// Imbibing this substance grants the user the Painless Creature Trait. const hasPainless = this.actor.has("Painless"); if (hasPainless === undefined) { let item = await fromUuid("Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.wMwSRDmgiF2IdCJr"); let data = item.toObject() this.actor.createEmbeddedDocuments("Item", [data], {fromEffect: this.effect.id}) this.script.scriptMessage( `

${this.actor.prototypeToken.name} has gained the Painless Creature Trait. This effect lasts for one hour, after which it dissipates and the full effect of all the imbiber's wounds come crashing down at once.

Note that this does not prevent the user from acquiring a Critical Wound or dying from one. It merely allows them to ignore most of their effects.

`, { whisper: ChatMessage.getWhisperRecipients("GM"), blind: true}) }