// Apply changes when the mask is worn if (args.equipped) { this.actor.createEmbeddedDocuments("ActiveEffect", [this.item.effects.contents[1]?.convertToApplied()]) this.script.scriptMessage(`${this.actor.name} dons the ${this.item.name}.
They gain +1 Corruption point if an exposure Test is failed, which will need to be manually applied.
If they wear the mask for more than an hour or benefit from any of its effects, they are exposed to @Corruption[moderate]{Moderate Corruption} `, {whisper: ChatMessage.getWhisperRecipients("GM")}) } // Notify of lingering effects when mask is removed else if (!args.equipped) { await this.item.effects.contents[0].delete(); await this.item.update({name : this.item.name += " (Used)"}) this.script.scriptMessage(`${this.item.name} on ${this.actor.name} has been taken off and loses its properties. However, the effects last for [[1d10+4]] days, after which they should be manually removed.`, {whisper: ChatMessage.getWhisperRecipients("GM")} ) }