2020-11-08 13:53:15 +01:00

223 lines
10 KiB

export default function autoTranslateItems(beast_traits, translations) {
let compmod = game.wfrp4efr.compmod;
var fulltraits = game.packs.get(compmod+'.traits');
var fullskills = game.packs.get(compmod+'.skills');
var fulltalents = game.packs.get(compmod+'.talents');
var fullcareers = game.packs.get(compmod+'.careers');
var fulltrappings = game.packs.get(compmod+'.trappings');
var fullspells = game.packs.get(compmod+'.spells');
var fullprayers = game.packs.get(compmod+'.prayers');
var eisitems = game.packs.get('eis.eisitems');
var eisspells = game.packs.get('eis.eisspells');
var ugtalents = game.packs.get('wfrp4e-unofficial-grimoire.ug-careerstalentstraits');
var ugspells = game.packs.get('wfrp4e-unofficial-grimoire.ug-spells');
//console.log("Comp :", compmod, fulltraits);
for (let trait_en of beast_traits)
var special = "";
var nbt = "";
var name_en = trait_en.name.trim(); // strip \r in some traits name
if ( trait_en.type == "trait") {
if ( name_en.includes("Tentacles") ) { // Process specific Tentacles case
var re = /(.d*)x Tentacles/i;
var res = re.exec( name_en );
if ( res && res[1] )
nbt = res[1] + "x ";
name_en = "Tentacles";
} else if ( name_en.includes("(") && name_en.includes(")") ) { // Then process specific traits name with (xxxx) inside
var re = /(.*) \((.*)\)/i;
var res = re.exec( name_en );
name_en = res[1]; // Get the root traits name
special = " (" + game.i18n.localize( res[2].trim() ) + ")"; // And the special keyword
var trait_fr = fulltraits.translate( { name: name_en } );
//console.log(">>>>> Trait ?", name_en, nbt, trait_fr.name, special);
trait_en.name = nbt + trait_fr.name + special;
if ( trait_fr.data && trait_fr.data.description && trait_fr.data.description.value ) {
trait_en.data.description.value = trait_fr.data.description.value;
} else if ( eisitems ) { // No description in the FR compendium -> test other compendium if presenr
trait_fr = eisitems.translate( { name: name_en } );
trait_en.name = nbt + trait_fr.name + special;
if ( trait_fr.data && trait_fr.data.description && trait_fr.data.description.value )
trait_en.data.description.value = trait_fr.data.description.value;
if ( trait_en.data && trait_en.data.specification && isNaN(trait_en.data.specification.value) ) { // This is a string, so translate it
//console.log("Translating : ", trait_en.data.specification.value);
trait_en.data.specification.value = game.i18n.localize( trait_en.data.specification.value.trim() );
} else if ( trait_en.type == "skill") {
if ( name_en.includes("(") && name_en.includes(")") ) { // Then process specific skills name with (xxxx) inside
var re = /(.*) +\((.*)\)/i;
var res = re.exec( name_en );
name_en = res[1].trim(); // Get the root skill name
special = " (" + game.i18n.localize( res[2].trim() ) + ")"; // And the special keyword
var trait_fr = fullskills.translate( { name: name_en } );
//console.log(">>>>> Skill ?", name_en, special, trait_fr.name, trait_fr);
if (trait_fr.translated) {
trait_en.name = trait_fr.name + special;
if ( trait_fr.data ) {
trait_en.data.description.value = trait_fr.data.description.value;
} else if ( trait_en.type == "prayer") {
var trait_fr = fullprayers.translate( { name: name_en } );
//console.log(">>>>> Prayer ?", name_en, special, trait_fr.name );
trait_en.name = trait_fr.name + special;
if ( trait_fr.data && trait_fr.data.description && trait_fr.data.description.value )
trait_en.data.description.value = trait_fr.data.description.value;
} else if ( trait_en.type == "spell") {
var trait_fr = fullspells.translate( { name: name_en } );
if ( (!trait_fr.data || !trait_fr.data.description || !trait_fr.data.description.value) && eisspells) { // If no translation, test eisspells
trait_fr = eisspells.translate( { name: name_en } );
if ( (!trait_fr.data || !trait_fr.data.description || !trait_fr.data.description.value) && ugspells) { // If no translation, test eisspells
trait_fr = ugspells.translate( { name: name_en } );
//console.log(">>>>> Spell ?", name_en, special, trait_fr.name );
trait_en.name = trait_fr.name + special;
if ( trait_fr.data && trait_fr.data.description && trait_fr.data.description.value )
trait_en.data.description.value = trait_fr.data.description.value;
} else if ( trait_en.type == "talent") {
if ( name_en.includes("(") && name_en.includes(")") ) { // Then process specific skills name with (xxxx) inside
var re = /(.*) +\((.*)\)/i;
var res = re.exec( name_en );
name_en = res[1].trim(); // Get the root talent name, no parenthesis this time...
special = " (" + game.i18n.localize( res[2].trim() ) + ")"; // And the special keyword
var trait_fr = fulltalents.translate( { name: name_en } );
//console.log(">>>>> Talent ?", name_en, special, trait_fr.name);
if ( (!trait_fr.data || !trait_fr.data.description || !trait_fr.data.description.value) && ugtalents) { // If no translation, test ugtalents
trait_fr = ugtalents.translate( { name: name_en } );
if ( trait_fr.translated) {
trait_en.name = trait_fr.name + special;
if ( trait_fr.data ) { // Why ???
trait_en.data.description.value = trait_fr.data.description.value;
} else if ( trait_en.type == "career") {
var career_fr = fullcareers.translate( trait_en );
//console.log(">>>>> Career ?", name_en, career_fr.name);
trait_en = career_fr;
} else if ( trait_en.type == "trapping" || trait_en.type == "weapon" || trait_en.type == "armour" || trait_en.type == "container" || trait_en.type == "money") {
var trapping_fr = fulltrappings.translate( trait_en );
//console.log(">>>>> Trapping ?", name_en, trapping_fr.name);
trait_en.name = trapping_fr.name;
if ( trapping_fr.data) {
trait_en.data.description = trapping_fr.data.description;
return beast_traits;
let str1 = `JABBERSLYTHE
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex
Int WP Fel W
7 45 40 55
50 20 35 - 10 20 - 20
Traits: Armour 3, Bestial, Bite+9, Bounce, Corrosive
Blood, Distracting, Infected, Maddening Aura (see
page 17), Night Vision, Size (Enormous), Tail +8,
Tongue Attack +5 (12), Venom, Weapon +9.
Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
33 33 32 35 38 41 39 33 37 38 12
Traits: Weapon (Dagger +5, Sword +7)
Skills: Bribery 43, Charm 43, Cool 42,
Consume Alcohol 45, Gossip 43, Haggle 43,
Lore (Local 38), Perception 43,
Secret Signs (Smuggler) 37
Talents: Briber, Criminal, Dealmaker,
Etiquette (Criminals, Doktor, Guilder)
Trappings: Dagger, Hand Weapon (Sword)
import "./xregexp-all.js";
const us_carac = 'm\\s+ws\\s+bs\\s+s\\s+t\\s+i\\s+agi?\\s+dex\\s+int\\s+\\wp\\s+fel\\s+w';
const fr_carac = 'm\\s+ws\\s+bs\\s+s\\s+t\\s+i\\s+agi?\\s+dex\\s+int\\s+\\wp\\s+fel\\s+w';
const carac_val = '(?<M>[0-9-]+)\\s+(?<WS>[0-9-]+)\\s+(?<BS>[0-9-]+)\\s+(?<S>[0-9-]+)\\s+(?<T>[0-9-]+)\\s+(?<I>[0-9-]+)\\s+(?<Ag>[0-9-]+)\\s+(?<Dex>[0-9-]+)\\s+(?<Int>[0-9-]+)\\s+(?<WP>[0-9-]+)\\s+(?<Soc>[0-9-]+)\\s+(?<W>[0-9-]+)';
let sectionData = [
{ name: "trait", toFind:"Traits\\s*:", secondParse: '(?<name>[a-z\\s]*)[\\s\\+]*(?<value>.*|[0-9]+)', index:-1 },
{ name: "skill", toFind:"Skills\\s*:", secondParse: '(?<name>[a-z\\s]*)[\\s\\+]*(?<value>.*|[0-9]+)', index:-1 },
{ name: "talent", toFind:"Talents\\s*:", index:-1 },
{ name: "trapping", toFind:"Trappings\\s*:", index:-1 }
let regSep = XRegExp('\\s*,\\s*', 'gi'); // Term separator, with auto trim
let regLine1 = XRegExp('\\r|\\n|\\.', 'gi'); // Term separator, with auto trim
Hooks.once('ready', () => {
let t1 = "agi";
let reg0 = XRegExp('agi?', 'gi');
//console.log("PARSER pos 1: ", reg0.test( t1 ) );
let reg1 = XRegExp(us_carac, 'gi');
let res = reg1.test(str);
if (res) { //stat block identified go on
let reg2 = XRegExp(carac_val, 'gi');
let res = XRegExp.exec(str, reg2);
console.log("Movement is : ", res);
// Search position of skills/talents/...
for( let def of sectionData ) {
def.regDef = XRegExp(def.toFind, 'gi');
let res = XRegExp.exec(str, def.regDef);
if (res ) def.index = res.index; // Get the index in the string
//console.log(" Parsing", def.name, res);
sectionData.sort( function(a, b) { return a.index - b.index; } );
// Loop again to extract
for(let i=0; i< sectionData.length; i++ ) {
let def = sectionData[i];
if ( def.index > -1) {
let maxIndex = str.length;
if ( sectionData[i+1] && sectionData[i+1].index > -1 )
maxIndex = sectionData[i+1].index;
def.substring = str.substring(def.index, maxIndex);
def.substring = XRegExp.replace(def.substring, def.regDef, "");
def.substring = XRegExp.replace(def.substring, regLine1, " ");
console.log("Substring :", def.substring);
let termList = XRegExp.split(def.substring, regSep);
def.termList = [];
for (let name of termList) {
if (def.secondParse) {
let subres = XRegExp.exec( name, XRegExp(def.secondParse, 'gi') );
console.log("Subres", subres);
name = subres.name.trim();
if ( def.name == 'trait') {
if ( subres.value.length > 0 ) {
if ( subres.value.substring(0, 1) == '(' )
name += ' ' + subres.value;
name += ' (' + subres.value + ')';
} else if ( def.name == 'skill') {
def.termList.push( { name: name, type: def.name, data: { description: { value: "" } } } );
def.itemList = autoTranslateItems( def.termList );
//Do we have Traits ?
} )