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", "trappings": [ "Abbaye", "Livre (Théologie)" ] }, { "id": "Shipsword", "name": "Abordeur", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Grappin", "Heaume", "Chemise de mailles" ] }, { "id": "Agent", "name": "Agent secret", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Livre (Cryptographie)", "Réseau d'espion et d'informateurs", "Pigeons voyageurs", "Plume et encre" ] }, { "id": "Agitator", "name": "Agitateur", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Veste de Cuir" ] }, { "id": "Greenfish", "name": "Alevin", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Seau", "Hameçons et canne", "Jambières de cuir" ] }, { "id": "Ambassador", "name": "Ambassadeur", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Assistant", "Vêtements de cour de haute qualité", "Bâton de diplomate", "Héraut" ] }, { "id": "River Elder", "name": "Ancienne du fleuve", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Hutte ou barge fluviale" ] }, { "id": "Apothecary", "name": "Apothicaire", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Licence de Guilde", "Outils de la profession" ] }, { "id": "Apothecary-General", "name": "Apothicaire de Renom", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Bon de commande", "Grand atelier" ] }, { "id": "Apothecary's Apprentice", "name": "Apprenti Apothicaire", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Livre (Vierge)", "Potion de guérison", "Pourpoint de cuir", "Pilon et mortier" ] }, { "id": "Apprentice Artisan", "name": "Apprenti Artisan", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Craie", "Pourpoint de cuir", "d10 chiffons" ] }, { "id": "Horseman", "name": "Apprenti Cavalier", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Veste de cuir", "Cheval de selle avec fontes et selle" ] }, { "id": "Hedge Apprentice", "name": "Apprenti Sorcier de Village", "description": "

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", "trappings": [ "1d10 collier de chance", "Baton de combat", "Sac à dos" ] }, { "id": "Con Artist", "name": "Arnaqueur", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Nécessaire de déguisement", "Crochets de serrurier", "Divers faux documents" ] }, { "id": "Artisan", "name": "Artisan", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Licence de Guilde", "Outils de la profession" ] }, { "id": "Artist", "name": "Artiste", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Besace contenant les outils de la profession (Artiste)" ] }, { "id": "Apprentice Artist", "name": "Artiste apprenti", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Pinceau ou Ciseau ou Plume d'oie" ] }, { "id": "Master Artist", "name": "Artiste de renom", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Apprenti", "Mécène", "Atelier (Artiste)" ] }, { "id": "Assassin", "name": "Assassin", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Arbalète avec 10 carreaux", "Nécessaire de déguisement" ] }, { "id": "Aide", "name": "Assistant", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Nécessaire d'écriture" ] }, { "id": "Bailiff", "name": "Bailli", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Veste de Cuir", "3 collecteurs de taxes" ] }, { "id": "Brigand", "name": "Bandit", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Sac de couchage", "Arme à 1 main", "Pourpoint de cuir", "Briquet" ] }, { "id": "Crime Lord", "name": "Baron du crime", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Réseau d'informateurs", "Vêtements de qualité et Chapeau", "Chef de bandes subordonnés" ] }, { "id": "Boatman", "name": "Batelier", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Corde", "Barque" ] }, { "id": "Townsman", "name": "Bourgeois", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Modeste maison de ville", "Serviteur", "Encre et plume" ] }, { "id": "Burgomeister", "name": "Bourgmestre", "description": "


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", "trappings": [ "Vêtements sombre", "Grappin", "Masque ou Echarpes" ] }, { "id": "Boat-hand", "name": "Canotier", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Arme à 1 main (Crochet de bateau)", "Veste de cuir", "Perche" ] }, { "id": "Barge Master", "name": "Capitaine", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Chapeau", "Bateau de rivière et équipage" ] }, { "id": "Watch Captain", "name": "Capitaine de la Milice", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Cheval de selle avec selle et harnais", "Chapeau de qualité", "Arme de qualité", "Insigne du rang (de qualité)" ] }, { "id": "Ship's Master", "name": "Capitaine de Navire", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Règles de navigation", "Navire et équipage", "Sextant", "Longue vue" ] }, { "id": "Wrecker Captain", "name": "Capitaine Naufrageur", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Flotte de bateaux fluviaux et équipages de naufrageurs", "Pinte de bière", "Menottes" ] }, { "id": "Road Captain", "name": "Capitaine Patrouilleur", "description": "

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", "trappings": [ "Plastron d'acier", "Heaume", "Cheval de guerre léger avec selle et fontes", "Pistolet avec 10 balles", "Bouclier" ] }, { "id": "Pit Champion", "name": "Champion de Fosse", "description": "

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", "trappings": [ "Cuirasse", "Heaume" ] }, { "id": "Judicial Champion", "name": "Champion de justice", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "2 Armes de qualité" ] }, { "id": "Chancellor", "name": "Chancelier", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Cheval de selle avec selle et harnais", "Costume luxueus et de qualité", "Bâton de conseillers et Assistants" ] }, { "id": "Charlatan", "name": "Charlatan", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "1 faux document", "2 ensembles de vêtements de qualité", "Assortiment de poudres colorées et d'eau", "Assortiment de breloques et colifichets" ] }, { "id": "Hunter", "name": "Chasseur", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Arc avec 10 flèches" ] }, { "id": "Bounty Hunter", "name": "Chasseur de primes", "description": "

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", "trappings": [ "Arbalète et 10 carreaux", "Calotte de cuir", "Menottes", "Filet", "Avis de recherche" ] }, { "id": "Bounty Hunter General", "name": "Chasseur de primes vétéran", "description": "

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", "trappings": [ "Cheval de trait et chariot", "Chemise de mailles", "4 paires de menottes" ] }, { "id": "Rat Hunter", "name": "Chasseur de Rat", "description": "

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", "trappings": [ "Fronde avec munitions", "Sac", "Petit chien vicieux" ] }, { "id": "Treasure Hunter", "name": "Chasseur de trésors", "description": "

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", "trappings": [ "Sac de couchage", "Cartes", "Tente", "Outils (Ingénieur)", "Nécesssaire d'écriture" ] }, { "id": "Thief-taker", "name": "Chasseur de voleurs", "description": "

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", "trappings": [ "Arme à 1 main", "Pourpoint de cuir", "Corde" ] }, { "id": "Outlaw Chief", "name": "Chef de bande", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Heaume", "Cheval de selle avec selle et fontes", "Chemise de mailles", "Bande de Hors-la-Loi" ] }, { "id": "Bargeswain", "name": "Chef de bord", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Sac à dos", "Outils de la profession (Charpentier)" ] }, { "id": "Gang Boss", "name": "Chef de gang", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Arbalète de poing avec 10 carreaux", "Bande de Voyous et Rançonneurs", "Antre" ] }, { "id": "Troupe Leader", "name": "Chef de Troupe", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Chevaux de trait et wagon de troupe", "Garde robe de costumes et perruques", "Troupes de comédiens" ] }, { "id": "Fellow", "name": "Chercheur", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Mortier", "Robes" ] }, { "id": "Knight", "name": "Chevalier", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Destrier avec fontes et selle", "Arme à 1 main (Au choix)", "Lance", "Armure de plates et Heaume" ] }, { "id": "First Knight", "name": "Chevalier commandeur", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Carapaçon", "Petite unité de chevaliers" ] }, { "id": "Knight of the Inner Circle", "name": "Chevalier du cercle intérieur", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Grand Heaume avec Plumes", "Ecuyer", "Grande unité de Chevaliers ou plusieurs petites unités de Chevaliers" ] }, { "id": "Coachman", "name": "Cocher", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Tromblon avec 10 balles", "Corne de cochet", "Veste de cuir", "Chapeau" ] }, { "id": "Pedlar", "name": "Colporteur", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Mule et sacoches", "Biens pour une valeur de 2d10 pistoles", "Assortiments de pots et poêles", "Outils de la profession (Médecine)" ] }, { "id": "Advisor", "name": "Conseiller", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Livrée" ] }, { "id": "Town Councilor", "name": "Conseiller municipal", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Coche et Cocher", "Maison de ville" ] }, { "id": "Counsellor", "name": "Consultant", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Vêtements de qualité", "Assistant" ] }, { "id": "Smuggler", "name": "Contrebandier", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "2 barriques", "Arme à 1 main", "Veste de Cuir", "Barque" ] }, { "id": "Foreman", "name": "Contremaître", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Gang de débardeur", "Sifflet" ] }, { "id": "Mine Foreman", "name": "Contremaître de la mine", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Equipe de mineurs", "Nécessaire d'écriture" ] }, { "id": "Thug", "name": "Coupe-jarret", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Coup-de-poing", "Veste de cuir" ] }, { "id": "Runner", "name": "Coureur", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Etui à parchemins" ] }, { "id": "River Runner", "name": "Coureur de rivières", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Grand sac", "Masque ou Echarpes", "Briquet", "Lampe Tempête et Huile" ] }, { "id": "Guide", "name": "Coureur des bois", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Arme à 1 main", "Veste de cuir", "Chaussures confortable et Cape", "Corde" ] }, { "id": "Herb Gatherer", "name": "Cueilleur", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Bottes", "Manteau", "Sacoche avec assortiments d'herbes" ] }, { "id": "Stevedore", "name": "Débardeur", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Licence de Guilde", "Veste de cuir", "Pipe et Tabac", "Casquette de porteur" ] }, { "id": "Demagogue", "name": "Démagogue", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "3 pamphlets", "Mécène", "Presse à imprimer", "Chapeau impressionnant" ] }, { "id": "Warlock", "name": "Démoniste", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Robes", "Crânes" ] }, { "id": "Detective", "name": "Détective", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Réseau d'informateurs", "Longue vue" ] }, { "id": "Wyrd", "name": "Devin", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Sac à dos", "Manteau avec nombreuses poches", "Charme de chance" ] }, { "id": "Diplomat", "name": "Diplomate", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Assistant", "Vêtements de qualité", "Carte" ] }, { "id": "Doktor", "name": "Docteur en médecine", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Apprenti", "Cabinet de médecin" ] }, { "id": "Menial", "name": "Domestique", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Balai brosse" ] }, { "id": "Village Elder", "name": "Doyen", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Le respect du village" ] }, { "id": "Duellist", "name": "Duelliste", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Main Gauche ou Brise-Epée", "Pistolet avec poudre et munitions" ] }, { "id": "Councilor", "name": "Echevin", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Mule et chariot", "Maison de village et atelier" ] }, { "id": "Scout", "name": "Eclaireur", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Arc et 10 flèches", "Chemise de mailles" ] }, { "id": "Squire", "name": "Ecuyer", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Veste de cuir", "Chemise de mailles", "Cheval de selle avec fontes et selle", "Bouclier", "Outils (Maréchal Ferrand)" ] }, { "id": "Sewer Jack", "name": "Egoutier", "description": "

@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.journal-entries.wczCPcuHT4VQDLpL.JournalEntryPage.mKvUxzJyQmhgjDE0]{Rat Catcher}

", "trappings": [ "Lanterne Davrich", "Arme à 1 main", "Veste de cuir" ] }, { "id": "Envoy", "name": "Emissaire", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Encre et plume", "10 feuilles de parchemin" ] }, { "id": "Clerk", "name": "Employé", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Hébergement", "Bonnes chaussures" ] }, { "id": "Investigator", "name": "Enquêteur", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Veste de cuir", "Arme à 1 main", "Loupe", "Crochets de serrurier" ] }, { "id": "Hexer", "name": "Ensorceleur", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Bougies", "Craie", "Poupée", "Epingles" ] }, { "id": "Bawd", "name": "Entremetteur", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Dose de Mystracine", "Vêtements de qualité" ] }, { "id": "Scholar", "name": "Erudit", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Accés à une bibliothèque", "Diplôme" ] }, { "id": "Fencer", "name": "Escrimeur", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Arme à 1 main ou Rapière", "Sacoche contenant des vêtements et 1d10 bandages" ] }, { "id": "Scoundrel", "name": "Escroc", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Faux sceau", "Nécessaire d'écriture" ] }, { "id": "Spy", "name": "Espion", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Informateur", "Arme à 1 main", "Nécessaire de déguisement", "Réseau d'informateurs", "Longue vue" ] }, { "id": "Courier", "name": "Estafette", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Sac à dos", "Sacoches", "Bouclier" ] }, { "id": "Student", "name": "Etudiant", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Alcool", "Livre", "Lettre de Recommandation", "Nécessaire d'écriture" ] }, { "id": "Student Lawyer", "name": "Etudiant en Droit", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Livre (Loi)", "Loupe" ] }, { "id": "Physician's Apprentice", "name": "Etudiant en Médecine", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Bandages", "Potion de Guérison" ] }, { "id": "Student Engineer", "name": "Etudiant Ingénieur", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Livre (Ingénieur)", "Marteau et Pointes" ] }, { "id": "Explorer", "name": "Explorateur", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Sélection de cartes", "Outil de la profession (Cartographe)" ] }, { "id": "Exterminator", "name": "Exterminateur", "description": "

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", "trappings": [ "Assistant", "Grand chien vicieux", "Sac d'appas empoisonnés (10 doses de brise-coeur)" ] }, { "id": "Rabble Rouser", "name": "Fauteur de Troubles", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Arme à 1 main", "Pamphlet" ] }, { "id": "Riverwoman", "name": "Femme du fleuve", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Piège à anguilles", "Pourpoint en cuir", "Filet", "Lance" ] }, { "id": "Swindler", "name": "Filou", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Sac à Dos", "2 ensemble de vêtements", "Paquet de cartes", "Dés" ] }, { "id": "Flagellant", "name": "Flagellant", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Affiche", "Symbole religieux", "Fronde" ] }, { "id": "Guard", "name": "Garde", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Arc avec 10 flèches", "Chemise de mailles", "Bouclier", "Lance" ] }, { "id": "Guard Officer", "name": "Garde officier", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Cuirasse" ] }, { "id": "Custodian", "name": "Gardien", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Clés", "Lanterne", "Huile de lampe", "Livrée" ] }, { "id": "Pit Fighter", "name": "Gladiateur", "description": "

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", "trappings": [ "Fléau ou Arme Loude", "Arme à 1 main", "Filet ou Fouet", "Bouclier ou Brise-Epée" ] }, { "id": "Governor", "name": "Gouverneur", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Assistant", "Résidence de Gouverneur", "Serviteur" ] }, { "id": "High Priest", "name": "Grand Prêtre", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Robes de qualité", "Relique religieuse", "Prêtres subordonnés", "Temple" ] }, { "id": "Pathfinder", "name": "Guide", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Carte", "Cheval de selle avec fontes et selle", "Sacoche avec 2 semaines de rations", "Tente" ] }, { "id": "Riverguide", "name": "Guide fluvial", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Arme à 1 main (Gaffe)", "Lampe Tempête et Huile" ] }, { "id": "Herald", "name": "Héraut", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Veste de cuir", "Livrée", "Etui à parchemins" ] }, { "id": "Herbalist", "name": "Herboriste", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Arme à 1 main (Serpe)", "Cataplasme de Guérison", "Outil de la profession (Herboriste)" ] }, { "id": "Herbwise", "name": "Herboriste de renom", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Poney et charette" ] }, { "id": "Scion", "name": "Héritier", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Tenue courtoise", "Fleuret de qualité ou Miroir à main", "Bijoux d'une valeur de 3d10 CO", "Serviteur personnel" ] }, { "id": "Honour Guard", "name": "Honour Guard", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Great Weapon or Halberd", "Helmet", "Uniform" ] }, { "id": "Outlaw", "name": "Hors-la-Loi", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Arc avec 10 flèches", "Bouclier", "Tente" ] }, { "id": "Pauper", "name": "Indigent", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Veste de mauvaise qualité", "Coupe" ] }, { "id": "Informer", "name": "Informateur", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Batonnet de fusain", "Sacoche contenant 2 ensemble de vêtements et manteau à capuche" ] }, { "id": "Engineer", "name": "Ingénieur", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Licence de Guilde", "Outils de la profession" ] }, { "id": "Chartered Engineer", "name": "Ingénieur Agrée", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Licence de Guilde", "Bibliothèque (Ingénieur)", "Outils de qualite (Ingénieur)", "Grand atelier (Ingénieur)" ] }, { "id": "Initiate", "name": "Initié", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Symbole Religieux", "Robes" ] }, { "id": "Inquisitor", "name": "Inquisiteur", "description": "

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", "trappings": [ "Vêtement de qualité", "Interrogateurs subordonnés" ] }, { "id": "Warden", "name": "Intendant", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Arme à 1 main ou Arc avec 10 flèches", "Cheval de sell avec fontes et selle", "Veste de cuir" ] }, { "id": "Interrogator", "name": "Interrogateur", "description": "

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", "trappings": [ "Arme à 1 main", "Instruments de Torture" ] }, { "id": "Judge", "name": "Juge", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Maillet", "Perruque Ostentatoire" ] }, { "id": "Lawyer", "name": "Juriste", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Robes de court", "License de Guilde", "Nécessaire d'écriture" ] }, { "id": "Lector", "name": "Lecteur", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Bibliothèque (Théologie)", "Grand Prêtes subordonnés" ] }, { "id": "Pit Legend", "name": "Légende de la Fosse", "description": "

@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.journal-entries.wczCPcuHT4VQDLpL.JournalEntryPage.EELJsJuoDVxiRu9e]{Pit Fighter}

", "trappings": [ "Heaume de qualité" ] }, { "id": "Sleuth", "name": "Limier", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Lanterne", "Lampe à Huile", "Journal", "Plume et Encre" ] }, { "id": "Maestro", "name": "Maestro", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Grand atelier (Artiste)", "Bibliothèque (Art)", "3 Apprentis" ] }, { "id": "Magistrate", "name": "Magistrat", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Bibliothèque (Droit)", "Robes de qualité", "Sceau" ] }, { "id": "Magnate", "name": "Magnat", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "2 ensemble de vêtements de cour de qualité", "200 GC", "Fief", "Bijoux d'une valeur de 200 GC", "Anneau de signature" ] }, { "id": "Shipsword Master", "name": "Maître abordeur", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Bateau de patrouille et équipage", "Insigne du rang" ] }, { "id": "Master Apothecary", "name": "Maître Apothicaire", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Bibliothèque (Apothicaire)", "Apprenti", "Atelier" ] }, { "id": "Master Artisan", "name": "Maître artisan", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Apprenti", "Atelier" ] }, { "id": "Master Bounty Hunter", "name": "Maître chasseur de primes", "description": "

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", "trappings": [ "Chemise de mailles", "Cheval de selle et selle" ] }, { "id": "Coach Master", "name": "Maître cocher", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Chemise de mailles", "Pistolet", "Manteau de qualité" ] }, { "id": "Master Pedlar", "name": "Maître colporteur", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Charette à bras", "Biens pour une valeur de 2d10 CO" ] }, { "id": "Master Smuggler", "name": "Maître contrebandier", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Coureur de rivières", "Bateau de transport fluvial rapide" ] }, { "id": "Boatswain", "name": "Maître d'équipage", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Outils de la profession (Charpentier)" ] }, { "id": "Guildmaster", "name": "Maître de guilde", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Guilde", "Vêtements de qualité" ] }, { "id": "Huntsmaster", "name": "Maître de la Chasse", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Cheval de selle avec fontes et selle", "Meute de chiens de chasse" ] }, { "id": "Dock Master", "name": "Maître des docks", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Bureau et Baton", "Nécessaire d'écriture" ] }, { "id": "Route Master", "name": "Maître des routes", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Flotte de diligences et chevaux", "Cartes" ] }, { "id": "Barrister", "name": "Maître du Barreau", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Bureau", "Assistant (Etudiant ou Serviteur)" ] }, { "id": "Duelmaster", "name": "Maître duelliste", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Rapière de qualité", "Arme à 1 main", "Second de confiance", "2 épées d'entraînement en bois" ] }, { "id": "Master Investigator", "name": "Maître Enquêteur", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Assistant", "Bureaux" ] }, { "id": "Spymaster", "name": "Maître Espion", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Bureaux et Equipe", "Grand réseau d'espions", "Espions", "Informateurs" ] }, { "id": "Herb Master", "name": "Maître Herboriste", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Cueilleur", "3 Cataplasmes de Soin", "Potion de Guérison", "Atelier (Herboriste)" ] }, { "id": "Master Engineer", "name": "Maître Ingénieur", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Atelier" ] }, { "id": "Master Merchant", "name": "Maître Marchand", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Maison de ville avec Serviteurs", "Entrepot", "100 CO" ] }, { "id": "Master Beggar", "name": "Maître Mendiant", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Nécessaire de déguisement", "Cachette", "Suivant pauvre" ] }, { "id": "Master Miner", "name": "Maître Mineur", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Arme Longue (Pique à 2 mains)", "Heaume", "Outils (Ingénieur)" ] }, { "id": "Master Pilot", "name": "Maître nocher", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Mousse", "Petite bateau de rivière" ] }, { "id": "Master Fence", "name": "Maître receleur", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Boutique de receleur" ] }, { "id": "Master Wizard", "name": "Maître Sorcier", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Apprenti", "Cheval de guerre léger", "Objet Magique" ] }, { "id": "Hedge Master", "name": "Maître Sorcier de village", "description": "

@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.journal-entries.wczCPcuHT4VQDLpL.JournalEntryPage.03Nnub5GHNRCU9kg]{Hedge Witch}

", "trappings": [ "Hutte isolée", "Apprenti" ] }, { "id": "Master Thief", "name": "Maître voleur", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Arbalète de poing avec 10 carreaux" ] }, { "id": "Merchant", "name": "Marchand", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Péniche fluviale ou 2 chariots", "Licence de Guilde", "20 CO" ] }, { "id": "Seaman", "name": "Marin", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Arme à 1 main (Gaffe)", "Pourpoint de cuir" ] }, { "id": "Landsman", "name": "Marin d'eau douce", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Seau", "Brosse", "Balai" ] }, { "id": "Braggart", "name": "Matamore", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Capuche ou Masque", "Coup-de-poing", "Veste de cuir" ] }, { "id": "Physician", "name": "Médecin", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Livre (Medecine)", "Licence de Guilde", "Outils de la profession (Médecine)" ] }, { "id": "Court Physician", "name": "Médecin de la cour", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Tenue d'apparat", "Lettre d'engagement" ] }, { "id": "Beggar", "name": "Mendiant", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Cruche", "Bol" ] }, { "id": "Ringleader", "name": "Meneur", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Maison de ville avec une entrée discrête", "Un cercle d'entremetteurs" ] }, { "id": "Messenger", "name": "Messager", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Arme à 1 main", "Veste de cuir", "Cheval de selle avec Fontes et Selle" ] }, { "id": "Courier-Captain", "name": "Messager vétéran", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Estafettes", "Chemise de mailles", "Nécessaire d'écriture" ] }, { "id": "Watchman", "name": "Milicien", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Lanterne avec perche", "Lampe à Huile", "Insigne de cuivre" ] }, { "id": "Miner", "name": "Mineur", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Lampe Davrich", "Arme à 1 main (Pique)", "Huile de lampe", "Veste de cuir" ] }, { "id": "Busker", "name": "Musicien de rues", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Bol", "Instrument" ] }, { "id": "Mystic", "name": "Mystique", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Assortiment d'amulettes" ] }, { "id": "Wrecker", "name": "Naufrageur", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Arme à 1 main (Crochet)", "Veste de cuir", "Lampe tempête et Huile" ] }, { "id": "Huffer", "name": "Nautonier", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Pourpoint de cuir", "Corde", "Barque" ] }, { "id": "Trader", "name": "Négociant", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Boulier", "Mule et Charrette", "Bâche en toile", "3d10 Pistoles" ] }, { "id": "Wandering Trader", "name": "Négociant itinérant", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Cheval de trait et chariot fermé", "Biens une valeur de 5d10 CO", "50 pistoles d'argent" ] }, { "id": "Noble", "name": "Noble", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "4 Serviteurs de maison", "Vêtement de cour de qualité", "Tenue courtoise", "Cheval de selle avec selle, harnais ou Diligence", "Main Gauche ou Manteau de qualité", "Bijoux d'une valeur de 50 CO" ] }, { "id": "Noble Lord", "name": "Noble Seigneur", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "4 ensembles de vêtements de court d'excellente qualité", "Fleuret de qualité ou Miroir à main", "500 CO", "Bijoux d'une valeur de 500 CO", "Province" ] }, { "id": "Nun", "name": "Nonne", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Livre (Religion)", "Relique Religieuse", "Outils de la profession (Au choix)" ] }, { "id": "Novitiate (Nun)", "name": "Novice (Nonne)", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Symbole Religieux", "Robes" ] }, { "id": "Novitiate (Warrior Priest)", "name": "Novice (Prêtre Guerrier)", "description": "

@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.journal-entries.wczCPcuHT4VQDLpL.JournalEntryPage.iYVpqJ6bz8fokdmf]{Warrior Priest}

", "trappings": [ "Livre (Religion)", "Pourpoint de cuir", "Symbole Religieux", "Robes", "Arme (Au choix)" ] }, { "id": "Officer", "name": "Officier", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Lettre de mission", "Cheval de guerre léger avec selle et fontes", "Carte", "Odres", "Unité de Soldats", "Uniforme de qualité", "Symbole du rang" ] }, { "id": "Light Cavalry Officer", "name": "Officier de Cavalerie Légère", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Paquet de cartes", "Vêtements de qualité" ] }, { "id": "Pamphleteer", "name": "Pamphlétaire", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Nécessaire d'écriture", "Marteau et clous", "Pile d'affichettes" ] }, { "id": "Riverwarden", "name": "Patrouilleur fluvial", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Lanterne et Huile", "Pistolet avec 10 balles", "Bouclier" ] }, { "id": "Road Warden", "name": "Patrouilleur routier", "description": "

@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.journal-entries.wczCPcuHT4VQDLpL.JournalEntryPage.dN2K3ZBMu4rvGGpW]{Road warden}

", "trappings": [ "Arme à 1 main", "Chemise de mailles", "Cheval de selle avec fontes et selle", "Corde" ] }, { "id": "Peasant", "name": "Paysan", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Aucun" ] }, { "id": "Toll Keeper", "name": "Péager", "description": "

@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.journal-entries.wczCPcuHT4VQDLpL.JournalEntryPage.dN2K3ZBMu4rvGGpW]{Road warden}

", "trappings": [ "Arbalète avec 10 carreaux", "Veste de cuir" ] }, { "id": "Penitent", "name": "Pénitent", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Relique Religieuse" ] }, { "id": "Tax Collector", "name": "Percepteur", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Arme à 1 main", "Petite coffre à serrure" ] }, { "id": "Cargo Scavenger", "name": "Pilleur d'épaves", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Pied de piche", "Grand sac", "Gants en cuir" ] }, { "id": "Tomb Robber", "name": "Pilleur de tombeaux", "description": "

@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.journal-entries.wczCPcuHT4VQDLpL.JournalEntryPage.bDoNOzzUiMdKqpps]{Grave Robber}

", "trappings": [ "Arme à 1 main (Pioche)", "Cheval et charrette", "Veste de cuir", "Corde", "Outils (Voleur)" ] }, { "id": "Grave Robber", "name": "Pilleur de tombes", "description": "

@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.journal-entries.wczCPcuHT4VQDLpL.JournalEntryPage.bDoNOzzUiMdKqpps]{Grave Robber}

", "trappings": [ "Sac à dos", "Arme à 1 main", "Bêche", "Lampe tempête et huile" ] }, { "id": "Pilot", "name": "Pilote", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Perche", "Lampe Tempête et Huile" ] }, { "id": "River Pirate", "name": "Pirate des rivières", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Arbalète avec 10 careaux", "Grappin avec corde", "Barge fluviale" ] }, { "id": "Tracker", "name": "Pisteur", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Sac à Dos", "Sac de couchage", "Tente" ] }, { "id": "Dockhand", "name": "Porteur", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Arme à 1 main (Crochet de bateau)", "Gants en cuir" ] }, { "id": "Postilion", "name": "Postillon", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Manteau et gant chaud", "Fouet" ] }, { "id": "Reeve", "name": "Préfet", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Cheval avec selle et fontes", "Plastron", "Bailli" ] }, { "id": "Priest", "name": "Prêtre", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Livre (Religion)", "Robes de Cérémonie" ] }, { "id": "Priest Captain", "name": "Prêtre Capitaine", "description": "

@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.journal-entries.wczCPcuHT4VQDLpL.JournalEntryPage.iYVpqJ6bz8fokdmf]{Warrior Priest}

", "trappings": [ "Relique Religieuse" ] }, { "id": "Warrior Priest", "name": "Prêtre Guerrier", "description": "

@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.journal-entries.wczCPcuHT4VQDLpL.JournalEntryPage.iYVpqJ6bz8fokdmf]{Warrior Priest}

", "trappings": [ "Cuirasse", "Arme (Au choix)" ] }, { "id": "Priest Sergeant", "name": "Prêtre Sergent", "description": "

@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.journal-entries.wczCPcuHT4VQDLpL.JournalEntryPage.iYVpqJ6bz8fokdmf]{Warrior Priest}

", "trappings": [ "Cheval de guerre léger avec selle et fontes" ] }, { "id": "Prioress General", "name": "Prieure Générale", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Ordre Religieux" ] }, { "id": "Merchant Prince", "name": "Prince Marchand", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "2 Péniche fluviable ou 4 charriots", "Grande zone immobilière", "2 Entrepots", "1000 CO", "Vêtements de qualité" ] }, { "id": "Professor", "name": "Professeur", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Etude" ] }, { "id": "Black Marketeer", "name": "Professionnel du marché noir", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Homme de main", "Réseau d'informateurs", "Entrepôt" ] }, { "id": "Seer", "name": "Prophète", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Outils de la profession (Astrologie)" ] }, { "id": "Prophet of Doom", "name": "Prophète du destin", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Livre (Religion)", "Suivants (avec des Penitents)", "Flagellants", "et Zélotes)" ] }, { "id": "Prospector", "name": "Prospecteur", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Batonnet de fusain", "Carte sommaire", "Poêle", "Bêche" ] }, { "id": "Hustler", "name": "Prostitué", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Fiole de Parfum" ] }, { "id": "Pugilist", "name": "Pugiliste", "description": "

@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.journal-entries.wczCPcuHT4VQDLpL.JournalEntryPage.EELJsJuoDVxiRu9e]{Pit Fighter}

", "trappings": [ "Bandages", "Coup-de-poing", "Veste de cuir" ] }, { "id": "Racketeer", "name": "Rançonneur", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Arme à 1 main", "Chapeau", "Chemise de mailles" ] }, { "id": "Rat Catcher", "name": "Ratier", "description": "

@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.journal-entries.wczCPcuHT4VQDLpL.JournalEntryPage.mKvUxzJyQmhgjDE0]{Rat Catcher}

", "trappings": [ "Pièges à animaux", "Perche de rats morts" ] }, { "id": "Fence", "name": "Receleur", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Bésicles", "Outils de la profession (Graveur)", "Nécessaire d'écriture" ] }, { "id": "Recruit", "name": "Recrue", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Dague", "Pourpoint de cuir", "Uniforme" ] }, { "id": "Watch Recruit", "name": "Recrue de la Milice", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Arme à 1 main", "Veste de cuir", "Uniforme" ] }, { "id": "River Recruit", "name": "Recrue fluviale", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Arme à 1 main (Epée)", "Veste de cuir", "Uniforme" ] }, { "id": "Steward", "name": "Régisseur", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Arme à 1 main", "Vêtements de luxe", "Serviteur" ] }, { "id": "Witch Hunter", "name": "Répurgateur", "description": "

@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.journal-entries.wczCPcuHT4VQDLpL.JournalEntryPage.ADYQOtpsk5n1EHen]{Witch Hunter}

", "trappings": [ "Arbalète de poing ou Pistolet", "Chapeau (Henin)", "Veste de cuir", "Cheval de selle avec fontes et selle", "Corde", "Epée d'argent" ] }, { "id": "Witchfinder General", "name": "Répurgateur vétéran", "description": "

@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.journal-entries.wczCPcuHT4VQDLpL.JournalEntryPage.ADYQOtpsk5n1EHen]{Witch Hunter}

", "trappings": [ "Vêtements de cour de qualité", "Répurgateurs subordonnés" ] }, { "id": "Prowler", "name": "Rôdeur", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Pied de biche", "Pourpoint de cuir", "Sac" ] }, { "id": "Bandit King", "name": "Roi des bandits", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Fief de chef de bande", "Antre" ] }, { "id": "Smuggler King", "name": "Roi des contrebandiers", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Nécessaire de déguisement", "Petite flotte de bateau fluviaux" ] }, { "id": "Beggar King", "name": "Roi des Mendiants", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Antre", "Bande de mendiants" ] }, { "id": "Sage", "name": "Sage", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Outils de la profession (Ecriture)" ] }, { "id": "Hedgewise", "name": "Sage de village", "description": "

@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.journal-entries.wczCPcuHT4VQDLpL.JournalEntryPage.03Nnub5GHNRCU9kg]{Hedge Witch}

", "trappings": [ "Assortiment de crânes d'animaux", "Cape et coiffe de cérémonie" ] }, { "id": "Riverwise", "name": "Sage des rives", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Barque à rames", "Lampte Temête et Huile" ] }, { "id": "Entertainer", "name": "Saltimbanque", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Costume", "Instrument", "Sélection de partitions (que vous ne savez pas lire)", "Armes de jet" ] }, { "id": "Wizard Lord", "name": "Seigneur Sorcier", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Apprenti", "Bibliothèque (Magie)", "Atelier (Magie)" ] }, { "id": "Seneschal", "name": "Sénéchal", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Plastron", "Bâton cérémoniel", "Equipe de gardiens et concierges" ] }, { "id": "Sentry", "name": "Sentinelle", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Bocle", "Veste de cuir", "Lampe Tempête avec Huile" ] }, { "id": "Sergeant", "name": "Sergent", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Insigne du grade", "Unité de troupes" ] }, { "id": "Light Cavalry Sergeant", "name": "Sergent de Cavalerie légère", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Insigne" ] }, { "id": "Watch Sergeant", "name": "Sergent de la Milice", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Cuirasse", "Casque", "Insigne du rang" ] }, { "id": "Road Sergeant", "name": "Sergent Patrouilleur", "description": "

@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.journal-entries.wczCPcuHT4VQDLpL.JournalEntryPage.dN2K3ZBMu4rvGGpW]{Road warden}

", "trappings": [ "Escouade de patrouilleurs", "Pistolet avec 10 balles", "Bouclier", "Symbole du grade" ] }, { "id": "Servant", "name": "Serviteur", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Livrée" ] }, { "id": "Soldier", "name": "Soldat", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Plastron", "Heaume", "Arme 1 main (Au choix)" ] }, { "id": "Wizard", "name": "Sorcier", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Licence de Magie" ] }, { "id": "Hedge Witch", "name": "Sorcier de village", "description": "

@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.journal-entries.wczCPcuHT4VQDLpL.JournalEntryPage.03Nnub5GHNRCU9kg]{Hedge Witch}

", "trappings": [ "Nécessaire anti-poison", "Cataplasme de guérison", "Outil de la profession (Herboriste)" ] }, { "id": "Witch", "name": "Sorcier dissident", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Baton de combat", "Sac", "Assortiment d'herbes", "Outils de la profession (Herboriste)" ] }, { "id": "Wizard's Apprentice", "name": "Sorcier novice", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Grimoire", "Bâton" ] }, { "id": "Procurer", "name": "Souteneur", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Un cercle d'entremetteurs" ] }, { "id": "Protagonist", "name": "Spadassin", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Arme à 1 main", "Chemise de mailles", "Cheval de selle avec fontes et selle", "Bouclier" ] }, { "id": "Body Snatcher", "name": "Trafiquant de Cadavres", "description": "

@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.journal-entries.wczCPcuHT4VQDLpL.JournalEntryPage.bDoNOzzUiMdKqpps]{Grave Robber}

", "trappings": [ "Pied de biche", "Charrette à bras", "Cape à capuche", "Bâche en toile" ] }, { "id": "Trapper", "name": "Traqueur", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Assortiment de pièges à animaux", "Arme à 1 main", "Bottes confortables et manteau", "Fronde avec 10 pierres plombées" ] }, { "id": "Troubadour", "name": "Troubadour", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Animal dressé", "Nécessaire d'écriture" ] }, { "id": "Hitman", "name": "Tueur à gages", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Cape", "Garot", "Poison", "Couteaux de lancer" ] }, { "id": "Daemon Slayer", "name": "Tueur de Démons", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Tête de Dragon" ] }, { "id": "Dragon Slayer", "name": "Tueur de Dragons", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Têtes de géants", "Hache de lancer" ] }, { "id": "Giant Slayer", "name": "Tueur de Géants", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Grande Hache", "Bijoux", "Tête de Troll" ] }, { "id": "Troll Slayer", "name": "Tueur de Trolls", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Hache", "Flasque d'alcool", "Honte", "Tatouages" ] }, { "id": "Vagabond", "name": "Vagabond", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Sac à dos", "Sac de couchage", "Biens d'une valeur de 2d10 sous", "Tente" ] }, { "id": "Attendant", "name": "Valet", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Livrée de qualité", "Lampe Tempête", "Briquet", "Huile de lampe" ] }, { "id": "Villager", "name": "Villageois", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Pourpoint de cuir", "Arme à 1 main (Hache)", "Outils selon profession" ] }, { "id": "Thief", "name": "Voleur", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Outils (Voleur)", "Corde" ] }, { "id": "Fortune Teller", "name": "Voyant", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Paquet de cartes ou Dés", "Bijoux bas de gamme" ] }, { "id": "Zealot", "name": "Zélote", "description": "


", "trappings": [ "Fléau", "Robes en lambeaux" ] } ] }