
The life of most Reiklanders is nasty, brutish and short: that goes double for adventurers, whose lives are often especially traumatic.




Everyone processes trauma differently, and you may choose to reflect that in a range of different ways: nightmares, substance abuse, flashbacks, @Compendium[wfrp4e.psychologies.Q2MCUrG2HppMcvN0]{Animosity} or @Compendium[wfrp4e.psychologies.5hH73j2NgPdsLCZN]{Hatred} towards a particular group, or a @Compendium[wfrp4e.psychologies.Mu5dU4IcP58LBQwi]{Phobia}. A character who has suffered a traumatic experience may manifest that in a range of different ways over time.




Example: Horst’s village was destroyed in a terrible fire – he can still hear their screams at night. If Horst sees any characters — friend or foe — with the Ablaze Condition, he must make a Challenging (+0) Cool Test. If he fails, he receives a Stunned Condition, plus one additional Stunned Condition for each SL below 0. Additionally, every night Horst makes an Easy (+40) Cool Test; if he fails, he suffers nightmares and gains the Fatigued Condition.

"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}},"sort":400000,"flags":{},"img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/psychologies/psychology.png"} {"_id":"5hH73j2NgPdsLCZN","type":"psychology","name":"Hatred (Target)","permission":{"default":0},"data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"

You are consumed with Hatred for the Target, which is normally a group of people or creatures, such as ‘Hochlanders’, ‘Bog Octopuses’, or ‘Slavers’. You will never socially interact with someone or something you hate in this manner.

On encountering the object of your Hatred, you must attempt a Psychology Test.If failed, you are subject to Hatred. At the end of every subsequent Round, you may attempt another Psychology Test to bring the Hatred to an end. If you do or not, the effects of Hatred naturally come to an end when all members of the specified group in your line of sight are dead or gone, or you gain the Unconscious condition.


While subject to Hatred, you must immediately attempt to destroy the hated group by the fastest and most deadly means possible.

\n"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}},"flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/psychologies/psychology.png"} {"_id":"DrNUTPeodEgpWTnT","name":"Frenzy","permission":{"default":0},"data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"With a Willpower Test, you can work yourself into a state of frenzy by psyching yourself up, howling, biting your shield, or similar. If you succeed, you become subject to Frenzy.


While subject to Frenzy


You remain in Frenzy until all enemies in your line of sight are pacified, or you receive the Stunned or Unconscious condition. After your Frenzy is over you immediately receive a Fatigued condition.

"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}},"flags":{},"type":"psychology","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/psychologies/psychology.png"} {"_id":"EBmSCscpk4vEDCD3","name":"Camaraderie (Group)","permission":{"default":0},"type":"psychology","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"

Camaraderie reflects positive feelings towards a group of individuals.


Example: Amhold had a difficult childhood, growing up on the streets without a family. Despite his gruff demeanour he has Camaraderie (Orphans).

"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}},"sort":100000,"flags":{},"img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/psychologies/psychology.png"} {"_id":"Ib2YQYChktDFN93y","name":"Fear (Rating)","permission":{"default":0},"data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"

The Fear trait represents an extreme aversion to something. Creatures that cause Fear have a Fear Rating; this value reflects the SL you are required to pass on an Extended Cool Test to overcome your Fear. You may continue to Test at the end of every round until your SL equals or surpasses the creature’s Fear rating. Until you do this, you are subject to Fear.


When subject to Fear,

"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}},"flags":{},"type":"psychology","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/psychologies/psychology.png"} {"_id":"Mu5dU4IcP58LBQwi","name":"Phobia (Target)","permission":{"default":0},"type":"psychology","data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"

A phobia reflects a specific fear; it may be towards a type of creature, or towards a particular object or circumstance, such as Phobia (Insects), Phobia (Books), or Phobia (Confined Spaces).


Example: Doktor Johannsen is a renowned antiquarian. Despite his many adventures and tales of derring-do, he suffers from Phobia (Snakes); no matter this aversion, he seems to encounter them with alarming regularity.

"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}},"sort":300000,"flags":{},"img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/psychologies/psychology.png"} {"_id":"Q2MCUrG2HppMcvN0","name":"Animosity (Target)","permission":{"default":0},"data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"

You harbor an enmity for the Target, which will normally be a group of people or creatures, such as ‘Nordlanders’, ‘Beastmen’, or ‘Nobles’. You must attempt a Psychology Test whenever you encounter the group. If you pass, you may grumble and spit, but only suffer a penalty of –20 to all Fellowship Tests towards that group. Should you fail you are subject to Animosity.


At the end of every subsequent Round, you may attempt another Psychology test to bring the Animosity to an end. If you do not, the effects of Animosity naturally come to an end when all members of the specified group in your line of sight are utterly pacified or gone, or you gain the Stunned or Unconscious Condition, or you become subject to another Psychology.


When subject to Animosity,

Animosity is over-ridden by @Compendium[wfrp4e.psychologies.Ib2YQYChktDFN93y]{Fear} and @Compendium[wfrp4e.psychologies.meMkLEwdJIDLxM0B]{Terror}.

"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}},"flags":{},"type":"psychology","img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/psychologies/psychology.png"} {"_id":"klCJX0mNpXYH5AIx","type":"psychology","name":"Prejudice","permission":{"default":0},"data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"

You really dislike the Target, which is normally a group of people or creatures such as ‘Ostlanders’, ‘Elves’, or ‘Wizards’. You must attempt a Psychology Test whenever you encounter the group against which you are prejudiced. If you pass, you may frown a lot, but will otherwise act normally, only suffering a penalty of –10 to all Fellowship Tests towards that group.

Should you fail you are subject to Prejudice. At the end of every subsequent Round, you may attempt another Psychology test to bring the Prejudice to an end. If you do not, the effects of Prejudice naturally come to an end when all members of the specified group in your line of sight are gone, or you gain the Stunned or Unconscious Condition, or you become subject to another Psychology.




When subject to Prejudice, you must immediately insult the target of your prejudice. Loudly.

"},"source":{"type":"String","label":"Source"}},"sort":100001,"flags":{"_sheetTab":"description"},"img":"systems/wfrp4e/icons/psychologies/psychology.png"} {"_id":"meMkLEwdJIDLxM0B","name":"Terror (Rating)","permission":{"default":0},"data":{"description":{"type":"String","label":"Description","value":"

Some creatures are so profoundly unsettling as to provoke a dire, bone-chilling terror in their foes. When you first encounter a creature causing Terror, make a Cool Test.


After resolving the Psychology Test, the creature causes @Compendium[wfrp4e.psychologies.Ib2YQYChktDFN93y]{Fear}, with a Fear Rating equal to its Terror Rating.
