [],
"Undivided": []
"Commun": []
"Description": "@Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.v3uzEthcq0JRar0J]{Daemonic 7}"
"Description": "@Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.v3uzEthcq0JRar0J]{Démoniaque 7}"
"range": {
"Nurgle": [4,4],
"Slaanesh": [],
"Tzeentch": [],
"Undivided": []
"Commun": []
"Description": "@Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.PaW8i6JOxWyzAZCz]{Disease(Nurgle's Rot)}"
"Description": "@Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.PaW8i6JOxWyzAZCz]{Maladie (Nurgle's Rot)}"
"range": {
"Nurgle": [5,5],
"Slaanesh": [],
"Tzeentch": [],
"Undivided": []
"Commun": []
"Description": "@Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.MVI0lXcg6vvtooAF]{Distracting(Stench)}"
"Description": "@Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.MVI0lXcg6vvtooAF]{Perturbant (Puanteur)}"
"range": {
"Nurgle": [6,6],
"Slaanesh": [3,3],
"Tzeentch": [4,4],
"Undivided": [5,5]
"Commun": [5,5]
"Description": "@Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.pTorrE0l3VybAbtn]{Fear(3)}"
"Description": "@Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.pTorrE0l3VybAbtn]{Peur (3)}"
"range": {
"Nurgle": [7,7],
"Slaanesh": [],
"Tzeentch": [],
"Undivided": []
"Commun": []
"Description": "@Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.TBcdTlYSRH8Rd1x0]{Infestation}"
"Description": "@Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.TBcdTlYSRH8Rd1x0]{Infecté}"
"range": {
"Nurgle": [8,8],
"Slaanesh": [6,6],
"Tzeentch": [8, 9],
"Undivided": []
"Commun": []
"Description": "<a class = 'table-click' data-table='expandedmutatephys'>Mutation</a>"
@ -86,169 +86,169 @@
"Nurgle": [9,9],
"Slaanesh": [],
"Tzeentch": [],
"Undivided": []
"Commun": []
"Description": "@Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.SfUUdOGjdYpr3KSR]{Regenerate}"
"Description": "@Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.SfUUdOGjdYpr3KSR]{Régénération}"
"range": {
"Nurgle": [10,10],
"Slaanesh": [],
"Tzeentch": [],
"Undivided": []
"Commun": []
"Description": "@Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.JzeN9MZ0xUDvpE2l]{Vomit}"
"Description": "@Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.JzeN9MZ0xUDvpE2l]{Vomissement}"
"range": {
"Nurgle": [],
"Slaanesh": [1,1],
"Tzeentch": [],
"Undivided": []
"Commun": []
"Description": "@Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.v3uzEthcq0JRar0J]{Daemonic (6)}"
"Description": "@Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.v3uzEthcq0JRar0J]{Démoniaque (6)}"
"range": {
"Nurgle": [],
"Slaanesh": [2,2],
"Tzeentch": [],
"Undivided": []
"Commun": []
"Description": "@Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.MVI0lXcg6vvtooAF]{Distracting}"
"Description": "@Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.MVI0lXcg6vvtooAF]{Perturbant}"
"range": {
"Nurgle": [],
"Slaanesh": [4,4],
"Tzeentch": [],
"Undivided": []
"Commun": []
"Description": "@Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.yRhhOlt18COq4e1q]{Frenzy}"
"Description": "@Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.yRhhOlt18COq4e1q]{Frénésie}"
"range": {
"Nurgle": [],
"Slaanesh": [5,5],
"Tzeentch": [],
"Undivided": []
"Commun": []
"Description": "@Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.IAWyzDfC286a9MPz]{Immunity to Psychology}"
"Description": "@Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.IAWyzDfC286a9MPz]{Immunité Psychologique}"
"range": {
"Nurgle": [],
"Slaanesh": [7,7],
"Tzeentch": [],
"Undivided": []
"Commun": []
"Description": "@Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.wMwSRDmgiF2IdCJr]{Painless}"
"Description": "@Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.wMwSRDmgiF2IdCJr]{Insensible à la douleur}"
"range": {
"Nurgle": [],
"Slaanesh": [8,8],
"Tzeentch": [],
"Undivided": []
"Commun": []
"Description": "@Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.0eEJ280MIC0IbEop]{Petrifying Gaze}"
"Description": "@Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.0eEJ280MIC0IbEop]{Regard pétrifiant}"
"range": {
"Nurgle": [],
"Slaanesh": [9,9],
"Tzeentch": [],
"Undivided": []
"Commun": []
"Description": "@Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.xg6z63j6BH5AaqLL]{Tongue Attack (6 yards) +6}"
"Description": "@Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.xg6z63j6BH5AaqLL]{Langue préhensile (6 mètres) +6}"
"range": {
"Nurgle": [],
"Slaanesh": [10,10],
"Tzeentch": [],
"Undivided": []
"Commun": []
"Description": "@Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.gFkRm9wS65qe18Xv]{Venom}"
"Description": "@Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.gFkRm9wS65qe18Xv]{Venin}"
"range": {
"Nurgle": [],
"Slaanesh": [],
"Tzeentch": [1,1],
"Undivided": []
"Commun": []
"Description": "@Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.uqGxFOEqeurwkAO3]{Breath +9 (Fire)}"
"Description": "@Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.uqGxFOEqeurwkAO3]{Souffle +9 (Feu)}"
"range": {
"Nurgle": [],
"Slaanesh": [],
"Tzeentch": [2,2],
"Undivided": []
"Commun": []
"Description": "@Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.v3uzEthcq0JRar0J]{Daemonic (9)}"
"Description": "@Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.v3uzEthcq0JRar0J]{Démoniaque (9)}"
"range": {
"Nurgle": [],
"Slaanesh": [],
"Tzeentch": [3,3],
"Undivided": []
"Commun": []
"Description": "@Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.tNWrJUOArwfWXsPw]{Ethereal}"
"Description": "@Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.tNWrJUOArwfWXsPw]{Ethéré}"
"range": {
"Nurgle": [],
"Slaanesh": [],
"Tzeentch": [5,5],
"Undivided": []
"Commun": []
"Description": "@Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.EO05HX7jql0g605A]{Flight(9)}"
"Description": "@Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.EO05HX7jql0g605A]{Vol (9)}"
"range": {
"Nurgle": [],
"Slaanesh": [],
"Tzeentch": [6,6],
"Undivided": [9,9]
"Commun": [9,9]
"Description": "@Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.mDgEMOoJpi8DkRYb]{Magical}"
"Description": "@Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.mDgEMOoJpi8DkRYb]{Magique}"
"range": {
"Nurgle": [],
"Slaanesh": [],
"Tzeentch": [7,7],
"Undivided": []
"Commun": []
"Description": "@Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.yrkI7ATjqLPDTFmZ]{Magic Resistance}}"
"Description": "@Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.yrkI7ATjqLPDTFmZ]{Résistance à la Magie}}"
"range": {
"Nurgle": [],
"Slaanesh": [],
"Tzeentch": [10,10],
"Undivided": []
"Commun": []
"Description": "@Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.vY0CHKsJRV3gYBj3]{Spellcaster (any one)}"
"Description": "@Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.vY0CHKsJRV3gYBj3]{Lanceur de Sorts (Au choix)}"
"range": {
"Nurgle": [],
"Slaanesh": [],
"Tzeentch": [],
"Undivided": [1, 2]
"Commun": [1, 2]
"Description": "@Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.v3uzEthcq0JRar0J]{Daemonic (8)}"
"Description": "@Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.v3uzEthcq0JRar0J]{Démoniaque (8)}"
"range": {
"Nurgle": [],
"Slaanesh": [],
"Tzeentch": [],
"Undivided": [3,3]
"Commun": [3,3]
"Description": "@Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.9NROryHer1uXAKwY]{Elite}"
@ -257,36 +257,36 @@
"Nurgle": [],
"Slaanesh": [],
"Tzeentch": [],
"Undivided": [4,4]
"Commun": [4,4]
"Description": "@Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.9MjH4xyVrd3Inzak]{Fast}"
"Description": "@Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.9MjH4xyVrd3Inzak]Rapide}"
"range": {
"Nurgle": [],
"Slaanesh": [],
"Tzeentch": [],
"Undivided": [6,6]
"Commun": [6,6]
"Description": "@Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.EO05HX7jql0g605A]{Flight (8)}"
"Description": "@Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.EO05HX7jql0g605A]{Vol (8)}"
"range": {
"Nurgle": [],
"Slaanesh": [],
"Tzeentch": [],
"Undivided": [8,8]
"Commun": [8,8]
"Description": "@Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.BqPZn6q3VHn9HUrW]{Horns +10}"
"Description": "@Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.BqPZn6q3VHn9HUrW]{Cornes +10}"
"range": {
"Nurgle": [],
"Slaanesh": [],
"Tzeentch": [],
"Undivided": [10,10]
"Commun": [10,10]
"Description": "@Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.UnJ25lL8aUzem5JO]{Tail Attack (+10)}"
"Description": "@Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.UnJ25lL8aUzem5JO]{Attaque Caudale (+10)}"
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
"name": "Expanded Mental Mutations",
"name": "Mutations Mentales Etendues",
"die" : "1d100",
"columns": [
@ -11,267 +11,267 @@
"rows": [
"range": {
"Undivided": [1,1],
"Commun": [1,1],
"Khorne": [],
"Nurgle": [1, 2],
"Slaanesh": [1, 3],
"Tzeentch": [1, 5]
"Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Aethryic Leak' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'><b>Aethyric Leak</b></a>"
"Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Aethryic Leak' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'><b>Fuite Aethérique</b></a>"
"range": {
"Undivided": [2, 4],
"Commun": [2, 4],
"Khorne": [1, 5],
"Nurgle": [3, 4],
"Slaanesh": [4, 6],
"Tzeentch": [6, 9]
"Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Animalistic Psyche' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'><b>Animalistic Psyche</b></a>"
"Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Animalistic Psyche' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'><b>Esprit Animal</b></a>"
"range": {
"Undivided": [5, 8],
"Commun": [5, 8],
"Khorne": [6, 9],
"Nurgle": [5, 7],
"Slaanesh": [7, 10],
"Tzeentch": [10, 11]
"Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Awful Cravings' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='wfrp4e.mutations'><b>Awful Cravings</b></a>"
"Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Awful Cravings' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='wfrp4e.mutations'><b>Atroces Désirs</b></a>"
"range": {
"Undivided": [9],
"Commun": [9],
"Khorne": [10, 11],
"Nurgle": [8, 10],
"Slaanesh": [11, 13],
"Tzeentch": [12, 16]
"Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Beacon of Corruption' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'><b>Beacon of Corruption</b></a>"
"Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Beacon of Corruption' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'><b>Balise de Corruption</b></a>"
"range": {
"Undivided": [10, 13],
"Commun": [10, 13],
"Khorne": [12, 17],
"Nurgle": [11, 14],
"Slaanesh": [14, 15],
"Tzeentch": [17, 19]
"Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Beast Within' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'><b>Beast Within</b></a>"
"Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Beast Within' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='wfrp4e.mutations'><b>Bête intérieure</b></a>"
"range": {
"Undivided": [14, 15],
"Commun": [14, 15],
"Khorne": [18, 21],
"Nurgle": [15, 17],
"Slaanesh": [16, 19],
"Tzeentch": [20, 21]
"Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Beyond Pain' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'><b>Beyond Pain</b></a>"
"Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Beyond Pain' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'><b>Au delà de la souffrance</b></a>"
"range": {
"Undivided": [16, 19],
"Commun": [16, 19],
"Khorne": [22, 24],
"Nurgle": [18, 21],
"Slaanesh": [18, 21],
"Tzeentch": [22, 24]
"Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Blasphemous Soul' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'><b>Blasphemous Soul</b></a>"
"Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Blasphemous Soul' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'><b>Ame blasphématoire</b></a>"
"range": {
"Undivided": [20, 22],
"Commun": [20, 22],
"Khorne": [25, 29],
"Nurgle": [22, 25],
"Slaanesh": [24, 25],
"Tzeentch": []
"Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Blasted Mind' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'><b>Blasted Mind</b></a>"
"Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Blasted Mind' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'><b>Esprit dévasté</b></a>"
"range": {
"Undivided": [23, 24],
"Commun": [23, 24],
"Khorne": [30, 33],
"Nurgle": [26, 27],
"Slaanesh": [26, 28],
"Tzeentch": [25, 29]
"Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Chaotic Dreams' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'><b>Chaotic Dreams</b></a>"
"Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Chaotic Dreams' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='wfrp4e.mutations'><b>Rêves chaotiques</b></a>"
"range": {
"Undivided": [25, 27],
"Commun": [25, 27],
"Khorne": [34, 35],
"Nurgle": [28, 32],
"Slaanesh": [29, 31],
"Tzeentch": []
"Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Crawling Skin' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'><b>Crawling Skin</b></a>"
"Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Crawling Skin' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='wfrp4e.mutations'><b>Fornication</b></a>"
"range": {
"Undivided": [28, 30],
"Commun": [28, 30],
"Khorne": [36, 38],
"Nurgle": [],
"Slaanesh": [32, 34],
"Tzeentch": [30, 34]
"Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Fantasist' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'><b>Fantasist</b></a>"
"Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Fantasist' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'><b>Imprévisible Fantaisiste</b></a>"
"range": {
"Undivided": [31, 33],
"Commun": [31, 33],
"Khorne": [39, 43],
"Nurgle": [],
"Slaanesh": [35, 37],
"Tzeentch": []
"Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Fitful Hatred' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'><b>Fitful Hatred</b></a>"
"Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Fitful Hatred' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'><b>Haine Changeante</b></a>"
"range": {
"Undivided": [34, 35],
"Commun": [34, 35],
"Khorne": [],
"Nurgle": [],
"Slaanesh": [38, 41],
"Tzeentch": [35, 39]
"Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Glorious Corruption' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'><b>Glorious Corruption</b></a>"
"Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Glorious Corruption' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'><b>Corruption Glorieuse</b></a>"
"range": {
"Undivided": [36, 38],
"Commun": [36, 38],
"Khorne": [44, 48],
"Nurgle": [33, 35],
"Slaanesh": [],
"Tzeentch": [40, 41]
"Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Hateful Impulses' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'><b>Hateful Impulses</b></a>"
"Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Hateful Impulses' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='wfrp4e.mutations'><b>Pulsions de haine</b></a>"
"range": {
"Undivided": [39, 42],
"Commun": [39, 42],
"Khorne": [49, 50],
"Nurgle": [36, 38],
"Slaanesh": [42, 45],
"Tzeentch": [42, 44]
"Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Hollow Heart' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'><b>Hollow Heart</b></a>"
"Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Hollow Heart' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='wfrp4e.mutations'><b>Coeur desseché</b></a>"
"range": {
"Undivided": [43, 47],
"Commun": [43, 47],
"Khorne": [],
"Nurgle": [39, 43],
"Slaanesh": [46, 48],
"Tzeentch": [45, 47]
"Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Hounds of Despair' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'><b>Hounds of Despair</b></a>"
"Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Hounds of Despair' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'><b>Chiens du Desespoir</b></a>"
"range": {
"Undivided": [48, 49],
"Commun": [48, 49],
"Khorne": [51, 54],
"Nurgle": [44, 46],
"Slaanesh": [49, 53],
"Tzeentch": []
"Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Hurried Masochism' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'><b>Hurried Masochism</b></a>"
"Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Hurried Masochism' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'><b>Masochisme Urgent</b></a>"
"range": {
"Undivided": [50, 52],
"Commun": [50, 52],
"Khorne": [],
"Nurgle": [],
"Slaanesh": [54, 58],
"Tzeentch": [48, 52]
"Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Jealous Thoughts' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'><b>Jealous Thoughts</b></a>"
"Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Jealous Thoughts' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='wfrp4e.mutations'><b>Pensées envieuses</b></a>"
"range": {
"Undivided": [53, 55],
"Commun": [53, 55],
"Khorne": [],
"Nurgle": [47, 51],
"Slaanesh": [],
"Tzeentch": [53, 54]
"Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Lingering Foulness' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'><b>Lingering Foulness</b></a>"
"Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Lingering Foulness' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'><b>Grossiereté Persistante</b></a>"
"range": {
"Undivided": [56, 58],
"Commun": [56, 58],
"Khorne": [],
"Nurgle": [52, 56],
"Slaanesh": [59, 62],
"Tzeentch": []
"Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Lonely Spirit' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'><b>Lonley Spirit</b></a>"
"Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Lonely Spirit' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='wfrp4e.mutations'><b>Esprit solitaire</b></a>"
"range": {
"Undivided": [59, 61],
"Commun": [59, 61],
"Khorne": [55, 57],
"Nurgle": [57, 59],
"Slaanesh": [63, 64],
"Tzeentch": []
"Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Mental Blocks' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'><b>Mental Blocks</b></a>"
"Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Mental Blocks' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='wfrp4e.mutations'><b>Blocage mental</b></a>"
"range": {
"Undivided": [62, 63],
"Commun": [62, 63],
"Khorne": [58, 60],
"Nurgle": [60, 62],
"Slaanesh": [],
"Tzeentch": [55, 58]
"Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Mindless Wandering' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'><b>Mindless Wandering</b></a>"
"Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Mindless Wandering' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'><b>Errance Sans Esprit</b></a>"
"range": {
"Undivided": [64, 66],
"Commun": [64, 66],
"Khorne": [],
"Nurgle": [63, 66],
"Slaanesh": [65, 67],
"Tzeentch": [59, 61]
"Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Monstrous Paranoia' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'><b>Monstrous Paranoia</b></a>"
"Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Monstrous Paranoia' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'><b>Paranoïa Monstrueuse</b></a>"
"range": {
"Undivided": [67, 69],
"Commun": [67, 69],
"Khorne": [61, 63],
"Nurgle": [67, 70],
"Slaanesh": [68, 72],
"Tzeentch": [62, 64]
"Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Panicked Urgency' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'><b>Panicked Urgency</b></a>"
"Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Panicked Urgency' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'><b>Urgence Paniqué</b></a>"
"range": {
"Undivided": [70, 72],
"Commun": [70, 72],
"Khorne": [64, 66],
"Nurgle": [71, 74],
"Slaanesh": [73, 76],
"Tzeentch": [65, 66]
"Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Ravenous Hunger' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'><b>Ravenous Hunger</b></a>"
"Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Ravenous Hunger' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'><b>Faim Vorace</b></a>"
"range": {
"Undivided": [73, 76],
"Commun": [73, 76],
"Khorne": [67, 68],
"Nurgle": [75, 78],
"Slaanesh": [77, 78],
"Tzeentch": [67, 71]
"Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Shaky Morale' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'><b>Shaky Morale</b></a>"
"Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Shaky Morale' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='wfrp4e.mutations'><b>Morale douteuse</b></a>"
"range": {
"Undivided": [77, 79],
"Commun": [77, 79],
"Khorne": [69, 71],
"Nurgle": [79, 83],
"Slaanesh": [79, 81],
@ -281,73 +281,73 @@
"range": {
"Undivided": [80, 82],
"Commun": [80, 82],
"Khorne": [72, 75],
"Nurgle": [84, 85],
"Slaanesh": [82, 83],
"Tzeentch": [76, 80]
"Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Suspicious Mind' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'><b>Suspicious Mind</b></a>"
"Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Suspicious Mind' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='wfrp4e.mutations'><b>Esprit suspicieux</b></a>"
"range": {
"Undivided": [83, 86],
"Commun": [83, 86],
"Khorne": [76, 77],
"Nurgle": [86, 87],
"Slaanesh": [],
"Tzeentch": [81, 83]
"Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Terrible Phobia' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'><b>Terrible Phobia</b></a>"
"Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Terrible Phobia' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'><b>Phobie Terrible</b></a>"
"range": {
"Undivided": [87, 89],
"Commun": [87, 89],
"Khorne": [78, 82],
"Nurgle": [],
"Slaanesh": [84, 87],
"Tzeentch": [84, 86]
"Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Thrill Seeker' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'><b>Thrill Seeker</b></a>"
"Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Thrill Seeker' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='wfrp4e.mutations'><b>Accro à l'adrénaline</b></a>"
"range": {
"Undivided": [90, 92],
"Commun": [90, 92],
"Khorne": [83, 87],
"Nurgle": [88, 92],
"Slaanesh": [88, 90],
"Tzeentch": [87, 88]
"Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Tortured Visions' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'><b>Tortured Visions</b></a>"
"Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Tortured Visions' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='wfrp4e.mutations'><b>Visions Torturées</b></a>"
"range": {
"Undivided": [93, 94],
"Commun": [93, 94],
"Khorne": [88, 92],
"Nurgle": [93, 97],
"Slaanesh": [91, 94],
"Tzeentch": [89, 93]
"Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Totally Unhinged' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'><b>Totally Unhinged</b></a>"
"Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Totally Unhinged' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='wfrp4e.mutations'><b>Totalement déséquilibré</b></a>"
"range": {
"Undivided": [95, 97],
"Commun": [95, 97],
"Khorne": [93, 97],
"Nurgle": [],
"Slaanesh": [95, 98],
"Tzeentch": [94, 97]
"Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Unending Malice' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'><b>Unending Malice</b></a>"
"Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Unending Malice' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='wfrp4e.mutations'><b>Infinie malveillance</b></a>"
"range": {
"Undivided": [98, 100],
"Commun": [98, 100],
"Khorne": [98, 100],
"Nurgle": [99, 100],
"Slaanesh": [99, 100],
"Tzeentch": [98, 100]
"Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Worried Jitters' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'><b>Worried Jitters</b></a>"
"Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Worried Jitters' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='wfrp4e.mutations'><b>Terrible Inquiétude</b></a>"
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
"name": "Expanded Physical Mutations",
"name": "Mutations Physiques Etendues",
"die": "1d100",
"columns": [
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
"rows": [
"range": {
"Undivided": [
"Commun": [
@ -32,11 +32,11 @@
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Animalistic Legs</a></b>"
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Jambes Animales</a></b>"
"range": {
"Undivided": [
"Commun": [
"Khorne": [
@ -54,11 +54,11 @@
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Acid Blood</a></b>"
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Sang Acide</a></b>"
"range": {
"Undivided": [
"Commun": [
@ -74,11 +74,11 @@
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Beaked Face</a></b>"
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Bec au Visage</a></b>"
"range": {
"Undivided": [
"Commun": [
@ -96,11 +96,11 @@
"Tzeentch": [13, 13]
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Beast Head</a></b>"
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Tête de bête</a></b>"
"range": {
"Undivided": [11, 11],
"Commun": [11, 11],
"Khorne": [
@ -117,11 +117,11 @@
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Beweaponed Extremities</a></b>"
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Extrémités armées</a></b>"
"range": {
"Undivided": [
"Commun": [
@ -140,11 +140,11 @@
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Big Ears</a></b>"
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Grandes Oreilles</a></b>"
"range": {
"Undivided": [
"Commun": [
@ -158,11 +158,11 @@
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Bird's Feet</a></b>"
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Pieds d'Oiseaux</a></b>"
"range": {
"Undivided": [
"Commun": [
"Khorne": [],
@ -175,11 +175,11 @@
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Blank Face</a></b>"
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Visage Vide</a></b>"
"range": {
"Undivided": [
"Commun": [
"Khorne": [
@ -197,11 +197,11 @@
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Breathe Fire</a></b>"
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Souflle Enflammé</a></b>"
"range": {
"Undivided": [
"Commun": [
@ -217,11 +217,11 @@
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Bulging Eyes</a></b>"
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Yeux Globuleux</a></b>"
"range": {
"Undivided": [
"Commun": [
"Khorne": [
@ -234,11 +234,11 @@
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Burning Skin</a></b>"
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Peau Enflammée</a></b>"
"range": {
"Undivided": [
"Commun": [
@ -263,7 +263,7 @@
"range": {
"Undivided": [
"Commun": [
@ -284,11 +284,11 @@
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Claws</a></b>"
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Griffes</a></b>"
"range": {
"Undivided": [
"Commun": [
"Khorne": [],
@ -299,11 +299,11 @@
"Slaanesh": [],
"Tzeentch": []
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Cloud of Flies</a></b>"
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Nuage de Mouches</a></b>"
"range": {
"Undivided": [
"Commun": [
"Khorne": [],
@ -321,7 +321,7 @@
"range": {
"Undivided": [
"Commun": [
@ -341,11 +341,11 @@
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Crested Head</a></b>"
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Crête de Coq</a></b>"
"range": {
"Undivided": [
"Commun": [
@ -365,11 +365,11 @@
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Deafening Cry</a></b>"
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Cri Assourdissant</a></b>"
"range": {
"Undivided": [
"Commun": [
"Khorne": [
@ -385,11 +385,11 @@
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Distended Digits</a></b>"
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Doigts Distendus</a></b>"
"range": {
"Undivided": [
"Commun": [
@ -407,11 +407,11 @@
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Elastic Arms</a></b>"
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Bras Elastiques</a></b>"
"range": {
"Undivided": [
"Commun": [
"Khorne": [
@ -429,11 +429,11 @@
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Emaciated</a></b>"
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Emacié</a></b>"
"range": {
"Undivided": [
"Commun": [
"Khorne": [],
@ -450,11 +450,11 @@
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Evil Eye</a></b>"
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Oeil Démoniaque</a></b>"
"range": {
"Undivided": [
"Commun": [
"Khorne": [
@ -470,11 +470,11 @@
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Extra Leg Joints</a></b>"
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Jambes Articulées</a></b>"
"range": {
"Undivided": [
"Commun": [
"Khorne": [
@ -493,11 +493,11 @@
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Extra Mouth</a></b>"
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Bouche Supplémentaire</a></b>"
"range": {
"Undivided": [
"Commun": [
@ -513,11 +513,11 @@
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Eyestalks</a></b>"
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Yeux Mobiles</a></b>"
"range": {
"Undivided": [
"Commun": [
"Khorne": [],
@ -534,11 +534,11 @@
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Fleshy Tentacle</a></b>"
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Tentacule de Chair</a></b>"
"range": {
"Undivided": [
"Commun": [
@ -552,11 +552,11 @@
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Foul Odour</a></b>"
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Odeur Nauséabonde</a></b>"
"range": {
"Undivided": [
"Commun": [
"Khorne": [
@ -573,11 +573,11 @@
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Furred Skin</a></b>"
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Peau de Fourrure</a></b>"
"range": {
"Undivided": [
"Commun": [
@ -594,11 +594,11 @@
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Gills</a></b>"
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Branchies</a></b>"
"range": {
"Undivided": [
"Commun": [
"Khorne": [
@ -614,11 +614,11 @@
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Glowing Skin</a></b>"
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Peau Luisante</a></b>"
"range": {
"Undivided": [
"Commun": [
"Khorne": [
@ -634,11 +634,11 @@
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Headless</a></b>"
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Sans-tête</a></b>"
"range": {
"Undivided": [
"Commun": [
@ -656,11 +656,11 @@
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Hopper</a></b>"
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Sauteur</a></b>"
"range": {
"Undivided": [
"Commun": [
"Khorne": [],
@ -673,11 +673,11 @@
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Inhuman Beauty</a></b>"
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Beauté Inhumaine</a></b>"
"range": {
"Undivided": [
"Commun": [
@ -694,11 +694,11 @@
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Iron Skin</a></b>"
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Peau d'Acier</a></b>"
"range": {
"Undivided": [
"Commun": [
"Khorne": [
@ -714,11 +714,11 @@
"Tzeentch": []
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Lolling Tongue</a></b>"
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Langue Pendante</a></b>"
"range": {
"Undivided": [
"Commun": [
@ -735,11 +735,11 @@
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Long Arms</a></b>"
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Bras Allongés</a></b>"
"range": {
"Undivided": [
"Commun": [
@ -755,11 +755,11 @@
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Long Legs</a></b>"
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Jambes Allongées</a></b>"
"range": {
"Undivided": [
"Commun": [
@ -773,11 +773,11 @@
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Long Neck</a></b>"
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Coup Allongé</a></b>"
"range": {
"Undivided": [
"Commun": [
"Khorne": [
@ -797,11 +797,11 @@
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Multiple Arms</a></b>"
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Bras Multiples</a></b>"
"range": {
"Undivided": [
"Commun": [
@ -822,11 +822,11 @@
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Multiple Legs</a></b>"
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Jambes Multiples</a></b>"
"range": {
"Undivided": [
"Commun": [
@ -844,11 +844,11 @@
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>One Eye</a></b>"
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Un Oeil</a></b>"
"range": {
"Undivided": [
"Commun": [
"Khorne": [],
@ -862,11 +862,11 @@
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Patchy Feathers</a></b>"
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Plumes Eparses</a></b>"
"range": {
"Undivided": [
"Commun": [
@ -882,11 +882,11 @@
"Tzeentch": []
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Pin Head</a></b>"
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Tête d'Epingle</a></b>"
"range": {
"Undivided": [
"Commun": [
@ -901,11 +901,11 @@
"Tzeentch": []
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Pointed Head</a></b>"
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Tête Pointue</a></b>"
"range": {
"Undivided": [
"Commun": [
"Khorne": [
@ -921,11 +921,11 @@
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Rearranged Face</a></b>"
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Visage Arrangé</a></b>"
"range": {
"Undivided": [
"Commun": [
"Khorne": [],
@ -936,11 +936,11 @@
"Slaanesh": [],
"Tzeentch": []
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Rotting Flesh</a></b>"
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Chair Pourrie</a></b>"
"range": {
"Undivided": [
"Commun": [
@ -955,11 +955,11 @@
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Shifting Colours</a></b>"
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Couleurs Changeantes</a></b>"
"range": {
"Undivided": [
"Commun": [
@ -968,11 +968,11 @@
"Slaanesh": [78, 78],
"Tzeentch": [77, 77]
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Short Legs</a></b>"
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Jambes Courtes</a></b>"
"range": {
"Undivided": [
"Commun": [
@ -984,11 +984,11 @@
"Slaanesh": [],
"Tzeentch": []
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Skull Face</a></b>"
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Face de Crâce</a></b>"
"range": {
"Undivided": [80, 80],
"Commun": [80, 80],
"Khorne": [
@ -1000,11 +1000,11 @@
"Tzeentch": []
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Spiked Skin</a></b>"
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Peau Cloutée</a></b>"
"range": {
"Undivided": [
"Commun": [
@ -1022,11 +1022,11 @@
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Suckered Hands and Feet</a></b>"
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Mains et Pieds Ventouses</a></b>"
"range": {
"Undivided": [
"Commun": [
@ -1047,11 +1047,11 @@
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Tail</a></b>"
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Petit</a></b>"
"range": {
"Undivided": [85, 85],
"Commun": [85, 85],
"Khorne": [
@ -1063,11 +1063,11 @@
"Tzeentch": [83, 83]
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Thorny Scales</a></b>"
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Ecailles Epineuses</a></b>"
"range": {
"Undivided": [
"Commun": [
@ -1082,11 +1082,11 @@
"Tzeentch": [84, 84]
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Three Eyes</a></b>"
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Troisième Oeil</a></b>"
"range": {
"Undivided": [88, 88],
"Commun": [88, 88],
"Khorne": [86, 86],
"Nurgle": [
@ -1095,11 +1095,11 @@
"Slaanesh": [],
"Tzeentch": [85, 85]
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Transparent Skin</a></b>"
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Peau Transparente</a></b>"
"range": {
"Undivided": [
"Commun": [
@ -1117,11 +1117,11 @@
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Two Heads</a></b>"
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Deux Têtes</a></b>"
"range": {
"Undivided": [91, 91],
"Commun": [91, 91],
"Khorne": [
@ -1133,11 +1133,11 @@
"Slaanesh": [],
"Tzeentch": [88, 88]
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Uneven Horns</a></b>"
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Cornes Disparates</a></b>"
"range": {
"Undivided": [
"Commun": [
@ -1158,11 +1158,11 @@
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Unusual Skin</a></b>"
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Peau Curieuse</a></b>"
"range": {
"Undivided": [95, 95],
"Commun": [95, 95],
"Khorne": [
@ -1177,11 +1177,11 @@
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Warp Frenzy</a></b>"
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Frénésie Mutagène</a></b>"
"range": {
"Undivided": [
"Commun": [
@ -1193,11 +1193,11 @@
"Slaanesh": [98, 98],
"Tzeentch": [98, 98]
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Webbed Feet</a></b>"
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Pieds Palmés</a></b>"
"range": {
"Undivided": [98, 98],
"Commun": [98, 98],
"Khorne": [98, 98],
"Nurgle": [
@ -1206,21 +1206,21 @@
"Slaanesh": [],
"Tzeentch": []
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Weeping Pus</a></b>"
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Suintement de Pus</a></b>"
"range": {
"Undivided": [99, 99],
"Commun": [99, 99],
"Khorne": [99, 99],
"Nurgle": [],
"Slaanesh": [],
"Tzeentch": [97, 97]
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Whiskered Snout</a></b>"
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Groin Poilu</a></b>"
"range": {
"Undivided": [100, 100],
"Commun": [100, 100],
"Khorne": [100, 100],
"Nurgle": [],
"Slaanesh": [
@ -1232,7 +1232,7 @@
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Wings</a></b>"
"name": "<b><a class = 'item-lookup' data-type='mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'>Ailes</a></b>"
@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
"name": "Fixations",
"name": "Idées Fixes",
"die": "2d10",
"rows": [{
"description": "Inanimate Objects",
"description": "Objets Inanimés",
"range": [2,2]
}, {
"description": "Poverty",
"description": "Pauvreté",
"range": [3,3]
}, {
"description": "Fire",
"description": "Feu",
"range": [4,4]
}, {
"description": "Figures/Symbols of War",
"description": "Figures/Symboles de Guerre",
"range": [5,5]
}, {
"description": "Figures/Symbols of Authority",
"description": "Figures/Symboles de l'Autorité",
"range": [6,6]
}, {
"description": "Figures/Symbols of Religion",
"description": "Figures/Symboles Religieux",
"range": [7,7]
} ,{
"description": "Monsters",
"description": "Monstres",
"range": [8,8]
}, {
"description": "Mutants",
@ -29,34 +29,34 @@
"description": "Halflings",
"range": [10,10]
}, {
"description": "Humans",
"description": "Humains",
"range": [11,11]
}, {
"description": "Dwarfs",
"description": "Nains",
"range": [12,12]
}, {
"description": "Elves",
"description": "Elfes",
"range": [13,13]
}, {
"description": "Wild Animals",
"description": "Animaux Sauvages",
"range": [14,14]
}, {
"description": "Domestic Animals",
"description": "Animaux Domestiques",
"range": [15,15]
}, {
"description": "Magic",
"description": "Magie",
"range": [16,16]
}, {
"description": "Sickness",
"description": "Maladie",
"range": [17,17]
}, {
"description": "Water",
"description": "Eau",
"range": [18,18]
}, {
"description": "Affluence",
"range": [19,19]
}, {
"description": "Happiness",
"description": "Bonheur",
"range": [20,20]
@ -1,51 +1,51 @@
"name": "Harmful Encounters",
"name": "Rencontres Génantes",
"hide": true,
"die": "1d100",
"rows": [
"name": "Tiring Journey!",
"description": "The route is blocked. A bridge could be down, a river blocked or road flooded, or some other insurmountable obstacle. One Character makes an Average (+20) Outdoor Survival Test to find a good alternate route, otherwise everyone just pushes on, gaining a @Condition[Fatigued] Condition.",
"name": "Voyage fatiguant!",
"description": "La route est bloquée. Un pont peut-être tombé,une rivière bloquée ou une route inondée, ou tout autre obstacle insurmontable. L'un des personnages doit réussir un Test de Survie en Extérieur Accessible (+20) pour trouver une route alternative viable, ou bien tout les personnages reçoivent l'état @Condition[Fatigued]{Extenué}.",
"range": [1,10]
"name": "Thieves!",
"description": "Somehow the Characters get robbed. Perhaps it was someone travelling with them, sharing their campfire for the night or just a brief conversation on the road. They quickly lose sight of the thief, but during the arrival phase they catch a glimpse of them just ahead, ill gotten gains still in hand. Perhaps their purse fell afoul of the lithe fingers of Wolmar Rotte (page 49), or perhaps Wilhelm Kind (page 55) made off with one of their mounts?",
"name": "Voleurs!",
"description": "D'une manière ou d'une autre, les Personnages ont été volés. Peut-être était-ce quelqu'un voyageant avec eux, partageant leur feu de camp pour la nuit ou seulement une brève conversation sur la route. Ils perdent rapidement le voleur de vue, mais durant leur phase d'arrivée, ils le rattrapent. Peut-être que leur porte-monnaie est rombé entre les mains de Wolmar Rotte (page 49), ou peut-être que Wilhelm Kind (page 55) est parti avec leurs montures.",
"range": [11,20]
"name": "Unfriendly Territory",
"description": "As the Characters travel, it becomes apparent to them that the region is home to bandits, monsters, or worse. They can risk moving through the territory, requiring a successful Challenging (+0) Stealth (Rural) Test from each Character, or be ambushed, or they can find another way around, gaining a @Condition[Fatigued] Condition from the arduous travel.",
"name": "Territoire Hostile",
"description": "Alors que les Personnages voyagent, il leur apparait comme évident que la région est le repaire de bandits, monstres ou pire. Ils peuvent prendre le risque de se déplacer dans la zone, ce qui nécessite un Test de Discrétion (Rural) Intermédiaire (0) pour chaque Personnage, ou bien tomber dans une embuscade. Ils peuvent également chercher une autre voie de passage, ce qui leur fait recevoir un état @Condition[Fatigued].",
"range": [21,30]
"name": "Poisoned Earth",
"description": "The region the Characters are travelling through has been fouled by old industry, war, or dark magic. On the surface, everything seems normal, but the rivers hold a sickness, the animals are tainted, and disease hangs in the air. Any Characters who attempt a Forage Endeavour, take goods from this region, or spend too much time here, will have to contend with poisons, sickness, and perhaps even Corruption.",
"name": "Terre Empoisonnée",
"description": "La région que les Personnages traversent a été corrompue par une ancienne magie, guerre ou autre. En apparence, tout à l'air normal, mais la rivière porte la maladie, les animaux sont corrompus et les miasmes flottent dans l'air. Tout Personnage effectuant une activité de Forage, prélevant des produits de cette région ou passant trop de temps dans la zone devra subir les effets des poisons, maladies ou même Corruption de la zone.",
"range": [31,40]
"name": "Even Nature Hates You!",
"description": "The Characters find themselves in danger from nature. Deadly animals, lightning storms, disease, insects, you name it. This could result in violence, or in them receiving a Condition, or in a small but vicious encounter when they choose the wrong shepherd’s hut as a shelter. Consider the Creatures presented in The Beasts of the Reikland on page 314 of Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay.",
"name": "Même la nature vous hait!",
"description": "Les personnages se retrouvent en danger dans la nature. Animaux mortels, tempêtes, maladies, insectes, à votre guise. Cette situation peut dégénérer en violence, ou sur un Etat, ou devenir une petite mais vicieuse rencontre s'ils choisissent la mauvaise cabane de berger comme abri. Vous pouvez utilisez les Créatures de la section 'Bêtes du Reikland' dans le Livre de Base.",
"range": [41,50]
"name": "Terrible Weather",
"description": "As the Characters set up camp, the sky turns dark, the wind picks up, and the weather changes unexpectedly in the night. For the next @Table[weather]{Weather} roll you make, add +40 (right click to apply). If this is the final stage of the journey, the terrible weather wracks their destination instead, leaving everyone there in a foul mood.",
"name": "Météo Catastrophique",
"description": "Alors que les Personnages installent leur campement, le ciel vire à l'orage, le vent se lève and le temps change brutalement pendant la nuit. Pour le prochein test de Météo sur la table @Table[weather]{Météo}, ajoutez +40 (clique droit). S'i s'agit de l'étape finale du voyage, If this is the final stage of the journey, le mauvas temps détruit leur destination à la place, laissant probablement tout le monde de mauvaise humeur.",
"range": [51,70]
"name": "Damaged Essentials",
"description": "Weather due to a bumpy road, a lost pack or a ripped tent, some vital part of the Characters travelling gear is lost or destroyed. This could be a fine oilskin coat, a tent, or the cracked wheel of a cart. Repairs might be required, or the Character may have to brave the elements, risking Exposure.",
"name": "Matériel détruit",
"description": "A cause d'une route cahotique, un sac perdu ou une tente abîmée, de l'équipement vital des Personnages a été perdu ou détruit. Cela peut-être un manteau huilé, une tente, ou la roue d'un chariot. Des réparations peuvent être nécessaires, ou les Personnages devront braver les élements, et subir les risques d'Exposition.",
"range": [71,80]
"name": "Filthy Conditions!",
"description": "Whether an unfortunate campsite, or an infested inn, the Characters have all exposed themselves to the terrible @Compendium[wfrp4e.diseases.BC4QyBeYAiw8cRuM]{Packer's Pox!} See Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay page 187 for the rules on contracting this disease.",
"name": "Sales Conditions!",
"description": "A cause d'un mauvais campement, ou d'une auberge infestée, les Personnages ont tous été exposés à la terrible @Compendium[wfrp4e.diseases.BC4QyBeYAiw8cRuM]{Vérole du Tanneur!}.",
"range": [81,90]
"name": "Bolted Mount!",
"description": "In the night, one of the Characters mounts bolts from the campsite or stable. A Character must gain a @Condition[Fatigued] Condition if they wish to recover the wayward beast, and additionally must Test for Exposure if searching by night in the Rain, a Downpour, Snow, or a Blizzard.",
"name": "Montage compliqué!",
"description": "Dans la nuit, l'un des personnages répare le campement ou l'étable et il manque des éléments. Le Personnage reçoit un Etat @Condition[Fatigued]{Exténué} alors qu'il recherche la pièce manquante, and et doit éventuellement subir les effets des Expositions s'il cherche sous la pluie, la neige ou dans le blizzard.",
"range": [91,100]
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