let hasMagazine = await Dialog.confirm({content: "<p>Does the vessel have a magazine or any other kind of store for blackpowder?</p>"}); if (!hasMagazine) return; let roll = new Roll("d10"); await roll.evaluate(); // await roll.toMessage(); let anchor = roll.toAnchor(); let crits = []; for (let i = 0; i < roll.total; i++) { let result = await WFRP_Tables.rollTable('crithull'); let collection = game.packs.get(result.object.documentCollection) if (collection) await collection.getDocuments() if (!collection) collection = game.items; let item = collection.get(result.object.documentId) if (item) crits.push(item); } const items = await this.actor.createEmbeddedDocuments("Item", crits); const speaker = ChatMessage.getSpeaker({actor: this.actor}); const uuids = items.map(i => `@UUID[${i.uuid}]`); this.script.scriptMessage(`<p><b>${this.item.name}</b> caused an additional ${anchor.outerHTML} Critical Hits to the Hull!</p><ul><li>${uuids.join('<li>')}</ul>`)