if (game.user.targets.size !== 1)
return ui.notifications.warn("You must target exactly one Boat.");
const target = game.user.targets.first();
const vehicle = target.actor;
if (!(vehicle.system instanceof VehicleModel))
return ui.notifications.warn("You can only Constrict a Boat");
if (vehicle.size > 3)
return ui.notifications.warn("You can only Constrict vessels of Size Large or smaller");
const turns = Math.ceil(vehicle.system.details.length.value / 10);
const mainEffect = this.item.effects.contents[0];
const effectData = mainEffect.toObject();
effectData.statuses = [effectData.name.slugify()];
foundry.utils.setProperty(effectData, "flags.wfrp4e.target", target.id);
foundry.utils.setProperty(effectData, "flags.wfrp4e.turns", turns);
await this.actor.applyEffect({effectData: [effectData]});
const speaker = ChatMessage.getSpeaker({actor: this.actor});
this.script.scriptMessage(`${speaker.alias} started wrapping itself around the ${target.name} and will be able to start crushing it after ${turns} turns.`);