{ "name": "Mutations Mentales Etendues", "die" : "1d100", "columns": [ "Commun", "Khorne", "Nurgle", "Slaanesh", "Tzeentch" ], "rows": [ { "range": { "Commun": [1,1], "Khorne": [], "Nurgle": [1, 2], "Slaanesh": [1, 3], "Tzeentch": [1, 5] }, "Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Aethryic Leak' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'><b>Fuite Aethérique</b></a>" }, { "range": { "Commun": [2, 4], "Khorne": [1, 5], "Nurgle": [3, 4], "Slaanesh": [4, 6], "Tzeentch": [6, 9] }, "Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Animalistic Psyche' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'><b>Esprit Animal</b></a>" }, { "range": { "Commun": [5, 8], "Khorne": [6, 9], "Nurgle": [5, 7], "Slaanesh": [7, 10], "Tzeentch": [10, 11] }, "Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Awful Cravings' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='wfrp4e.mutations'><b>Atroces Désirs</b></a>" }, { "range": { "Commun": [9], "Khorne": [10, 11], "Nurgle": [8, 10], "Slaanesh": [11, 13], "Tzeentch": [12, 16] }, "Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Beacon of Corruption' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'><b>Balise de Corruption</b></a>" }, { "range": { "Commun": [10, 13], "Khorne": [12, 17], "Nurgle": [11, 14], "Slaanesh": [14, 15], "Tzeentch": [17, 19] }, "Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Beast Within' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='wfrp4e.mutations'><b>Bête intérieure</b></a>" }, { "range": { "Commun": [14, 15], "Khorne": [18, 21], "Nurgle": [15, 17], "Slaanesh": [16, 19], "Tzeentch": [20, 21] }, "Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Beyond Pain' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'><b>Au delà de la souffrance</b></a>" }, { "range": { "Commun": [16, 19], "Khorne": [22, 24], "Nurgle": [18, 21], "Slaanesh": [18, 21], "Tzeentch": [22, 24] }, "Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Blasphemous Soul' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'><b>Ame blasphématoire</b></a>" }, { "range": { "Commun": [20, 22], "Khorne": [25, 29], "Nurgle": [22, 25], "Slaanesh": [24, 25], "Tzeentch": [] }, "Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Blasted Mind' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'><b>Esprit dévasté</b></a>" }, { "range": { "Commun": [23, 24], "Khorne": [30, 33], "Nurgle": [26, 27], "Slaanesh": [26, 28], "Tzeentch": [25, 29] }, "Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Chaotic Dreams' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='wfrp4e.mutations'><b>Rêves chaotiques</b></a>" }, { "range": { "Commun": [25, 27], "Khorne": [34, 35], "Nurgle": [28, 32], "Slaanesh": [29, 31], "Tzeentch": [] }, "Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Crawling Skin' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='wfrp4e.mutations'><b>Fornication</b></a>" }, { "range": { "Commun": [28, 30], "Khorne": [36, 38], "Nurgle": [], "Slaanesh": [32, 34], "Tzeentch": [30, 34] }, "Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Fantasist' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'><b>Imprévisible Fantaisiste</b></a>" }, { "range": { "Commun": [31, 33], "Khorne": [39, 43], "Nurgle": [], "Slaanesh": [35, 37], "Tzeentch": [] }, "Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Fitful Hatred' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'><b>Haine Changeante</b></a>" }, { "range": { "Commun": [34, 35], "Khorne": [], "Nurgle": [], "Slaanesh": [38, 41], "Tzeentch": [35, 39] }, "Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Glorious Corruption' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'><b>Corruption Glorieuse</b></a>" }, { "range": { "Commun": [36, 38], "Khorne": [44, 48], "Nurgle": [33, 35], "Slaanesh": [], "Tzeentch": [40, 41] }, "Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Hateful Impulses' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='wfrp4e.mutations'><b>Pulsions de haine</b></a>" }, { "range": { "Commun": [39, 42], "Khorne": [49, 50], "Nurgle": [36, 38], "Slaanesh": [42, 45], "Tzeentch": [42, 44] }, "Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Hollow Heart' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='wfrp4e.mutations'><b>Coeur desseché</b></a>" }, { "range": { "Commun": [43, 47], "Khorne": [], "Nurgle": [39, 43], "Slaanesh": [46, 48], "Tzeentch": [45, 47] }, "Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Hounds of Despair' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'><b>Chiens du Desespoir</b></a>" }, { "range": { "Commun": [48, 49], "Khorne": [51, 54], "Nurgle": [44, 46], "Slaanesh": [49, 53], "Tzeentch": [] }, "Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Hurried Masochism' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'><b>Masochisme Urgent</b></a>" }, { "range": { "Commun": [50, 52], "Khorne": [], "Nurgle": [], "Slaanesh": [54, 58], "Tzeentch": [48, 52] }, "Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Jealous Thoughts' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='wfrp4e.mutations'><b>Pensées envieuses</b></a>" }, { "range": { "Commun": [53, 55], "Khorne": [], "Nurgle": [47, 51], "Slaanesh": [], "Tzeentch": [53, 54] }, "Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Lingering Foulness' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'><b>Grossiereté Persistante</b></a>" }, { "range": { "Commun": [56, 58], "Khorne": [], "Nurgle": [52, 56], "Slaanesh": [59, 62], "Tzeentch": [] }, "Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Lonely Spirit' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='wfrp4e.mutations'><b>Esprit solitaire</b></a>" }, { "range": { "Commun": [59, 61], "Khorne": [55, 57], "Nurgle": [57, 59], "Slaanesh": [63, 64], "Tzeentch": [] }, "Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Mental Blocks' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='wfrp4e.mutations'><b>Blocage mental</b></a>" }, { "range": { "Commun": [62, 63], "Khorne": [58, 60], "Nurgle": [60, 62], "Slaanesh": [], "Tzeentch": [55, 58] }, "Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Mindless Wandering' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'><b>Errance Sans Esprit</b></a>" }, { "range": { "Commun": [64, 66], "Khorne": [], "Nurgle": [63, 66], "Slaanesh": [65, 67], "Tzeentch": [59, 61] }, "Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Monstrous Paranoia' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'><b>Paranoïa Monstrueuse</b></a>" }, { "range": { "Commun": [67, 69], "Khorne": [61, 63], "Nurgle": [67, 70], "Slaanesh": [68, 72], "Tzeentch": [62, 64] }, "Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Panicked Urgency' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'><b>Urgence Paniqué</b></a>" }, { "range": { "Commun": [70, 72], "Khorne": [64, 66], "Nurgle": [71, 74], "Slaanesh": [73, 76], "Tzeentch": [65, 66] }, "Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Ravenous Hunger' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'><b>Faim Vorace</b></a>" }, { "range": { "Commun": [73, 76], "Khorne": [67, 68], "Nurgle": [75, 78], "Slaanesh": [77, 78], "Tzeentch": [67, 71] }, "Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Shaky Morale' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='wfrp4e.mutations'><b>Morale douteuse</b></a>" }, { "range": { "Commun": [77, 79], "Khorne": [69, 71], "Nurgle": [79, 83], "Slaanesh": [79, 81], "Tzeentch": [72, 75] }, "Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Soul Sickness' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'><b>Soul Sickness</b></a>" }, { "range": { "Commun": [80, 82], "Khorne": [72, 75], "Nurgle": [84, 85], "Slaanesh": [82, 83], "Tzeentch": [76, 80] }, "Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Suspicious Mind' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='wfrp4e.mutations'><b>Esprit suspicieux</b></a>" }, { "range": { "Commun": [83, 86], "Khorne": [76, 77], "Nurgle": [86, 87], "Slaanesh": [], "Tzeentch": [81, 83] }, "Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Terrible Phobia' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='eis.expandedmutations'><b>Phobie Terrible</b></a>" }, { "range": { "Commun": [87, 89], "Khorne": [78, 82], "Nurgle": [], "Slaanesh": [84, 87], "Tzeentch": [84, 86] }, "Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Thrill Seeker' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='wfrp4e.mutations'><b>Accro à l'adrénaline</b></a>" }, { "range": { "Commun": [90, 92], "Khorne": [83, 87], "Nurgle": [88, 92], "Slaanesh": [88, 90], "Tzeentch": [87, 88] }, "Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Tortured Visions' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='wfrp4e.mutations'><b>Visions Torturées</b></a>" }, { "range": { "Commun": [93, 94], "Khorne": [88, 92], "Nurgle": [93, 97], "Slaanesh": [91, 94], "Tzeentch": [89, 93] }, "Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Totally Unhinged' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='wfrp4e.mutations'><b>Totalement déséquilibré</b></a>" }, { "range": { "Commun": [95, 97], "Khorne": [93, 97], "Nurgle": [], "Slaanesh": [95, 98], "Tzeentch": [94, 97] }, "Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Unending Malice' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='wfrp4e.mutations'><b>Infinie malveillance</b></a>" }, { "range": { "Commun": [98, 100], "Khorne": [98, 100], "Nurgle": [99, 100], "Slaanesh": [99, 100], "Tzeentch": [98, 100] }, "Description": "<a class = 'item-lookup' data-name='Worried Jitters' data-type = 'mutation' data-location='wfrp4e.mutations'><b>Terrible Inquiétude</b></a>" } ] }